Item R02BOARD OF COUNTY CONMMSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: November 17, 2010 (KLl Division: County Attorney Bulk Item: Yes X No _ Staff Contact Person/Phone #: Suzanne Hutton 292-3470 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Request Approval to advertise a public hearing for an ordinance amending Monroe County Code Article III, Division 4, providing for registration of lobbyists, providing definitions, providing for contact logs to be maintained, providing elimination of an exemption for employees and officers in 1990 from the prohibition against lobbying the county for two years after leaving their position. ITEM BACKGROUND: At the April 218, 2010 meeting the BOCC adopted Ordinance No. 11- 2010, which sunsets on November 30, 2010. Numerous complaints regarding the application of the lobbying ordinance resulted in a number of attempts to amend the ordinance to comport more with the intent of the BOCC and the desires of the public, but due to lack of consensus the existing ordinance will sunset at the end of the month. The ordinance attached hereto is an effort to retain the transparency which was the main purpose of the lobbying ordinance, but limit the registry to those people who are paid to be lobbyists, and set forth additional requirements to allow the public to see who is meeting with commissioners, limit the ability to change the procurement process to accommodate entities that lobby to be considered for contracts without responding to competitive selection invitations, and to eliminate the exemption from a prohibition against prior officers and employees lobbying the county for two years after leaving office if they were an officer of or employed by the county in 1990. The attached ordinance draft shows the existing code provisions (with strike-throughs) that lapse so you can compare what was with what is proposed. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: Enactment of Ordinances No. 10-1990, No. 20-1990, and No. 22-2004, prohibiting current and former employees and officials from lobbying activities; and Ordinance No. 11-2010, requiring registry by anyone lobbying Monroe County BOCC, commissioners, staff, boards and councils thereof & their members. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECONEWENDATIONS: Approval. TOTAL COST: INDIRECT COST: BUDGETED: Yes No — COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes _ No AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County A OMB/Purchasing Risk Management DOCUMENTATION: Included Not Required DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM #. Commissioner Carruthers ORDINANCE NO. — 2010 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING MONROE COUNTY CODE CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VI, PURCHASING AND CONTRACTS; PROVDING TERMINATION OF EXCEPTION WHICH ALLOWED OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES SO ENGAGED IN 1990 FROM PROHIBITION OF LOBBYING FOR TWO YEARS AFTER LEAVING OFFICE; REQUIRING LOBBYISTS TO REGISTER; PROVIDING PROHIBITION OF LOBBYING ACTIVITIES; PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION INTO THE MONROE COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County passed Ordinance No. 11-2010 in order to render greater transparency to county processes leading to action by the county commission by requiring lobbyists to register with the county; and WHEREAS, drafts of ordinances to clarify applicability of the original ordinance, to remove the term "lobbyist" from those who do not get paid to be lobbyists but who were, under the ordinance required to register, and other efforts to render the ordinance more palatable in response to the public objections to the requirement to register; and WHEREAS, efforts to make changes to the ordinance were unsuccessful and the ordinance sunsets on November 30, 2010; and WHEREAS, the sunset date will terminate the definitions of Board, Compensation, County, County chairman and County mayor, County office, Development permit, Expenditure, Lobbyist, Planning Commission, and Principal as well as the requirement for lobbyists to register with the county and related prohibitions and penalties; and WHEREAS, the purpose underlying Ordinance No. 11-2010 was to enable the general public to be more aware of those persons lobbying the county commissioners and staff for action in favour of the lobbyists' principals; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, finds it in the best interests of the residents and taxpayers of this County to continue to seek a mechanism to render lobbying activities transparent; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Lobbying Ord. Nov. 2010 1 SECTION 1. Section 2-148, Monroe County Code, shall be amended by adding the following: Board means the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners. Compensation means a payment distribution loanadvance reimbursement, deposit, salary, fee retainer, or anything of valueprovided or owed to a lobbying firm, directly or indirectly, by aprincipal for any lobbying activity. County means Monroe County, Florida. County chairman and County manor are interchangeable terms which mean the Chairman of the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners. County office means any governmental office staffed by employees under the authority of the Board of County Commissioners. Development permit means the same as this term is defined in F.S. § 163.3164. Employee means all ersonnel employed by the board of county commissioners. Expenditure means the same as this term is defined in F.S. § 112.3215. Lobbyist meansper-seft,-paFtaffship, eeTer-afiefi or- other- business entity that lobbies on behalf e" pr-ineipal. Lobbyist does not fnean-a Ge=y of other- govemm effieial pwpose of self representation with= eempeas-efi-e-n- or- reimburse , of ether- personal any person who is employed and receives payment or who contracts for economic consideration for the pMose of lobbying on behalf of a principal, and shall include an employee whose principal or most significant responsibilities to the employer is overseeing the employer's various relationships with government or representing the employer in its contacts with government "Lobbyist" shall not include any employee as defined in this article any elected