Item P4BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: November If, 2010 Bulk Item: Yes XX No Division: Monroe County Department: Fixed Asset Surplus Staff Contact Person: Mitch Hedman AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to remove surplus equipment form inventory via disposal or advertise for bid. ITEM BACKGROUND: See attached schedule PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: N/A CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOTAL COST: N/A COST TO COUNTY: N/A BUDGETED: Yes No SOURCE OF FUNDS: N/A REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMB/Purchasing Risk Management DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: (KevinMadok, Assistant Finance Director) DOCUMENTATION: DISPOSITION: Included Yes Not Required AGENDA ITEM # Revised 8/08 U)(1) 0 o O cc '0'0 ' o 0 0 0 -0 -0 O cv cv cv p > > c > c > c > c o 0 0 a E E E E U o E o 0 U c w w w w c c O m E >>>> E E m c E E E E o 0 E EE E� F- N W Z 69 69 69 69 69 69 to � O O O CD CD CD CD 7 O O CD O O Cl) CN l0 M M i O - i 69 69 69 69 fA 69 69 I U U L L '- Z ! o (ll O (ll 0 (� O O E2 (6 Y YCl o m`� _U U_ O O C C O O -p 'p O O W CL a) a) c N c 0 c c 575 O p O p rn � O O p p O c Q Q O O i w s U U U E E L cv c c U u g o 0 0 0 U U U FW" p O p p C � O J yi d E CD, u: O •- LL U}�I N, O J Cn M O Cn N 0 ` L± M CD CD 'It ';t N O = U E U m > .. Oi Oi to z f MONROE COUNTY INVENTORY DELETION REQUEST TO: Mitch Hedman — Stop #8 Property Clerk Finance Dept. DATE: FROM: Billy Pruitt M.C. I.D. Number Serial Number Asset Description Date Purchased Original &+ Est. Present Value 3381 000660076 Ice Machine 1695.00/0.00 CHECK ONE (1) APPROPRIATE LINE BELOW: APPROVAL TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. X APPROVAL TO REMOVE FROM INVENTORY AND DISPOSE OF IT. APPROVAL TO REMOVE FROM INVENTORY AND DONATE TO: REASON FOR REQUEST: The equipment is not repairable needs to be replaced we can't keep it working for more that 20 minutes at a time then it shuts down and we can't use it until a repair company comes back out to repair it again. PREPARED BY: PRINT NAME William Pruitt DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: PRINT NAME Jam DATE: ✓'� '� F `a allahan rL OMB FORM REVISED 10/28/2003 MONROE COUNTY INVENTORY DELETION REQUEST TO: Mitch Hedman — Stop #8 Property Clerk, Finance Dept. DATE:j��� FROM: Billy Pruitt M.C. T.D. Number Serial Number Asset' Description Dale Pre'based, I Original & Est. Present Value 6335 205CHX1308 MOTOROLA XTS 2500 3/1/2008 1914.90/0.00 6353 20SCHX1280 MOTOROLA XTS 2500 3/l/2008 1914.90/0.00 CHECK ONE (1) APPROPRIATE LINE BELOW: APPROVAL TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. X APPROVAL TO REMOVE FROM INVENTORY AND DISPOSE OF IT. APPROVAL TO REMOVE FROM INVENTORY AND DONATE TO: REASON FOR REQUEST: Lost or stolen equipment police reports attached. PREPARED BY: , PRINT NAME William Prui Ww DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: PRINT NAME DATE:± �H ti Callahan OMB FORM REVISED 10/28/2003 JRN-20-2004 03:30P FROM:MONROE COUNTY FIRE R 1 305 292 2797 TO:2896336 P.1 OFFENSE REPORT MONROE COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE