Item S2BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: November 17, 2010 Division: Growth Managemant Bulk Item: Yes _ No x Department: Planning & Environmental Resources Staff Contact Person/Phone #: Susan Grimsley 305 289-2500 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: A public hearing to consider a resolution by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners amending the Planning and Environmental Resources Department fee schedule to clarify that certain affordable housing project fee exemptions are not applicable to development pursuant to Section 130-161.1 of the Land Development Code and that all affordable housing development is subject to advertising and notice fees. ITEM BACKGROUND: In past planning fee resolutions the Board has exempted affordable housing from any Planning Department application fees. Monroe County Code Section 130-161.1 provides for a transfer of market rate ROGO exemptions from mobile home parks if affordable housing is preserved or constructed on the mobile home park site. This provides for a combination of affordable housing and market rate development and is not solely for the provision of new affordable housing. The Board had discussion on fee exemptions for the development approvals required under this section at its October 20, 2010 meeting and directed staff to remove the exemptions. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: October 20, 2010 — Board discussion and direction to staff to remove fee exemption under Section 130-161.1. September 15, 2010 — Resolution 295-2010 added a fee for permitting of dogs in restaurants and added fees after included meetings and hearings are exceeded in reviewing complex projects. June 16, 2010 — Resolution 192-2010 added a fee for Senate Bill 1752 extensions. April 21, 2010 — Resolution 123-2010 added a ROGO and NROGO Appeal Fee. September 16, 2009 — Resolution 294-2009 changed the fee for Future Land Use Map Amendments, Land Use District Map Amendments, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Land Development Regulation Applications. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: n/a STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval TOTAL COST: n/a INDIRECT COST: DIFFERENTIAL OF LOCAL PREFERENCE: COST TO COUNTY: BUDGETED: Yes No SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Atty x OMB/Purchasing Risk Management DOCUMENTATION: Included x Not Required DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM #, A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT FEE SCHEDULE TO CLARIFY AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECT DEVELOPMENT FEE EXEMPTIONS ARE NOT APPLICABLE TO ANY DEVELOPMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 130-161.19 AND THAT ALL AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT IS SUBJECT TO ADVERTISING AND NOTICE FEES; REPEALING ANY OTHER FEE SCHEDULES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH. WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners wishes to provide the citizens of the County with the best possible service in the most cost effective and reasonable manner, and WHEREAS, the Board finds that it would be in the best interests of the general public to charge the true cost for such services, thereby placing the burden of such costs directly upon those parties deriving the benefit from such services; and, WHEREAS, the updated fee schedule prepared by the Growth Management Director for providing these services includes the estimated direct costs and reasonable indirect costs associated with the review and processing of planning and development approval applications and site plans, on -site biological reviews, administrative appeals, preparation of official documentation verifying existing development rights and other processes and services; and WHEREAS, the Board has discussed the need to adjust the fee schedule to compensate the county for resources needed in excess of the fee estimates included in the base fees; and WHEREAS, the Board has exempted the development of affordable housing from Planning Department application fees in past fee resolutions; and WHEREAS, Monroe County Code Section 130-161.1 provides for a transfer of market rate ROGO exemptions from mobile home parks if affordable housing is preserved or constructed on the mobile home park site which is a combination of affordable housing and market rate development and is not solely for the provision of new affordable housing for which the fee exemption was intended; and WHEREAS, the Board heard testimony and evidence presented as to the appropriate fee schedule during a public hearing on November 17, 2010; and Planning Fee Proposed November 17, 2010 1 of 4 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners wishes to amend fees to compensate for resources expended in applications for private development approvals; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA: Section 1. Pursuant to Section 102-19(9), the following schedule of fees to be charged by the Growth Management Division for its services, including but not limited to the filing of land