Item R3 BOARO Of' COU '1'rY COM I\'11SSl0N LRS AGE ~ DA JTF~~,"l Sl.l\l '.1.-\ I{ \' \1c:cting DrHc J 2:"2l/0S - \-tAR Bu II ltc-m. Y t\;, \.Jo X Division: COU~TY --,1ITORNEY Staff C ontact ()er.~on: NatikeLle W Cassel AC E~DA rn:r\.l \'''OH:IH''.G: A pprO\ii.11 of C,-"1nt n'lct bel ween A.fu/rroe ("( jWr!~. ;J nd ('url'ie SO]1"tmll- Aj{ui/a .~ rdl{!d:I~., as. tflc Il('W A.1"c:[)ibxlS- lO c.omplde the cUfisl fW:t:Oil of the l'rccman J LIst ice Build ing hased upm, lhe fceo mmClldat;oc of [he C OUJll v Fl Lgineer I n~_\.l BACKGROFND: C mls1 rudiur! i ~ ongoi ng on the r r(,:cmarl Jusl ice Butl di ng. nut;' tn prob I ems. \.....r: h the pr(O[" archlW::L Lht, C;UJlsl.ruc1 ion \\'<1 ~ in (1 nit iell phase ane dcla,' '?\'<.'i._~ UGCUrrlIlg. ,:\ A l;r the dLsmi~:;;<:il 0/. the p[iur (In,;:hitect, (""/J/'f'i.' SOH'orJ~ !l,r;ui!a ,~H.'hi/uct.\, <Jgre~d to Wlr,c on hoard .] tld a SS.l~t [n WntpktioIl or the hui ldi rig. This tll"t~1 is presently unJ<.:.T c.onLract v.':Lth th~~ COUtl.ty on the U)[l';!rudion orthe Mllrray I\.~+~on JL;~ticL Center .-. PI.H~VIOLS RELEV.-\.~T ROCC ..-\CTJO:'lt: In Od.ober l11o;;> HOCC approved ll1C di~missal or tht flr! ur architect on lhe FreemaJL J usLi~'.e Bu i 1d~ ng CO\TRAC I 'i,\G R.I'~ 1'.~J\.1 EN T C H ANC ES Th; ~ is a r1C-:'.., coIltran t~ll. the he~rn(l n Just iC(': Bu ild iug <.nl'.hi Led, repbcing the pri ~)r an:hikct. -- ... s.rAFF Rl:COMJHEN[)A.I'IO~S; ..-\pf)["iAe rei.: ')111 III ctldation aL mCdillg. TOTAL COST: S250,OOQ_ BU J)(;ETED: YES X\O COST TO cor I~T\'; SOll!{(T OF Ftl~OS: Ri:.:VE\TE PROflLClNG: YES :\0 X ,\MOUNT P[J{ MO\TH Year A,PPRO\-TV BY: COunl} ..:\H~.' --L OMH/Purdw.sing .__ Risk Management. __ I \.. ~ r --- m"'JSlON DrRFCIOH. APPROVAr.~--_:- Jl.... c- ....1 .~~I':lL /;> ') 0"-,' K COLLINS. C' liNT Y AITORNE.Y DOC L \-lENT:\. no,: ~ tn~' III dc'.d ,~~~ k<.;qu ir<:d __.. mSPOSIIIW,: AC l:~DA Ilcm# ~ 00Clln1CntmjoLL t,., (t)j Jll~\. PA.':'H..t:.L \li.l'-U BtT\VfT.f'l (),"~,:r"l fit .t;.N U .'~,-H.UHn':C.i. co~>cr.T.A"\": l~ OR S l.ll:( L.:J..L SLF.. \.' iU~. ') This AGiU..E)'lEN'1 mnd~ mi oi th;;- _n. day of [)~('ember. 2005. between '.HO~ltnE cnC"i"iY ('O\V\i[R"), ,~ho~e address is 10D S~[l"IOmJ~l f)1.rl'L1. Key \'':e"t Fk'rtda. ~,30.:i-1J <md tl~~' ,m:l1ikc~, CllHRJE SOW..\.HOS iz,GCIL\. ARCHITECTS ("'AKCH! 1 F.:C rJ- \~ hi"ho.: ad(ir(:,~ i~ 13~ '\0fthtJ3t FlL",r .'i. venne, D"'Jnl.... th.:-m.:fL f k'rjd~l 3 ~..\44-. f(,!. nn: }-'REL\lAN j USI IC!:: H~ :H.Dl'\(7 lnpROJECT') ill Kc:. \\'CSL FJlKid<l J30.H), \\.:n\TSSFTH. \\"H r:R F ~ ". drl O~,t,,},Cl' i 2, 2(id:~. the CUt.'~TY dismisf,ec Gt'n:n-l k,. o\H,;lll<l:"CI:;' j"rLllll th'_' PROJECT. iJHI-:; r~~]ljjriJlg 1tfl~llhLr arcbjl~Lt ill order to c0mpiete the PROJ I::TL and \\; l-TFR FAS. il \'.d!. all ~rnergenc~. to hire anotl1er ar~hlte..-::t lD pi'Oc~t:;d with lh~ (:Ol1~lTIH;tilll1 ~)r ln~ [JKOJ fer ami t<.~ ",.oiu " work ~t()Pp~gc: iind \V]-lTRr:A~. thi:" ARCHTTFCT. ClTRRIE SO\VARDS A(;t;ILA ARCHITECTS, was fl.\.aibblt> ,md wiUln); W cumplete tho;: PROJECT: NOW TIIERr:H)Rf> the O\ii/Nr:R i:lnd the ARCI UTECT agree ~s fC'lIo\';.'s~ ARTICLE] An;bit~..t. CQ[)suhi~'~f"'-'il,;e~. 1. ARCHn Eel .'S St'fV jc~s consisl d tl"E-..s.e d~scribed in Paragmph~ 2 IQ 8. Re\ iew and Advise. ,.\RCHITECT sh811 J<:\'ic\\ all doclIment" provided O~.'Nr:R by prior an;hjeecL ~L1';: ludjng bm not 1 imited to p~ans. schema1ics, spo;;cifL..::a1iom. J[ld Jrllwil1~;s and ~hall iUemlf, ~ nd dCJCllment C:frQrS. discrcpal1cie~ and. deticiencies on tll-= de>..: um~rlh. A.RCH [lEeT !;nkl!l ~d~'i:,;c: ,m(j recormn<:nd ~!lY ~lt~'Tal iom. adr:lj~.i()n~, and.',~l' eorn;diom:. t.) s<!id docllment!> that ARC! lITECl feeL~ appropliate and/or neces<S3I). to (,;I)mplek t:.e huilding in .1 mallner L,Jn;istem \\ !th lh~ s.tam1ard" of the i ndlLstlY w~lej'-e appropriauc ARCH lTFCT ~hid! rn';-rilr~ rhl!l~, :)I,:h';m~(ic.:~, ~p(,,:"(,:j fk.(ll ions. ilnd dr:.l.'\ i)lt!~ !~)r [hi:: h~lj]diTlg, ~. Rl'"Mllutioll of I)ncIHnent.