local official when the official is lobbying on behalf of the governmental agency which the official serves or any member of the official's staff when such staff member is lobbying on an occasional basis on behalf of the governmental agency by which the staff member is employed. Person means a- natwal- per-seir individuals firms associations, joint ventures, partnerships estates trusts business trusts syndicates fiduciaries corporations (profit or not -for -profit), professional corporations or associations and all other groups or combinations however constituted. Planning Commission means the local planning agency as further described in the land development regulations of the Monroe County Code. Lobbying Ord. Nov. 201 V Principal means , ah e,qwiees of a lebb54st the person or entity a lobbyist represents for the purpose of lobbying. SECTION 2. Section 2-148, Monroe County Code, definition of Lobbying shall be amended to read as follows: Lobbying means seeking, 'f efAi to in fl .enee the « * "---A DI n rrarrro�zvi: v JF--a&iser-Y body with Pat RV an a mpt to ebtain the to influence the decision of any county commissioner, any advisory board member, or any employee with respect to the passage, defeat or modification of any item which may foreseeable be presented for consideration to the advisory board or board of county commissioners as applicable. y s Lobbying Ord. Nov. 201 V SECTION 3. Section 2-149(b), Monroe County Code, shall be amended as follows: (a) No former county officer or employee shall, within two years following vacation of office or termination of employment, lobby on behalf of any other person or business entity in any formal or informal appearance before, or with the intent to influence, make any oral or written communication on behalf of any other person or business entity, to: (1) Any board, commission, authority, or advisory body of the county; or (2) Any department, division, special district or bureau of the county, in connection with current or future procurement of goods and/or services. (b) This section shall not apply in the case of collective bargaining_ er- to 1 .1 ived du if eff ee,-: eleete.l of appe „te.l for- whieh this e*eept L, t it, sueh nfte.. the of etWe date Af tt,e another- of ef€ie , h V .1 tb.en this eet,A shall apply: SECTION 4. Registration of Lobbyists. Section 2-154, Monroe County Code, shall be created to read as follows: Y. Y. I. I. Lobbying Ord. Nov. 201 () 4 Mrur 5 - a wmwNIP Y. P-99W. FT Lobbying Ord. Nov. 201 V Lobbying Ord. Nov. 201 V WERN Wl oil Y. Y. Sec.2-154. Registration. (a) Registration required Prior to lobbying all lobbyists shall submit an original, fully executed registration form to county administration A separate registration is required for each principal represented A registration fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.-0) must be included with each registration form submitted A registrant shall promptly send a written statement to county administration canceling the registration for a principal upon termination of the lobbyist's representation of that principal. This statement shall be signed by the lobbyist Lobbying prior to registration is prohibited. (b) Registration form The registration form shall be prepared by county administration and shall require the following information: 1) the name and address of the lobbyist: 2) the name and address of the principal represented; 3) the date the lobbyist was initially retained by the principal• 4) the nature and extent of any direct business association or partnership the lobbyist and principal might have with any current county commissioner, advisory board member, or employee• 5) the area of legislative interest; and 6) a statement confirming that the registrant is authorized to represent the principal. The form shall be signed by the registrant and the principal. (c) Registration exceptions Registration shall not be required for the following: (1) County commissioners advisory board members or employees discussing matters relevant to their official duties; (2) Persons under contract with the county who communicate with county commissioners advisory board members or employees regarding issues related only to the performance of their services under their contract; Lobbying Ord. Nov. 201 (3) Any person who lobbies only in his or her individual capacity for the purpose of self -representation, or (4) Any person who appears before the board or advisory board in a quasi-judicial proceeding. (d) False statements A lobbyist shall not knowingly make or cause to be made, a false statement or misrepresentation in maintaining registration or when lobbying county commissioners advisory board members, or employees. SECTION 5. Section 2-155, Monroe County Code shall be created to read as follows: Sec. 2-155. Record of contacts. (a) Contact log. Except when appearing before the board or any advisory board, all persons whether or not engaging in lobbying. shall sign contact logs maintained and available in the office of reception of each department of county government. The person shall provide his or her name whether or not the person is a lobbyist as defined in this article A lobbyist or a person who is lobbying but not a lobbyist as defined in this article shall enter on the contact log the name of each principal if any, represented in the course of the particular contact and the subject matter of the lobbying contact. All contact logs shall be transmitted to the county administrator at the end of each calendar quarter and posted to the county website. (b) Lobbying outside of county offices In the event that a lobbyist engages in lobbying which is outside of county offices and which is a scheduled appointment initiated by any person for the purpose of lobbying the lobbyist shall advise the commissioner's office or employee's department office as appropriate of the calendar scheduling of an appointment and the subject matter of the lobbying contact. SECTION 6. Section 2-156, Monroe County Code shall be created to read as follows: Sec. 2-156. Cone of silence. (a) Cone of silence means a prohibition on any communication except for written correspondence regarding a particular request for proposal request for qualification, bid, or any other competitive solicitation between: (1) Any person or representative seeking an award from such competitive solicitation: and (2) Any count commissioner or commissioner's staff or any employee authorized to act on behalf of the commission to award a particular contract. (b) For the purposes of this section a person's representative shall include but not be limited to the person's employee partner, officer, director, consultant lobbyist, or any actual or potential subcontractor or consultant of the person. (c) The cone of silence shall be in effect as of the deadline to submit the proposal, bids or other response to a competitive solicitation The cone of silence shall remain in effect and subject to the terms of this section for any person or person's representative who responds to a particular request for proposal request for qualification bid, or any other Lobbying Ord. Nov. 201 competitive solicitation and such response is either rejected by the county or withdrawn by the person or person's representative Each request for proposal, request for qualification bid or any other competitive solicitation shall provide notice of cone of silence requirements and refer to this article. (d) The provisions of this article shall not apply to oral communications at any public proceeding including pre -bid conferences oral presentations before selection committees contract negotiations during any public meeting presentations made to the board and protest hearings Further the cone of silence shall not apply to contract negotiations between any employee and the intended awardee any dispute resolution process following the filing of a protest between the person filing the protest and any employee or any written correspondence at any time with any employee, _count commissioner, or advisoKy board member or selection committee member unless specifically prohibited by the applicable competitive solicitation process. (e) The cone of silence shall not gpply to any purchases made in an amount less than the competitive bid threshold set forth in the county purchasing ordinance (County Code, chapter 2, article VI). (f) The cone of silence shall terminate at the time the board or a county department authorized to act on behalf of the board awards or approves a contract rejects all bids or responses or otherwise takes action which ends the solicitation process. Any contract entered into in violation of the cone of silence provisions in this section shall render the transaction voidable. SECTION 7. Section 2-157, Monroe County Code shall be created to read as follows: Sec.2-157. Enforcement. (a) If the county administrator is informed of any person who has failed to comply with the requirements of this article, he or she shall conduct such investigation as he or she shall deem necessary under the circumstances The results of each investigation shall be reported to the board If the county administrator is the one alleged to have failed to comply with the requirements of this article the information regarding alleged non-compliance shall be filed with the county attorney who shall follow the procedures set forth herein. (b) After determination of a first violation of registration requirements the board may warnreprimand or censure the violator or may suspend or prohibit the violator from appearing on behalf of any principal before the board or any county advisory body or from otherwise lobbying for any principal in any fashion for a period of time,• provided however, that any suspension or prohibition may not exceed a period of two years and no sanction shall be imposed unless the lobbyist allegedly in violation has been afforded reasonable notice and an opportunity to be heard. After determination of a subsequent violation the board shall suspend or Lobbying Ord. Nov. 2010 prohibit the violator from appearingon behalf of anv principal before the board or, any county advisory bodv or from otherwise lobbying for any principal in any fashion for a period of time; provided however, that anv suspension or prohibition may not exceed aperiod of two years, and no sanction shall be imposed unless the lobbyist allegedly in violation has been afforded reasonable notice and an opportunity to be heard. The penalties provided in this subsection shall be the exclusive penalties imposed for violations of the registration requirements of this article The failure or refusal of any lobbyist to comply with any order of the board suspending or prohibiting the lobbyist from lobbying shall be punishable as provided by law and shall otherwise be subject to such civil remedies as the county may pursue including injunctive relief. (c) The board of county commissioners may void anv action or contract entered into in connection with a procurement matter where the county chairmanone or more county commissioners, or a member of the pertinent procurement committee has been lobbied in violation of the registration rgporting requirements. Lobbying Ord. Nov. 2018 SECTION 8. SEVERABILITY. Should any provision of this Ordinance be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this Ordinance as whole, or any part thereof, other than the part declared to be invalid. If this ordinance or any provision thereof shall be held to be inapplicable to any person, property or circumstances, such holding shall not affect its applicability to any other person, property or circumstances. SECTION 9. CONFLICT WITH OTHER ORDINANCES. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. SECTION 10. INCLUSION IN THE CODE OF ORDINANCES. The provisions of this Ordinance shall be included and incorporated in the Code of Ordinances of the County of Monroe, Florida, as an addition or amendment thereto, and shall be appropriately renumbered to conform to the uniform numbering system of the code. SECTION 11. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect on , provided that this Ordinance shall be filed with the Department of State as provided in section 125.66(2), Florida Statutes. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the _th day of 2010. Mayor Sylvia Murphy Mayor Pro Tem Heather Carruthers Commissioner Mario DiGennaro Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Kim Wigington (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk Rv Deputy Clerk Lobbying Ord. Nov. 201 V BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By Mayor/Chairperson a 10