development permit applications, land development approvals, land development orders, and appeal applications, and requests for technical services or official letters attesting to development rights recognized by the County shall be implemented: Administrative Appeals 1,500.00 Administrative Relief 1,011.00 Alcoholic Beverage Application 1,264.00 Appeal ROGO or NROGO to BOCC 816.00 Beneficial Use 4,490.00 Biological Site Visit (per visit) 280.00 Biologist Fee (misc — per hour) 60.00 Boundary Determination 1,201.00 Comprehensive Plan Amendment 5,531.00 Conditional Use Application, Major 10,014.00 Conditional Use, Application, Minor 8,484.00 Conditional Use, Minor Deviation 1,768.00 Conditional Use, Revised Plan Review 638.00 Conditional Use, Time Extension 986.00 Conditional Use, Transfer of Development Rights 1,239.00 Conditional Use, Transfer of Floor Area 1,944.00 Conditional Use, Transfer of ROGO Exemption 1,740.00 Development Agreement 12,900.00 Development of Regional Impact 28,876.00 DOAH Appeals 816.00 Dock Length Variance 1,026.00 FutureLand Use Map Amendment 5,531.00 Grant of Conservation Easement 269.00 Habitat Evaluation Index (per hour) 60.00 Home Occupation Application 498.00 Inclusionary Housing Exemption 900.00 Land Development Regulations Text Amendment 5,041.00 Land Use District Map Amendment — Nonresidential 4,929.00 Land Use District Map Amendment Residential 4,131.00 Letter of Current Site Conditions 936.00 Letter of Development Rights Determination 2,209.00 Letter of ROGO Exemption 215.00 NROGO Application 774.00 Planning Fee Proposed November 17, 2010 2 of 4 Planning Fee (misc - per hour) 50.00 Parking Agreement 1,013.00 Planning Site Visit 129.00 Platting, 5 lots or less 4,017.00 Platting, 6 lots or more 4,613.00 Pre -application with Letter of Understanding 689.00 Pre -application with No Letter of Understanding 296.00 Public Assembly 149.00 Dog in Restaurant Permit Application Fee 150.00 Research, permits and records (per hour) 50.00 Road Abandonment 1,533.00 ROGO Application 748.00 ROGO Lot/Parcel Dedication Letter 236.00 SB360/SB 1752 Additional 2 Year Extension for Development Orders/Permits 250.00 Sign Variance 1,076.00 Special Certificate of Appropriateness 200.00 Vacation Rental Application 493.00 Vacation Rental Manager License Fee 106.00 Vacation Rental Renewal 100.00 Variance, Planning Commission 1,608.00 Variance, Planning Director 1,248.00 Vested Rights Determination 2,248.00 Waiver, Planning Director 1,248.00 Wetlands Delineation (per hour) 60.00 Growth Management applications may be subject to the following additional fees or requirements: 1. Advertisingand /or notice fees; $245 for newspaper advertisement and $3 per property owner notice. 2. There shall be no application or other fees, except advertising, and noticing fem for affordable housing projects, except that all agplicable fees shall be charred for all develomnent avorovals required for anv develornnent under Sec. 130-161.1 of the Monroe Cgma Code. 3. Hearing fees: applicant shall pay half the cost of the hourly rate, travel and expenses of any hearing officer. County is currently charged $142.00 per hour by Department ofAdministrative Hearings (DOAH). If the fee charged to the County is increased, the charge will change proportionately. 4. Base fees listed above include a minimum of (when applicable) two internal staff meetings with applicants; one Development Review Committee public hearing; one Planning Commission public hearing; and one Board of County Commission public hearing. If this minimum number of meed /hearings is exceeded, the Planing Fee Proposed November 17, 2010 3 of 4 following fees shall be charged and paid prior to the private development application proceeding through public hearings: a. Additional internal staff meeting with applicant $500.00 b. Additional Development Review Committee public hearing $600.00 c. Additional Planning Commission public hearing $700.00 d. Additional Board of County Commission public hearing $850.00 The Director of Growth Management or designee shall assure these additional fees are paid prior to hearing scheduling. These fees apply to all applications filed after September 15, 2010. 5. Subject to technology fee of $20. 6. Applicants for Administrative Appeal who prevail based on County error, as found by the Planning Commission, shall have the entire application fee refunded. Section 2. Any other fees schedules or provisions of the Monroe County Code inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed Section 3.The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward one (1) certified copy of this Resolution to the Division of Growth Management. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting held on the day of .2010. Mayor Mayor pro tem Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner BOARD OF COUNTYCOMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA M Vi Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK Deputy Clerk Planning Fee Proposed November 17, 2010 4 of 4 MONROE LOUNTY ATTORNEY APP OVED AS TO FORM: 4N M. GRIM EY ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY f <