MC80090FF000869 Printed On: 02/07/2009 A 09:23 Offense Number Offense Description CAD Incident No MCSO09OFF060869 50-0 PROPERTY: LOST/1v MING MCS009CAD009362 Range of 01/25/2009 09:00 Reported Arrived Completed Occurrence:OV25/2009 11:00 01128t2009 10:36 01/28/2009 10:41 0.1128/2009 10:48 ADDRESS OF OCCURRENCE No. Di Street A/L City ST Zip 6417 2ND ST STOCK ISLAND FL 33040 (GEO) (Latitude / Longitude) 1 - 1 - 0200 - Business MONROE COUNTY FIRE RESCUE MBI ID: MCSO05MB1000678 Business Type: Other No. Di Street A/L City ST Zip 6180 2ND ST KEY WEST FL 33040 (GEO) (Latitude / Longitude) 1.-1-200- PERSONS [RP/REP PERSON] RN-1 ID: MCSOOI MN1091817 1 SSN : 1 Last First Middle Title R S DOB Age HICKMAN RICK DONALD W M 04/29/1960 48 Hgt . Wgt Eyes Hair I.D. No. St Type Ethnicity: 0 BLU BLN Residence: Within jurisdiction Extent of Injury: N/A Verify For Rape Exam: No Treated For Rape Injury: No General Appearance: Demeanor: Clothing: Clothing Description: Probable Destination: Birth Location: City: County: State: Nation: Citizenship: Addresses: 1125 PACKER STREET Apt/Lot: KEY WEST FL 33040 Phone: 305 797-7096 Entered: 7/18/2008 Occupation: none found in MNI " Date Entered CIC: Date Removed CIC: CHARGES/OFFENSES Statute: 777.777 Counts I UCR: 9000 NCIC : Charge: INFORMATION REPORT Desc : General Offense Code... (GOC) : N Not Applicable Arrest Charge Level ...... (ACL) Arrest Charge Degree ... (ACD) : ; Arrest Offense Number.(AON) aoemrrrr�w�r�rrrmomrr r�rrr�rr��rrma�rr�rr�r�r rr��rrrr�rs�r���r� MCS0090FF000969 Page 1 of 3 1 S3896 02/07/2009 08:11 1 JAN-20-2004 03:30P FROM:MONROE COUNTY FIRE R 1 305 292 2797 TO:2896336 P.2 OFFENSE REPORT MONROE COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE MCS009OFF000869 Printed On: 02/07/2009 @ 09:23 ------------------------------------------------- mwmw ------- Weapon Location Category Location Type Location Description Location Status Number of Premises Burglarized 0 Target Entry Method Point of Entry (POE) POE Visible From Point of Exit Suspect Actions Circumstances Weather Lighting Condition Security Used Crime Scene?: No If NO, Explain Crime Scene Officer: Physical Evidence Collected PROPERTY ITEMS [ S ]—Stolen ['" ]—Stolen/Recovered [ M ]=Missing [ L ]=Lost [ D ]=Damaged/Destroyed F Found Z��Sciud [C �Counterfeited/F' T,%s LU]-Unknown Code Article L MISCELLANEOUS Model No. Brand YTS 2500 MOTOROLLA Quantity Value NCIC Code 1 $500.00 Date Entered CIC: Description PORTABLE RADIO Serial No. Date Removed CIC: Owner Applied Number TOTALS - S: $0.00 ": $0.00 M. $0.00 L: $500.00 D: $0.00 F: $0.00 Z: $0.00 < NARRATIVE > DATE TIME TYPE OFFICER REPORTING CALL # REP TAKER EDIT DATE EDIT TIME 2n/2009 08tI I INITIAL ROBERTS, RONALD 1102 S3096 2/7/2009 09:22 On the above date and time I met with Rick Hickman with Monroe county EMS. He advised that on 1/25/09 between the tinxes specified above one of their portable radios was lost. The radio was last seen with an employee when he was in the rear of the ambulance doing some maintenance. Sometime After he left the rear of the ambulance the radio was discovered missing, a search was conducted but the radio