Item Q1MEMORANDUM Office of the County Administrator TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Debbie Frederick Deputy County Administrator DATE: November 2, 2010 SUBJECT: County Divisions' Monthly Activity Report for October, 2010 MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT - OCTOBER, 2010 KEY WEST AIRPORT • In October, passenger figures for September were compiled. During that month, the six airlines serving Key West International Airport carried a total of 33,440 passengers. This is a 49% increase over September of 2009. Total passenger numbers for the first eight months of calendar year 2010 are up 18% over the same period in 2009. • The first half of the Runway Safety Area (RSA) Project was completed in October with the installation of the Engineered Material Arresting System (EMAS) at the east end of the runway. Our EMAS was the 55t' installation in the world, and the 51st to be installed at a US airport. • The Airport was extremely busy during Fantasy Fest week. All of the airlines added additional flights to accommodate very heavy passenger demand both before and after the final weekend of events. Also, the General Aviation area of the airport was overflowing with GA aircraft, swelling to more than twice the normal capacity. MARATHON AIRPORT • Formal request to U.S. Customs & Border Protection for Marathon User -Fee Based Customs Service facility for harbor and airport arrivals is still pending receipt of letter of support from Governor Crist. • Project coordination is on -going with City of Marathon for expansion of Little Venice Waste Water Treatment Plant located at the Florida Keys Marathon Airport. • Airport Emergency Plan (AEP) has been revised following new standards as required of FAR Part 139 certificated airports and submitted to FAA for review. • Airport Improvement Projects (AIP) for the design of the Airport Terminal Sewer Laterals and a Wildlife Hazard Assessment are awaiting execution of Purchase Service Orders. Funding for these projects is through an AIP Grant Agreement. • Bid for the Taxiway Pavement Marking Upgrade Project was awarded to Hi-Lite Markings, Inc. and contract was approved in the amount of $49,995.00. Pre - constriction conference has been held and Notice to Proceed to be issued to start constriction on November 17, 2010. Funding for this project is through an AIP 1 Grant Agreement. • The Environmental Assessment Project associated with the runway relocation proposal is on -going. Project funding is through an FAA Grant. • Airport Rescue Fire Fighting (ARFF), Index A, vehicle has been delivered, radios have been installed and vehicle will be placed into service upon completion of in- service training during the month of November by ARFF personnel; funding for this project is through an FDOT Joint Participation Agreement (JPA). EMPLOYEE SERVICES L Website Updates (other than normal position vacancy updates, etc.): Benefits: KPHA Provider Directory Updates Monthly newsletter - Wellness Human Resources: Updated 6 job descriptions IL Turnover Numbers To Date: October 2010 Turnover: .20% Turnover as of last Oct 2009: 7.85% Turnover so far 2010: 7.50% Resignations: 0 1 Terminations: 0 Retired: 1 Deceased: 0 La offs:0 III. Major Activities/Meetings: Human Resources • No major activities Risk • Year end summary report completed by Interisk and sent to Finance. Benefits (Group/Workers Comp) • Year end summary report completed by Interisk for Workers' Compensation and sent to Finance. • Met with Gallagher Bassett, new Insurance Consultant, to go over current county programs and benefits and discuss next steps in distributing an RFP. Safety • No major activities BUDGET & FINANCE Budget Analysts: • Contracts Reviewed - 26 • Prepared/ posted budget transfers and resolutions -104 • Reviewed & Signed budget transfers- 61 • Transfers Prepared: 96 • Transfers Posted: 152 • Agenda Item Created: 1 • Signed off PAF's: 160 • Incoming mail - 21 • Outgoing mail —26 2 • Prepared and processed the October BOCC agenda packet. • Processed Byrne grant reimbursement request for : GCMK (3), MCSO (2), Samuel's Hse (1), State Atty (2). • Processed RSAT grant reimbursement request for: GCMK (2), MCSO (1). • Processed MCSB/Traffic Educ (1), Upper Keys Community Pool September reimb request, MCSO (7) 911/Interagency Communication reimb request. • True -Lip Fund 158 Revenue collections for the last quarter of FY10. • Coordinate with Finance Dept. in regards to pending FY10 invoices and rollover of FYI purchase orders. • Prepared and sent TRIM packet to the State Dept. of Revenue. • Many of the transfers posted were to clean up FY10 negative line items and a couple transfers posted were to set up FYI line items. • 92 of the 160 PAF's were for the 3% COLA for the firefighters that took into effect on Oct. 1st • Began FY10 revenue analysis for several funds including the ad valorem funds. • Worked on a salary comparison project for Teresa. It compared salaries of firefighters, BOCC employees (included Teamsters) and Sheriff Dept. employees. Grants Administration: • EECBG Energy Grant: Preparation of revised Grant Agreement with State for October agenda; continued updates and information to and coordination with partners. Processed executed contract. • HSAB Working Group: Organized, prepared agendas, minutes, and