Item R05BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: November 17, 2010 (KL) Department: County Attorney Bulk Item: Yes X No Staff Contact: Suzanne Hutton # 3473 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of resolution adopting amendments to the Personnel policies and Procedures, clarifying that County Attorney's office is subject to the policies and procedures governing salary increases; clarifying that all contractors and officials are expected to abide by policies, especially those related to harassment and discrimination, although remedial action may not be taken under the personnel procedures but through other avenues available; clarifying the policies and procedures regarding complaints about harassment, including that complaints may be made to commissioners if there is a concern that reporting pursuant to the chain of command will not be handled properly; requiring auto allowances to be provided solely through following state statute; clarifying the policy regarding employees accepting gifts; clarifying policy regarding certification incentive increases; requiring transmission of monthly reports to BOCC re salary increases awarded. ITEM BACKGROUND: On October 20, 2010, a resolution was submitted to the BOCC to amend the personnel policies and procedures, covering to some degree the matters listed above, plus a restriction on the percentage by which an employee's salary could increase without requiring BOCC action. The BOCC discussed the matter and directed changes to the resolution. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: See above. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: N/A TOTAL COST: INDIRECT COST: BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes Na APPROVED BY: County Atty DOCUMENTATION: Included DISPOSITION: Revised 1/09 AMOUNT PER MONTH Year OMB/Purchasing Risk Management Not Required AGENDA ITEM # RESOLUTION NO. -2010 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING PROPOSED CHANGES TO PERSONNEL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES; PROVIDING FOR EXEMPT PERSONS TO COMPLY WITH POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ALTHOUGH REMEDIES ARE NOT AVAILABLE THROUGH EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINARY PROCESS; PROVIDING CLARIFICATION OF GIFT POLICY; PROVIDING FOR SUBMISSION OF CERTAIN PERSONNEL ACTIONS TO BOCC FOR APPROVAL; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the scope of Monroe County Personnel Policies and Procedures (P&P) provides, "personnel policies, regulations and procedures as adopted shall apply to all personnel in the County Service falling under the jurisdiction of the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) and any other agency grant, board or department which so requests;" and WHEREAS, the P&P also provides exemptions from application of the P&P to commissioners, contract employees, volunteers, members of various boards and committees, and independent contractors; and WHEREAS, notwithstanding the inability to provide for discipline or remedy for improper behavior of such exempt persons through the county employee disciplinary process, there are other avenues of recourse which can allow the BOCC to require that everyone behaves in an appropriate manner so that all employees are entitled to a decent workplace and not subject to harassment or discrimination; and WHEREAS, County offices have taken different positions on the interpretation and application of the existing gift rule, especially with regard to food baskets and similar type gifts at holiday time; and WHEREAS, the State's Attorney, after addressing the BOCC on this subject, instituted the following rule for his own office: "No State Attorney's Office employee (including the elected official, permanent, part-time, temporary, contract, or volunteer employee) may accept any gift or service of any value from anyone who has, or is reasonably likely to have, business with the State Attorney's Office;" and WHEREAS, the policy sometimes places in a difficult position those employees who are requested because of their jobs to attend meetings where meals are served in order to make presentations to the group (such as a chamber of commerce, Fla. Keys Contractors Assn., TDC functions, etc.), or to become informed as to the issues of concern to the various groups; and WHEREAS, it is determined to be in the best interests of both the public and the employees for the gift policy to be more explicit; and Res Personnel P&P 11/10 WHEREAS, the BOCC has become aware of a disparity between past county treatment of salaries and auto allowances and Florida Retirement System interpretation of rules, and in the contracts of the administrator and attorney, said contracts having been revised in conformity with FRS interpretation, and previous auto allowances for four non -contract employees, and it is necessary to make the county practice consistent with the FRS interpretation regarding auto allowances; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, that: 1) The Monroe County Personnel Policies and Procedures shall be amended as follows: A. The second paragraph of the Scope, shall be revised to read: The personnel policies, regulations and procedures as adopted shall apply to all personnel in the County Service falling under the jurisdiction of the Board of County Commissioners and any other agency grant, board or department which so requests. All County officials and employees, including but not limited to elected officials, contracted employees, and advisory board members, shall comply with the standards of conduct set forth herein B. Section 4.08 shall be revised to read: 4.08 SALARY RANGES, PROGRESSIONS, INCREASES No salary adjustment shall be approved unless there is availability of funds, and must be recommended in writing by the Division Director and approved by the County Administrator, or