Meeting Date: November 17, 2010 Division: County Administrator
Bulk Item: Yes No X Department: County Administrator
Staff Contact /Phone #: Lisa Tennyson x 4444
AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Discussion and approval of the Monroe County 2011 Legislative
PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: The draft 2011 legislative agenda was part of the
County Administrator's report for the October meeting.
APPROVED BY: County Atty OMB/Purchasing Risk Management
DOCUMENTATION: Included Not Required
Revised 7/09
SUPPORT the appropriation of $200 million m statefunding to be used to finance
the construction costs of wastewater'pr'ojects in tleFlorida Keys.
SUPPORT preservation of existing state funding, at current levels, for County
programs and important community programs;
OPPOSE any additional cost shifts or unfunded mandates from the State to the
OPPOSE any measure that would adversely affect County revenues, or further
restricts local decision -making related to revenue and expenditures.
- e • March 8, 2011 Rgu ar session convenes.`'
• March 8, 2011 - 12 OWnoon, deadlne'for filing bills for introduction
• Apri126, 2011 -Last day for„regularly scheduled committee meetings
• May 2, 2011 - All bills ar`eim`mediately certified
O Conference committee reports require only one reading
O Motion to reconsider made and considered the same day
• May 6, 2011- Last day of regular session
Mayor Sylvia Murphy, District 5
Mayor Pro Tem Heather Carruthers, District 3
Mario DiGennaro, District 4
George Neugent, District 2
Kim Wigington, District 1
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Roman Gastesi, Jr.
Senate Distract>39: Larcenia Bullard
House District,120' Ron_ Saunders
Association of Counties
all County Coalition
National Association of Counties
International City/County Management Association
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• Appropriate $200 million in state funding to finance the construction costs of
wastewater projects in the Florida Keys.
Support maintaining current state appropriations critical to the delivery''of public
services at the county government level as it relates to currently funded county
based appropriations in the SFY 2011-2012 budget.
• Oppose unfunded mandates, pre emption of local government authority, or other
legislation that is costly or detrimental to Monroe, as a small county.
• Oppose TaxpayerdB thof Rights (or "fTABOR") and' other legislative or
constitutional restrictions on the county authority to determine locally its financial
commitments %'i rvices, community and quality of life.
(Given the shape of Florida's economy, there are still efforts being made to provide for further
property tax reform impose a'rbatrary:caps on property assessments, municipal
expenditures and municipal r evenues. These efforts, in the form of Constitutional Amendments,
would greatly inhibit a local go ernment's ability to provide adequate services in their
One such Constitutional Amendment is the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR). This is a proposal
that would impose a one -size -fits -all requirement on state and local governments to cap
revenue to a defined base amount, with periodic adjustment for population growth and
inflation. Revenues collected by a local government would be limited to the revenue amount
collected in a base fiscal year (2011-12). Local governments would be prohibited from
imposing fees, taxes, etc. to exceed the revenue cap. Any excess funds would be deposited in
budget stabilization funds, which local governments would be prohibited from accessing except
in cases of funding an emergency situation. Local governments would be required to obtain a
supermajority vote of the electors to impose any new tax, fee, assessment or charge.
Another restrictive measure that has been introduced during previous legislative sessions is a
Constitutional Amendment that would restrict the aggregate amount of property taxes levied on
a parcel ofproperty to 1.35% of the property's taxable value, or 13.5 mils. The Financial
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Impact Estimating Conference estimated that this amendment would reduce annual total
school, county, municipal and special district property tax revenues by at least $6 billion.
These proposals offer no flexibility for local preferences. In addition, voter approval of all
taxes, fees and assessments would threaten the ability of local governments to move forward on
most large capital improvement projects (such as roads, bridges, water and wastewater
facilities, etc.), many of which are funded with revenue bonds that pledge the local government
will generate sufficient revenues from the respective operations to cover debt service
requirements and meet bond coverage levels.
• Support legislation that enhances the collection of tourist development tax
revenue not currently remitted by on-line travel companies.
Oppose any Florida Retirement System
in the FRS contribution rates or a reduce
retaining existing calculation of benefit;
all legislation that potentially results id'
,changes that result in an increase
benefits without grandfathering or
isting employees; support requiring
ease IhAhe FRS contribution rate to
be analyzed and evaluated to determine the"'direct�fiscal impact of proposed
changes to local government. Since last year there were several bills to reduce the
retirement benefits and/or would impact our local budget :for example, one bill would have
changed the benefit calculation drastically such that many, of of most or all, state & county
employees with 20 to 30 years with the same entity & who had worked their way up from low
wages to high wages would have had to quit with 30 days notice"' r less to retain their benefits,
or work an extra 8 to 10 years to get back to the same level of benefits, meaning immediate loss
of institutional memoryYand unbudgeted mass retirement pay -outs for accumulated leave.