other materials for, and facilitated third and fourth meetings of the HSAB working group. Prepared presentation/agenda item for November agenda. • 2011 HSAB Funding Cycle: Processed executed contracts for HSAB funding. • 2011 BOCC Line Items Funding: Processed executed contracts for BOCC line item funding. • 2011 Legislative Agenda: Meeting with County Administration and preparation of draft agenda and ongoing revisions. • Lobbying: working with federal lobbyists re: earmarks and appropriations requests; wastewater, etc. • 2011 State JAG grants: Prepared five contracts with state and five MOUs with service providers for new FDLE JAG grants for November agenda. • 2010 State JAG grants: Completed all final expenditure reports to FDLE on regular JAG grants and ARRA JAG grants. Reviewed, approved, processed invoices for all Byrne JAG and RSAT grants. Completed drawdowns. Prepared grant adjustments and closeouts for all of last year's FDLE grants. • 2010 HSO/HSAB contracts: Final closeouts on all county contracts for FY10. • BP Claims: Continue to work with BP to provide requested follow-up information and documentation (employment and OT policies, payroll registers, etc.) • FEMA: Met with FEMA representatives re: the closing out PWs for Ilse and Fay; process of closing out whole storms: Frances, Dennis, and Rita. Purchasing Department: Totals for the month of October 2010 are as follows: Total purchase orders processed 799 3 Total orders placed for departments 107 Total orders entered for departments 97 Office Depot orders processed 85 Staples Orders processed 6 We opened 1 bids and processed another 3 which was average from the previous months. Addendums entered 0, contracts reviewed 45, and bills paid 6, and voided 35 purchase orders. We also processed 715 pieces of mail which was average from previous months. COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES Social Services Department (SSD) In -Home And Nutrition Services (INNS) OAA, Older Americans Act Programs: Nutrition (Information in this section is for the period 9/21/10—10/20/10): • C-1 Congregate Meals totaled 1046 units during the reporting period, an increase of nearly 30% over last month. Attendance has improved at all four meal sites, a trend that should continue with the return of the seasonal clients beginning in November. The Big Pine meal site, which was formerly funded by a stimulus grant, is now included in the regular monthly OAA totals, serving to reduce the underachievement. • C-2 Home -Delivered Meals totaled 3189 units during the reporting period, resulting in a 2% overachievement year-to-date. We are currently adding new clients to the program only when other clients have left the program. In -Home Services (Information in this section is for the period 08/21/10 — 9/30/10): • III-B Screening and Assessment: No units this period, 100% year-to-date achieved. • III-B Homemaking: 151.25 units this period, 100% year-to-date achieved. • III-B Personal Care: 169.75 units this period, 100% year-to-date achieved. We have spent $82,177, 100% of III-B funds (end of the contract). o III-E In -Home Respite: 0 units this period, 100% year -to -date -achieved. o III-E Facility Respite: 402.25 units this period, 100% year-to-date achieved. 2 clients on the waiting list. We have spent $56,560, 100% of III-E funds (end of the contract period). Non-OAA Programs: CCDA (Community Care for Disabled Adults) for September 2010: • Case Management: 10.75 units for the month were produced; 34 units year-to-date. • Homemaking: 129 units for the month were produced; 352 units year -to date. • Home -Delivered Meals: Monthly units were 165 meals; 505 meals year-to-date. • Personal Care: Monthly units were 30; 70 units year-to-date. Overall Program Achievement was 17.52%, 7.48% underachieved. CCE (Community Care for the Elderly) for the period 8/21/10-9/20/10: • Case Management: No units for the period and 50 units year-to-date. 5% achieved year-to-date. There are 161 clients on the waiting list. • Intake: No units achieved and 9.5 units year-to-date. 17.76% achieved year-to-date. • Chore: 2 units achieved and 2 units year-to-date, 13% achieved year-to-date. • Homemaking: 649 units for the period and 1964 units year-to-date. 21% achieved year-to-date. There are 136 clients on the waiting list. • Personal Care: 547.5 units for the period and 1708 units year-to-date. 40.62% achieved year-to-date. There are 69 clients on the waiting list. • Respite: 349.5 units for the period and 1072.25 units year-to-date. 82.67% achieved year to date. There are 23 clients on the waiting list. CCE overall is at 28.76% achievement, which is 3.76% overachieved. Case Managers have been reviewing their client care plans. We have started reducing services and moving eligible clients into other programs. ADI (Alzheimer's Disease Initiative) for the period 8/21/10 — 9/20/10: 158 units were produced in the period and 495.25 units year to date. 21% year-to-date achieved, 4% underachieved. Case Managers will move some clients into the program to reduce the underachievement. Five clients on the waiting list. HCE (Home Care for the Elderly Program) for the period 9/16/10 - 10/15/10: 16 billable units this period, 49.75 billable units year-to-date. 14.38% year-to-date achieved, 18.96% underachieved. We gained two new clients