could not be located., no further. < END OF NARRATIVE > -m smm---mmmm smm------ ---------- ---- ----m------- - -------- ----m m- MCS0090FF000869 Page 2 of 3 I S3996 02/07/2009 08:11 1 JRN-20-2004 03:31P FROM:MONROE COUNTY FIRE R 1 305 292 2797 TO:2896336 P.3 OFFENSE REPORT - MONROE COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE MCS0090FF000869 Printed On: 02/07/2009 (a? 08:23 000www —wwww —w woawewwwawwr ww—wwm—www ww—www�wov bww mmwww—ww� Offense Status No --Cleared Reporting Officer Closed # Clearances 0 1.102 ROBERTS, RONALD Clearance Date MCSOIROAD PATROL - SECTOR .1 Warr./Arr. No, Clearance Type Except. Clear. Type *Forward for Approval / Followup To: Age Classification MCSOIROAD PATROL - SECTOR 1 Supervisor APPROVED Case Screening Supv, Investigator RONALD ROBERTS , Yes Concur No 1102 Date Time No Pt1F/U No Date Time ROBERTS, RONALD 02/07/2009 08:22 No 1nvF/U No Report Last Modified 02/07/2009 08:22 waw��aww wwwawwwwmm®vmswWswww"www wwwwrwwwr wwww wwwwwmmw wwwwwwww ww MCS0090FF000869 Page 3 of 3 I S3896 02/07/2009 08:11 ] MAR-02-2009 12:47 Phi MCSO RECORDS 3052927074 4 1M���,I,V rul�r'd 4ry4 ��7��1 P, 01 /04 Monroe County ShcritPy Office facsimile f m tta (PH) College 70 Key West, 5-292- 0 �LLL�V 111111 lllll�l.G1�1 (PH)305-292-7050 (FAX)305-292-7074 To: Billy Pruett Fax: 269-6336 From: Titlany O'Connell Date: 3/2/2009 Re: Pages: CC: ❑ Urgent ❑ For Review ❑ Please Comment ❑ Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle • • IMPORTANT: THIS MESSAGE IS INTEDED SOLELY TO BE USED BY THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHICH IT IS ADDRESSED. IT MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION WHICH IS PRIVILEGED, CONFIDENTIAL, AND OTHERWISE EXEMPT BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE. IF THE READER OF THIS MESSAGE IS NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION, OR COPYING OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMUNICATION IN ERROR PLEASE NOTIFY US BY TELEPHONE IMMEDIATELY. THANK YOU. PHONE 305-292-7050 MAR-02-2009 12:48 PM MCSO RECORDS 3052927074 P. 02/09 OFFENSE REPORT MCS0090FF000869 MONROE COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE Printed On: 03/02/2009 (a) 11.36 Offense Number Offense Description CAD Incident No MCS009OFF000869 50-0 PROPERTY: LOST/MISSING MCS009C.AD009362 Range of 01/25/2009 09:00 Reported Arrived Completed Occurrence: 01/25/2009 11:00 01/29/2009 10:36 01/28/2009 10:41 01/28/2009 10:48 ADDRESS OF OCCURRENCE No. Di Street A/L City ST Zip 6417 2ND ST STOCK ISLAND FL 33040 (GEO) (Latitude / Longitude) 1 - 1 - 0200 - Business MONROE COUNTY FIRE RESCUE MBI ID: MCSO05MBI000678 Business Type: Other No. Di Street A/L City ST "Zip 61.80 2ND ST KEY WEST FL 33040 (GEO) (Latitude / Longitude) 1-1-200- PERSONS JRP/REP PERSON) MNl ID: MCSOOIMN1091817 Last First Middle Title R S DOB Age HICKMAN RICK DONALD W M 04/29/1960 48 ligt Wgi Eyes Hair I.D. No. St Type Ethnicity: 0 BLU BLN Residence: Within jurisdiction Extent of Injury: N/A Verify For Rape Exam: No Treated For Rape Injury: No General Appearance: Demeanor: Clothing: Clothing Description: Probable Destination. - Birth Location: City: County: State: Nation: Citizenship: AddreaAes: 1125 PACKER STREET Apt/Lot: KEY WEST FL 33040 Phnne: 305 797-7086 Entered: 7/18/2008 Occupation: " none found In MNI CHARGES/OFFFNSES .................................... ....... ........ ............... ...................... ......................... ...... I ...... .......... ................. Statute: 777.777 Counts-: 1 UCR: 9000 NCIC : Charge: INFORMATION REPORT Desc : Genoral Offense Code... (GOC) : N Not Applicable Arrest Charge Level ...... (ACL) : Arrest Charge Degree ... (ACD) : Arrest Offense Number.(AON) f o s � = _ o � _ � _ � x a Q � s _ ® _ c am � � MCS0090FF000869 Page 1 of 3 I S3896 02/0712009 08: l 1 1 MAR-02-2009 12:48 PM MCSO RECORDS 3052927074 P. 03/04 OFFENSE REPORT MONROE COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE MCS0090FF000869 Printed On: 03/02/2009 @ 11:36 d1!n —�sae� 1� erS� w—c �1 e� m— r— s®mac �—awn �I A..— .. ®—cY ar—ic�iI-6a�c Weapon Location Category Location Type Location Description Location Status Number of Promises Burglarized 0 Target F..ntry Method Point of Entry (POE) POE Visible From Point of Exit Suspect Actions Circumstances Weather Lighting Condition Security Used Crime Scene?: No If NO, Explain: Crime Scene Officer: Physical Evidence Collected: 0 PROPERTY ITEMS ( S ]=Stolen ( * ]=Stolen/Recovered ( M )-Missing ( L ]=Lost ( 0 ]=Damaged/Destroyed [ F ]=Found ( Z ]=Seized CCd -Unknown eg Code Article Description L MISCELLANEOUS PORTABLE RADIO Model No. Brand YTS 2500 MOTOROLLA — Quantity Value NCIC Code Serial No. Owner Applied Number 1 $5,000.00 TOTALS- S: $0.00 ': $0.00 M; $0.00 L: $5,000.00 0: $0.00 F: $0.00 Z: $0.00 < NARRATIVE > DATE TIMH TYPE OFFICER REPORTINO CAU N REP TAKHR EDIT DATE NAT TIME 2/712M19 08cII fNIT1AL ' pOBER14, RONALl1................. 1102....... AaV4............... 2!7%2009.....08:22 On the above date and time 1 met with Rick Hickman with Monroe county EMS. He advised that on 1/25/09 between the times specified above one of their portable radio& was lost. The radio was last seen with an employee when he was in the rear of the ambulance doing some maintenance. Sometime After he left the rear of the ambulance the radio was discovered missing, a search was conducted but the radio could not be located., no further. < END OF NARRATIVE > MCS0090FF'000869 Page 2 of 3 I S3996 02/07/2009 08:1 l 1 MAR-02-2009 12:49 PM MCSO RECORDS 3052927074 P. 04/Oq OFFENSE REPORT MONROE COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE MCS0090FF000869 Printed On: 03/02/2009 @ 11:36 Offense Status No -- Cleared Reporting Officer Closed # Clearances 0 1102 ROB.ERTS,.RONALD Clearance Date MCSO�ROAD PATROL - SECTOR I WarrJArr, No, Clearance Type Except, Clear, Type *Forward for Approval / Followup To Age Classification M.CSO\ROAD PATROL - SECTOR 1 Supervisor APPROVED j I Case Screening Supv. Investigator RONALD ROBERTS Yes Concur Nu 1102 Date Time No Pt1F/U No Date Time ROBERTS, RONALD 02/07/2009 08:22 No InvF/11 No Report Last Modified 02/07/2009 08:22 � � � � � = c a a � s c3 C a � sn � c s = i m ax s � � ®� 9I� + � �• a � � r � � � � s MCS0090FF000869 Page 3 of 3 1 S3896 02/07/2009 