Item C32 Date: costs 7 12. Yes OF Date: two the contract an amount not to exceed increased amount of $7, I 00 will allow 7 h 12. Manager: OMB/ Sto #1 #) for meeting on 6115/05 Agenda Deadline: 5/31/05 CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: $ 100.00 Budgeted? y es~ No D Account Codes: Grant: $ N/a County Match: $ Current Year Portion: $ 36,100.00 001-06001-530340 - ----- - - - - ----- Estimated Ongoing Costs: $O.OO/yr (Not included in dollar value above COSTS CONTRACT In Changes Needed NoD YesD NaB Date Out Risk #2 KPMG lU' Suite 1600 111 North Orange Avenue PO Box 3031 Orlando, FL 32802 Telephone 407 423 3426 Fax 407 648 8557 Internet wwwus.kpmg.com and Florida 13040 RE: to LeUer Datcd 21, We are FYE 2003 resources for Tasks 7 the same as the terms and letter. upon the FYE contact to at If you or me at LLP Monroe: Title Date KPMG Cost Allocation Page 1 of2 Zappulla-Sal From: Yoki, Aharon W [ayoki@kpmg.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 20053:00 PM To: 'Zappu lIa-Sal@MonroeCounty-FL.Gov' Subject: RE: KPMG Cost Allocation Sal, In response to your email from earlier today and questions from the county attorney regarding the additional resources that will be involved with the modification of the plan, the addendum includes an additional 41 hours at the staff level and 8 hours at the manager level. Tasks 7 - 12 relate to data gathering and plan preparation for Monroe County's Cost Allocation Plan. Additional KPMG resources are described as follows: The budget office requested a change in the plan output structure from previous plans that would consolidate various direct cost pools and we confirmed how this data would be used during several meetings with the Clerk Finance Office. Additional staff time is spent conducting additional interviews with various county departments to gain a greater understanding of how restructuring of the plan would benefit the individual departments. During meetings with various County departments we reviewed the information requested from those departments for previous plans and inquired into other statistical data that the County departments could provide including the structure of reports and nature of the information that County departments could provide. KPMG will modify the structure of the plan within the Cost Determination Model software in order to provide the County with the requested changes in the plan. Several hours of time are required to prepare these modifications within the software. Several additional hours of manager review time are required by our internal quality review standards in order to assess the changes from the previous plan. I hope this helps answer your questions. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. Aharon Aharon Y oki KPMG Risk Advisory Services 407-563-3339 Office 321-277-2544 - Cell 407-648-8557 Fax ********************************************************************** The information in this email is confidential and may be egally 5/31/2005 OF Contract # Contract Contract Manager:Salvatore Zappulla (Name) for BOCC meeting on 8/18/2QQ4 Agenda Deadline: Total Dollar Value Budgeted? Grant: County Match: CONTRACT COSTS $29,000 Current Year Account - ---- - ~_._----,.~------~-- Ongoing Costs: (Not included in dollar value above) COSTS For: (eg. maintenance, utilities, janitorial, salaries, etc.) CONTRACT REVIEW Division Director Changes Date In Needed YesDNo~ Date Out Risk YcsD OMB Fonn Revised 9/11/95 Mer 112 KPMG llP Suile 1600 111 North Orange Avenue PO Box 3031 Orlando, FL 37802 felephone 407 423 3426 Fax 4C7 648 8557 21, 2004 Dear to to Monroe servIces with and A-87 for County for FYE 2003 and FYE 2004. OUf standard Terms and Conditions are attached to this letter, and become part of the agreement between KPMG LLP and Monroe County government. The OMB Circular A-87 plan will be prepared in accordance with Office of Management and Budget Circular A-87, Cost Principles for State and Local Governments, as well as all other applicable federal and state laws, regulations, and procedures, and will be used for charging indirect costs to the County's federal grant programs. The second plan will be a "full-cost" for use in indirect costs to certain revenue A-87 Cost and the the to its necessary note its cost with state A-87 and un less to certain programs. of its indirect Its to programs is concerned with the reimbursement III us of us cost The assistance in has the staff cost allocation indirect costs Team maintains the programs critical to III The most III The most cost team in III The cost allocation and III to most cost team The Team extensive 111 cost for cities team members have numerous cost cost rates. These are smce the IS a cost on OMB KPMG are indirect cost OMB Circular A-87. Mr. "wrote the Our user Cost cost allocation available in the tie to the financial statements and and review. We a believes that the time involvement to a commits to for the entire the duration contract of of time fumished fees on the ti me and the OUf total contract costs to FYE 2004 not exceed and as of the draft IS Services the may use in lieu of a renewal Jettel- and your to with this the space and return to me at your earliest convenience. 