approved by the County Attorney for personnel in the Attorney's office Salary increases may not be provided multiple times within twenty-four (24) consecutive months to any employee so as to exceed the amount allowed under these policies A. An employee may receive a salary increase by means of a promotion, reclassification or pay range adjustment. An employee reclassified, transferred or hired through promotional opportunity of one pay grade level or higher shall receive the greater of the minimum salary of the pay range or a 5% salary increase. An increase above 5% shall require justification in accordance with Section 4.07 B (2). In no case shall the employee's salary be above the maximum pay range. B. There are no provisions in the County Pay Plan for automatic salary advancements, as all increases are to be based on availability of funds, work performance, and other pertinent factors as evaluated by the employee's Supervisor and/or Department Head, and approved by the Division Director and County Administrator, or County Attorney. Res Personnel P&P 11/10 C. All requests for salary increases shall be processed through the Human Resources office and the Division of Budget and Finance for review and determination of compliance with the County policies and procedures and budgetary control. D. MERIT INCREASES 1. A merit increase is a salary increase within the same pay grade, awarded for outstanding County Service. 2. Merit increases are not automatic. 3. The amount of merit increase an employee receives, if any shall be determined by the availability of funds, and the system/procedures proposed by the County Administrator and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners each fiscal year. All salary adjustments must be approved by the County Administrator. 4. An employee shall be eligible for consideration for a merit increase during the budget preparation period after completion of their initial probation period. Unless otherwise approved by the Board of County Commissioners each fiscal year, an employee will receive a Merit Increase on their Anniversary Date (see Section 4.09 C). 5. New employees hired below the minimum rate would be eligible for consideration six months from the date they are adjusted into the minimum rate. 6. Once an employee has reached the maximum salary amount of the pay grade in which his or her position is classified, the merit increase will be awarded as a one time lump sum payment on the employee's anniversary date (unless otherwise approved by the Board of County Commissioners each fiscal year), unless said position is reclassified to a higher pay grade (See Section 3 regarding reclassifications). Nevertheless, the employee will still be evaluated in accordance with the County evaluation system. All employees are expected to maintain a satisfactory or above performance level. Failure to do so will result in appropriate disciplinary action. 7. The foregoing reflects the current procedure, however the County reserves the right to change or eliminate the procedure whenever necessary. NOTE: Time spent on a leave of absence without pay in excess of thirty days shall be deducted from the employee's length of service record when determining the time required for advancement eligibility. E. COST OF LIVING INCREASES Res Personnel P&P 11/10 3 The decision whether to or when to grant a cost of living allowance, as well as the decision of the amount of such increase (if any) will be made in the sole and exclusive discretion of the Board of County Commissioners. F. RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION INCREASES Retention Salary Increase This provision is intended to provide consideration of critical and/or unusual administration problems. A retention salary increase may be approved, at the County Administrator's or County Attorneys sole discretion, in accordance with the following provisions: A. If the employee has received a documented bona fide job offer with an employer other than the County and the retention increase is a counter offer to retain the employee in their current position (job offers from other Monroe County BOCC offices, Property Appraiser, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Supervisor of Elections, Tax Collector, Sheriff or other office that reports to the Board of County Commissioners will not be deemed a bona fide job offer with an employer other than the County under this provision). B. Retention salary increase decisions are not grievable through the County's grievance procedure unless it is alleged that such a decision was made based upon unlawful discrimination. C. To be eligible for retention increase consideration, the affected employee must: 1. currently be employed by the County in a career service status position; 2. have been continuously employed in their current position for at least one calendar year prior to the date the bona fide job offer was made; 3. have received at least a "Meets Expectations" rating on their most recent performance evaluation, must currently be performing at an acceptable level, and may not have been issued a written warning within the previous twelve (12) months; and 4. not have received a retention increase with the past twenty-four (24) calendar months from the date the increase request is submitted to Human Resources. The County Administrator. or the County Attorney for personnel in the Attorneys office_ has sole authority to determine amount offered as a retention increase within the range of 0% to 25% of the affected employee's salary. The County Administrator or County Attorney may approve retention increases as single or multiple salary adjustments; however, if multiple salary adjustments are made for one retention increase, the total of those salary adjustments may not exceed 25% of the affected employee's salary. D. The retention salary increase must not place the employee above the maximum for their current pay range. E. Retention increases recommended under this provision are subject to the availability of funds. Procedure: To request a retention increase, the respective Department Head or supervisor shall submit a retention increase request package to his/her Division Director and obtain his/her approval prior to Res Personnel P&P 11/10 4 submitting the request to the Human Resources Office. Increase request packages will include, at a minimum, the following documentation: 1. A cover memo addressed to the County Administrator or County Attorney with the written recommendation approved by the department head and division director. 