~. ARCHITr:(.'T ::>han n~::,i Sl thE: CiI;: ncra I COTllral:tor and O\VNER by rc~p~lfldil':; to quc5tiollS ,1Ild <l:SSlSliug. in resolutiDn of di:jcrepanclcs and i)[\~f-lk;m!j in lh~ cDns~nldi('t11 dvClHn~nt~ drafted b: 2:nd provided w the OWN EH by (j(lflz,~kL AI": h itecK i nc I L.ld~rlg hm: n,~t I tnl ihcd In pkln~, ~chclIlal i;,;..,. ~pc~i f1;;atiolh. ami ,jra\~ij)~~s: iHld ill pr(~vil.ijnl:! ah"'l1lativ~ SOhHioJl-,; as rcquC'sted by In-e (jeJlo:r<li (c.ntractor ,'in,J lht:: O\VNEK ..L Modific:H~uu of nUi:nments. ARl'lHTI::LT shaH as,;;i~t the (l~nenll [,Hmactof Rnd O\VN EN. b~: prepaj"ah,)il pf mod irlCatjoll:=-' ~n the cons~ra;:tion d(lc~ITl'cut~ dratku b:- (....i~~nzaja Arch;iCCh Hlld ~ha! ~ rnw ide T;2'\ i:j(;:(1 ;;,Hbll"lIcriol1 dOClllll~rl1~ wh~n reqll~sfed ty lh~' C;ener:il COfllnii.: h)T i)f J~ !~"";..;\i..;d rur lmpkm.:ma.ll011 of tlle ":0mtnl.:tioL1 \~f the PRUJ Fe'] . .1 he A k CH Ilh.~l )lHI.J] ~55j5t in -v(H'STtUCfl('j) actm injwatloJl 5~r""l';C~ il~~.lodinf! l-C'opnt~;,e<;. tn ReqE<'~~l h)f lL-,f(jn~r1Li~Jn (~Xj) b:i th;~ Cn~n~ral C\~~lll"<.i;..~im ".~j ~he (j.\vr~FP ;~:-: ':"-'ip~~d::i'.:"J:-I!:,. :1':'. 1.:Cl'~~.-;:~~.Y ~.~....: ~.hf. .~rc~td~v p(I~~g-rl.;,:::-:'~ ur Lh~; .......()I"k. ~. -\.ile_~_~!l...!!.~~ ...!!.L}.ked~~~~. ..:."RCI I [T1::C l., eiihel" (~1,-, l)rin.;;;pal .'\rdliCl:: rH. ck. r.',.-:ic~t .\;"o..:;-jl(.;:~.r, )-,,,:J ult",d \'. .~';,;.~ !;.. ~ik ~rh~C; i (;f;S i i1 [<.=_' W e~t .~ h~ [lwji.:d /\l-''':~l Ll~"'':; :;;-,od: T~jK)ft i:n ,"Ilcciiately l'i1 \he Wcf.Uy ~ite med"ij~g .c- lhc~ l:.ri:~;':~F;d ~\, dllL~Cl. 6. nO~.!;l.m('!llt R.!ti"2t~ ,\ RCl !lTECT shal ~ review 5hvp dmwiflp <Inti SUbUlinals. and I (;vj~~v <JpplL<:f11 iml~ rCl r~~) Hll;nl o. The AR(:l rlTCCT shall advise the G!.:n~n11 Cen1ru~:lur ;cgard ing the re\"i~\". ~,f Slh}f) dra\.....ings and ~llbll1itt;ds, and rlpplkMinns fi)( pa.ymenh a.nd ';;)1 if.> l J hi) ,~ppn~ ~:d. d i;:iPw~n:al. mid any s;Jg~es,t~d moditicatl;Jns ;f; ,J 1 [rrlL I.' rn,\W:i;r t"0~- ~n~ crder~y pf(lgT<o'_~~ (~[ lh;: \\'OL"". SuIH.:onttadur~~ A RCHITr:CT ~hall procure. with the authorization of th~ OWNER. or~ <.In <-lS n~cdeJ b,lSis the S,-T\.5l,;;;'s of ~ lamb":l:Ip;;: ar;;hih:d. i Ilt~flOl' designer, slfLlct"lIral ..ngine-et'. and/or Lnc-charLical engineer to flllther expand on the tl(;!~ign <md the plilllS. 1;. Constru('tioll COlUulrtion. L:pon c()mpl~tton of comtrlldwl1. th~ i\ RCHnr-:CT \~.irl pett'0!"i11 J. ;: 10s.e--nut I~\' ie-w nf. [he project far det~rmin:ati[ln l1f :;Llb~taJH iJ 1 ~Ild flna~ (:('mpk~ ~on .-\RTICLE 2 OwD~D""'S Re~lIo..sibllitics (t furnisl1lnformstB(m. Ov".:';ER ,haU provide tull infi.-mnation regarding. reqllirl;;:menl.~ of the project. O"\~r:.R ~haH hrnish rcq uircJ infllrlll.:i.fion as c\ped i!irmsly a~ ne;:e~s.[l"Y til: Ih~: QrJ<;;:rJy pr0!:-'n:;;s of:be \\"ork. lO_ Dcsi1!:uation Or_Rf~l)r~~4;nt:}til"e. O\VNER ~hall rlesignak a rcprcsctUaliv~ aut!wr~zed w ae! Oil the O,^,,'\ ER - S behalr with respect tv the Project. Th~ o \'l/l\ I::R or s\lch aUlhoriLeJ n;pn;s~nlutEve shall rend.;:r dedsions in [I timely manner pertaining to documents submitted bJ.' tne ARCHlTFCT in order iO "-~\.o.d unrcas.(H1abk delay ill the onkrl.\ ;cquenti3.1 progJc",:-::, ~,f \h.(; ARCHn ECT S s~rvk(;s. ~ 1 . Prior Architecl. O\V'\fR agr<:c.i, Ll) 1 h.;- <,C....H;TlT p~'rnl iuo,:{i by I~n~ lo ~wld h,um k::-)~ and w ;tldemn i ry the .'\RCHll"ECT from ]i,1bi I it)' [lnd dJmag~s Jris~ng fWill m;g.lig:l:llt <lct~. Ul- ~m ,r:;. 0' l'missloL1s of the prior ARCHITECT, _~o ~ong a::. tnat negljgence or f'fl';"tl'$ or omissions are ",olel)' tho!>c: 0fthc- rrlOI' A RCHITFCT. ~ ~ I Limited Huld Harmlc~~. ()\V N I::R agr~~~ "EO th~ ~xtent perL11Etted 9)" Ja~" to held h:irmk~~ .md w i l1.d-.:"mnify rhe A ReI lITECT from d_"ii[[l<:. drislTlg 'IUE l~r the U~C \)f lhc ....k'....'umenB fxel}ared b~ the ~H.i,~r ARC HITEer. O\\:.\TR ami ARCHlTEC r a~r;;e lluH ,,\ RCl PTFCT rC"m~ips r;;sp(~as~bk .md potemj~~ly liable 10 OWN ER tll.. ARC i l iTF(,T~ <~wn negligence, eflc>r~ [)I' ("JmL~~il)nS_ nl' l!abilit.y, N~~~billg ill AGREEMEN 1 i-; l1l~allt tv rcl.ease ...:l..RCHTTr.cr from h.s own TIi;gh6~ncf;;. errors or omissiom, or li<lbi[ily fnr hi.~ wor).; LW :<'tJpcni~i<m of Sub(;('ntmcWr~ l'll PJ{O.! EC r. 2 A KT! CLf. j ----- ~ubront!]u:wr~ i ~\ l)"fimtioil l,J: SlI :-;~~C;l([:.li::' :JL. .'\ ';"lJhC,~"l :'l~t(<:' i~ " pcr~0'1 ,)[' ;".)rgmcj .wl;,lll \\ h(l 1 ;:~; .; di,~.:! cnn-:r,lC v:i th the ,\KC' H lit(' 1 ;(~ p~rlo~"'~ allY (1 r. dl~ ~\ ,y;~ al the ~ ite. :\ nth ing in ...\C.; R f-T.MFN T ~hllll (:rcfl1.~ ~HLY ~ol1I!'actl.J.1 ;e btiGll iXt>".tClJ lk COLIN lV ~Illd ~":) ;uk,-.mL"J~t;'r h ird b, I:,<:; ARC'llJ I t..Cj . 14. Subcontmctoi' 1Ilsl.lran~(':, ,.