but still need to ask the Alliance for Aging for more clients. Monroe County Transit Department Activity for October 2010 • One-way trips provided: 1822 Unduplicated clients served: 209 Special Needs Clients registered: 446 • Awarded the 5310 FDOT Grant for the funding of a new Paratransit bus and the 5316 FDOT Grant for funding the Mobile Data Terminals/software for the Trapeze Dispatching and Reservation System. The awards and agreements will be brought to the board in the fall BOCC meetings. Deposited Revenue: $2,235.85 Expenditures: $8,201.08 Percentage Spent Fiscal YTD: 1.1% Social Services Department —October 2010 Community Support Services Offices in: Key West, Marathon, Plantation Key Incoming calls, provision of information and referrals 962 Unduplicated Welfare client households that received service 125 New Welfare cases receiving service Low Income Home Energy Assistance Grant Program cases-38 $9,450.00 Low Income Crisis Assistance cases — 43 $15,132.51 Total $24,582.51 Home and field visits 111 Office visits 259 EHEAPS 0 Homelessness Prevention Approved Cases- 3 $8,832.00 Interesting Community Support Services Updates: • Michelle Gilliland attended the Damage Assessment Training for SERT. • 6 homes were weatherized this month $4,600 average expenses for month of Oct 5 Bayshore Manor (BSM) Bayshore Manor's current census is 15 residents. The current census is five private pay and 10 subsidized. BSM provided 171.75 hours of OA3E respite care, 39 hours private pay respite and 0 hours of Medicaid Waiver this month. Bayshore Manor has five OA3E clients and one private pay respite client. There are two clients on the wait list. Revenue for October 2010 $31,797.70 Expenditures for the same period $13,081.37 Percentage of the budget spent year to date 2.64 % LIBRARY • Library statistics continue to reflect the consistent use and appreciation of traditional Library services as well as those reflecting the new technology, as circulation for the month reached 29,599 items • 256 new Library cards were issued in September • 31,599 customers used Library services onsite, making personal visits to check out various Library materials, attend programs, and enjoy the numerous in-house services • 1,718 of those onsite visitors made use of the Library's wireless internet access, in addition to those who accessed the service form the Library parking lots and outdoor seating areas; another 6,165 internet sessions were logged through our in- house public access PC's • In April, 2010, we celebrated 400,000 views of our online history Florida Keys photo collections (you can see our collections here: http://www.flckr.com/photos/keyslibraries); now, less than five months later, the site has exceeded 500,000 views. These photos have been donated to the Library over many decades and kept safely in the Library vault. Only recently have we had the technology and the volunteer power to share them on such a grand scale, and the results are beyond expectations. • Our annual statistics show a 16% increase in Reference Services83,411 questions were asked of Library staff in this last fiscal year. Many of these dealt with job searching, e-government referrals and health informationa telling reflection of current community needs and concerns. • Our fiscal 2010 budget was closed out, with very little remaining in our discretionary funds. We anticipate similar results for the coming year, as our flat budget will be stretched even further to meet growing patron needs and expectations. EXTENSION SERVICES • Number of services provided: 381 phone calls, 36 office visits, 23 visits to clients, 8 group teachings with 641 participants, 6 media submissions, and 576 publications distributed. Total Budget for FY 10/11: $186,491.00; Year to Date Expenditures and Encumbrances: $104,310.57; Remaining Balance: $82,180.43; Percentage of budget spent and/or encumbered year to date: 2%. The Extension Director accomplished the following activities: • Participated in the South District All -Faculty meeting via video conferencing. 6 • Attended the four -day annual Florida Sea Grant Extension Training in Gainesville. • Produced and presented a 20-minute presentation on "An Introduction to Climate Change" at the Key West Unitarian Universalist Church, with 50 people in attendance. • Participated in a four -day Florida Keys Marine Ecosystem Conference at Hawk's Cay. • Attended a meeting of the Florida Keys Commercial Fishermen's Association to discuss plans for the 6th Annual Florida Keys Seafood Festival, oil spill funding, law enforcement concerns, and upcoming fishing regulations. The Environmental Horticulture Agent accomplished the following activities: • Set up an environmental friendly -landscaping educational booth at the Florida Keys Birding & Wildlife Festival at Curry Hammock State Park. Eight Master Gardeners helped answer questions asked by 106 clientele. • Gave two presentations to 25 Master Garden Interns at the Miami -Dade Master Gardener training: "Vegetable Gardening" and "Vegetable Gardening Problems." • Taught a six -hour Green Industries -Best Management Practices (GI-BMP) workshop in Marathon with two landscapers in attendance. • Held six regional plant clinics with 12 Master Gardeners assisting 15 clientele. • Participated in the South District All -Faculty meeting