973-00 i-OO-I) that the to this our with you If you any We yours, LLP Senior a I. ., ~.0' 6@OIIHiJ$o<Ilif$@$III>.&$-I/i..&$&$$IIlH!I''''''''Ii&&(I.'''.'''(I>'''$'4>'''.0 $$ &<iIr..~.." It e> o (Ii OlHil> $& I . ~ <II' <11<.. ~ *"<11''''. *" $ 4' $&.$ i&Q It G>.. 'II@@;...b (I ~ ... ill>4HI'.. e & .@"''''IIl<..4 0& I/iI 0.. <& 4' "'... ..SI$,lHl'" & 4'''@.<lU.. 7 state and to ensure, the rate costs rates to ensure a reasonable cost to as revenue County meet this To II A-87" II and based on actual data" The Plan wiU be prepared in accordance with the fuB costing concepts, which and incorporates all central service expenditures of County departments offices, including "general government" costs. II the agency. necessary A-87 loA - on cost 2: the data a to cmnmencement l) A and current the costs. to the costs to be to areas and m terms of recovery, to 2 to the 2) in order to secure cost 2 to to determine the costs cost 11: costs such Human the be 2 cost OMB cost Plan. to I.B- OMB 1: the Cost to statements 8) with OMB costs to the to distribute any the associated 1 the cost rales. Cost and will The An chart as costs the the costs costs to cost data and cost to statement costs and each cost rate Ill! the nature and extent that 10) that the occur 110 later than 90 I: year and is 11- 's will follow and incorporate I, as full In this phase, concepts that including "general government" costs related to servIce the purposes II and I as in the A-87 1: as answers to to (As cost rate to State and cost years. Phase ItA of Full Co.rt Allocation Plan Phase Development of Phase LA OMB Circular A-87 Cost Allocation Plan Preparation of OMB Phase I.R Circular A-87 Cost Allocation Plan I-~--- Phase n.B of" Fill! Cost Allocatioll PlolI 5 Negutiation of OM B Circular A-87 Allocation It olJr to be It is that effective use may also require temporary we the IS that we time! y cooperation data so of KPMG and County resources, as well as the CDM system. We office space and telephone services local calls while on-site. it is our to the are and cost rate year, in order to recover costs applicable to grants and contracts, as well as to identify costs of revenue and state and internal activities, state and local governments must develop a cost plan for submission to its cognizant federal/state agency. The cost plan requires extensive data gathering and analysis and does not lend to quality review and if manually prepared. In response to time-consuming analytical effort, KPMG has developed an automated indirect cost allocation model, Cost Model (CDM). CDM allows user to create costing scenarios expending a great deal It is designed to be an eftective management tool by providing essential information during the preparation and negotiation of indirect cost proposals. Specific exclusi ve features of CDM include the following: III statement cost creates and statistics for the of or to test new sets In can cost rates, the iii! may use the to the pr~ject reports that the by each program or project and their operating performance of a program or revenues and expenditures of the a etc. data. or same cost the to the into cost centers or and each cost center or to cost centers or on a cost centers or on a to was the ma as an the of the cost KPM(; LLP Standard Terms and Conditions Services I. Service.. it is understood and agreed Ihal KPMG's services may mclude advice and recommendations; hut all decisions ill wnlle<.:llon with the implementation of slIch advicc and recommendations shall bc the responsibility of, and made by, Client References herein to Client shall refer to the addrcsscc of thc Proposal or Engagemel1l J.etter to which these Standard Terms and Conditions are attached (the "Engagement Leller") . 2. Payment !If Illvoices. Client agrees to pay properly submitted invoices within thirty (30) days of the invoice date, or such other due date as may !:Ie indicated in the Engagement Letter. KPMG shall have the right 10 halt or terminale enrirely its services under the Engagemenl Letter until payment is received on past due invoices. All fees, charges and Gther amounts payable to KPMG under the Engagement LeUer do not include any sales, use, excise, value added or other applicable taxes, tariffs or duties, payment of which slulll be Client's sole responsibility, excluding any applicable taxes based on KPMG's net income or taxes arising from the employment or independent contractor relatiol1ship between KI'MG and its personncl. J. Term. Unlcss terminated sooner in accordance with ils terms, the l;ngagement shall terminate upon the completion of KPMG's services under the Engagement Letter. In addition. either party may terminate the Engagement Leiter at any time by giving written notice 10 the other party not less than 30 calendar days before the effective date oftermination. 