\I-t('Hn Fe'l sh,lll rcquirt,":: Ihe ';!Jh;::,~lllra("tN~ to hflv~ '!1SLlL2.lKe ~,<', ~!'"ge il~ ~e-l out S~l /d{TICLt. ~. cf /\Ut{t"t:"...lJ::~.) , ~~ R1JCI ,E 4. F:wm(:nts to th{' Architect 15. ,Iollrh. Ral~. The ARCHITECT shall be- compensateG t~)[ serYlces p~rlonned a! the i~IID\'< i ng: standard hCl"rl:-. nJ k'~ llol to ;';\.L;;;<':l~ lb~ ~l,nnLJnl "i T"'O H{;~DRf.D .--\,"D T\\'E:'\TY-FI'VE TIfOlSA:'>iD DOLLARS A.'\D '0 Cl!"fS (S12:li.aOO.uo)_ Huwl) ralc-:-. ~rl I iSEc-d 8) f(lllnws: Principal Arch ik~'L Rc1~'","l1 c;. Curri~ Pr{)j'~cl, Ar;;hitc~1. Hank rl~)IJTmHl J\.fcl,.'h<1"ic,d tElgi ntcr ~trllctdra~ l..::n~inee[ LanJ,cap<, Arch ikct lnrc["im Di:sigll(,:T J'nljl;,,;t f\..hmager (ADD Technician Support Sl>.dT S l75.0D S I 50.00 SI7,S.OO S I 5U.00 S 15000 S 1 )0.00 S12.:'.OO S80.00 S45.00 l ;J. RC~1ll bUn1ahle E:":(I(:nlj,~.'!!. R.,:imbur:::;,lbk Exp~l1~~S include e:-cpell.ji:S incum:d by the ARC! l1rfCT .md :\RU-UU::L'"f"S o::-mp!o:..ee:. ill th-= intere~t of the PRUJI:Tl. Al! ;,'\pi:n~~') SllJJl he ]'~qui':;h:'d b., ~he ARC) [[T~'~CT in \\iitiag and aL.HhnriJ.cu h.\ thl: 0\"'\ ER In WI'itillg. A H lci rll h~JI~;}bk; c:\ pUt~(;~ <lr,,: lL) b~ p<1id ~Hl tbe h<l~i~ L)f ,nld ill the anwum" l~Ulhi)ri {(,:d p\lrSlLant k} S~c:tivll ] 1 ~ ,06 j _ Florida Statute,~. J. i::\.pe~,se Lit trilL15jWI18:tjl)n and 1 i I, in~ c.xPCgsc.~_ in \'< r:r.iTl!. in (OEUle-ctioH \\j~il l)uh)f. Cnullly lraH:J 811dwri/l:tl b~ tne OW"\TR. but CHlfy w 1 h(,.: l,.'xt(,,:")H Hlld iT! In",: <illl()lJllI~ ullllwl"izd by S.~'..:tk11l 1l2. fJ(l ;.. Florida \~mme~. It i5 llndersto0d that tile ARCHTTrCT hi"h \.lIht:r rrvj":;;:l~ ~11 rh~ ni.;Titb K~~;..~ \\.ilh th~~ O\V1\' tJC if tlw ,\ I{C Hllt.C r \'istts more than one projeo he ~hall prorate tht tra\ d e.\pCIl ~..::'.. hel." t'c5\ tht:" ]1rujC:-.;2h. ["-.. P(:[1 ~,-'''- :-:'lJ~h ,h hll~ di slaTlc~ lekphllrlt ca II::;. mail. ihip~'ill!:; :Pld courlL:r ~(,,:"r\'ie.;_ l:l1pi<:~_ and p0!>tag~ tn hI" billed at Cc':,t. I n-Iwtj~~ b bel ann ~...Li[c pl,~ll j~1 ~ ~;I 'l Tat~ llL~f:J)O P(":"F" sh;:d j Il"]hiLl!.C Ct ,i L!l" P~l)1l ing al (j ral~ of iY"OO per ~h~e'_, , iL c, d. l '. Pa~nn-ent. P~Yl1Knb m~' A RClIlThHj .S :n\ oic~ du~ and payable rOR TV (-10) day, tj'(lm thc ;1:)[(- (l r 1:1;; :\.)1 pa: mCI1L, llu(' IllT l;l.'Tl:mU~li(lll ":>'..T".jt::b and LhY rm.J~ ~ , ,\.!t'1in tJ.:~: L~ppl~c.aol~ 1Jn~e Jt~-(1~I.~~ ~;h.:-~~~ b':":~:- inl~~.~~~.;i ,~[ l:!~ ).~~~(; ~~C I)j)~..' ~1'tl""::l~n~ :~l ~~.;;J ~~~::: ~.~'.:.iq~., '1'- (I:. ~.)\l:,,-=~. n '.~~~~).I.i~:-.-: ~.J. .~}:JrL~I.J~.1 of ~h~~ :.."Jd.y~r~f::t"~t j.I.~'.J:)'!.:':;"!. ~};: "nfli ~lh.~i~..~i ~:<r"(.".J;i n~llS~ t~c dn1~jy ~:'Kd:;:i. ] t. i'.,.j<"'lmtl:!1an.:c u1" Byok.. /,l.> C hI .i. T-"C'T ,.. ~'~J i; rnr.i,\t,: 1:, rJi h(";"b. i.~;:;ji ck .'.,;,d J-';'":IIIi1~iLl.; C i"'~nj~ p~iti '~~n..: (~., ~)~L"f~)lTLn~~.~ ~ lIm;..., "\.0 KfFivi~i'~T i n ~1L.:CI)1 jan:.t I\" In. g-:-ner3.] I~ ~i.L';'::-2:J1l..::-(t ~JC~:'I !~~li~ Ig J'!o.:.;nc ;i~~t'~~ (l)~\~;! ~len{~:~. f.irpl i.e-d. j () I~Hl,tl.r$d()n .Qf...!}J!Q~; ;~nQ__/lllrl!t~., Durin!;': the kJ"m of Agwement ,md ~~)I" IOlH. (4) yt:,lFS l~.,n('wing Ill", tennin"r>m {)t^ th..; .'\g:L(;'.:111~1H. the O\F\TR. l~CliJl:>l: tl"t~ cf,JgL !H d~~if'.ll'~l.-~d fj 11[-:,11': !i.3.1 ,",n;;:<:," .:,r ~.<rll~~f "utlwrii"cG ~'epl"e,~entatj\-"c_ ~hd!l h~:"e ~h~ rig.hl l~' iT]~p(;t"~ ,ill,', :".l\ 1 il .\ RC Hi Tr-.(. T.~. b~\pl. ~ "f ,:lCSlWH oil:d c,rh~1. rccf:.fds din~cti~ gt;;:1~r1t-td rq~arj ing ,he Pr.....,)~ct. The ;\RCI.lll c..CT retcdn~ Eho> L"i!p"ll L(1 hJ\ i: it~ ~('I Llr~.,f:l~r Or 'ii' duttl;.~I-i I\~'.: r~~rr~~el,tat i \ C 10 rJ:= pr(:~ent dLLring. the jll5pection or amlil by tl1\.: 0 \\ "t.K. r L"l! (1 'J) business day:; m~ij.;e llltht b~ giv~l~ ~,r jlllcrll [(1 <H~dil b) rhc OWN LR ~o aUO\\: t",~1' ~(.;heJu!it1g. of ~aid pres~n(;e. Nothing contL:.}TIC(i wilhill lhb:. s.;:etiOl! \-\-'aiv~,; aiinrtl~}/dj~rll \...c)rh. pmdlld pr~,i h::g:~~_ ::::0. Arr~~~.Jo Boo~~ under J;J!~trr 119. COLYfY and ARCH 11 Lel :;hall aHcl\v and p~nIliI !"~~<'t~on<lbk <.\~'C~~SS to. and insrection ,-,I' J] I dOClImell.b. p<lp",rs. iell~r ('r (1tr,;;'T :l"L,nerlals in its posses~!olJ l1r iHl<J-=r its ;,;olltn.;.l ~lIb.l~ct W the PT~}\:jsj~'n~ pf" Ch:ipl,"r 119, nOfida Statute;:;_ and mad.:' or r~~ejved by ejIil~r jJ1lfly in .::onjuncric111 \vitb AG Rr.r.rv1FNT. AHTICLf :.- --------- I ~su roH1i;e :\ R.(: KIT 1:".