via video conferencing. • Made three site visits: Key Colony Beach - reviewed recent tree planting project in a park; Key Largo - dying Gumbo Limbo tree due to environmental stress; Islamorada - Coconut Palm tree with red palm mites and lethal yellowing. • Proctored four pesticide exams: two Public Health and two CORE. The Family & Community Development Agent accomplished the following activities: • Chaired the Family & Consumer Sciences session of the South District All - Faculty meeting and presented an Office Energy Efficiency Program to other county agents. • Worked with six High School Financial Literacy Classes. • Attended an educational webinar, "Web Wise: Web Applications for FCS Professionals" sponsored by the American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences (AAFCS). • Collaborated with two high school science teachers to develop climate education components to add to their curriculum which would meet sunshine state standards. • Attended and coordinated county participation in the second annual Southeast Florida Regional Climate Leadership Summit in Miami. EMERGENCY SERVICES Fire Rescue • Updated several Monroe County Fire Rescue Standard Operating Procedures (SOPS) and Forms. Some of October's revisions related to the provisional paramedic program, Chaplaincy program, and accountability. rA • Received and analyzed bids for set pricing for medical supplies and pharmaceuticals. Staff recommendation prepared for presentation to BOCC at November meeting. • Completed inventory of all capital assets for reconciliation to Property Clerk records. • Operations and Training Chiefs attended County Damage Assessment Class 10/13/2010 • Utilized our recently completed annual hire list to select and qualify new candidates for employment, to begin work the week of November 1, 2010. Fire Marshal • Attended Growth Management's Contractor's Summit Preparation and Presentation Meeting • Gave presentation to the school Principals covering Fire Protection in Schools. • Participated in the Major Development Review meetings for Sunshine Key and Overseas Trailer Park • Completed plan reviews and inspections for upper and lower Keys. Training • Completed a 40-hr 1st Responder Class in the Lower Keys • Completed a State Certified Firefighter I class, students sat for the State test on October 23rd • Conducted a State Certified 40-hr Live Fire Instructor Training. • Conducted Fire Prevention Education at Sugarloaf Elementary, Banana Cabana Academy and Light House Christian Academy. Stations 8, 9, 11 Sugarloaf Volunteer Fire and Big Coppitt Volunteer Fire also attended. • Conducted Fire Extinguisher Training for the US Postal Service Trauma Star/EMS • Interviews were held, and selections were made to fill Flight Nurse vacancies. • Rolled out new Provisional Paramedic Preceptor Program for newly hired Firefighter/Paramedics • Hosted Monroe County "EMS User Group" meeting • Represented Monroe County Fire Rescue at State EMS Advisory Council meeting Emergency Management • Completion of WebEOC training for all county agencies. • Set up and prepared the Tavernier (Radiological) Emergency Operations Center capabilities to serve as an exercise and response facility. • Reviewed and approved emergency plans for Lower Keys Medical Facility and Key West Health and Rehabilitation Center. • Hosted and assisted with two State Initial Assessment and Preliminary Damage Assessment Trainings for the county and municipalities. PUBLIC WORKS • Pollution Control removed 39.60 tons of debris illegally dumped in County rights of way and 11.57 tons for other departments (1,560 lbs from the Key West 9 Garage; 4,360 lbs from Marathon Public Works; a small boat weighing 400 lbs for the Sheriff s Office, and 16,8201bs of brush for the Marathon Airport) • Five events held at the Nelson GC required a total of five (5) hours of staff overtime • Installed three AED boxes with defibrillators donated by the Key Largo Ambulance Corp. • Completed minor electric, plumbing and a/c repairs at PK Courthouse, AARP, Spottswood, Ellis, Islamorada Library, Key Largo Library and PK Garage • Completed various repairs to playground equipment at Harry Harris Park • Repaired utility building door at Friendship Park • Completed minor plumbing, irrigation and electric repairs at Harry Harris Park and KL Park • Installed rip rap bags and crushed rock fill at eroded shoulder areas of Card Sound Road • Repaired depression at the entrance/exit road of the PK Government complex • Completed repairs at the AARP parking area at the PK Government complex • Completed road repairs at the Medical Examiner's entrance road on Grassy Key • Began receiving biodiesel fuel again after not being available for several months • Began new year bulk ordering of common parts and supplies in order to get best price • Completed extensive electrical work in support of MCSO new hi -tech canteen program for the Detention Centers • To increase natural lighting per Florida Model Jail Standards, completed opaque roof panel installation at PK Jail Recreation Yard PROJECT MANAGEMENT/ENGINEERING Engineering Services • Duck Key Security System is being re -advertised for bids. • FDOT performed 60% audit on Geiger Creek Bridge Project resulting in high accolades for staff s adherence to DOT procedures and contract administration. Project