Item M10 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: June 15.2005 Division: BOCCI Bulk Item: Yes No Department: BOCC 1 Staff Contact Person: Jana Johnson-Willi AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of a resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County Florida to oppose H.R. 6, the Energy Bill. ITEM BACKGROUND: This resolution opposes the proposed energy bill H.R. 6 recently passed by the U.S. House of Representatives as it shifts the cost of clean-up from polluters to local taxpayers, enables oil and gas activities off our coast and protects polluters from liability and prevents communities from suing from contamination. This is a companion resolution and a request of the Lee County Board of County Commissioners to express our concern about these dangerous unfunded mandates. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOTAL COST: BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNTPERMONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management _ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: (j)iHeJll. ~ Dixie M. Spehar, Mayor DOCUMENTA TION: Included Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # Revised 2/05 RESOLLTIOt\ ~O. IU:SOIJLlTIO~ OF TH E BOARD OF COLJ~T\' COMMISSIO~[RS OF 1\10NROt.: COlJNTY, ....LORIDA TO OPPOSt: H+R. 6, TH Ei:. L~ ERG\' BILL WH ERF.AS; The 1'\ ational Association of Count i cs has exprt,)$ed .strong com::ems. tu Congres.s regilrdi Ilg H R 6, The Energy Poticy Act of 2003 for its disregard tor state and loc.alland U'ie rights. and ]"()[" the unfunded mandates. imposed upon its citizens bv shining the co~t" of cleanlJp from pol1 uters to loc.allaxpaycrs, and WH I: RrAS; lh~ Energ.y Bi Il tonlains many provi sions that weaken the State. s ahi Illy lo object to oi I and gas act i... it ics ofT of !-"torida 's COil')! including the weakening. or the prest-Ill Coastal Zone r"..lanagemetlt Act. and WII F RF.-\S: Section 2() 1 0 of the Energy B ill gives lhe St:cretalY or llll': Interior ~lHrhor[r}" to site on the outer cunlinerllal shelf not only. alternative ~ncrgy faei lities but atso any t~lCilit}. rel ated to the exploralion, devdupmcm. production. transportation. or storage or oil, Jlatural gas. and olher malerja~s. This ed lct ess.entia[ I)' gi ves the Secretary of' tne I nterior czar I tke aUlhori[ v to s.ile a \.vide r ang.e of oj! and gas facilities on the outer c.nmirlellli:ll <;hd ( withuut guaranteeing state panici pat ion, s-pCC if1c protection or compelitive bidding, and W If l: RL\S: the Lnergy l~ ill conrai ns .V) k nowll roll ba(;ks to pmtec:tion'i given in current la\\. ~hilt wi II ncgilTi vel y effect publ ic heah h. state and local righh regarding pulll i c lanrls. river.~ and coastal areas .Hld comprumi s.es. th~ rights of citizens by shielding pollulers. ~'mrn dean-up liabilily WilE REAS: the Energy Bill Cl)[]lai ns dckdi'ic produ(t I iabilit)-" prolcction klf prodLlCCIS of Methyl T ciliary Buly! Ether (1\..1TBE) preventing colnmuniljc~ fiom suing MTBE manu fac:turers, tOI" the contaminmion of OLII" water sllpply and placi tlg the cost Iy illlct rctroaClivc burden or dean up from the 01 t and gas mdu:Stry to s-tatc and local ta 'payers and \\!HEI-tF:AS; Florida has th~ ruo:'>t \i1TBF. spills in the country' pre~elltly at 20,000 and t his hi II would exting.ui sh acti ve suits. sue h as lhe one present l y fil ed in rne C lry of Pensaco la, and W H.: R f>\S~ the. ri!); Payers for Com mon Sense, a Ilt...)t1~pan;Sil t1 budget watchdog grou p ha<;, idemificd T K 7 billion in jndUSll)' tax cuts, \\'lthll1 the l:ncrgy ilill which s.adl.\" Sllrport_, many pn:."sent j ndust ry pol i ci es wh i en S1 III ply perpetuate the u nSllstalnab I C'" prilctrccs ofthc past \VJ[EREAS~ lbere is a growing hroad based group including tax and cot1~umer groups. state and local guveI nmems.. religious leaJer~, lahor unions., hunters ami anglers. cnvirorUllcntat and public heahh advocates. and NalEve Americ.an tribes that oppuse the Energy Bi fland recognize th<Jt the I Jnites States C.ID meet the energy needs of its eit i7.cns W LlllOut s.acri ncing cnvi ronmctltal protections. despoil iflg pri:-:tine land:-; and pulling al ri sk t he needs of tlnurc gcneration ~ ;)(l\\:V U~R[ln~".' - JI~~S\.H~;S!';VJ,88 0M.~~!r'1' K ~.f?n'b~~riJrgy/N)'[icr\(,l 01 ::OfJ.1 as prcsetltly wriUcn and call UpOI1 our Florida Senators. and j\..1cmhers orCongrcs$ W restore stall' and loc:al governmcnt's rights J nd to advocate legi slatioJ] and funding l{}J morc sccurc. rCllcwab Ie and ~LlstJjnab le el1erg\" s.uurl..;es. Th io.;. resohJtion 'Nil'> otl~reJ b); \1ayor Dixit'" ~.L Spehar who moved for it ~ adoption The Illotion \\"(1 s seconded hy ('ommi~sion~r and 1I pon bei ng put to a ....otc, the vole wa~ a~ follm\ s. \1ayor Di"ic \1. Spehar \1ayor !}ro Tcrn Charles ..Sonny" \1cCov Cornmissioncr George Neugent Commissioner David P. Rice (" pmm rs~iOllcr r\..lurrav E Nel son DULY PASSED AND ADOPTED th~s l51h day or June, 200"- (Sh\L) A11e<.;t DANl'\.Y I K01HAGF. CierI.: U.OARI) or: cae NTY COM MISS ION [.:RS (W MONRO!"': COU....TY. Fl 01{ IDA By By ~~\'z~~n,\u-S":' - (1:: ~.._~-~. - _ :. ~ t ~ . ~ :.:. . I. ~! ~ l':i>Y':" 1 -;., (.~" ~'" 1...'.;' ~',df ~.).