Resolution 292A-2021 dr 2 3ryI � ,a k NI1 ; S i 4 tea' GFF{�fyH�„+�f� 5 6 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA 7 MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 8 RESOLUTION NO. 292A-2021 9 10 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY 11 COMMISSIONERS APPROVING A SPECIAL PERMIT APPROVING A 12 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION STAGING AREA IN CONNECTION 13 WITH A WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (CANAL 14 RESTORATION PROJECT) AT PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS 15 LOT 1 AND E 5' OF LOT 2 OF RAE'S CUDA CANAL SUBDIVISION,KEY 16 LARGO, FLORIDA, PLAT BOOK 3 PAGE 186, AND CURRENTLY 17 HAVING PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 0483470-000000. 18 19 WHEREAS, an application was filed for a special permit to approve a temporary 20 construction staging area at property located at 700 Grouper Lane, on the ocean-side of Key Largo, 21 approximately located at mile marker 95; and 22 23 WHEREAS, the subject property is legally described as Lot 1 And E 5' of Lot 2 Rae's Cuda 24 Canal Subdivision Key Largo, Plat Book 3, Page 186, and currently having property identification 25 number 00483470-000000; and 26 27 WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (`BOCC") desires to 28 grant said application for a special permit for a temporary construction staging area at the above- 29 described location; and 30 31 WHEREAS, the subject temporary construction staging area will facilitate a water quality 32 improvement project(canal restoration project)being carried out by the Monroe County BOCC; and 33 34 WHEREAS, due notice has been carried out and a public hearing has been held in 35 accordance with Monroe County Code of Ordinances ("MCC") § 6-3; and 36 37 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, the BOCC considered the full record before it; and 38 39 WHEREAS, the BOCC desires to make the following findings of fact and conclusions of 40 law: 41 42 1. The temporary construction staging area is not inconsistent with any of the criteria provided 43 in MCC §6-3; 44 1 of 3 I NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY 2 COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: 3 4 Section 1. Recitals and Lesislative Intent. The foregoing recitals are true and correct, and 5 are hereby incorporated as if fully stated herein 6 7 Section 2. The special permit application is granted, subject to the following conditions: 8 9 1. The temporary construction staging area shall only be used in connection with the canal 10 restoration project for Canal No. 84 on Key Largo. 11 12 2. The expected commencement date of the temporary construction staging area is October 13 1, 2021. The termination date of the temporary construction staging area shall be no later 14 than March 30, 2022. 15 16 3. Other than fencing, no temporary structure associated with the temporary construction 17 staging area shall be located in any required setback. 18 19 4. Upon termination of the temporary construction staging area, the property shall be 20 restored to its prior condition. 21 22 Section 3. Construction and Interpretation. This resolution and its interpretation shall be 23 liberally construed and enforced in favor of Monroe County to effectuate its public purpose(s) 24 and policy(ies) of the County. The construction and interpretation of this resolution and all 25 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan provision(s), Florida Building Code, Florida Statutes, 26 and Monroe County Code(s) provision(s) whose interpretation arises out of, relates to, or is 27 interpreted in connection with this resolution shall be liberally construed and enforced in favor 28 of Monroe County to effectuate its public purpose(s) and policy(ies) of the County, and shall 29 be deferred in favor of the BOCC and such construction and interpretation shall be entitled to 30 great weight in adversarial administrative proceedings, at trial, bankruptcy, and on appeal. 