Management TDC Projects • East Martello Bathrooms — Project commencing early November. • West Martello Fence — Asking bids to be rejected at November BOCC and go back out for bid. • West Martello Brick & Mortar — October BOCC rejected all initial bids. Back out to bid in December. Bid openings will be January 2011. • East Martello Brick & Mortar — October BOCC rejected all initial bids. Back out to bid in December. Bid openings will be January 2011. County Projects • Marathon Courthouse Renovations — BOCC approval for Pedro Falcon at November meeting. • ADA Transition Plan — Should be presented at December BOCC for final review. Wastewater • Obtained KLWTD staff recommendation to reduce wastewater EDU assessment from 219.5 EDUs to 29.1 (one-time assessment reduction of $564,000 and recurring reduction of $76,700/year) based on Public Works flow data. Requires final KLWTD Board approval. • Requested reduction of assessment for MENGCC from 29.5 EDUs to 11.7 EDUs (one time reduction of $33,100) and request application of overage paid in 2008 to Key Largo Park assessment. Reduction will result in going cost reduction of $7,200/year). Pending KLWTD response. TECHNICAL SERVICES We completed 199 work orders, completed migration to new exchange server by copying over public folders, created a schedule for migration to the new County web -site provider, selected a preferred PC manufacturer, installed new Veterans Administration software, migrated an additional 12 gigabytes of data into Alchemy, pushed out new Microsoft security updates and updated library computers. VETERANS AFFAIRS Clients Assisted: 2094 New Clients Assisted: 65 Field Visits 9 Benefits Delivery At Discharge 11 Van Clients Transported: 147 (to the VAMC, Miami as well as other Miami area hospitals, without incident) The Veterans Affairs Department: The financial data for the month of October totals to $88,090.00 and indicates the amount of new revenue brought into Monroe County derived from claims for the entire department, including Key Largo and Marathon. The financial data captured monthly will vary due to the Veterans Administration variable time frame on adjudication of awards, as well as the amount awarded. 10 GROWTH MANAGEMENT FISCAL YEAR(S) 2009, 2010, 2011 Planning, Code Enforcement, Environmental Restoration and Boating Improvement Fund REVENUE Revenue Ending October FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 Plaiuung $64,721 $41,676 $28,623 Code $21,013 $2,605 $31,019 Enviro. Rest. $29,653 $13,335 $1,000 1 $5,831 1 $808 1 $245 �BIF TOTAL 1 $121,218 1 $58,424 1 $60,887 .i4■►arUl�arlylrC�i+�MS.. $140,000 $120,000Q�h 100,000 2009 80,000 ,l{ty 2010 ■ 2011 $60,000 �I,t i �S�'i�t�! �ify •ry'7' 1���1? i $40,000 $20,000 �fi�h5'� rJl1{r),�V $ ......... .. ......... Planning Code Enviro. Rest. BI F TOTAL 11 2009, 2010 & 2011 GROWTH MANAGEMENT EXPENSES EXPENSES ENDING OCTOBER Total Total Total FY 2011 FY 2010 FY 2009 % Budgeted Expenses Expenses Expenses Expenses Expenses Variance Expenses FY 2010 FY 2009 Ending Ending Ending Expenses FY'11 October October October Ending Oct. FY 2011 from Oct. FY 2010 Growth Mgmt. $773,577 $419,431 $448,743 $16,138 $3,210 $7,958 503% Admire. Geographic Info. $199,855 $209,676 $231,399 $18,484 $1,550 $3,521 1193% (GIS) Planning $1,189,704 $990,168 $985,726 $20,426 $22,091 $19,884 92% Comprehensive $260,000 $301,385 $46,045 $0 $0 $617 0% Plan Planning $84,167 $80,563 $84,698 $1,312 $1,518 $1,735 86% Commission Environmental $297,679 $280,108 $269,072 $5,460 $4,281 $7,329 128% Resources Code Enforcement $1,203,570 $1,155,600 $1,048,251 $18,547 $24,127 $29,772 77% Boating Impiv. $750,774 $306,309 $320,737 $2,524 $0 $9,165 2524% Environmental $192,444 $153,611 $127,392 $1,518 $1,577 $1,116 96% Restoration Marine Resources Office Completed removal of four derelict vessels Compiled and submitted FWC Pilot Program monthly survey data Prepared new GIS layers linking unpermitted mooring photos to Pilot Program data 12 • Prepared an ILA reimbursing the City of Marathon for mooring field related expenses • Prepared synopsis of county, state, and federal regulations regarding maintenance dredging • Prepared draft RFQ for outsourcing waterways projects • Reviewed October version of Coastal & Conservation technical document from Keith & Schnars • Attended internal meeting to review Walkers Island comp plan amendment application • Prepared an ILA reimbursing the City of Key West for mooring field related expenses • Reviewed Scope of Work submitted by SFRPC for revisions to the Marina Siting Plan • Submitting quarterly grant reimbursement documents to Clean Vessel Act Program • Addressed non -payable issues with invoicing from the July trap retrieval program • Coordinated with City of Key West and City of Titusville on optimal pumpout boat design and specifications • Compiled past Marina Siting Plan documentation for internal meeting to review appropriate direction for Marina Siting Plan and the need to perform a Needs Analysis for marinas/slips • Pumped out 50 vessels in Key Largo CODE ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT Number of New Cases Opened 213 Number of Inspections completed 1244 Number of Cases Heard before Special Magistrate- 38 Fines & Fees Collected $ 39,943.21 Number of Contractor Citations Issued 12 Totals Collected $ 39,943.21 CTTC OFFTCF - Tier Committee GIS Maps DRC and Planning Commission - TDRC Meeting (10/15) - GIS Server/Intranet Site Maintenance and data updates/editing (on -going) - SE Florida Inundation Mapping Meeting - SE Florida Inundation Vulnerability Analysis - Deadline end of November - Tier/Land Cover/Species Analysis — Growth Management - General map projects — Growth Management - Zoning/FLUM Maps — Donna Bosold - Zip Code Maps - NFIB - Data requests; SWC, FKAA, Kimley Horn, FGCU, etc. - Boat ramp site selection analysis demo for Rich Jones - Multipart feature geometry — script handling. - Loading geometry script techniques. 