08:11 1 REPORT OF INCIDENT k, IMMEDIATELY RISK MANAGEMENT at 295-3179 (property damage or vehicle) FAXED FROM: NUMBER: EI Employee injury E] Vehicle Accident Other Notify Workers Comp Notify Risk Management WHO: I PHONE:- `-? Name either employee or public JOB TITLE if employee SUPERVISOR: Ptujr, Se,,+1ehd 1 C_61,� DEPARTMENT: 5-6,--Iar,CP Vehicle ID # - WHAT: TYPE OF ACCIDENT lac igndio WHERE: LOCATION OF ACCIDENT `cl►+ei ems, Iavvd WHEN: DATE MO/ DAY/ YR TIME WHY: DESCRIBE ACCIDENT hc is LjW kWi o I►+ ` w DESCRIBE INJURY OR we ar'r oeJ of PROPERTY DAMAGE: icy- i0 1 6x* w 1 -cor re.41,110 10 wresic MEDICAL ATTENTION REQUIRED: 0 @K If ygs, report injury to Workers Comp also. YES NO If Personal Property Damage or rhjury to the Public: Name of Owner: , Address: Phone #: . FILL OUT ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION REPORT AND NOTICE OF INJURY {4 part form} (if employee injury) AND SEND TO YOUR DEPARTMENT HEAD FOR COMMENTS AND SIGNATURES CC: DEPARTMENTHEAD via FAX MONROECOUNTYSAFETYFORM1.36UPDA TED8106 Monroe County Morkla Accident/Incident Investigation Report Seed hTwmadiately to Your Department Head 1. Name 2. Department N � I Date Received Risk Mgt. —/—I— Safe tv I I 3. Date da Les / Time: 3�� QM) TPM �5 4. Location S+- - M D Y 5. Job Title VV% 6. Location of Accident Street Address: t ce o City/Key 7. Activity or task -being,. done at time of accident emxi 8. Witness (include address and Phone D 1. Name: 12 1 ", iA'jckU*A.NA^ _rVX UjAg&Aa Phone: -- Street & #: city: Z-6cj,- Phone: !�SLA6�j 2. Name: Street & #: City: 9. Describe Accident: Raalp "i Ani Was the injury: 1_ I Very Minor I I Minor Moderate Serious----F —County Vehicle/Unit I D# iq t&- a LS 10. Employee's report on how & why accident occu Q JAAA 9 -a WVRY%'X Ing,4- Aim boajl!� 6V 11, What do you recommend be done to prevent (D It - n it A-j ate; 12. Supervisor report of how & why accidentlincident occurred (include unsafe act, cause & root cause) M;kn CL'j-1,6g AAor-,-- A. 001 t-L A-H ftl 4-&-Z- . A4-50 C 't e:aw -a Secr&P-v fo- r -f 'A MAD - WCAdn H C-15 ete-D cl�- (z?LA CaZSC& X?" R22� W , o9. (Wnfini 'Pgoegil C -,,r- S CO'C"Id 4?'- C�, &G i;m on 15ack 13.'What Will be- done to prevent reoccurrence? (remove, repair, banicade, retrain, etc.) ocn4CCA 10 �gL— Supervisor Signature:'14a.1- Print Name:w Phone ,364 Date z7 r 0 14. Dept. Dir. Commonnt, 0r-- endations: v.D 0 CD 5 Dept. Dir. Signature: Print Name: Phone: Date: or. Sheriff Office Commander Wf. - 15. Div. Dir. Comments & Recommendations: vo 0 0 Div. Dir. Signature Print Name Phone: Date: or: Sheriff Office Safety Rep. co 16. Safety, Risk or Workers Comp Administrator Recommendations: 0 0 o Safety/Risk/Worker Comp Administrator: Date " I — Signature SAF Form i- revised I OrM8 lu fJ" Ir AS/ 5k ANT my ENT ffEL RISK MANAGEMENT at 295-3179 (property damage or vehicle) FAXED FROM: NUMBER: Employee injury [] Vehicle Accident Other Notify Workers Comp Notify Risk Management V� WHO: 1!S—,13 w PHONE: -R7,9- - 0 7 i Name either employee or public JOB TITLE if employee SUPERVISOR: C - — O Z4 ti/ IJC- A1 DEPARTMENT: Vehicle ID# WHAT: TYPE OF ACCIDENT �- O S WHERE: LOCATION OF ACCIDENT O fSp 8 j% WHEN: DATE 8— 0:3 0 OPM MO/ DAY/ YR I TIME WHY: DESCRIBE ACCIDENT DESCRIBE INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE: MEDICAL ATTENTION REQUIRED: Q If yes, report injury to Workers Comp also. YES N to the Public: 1 Name of Owner: Address: If Personal Property *GATII Phone #: FILL OUT ACCIDENT INORT AND NOTICE OF INJURY {4 part form} (if employee injury) AND SEND TO YOUR DEPARTMENT HEAD FOR COMMENTS AND SIGNATURES CC: DEPARTMENT HEAD via FAX MONROECOUNTY SAFETY FORM I.3BUPDATED 8106 20333��� Accidentlipcident Investigation Report Send Immediately to Your Department Head e e ly t Y our D pa i. Name 2 1. Name 2. Department 3. Date 4. Location fDate Received Risk Mgt, IrU —b y 5. Job Tifle 6. Location of Accident: —Address: Street _ Z City/Key _g 7. Activity or task beiridone at time of accident 8. Witness (include address and Phone 1. Name: Unknown Phone: Street & #: City: 2. Name: Phone: Street & #: 9. Describe Accident: 416 1 0 Was the injury: 1 1 Very Minor Minor oderate LrSerious County Vehicle/Unit ID# New - _If 10. Employee's report on how & why accident occurred: m 0 C 10 &0 0 1< 11. What do you recommend be done, to prevent accident (D (D 5 6 L) I to )LI e Employee Signature: I 12. Supervisor report of how & Wy accident/ rncidentoccurred (include unsafe act, cause & root cause) fDILA Idt - 14 &ffti- Slt.,,LA, E,44 64 ykb.'.) -U !soenAI-4 V W co Continue on back 13. What will be done to pre reoccurrence? (remove, repair, barricade, retrain, etc.) a Irk., 61-4 A Ot ve - A L%_4 Supervisor Signature, A Print Name: Phone: (p,)()L( Date -IJ 14. Dept. 131- -6TnF Comments Rec hendations: 5(D Dept. Dir. Signature: Print Name: or: Sheriff Office Commander Phone: Date: 15. Div. Dir. Comments & Recommendations: vv 60 3 Div. Dir. Signature Print Name or: Sheriff Office Sa A�!t -.d (? 4& IIAL Phone: Date: 16. Safety AdVfilstrafor Recommendations: Cn P V er E; Safety Administrator: Priscilla London 29244456 Date Signature SAF Form I. revised 8M, P. London Memo To: Chief Boswell From: Lieutenant Sebben CC: Chief Callahan, Chief Bentley Date: October 2, 2008 Re: Missing Radio Preventative Actions Station 13 Plan for Radio Tracking 1. At pass down, radios will be handed from off going crewmember to in coming crewmember. 2. Lieutenants will verify that all their crew members have a specified duty radio (13- 1,13-2,13-3,13-4) prior to 08:00 3. Lieutenants will track in the logbook the station radio ID (13-1) assigned to each crewmember. � You replied on 9/27J2008 2 53 9=„-M. Bentle! -Alvin "Cab" From: Sebben-david Sent: Fri 9/26/2008 8:04 AM To: Callahan -James .e: Boswell -Gary; Bentley -Alvin "Cab" Subject: Missing Radio Attachments: Chief I have to report station 13 is missing am 800mhz portable radio. It was noticed missing on 9-23-08 at approx. 