Resolution 441-2021 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION NO. 441 -2021 A RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN SUPPORT OF THE FLORIDA FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION COMMISSION AND ITS LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS, AND IN REQUEST OF AN INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF OFFICERS IN MONROE COUNTY. WHEREAS, Monroe County is home to Everglades National Park, Biscayne National Park, Dry Tortugas National park, and the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, each a national environmental treasure with uniquely important and diverse natural resources; and WHEREAS, Monroe County is also home to Crocodile Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Great White Heron National Wildlife Refuge, Key Deer National Wildlife Refuge, and Key West National Wildlife Refuge; and WHEREAS, the Federal and state governments have authorized and appropriated significant public investment in the restoration and preservation of Monroe County's ecosystem; and WHEREAS, Monroe County continues to invest in and to work in partnership with state and federal agencies to protect the health of its unique marine environment; and WHEREAS,the sustained health and safety of Monroe's marine refuges and nearshore waters are vital to the tourist-based Florida Keys economy; and WHEREAS, Monroe County's marine environment provides an unparalleled boating, fishing and diving experience, attracting high numbers of recreational boaters, charter boats, commercial fishing vessels, liveaboard vessels, transient boaters, dive boats, personal watercraft, and kayaks, all contributing to the need for increasingly robust protective resources; and WHEREAS, the highly active boating environment leads to a number of hazardous and environmentally damaging impacts including: 1) Vessel groundings: more than 300 vessel groundings are reported in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary every year, with 80% of these impacting the fragile seagrass habitat and damaging corals; and 2) Boating accidents: Monroe has the highest number of boating accidents in the State every year, and in 2020 Monroe once again led the State with 99 accidents and 9 fatalities; and Page I 1 3) Derelict vessels: Monroe has the highest number of derelict vessels Statewide each year, and is currently on track for the removal of 60 derelict vessels this year; and WHEREAS,without exception, existing FWC staff provide excellent and highly professional law enforcement service to Monroe County but could be strengthened by a staff increase; and WHEREAS,FWC has the awesome responsibility for protecting the environmental resources of a 2,900 square mile expanse of the Florida Keys' nearshore waters, 240 miles of coastline, and one of the most diverse and active boating environments in the State; and WHEREAS, the provision and retention of FWC officers is vitally important to the ongoing protection of Monroe County's marine environment and the safety of Monroe's boating public; and WHEREAS, Monroe County has the highest cost of living in the State of Florida a well- documented lack of affordable/workforce housing providing a significant affordability challenge for local FWC officers; and WHEREAS, there are currently 15 vacant FWC officer positions in the Florida Keys; and WHEREAS, Monroe County urges FWC to direct increased resources for the protection of Monroe's marine environment, and to implement strategies to aid in the recruitment and retention of its officers such as sufficient pay consideration and/or housing allowance to account for the local high cost of living; and WHEREAS,the continued environmental and economic viability of Florida Keys depends on the preservation of those environmental resources and on the continued protection of the quality, tranquility, and safety of our surrounding waters; and WHEREAS, the Florida Keys' unique marine environment is a highly valuable economic engine in the State of Florida, generating over $200M in sales tax each year, and worthy of increased State investment for its protection; and WHEREAS, Monroe County encourages the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to review the level of compensation for its law enforcement officers in a manner that provides for adequate housing while increasing the level of service needed for public safety and protection of environmental assets within the Florida Keys; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA: Section 1. The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners expresses its strong support for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission and its law enforcement officers,and urges the State of Florida and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission to consider directing additional law enforcement resources to Monroe County; and Section 2. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit certified copies of this Resolution to Governor DeSantis, Senator Ana Maria Rodriguez , Representative Jim Mooney, FWC Executive Director Eric Sutton, FWC Commissioners Robert Spottswood, Mike Sole, Rodney Barreto, Steven Hudson, Gary Lester, Gary Nicklaus, and Sonya Rood. Page 12 Section 3. This resolution shall become effective upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 17th day of November, 2021. Mayor David Rice Yes Mayor Pro Tern Craig Cates Yes Commissioner Michelle Coldiron Yes Commissioner Eddie Martinez Yes Commissioner Holly Merrill Raschein Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ,oxie,s:„............_ tk\reNT_4.0 BY -" ~" Mayor David Rice i'CC',. *. a a J? ``° -- _' EVIN MADOK, CLERK qa.",,,,,,eAL,,,,,___,‘ AS DEPUTY CLERK Digitally signed by Robert B.Shillinger DN:cn=Robert B.Shillinger,o=B.O.C.C.of Monroe County, Robert B. S h i l l i n g e r�' FL,ou County Attorney,email=shlllinger- bob@monroecounty-fl.gov,c=115 /,r Date:2021.11.191654:7-05'00' Approved as to form and legal sufficiency J By Robert B. Shillinger, Monroe County Attorney - t.n " -4 p r;t ,-• C-, :) ti Page 13 4�KcouRTc 1. � ° ..�,, Kevin Madok, CPA � 4 P Ate_ Clerk of the Circuit Court&Comptroller— Monroe County, Florida `,S;;;; - December 2, 2021 Honorable Governor Ron DeSantis State of Florida, The Capitol 400 S Monroe Street Tallahassee FL 32399-0001 Honorable Governor DeSantis, Enclosed is a certified copy of Resolution No. 441-2021 in support of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and its law enforcement officers, and in request of an increase in the number of officers in Monroe County. This Resolution was adopted by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners at a regular meeting, held in formal session, on November 17, 2021. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me at(305) 292-3550. Respectfully Submitted, Kevin Madok, CPA, Clerk of the Circuit Court& Comptroller& ex-officio to the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners by:Pamela G. Hancock, D.C. cc: Representative Jim Mooney FWC Commissioner Steven Hudson Senator Ana Maria Rodriguez FWC Commissioner Gary Lester FWC Executive Director Eric Sutton FWC Commissioner Gary Nicklaus FWC Commissioner Robert Spottswood FWC Commissioner Sonya Rood FWC Commissioner Mike Sole File FWC Commissioner Rodney Barreto KEY WEST MARATHON PLANTATION KEY PK/ROTH BUILDING 500 Whitehead Street 3117 Overseas Highway 88820 Overseas Highway 50 High Point Road Key West,Florida 33040 Marathon,Florida 33050 Plantation Key,Florida 33070 Plantation Key,Florida 33070 305-294-4641 305-289-6027 305-852-7145 305-852-7145