13 - Uniform county -wide grid system research, to be standardized with other established grid systems (such as USGS quads (DOQ). - Processing techniques for `in memory' geoprocessing performance. Support for Addressing Layer project - combining use of cursor processing, geometry object methods, and geoprocessing tool functions. - Database support; text value domain update and field value cleanup of Zoning feature class. - Parcel feature class update. Database maintenance, getting status return results from geoprocessing tools. - SE FL Inundation Vulnerability project - Spatial Analyst alternative research, support for Inundation Vulnerability project. - 12 Address Assignments PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES CURRENT PLANNING CATEGORY Appeal to Planning Commission in Progress..................................................................... 2 Appealto DOAH in Progress........................................................................................... 3 Alcoholic Beverage in Progress......................................................................................... 7 Code Enforcement Referral (estimated at 1 per week per Current Planner (4 .................. 16 Conditional Use, Major Permit Issued............................................................................... 1 Conditional Use, Major Permit in Progress....................................................................... 5 Conditional Use, Major Deviation Applied....................................................................... 2 Conditional Use, Major Deviation in Progress.................................................................. 2 Conditional Use, Minor Permit in Progress....................................................................... 2 Conditional Use, Minor Deviation Applied....................................................................... 1 Conditional Use, Minor Deviation in Progress.................................................................. 1 Conditional Use, Time Extension Applied........................................................................ 1 Conditional Use, Time Extension in Progress................................................................... 1 Conditional Use, TDR in Progress..................................................................................... 1 Development Agreement Applied..................................................................................... 1 Development Agreement in Progress................................................................................ 2 Home Occupational Permits Applied................................................................................ 1 Home Occupational Permits in Progress........................................................................... 2 Public Assembly Permits Applied..................................................................................... 4 Public Assembly Permits in Progress................................................................................ 1 Public Assembly Permits Issued........................................................................................ 6 Road Abandonment in Progress......................................................................................... 3 Variance Administrative Completed.................................................................................. 2 Variance Administrative in Progress................................................................................. 1 Variance, Planning Commission Completed..................................................................... 1 Variance, Planning Commission in Progress..................................................................... 1 Permits Reviewed & Processed......................................................................................... 104 VacationRental applied..................................................................................................... 4 Vacation Rental Mgr. License Applied............................................................................. 2 Vacation Rental Mgr. License Issued................................................................................ 3 ROGO related applications ROGOExemptions Applied.............................................................................................. 4 14 ROGO Exemptions/Denials Issued.................................................................................... 7 Mixed Use Category LUD Map Amendment Completed.................................................................................... 