Support state , #n nn
bridges; and leg M'M
public infrastructu
currently -authorized
Growth Management:
infrastructure, such as wastewater, roads and
additional local revenue sources to fund
at flexibility in levying and using
• Support reauthorization and increased funding for the Florida Forever Trust Fund.
Faced with a severe budget shortfall, the legislature last year pulled funding for this
conservation land -buying program.
• Support the continued designation of the Florida Keys as an Area of Critical State
Support the continuation of Department of Community Affairs as the state land
planning agency. Legislative efforts to reenact DCA last year passed in Senate but died in
House during last session.
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• Oppose legislation that erodes county authority to regulate development pursuant
to the Growth Management Act of 1985.
Support elimination or modification of F.S Ch. 163.3177 (b) 1, which requires
that the five-year schedule of capital improvements be "financially feasible". In
lieu of elimination of the requirement, the following is proposed: (1) Exempt
Areas of Critical State Concern from the requirement; or (2) Modify the deadline
year. Financial feasibility means that sufficient revenues are currently available or will be
available from committed funding sources for the first 3 years, or wall h,e available from
committed or planned funding sources for years 4 and 5, of a five year capital improvement
schedule for financing capital improvements. Should a local government not be capable of
meeting the financially feasibility requirement, it cannot amend tits comprehensive plan after
Dec 2011. Due to the County's onerous wastewater fund ng,.responsabladies, we cannot meet
this requirement.
Health and Social Services:
• Support appropriate funding as,,outlined in the existing state capacity formula for
crisis mental health and substaric.e abuse beds statewide. Support increased
funding for public receiving facrltiesandmaintaining funding for public facilities
if new state general revenue is provided fk#kK
• Support legislation that fully maintams'and preserves critical mandatory and
optional Medicaid services without imposing additional costs on local
• Opp 1, e,e state funding reduction to the county health departments.
• t'0 ose any
inc°1<udiniz the
C11»»nttA`ncrPaceci fi1'rirli
g reduction to programs serving the elderly and disabled,
ion needs of elderly, disabled, and indigent populations.
for weatherization assistance and home energy
elderly and disabled.
Support legislation related to numeric nutrient criteria that is science -based,
incorporates meaningful stakeholder participation and does not derail the State's
well -established and effective Total Maximum Daily Loads, and will not result in
high costs to fragile state and local economies.
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Support state funding sources to assist local governments in developing and
implementing necessary climate change initiatives and legislation that
incentivizes the development of alternative energy sources and provides
incentives for local governments to assist in state energy programs such as green
building and carbon emission reductions.
Oppose legislation that would result in additional energy -related mandates to
county government without funding to implement such mandates.
SLipport legislation that provides resources and incentives to local governments to
achieve any statewide recycling goals; support reinstating state funding of Solid
Waste Management Grants.
• Support legislation that streamlines permitting and regulatory professes for solar
products and installers.
Judicial/Justice System:
• Support legislation that ensures that small counties, such as Monroe, have
sufficient resources for the operation of Florida's court system.
• Support reducing or eliminating statutory requirement for counties to increase
funding for certain court expenses and infrastructure by 1.5% over the prior
county fisca`14�y
funding for their
priority or avails
associated with
• Support legislation that rai
>. Currently Florida statute requires counties to increase
by 1. S% on an annual basis regardless of need,
Mould be able to recoup the cost -savings
use reductions, efficiencies implemented, etc.
statutory cap on county ordinance violations to
• Support legislation that reduces medical expenses for county detention facilities
by setting a standardized state-wide reimbursement amount paid by counties to
medical providers for health services to inmates and arrestees at the established
Medicaid rate or less. Currently, providers of medical services to inmates are supposed to
determine whether or not an inmate has insurance or means to pay. If not, the provider bills the
county. However, many times providers just go ahead and bill county without checking on
insurance and in turn bill at exorbitant rates, that we have to reimburse... legislation would
limit this reimbursement to I10% of medicare... the same as the state's policy for inmates.
• Support additional Dept. of Juvenile Justice funding to allow retention of holding
facilities separate from the adult population for youth in areas where the youth's
home is more than 35 miles (or some other determinant) from the nearest juvenile
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detention center; oppose any legislation that further erodes the ability to detain
youth near their families.
Emergency Management:
• Support legislation that provides or ensures sufficient funding for emergency
management related facilities to meet the evacuation and shelter needs in small,
high -risk counties, such as Monroe.
• Support state funding for county special needs patients and shelters.
• Support continued state funding for county EOCs to ensure each is able to meet
the minimum structural survivability and operation space criteria established by
state and federal government.