4. Ownersbip. (a) KPMG has created, acquired, owns Of otherwise has rights in, and may, ill connection with the performance of services under thc Engagement Leller, employ, pmvitle, modify. create, acquire or otherwise obtain rights in, various concepts, ideas. methods, methodologies, procedures, processes, know"how, and techniques, models, templates; software, user interlaces and ;;creen designs; general purpose consulting and software tools, utilities and routines; and logic, coherence and methods of operation of systems (collectively. the "KPMG Property"). KPMG retains all ownership rights in the KPMG Property. Client shall acquire no right or interest in such property, except for the license expressly granted in the next paragraph. In addition, KPMG shall be free to provide services of any kind to any olher party as KPMG deems appropriate, and may lIse the KPMG Properly to do so. KPMG acknowledges that KPMG Property shaH not include any of Client's confidential inlonnalion or tangible or intangible property, and KPMG shall have no ownership rights in Stich property. (b) Ownership of Dellverahles Except lor KPMG Property, and upon full and fmal paymcnt to KPMG under the Engagemem Leiter, the tangible items specified as ddiverablcs or work product ill the Engagement Letter including any intel!ectua! pTOpcrty rights appurtenant thereto (the "Oeliverables") will become the property of Client. If any KPMG Property is contained in any of the Oelivernbles, KPMG hcreby grants Client a royalty-free, paid-up, nOll-exclusive, petpctuaI license to use stich KPMG Property in connection with Client's use oftne Oeliverables. 5. Limitation 011 Warranties. THIS IS A SERVICES ENGAGEMENT. KPMG WARRANTS THAT IT WILL PERFORM SERVICES UNDER THE ENGAGEMENT LEITER IN GOOD FAITH, WITH QUALIFIED PERSONNEL IN A COMPETENT AND WORKMANLIKE MANNER IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE INDUSTRY STANDARDS. KPMG DISCLAIMS Al,L OTHER WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND F1TNESS FOR A }> ARTICULAR PURPOSE. 6. Limitation 011 DlImages. Ex(;ept for each party's indemnification obligations as set forth below, neither Client nor KPMG shall be liable to the other for any actions, damages, claims. liabilities, costs, expenses or losses in any way arising out of or relating to the services perf<mued under the Engagement Letter for an amount in excess of the fees paid or owing to for services rendered by KPMG under the Engagement Letter. In no event shall either party be liable for consequential, special, indirect, incidental, punitive or exemplary damages, costs, expenses, or losses (including, without limitation, lost profits and opportunity costs). The provisions of this Paragraph shal! apply regardless of the fonu of action, damage. claim, liability, cost, expense, or loss, whether in contract, statute, tort or otherwise. 7. lnfringemellt. (3) KPMG hereby agrees 10 indemnify, hold hannless and defend Clicnt from and against aU claims, liabilities, losses, expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees), fincs, penalties, taxes or damagcs (collectively "l.l3hilities") asserted hy any third party against Client to the extent sllch Liabilities result from the infringement by the Oeiiverables of any third party's patents issued as of the datc ofthc Engagement Lettcr, trade secret S, trademarks or copyrights The preceding indemnification provision shall not apply 10 any infringement arising out of the following: Revised 5/4/04 KPMG LLP Standard Terms and Conditions (i) LIse of the Deliverables other than In accordance with applicahle documcntatlon or instructions supplied by KPMG or other than in accordance with Paragraph 8(b); any alteration. modi fication or reVISion of the Deliverable, not expressly agreed to in writing by KPMG; or (Iii) the combination of the Dehverab!es with materials not supplied or approved by KPMG (b) In case any of the Deliverables or any portion thereof is held, or in KPMG's reasonable opinion is likely to be held, in any such suit to constitutc infringemellt, KPMG may, within a reasonable time. at its option either: (i) secure for Client the right to continue the use of sllch infringing item; or (Ii) replace, at KPMG's sole expellse, such item with a substalltially equivalent non-infringing item or modify such item so that it bccomes non-infringing. In the event KPMG is, in its reasonable discretion, unable to perform either of options described in (i) or (ii) above, Client shall return the Deliverable to KPMG, and KPMG's sole liability shat! be to refund to Client the amount paid to KPMG for such item; provided that the foregoing shaH not be constmed to limit KPMG's indemmfieation obligation set forth in Paragraph 7(21) above. (c) The provisiolls of this Paragraph 7 state KPMG's entire liability and Client's sole and exclusivc remedy witli respect to any infringement or claim of infringement. 