2. If the employee has another job offer: (a) Validity of the job offer, preferably a copy of the written job offer; (b) The respective division's independent verification of the job offer; (c) Whether the job offer is comparable to the one the employee currently holds with the County. 3. A detail of the training costs that Monroe County incurred on the employee's behalf over the past twenty-four (24) months; 4. summation of the employee's satisfactory job performance (that the employee has performed and continues to perform at least at a "Meets Expectations" level and that he/she has not been issued a written warning within the previous twelve months); 5. that the division's recommended increase, if approved, would not place the employee above the maximum for their current pay range; 6. salary comparison of other employees within the division; 7. recruitment and retention conditions in critical areas as may be demonstrated by (a) high turnover; (b) declined job offers; or (c) copies of resignation letters from previous employees. 8. Importance of the position in relation to the Action Plans of the department and division. The Human Resources office will review the request and make a recommendation to the County Administrator or County Attorney. Certification Incentive Salary Increase This provision is intended to provide an incentive for employees to obtain certifications beyond their current minimum job requirements which will enhance the knowledge in their current position and add value to the department as well as the County. Since the Florida Bar Board has rigorous educational, testing and experience requirements for certification in City County, and Local Government Law, for which County Ordinance #39-2004 sets forth a specified bonus eligibility for the certification incentive salary increase is established through the Florida Bar Board and county ordinance, but all other provisions of this section not inconsistent with the Florida Bar rules and county ordinance shall apply. A. Certification incentive salary increase decisions are not grievable through the County's grievance procedure unless it is alleged that such a decision was made based upon unlawful discrimination. B. To be eligible for a certification incentive salary increase consideration, the affected employee must: a. currently be employed by the County in a career service status position; b. have been continuously employed with the County for at least one calendar year prior to the date of registration of the certification; c. have received at least a "Meets Expectations" rating on their most recent performance evaluation, must currently be performing at an acceptable level, and Res Personnel P&P 11/10 may not have been issued a written warning within the previous twelve (12) months; and d. not exceed two certifications per calendar year (renewal of a certification will not net any additional increase in pay). C. $1,500 will be added to the affected employee's salary. D. The certification incentive salary increase must not place the employee above the maximum of their current pay range. In the event the employee reaches the maximum of their current pay range, the salary increase will be awarded as a one time lump sum payment. E. Certification incentive salary increases recommended under this provision are subject to the availability of funds. The Human Resources office will review the request and make a recommendation to the County Administrator. Procedure: To request a certification incentive salary increase, the respective employee shall complete the Certification Incentive form and obtain approvals prior to registering in the certification course or program. 1. The employee shall complete the form and submit it to the Department Head and Division Director for their approval of the recommendation. 2. The Employee Services Director will review the request and shall approve or deny the request. 3. Human Resources will officially notify the employee of the approval (or denial). 4. Upon satisfactory completion of the certification program, the employee shall provide sufficient proof to Human Resources. Human Resources will prepare and process the PAF form to be effective on the date of certification. For Florida Bar Board certification, the County Attorney shall approve the employee's filing to take the certification test and shall process all personnel forms necessary to apply the salary incentive upon proof of the employee becoming certified. The employee shall maintain the certification in good standing in order to continue to receive the certification salary increase as specified by ordinance. A certification salary increase for any employee is treated as a permanent salary increase as long as the employee retains the same position and does not exceed a salary greater than the maximum for his/her pay range_ F. MONTHLY REPORTS TO BOCC The Human Resources office shall provide a monthly report to the Board of Count Commissioners as to all personnel actions taken in the calendar month preceding the report Res Personnel P&P 11/10 6 C. Section 1.05. C shall be revised to read: 1.05 CODE OF ETHICS Employees shall not accept any gift, favor or service from any member of the public who has, or is reasonably likely to have, business with the County. Employees who are directed by their supervisor, or requested by a local association of businesses to attend a function at which a meal valued under $50 is served and at which the employee is expected to either make a presentation or take information back to their office for consideration in policy recommendations are not deemed to be accepting a gift. D. Section 2.14 shall be revised to read: 2.14 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY POLICY A. The County is firmly committed to equal employment opportunity, and does not discriminate in any employment -related decisions on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression age, disability or other similar factors that are not job -related. The County's policy of equality of opportunity applies to all organizational levels of the County and to all job classifications. It is the responsibility of each elected or appointed public official. Division Director, Department Head and Supervisor to give the County's non-discrimination policy full support through leadership, and by personal example. In addition, it is the duty of each public official and each employee to help maintain a work environment which is conducive to, and which reflects, the County's commitment to equal employment opportunity. B. All personnel actions shall be based solely on ability and fitness of the individual. C. The Human Resources office shall see that information about job opportunities is readily available to all employees and citizens of the County, and a continuing program shall be conducted to make the Equal Employment policies known to all citizens of the County. D. In this capacity, the Human Resources office will be responsible for anticipating problems, formulating solutions, presenting complete analysis of alternatives and recommended corrective actions and coordinating the recommended actions with up blic officials, Division Directors, Department Heads and employees. In the implementation of this policy, the County will aggressively seek personnel for all job levels within the organization through upgrading and recruitment from minority group members and women. Res Personnel P&P 11/10 7 This policy is specifically included and will be a continuing and essential component of the Personnel Policies and Procedures. E. Harassment of any kind is prohibited and will not be tolerated and third naA + + a and other- .hors to n......._. t+ v as vvuu ua. , ,suppliers, buildings or- wef4laees. A violation of this policy will subject an employee (iffeg to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Geunty-pr-emises—Any violation which cannot be remedied through the disciplinM process set forth in these policies and procedures may be considered by the Board of County Commissioners for any other avenues legally available such asbut not limited to, contractual remedies, no trespass orders, injunctive relief, removal of workplace accommodations which have been abused, or through federal or state laws nrotectine workers in the workplace. Harassment is defined as verbal or physical conduct which: 1. Denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual because of his or her race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, veteran status, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation/pre€eFeeee, gender identity or expression, or disability/handicap, or that of his or her relatives, friends or associates. 2. Has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment; 3. Has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or; 4. Otherwise adversely affects an individual's employment opportunities. Prohibited harassing conduct includes, but is not limited to, epithets, slurs, jokes, negative stereotyping, or threatening, intimidating or hostile acts that relate to race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, veteran status, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation/pre€ereeee, gender identity or expression, or disability/handicap. Prohibited harassing conduct includes written or graphic material that is placed on walls, bulletin boards or elsewhere on the premises or that is circulated in the workplace. The above policy includes, but is not limited to, sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is defined as: 1. Unwelcome sexual advances; 2. Requests for sexual favors; 3. Verbal or physical conduct of a particularly where: a. submission to such conduct is condition of employment; sexual or otherwise offensive nature, made, explicitly or implicitly, a term or b. submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for decisions affecting an individual's employment; or c. such conduct has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working environment. Res Personnel P&P 11/10 4. Sexually offensive jokes, innuendoes, and other sexually oriented statements or behavior. If you an individual experiences or observes any prohibited form of harassment of an employee by any person (regardless of the offender's identity or position)-{4w}ed4og peblie ef€ieji_@ITDiiisien Dir-eeter-s depaf tcrrr heads, oaovx r yt a rr parties}, aFe he/she is required to promptly report the incident to a Division Director, Department Head, the Human Resources Dir-eete Administrator or to the County Administrator. The County Attorney, Division Directors and Department Heads are responsible for promptly reporting the allegations or concerns to the Human Resources Administrator or the County Administrator. .