(' I" shill! f:1fo\id-e insurance <V the begjnnin:.< (}f all\ \'v~k in connection with Al)REE1\..1 ENT. All illsurancc pt~~iej~~~ shaH be ~\ ilh iJ1Sur~r:,; autlwri;..ed and doing bHSitte~~ in rinrida ARCH1TEC j o;h:\ll bo: s<Jldy respllHsibk- f()f ..my ;-jnJ Hll dl:uudibks 8.ud sd r injured rt:lc[JtEDllS lhat the required rolicie~ may co-ntain. 8_ W()rkt'r's ComlJt"Osa.llOD :md LnIPlon.~rs Liabilih. Insurance - A..Re f HTECT shall take- QUi ::lLtd maiLltain during the- :it~ of AGRU:\lE:-; T i,l,..l1L"ker's C 11Lllpellsat!l!n Insurall":;? for al j l~i~ empln_\ ;;.:c~, L:;{)JlHL::.::ted ,~ith tl1~ ~~ I),K nf ih\~ Proj~~(:l iH1d, in ;';0:)~' ~Hl.':" \vork ;:} ~ubkt !h~ ARCHlTECT sh<-iil reqll~re the ~L1bCOllrractor similarly to pmvjd~ vVol'ker's Competl:,.ation Insurance tor an of till': lalter's etllrloyce~ Ullk.~., such cmployt:(:;~ .are co\"(;rcd toy lh, pf(lt~Tl 1011 ~ff(1rdcd hy tJ-~e .'\ R CHlTf,CT. Su"h tTl~-liri@.;e shilj] comply \~. ith tb~ Fk1rida Work.er"~; C\'mpcfL~aliQfl Law, Th~ 111 ininmm I tLnits of such illi;iirallce shall he: (d'; P..3.rt One - W orJ..:tcr~ C{)lilp;;Tl~~li;)n . St.'1.lU1iJr:' (!j} P~1rl Tv...0 u EmploY<:or.j L~[-\bih,)" Bodily lnjuJ'Y b)- Au;: idet\t, ':iH.:h aCL;:h:l~ll1 . :}; I.OfJOJJOO nod ill' Jnj'ir~. h\ Dj"c;1,':';C ,~<~;:h ...mployr;c - :$' ,OOOO(l0 tl.cJily lnj uf)o b) Dis.easc_ pol icy 1 im it -. i: ~ _000.000 , ARCHITF.CT'S Puhlic U<lbjjif\. and ProDt'rt\" lbma!!:c lnsurane~- ~ RC H 1 Ti CT ~h:i n ,~~~ 0ul <1Lld maint<!lE during tlto;"- l:t"e I,f t~1 i-; :\~.r~'~'m~rH C~)mureh.en:' ive (j encral f. iab;j i!\ dl,Q C orTlrr~i~i~E~i ... "~ A;.![()mobjk L ~abili1:- lns!Jn:.nce a~ ~Ila~r protect him from c lai Il1S t,~:r 4 (~:~.I:I::.~:: ~...: ~...~: ~,,::-':=-.i.d !(:.int.:. ~~i.~.~t:(:r~~ ,~~.:~':!J~.;~i~~~ dl,..~'~.'-. ~~- ~.'.~~~~ 8\. Cl~~I!!' f,~... p~-"~li:'I:.ri;. ':"'~n::~f;~I":-=-= '''1 h; .~h 1:.., ELI;:':-:- f~:"'i-:.: :j~'I-~!"i~;~!!~ :.:L...:~'''':!" :\C;~...-;:.i:-~~.: Fh!T I.. .:~tlllo::-r ~:~I..::h ;:)PI:~~H.~....~~1~ ';.L~. 0,\ i!;!I!....,.~I.:.. .:....1 Ll~\ .1n.....('-n~ .J~ :.::..~c~ l~. ~.t;- ; ,,(~i:-c.::t1.~ ~111~.do_=",,:~t by JI in-I. z:nd H-i~ ;:-iI1LUU: ~ l ur ~!J~:h i.!.,~~.!:n::.rH.~~ 511:] 1 i h~ i-,~~;! tin UL1 jiJn ii~ i;~' I (l ih.,.;~: ;..!>... r..: ~~.i tel.:"t '.kS.: ;.\!!i,.l!nj~ t u ~;; '0Z. G'::"~l ~.!:~J J:;~Nij n: ~. .;.IO~\fHH) ~.:~"l~~~~<il=.:-j ~;ii1~~l';;:'l ~~n~~t lC-Sl.) 1:3.~L O"';';":lJr~l;ll';';L~ , n_ c \ !J~omf!hile L~~iH!:L CiH't'l'a~_ i J ,OUJ,OOO Cun:l:m,.,d S l<'[J',k ijmj~ (C) T.) E.8ch O~;:un'enc~_ (0\'(:1 ~ge HILder ("l}, anti (Lot_ shatl tJ~ Piuvid;;d OH w~ C!;~CIHT<:11C~ lvi,~~'; .,'rl ~~~~ ,Hh~r.,', i,;(. :~;:c<.:pi'_'d b_\ r1~>: O\\:......:fX~. ri...~ . E~!.!:!..';Dn.l,r.!f:ig!").lIls.l.lran~{' - lhe ARCllllECT ;hai I ,-equirc:- t,;,\~b l1f hi;; .~l<b;;i.~H(~;l.eLL)rS I.l1 Pi",.:cLLre and rnafntaill dFJr;ng the lift' of this subcQntract. insll.l'J.n_:e of the 1YjJ~ spc:d tied abov~' with limi(;j f}f" liAbility aCLepm.bk: 10 the ARCH !TFCT find thi': C( H)\-. [.Y. llmad Form Pro.l!C"rty DamaO!c CO';'-CF"a!:!c. Products & ComD!f'tt'd Opl;!Z".ll~nllj; Cnv~r".l:l.el': - ~\rcllitccl', Cencfal Liabi lity Pal icy ~hall illclud.; B[oa~j ["(1ml Pruro:rty Ddmiig\~ ('(n.~ril~~, Fro~1~1(;~s ~md Completed Operatrons Cov.orages. g. (oatr;lctulli l.iabilin- \Vork Contra,;:..'; - Th<: ALl ~'h ii C(:(~ GL::fI(.T~11 UJbijiiy I\11ic\' sl1illl jtldlld~ Cantra.:HlJl Liatlility C('1\'erag~ designed to pl'mt'l:t rile ARC} ITTFCT f~)r cOllt.-aclll:.3.l I iabi Ij,ic~ as<;.um~d by the ,\ RCHJTFC r in lh,;: pcrf()llllilHC~ of lhi~ A grc.,:-rm:.:r\l. h. i'-r!:hite.ct.... F.!!Q.~ and Omis:sion~ l.1abillr:L Tusm.a~ce. RCC{)gnl7.ill~ tba' lhc.: \\ (lr[... go~~m(;d by thi~ '.:Dntrad [I!vu[n;s thl: fUnL~~hing. Q~' Ar-:: h ltot..:'iuml seL", i..:'e~. ARC i nTEC'T shall pur~h::Be anci malL\tajn. Ih]'i~lighcJI.LI tile tife Uj. The- (~mimcl. .'\n,;llll~Cl~ rIT\tr~ :.lrld (Jcr,i~si~Hl:; l j:\bilily JTl~t.mfl;';l; v,.hkh ,,,Hi respond to] d<im<'oges J<;sul! iJlg from <in) claim arising out of the pelformallce of rrotessional s~..yices or any enOl' ,_x nl1J i.:':'lorl Dr the .'\RCl-TfTEC1 ari::,ing. OUL ~~I th;;:: \\'0rk A RCHlTFCT r"':.(l[l-n~ Wl\.~'m<:d b:, this contract. Th[~ ~nsumi1c<: shall b~ mai[]tal[1~J ir. f0T<.:e t(}t" a period 0f tv: 0 y.ears fitter. ~he Gate l)t" Subqalltidl C ~ll1nle[ior:. of the Projt"d. The m in im~LLl1 l[llllt" of iiah,l it: shall be :~ j .OOiHIOO p(;r {KCurl~nCI;: ...