31 Section 4. No Liability.Monroe County expressly reserves and in no way shall be deemed to 32 have waived, for itself or for its officer(s), employee(s), or agent(s), any sovereign, 33 governmental, and any other similar defense, immunity, exemption, or protection against any 34 suit, cause-of-action, demand, or liability. 35 Section 5. Severability. If any provision of this resolution, or any part or portion thereof, is 36 held to be invalid or unenforceable by any administrative hearing officer or court of competent 37 jurisdiction, the invalidity or unenforceability of such provision, or any part or portion thereof, 38 shall neither limit nor impair the operation, enforceability, or validity of any other provision of 39 this resolution, or any remaining part(s) or portion(s) thereof. All other provisions of this 40 resolution, and remaining part(s) or portion(s) thereof, shall continue unimpaired in full force 41 and effect. 42 43 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board Of County Commissioners of Monroe County, 44 Florida, following a duly noticed regular scheduled public hearing held on the 15m of 45 September 2021. 2of3 1 2 Mayor Michelle Coldiron Yes 3 Mayor pro tern David Rice Yes 4 Commissioner Craig Cates Yes 5 Commissioner Eddie Martinez Yes 6 Commissioner District V Vacant 7 \ ',.\\.,....\01 A (SE �/!'G BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 1 4 e �- IN MADOK, Clerk OF MONROE C• -' .. FLORIDA 17 'R,��I� 17 By By: (] 18 As Deputy Clerk Mayor MONROE Q . - ATTOANEY APO. . : TO FORM ''''' :i._________.--, PETER:MORRIS ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY Date: .8/31/21 �1 Via_. Fri : ,,• v c r 3 of 3 4� ffUEN The Florida Keys Only Daily Neayspaper, Est. 1876 PO Box 1800,Key West FL 33041 P:'[3Q5}292.7777 eat.219 F i305)295-$025 legats keys,news cola MONROE CO PLANNING INEPT MURRY E NELSON GOVERNMENT CENTER 102050 OVERSEAS H'4 Y KEY LARGO FL 33037 Account: 423741 Ticket: 381 051 PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA [Iegaf.tex ] COUNTY OF MONROE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared - L who on oath says that he or she is of the Key West Citizen,a daily newspaper published in Key West,in Monroe County,Floridan that the attached copy of advertisment,being a legal notice in the matter of was published in said newspaper in the issues of Sunday„August 29,2021 Affiant further says that the Key West Citizen is a newspaper published in Key West"in said Monroe County Florida and that the said newspapers has hereto- fore been continuously published in said(Monroe County,Florida every day,and has been entered as periodicals matter at the post office in Key West, in said Monroe County Florida„for a period of 1 year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement,and affiant further says that he or she has neither paid nor promised any person,firm or corporation any discount,rebate„ commission or refund for the purKiia)of securing this advertisement for publica- tigr ,the sai0e"paper. f' (Signature Affi Vmo �s lb d before me this 3rd day of September 2021 { �ry ubli Sir t s (Notary P lic Printed Name) (Notary Seal) My commission expires Personally Known?( Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced •�• 'k COMMISSION y ,. une 27, Aft i FMO' NROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING AND TICE OF PUBLIC HEARING IL NOTICE OF CHANGE TO THE MONROE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Wednesday, September 16, 2021 the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Will hold a Public Meeting,beginning at OM AM,The SOCC meeting will be a hyb�ld format with the County Commission members meeting alive in Key Largo.The public will be aNe to participate via Zoom Aftbmrtar.The following items will be considered at a.PUBLIC MEETING PUBLIC HEARING&1:34 PM Tor as soon thereafter as may be hoard), AEI ROI GE._i-y-T11t MONIROE Qg,,.I .,Y mWARR-DE QU . O M lam)- BS ADOPTING AMENDMENTS TO THE MONRO]E COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE TO AMEND: CHAPTER 114, ARTICLE 1, SECTION 114-2 '"LEVEL OF SERVICE STANDARDS" TO UPDATE STORM WATER