8. il)demnifieatioR. (a) Each party agrees to mdemnify, hold harmless and defend the other party from and against any and all Liabilities for physical injury to, or illness or death of, any person or persons regardless lIf status. and damage to or destruction of any tangible property. which the other party may sustain or incur, to the extent such Liabilities result from the negligcnce or willful misconduct of the indemnifying party. (b) Except as otherwise required by law, as pr:nlliltcu by the Engagement Lctter, or as provided in Paragraph l3(e) below with respect to any proposed or completed transaction, Client acknowledges and agrees that any advice. recommendations, infom1ation or work product provided to Client by KPMG ill connection with Page 2 this engagement is for the confidential use of Client. may not be relied upon by any third party and Client will not disclose or pennit access to sllch advice, recommendations. infonnation or work pmduct to any third party or summarize or refer to such advice, recommendations, lIlformation or work product or to KPMG's engagement under the Engagement Letter without, in each case, KPMG's prior wrilten consent. III furth<:rancc of the foregoing, Client will indemnify, defend and hold harmless KPMG from and against any and all Liabilities sutTered by or asserted against KPMG in connection with a third party claim to the extent resulting from such party's use or possession of or reliance upon KPMG's advice, recommendations. information or work product as a result of Client's use or disclosure of such advice, recommendations, infoffilalion or work product. (c) The party entitled to indemnification (the "Indemnified Party") shall promptly notify the party obligated to provide such indemnification (the "IndemnifYing Party") of any claim for which the Indemnified Party seeks indemnification. The Indemnifying Party shall have the right to conduct the defense or settlement of any such claim at the Indemnifying Party's sole expense, and the Indemnified Party shall cooperate with the Indemnifying Party. The party not conducting the defense shall nonetheless have the right to participate in such defense at its own expense. The Illucmni lied Party shall have the right to approve the settlement of any claim that imposes any liability or obligation other than the payment of money damages. 9. Cooperation; Use oflnformlltion. (a) Clicut agrees to cooperate with KPMG in the pcrformance of the services under the Engagemel1t Letter and shall provide KPMG with timely access to and use of Clicnt's personnel, facilities, equipment, data and information to the extent necessary for KPMG to perform the services under the Engagement Letter. The Engagement Letter may set forth additional obligations of Client in connection with this engagement. Client acknowledges that Client's failure to assign Client personnel having skills commensurate with their role with respect to this engagement could adversely affect KPMG's ability to proVide the servIces under the Engagement Letter. (b) Client acknowledges and agrees that KPMG may, in perfOlming its obligations pursuant to Ihls Agreement, use data, material. and othcl infom13tion furnished by Client wlthou! any mdcpcndent investigation or verification ami that KPMG shall be entitled to rely upon the accuracy Revised 514104 KPMG LLP Terms and Conditions Services and completeness of such infonnation ill performing the services unaer the Engagement Leiter. 10. Force Majellre. Neither Client nor KPMG shall be liable for any delays resulting from circumstances or causes beyond its reasonable control, including, without limitation. fire or other casualty, act of God, stnke or labor dispute, war or other violence, or any law, order or requirement of any govemmental agency or authority I L Limitation 011 Adil'lllS, No action, regardless of foml, arising out of or relating to this engagement, may be brought by eilher party mure than one year after the cause of action has accrued, except that an action for non-payment may be brought by a party not later than one year following the date of the last payment due to such party under the Engagement Letter. 