10:30 and was possibly misplaced some time during shift change. Myself and Lt. Thompson have interviewed our respective crews and have done an extensive search of the station grounds and apparatus, but are unable to locate the radio with station #13-2 County ID #6335 Serial #205CHX1308. Respectfully David A. Sebben Lieutenant MCFR Station 13 https://webmail.monroecounty-fl.gov/exchangeBentley-CabllnboxIMissing%2ORadio. EM... 10/1 /2008 ,FRAI (THU)OCI 2 2003 11 :4,5131, 11 :44/1& 6830551184_P 1 OFFENSE FJO R17 �& i��.4 �'` ,. r � J= " ,4O i COUNTY KERFFF` OFFICE MC FF008473 Frintc4i CIS: 10/02/2008 0,41.1-39, R Number off � tt i CAD Incident No MCS00SOF 008473 37"-0 INFORMATIONKNTELLIGENCE RE' P(?' RTIMOII MCSOUSCAD093232 N Range of 09/23/2008 07:00 Repartcd Arrived Completed (eeurrenec: 09/23/2008 10:30 09/28/2008 17:48 09/28/2008 11);19 09/28/2008 19:27 ADDRESS OF OCCURRENCE No. 1)i Street A/L City ST Gip SOUTH ST BIC PINE KEY F11 33043 (CF,O) (Latitude / Longitude) 1-3-I600- PERSONS 1C /COMP I WW ID: MCSOOOMN1009271 Last First Middle Title R S DOB Age SEBBEN DAV1D ANTHONY W M 07/13/1964 44 Hgt Wgt Eyes Hair I.D. No. St Type Ethnicity: 5109 215 BRO BRO S150161 64 253 !+L E Residence: Within jurisdiction Extent of Injury: N/A Verify For Rape Exam: No Treated For Rape Injury: No General Appearanec: Demeanor: Clothing: Clothing Description: Probable Destination: Birth Location., City: CB1CAG0 County: State: IL Nation: US Citizenship: US Addresses: 219 TREASURE HARBOR RD. Apt/Lot: ISLAMORADA FL 33036 Entered: 3/30/2006 Occupation; none found in MNI CHARGES/OFFENSES Statute: 777.777 Counts: 1 UCR: 9000 NCIC : Charge: INFORMATION REPORT Dcsc : General Offense Code_ (GOC) : P Principal Arrest Charge Level ...... (ACQ : Arrest Charge Degree.-,(ACD) Arrest Offense Number.(AON) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MCSOOSOFF008473 Page I of 3 189489 09/28/2008 22:07 1 Ri?I1 (THU) OCT 2 2008- 11 : i5/ST. 11 : n 4/No, GS 38551 1 a4, P 2 MCOOOSO °F0084'1 Printed lm m 0/0 /2009 @ 1.3 ' Weapon - - Locati-an Cat gory Other Location Type Unknown c . Location Dawription Location Status None Number of Premises Burglarized 0 Target + Entry Method Point of Entry (POE) POE Visible From Point of Exit Suspect Actions Circumstances , Weather Lighting Condition Daylight Security Used Crime Scene? : No If NO, Explain : Crime Scene Officer: Physical Fvidence Collected: 0 PROPERTY ITEMS [ S ]-Stolen [ * ]-Stolen/Recovered [ M ]=Missing [ L ]=Lost [ D ]=Damagcd/Dcstroycd - _ - [ F ]=Found [ Z ]=Seized - [ C ]=Counterfeited/Porged _[ U ]-Unknown Code Article L RADIO/STEREO Model No. Brand XTS 2500 MOTOROLA Quantity Value NCIC Code 1 $5,000.00 EHRRADi Description 1HME DE-PARTMENT RADIO Serial No. Owner Applied Number TOTALS - S: $0.00 ": $0.00 M: $0.00 L: $5,000.00 D: $0.00 F: $0.00 Z: $0.00 < NARRATIVE > DATE TIME IWE OFFICER REPORTING CALL 1! REP TAKER EDIT DATE EOrl"I'IME 9l28/3008 22c07---- IWIM ------ pETltiViiFR;IVICHQLA$ ---- 1123 ` ---- -p08 """- - ---" S9d�9 - - " � " " 9%28/223:2A DELETE ------ flli&------------------------------- ----- " 9/28/2008 " Z3:z 1 rn1'rinl. " oE7'f rNCER, NrcHor�ns 1I zz 59489 " " " " " " "viz-S%z0'o8 z7:24 - - - - DELETE 9AfidOd 22:23-""" INITIAL"-"---" UEITINGER.NI'CHQl,AB----- 1122 ---- --------- '-'- On MC8008OFF008473 Page 2 of 3 [ S9489 09/28/2008 22:07 1 (THU) OCT 2 2008 11 :4--5/ST, I 'I :44/1\1o. 6838551184 P 3 oFr, Ptqsw,, Y,,,L,,,PGRr MC60080PPOW473 PrinteA On: 10/6,W'1008 @ 11:39 radio wo better described as. a Motorola XTS 2500 and valued at approxim-stehy $5,01ft David advised me that per poffey, he had to file a missing property repast. for the radio. Deputy Nicholas R. dettiniger Deputy Sheriff ' Monroe County Shcriffls 0fice - ------------------------- - --- --- -- --- ----- --- ---- - - ------- -------- -------------- --- < END OF NARRATIVE , > Offense Status No -- Clm-cd Reporting Officer Closed # Clearancml 0 1122 OETTINGER, NICHOLAS Clearance Date MCSO\ROAD PATROL - SECTOR I Warr,/Arr- No. Clearance Type Except, Clear, Type *Porward for Approval / Followup To Age Classification MCSO\ROAD PATROL -SECTOR I Supervisor APPROVED Case Screening Supv. Investigator EVAN CALHOUN I Ye s Concur No 1 t Date Time r P'IF U No Date Time 09/29f2008 06,24 No I JnvF/U I No Report Last Modified 09/2912008 06;24 MCSO08OFF008473 Page 3 of 3 [,59489 09/2812008 22:07 1 o lr MONROE COUNTY INVENTORY DELETION REQUEST TO: Mitch Hedman — Stop #8 Pro 10erk, Finance Dept. DATE:j FROM: Billy Pruitt M.C. LD. Number 4230 Serial Number 12697926 Asset De c1l'i tjpj Medtronic AED Date P cl 6/28/2000 Orkinall & Est. r16" lue 3091.64/0.00 4235 12697945 Medtronic AED 6/28/2000 3091.63/0.00 CHECK ONE (1) APPROPRIATE LINE BELOW: APPROVAL TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. APPROVAL TO REMOVE FROM INVENTORY AND DISPOSE OF IT. X APPROVAL TO REMOVE FROM INVENTORY AND DONATE TO: Key West Police Department REASON FOR REQUEST: The equipment was given to Key West Police as part of a grant; we never should have had them on our inventory. PREPARED BY: DATE: ` PRINT NAME illiam Pruitt DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: C�<3 PRINT NAME James Callahan OMB FORM REVISED 10/28/2003 MONROE COUNTY`d "COMPUTER RELATED EOUIPMENT" INVENTORY DELETION REQUEST . , a PROPERTY CLERK, FINANCE DEPT. DATE: M.C. I.D. NUMBER SERIAL NUMBER ASSET DESCRIPTION DATE PURCHASED ORIGINAL & EST. PRESENT VALUE CHECK ONE (1) APPROPRIATE LINE BELOW: APPROVAL TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. APPROVAL TO REMOVE FROM INVENTORY AND DISPOSE OF IT. APPROVAL TO REMOVE FROM INVENTORY AND TRANSFER TO: REASON FOR REQUEST: 911, _. 0— PREPARED BY: DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: TECHNICAL SERVICES APPROVAL: OMB FORM REVISED 10/28/2003 10-1�-10 MONROE COUNTY "COMPUTER RELATED EQUIPMENT" INVENTORY DELETION REQUEST TO: Mitch Hedman Property Clerk, Finance Dept. DATE: 10 - 26 - 2010 FROM: TECHNICAL SERVICES M.C. I.D. Number Serial Number Asset Description Date Purchased' Original & Est. Present Value aao 54a8-IR8 i 0.00 qj- 5A630HL i 0.00 i 0.00 ELL � o (1� — , o.00 o C►�- 0 5B-� i 0.00 i 0.00 i 0.00 i 0.00 i 0.00 i 0.00 CHECK ONE (I) APPROPRIATE LINE BELOW: APPROVAL TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. XXXXX APPROVAL TO REMOVE FROM INVENTORY AND DISPOSE OF IT. APPROVAL TO REMOVE FROM INVENTORY AND TRANSFER TO: REASON FOR REQUEST: OLD / OUTDA-rED PREPARED BY: (X,t' DATE: DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: PRINT NAME: r TECHNICAL SERVICES APPROVAL: PRINT NAME 10-26- 2010 Druckemiller / Sr. Administrator OMB FORM REVISED 11/99