Item Q2BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: November 17, 2010 Division: County Administrator Bulk Item: Yes _ No x Department: County Administrator Staff Contact Person/Phone #: Connie Cyr /292-4441 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Discussion and approval of the Board of County Commissioners monthly meeting dates for 2011. ITEM BACKGROUND: At the November 17, 2009 BOCC meeting, the Board confirmed the scheduling of monthly one -day meeting, if possible, beginning at 9:00 A.M., on the third week of each month, on Wednesday/Thursday. At the November 19, 2008 BOCC meeting, the Board confirmed the same scheduling scenario for 2008. Attached is a comparison chart showing dates for the second week and third week of month for consideration by the Board. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: As stated above. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval as normally done by November of each year. TOTAL COST: 0 INDIRECT COST: 0 BUDGETED: Yes No DIFFERENTIAL OF LOCAL PREFERENCE: COST TO COUNTY: 0 SOURCE OF FUNDS: 0 REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No APPROVED BY: County Atty _ DOCUMENTATION: Included DISPOSITION: Revised 7/09 AMOUNT PER MONTH Year OMB/Purchasing Risk Management Not Required _ AGENDA ITEM # C/� O O � � U z y� N � -- U w C�j s. �C�j �C�j �C�j �C�j CA CA �� � �� �. �. N ~ 00 N ,~y ,~y00 'd C�j cd U N �— o N CA N N U N M � ti cd cd U O N o M o •--� y "V M .--i "V V -C cd 00 M ~ a) N N ti w U ti ti � O 0 Z Q i CC The dates for the NACO meetings are as follows: Legislative Conference in Washington, DC -March 5 — 9, 2011 Annual Conference in Portland, Oregon- July 15 — 19, 2011 The dates for the Florida Association of Counties are as follows: Annual meeting in Tampa -Hillsborough, County — Legislative Conference — Pinellas County — November 17-19, 2011 The dates for the South Florida Regional Planning Council are as follows: Meetings are at their office unless noted otherwise - The first Monday of the month The dates for the Alliance for Aging are as follows: Meetings are at their office - Board meetings - Third Monday of month The dates for the National Hurricane Conference is April 18 — 22, 2011 in Atlanta, Ga. The dates for the Governor's Hurricane Conference is May 15-20, 2011 in Ft. Lauderdale, FL