12. Indepelldent Contractor. It is llIlOC"fSlOOd and agreed that each of the parties herelo is an independent contractor and that neither party is or shall he considered an agent, distributor or representative of the other. Neither party shaH act or represent itself, directly or by implication, as an agent of the other or in any mlllillef asSU!tlc or create any obligation on behalf of, or in the name of, the other. 13. (a) "Confidential Information" means all documents, software, reports, data, records, furms and oth~f materials obtained by Oile party (the "Receiving from the other party (the "Disclosing Party") in the course of perlonning the services under the Engagement Letter: (i) thai have been marked as confidential; (ii) whose confidential nature has been made known by the Disclosing Party 10 Ille Receiving Pany; or (iii) that due to their character and nature, a rcasonable person lindeI' like circumstances would treat as confidential. Notwithstanding the tore going, Confidential lnfoflnalion does not include infomlatlon which: (i) is already known to the Receiving Party al the time of disclosure by the Disclosing Party; (ii) IS Of becomes publicly known through no wrongful act of the Receiving Party; (iii) is independently developed by the Receiving Party without benefit of the Di~closillg Party's Confidential Infomlation; (Iv) relates to a U.S. federal corporate income tax strategy offered or proposed to be offered by KPMG as further described in Paragraph 13(e) below or (v) is received by the Receiving Party from a third parly without restriction and without a hreach of all obiigation of confidentiality (b) Receiving Party the Party all Confidential lll!()mlation of the Di,closing Page 3 Party and all COplCS thereof when the Disclosing Party requests the same, except for one copy thereof that the Receiving Party may retain for its records. The Receiving Party shall not use or disclose to any person. firm or entity any Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party without thc Disclosing Party's express, plioI' written permission; provided, however, that notwithstanding the foregoing. the Receiving !'arty may disclose Confidentiallnfol1nallon to the extent that it is required to be disclosed pursuant to a statutory or tegulatory provision or court order or to fulfill professional obligations and standards. (c) Each party shall be deemed to have met its nondisclosure obligations under this Paragraph 13 as long as it exercises Ihe same level of care to protect the other's infomlation as it exercises to protect its own confidential informatiun but in no event less than reasonable care. exceplto the extent that applicable law or professional standards impose a higher requirement. (d) If the Receiving Party receive.s a subpoena or other validly issued administrative or judicial demand requiting it 10 di~close the Disclosing Party's Confidential Information, the Receiving Party shall provide prompt written notice 10 the Disclo~ing Party of such demand in order to permit it to seek a protective onler. So loog a~ the Receiving Party gives notice as provided herein. the Receiving Pany shall be entitled to comply with such demand to the extent permitted by law, subjecl to any protective order or lhe like that may have been entered in the matter. (e) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth herein. lIO proviSion in the Engagt.wenl Letter or these Standard Terms and Conditions is or is intended to be construed as a condition of confidentiality within the meaning of Intemal Revenue Code sections 6011. Gill, 6112 or the regulations thereunder, or under any similar or analogous provisions of the laws of a state or other jurisdiction. Client (and each employee, representative, Of other agent of Client) may disclose to any and all persons. without limitation of any kind. the tax treatment and tax structure of any transaction within the scope of this engagemem that reduces or defers federal tax and all materials of any kind (including opinions and otller tax analyses) that are provided 10 Client relating to such lax treatment and tax structure. If a state or adopts provisions that are similar or analogollS to those in IRC sections 60 II, 6111, or 6112 or the regulations thereunder, the allthor;zar.ion disclose in the preceding sentence also shall apply to any transaction within the scope Revised 5/4/04 KPMG LLP Terms and Conditions Services of this engagement Iha! is subject to such provisions of that state or other jurisdiction. 14. Survival. The provisions of Paragraphs I. II, 13. 15. 16, 17,18 and 19(a) nereofsnall survIve the expiration or termination of this el1gagement. 