3 MCC Text Amendment, In Progress................................................................................. 7 MCC Text Amendment Completed................................................................................... 1 Customer Service In -person inquiries estimated at 5 per day per planner (2)......................................... 300 Telephone inquiries estimated at 10 per planner (7) per day ............................................. 2100 Email inquiries estimated at 5 per planner (7) per day ...................................................... 300 Request for Research Applications.................................................................................... 3 Lettersof Understanding.................................................................................................... 1 Administrative Meetings Development Review Committee — 2 meetings, 2 items Planning Commission - 2 meetings, 12 items COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING CATEGORY Kathy Grasser, Comprehensive Planner L COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE InvoiceManagement........................................................................................................2 Teleconference with K&S on population project deadline issues...................................1 Teleconference with K&S on CIP...................................................................................3 Parksand Recreation........................................................................................................1 Read the 2005 Master Plan..............................................................................................1 Senta copy to Public Works............................................................................................1 IL PROJECTS Krause Wrote and edited 3 agenda item summaries....................................................................9 Wrote and edited 2 ordinances.........................................................................................6 Wroteand edited 1 memo................................................................................................ I Created and edited maps with assistance from GIS........................................................12 Put together 3 BOCC packets..........................................................................................3 Sent documents to GMD and public regarding Goal 107................................................1 Comprehensive Planning Web Page Meeting with A.A. on updating the web page.................................................................1 Reviewed additional data................................................................................................2 III. REPORTS 2009 Public Facilities Capacity Assessment Report Editedand proof read.......................................................................................................2 Wrote BOCC documents (set).........................................................................................1 Capital Improvement Element Wrote CIP Table 4.1 and BOCC documents (set)...........................................................1 Key Haven Informal meeting with Janis on fill..................................................................................1 Conversation with Biologist on Key Haven IV. STAFF Comprehensive Planning Staff Meetings Meetings........................................................................................................................... 3 15 Assisted Staff Assisted with 2 sign in sheets for meeting.......................................................................1 Various software issues....................................................................................................5 V. MEETINGS Attended BOCC meeting for Ramrod Key.....................................................................1 VI. EMAILS Received and Responded to Emails RECEIVED RAMROD KEY, GOAL 107 50 LIVABLE COMMUNIKEYS PLAN 9 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE 45 GIS 5 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 43 POPULATION PROJECTIONS 8 WEB SITE 4 NO NAME KEY 1 COMP PLAN UPDATE 45 SUGARLOAF 3 HURRICANE EVACUATION 4 PUBLIC FACHATES REPORT 3 EXCEL 14 TOTAL 234 SENT TOTAL 300 MEETING SET UP EMAILS CIE 2 COMP PLAN UPDATE 38 STAFF 11 DCA WORKSHOP 31 MISC 1 TOTAL 83 TOTAL EMAILS 617 COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING Comprehensive Planning - Mitch Harvey..................................................................10/10 Development Review Committee Meetings....................................................................2 Planning Commission Meetings......................................................................................2 Comp Plan Update Teleconference with Keith & Schnars to review progress ...............2 Review of Keith & Schars Invoices................................................................................2 16 CompPlan Team Meeting...............................................................................................4 Reviewed planning staff reports......................................................................................2 Hurricane Evacuation Model Conference Call...............................................................1 Prepared BOCC