DUALITY PERFORMANCE STANDARDS-, SECTION 114-3 "SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT CRITERIA" TOO REQUIRE NET IMPROVEMENT IN STORM1iWATER QUALITY WHILE PROVIDING FLEXIBILITY IN ACHIEVING STORMWATER QUALITY STANDARDS AND PROVIDE UPDATES TO THE STORY WATER MANUAL AND LAY'MAN'S BROCHURE TO INCORPORATE NEW APPROACHES FOR MANAGING STORM WATER, SECTION 114-13 "FENCES" TO REFINE CODE LANGUAGE TO BETTER CLARIFY REQUIREMENTS AND PROVIDE CRITERIA FOR RETAINING WALLS; CHAPTER 114, ARTICLE IV "LANDSCAPING" TO REFINE CODE LANGUAGE TO BETTER CLARIFY REQUIREMENTS AND UPDATE LISTS OF SPECIES; SECTION 114-1 3 'WATERFRONT LIGHTING" TO REFINE CODE LANGUAGE TO BETTER CLARIFY REQUIREMENTS;AND SECTION 114-164'"'NONCONFORMI G LIGHTING"TO REFINE CODE LANGUAGE TO BETTER CLARIFY REQUIREMENTS;PROVIDING FOR SEV°ERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF CONFLICTING PROVISIONS,PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTAL TO THE STATE LAND PLANNING.AGENCY' AND THE SECRETARY OF STATE; PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENT TO AND INCORPORATION IN THE ; M+iONROE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE,PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, (FILE 2019 133) AMA OROINAKE JW-M9-,MQNiRQE C0UMB9,ARP O OO COMMI N ADOPTING AMENDMENTS TO THE MONRt E COUNTY" LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE TO AMEND CHAPTER Ila TO ELIMINATE REDUNDANT OR OBSOLETE TEXT, REFINE CODE LANGUAGE TO BETTER CLARIFY REGULATORY INTENT FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE REGULATED COMMUNITY AND COUNTY STAFF; I AND UPDATE LISTS OF SPECIES; PROVIDING FOR SEVEBABILFFY, PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF i CONFLICTING PROVISIONS;PROVIDING FOR TRANSM 17AL TO THE STATE LAND PLANNING AGENCY AND THE SECRETARY OF STATE;,PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENT TO AND INCORPORATION IN THE MONROE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE.PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (FILE 2019.134) iROIJPPiP{LIAR Q M ARKBn asp A RESOLUTION OF THE MAONROE, UNTY BOARD OF COUNTY OOIAtM>�tISSIONERS APPROVING A SPECIAL PERMIT ALLO7W�iiNOa A TEMVI ARY CONSTRUCTION STAGING AREA FOR A CANAL RESTORATIONIWATER QUALITY IM+1PtROVmEM J NT" PROJECT AT PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS LOT 1 AND E.5 FEET OF LOT 2,RAE'S OUDA CANAL SUBDIVISION, KEY LARGO, PLAT BOOK 3, PAGEs136; FAA'ING PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 004 3470- .(FILE 2021-12 ) QRQUPER E-KEY,LARQQ, MILS MAR w A RESOLUTION OF THE MOINRO9E COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVING A SPECIAL PERMIT ALLOWING A`TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION STAGING AREA FOR A CANAL RESTORATIONm WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AT PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED A LOT 10, RAE'S CUDA CANAL SUBDIVISION, KEY LARGO,PLAT BOOK%%PAGE 19 ,HAVING PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 004835 -00uOU?.(FILE 2021-123) Please visit the Monroe County Webalto at - pop v ntv iiao�v for meeting agenda upat taa and information regarding the various options avallable to the public to view the live meeting anallorto make public comments on certain agents Items• Pursuant to Section 286.0105 Florida Statute$.it a person decides to appeal any d'ecis on of the Board of Courtly Commissioners,with re st to any rllattarconsidlerad at meeting orhearing,he orshe WlT need a record of the proceedings,and that,for such puipose,he or she may need)o ansora aVothatim record of the proceedings is made, which record 0cludas the testimony&avlr,fance"Pon which the Appeal Is to be baud, ADA ASSISTANCE.,It you arc a person with a disability who needs special accalmmovIallons In order to partkApato In this Proceeding,Please contact the County Administrator's Offidoei,by phanirig(M) 1..between the boars of&30 a,m.-a,00 p.m.,no later than five f 1 calendar nays poor to the scheduled rnsefingy if you are hearing or voice Impslrrsd,call"711.'" rnc�asr z8,2021 "W Crnz r "