Item C07 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: 6/15/05 DIVISION: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR BULK ITEM: YES DEPARTMENT: AIRPORTS STAFF CONTACT PERSON: Peter Horton AGENDA ITEM WORDING; Approval of Change Order Number 1, for Smith Industries, dba Smith Fence, for the Securil Fence Project at the Key West International Airport. ITEM BACKGROUND; This project will be funded by the Federal Aviation Administration, the Florida Department of Transportation, and Passenger Facility Charge Revenue. PREVIOUS RELEVANT SOCC ACTION: Approval to submit PFC Application # 8, October 15, 2003. Approval of contrac with Smith Fence, February 16, 2005. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES; New Change Order STAFF RECOMMENDATION; Approval TOTAL COST: 56,934,00 BUDGETED: Yes COST TO AIRPORT; None COST TO PFC: 2,846.70 COST TO COUNTY None SOURCE OF FUNDS; FAA, FOOT, PFC Revenue REVENUE PRODUCING; No AMOUNT PER MONTH /YEAR: APPROVED BY: County Attorney N/A OMB/Purchasing N/A Risk Management N/ A / AIRPORT DIRECTOR APPROVAL DOCUMENTATION; Included X Not Required AGENDA ITEM # DISPOSITION: Ibev APB MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract # Contract with: Smith Industries, DBA Smith Fence Effective Date; Execution Expiration Date: concurrent with contract Contract Purpose/Description: Change Order Number 1 for the Security Fence Project at the Key West International Airport Contract Manager: Bevette Moore (name) # 5195 (Ext.) Airports - Stop # 5 (Department! Stop) for SOCC meeting on: 6/15/05 Agenda Deadline: 5/31/05 CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: 56,934.00 Budgeted ? Yes Grant: Yes, FAA, FOOT County Match: PFC Revenue Current Year Portion; 56,934.00 Account Codes: 404-63072-GAKD69 404-63089-GAKA86 Estimated Ongoing Costs; n/a (not included in dollar value above) ADDITIONAL COSTS For: . (eg. maintenance, utilities, janitorial, salaries, ete,) CONTRACT REVIEW Date In Changes Needed Yes No Reviewer Date Out /!"".- r' , 1:" ~rf=.';" O-t'4() I ('J {~~o_ I I --- Airports Director --.:.5' ItClCot <,,~ Risk Management _/~_ ) .~-+ ) ( ) ( ) ) ( ) County Attorney ~ _1_ . Peter Horton /1// Pc P -fA 0 pIt (4 for Risk Management /v//; Pv...' Of A tJ for OMB All, A. , I County Attorney _I_I_ I O.M.BJPurchasing _1_1_ Comments: RECEIVED CHANGE ORDER ~.g1A DOCUME1'rr G701 O\'\TER ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR FIELD on lER o o D o o MAllO. EM PROJECT: (name, address) Security Fence and Related Work Key West International Airport Key West, Florida CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: DATE: ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: CONTRACT DATE: 1 March 4, 2005 126381.00000 02-16-05 TO CONTRACTOR: Smith Industries Inc., DBA Smith (name, address) Fence Co. 4699 110lh Avenue N Clearwater, FI. 33762 The Contract is changed as follows: CONTRACT FOR: $ 279,513.00 The owner has reqlJf~sted additional Security Fence and Gates as foiiow: 1- Item P.151-4.2 Existing Fence to be removed (including two existing double swing gates): 2,000.00 LF x $ 3.00/LF = $ 6,000.00 2- Item F-162-5.1 Furnish and install Chain Link Fence (7'+1 '), Class 2, Zinc coated fabric barbed wire, complete in place: 2,000.00 LF x $ 24.00/LF = $ 48,000.00 3- Item F-162-5.3: Furnish and install Double Swing Gate (H=7'+1' and 24 LF wide) with barbed wire, complete in place: 2 units x $ 1 ,467.00/unit = $ 2,934.00 Total Amount 56,934.00 Not valid until signed by the Owner, Architet and Contractor. The ongtnal (Conttact Sum) (Guaranteed \laxlillU111 Price) ...\1as.......................................................$ 2'9.513.00 :'...:et change by previously authorized Change Orders..............",..............",....................................,....$ 0.00 The (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed ~.faximum Price) prior to this Changc Ordcr was.................... $ 2'9.513.00 The (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed ~Iaximum Price) will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by tlus Change Order in the amount of............................................................................ g S6 934.00 The new (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) including this Change Order will be...$ 3%.447.00 The Contract T11ne will be (increased) (unchanged) by fifteen (15) days 'llle date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is June 19,2005 '-..;OTE: This summary docs not reflect changes in the Contract Sum, Contract Time or Guaranteed Maxllnum Price which have been authonzed by Construction Change Directive. BY DATE [!IJ . \ddrcss "7650 Corporate Ce S ulte 400 .\ fiami. Fl 33126-1220 ~-'l.ndres Gutierrez, PE BY eu--{) . (" ~f- fAiJ..f BY .\1arch 4, 2005 DATE "2.q 0)..... nnE CAUTION: You should sign an original AlA document that has this caution printed in red. An original assures that changes will not be obscured as may occur when documents are reproduced. C 0.'\ 11 S Co. ,-'l.ddress 4699 llO'h 1\ venue N Cleanvatcr, Fl. 33762 O\\~ER E::--":CIl'EER CRS Corporation Address .\1.\ OOCL'\IE:--;T G711l . ClIA:--;CE ORDER . l')K7 I'.DITIO:---: . AL\ . (91992 . 111E \\!J-:RIC.-\-"': J-"':STITlTE OF .\RCIJfTEcrS, 1730 :--;FIX' YORK .\\'1'. :--:W, W:\o!.lI:--:GTO:--; D.C. 20006 G701-1987 0 Ul ?i j ~ ~ f{j ill -rl '<j"I 0 :>- ill lJ) ill -rl I -r-! N~ 4--< -rl ~4J 4--< -W (]) Ul 0 J:: N'<jtQl .-t Q){f}-'O ~ .-d :j 0 CJ E 4JU)rl -r-! :>- -rl u .w ~ 0 ~ ~ tU U rU -iJ -..-I .w >, n.. rl d H .Q I- 0, Ql 0 0 0 ~-W 0. 'D U . 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