~ 1.000.000 Ag..grt'grllC Certifi.:+J;!e of h~"u!.~nee - OWNfo:R :-;ll,~!J be f~!m i~h~d pn.~d ~'pv,'rug~ ('[ r n~lLl'ail;~t a ~ h1~h-.l"s. Ccni '-li.'in\;: uf lnSLlumce form wj] I be furnished tc tho.; (j \1,.:-: I:::R alQLlg \~ i i11 the C l1nlr:'lCl fb<: tHIlt;I)h J"~1 t~ (~eJ'r.i ~~~.:-lt~ i~1":f.:d I tJ;':: dni,,:d :~fld stH.~~.=-' I t l) The naml..'" of the- jn~Llrcd A RCHITFCT- 11..: s.recif'i;,:: j;::'b b:c" lumf and j,"lh tlUll\b(;r. th;,; r1.Hllf;: 0f th~ im;ur~r. tb~ Ill.:mb,'l" uf Ith. p(l;L\..", it~ dl.;cti\.~ df',t,~. <:.nc iE lemljnuticrl 'Jat~. \.;:' C.\:rti~~l:JL ,Jf" lihLlr<Hl~e ~h'-li: be in tnt f~,mj ~~$ appro\ ~d by .5 J~~:-.i i~.~~~~~,~e \:-~.~I: _!n(!':~$ (J:-~.:._~f ;.lS(~j ~.; !(~ ~iUi~~~ -. =""::-(;: i..I.~f':tt :.~11D.11 C~ ~ ~~ri~: .;t::~I. ;.i: ~ 1 :.IJ,: r~~r!......! .i: :_~.~~ !': q!..1! ~.~I';'~ I:.~ th~:= ~..;......~~~ ~"'L L.~.: C ;7.: l;f~~..:ti,:... I..)!" ill~tll-i~;1':':~.' ~~I~~: :=.r~.h~:- inHl l:t...: r....;!..):p l!.-' {.\~~~;:1y E .:I;~.!.~~ .,--,f~: :--.lHi i'"':. :_- i..~i..1 i tTI ~ :=;:.-.1!)i..i~ I " i: .: !:-.~(-.:~ 2.~ ...h.id: (~'.-;i.l(.ll Li1~:': ~iL-~~_~ 1)11 ':~i p:.).!il~i(~i ~~~~l'~:'-F~ f,-., \\.(;;.~.~!:::: L.')_~~p':;;~~~i~1 i~)li, :.~.;I~CI~'!;',~;!L I i~~hji~::. n~~d ~.....~{( rfrTF(. ( r:rr(I~.~ iHld ()n~~SShH~S Li~lt'j!~i~-"1 r ,1 ) \_~wn~:- r:;::laim dk l-lgh! lO )\~qLlEre: a u~Etifi~d {;{)])3' of any p,+<,. fqlli.,-..::,~ UdCL .,.\(;j{JY:VH~\! ,HId ARC~lil[CT <;~,::;::_~ to fL1mish ~,~id (.:'.:ni.i~~.J ~~!r.;:. \V~[hJn tlliJ1~'. (YH ,ja~ ~ d. j:'"CL~I.!':"'~.< . .,"', 1!~.!!t@n~n~ r)ft~i..~rf:~ O\\.?\ EiZ ~md ARC Hi fEe l \\ ai \"1;: <11 \ ,~:!h;~, agai,bl ,~fi;:h othe.. !0f I.~~ss ~l; d,~IO:1.<lg;,;; ((! ~inJ (,:'jujpnll.'Ht u<;cc iH \:OlltH~Clion ~.".ill1 th..- hl~t:;;l LInd (,:()v~n,:d l1;. :~~!y ~)l'{'pe((y insllcam;~ i\KC HH Fe l :;h;~U n:'lLLirc simih..., \','ai.ic.I'S from aU suk'.}lltractor~ [~nd !h;::ir ~Hh, :'.;~hC0mnKlnr". \'Vaiv('l' or SllEn-o!:"!aHon UW\ J.::.K \V[\ l\o;;S -;l1br{'g,H;un /l.g:~i,ht ~ RCl ilTECl llll al! ~.'rl)p~rt}- ~l1d ~'()tl:-;.,:ylJ\:llli,,-1 k1~'; p.,,]jci-os ':;3[,ficd h\.. ,he ()\\.:\ J::R on a...ljm;~ilt rn;p~rti<:::.' ;H'"i U~lJ~'r pr('(:'i;rt::i .md f.'.~~n~.:q ~H.:ntlill lll:'~ pnl i.: ~c> rur(;hrl.~ed for the Prl1ject ,die!" i~s U'1iI r 1 e-I !{)ll ~.:.l, Vl)donemenl.. rf lhe pul i,~i;,':-:, !:rf" irb~Jr~ncc ,;.::jetTed tn in th is Articl~ requi]'.;- RIl c.::mi0r;;~mcll~ tc, fhCo ..id~ .~.0; ~ol1lim;e(i ..;,}V<:IJ!?"-= wh~r~ (h~l...' is <i ...~.;~i ....;~. ;:,f ~ll'Jmg'~i.io~L the o\Yrte-r G i" ~u.:h p'.li i.: i(~s \~ j L cause tll-=m to be S0 e,~d0rsed. billlT~ t(, 0bt~,~rL pmper ..:;:di.lr~~'rrl~ll~ md Ii ~I~'~ 1 r~ w:trH~'- of lil!~Pi fl)n. A RTlCLf. 6 AJiudka~.Ron_of Disputes or Oisa!!rccmcnts ~Dlt Mtdia~tofJ :~), ::\diudkatio!!-vJ Di~rule~ rH' Ois3.~r-ecmt'[l1s~ O\V~\ER and ARU Ull.:::eT JgJe.~ that all ,j i,;put(;~ and di ~agn;:(:lTlcN~ 'jhali h: ~il.1 cmpkd L(' bf.: !(,:t'[)in~d by lll~l'"[ and ":ClTlr:"~f SeSS5l)tlS bel,1 ccn ~h: n;~r.;s..'lll<.lli \ I;;~ of ~ai;h vi' tho;:. p,u1L:s, bd~;;r OW?'. Eft. ur -\RCHnr.CT !llfl) "<'lU~5t a lU~e~ and Ll"Jtl r;:I' ~e~~i,);'1. ] 1" 8 ;,.o,,;;ion dale' 3.!ld "(im~ cannot b<:, ag!'<:ed LLpon \\.:thj;~ tell ( IIJ:, d<l) ~ i"r\H11 lh.: d~li.;: d. 1 h~ "":'j l'~'-;l ~)J if TI(l fC~L)hLl lL)rl C[lrl h~. ap,r-;;::;d 'Lp.-n; \\. il:hiH I ~H~llly (20 ~ dil)'"S after lh~ first meet and confer sesslon, e~l.h~T part:-,' Sholl ~ h(lv~ Ihe l.jg.h~ 10 ~ubmit th~ 11lli';;.50]v<:d jS5ue(~} tc medi.:::tion. :~(I. 'IMiati(,ll:~ {)\\.~Eg and /\k.(.H1TEC:~~. tlgr~~~ ~nHl~ ill lh~ ~\.~i1l vf \;I~}nni~~in~ ~rllCrp~CUlli~'m Qf tJw t.;:rm~ ~)r a t.o1111 of this Agre('m~m: b~ ot" ~,eh\e<'.:l1 2U1\" of th~m tho:' ! ;:wc ~hal ~ Q.:'" 5,~bm itl~,j I:' mtdlflt j.;)t, p!'t," l:1 l~.,;':. illS, itul iC1i I 0 t- ['[1; ,.~1 ht:r <':!tilll in i..;,t.,.mi\.i.: '~l" je~d pl ,xc~di,;g MLdi<ililll,~h<-l! i k ~.;l1,',hd~d <1~ ~"c'n a;:; p.:ls~i bJ<, I:..' <l,,>iJ [; ~topp<lgt' <.::{ ~\ ,..,-k ')[l ~., ROJ EC r. r>ther p,l~t>. m<:.," lIG!j~UT.C litigdli,.m pricH ~" m~d iati0n it f;m i rl~ k;. q L'.:dhtl{))"j ~.\,fmld cau,..c Lhe S.\fJ.1.i~ Ie of 1 irnilai il)u~ ~() run b~fore th~ p<'lrl fC:S f..:udd m(~di<.li~, f\"ftdliltj"!L ,~ither prc-S:J i~ l', P~)~~! o;.Llil tili1la~~{j m~J ..anducted l}ijr~llaf!1 ('J AC~REEMLNT ~h;'l! I Oi".