Support full funding of State Aid to Libraries based on: the current statutory
formula that provides counties 25 cents to every locspent. As an interim
step in accomplishing full funding, support a $10 million increase in state aid to
public libraries. State aid to the Florida Libraries Program is a continuing State grant
program authorized"" Statute. For forty years, the State Aid to Libraries has been an incentive
program, designed to encourage counties to provide library service to the residents. Florida is
permitted to giant £operating funds to county libraries at a rate of up to $.25 on the dollar. In
recent years, State support has dropped perilously low and the fund is providing grants at $. 07
on the dollar.
• Support measures that ensure decisions and policies regarding county libraries are
made at the local level.
• Support a two year suspension of any new state agency rule or amendment to an
existing rule that would have a fiscal impact on county government.
• Oppose any legislation proposing an amendment to the Florida Constitution
imposing term limits on elected County or municipal officers.
Support state action requesting that Congress repeal Section 511 of the Tax
Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005 requiring local government to
withhold federal taxes on goods and services without any funding.
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Support granting counties greater flexibility in determining communication
alternatives for informing citizens of public meetings and workshops. (Right now,
state law requires ad space in local newspapers as the only method of meeting public notice
requirements, but studies show that the public uses internet and cable to get most of its
information, and these technologies are low cost alternative to more costly ad space in print
Support insurance legislation that will provide lower,
residents of Monroe County. The county supports thi
bill: preserving the authority of the Office of Insuranc
and use" permanent; requiring enhanced modelingftl
modeling; requiring annual review of risk models;lTe
third party claims adjuster companies (MGAs — marry
ate rates to
components of a
gulation; making "file
s, both wind and water
and created by insurance companies; creating a 4 year statute o
initial claims filing; and limiting the commission of public adjL
only to the supplemental claims they facilitate.
auditing of
agencies) hired
tations on
s to 2'6% and
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• Support Monroe County's Appropriations Requests:
q $ 10 million toward $220 million state -mandated wastewater infrastructure
proj ect.
q $ 4 million for urgent bridge repairs. `
q $ 3 million for an Emergency Operations Center.
• Support legislation that would authorize or_ appropriate increased. funding or allow
for new funding sources to finance water and wastewater infrastructure -and
fi� .r
oppose any efforts to reduce funding for critical grant=programs and other funding
• Promote passage of the highway reauthorization bill with increased funding for
programs that address critical transportation infrastructure; including funding for
Monroe County's bridge repair project.
• SLipport creation_of a'Nat.onal Catastrophic Insurance Fund to spread risk from
natural disas�te>�s,,,across M states and eliminate legal battles in determining
damage caused{by} wind versus water due to hurricanes.
Support reauthorization'of federal ai>rpbrt and aviation programs.
• Advocate for full funding of the=Edwin Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant
program in the coming federal fiscal year.
• Advocate for the preservation of the current level of federal funding for Monroe
County's disaster recovery, housing, social and community service programs
including the Community Development Block Grant and the Community Services
Block Grant programs.
• Support repealing Section 511 of the Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation
Act requiring counties to withhold 3% federal taxes on payments for services or
products, without any funding from the federal government, beginning in 2011.
Governments will likely have to make programming changes to financial and
accounting systems, purchase new software, register new vendors and possibly
hire additional staff to keep up with the new data files and paper reports.
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Monitor any legislation related to FEMA Funding for Parks & Recreation/Pre-
Disaster Mitigation Programs: concerning reauthorization of the Disaster Relief
and Emergency Assistance Act, particularly language which would have a
significant negative impact on parks and recreation areas, denying funding, under
the Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Act, for disaster relief to parks,
recreation departments, beaches and other similar entities. Also, monitor any
proposals for FEMA to offer pre -disaster mitigation pilot grants in communities
throughout the nation (a total of $220 million was authorized over a 6-year
Support legislation that amends federal law (U.S. Code of Federal Regulations,
Title 42, part 435.1009) to allow the continuation. of federal entitlement benefits
(Federal Financial Participation) for inmates; mcluding juveniles, in County jails
who are accused of committing a crime and are awaiting trail, even if
incarcerated, until they are convicted of a crone. Currently a person incarcerated in a
county jail or juvenile detention center is inelagable to retaan Nle'dicare and Medicaid benefits
or Social Security Disability Insurance once they enter tliegfacility. As a consequence, the cost
of medical care for these inmates becomes a non federalesponsibility, typically born by
county government at a significant expense, upon arrest or
Support legislation that allows for the suspension, rather than termination, of
Medicaid benefits for individuals including juveniles who are convicted of a
crime and incarceratedfor less than one year. In many cases where states cannot afford
to provide the nonfederal costofproviding medical services to FFP eligible persons, their
eligibility is someti es suspe. ed or terminated. If the individual has been terminated from
these programs, it may fake months fob these federal benefits to be restored once they leave the
institution.;'' a
• Support expanding authorization, for local governments to use approved federal
contracts and vendors to mcl* conservation and green projects.