15. Assigllment. Neither party may assign. transler or delegate any of its rights or obltgations without the prior written consent of the other pariy, such consent not to he unreasonably withheld. Notwithstanding the to the extent any of the services under the Engagemem Letter will be perfonned in or relate to a jurisdiction outside of the United States, Cliem acknowlcdges and agrees that such services, mcluding any applicable lax advice, may be performed by the member finn of KPMG International practicing m such jurisdiction. Accordingly, Client agrees that KPMG may share data and information received from Client With such member firm as may be required to complete this engagement. 16. Severability. In the event that any term or provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invaltd, void or unenforceable, then the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected, alia each such rem1 and provision of this Agrcement shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extenl pemlilted by law. 17. Governing Law. The Engagement letter and these Standard Terms and Conditions shall be govcmed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Stale of New York, without regard 10 the conflict of laws provisions thereof 18. Alternative Dispute Resolutioll. (a) AllY dispute or claim arising oul of or reiating to the Engagement Letter bctween the parties, the services provided thereunder. or any other services provided by or on behalf of KPMG or any of its subcontractors or agents to Client or at its request (includmg any dispute or claim involving any person or entity for whose benefit the services in question are or were provided) shall be resolved in accordance with the dispute resolution procedures set forth in Exhrbit A attached hereto, which constitute the sole ntt:thudulogies for the resolution of all such disputes. By operation of this provision, the parties agree to forego litigation over such disputes in any court 1)1' competent jurisdiction. Mediation, if selected, !!lay take place at a location to be by the parties. Arbitration shall take place in New YOlk. New York. Either party may seek to enforce any written agreement reached by the parties during mediation. OT to confirm and enforce any Ilnal award entered in arbitration, in any court of competent jurisdiction. Page (b) Notwithstanding the agreement to such procedures, eithcr pal1y may seek injunctive reltef to enl~.irce its rights with respect to the use or protection of (I) its confidential or proprietary information or material or (.i) its names, trademarks, service marks or logos, solely in the courts of the State of New York or in the courts of the United Slates locatcd in the State of New York. The parties consent to the personal Jurisdietion thereof and to sole venue therein only for stich purposes. 19. Mi1icell::meous. (a) Except as otherwise set forth in Ihe Engagement Letter, ill acccpting this engagement, Client acknowledges that completion of this engagement or acceptance of Delivcrables resulting from this engagement will not constitute a basis for Client.s assessment or evaluation of internal control over financial reporting and disclosure comrols and or its compliancc with its principal certification requirements under Section 302 of the Act 01'2002 (thc "Act"). TIlis engagement shail not be conSlmed to Client's ullder Section 404 the Act each allnual report filed under Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to contain an internal control report from management. (b) KPMG may communicate with Client by electronic mail or otherwise transmit documents in electronic fonD during the course of this engagement. Client accepts the inherent riSKS of tllt:sc forms of communication (induding the security riSKS of interception of or unauthorized access tu such communicatiolls, the risks of eorruplloll of such communications aoo the risks of viruses or other harmful devices) and agrees that it may rely only upon a final hardcopy version of a document or other communication that KPMG transmits 10 Client. (c) For engagements performed ill California or where the services provided by KPMG fal! under the jurisdiction of California law, rule or regulation. Client ad.!lOwledges that certain of KPMG's personnel that have an ownership interest m the partnership and who may provide services in connection with this engagemcnt may not be !iGcl1scd as certified public accountants under the laws of any of the various states. 20. EBtil'l~ Agreemellt. These tenns, and the Engagement Leiter including Exhibits hereto and thereto, constitute the entire agreement between KPMG and Clicnt with respect to this engagement and supersede all other oral and written representation, understandings or agrecrnems relating to this engagement. Revised Exhibit !