- i'l ,l;":i,;urdaL1c~ wi:l-'Lhe nfll'ida. R;]les t~f (~ivi 1 ProcedlLro: :md LJ:'>ual and c llSlOrrI4.'-~' r',(~o.:l;"~~~lre:, L~q:ji~ed h~- the ,:i.yu i~ C,)ilTi ..)I.\1'~';T;)t; C ol.lm~ . ;:;0 _~.!.t~itl";tli0I1+ l,: d1e "', tnl (l~1~: <;dn1ini:;trati,,'"c ,"r h:'ga1 p;~.'L'~~.Lli!l[!, i~ in~1 i'lJ,~L! il~:illl~l .;:.l\;] ]:'9;1.'.. reLlli,;s l:~' (,.; jiJrmali0i i) ~'0e':ULlO)l, p',;;JDrm"m(~e. ,~i C>lt:C\:11 C l. IS :;~ : ~<_l: L ~v1 L!'-: l'_ (~\\" ~~~ ~l~ ~~~ ~d :'\"R (' ~.~'TTr: "1"" i~~/(:L:" rrl~'L:' I~l".: p3.r~y ~',> .~. ".. ~P...E~.: \..fl:-~<T :: I: " ~"'.: :'~ :.l;J: I":>.~ ;'.' ~:'"11: .~I" ; I"; () ~ :1." .:;:";"t;l(:: ~jl"ln ~ll'~.I'''':r:: i... "Ji'~'~~;,,,, I..... ~;~. ....-:..j .~ '. .'.~ (; p.:.' ~.: \.1 L\. J'. AH.'fICl;.E.2 I~~'L~).1!J~Holl or ;.)lWl:t'~t!Oj!lli . ~ I" " :.3!ll.a'e W Sllh~hul~iaJh' Ftrfonn. .,\GR.r:E\Ir.~-i Ir:,-[~ b,: i'~.I.minated l.t\ l.:'itiL~r ;J<Hl\ .'.qWI~; t;j'I".,~-;~-~;)..~'~:i,1.\ ~ ' ~~;7tt.eil ,;;>ti(:~ "lwulJ rhi' "th(;!r p,lrly !;~ i! ~LJthl ;~Ilr;:>rl~. tr, j1(;j.t>)I"!11 i ;., }('>J1'dalll~\~ '.'. !<h tl1t' l~;'!rJs u! AGKf::t.\lE\'I- throUgJi l;~) blt!l l;f 1he p-1ny inimniH! th~ icml;aatio<l, 2(}. Eaiiure...!.~.!.......:.yt>!ktC ]~;t!!!~!.J:. It OWLl~" fai l<.. to l11<lh, p<iYITI(':H\ when iJ l:C A RU li "frCT ~H,J~ IJpOll ~:;'\ f;::1 i (-;.~ ~I(-!.~ ~. \,. rdkn tlMiec t(1 0\\'.\ ER, ~~sp~nd p~rfvnm~[H';1;; ,)1' ~..T~ i;,;~~ cinder /\,0RU.:.\1J:::\ 1 . l.l1[.;;;'~ pU)- m~ll.l ill ~'I] 1I i ~ n.:c~'i\ .;~l h~ ARC H ITFCT wLthin se'."o,:-,1 t..it jdY, Gf tile dale ,,!"the iK.rice. lh~ sllspO:J\siG\1 sbdl t<lhi: t::Jf~cl v,.jtlw\.i~ hlrthcr nNlcC. ~l\,. lh(,; ~v(,;Tll of $ ,;u~p..;n~ton r,f ~er\' ice;;, the A RC I JlTECT shall hnve no t~abUit}' tc OV'....N l.::R for uelay or dmnag~ i..:atl~~d OWNER b;:l;~usc or ';Udl :;'(jr;jH::nr;.ioLlllf ,en.'ice~. ~o. Termjmllion [XPe-OM'S. In lhi: (;~.t;:TlI ~ll l~T;nin..l1jL)1l rl(l[ The hllh nt ARCl1rn:CT. .\RCHll J::C1 .::ih<ljl b", ~()m~"i1:;(lt\;;d lor s(;r\"i~~,,';; p~ri0rm;,;:~j pril1r 1;) l::nnlnali(al. t"lg~lh<,:r. .,~ irh Reimbilr:;ah k F.xp(:n.~6 t~~i:n dlle. Addit!Lma1 Term ination Lxpen~es shall be- (':()1JlpUlL;{j as 1~Il. p~rcent (100/0) of tlw houd) nUe but JlLJ~ tn ~'x;:;co:d 1.::11 fH::rcem (1 W"~) (~i" ihe amount of TWO HllNDRUl AND TWL~T\'.flTVl: THOUSANO OOLI~AR~ _~~D 1\0 C. t:~TS (S12fl,OOO.HO). N;:. T <:'fmjnatjuL1 [\.;:.ens.coi sha~l bo;; !Jaid in the i;;~.~'n, ()of ,crill iTl<=ll ii)jl \\ h,.; h i~ lh~' (<lUll 0 r lhc /\.R.CHiTECT. ARTICl,Ji: 8 llliTROACTJVE TO STA.U.T DArE .~ ) . 'rho; remb all.:i co~~dit i(JtL~ ,1[" AGR EEM E~T ,hall be retroaCIin to the date -\i{CHlTFCI S bc~<m worh. L'n the PKOJECT. Oi,:10~~r 1 J. ::005, ..\ RTTCl.f. 9 .\1isccnanff)U~ Pl'Ovislous .L. .fll risdktion and VemH~.. .i,Ci R rE\.lF'\T shali b.,: ~('\ ..::rncd hy lfl(: la~~.s '.)~- the ~f3t~ oi' r ]"rjda V c-11~!i::' ~;\r an;. d i ~pnl~~ ,~fld\lr iil i~,~ti0I1 <lri~ing und;;T lh i~ :\ GR r 0.11.1 rNT mll~t be m MOllT(">C C:nunt::, f".l(ll.ida. .13. Biodiu:ii: Eff~t. O\.VNI.~R and ARCHln~CT. r~~p~~fiv~~ly, bind rhcl1n;d\'~",. Ihdr iJ,Hiners. "L!"::""~".~;.'["~, :h~igns and kgaJ repro;: sentathes to the oHler palty to this Agreem~n~ ';ij~c! le, lh~ p,n.'.;;er., <\S,;i!:,~lS .Jnd iegal l'epr6enlati\ ~" n r :;,-,::.:11 Mh';T ra~.l~ \'. in] rc~r~.;~l i.,-", dE ;;o\.cn<l,~l" ,f tf\i,; .-\ G n f"E ~ftNT. ..'\l,;'jtl\L;'J 0 \'1'"), H, llC'L" AKlHlTl:::Cr shall a~sig-11 tl1 i ~ .c'.,', ~ R fT\.frJ-....: T \\.~rh{..lll ~h~ wrj~t~n comen[ ;")t' rh~ (Jr.h~l'. 34, NG T!tin] PaX!.y COllttr4t:tu:u~ R!g!its. '-.'uthEng. contained her.eill shan c:reate ail\, r..::l3tiolishi;:,. i.:'xltradlul (K ~)th<:n\.ise_ v.,i"th Jay rjgh~5 i 11 fa;:o~. ,)f B.n~ thfrD. pfll1y. ::; S. ~:li~ ~ r~~t:L tl\::-:rrs1 ~r~~j~~ l~ (] r{EF!,/!::.]\~.r '~~l~; b~e-n c~~rt[~~ l ~y r'~~. i(:~,=:.~~( ~~~~: the ()\\':i~ ~ ~~~ ~:.I:.\.j ~h-:" f\ l.j. ..~ ]~..;. ~:. L~ .~. . rh....;:. ~.~~~I.,:. .:~~~.;. ). ~~.:'c...-"~'"-:~~-i.lt ~~. Ll(~t ~(. be ~~U~ t:":'~.:.II":':~: >J;ft8-;i ::-:-.-;- .::;;.~hc/ r~i:tn:.: .:.y.~ 1i :~.~ ~"";.~-:. :.;:~ :;.i" ~'i:..~l!: :~.r~'~>I~J. :~.(-; ~l:~::~!~!~:~~_~fu.~~E~Jr~.~.~. C.1\1,,=:\~ LIt (J~1d ~.\ !{C'Hl"l t.(. J ~!g:t:.. ~hi~f, tllo::-~.(. \v:! _ ~.~ =1(: d i ~-:..:.ri.11l iTl~H ii)l~ .:.ig.~~ i~1 ":,.1 :Vi ~ .Il('-.-::'~:rl_ (.L~d Jt i~ ~~:,,-: p~.