Item F17BOARD OF COUNTY COMNIISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 11/17/10 Division: Public Works Bulk Item: Yes X No _ Department: Solid Waste Management_ Staff Contact: Rosa WashinQton/2924432 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval for staff to continue purchasing air time on Radio Ritmo, the only bilingual station in the Florida Keys, in an effort to continue outreach and education efforts to our Spanish speaking residents regarding our Solid Waste and Recycling Goals, Programs and events. ITEM BACKGROUND: From January 2010 to September 2010, Monroe County Solid Waste partnered with Radio Ritmo a campaign to educate residents and visitors whose first language is Spanish, regarding the county's commitment to recycling, and what materials are accepted by our contractors (haulers). The University of Florida's Bureau of Economic and Business Research, estimates that there are approximately 20,000 residents in Monroe County whose first language is Spanish; this is not including the Spanish speaking individuals that come to the County to work and or visit. Radio Ritmo can be heard from Key Largo to the southernmost point in Key West. During April "Earth Month" we were able to gauge the results of advertising on this station by the participation of non-English speaking residents in our Household Hazardous and E-Waste Collection events, especially in the area of Stock Island and Marathon. We also continue to receive phone calls from residents asking for more information about recycling and what materials to recycle. Parents also contact us because they want to confirm what their children are telling them about recycling and its importance to the County. Further, during the Gulf Oil Spill crisis Radio Ritmo was instrumental in reporting timely information to residents, and helping to prevent them from falling prey to jobs and training scams. Due to a longer commitment, the cost to Monroe County would decrease from $300 per month, to $250 per month, for the next 10 months (12/1/10 to 9/30/11). PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: This advertising was originally approved by the BOCC on 1/20/2010, as a three-month trial period, and then again for three months on 6/16/10. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: None STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval TOTAL COST: $2500 INDIRECT COST: n/a BUDGETED: Yes X No DIFFERENTIAL OF LOCAL PREFERENCE: n/a COST TO COUNTY: $2500 1 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Fund 414 SW Assessment REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes _ No X AMOUNT PER YEAR; 0 APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMB/Purchasing Risk Management N/A DOCUMENTATION: Included X Not Required DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # Revised 11/06 Radio Ritmo FM IOU j� �(( & , oo U'C WPieces of Eot sit a�� xn sam BROAKA►ST 111�11i o Start Dat . End Date: Dote of Order Advertiser: Agency: Address: City, ST & Zi Contact Persc Telephone: Program: Conflicts: 30s- d �d-y�43Z G one: i�' Remit invoice ❑ Cash in Advance �h=d e: broadcast ❑ Calendar month Options for make good Check one: 0 fame flight p' Same week 0 Extend schedule ❑ Dollar for dollar 0 Credit P.O. # T�needed L�3" Yes ❑ No Inspection Tracking #: Check one: ❑,Agency Direct Che one: Ch one: Local e' Cash ❑ Regional ❑ Trade ❑ National ❑ Non - Comm. 11 WN M M W 1710 ZEN M. M M W M M M MIMI- MMMM, �d=[iM�11 CiC....7'rAfffr�l�ilM=M�i� m��■■44MMMKO Special Instructions/ Com1nei � f / 7////, R TERMS OF AGREEMENT: no conditions, rep, lions or agmements verbal or otherwise have been made that do not appear on this comraa If this is not complete, scheduled, advertiser agrees to pay for time used at rate earned for the lesser schednk. Contract subject to all Station and Governmem regulations. Stations raetve the right to preempt commercial timed segments for broadcasters of a special nee which are deemed m the public mtaest. Make V od announcements will be aired at the stations discretion. Bills are due and payable on or before the 30th day of the month following broadcast_ If the billing is not paid by this date, a finance charge ' be applied as follows: 1 1 /2% per month, which is an ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE OF W& The minimum finance charge is 25cents per moo& If turned over for coilectioa Wes to pay all legal fop and Wsts including reasonable attorney foes. "NOTICE TO BUYER — DO NOT SIGN THIS AGREEMENT IF BLANK. YOU ARE ENTITLED TO A COPY THIS AGREEMENT AT IGN. KEEP IT TO PROTECT YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS." BY X Authorized Agent Firm Name: (� Not valid until accepted by: