Item R04BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: November 17.2010 - PK Department: County Attorney Bulk Item: Yes X No _ Staff Contact Person: Christine Limbert-Barrows #3475 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to advertise a public hearing to consider adoption of an ordinance amending Sections 26-1, 26-96 and 26-98 of the Monroe County Code to expand the prohibition against diving or snorkeling in any manmade water body or marina, or within 300 ft. of an improved residential or commercial shoreline, to include the 3 days prior to the start of mini -season and continuing through mini -season and for the first 5 days of commercial lobster season for a total of 10 days. ITEM BACKGROUND: In response to the volume of complaints from property owners and the ever-increasing public safety and environmental issues resulting from the 2-day spiny lobster mini -season, in 2003 the BOCC adopted Ordinance No. 044-2003 to prohibit diving/snorkeling in any manmade waterbody or marina or within 300 ft. of an improved residential or commercial shoreline during the entirety of the 2-day mini -season for spiny lobster. Still, each year there continues to be an increased detrimental impact on the community, straining law enforcement and emergency services who must respond to the numerous accidents, collisions and citizen complaints and increase their efforts to prevent or minimize environmental damage to our fragile environment. The expansion of the prohibition period to include the 3 days prior to the start of mini -season and continuing through mini -season and for the first 5 days of commercial lobster season will extend the period of prevention and law enforcement efforts and provide added relief to Keys residents and property owners. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: 12/17/2003 Ordinance No. 044-2003 prohibiting diving/snorkeling in any manmade waterbody or marina or within 300 ft. of an improved residential or commercial shoreline during the entirety of the 2-day sport season for spiny lobster 6/18/2003 Ordinance No. 020-2003 further defining "navigable canal" and "man-made water body" 2/19/2003 Ordinance No. 003-2003 Established "No Discharge Zone" (see Exhibit A - Map) CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: Sec. 26-1 defines "commercial lobster season"; Sec. 26-96 adds "and commercial lobster season"; Sec. 26-98 expands prohibition to include "beginning three (3) days prior to the opening of "and for the first five (5) days of commercial lobster season". Sec. 26-98 deletes map and signage requirements. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval. TOTAL COST: N/A INDIRECT COST: BUDGETED: Yes No _ DIFFERENTIAL OF LOCAL PREFERENCE: COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH APPROVED BY: County Att�1!1_ DOCUMENTATION: Included DISPOSITION• Revised 7/09 OMB/Purchasing Risk Management X Not Required AGENDA ITEM # Year MAYOR MURPHY ORDINANCE NO. - 2010 AN ORDINANCE BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AMENDING SECTIONS 26-1, 26-96 AND 26-98 OF THE MONROE COUNTY CODE, FURTHER RESTRICTING DIVING AND SNORKELING DURING LOBSTER MINI - SEASON AND COMMERCIAL LOBSTER SEASON; PROVIDING A DEFINITION FOR "COMMERCIAL LOBSTER SEASON"; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION INTO THE MONROE COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners finds that the increased diver and boat traffic in navigable canals, and within 300 feet of marinas, improved residential and commercial shorelines before and during the two-day lobster mini -season and beginning with the start of the commercial lobster season presents heightened public safety problems not generally applicable at other times of the year; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners finds and declares these public safety problems to constitute a public nuisance, detrimental to the community as a whole, due to the level of policing and emergency services required to respond to accidents and collisions that occur because of the close proximity of divers and vessel traffic in small areas; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners finds that the extended prohibition of diving and snorkeling preceding lobster mini -season running through commercial lobster season does not intrude upon the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's jurisdiction over the harvesting of spiny lobster and in fact furthers the Commissioner's stated intent of protecting and conserving Florida's spiny lobster resources; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. Section 26-1, Monroe County Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 26-1. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: 1 MAYOR MURPHY Combustion vessel exclusion zone means that no person shall operate a motorized vessel (as defined in this section), by use of a combustion engine, or in some cases where specifically established an electric motor, in any area spatially defined as "Combustion Vessel Exclusion Zone" and that is so identified as a "Combustion Vessel Exclusion Zone" by appropriate signage. Commercial lobster season means the period of time designated for harvesting of lobster, currently from August 6 through March 31 of the following year, authorized by the Marine Fisheries Department of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission pursuant to Section 68B-24.005, Florida Administrative Code as amended from time to time. Commercial vessel means: (1) Any vessel primarily engaged in the taking or landing of saltwater fish or saltwater products or freshwater fish or freshwater products, or any vessel licensed pursuant to F.S. § 370.06 from which commercial quantities of saltwater products are harvested, from within and without the waters of this state for sale either to the consumer, retail dealer, or wholesale dealer; or (2) Any other vessel, except a recreational vessel as defined in this section. Discharge includes, but is not limited to, any spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying or dumping. Dive means to wholly or partially submerge one's body while equipped with a mask or goggles, whether or not any type of underwater breathing apparatus is used. Floating structure means as defined in F.S. § 327.02. Houseboat means as provided in F.S. § 337.02. Idle speed/no wake means that a vessel cannot proceed at a speed greater than that speed that is necessary to maintain steerage. Live -aboard vessel: (1) The term "live -aboard vessel" means as provided in F.S. § 327.02. (2) Any vessel with a person living aboard and that is anchored, moored, or docked in the same location for 72 consecutive hours is presumed to be a live -aboard vessel. Lobster mini -season means the two-day sport season authorized by the state pursuant to F.A.C. 68B-24.005. MAYOR MURPHY Manager means the manager and/or management staff of the land based facility authorized by separate resolution and/or agreement to operate, manage and maintain any county mooring field. Manmade water body means a water body that was created by excavation by mechanical means under human control and shall include a canal, cut basin, or channel where its edges or margins have subsequently been modified by natural forces. (1) For the purposes of this chapter, such water bodies may have natural components, for instance a channel or canal may have been dredged such that the dredge material was used to create land on one side, but not the other, thus leaving a relatively natural shoreline on the opposite side. (2) Also for the purposes of this chapter, the manmade water body must have "buildings," as defined in part II of this Code, along its shoreline to be applicable. If buildings are not present on a given shoreline on the date of adoption of the ordinance from which this section is derived, but such buildings are constructed at a later date, then the ordinance from which this section is derived becomes effective at that time. Marine sanitation device means as defined in F.S. § 327.02. Mobile pump -out vessel means any vessel capable of pumping out and receiving human body wastes and other effluent contained in marine sanitation devices installed aboard other vessels. Mooring field means areas in and adjacent to the County installed mooring systems, including designated anchoring areas. These areas may include both County and State owned submerged lands, but shall exclude privately owned submerged lands. The delineation, implementation and management of County mooring fields shall be approved by the state. Motorboat means as provided in F.S. § 327.02. This definition is synonymous with the definition of motorized vessel. Motorized vessel means any vessel that is propelled or powered by machinery and that is capable of being used as a means of transportation on water. No discharge zone means any of the areas located within State waters within the boundaries of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, as identified in Federal Register Notice 66:144, pp 38967-38969, promulgated on July 26, 2001, and as shown in attachment A of the ordinance from which this section is derived. Owner means as provided in F.S. § 327.02. Person means an individual, partnership, firm, corporation, association, or other entity, but does not include an individual on board a public vessel or the owner of a public vessel. 3 MAYOR MURPHY Public vessel means a vessel owned or a bareboat chartered and operated by the United States, the State, the County, or by a foreign nation, except when such vessel is in commerce. Pump -out station means a facility that pumps or receives human body wastes and other effluent out of marine sanitation device installed on board vessels. Real property owner means any part owner, tenant in common, tenant in partnership, joint tenant or tenant by the entirety, with legal or beneficial title to the whole or to part of real property. Recreational vessel means any vessel: (1) Manufactured and used primarily for noncommercial purposes; or (2) Leased, rented, or chartered to a person for the person's noncommercial use. Residential area means any area designated improved subdivision, suburban residential or suburban residential limited, sparsely settled, urban residential, and urban residential mobile home under the County land development regulations. Seaworthy condition means that a vessel is in good condition and capable of the use for which it was designed. Sewage means human body wastes and wastes from toilets and other receptacles, including approved marine sanitation devices (MSD) intended to receive or retain body wastes, whether treated or raw. Slow speed/minimum wake means that a vessel must be fully off plane and completely settled into the water. It must not proceed at a speed greater than that which is reasonable and prudent to avoid the creation of an excessive wake or other hazardous condition under the existing circumstances. A vessel is not proceeding at a slow speed/minimum wake when it is: (1) Operating on a plane; (2) In the process of coming off plane and settling into the water or coming up onto a plane; or (3) Operating at a speed that creates a wake that is unreasonable or unnecessarily endangers other vessels. Speargun means any device whether commercially manufactured or hand -made, that is designed and constructed so as to be capable of forcefully discharging at great velocity any spear or any similar projectile in a direction determined by the user thereof for a distance greater than two feet (24 inches) whether or not such spear or projectile is tethered to the firing apparatus or otherwise limited in its range. No distinction shall be 4 MAYOR MURPHY made as to the mechanical construction or physical means used in such devices to create the potential energy necessary to eject or fire such spear or similar projectiles. Vessel means as provided in F.S. § 327.02. Water -borne craft or structures subject to density allocation and wastewater management requirements (water -borne craft) means and encompasses any of the following definitions, houseboat, floating structures, live aboard vessel, and vessel as defined in this chapter and F.S. § 327.02 when the object of such definitions is being occupied in a manner that would be construed as either a residential or business purpose that would normally require wastewater facilities. Such occupation, be it residential or commercial in nature, could involve either long-term or short-term tenancies and typically would involve occupancy including habitation, eating, sleeping, bathing, and or a business functions where the occupant were aboard the water -borne craft for several hours per day. (1) Water -borne craft may as a matter of course occupy a dry slip, wet slip, or mooring as defined in this chapter and exist in a marina, marine facility, mooring field or other location within or on waters of this state as defined in this chapter. (2) Water -borne craft are subject to a density allocation commensurate with the district it occupies and is to be calculated as the equivalent of one density unit. Water -borne craft are subject to wastewater management requirements as defined in this section and part II of this Code. SECTION 2. Sec. 26-96, Monroe County Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 26-96. Intent and purpose. The intent and purpose of this article is to abate the destruction of property, deleterious environmental effects, and criminal trespass that results from the close proximity of divers to public and private property, as well as from the interactions and explorations by divers of docks, piers, and bulkheads in search of spiny lobster during the lobster mini -season and commercial lobster season. Such activities constitute a public nuisance. SECTION 3. Sec. 26-98, Monroe County Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 26-98. Diving and snorkeling prohibited. (a) It is a public nuisance and is unlawful for any person to dive or snorkel in any manmade water body or marina, or within 300 feet of an improved residential or commercial shoreline beginning three (3) days prior to the opening of and during the entirety of the lobster mini -season and for the first five (5) days of commercial lobster season. Amap r-efleefing the ens-ef- the prohibited a shall ,.e available at the 5 MAYOR MURPHY wi +ww (b) Nothing in this article shall prohibit diving incidental to vessel or dock maintenance provided the diver performing the maintenance lawfully displays a diver down flag and otherwise complies with the requirements of F.S. ch. 327. SECTION 4. SEVERABILITY. If any portion of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or declared to be unconstitutional, inoperative or void, such holding shall not affect the remaining portions of this ordinance. If this ordinance or any provision thereof shall be held to be inapplicable to any person, property or circumstances, such holding shall not affect its applicability to any other person, property or circumstances. SECTION 5. CONFLICT WITH OTHER ORDINANCES. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. SECTION 6. INCLUSION IN CODE OF ORDINANCES. The provisions of this ordinance shall be included and incorporated into the Code of Ordinances of the County of Monroe, Florida, as an addition or amendment thereto, and shall be appropriately renumbered to conform to the uniform numbering system of the Code. SECTION 7. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect as provided in section 125.66(2), Florida Statutes. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting held on the day of , 2010. Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk By. Deputy Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By, Mayor/Chairperson 16:-']a T' FORM _ 11<.,i RT-BARROW VE f � i— > mo -0 ryry Q c� f OR' so tool' AN, Eli w. fit psi P! 1 of 11 will UP I a cap 2 A A 1 a tali i RD u A SH, Nis o Z - 1 112 3 LI 51 z 1 I Eno 0 . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,c RP 7' 0 iE 7, 0 iE 0 0 4t -6 7, 0� 75 g =-7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 o T 0 o -6 0 5e ---------------- 4a c C� 0 0 C 70 c 7, rj L, 7, 7 7,