agenda summaries and backup for Amendment to the K&S Contract 2 Updated draft Lower Keys LCP.....................................................................................1 Prepared staff report for Wisteria FLUM........................................................................1 Responded to E-mails and phone calls...........................................................................25 Received, distributed, and reviewed amended drafts of eight elements of the Comp Plan Technical Document................................................................................................1 Received a Letter of Understanding from DCA regarding the Compilation Report that identifies Major Issues to be addressed in the Evaluation and Appraisal Report ....1 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES PERFORMANCE REVIEW CATEGORY: Administrative Relief/Beneficial Use Apps.....................................................................1 Code Enforcement Referral............................................................................................6 Letter of ROGO Land Dedication....................................................................................1 Permit Application Site Visit [est]..................................................................................10 OTHER: Misc Bio........................................................................................................... I TierDesignation Review................................................................................................6 WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE/ BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENTS: Administrative Relief /Beneficial Use.............................................................................1 Vegetation Mitigation Letter............................................................................................2 Code Enforcement Assessment Memo............................................................................6 GISMap (Assorted).........................................................................................................15 GOCEARecording..........................................................................................................1 ROGO Land Dedication Letter........................................................................................1 MEETINGS: FWS/FEMA....................................................................................................................1 DRC.................................................................................................................................2 OTHER: PhoneCalls [Estimated]...................................................................................................400 Front Counter Walk Ins [Estimated]................................................................................'100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERMITS INSPECTIONS PLAN REVIEW Upper Keys 425 1,646 1,391 Middle KeN-s 177 584 792 Low er KeN-s - - 96 TOTAL 602 2,230 2,279 17 2500 �> 2000 1500 st m PERMITS 1000iS\ ' li%1} i''i rasa m INSPECTIC1NS 500 k'\} sj iy06 }`r 3�n �„Sr PLAN REVIEW s'sSi( (,`,' a t,'li lil 1's}t \l tltit'f Upper Keys Middle Keys Louver Keys TOTAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT - OCTOBER, 2010 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 $184,638,392 $165,201,022 $123,431,655 18 $ 200,000,000 MONROE. COUNTY $ I80,00J,000 GRO-W-- H $160.000_000 141ANAGEMENT $140.000_000 BUILDING PERIt1IT VALUATION $120-000,000 QCTQBER_ 2010 $100.000.000 $80,000,000 $60,000,000 $40,0O0,000 520,000;000 4.,. $0 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 BUILDING DEPARTMENT INSPECTIONS— OCTOBER, 2010 Inspections, FY 2011 vs. 2010 Aug, 09, Aug, 10, Sept, 09, Sept, 10, Oct., 09, Oct., 10, YTD Total-FY 10 YTD Total-FY 11 Building 903 886 1,213 830 1,122 894 1,122 894 Plumb/Mech 393 781 847 947 681 1,098 681 1,098 Electrical 238 270 273 362 317 355 317 355 Total 1 1,6871 1,937 12,547 12,139 1 2,120 1 2,31471 2,1201 2,347 19 BUILDING DEPARTMENT — OCTOBER, 2010 Inspectors October, 2010 Total # Average-20 days Upper Keys -Building -Acker, Scott 477 23.85 Lower/Middle Kevs-Electrical-A1bar an, Mike 134 6.70 Lower/Middle KeN-s-Building-Bowden, Mike 225 11.25 Upper Keti-s-Elec/Plumb/Mech/Bldg-Kas rzak, Adam 410 20.50 Lower/Middle Keys-Building-Phimiev, Tucker 62 3.10 Lower/Middle Keys-Plumbing/Mechanical-Sellers, Corev 163 8.15 Upper KeN-s-Building/Elec/Plumb/Mech-Sullivan, Steve 492 24.60 Upper Keys-Plumbing/Mechanical-Tugwell, Paul 267 13.35 20 600 500 400 300 2 00 100 0 Fatal 4 of Inspections - OCtal}eL 2010 Vk t BUILDING DEPARTMENT - OCTOBER, 2010 20,817.04 Natal # MONROE COUNTY GROWTH TMANAGEMENT- REVENUE-OCTOBER, 2010 Upper Keys mMiddleKeys m Lower Keys 21 Revenue 2010 vs. 2009 FY - Oct., FY - Oct. Office Aug., 09' Aug., 10' Sept., 09' Se t. 10' Oct., 09' Oct., 10' 09' 10' Upper Keys $79,143 $115,582 $90,939.55 $78,720 $73,624.01 106,766.95 $73,624.01 106,766.95 Middle Keys 1 $85,913 $89,816 $107,459.45 $57,164 $104,948.36 122,953.16 $104,948.36 122,953.16 Lower Keys $23,893 $17,909 $29,998.58 $12,505 $73,580.48 20,817.04 $73,580.48 20,817.04 TOTAL $188,949 $223,307 $228,397.58 $148,390 $252,152.85 250,537.15 $252,152.85 250,537.15 22