\ Oispute Resolution Procedures The following procedures are the sole methodologies to be used to resolve any controversy Dr claim ("dispute"). If any of these provisions are determined to be invalid or unenforceable. the remaming provisions shaH remain in effect and binding 011 the partics to the fultest extent permitted law. Mediation Any party may request mediation of a dispute by providing a written Request for Mediation to the other pany or panies The mediat(Jr, as well as the time and place of the mediation, shall be selected by agreement of the parties. Abscnt any other agreement to the contrary. the parties agree tu proceed in mediation using the CPR Mediation Procedures (Effective April I, 1998), with the exception of paragraph 2 which shall not tu any mediation conducted pursuant to this agreement. As provided in the CPR Mediation Procedures, the mediatiun be conducted as specified by the mediator and as agreed upon by the parties. The parties agree to discuss their dillercllccs in good faith and to attempt, with facilitation by the mediatoc. to reach a consensual resolution of the dispute. The mediation shall be treated a.s a settlemel1l discussion and shall he confidential The mediator may not testify for party in any later proceeding related to the dispute. No recording or transcript shall be made of the mediation proceeding. party shall bear its own costs in the meclialiull. Absent an agreement 10 the contrary, the fees and expenses ofthe mediator shall be shared equally by the parties. A rbitra#on Arbitration shall be used to settle the following disputes: (I) any dispute oot resolved by mediation 90 days aner the issuance by one of the partics of II written Request for Mediation (or. if the parties have agreed to enter or extend the mediation, for such longer pcrioo as the panies may agree) or (2) any dispute in which a party declares, more than 30 days after receipt of a written Request for Mediation. mcdiatiQn to be inappropriate to resolve that dispute and initiates a Request for Arbitration. Once commenced, the arbitration will be conducted either (I) in accordance with the procedures in this document and tile Rules for NOll-Administered Arbitration of the CPR Institute for Dispute Resolution ("CPR Arbitration Rules") as in effect on the date of the engagement letler or contract between the parties, or (2) in aceordance with other rules and procedures as the parties may by mutual agreement In the event of a conflict, the provisions of this docllment and the CPR Arbitration Rules will contm I. The arbitratioll will be conducted before a panel of three arbitrators, two of whom may be designated by the parties llsing either the CPR Panels of Distinguished Neutrals or the Arbitration Rosters maintained by any JAMS Office in the United States. If the panics lin: unable to agree on the composition of the arbitration panel. the parties shall follow the screened selection process provided in Section B, Rules 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the CPR Arbitration Rules. Any issue concerning the extent to which any dispute is subject to arbitration. or any dispute concerning the applicability, imerpreration, or enforceability of these procedures, including any contention that all or part of these procedures are invalid or unenforceable, shall bc governed by the Fedcral Arbitration Act and R'SOlved by the arbitrators. No potential arbitratOl' shall be appoillled unless he or she has agreed in writing to abide and be bound by thesc procedures. The arbitration panel shall issue iL~ final award in wnting. The panel shall have no power to award 110n..monetary or equitable relief of any sort. Damages that are inconsistent with allY applicable agreement between the parties, that are ptmitive ill nature, or that are not measured by the prevailing party's actual damages, shall be unavailable in arbitration or allY other forum, In no event, even if any other portion of these provisions is held to be invalid Of unenforceable, shall the arbitration panel have power to make an award or impose a remedy that could not be made or Imposed by a court deciding the malleI' in the same Jurisdiction. Discovery shall be permitted in connection with the arbitration only to the extent, allY, expressly authorized by the arbitration pane/upon a showing of substantial need by the party seeking discovery. All aspects of the arbitration shall be treated as confidential. The parties and thc arbiuation panel may disclose lhe existence, content or results of the arbitratiun only as provided if! the CPR Arbitration Rules. Before making allY sllch disclosure, a party shall givc written notice to all other parties and shan afford such parties a reasonable opportwlIty to protl-'Ct their illterests. The award reached as result of the arbitration will bc binding on the patties. sought in any cOUlt having jurisdiction. conflrmatiun of the arbitration award be Page 5 Revised