Resolution 443-2021 Mayor David Rice r-y-LE Lid •� l MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION NO. 443 -2021 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMSSIONERS RESPECTFULLY URGING THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS TO ASSIST THE DOMESTIC ABUSE SHELTER, INC., A FLORIDA NOT FOR PROFIT CORPORATION LOCATED IN MONROE COUNTY TO REBUILD ITS FACILITY THAT WAS DAMAGED IN HURRICANE IRMA; AND DIRECTING THE CLERK TO FORWARD COPIES OF THE RESOLUTION TO MONROE COUNTY'S LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION. WHEREAS, the Domestic Abuse Shelter, Inc., ("DAS") is a Florida Not for Profit Corporation located in Monroe County, Florida; and WHEREAS, DAS has operated the only state certified domestic violence center in Monroe County for the past 40 years; and WHEREAS, DAS provides refuge and shelter to victims of domestic violence who are unable to safely reside in their homes; and WHEREAS, DAS's 25 bed facility was destroyed in Hurricane Irma in 2017; and WHEREAS, the destruction of the shelter has prevented DAS from providing the necessary beds to keep domestic abuse survivors and their families safe; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Legislative Delegation has agreed to sponsor an appropriations request that, if granted, would fund the reconstruction of the 25-bed facility for the benefit of domestic abuse survivors and their families who live in Monroe County; and WHEREAS, the Board strongly supports the efforts of the Monroe County Legislative Delegation to acquire State funding for this most worthy endeavor. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: a) The Board expresses its strong support for the appropriations request of Senator Ana Marie Rodriguez and Representative Jim Mooney to fund the reconstruction of Monroe County's only Domestic Abuse Shelter. b) The Clerk is directed to send electronic copies of this resolution to the Monroe County Legislative Delegation. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County. Florida at a regular meeting held on the 17th day of November 2021. Mayor David Rice Yes Mayor Pro Tern Craig Cates Yes Commissioner Michelle Coldiron Yes Commissioner Eddie Martinez Yes Commissioner Holly Merrill Raschein Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 0 OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA oioxii.e0,....-- oco„, m , - i Mayor David Rice S hs --O T'O COUra M,,,vA : KEVIN MADOK, CLERK By: � As Deputy Clerk (; Digitally signed by Robert B.Shillinger DN:cn=Robert B.Shillinger,o=B.O.C.C.of Monroe County, Robert B. Shillinger FL,ou=CountyAttomey,emall=shillinger- -bob@monroecounty-fl.gov,c=115 /J Date:2021.11.19165231-05'00' Approved as to form and legal sufficiency By Robert B. Shillinger, Monroe County Attorney ry x r' f- 1 tW;`: `--C) :: ;:<.;--.1 C) GJRRPOgr4,� o :;'" Kevin Madok, CPA 9 Clerk of the Circuit Court&Comptroller—Monroe County, Florida December 2, 2021 Honorable Senator Ana Maria Rodriguez 318 Senate Building 404 S Monroe Street Tallahassee FL 32399-1100 Honorable Senator Rodriguez, Enclosed is a certified copy of Resolution No. 443-2021 respectfully urging the Florida Legislature to appropriate funds to assist the Domestic Abuse Shelter, Inc., a Florida not for profit corporation located in Monroe County to rebuild its facility that was damaged in Hurricane Irma; and directing the Clerk to forward copies of the Resolution to Monroe County's legislative delegation. This Resolution was adopted by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners at a regular meeting,held in formal session, on November 17, 2021. Should you have any questions,please feel free to contact me at (305) 295-3130. Respectfully Submitted, Kevin Madok, CPA, Clerk of the Circuit Court& Comptroller& ex-officio to the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners by:Pamela G. Hancock, D.C. cc: File KEY WEST MARATHON PLANTATION KEY PK/ROTH BUILDING 500 Whitehead Street 3117 Overseas Highway 88820 Overseas Highway 50 High Point Road Key West,Florida 33040 Marathon,Florida 33050 Plantation Key,Florida 33070 Plantation Key,Florida 33070 305-294-4641 305-289-6027 305-852-7145 305-852-7145 S .Z.....4C� / : 4°14''~c;;....!“ Kevin Madok, CPA p 11 %:'•.-:j_�,= Clerk of the Circuit Court&Comptroller—Monroe County, Florida 41%Z.;; ou* •i December 2,2021 Honorable Representative Jim Mooney 1102 The Capitol 402 S Monroe Street Tallahassee FL 32399-1300 Honorable Representative Mooney, Enclosed is a certified copy of Resolution No. 443-2021 respectfully urging the Florida Legislature to appropriate funds to assist the Domestic Abuse Shelter, Inc., a Florida not for profit corporation located in Monroe County to rebuild its facility that was damaged in Hurricane Irma; and directing the Clerk to forward copies of the Resolution to Monroe County's legislative delegation. This Resolution was adopted by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners at a regular meeting,held in formal session, on November 17, 2021. Should you have any questions,please feel free to contact me at (305) 295-3130. Respectfully Submitted, Kevin Madok, CPA, Clerk of the Circuit Court& Comptroller& ex-officio to the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners by:Pamela G. Hancock, D.C. cc: File KEY WEST MARATHON PLANTATION KEY PK/ROTH BUILDING 500 Whitehead Street 3117.Overseas Highway 88820 Overseas Highway 50 High Point Road Key West,Florida 33040 Marathon,Florida 33050 Plantation Key,Florida 33070 Plantation Key,Florida 33070 305-294-4641 305-289-6027 305-852-7145 305-852-7145