Item O03 BOARD OF COU~TY COM:\lISSIONERS AGE~DA ITEM SUl\lMARY \keting Date: Dec. 21,2005 Division: BOCC Bulk Item: Yes :\'0 x Department: DISTRICT FIVE Staff Contact Person: Donna Hanson AGE~DA ITE:\l \VORDING: Approval to request that State Representative Sorensen use all resources available during the upcoming legislative year to remove l\Ionroe County from State Critical Concern. ITE:\.J BACKGROCND: Monroc County has been under State Critical Concert for over 30 )/ears. :\1I aspects of the Rule and Goal 105 have been met. Monroe County obligated over 5150 million for wastc\\ater proj eels. O\-er S 15 million for purchase of environmentally sensit i \'c lands, and S30 mil) ion for affordable housing. Also. the county has adopted a tier system that protects all land ha'ving hammocks with three tier ratings-Tier 3, Tier 3-A, and Tier 1. Since all Goals of 105 and the Rule have been met, critical concern is a huge burden to the state and the county and should be removed as soon as possible. PREVIOL'S RELEVANT BOCC ACTI01\': CO~TRACT/AGREEl\lENT CHANGES: STAFF RECO:\lI\1ENDATIONS: TOTAL COST: I\,.A BUDGETED: Yes :--ro COST TO COL'~TY: SOVRCE OF FL;l'\DS: REVE:\:L"E PRODVCIl'\G: '{es 1\'0 AMOUl'\T PER l\IOj\'TH Year APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMS/Purchasing _ Risk Management ______ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPRO\/AL: Murray E. Ne4o-w !vIA YOR PRO TEM MURRA '{ E. NELSOl'''; DOCU:\IE:\'T A TI 0 ~: Included X ~ot Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # Page 1 of3 Hanson -Don na From: CAPTDRKEN@aol.com Sent: Monday, November 21,2005 7:48 AM To: JEB@JEB.ORG Cc: boccdis5@monroecounty-fl.gov Subject: The keys has fulfilled state requests.Time to end critical concern-Ken G.OV. WE HAVE FULFILLED OUR CO_MMITMENTS AND STILL AWAIT PLAN TO END 3D_YEARS OF C RITICAJ....CON.C ERN. THE TIMETABLE YOU .QRDEREOFROM TI AN D DCA OVER A YE.A_R AGO HAS NEVER BEEN FORTHCOMING. IT IS TIME FOR LESS GQYERNMENT.AS ALb.STATE (RE_Q.UESTS/MAN DATES) JSSU ES HAYE a.EE N ACCOMPLISHED, PLE';SE BUILD A FIRE .uNDER THJ:M AND LETS GET THIS DONE, DECLARE VICTORY BEFORE WE AR~ BOTH A PART OF FL.QRIDA'S HJ.S_TORY! PREYIOUS INQUIRIES HAV:E FALLEN ON DEAF .EARS, TIME FORACTION. WE HAVE EARNED IT. A R.~SOL.U_T10N WILL BE FORTHCOMING FROM TI.t~ COUNTY THAN KS. KEN P.S. WE ARE WELL AHE_~.Q. OF MANY QTHER AREAS OF THE STATE. S.E.E ARTICLE BELOW. CITRUS C.QUN]"Y Chassahowitzka is just symptom of the problem As this county grows, there are two truths that must be accepted. First, sewer systems are needed in environmentally sensitive areas. And second, a permanent funding source is needed to make these improvements happen. The breathtaking costs associated with the current plans to build a sewage system in the Chassahowitzka area have created great concern. At a public hearing last week on the Chassahowitzka project, it became apparent that residents who live along the wateriront don't think they can afford the $10,000 price tag per lot to build the system. In fact, some have said they would prefer to live with the ongoing pollution than pay for improvements. Life is not that simple. The health hazards that have been created in Chassahowitzka are a symptom of a much larger issue. New residents keep moving to Citrus County every day and we do not have an overall plan on how to stop human pollution from destroying our water. We are destroying the water in our rivers. We are destroying the water in our lakes. And we are destroying the water that is underground and is used for drinking. If we continue to do nothing, we will all wake up one day and scream because our drinking water has become too polluted to consume. People will want to know why nothing was done to correct the problem before it became a disaster. Folks, today is the day to start fixing the problem. The economics of huge infrastructure improvements don't work out unless there is an infusion of cash. The stale and federal governments have told us they will help, but only if local people demonstrate a willingness 11.2 L2005 Page20f3 to help themselves. \ Citrus County residents have already demonstrated an unwillingness to approve a sales tax to generate the needed dollars. Our politicians have been unable to find other solutions. We recommend that the county commission designate a portion of a mill of local tax for the single purpose of making infrastructure improvements to slop pollution. As the assessed value of property in the county grows, so wil! the fund to match state and federal grants needed for these sewer and water improvements. Right now Citrus County commissioners refuse to use general tax dollars to address pollution. Their thinking is that the ratepayers of existing utilities combined with impact fees should generate the funds necessary to expand the systems. That philosophy is what got us into the current mess. County commissioners tell us that water is the No.1 priority. It's time for the board members to stop with the political rhetoric and actually get something done. If the county takes the first step, Gov. Bush will be much more likely to let state dollars flow to our local projects. U.S. Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite needs to work with the same enthusiasm she used to win the recent Lecanto Veterans Affairs clinic to win federal grants for protecting our water. The Chassahowitzka project can be saved through this local initiative combined with state and federal support. Chassahowitzka residents need to pay their fair share of the improvement because, after all, it is their specific property that will benefit. But every Citrus County resident will benefit each time we take a step to protect our water. And that's why each Citrus County resident should share in generating some of the money needed to get the job done. Page 1 of 1 Hanson~Oonna From: Sorensen, Ken [Ken.Sorensen@myfloridahouse.gov] Sent: Wednesday, November 23,200511 :06 AM To: boccd is5@monroecounty-fl.gov; boccdis 1 @mon roecou nty - f1.g ov; bo ccdls3@monroecounty-fl.gov: Wi lIi- T om@MonroeCounty-FL.Gov; Hi ggi ns, EJain e; M ayor@keywestcity .co m; javael@keywestcity.com; putom@ci.marathon.fl.us: jeba rtus@bellsouth.net: mayor@keycolonybeach.net; cityclerk@keycolonybeach.net; layto n@terranov a. net; bob .joh nson@islamorada.fI. us; berni e .Ia pira@islamorada. fl. u s; ma yo r@floridacityfl.us; cityclerk@floridacityfl.us; rwa rren@ci.homestead.fl.us; civy@cityofhomestead.com Subject: Legislative Package SirlMadam, It is that time of year again for me to put together my legislative package and to begin work on those items that we would like to see pass Tallahassee. I write today to formally request that you submit to me proposals for my consideration and sponsorship. To assure that everyone is in agreement I ask that these proposals also be accompanied by a favorably passed resolution from your particular governing institution, preferably from your administrator's office. If the proposal has fiscal impact please include a budget amount. The deadline for submission is December 15, 2005 to assure that bills are filed in a timely manner. Please do not hesitate to contact my office should you need further information. I look forward to working with you as the Legislative Season is upon us. Most Sincerely, ~~ Ken Sorensen Ph 0 State Representative-District 120 (305)853-1947 phone (3051853-1949 fax 12/1/2005 .~ ULS~ _.(:>V~ ~1 of1 ',..-. Hanson-Donna From: Sent: To: CAPTD RKE N@aol.com Tuesday, November 29, 20056:06 AM Teresa .Tin ker@LASPBS.STATE.FL.US; FL _ DEP@dep.state.fl.us; michael.sole@dep .state.fl.us, Th ad de us. Cohen@dca.state.fl.us JEB@JEB.ORG \~\ \/\ \ . .'&,7, '""'i';-' <-. " 121;,- i.JJ/,.> ~v , /'''i>:1?~ /f:" " ./ Cc: Subject: Colleen,Thadeusand T.1 ,waiting for response on attached 60 day old request-K Still waiting for response on attached 60 day old request- please respond to these long overdue issues, Thanks,Ken H.M cc ltr file In a message dated 11/3/2005 12:45:10 PM Eastern Standard Time. postmaster@LASPBS.STATE.FL.US writes: DEAR SECRETARY, N OW THAT WE HAVE A COM PLETED AGREE M ENT (SEE YOU R PR EVI OUS COMM ENTS) BETWEEN TH E CITY OF MARATHON AND THE FKAA ON JURISDICTIONAL ISSUES REGARDING SEWERING OF MARATHON, I ASK YOU TO CONSIDER MY REQUEST FOR THE ADDITIONAL $3 MilLION DOLLARS, WHICH WE PUT INTO THE BUDGET. BE ALLOCATED TO THE CITY OF MARATHON AS PART OF THEIR PROGRAM. AS YOU REALIZE IT WILL BE MORE THEN MATCHED BY MARATHON AND WilL EXPEDITE THE PROJECT AND SPEED UP CLEANING OF OUR WATERS. WHEN LAST WE COMMUNICATED ON THIS ISSUE YOU SUGGESTED THAT NOTHING BE DONE ON THIS ADDITIONAL S3 MILLION UNTIL THE JURISDICTIONAL ISSUE WAS RESOLVED. NOW THAT THE ISSUE HAS BEEN PUT TO BED AND THE CITY IS READY TO MOVE FORWARD WITH ALL DISPATCH I STRONGLY URG E YOU TO ALLOCATE TH ESE SEWE R FUN OS TO MARATHON I N AN EFFORT TO DEMONSTRATE THE STATES SUPPORT FOR THE OUTSTANDING FINANCIAL COMMITMENT THEY HAVE MADE TO ALL OF OUR EFFORTS TO CLEAN THE NEAR SHORE WATERS OF THE KEYS. THE LAST YEAR HAS BEEN A DIFFICULT ONE FOR ALL INVOLVED, ESPECIALLY AS WE HAMMERED OUT THE JURISDICTIONAL ISSUES. THAT PROCESS IS NOW OVER AND DONE AND THE ENTIRE COUNTY IS NOW WELL DOWN THE ROAD OF ALL ISSUES WHICH CAUSED CRITICAL CONCERN TO BE INITIATED AND IT IS NOW TIME TO ENTER DISCUSSIONS WITH MONROE COUNTY AND ITS MUNICIPALITIES ON REMOVING THAT ONEROUS STATUS. PLEAS E JOIN WITH ME IN BRI NGI NG RESOLVE TO THESE ISSU ES IMMED lATELY. REP KEN SORENSEN 11 ~9 2005