(We eneouFage you to It is encouraged that the individual put such a complaint in writing). If the complaint is about the County Administrator or any other person whose official or political position leads an employee to believe that the complaint may be ignored or handled improperly, the individual who experiences or sees any prohibited form of harassment which he/she is required to report may report the conduct to a county commissioner, who shall see that it is properly processed by staff in an objective manner. Yew The complaint will be immediately investigated and kept confidential to the extent possible. Individuals who make complaints have an obligation to assist and cooperate with the County's investigation. If the County determines that an employee (including public officials, Division Director, Department Head, or supervisor) or third -party has harassed another individual, appropriate remedial action will be taken against the offender, up to and including termination. If the harassment involves a third party such as a contractor, vendor, supplier, or other visitors to County buildings or the workplace, that person may be barred from the premises. The County prohibits any form of retaliation or coercion (including intimidation, interference or discrimination) for lodging a bona fide complaint under this policy or for assisting in the investigation of a claim of harassment If an individual experiences or observes any form of retaliation by any person, employee or non -employee (regardless of the offender's identity or position) he/she is required to promptly report the incident to a Division Director Department Head the Human Resources Administrator or the County Administrator. Division Directors and Department Heads are responsible for promptly reporting the allegations or concerns to the Human Resources Administrator or the County Administrator. It is encouraged that the individual put such a complaint in writing. The complaint will be immediately_ investigated and kept confidential to the extent possible Individuals who make complaints have an obligation to assist and cooperate with the County's investigation If the complaint is about the County Administrator or anyperson whose official or political position leads an employee to believe that the complaint may be ignored or handled improperly, the individual who experiences or sees any prohibited form of harassment which he/she is required to report may report the conduct to a county commissioner, who shall see that it is properly processed by staff in an objective manner. Res Personnel P&P 11/10 9 The county will protect individuals who make a complaint to the extent legally possible Any bona fide complaint will in no way be used or held against an employee (or non - employee) nor will it leave an adverse impact on the complaining employee's employment. Individuals shall not assume that the County is aware of a harassment problem and are required to adhere to this policy and make a report so that the problem can be resolved Any questions concerning this policy should be addressed to Human Resources F. If one believes that the County has violated the equal opportunity policy, as stated in this section, he/she should submit a written complaint to the EEO Coordinator. The EEO Coordinator shall investigate the complaint and respond to the complaint. E. Section 15.01 B & C shall be revised to read: B. Private use of individual vehicles for county business shall be reimbursed for travel mileage in accordance with Monroe County Code, unless an automobile allowance is established pursuant to Section 112.061(7)(fl Florida Statutes The subsection requires that the traveler file a signed statement before the allowance is approved by the agency head: the statement must provide an estimate for the annual amount based on places and distances for an average typical month's travel on official business,• and filingof f the statement and approval of allowance shall be repeated at least annually. C. Employees who use their personal vehicles for approved County travel shall be reimbursed in accordance with the information reflected on the reverse side of Form #C676. These employees should be aware that they may be subject to periodic odometer audit(s), and that the employee's personal auto insurance is primary payer in case of an accident while or County business. Employees receiving an automobile allowance may still use the form to request reimbursement for meals lodging tolls and parking fees Further, those employees who are receiving an automobile allowance shall not be entitled to file a claim for in -county mileage reimbursement F. Section 4.07 Starting Rates shall be amended to read: 4.07 STARTING RATES A. The minimum salary established for a position is considered the normal appointment rate for new employees. B. Appointments below or above the minimum salary may be authorized in the following situations: Res Personnel P&P 11/10 10 1. In the event an applicant does not meet the minimum qualifications, but is expected to obtain said qualifications within 6 months, the hiring authority may request appointment as a "trainee". In such cases, the employee should be hired at an appropriate rate below the minimum starting salary. 2. If the applicant's training, experience or other qualifications are substantially above those required for the position, the County Administrator may approve employment at a rate above the minimum established for the class. The need to make appointments in excess of the minimum shall require documentation and specific approval from the County Administrator or County Attorney. 2. The above changes shall be incorporated into the Monroe County Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual. 3. This resolution shall become effective upon approval. PASSED AND ADOPTED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting on said Board on the day of , A.D., 2010. Mayor Sylvia Murphy Mayor Pro Tern Heather Carruthers Commissioner Mario DiGennaro Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Kim Wigington (SEAL) ATTEST: Danny L. Kolhage, CLERK Deputy Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Mayor Sylvia Murphy A. 9 Res Personnel P&P 11/10 11