=-=-s~ l~ ~H~~.II..,: :.~:~ !()J 1l1::J7" I q.;(1!1 J d,,~'O'",njnHLi'J11 by " .~~_'ml D:' -.;,m,p....'kIH .i ,;~'i -d I'~~ i"..., tl~.at ji;;crill\iL1d:~'n I"l" U~..~lll"'::;:;. ~hi~ .."\ gn.:..: I , !~lll ;aHl.nl[lf.ic.:dly trIm iLl.1t~s willlGul JllY f!wher .lClic'll un thk: pan or arlY p<irJ:', "..tfi:.'di\.~ : tL,~ {1al,-" 0; ilK ~lILJrj. f.lnk:f O\\.'N r:n f1ml ARU nn::CI agL"~~~ tel r.:omply 1.,~.ilh d I; Fcch::m; ,~fh~ r ill['llla stMlLtes. <md aU lucril l'r~iinm~;;v:, ,,~ ;li~pl i;:;ahk. 1"f;btin.Q. ~c; non..:! is'.:Ji n1 i L1<l\1on. I.n~~" ~,l~. i LJ(k bwl 8n,": "'.~' i i~:~ i~l:~~ w. I} T J Ie' \-:1 uf the (.jyi I Rjgh~~ ..~ct ~( 1';0 -l (Pi, ~ i~-3 5::'.1 \~ hi~h p,'l1l-,jbih di~(':l"iTniJll\.li(l". i":"., i1.,-: h.>.si~ <",i race. (."L'I'. ,.\.. IFni0]j,~: l'ln~in; ::) .~- ,:.k L\ ., ),' 1 he Fduc8.li"i: ,A nh~nJ Illen~ or' l '.:J T2. <.;S <lmend~ll I)() l: ~..~ ~S, J GS] -l6,~3, iH"ld l6~5-j G~6}, \-I,.hkh pn.1hibih djsl,.Ti!<li~~Jltil)n l),l t!l't ~:lasL~ of Sc.~.~ .-q ~~(:c;tjon 'S04 01: Ih~ Rdl~,h:]ilatioll Act ~lf 1973. <is a!llend~J (20 use ~. 794). \~hjd, p,ohihits dj~crimirH\,ilm Nl the hasis ,Jt" handjcap~: ,11. The Age Discrimimnion i\.d of ~ tJ75, as amellded (:.12 1 )SC ss. (l] 0 l-ollP) whklJ prohibits ~i; S'.:rfrll inallOll on t.he ha~is of "g..:-. .~) Th(. Di'ug Abuse Office Jnd Tl\.=:J.~melll Act Gf : ~n 2 ~ PL 92~> ,S). a~ !jmi:lld~'J, n~ If!l in! h' lll)od i.'...:ri fTl i ni~,i.;~l lln the h2S~ or drug abuse: 6) Th~ C (j~npreh~n~iv~~ :\ koh,:}1 Abuse Jnd A lccholi5Lli Prt7n-mi:,m. .l"r;;:atm~nj ~n({ [Zl;h,lbiliHHil)ll t\02t t-'C 1970 (Pl, 91- (} 16). as am~tlded. r~lai[ng to nondi.~criJ11inJtiCln on the b;iSis u( ,l k(lhul ilbus': ;Jf :~k~)bt)jist'l~ 7) The;! Pl! bl~;; H.;',ddl Si;n i(,:.: /\~l ~,f 191:L s.s. _~2.j and 5~ 7 {4.2 1.I SC ,;s 690{1d-3 ami 290ef:-3). as anu'-nded, r~Jatil1g w eOlln(i~n[i<ility of ~k::ohol ami drug abH:-:'c; patient records~ ~} Title VIII of tile Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 use s. cl seq,)" <t~ arrlcl"kd. r<,:h;(in~ l~' 1l('~lj i<c!'illlirl\l\ i0~, if 1 1111.2 si~lC, rem;il Or tll1:)tlC Lng. of housijjg~ q i Th", . \rno;:;riCi\ilS with Disabjl ilies ACl <Jf ~ y~() H:! 1I SC S 12lll;'\ l1td. a~ mliybt; <tm(,:nd~d from ~illll.' r0 tin~('. rciati'~~ 1~.' tlOrldiscl'iminari'H\ [1[1 the b3~~~ or d(,abil!ty~ j f)) Am. 0tll~r ,h'JJd~s;:;T'inllfl.'ii iLln !Jnwi--:;io,J', lTl ,~1i:-i F (:di.:r<-ll Or .:;t;:ik ~t.atulc~ ~dl ich may apply (I) the- pani~~ I.t). C.lr lh\;;' subj~(j llM(t~f of. thi.~ ..\g.n:1;:H1~nL. 37, LfillIl.!.~'ation ~rld hlt.'a]idjt'i'. I j' an"')' tel'lll, covenant, cDnditLfJH (H' provl~lcn of tllie, AftrCE:m~ll1 (0, \hl;' applkation tl1t~r~l)f k~ aj]~.: cjr(;l~1l1Slan(;~ or per~QTl} Sb,llJ b'.:" d~chru: i fl"\ ,1 I id ('r lIrr~ni0rceaDle to aL1~ ~:\.t.;nt by a c,")urt ,-~f CC'1rnpe!t:'rH .i llrisJkriorL [h~ j"<.>maining terms, C,-'\ end!~B. .::nndlrion ~ alld pro\ t~ion~ ,"Jf th i~ Ag.['eemenL ~hall nlH h-o, attcC:1.(;d tho.:n.:b.\: <In\1 ~i~l;h n:m.l irllng len1"\. Cl'-.,..enanl, cond itlvn ~\l1d pn..n.;S10TI of lhj~ '\gn.'cl: IClH SlMlt be \ al id and sbJj] b~ ell r'o!"ce.1b Ie 10 th fulle::;t e?;lei1t permin~d b~ ~a\.\: lHdess th-t cnfOI'CemCll< ;,.t' 1 he remaining Lemh, ;:;"Vi:llal}b, l;ondiEi,lns ,~nd pm\' is-ions [)'~ lh i 5, .At greCTTI C nt wOldJ pr;;ve n t the <.Hxom p ~ i shment of rhe ori gi na l in tem 0 f ttis Ag.n~.;:::rn~En. The- O\\- N i::R 1no ARCHITECT <Ig.re; to refonl1 the Ag.ree-ment to replace .~P.' .,.ll.i(;ken pro....~si(\n \\.ith <::: valid provi5ion ~hg,t C,Hn..-::=; s.; ~l0,;e as poss;bk t,) ~he illl~ft'L d' t ii(' str~,~ke~: provis ion. J.5. ~otlf"_~.=. \\-hclll"'.~r ~;~hl.~r P::1qy (h;sin::i (n g,ivi: TJt'lj~~~ 10 ~hc o~heL SLH.:n nt'1jce ~ha~ I be in wri i jH;~. ~~'lt by ':erti tl<'d U Ilited .l:itat~s L1ltilt, r~tilfi1 rcccip[ i'~Lltl':-f,ted. addressf"G 1(> th~~ f.',~rt:,. for ."hom ~i is imcnded m th:: place and tilm:: ,pc.;ii"ico i,! 1hi~ ,~.~,V<,:~'nh;r'l~ ,Ht\i lb~ pJace h~ g~v~ng r];,l:;;';; ).hal~ rCl"Lwin such unlil ~t is "'hanged b.\. wfinen notice to The 01ller 8 pa~.!~I' fnr t:~....' r~:IC:=:~.~i~L "i"h~: p...1.1~...~::;: J~~:-::~~!l1at',. l~.:..;.." nJ!!~~.'.~' i~:~ ~..~~ r:=.~1 i.~::.pt::fj,.'f ~.d~::~.;-,._.:. n.'r ~I\ Il~:_:. '~I)ill>_:. FUR ()'A.>.L[{: \'11 f .~rr\' ( h~lmei-~ f <H:i Llic~ rk\;.: 1,:,;1i1h.:;o[ I WI ~~ i ilK'tlLC'll St;"(.;d h..... \\.;2'.:..1 Fi'.lr.irir:... .'".:.