Support funding for the South East Florida Climate Adaptation Pilot: SE Florida,
comprised of Broward, Miami -Dade, Palm Beach, and Monroe Counties, is home
to nearly 5.5 million residents, accounts for nearly one-third of Florida's total
economic production, and is one of the most vulnerable regions in the United
States to the impacts of climate change. The Four -County Area is requesting
$15,000,000 as part of the Federal Clean Energy or related legislation to support
the development of a regional climate change adaptation strategy for SE Florida.
Without intervention, continued increases in sea level will inundate vast coastal areas and
compromise the region's drinking water supply. Recognizing the need for immediate action, the
counties of Southeast Florida convened a Regional Climate Leadership Summit and later
signed a Regional Climate Compact, committing to the cooperative development a regional
climate strategy to address shared mitigation goals and adaptation needs. Funding of this
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appropriations request, and the support of our federal partners, will be pivotal to this
endeavor, and the development of a climate adaptation strategy for SE Florida is expected to
serve as an effective national model for other vulnerable areas of the Country.
The development of regional adaptation strategy will involve a 2-3 year effort focused on the
development of appropriate models and planning tools that will set the stage for the adaptation
strategies to be employed by local governments and the South Florida Water Management
District. Particular areas of vulnerability and analysis will include sea level rise, drainage and
flood control infrastructure, changing precipitation patterns, impacts on groundwater levels,
surface water management, and saltwater intrusion and its influence, ion potable well fields and
water supplies. Efforts will include the downscaling of regional climate models to an
appropriate level to provide suitable predictive abilities for the legion.
The SE Florida Climate Adaptation Pilot Project will reqiiiie vast technical support and
professional services to be provided by industry as well as agency partners. Pilot project
deliverables will include:
• County -level system modeling/scenario testing/plan development
• Regional system modeling/scenario testing/plan development
• Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Adaptation Plan - including`Plan for Early
Response Infrastructure
Total Request: $1 S million.
• $8 million total for each of the 4 partner ,.counties to analyze urban drainage surface
water management infrastructure with effort to be built upon surface /groundwater
models, saltwater intrusion models, and clifate m, o�dels with a detailed assessment of
yrM e3,�% k% i
function of existing drainage infrastructure and de"velopment of adaptation
recommendations for maintaining adequate level of drainage and flood control.
• $7 million for regional flood control and surface water management modeling to be
managed by the South Florida Water Management District to integrate regional scale
climate model and salt water modeling, in the context of the Comprehensive Everglades
is part of a regional adaptation strategy.
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Monroe County government provides most of the basic services that keep our community
and economy functioning and our citizens safe and healthy.
The Florida Constitution establishes the same basic organizational structure for Florida's
67 counties and, depending on local circumstances and resources, many counties, such as
Monroe, assume additional responsibilities to meet local needs.
The following is a range of some of the services performed by Monroe County:
• Infrastructure
o Wastewater/Storm water
o Road construction and maintenanc(
o Bridge construction and maintenan
o Solid waste management, disposal
o Ensuring adequate water supply
• Environment
o Growth management planning
o Infrastructure concurrency
o Land use permitting
o Wetlands protection,.,,,,,
o Disposing houoL
o Parks and beaches. n {
• Public Safety
o Providing Fire ProtectibMand Emergency Medical Services
o Hurricane and Disaster preparation, coordination, response and recovery
o Evacuation and shelters
o Funding the sheriffs, their deputies and their duties
o Providing and maintaining county jails
o Juvenile justice detention and prevention programming
o Building inspections
o Animal control
• Justice System
o Constructing, maintaining and protecting the facilities for civil and criminal
o Ensuring access and participation aids for the disabled to the justice system
o Recording the official filing and outcome of legal disputes
o Serving warrants and other legal papers
o Providing legal services for indigent citizens
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• Economic and Community Development
o Tourism development and support
o Working waterfront
o Open spaces/parks/beaches
o Public libraries
o Affordable housing
Health and Social Services
o Life -sustaining services to elderly and disabled
o Indigent medical and mental health care
o Community health services
o Immunizations
o Veterans services
o Mental health assistance
o Elderly services
o Weatherization and home energy as
o Homelessness prevention
• Administrative Functions
o Registering all voters
o Conducting elections
o Recording deeds
o Issuing marriage.,nhcense
o Registration ofehicles.
o Providing record
a of ch
support payments
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