~O~() HW 1\~CI JlTLCl : Mr. l~ub~;r1 (j. CLlfrie (.'ll,"ri,~ ~O\\",l;.d~ A~lli !,1 ..\ T~~'::~CCI s I .1.:.; h!,.~,l hL::,~l r iL;t "'\\.~~llle-. ~;<..:' ~..= J~ ;"\:'lL"il)" J:\.;::a,.'h. P! 11T-;,l; ., ~;..:.-i l'i. ;1.PIH'(H-'~1 fur J-',u"m~nt.. C01IN,]"Y'S T}lTf llml;3m..: a11J G~)ligJb011 Lu p<lj' lI11d<:'"J :\gJ"'f.l~:cl1t ;~ Clilll~Llgeill LI p"n ,,11 aljitll<l i Jppr(~~ll"ial il1H c: Lh, n"" ,.(] ll:. Cni.rlh Cl)1111Tl i ~~:, m~,s a;.,.-I I h~ <ElFl"('.' a I ,.)f the lk'drd t:lell1bet S a~ th~' tj::l~ c/ ..\gr(':(,,:nkn~ :Tr~-l'\ <11 ,md UlIrHi;l'l1 40_ S(tv~r~jgJl Immlmi!l, r-Jmhif'g in Ihi~ At:tcemr;tll :;hatl b~ construed as a \\.alV~r l,i" allY :->o,.-eH.:ig.;\ imill LLlli~_~ hy COL\TY. -ll. St....crabilit\". CULSTY. atld SL 8-LlSSl-: r~ LLgr;;:l;:: [hOlt it ~my rimjg.r~rh:-- N priJ\lsiofls nf ,:he .,\2,~'ccm"'llt is t"c)r allY r~as,)n L1nellh)rc~able_ th" f~mJin.j~r or ~Iw ,\gT.;~~mf;.'nl n Hl be ~ illid, -t~. Attur-Uf!'1 F~~' MU.l CH:~M!o... The O\\.'Nf.R ~:wd ARCHITECT agree- that in the- event an) C8.Lhc: 0 r. fiLl iurl pr adl r; in :~''"<'H i v 0,: pr<)Ccc:di flg :~ i (I i[~alL'd (lj" Jdt-nded hy .fIrl) parL~ rebtive ~~, the o;:"nfl)r":-C'i11e~lt '.Y il1tdpretil.(iG~~ _If _-\U R U:::: \1 E\ t., the' pr;;:>\"<)jJ ing p:ll1y shaJ I b.: enfde"d t,) r\~a5,-,nabl\: duN,,;:;!" fee' ~_ L('!t~ll cns!:;. LflYC,;tjgati'r"<:. and mLt-nf-p,xkd ('\.r.l~[L.~~::;, (i~ .Fl i1w<~rJ <le'(liTJ~t It!.: Hon"pn;\.ailmg parly. ;-j~~(1 sh,tll lTl(;lud(,:" n.:.i~~~Il.ibk- :lLh>mcy h;~':,;, (":oLHi CL)$t~. in''-c~t~~<llivc. ami t'ut-of-pockd c:-;]Jens~:;. tn llppcJlak fJrOi,;~e{l ~ng.s .l~. :\0 Per.;,oElotJ J..iilbUjh, ;'~l o,,;(l\(;JlLH1l0[ rl~:-~~m;:n\ (;c,nwlncd ber-..:jl~ :-<n,j]J Di..' dl,:i;lTIl,:d h) b...: ;l ~'.w-=nai1t Dr agL"~~me-m l)!" any member. t'f"~]CCr _ agcl1L_ l)1" employee of flr1olH'(J::' C CH..tllt) ill his OJ" her individual cap:~-.::it}_ ~nd n(J rtl~iilb(,:"L 0rfi~<,:r. ~1g<,:t11 or cmplLlYC:c of" \lmlr()(,:" COlLiH)" shall he per~~lllaily li<lbk ~m AGK hfJl,ilENl or be suhject to ,my p~rsl'llalliabjj ity (lr ~K~OLJiltJb~JilY flY !i.";;3f1j1 01'" I;"xecuting AC R rr:\.1 r"\"T .t~. Atle"toltinm;. :\RCHII"1::C [ agr;;:-e~ W e\.e-cute :;w.:;]] dOClLn1enb 8.5 U\\.\TR ma) feJ~{)l]::\bt_~ r~'q LJi rc~, tl.~ ind,Ld", a Publ ic F.n( il)" Crime StJ[em<O'JE. an I:(hjcs {,;,Im~mC'm_ amI :3 Drug- Frt-Y \\ i)fkp;J~'=" St.Jtemem, 45. .section He.u~in~~. ');;,(;lt011 hi;:aJin~s h(j,'-o,;: been inserted in tj~js Agreement J~ J. illJtter "f L~)fl\"i..'nio...'1Kf' fer re;~r..:-nce ~-'Ill_~._ di1J il L~ a~fC'cd lh8r SLIC~' ':"CL,:lIPi, hL'adirlg, :ir~' 1101 ~i p;lr~ (If thlS Ai:-re~'lfIe!)T ~~n(] \' :.; I rln~ tx \.<,'::0 ; rl I.h' in~(;rprdal io<', 'jf J11\. PW\ 1 ~l(}:: ~1f tll i~ . -\ ~.!. r~'L Ti 1 ~.11T -16, Au t.tlO.i t~.. r. ac II p,liL Y n.: prt: ~cn 1 ~ fl nd w ,llTa Llb to t Ile oth~J 1 hat th~ ~':\ e( ul i on, de j i \ t: ry <Hld pcrf(lr~r,an(~t: ~,t' A(j REEIvlENT hm t hCi::n d,~ haul hori Icd by !in ni,.:...'(;;~S(ln: ~,:.'q~nlll1(.~I~t21 i "'Tp:.':" "t1. "'~ r~qu ;r",u h: Is". Q 4 -.. l~pd ~.~~._./:::.~~~~~~~31(~ ./i._.(.~R rF:~.':t:\. l' 'r:::.:pr~;:~ ~r!l:; the ~nrjr~~ ~.;~ :(~ ~ :'1i~f~~H'-e(~ ~~i..::r~~:';'l"~~'.:n;. i.:~i..: ~ ~~~':~ i,: :.1 () V./1".1 r~ :.~ ;.~~1d }~ ~: C"; ~ ';' -r t :(~'l' ~_:.~ ~J -:"1 ~r/(:f:~ej.e s ~ I ~ P i' ~'~:~:' n f:g.c, (i~~ i iOll~~ ,'~:::pn::~tntatior.:.::.; or ~~.t.P'Ii...':"":-r"~~~ni~~~ eh:her \\-Tj~1L':~~ L"":.! oraL. .A.gr"':::'!:~l~~~q Lllh.Y bt .ar.:.ll0r~d::..'~~ on:y r~:.::- ~y ;l~if.;i1 i,l."ctiEr,i';:, ~ign(;,.~ h) kli:h ~.J\,'.'1-.j l::: l.~ .,rv! A RC~ a :"1::(' t <y;~b l'h{c same [0; flwlil;\.:~ c,r i\GB ~..F.t..~T:}.JT L...; W! INES"., V:..'~ i f:,RhO~' ill~ powl ,':::-=. hel'~tu rc/o-: ~'?~<,:;':;' !lcd ti1L~ AGRi::.[.lvi;-".I,iT ,1t1 th~ . d[l} [If U\;;;,,;t!llh~'I- "2()()5. J:h' '1i)AgD OF CUU\T\' COIi.L\WiSJUN ERS Ut- \10r,fRCiF C01 JNTY , FLORlD/.. /dl;,;si: ;~...\Nl\,J"Y I.., k{jU IAUt:., CT.r;.P.K I kpHt} Ck:tk B~.':.. .. I\i~ ayor/C i1.l i trl~;'I n V,filne~~ \V~tm;~\ Atksl; ARCI BTEC'I" B)-': .... . -.- Rober\: G. Cu,ri;: "J-..' tlp.(,;~~~ Titk: \V itnc ~'.. MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEv ., r . '1 A~P ~E D ~S TO FORM;. /" /-- ..- ~... ... { y' /~~;~~E~~;~: .~~~:t j J.5__r;.~- ^SSr~T^r Cfl!N"T.Y .......TORNEY Da'e r L .~ L \. ! ! ~ 10