Item J5 K/6 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS C ounty of M onroe Mayor David Rice, District 4 Mayor Pro Tem Craig Cates, District 1 The Florida Keys Michelle Coldiron, District 2 Vacant, District 3 Holly Merrill Raschein, District 5 County Commission Meeting April 20, 2022 Agenda Item Number: J.5 Agenda Item Summary #10449 BULK ITEM: Yes DEPARTMENT: Airports TIME APPROXIMATE: STAFF CONTACT: Richard Strickland (305) 809-5200 N/A AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to advertise a competitive solicitation for the Key West International Airport Commercial Apron Extension and Mitigation construction project. ITEM BACKGROUND: : In accordance with the Master Plan completed in 2019, the Commercial Apron layout was not designed to support the level and type of activity currently occurring and forecasted for EYW. When several aircraft land consecutively, aircraft traffic backs up on Taxiway A while waiting to access a parking position. Additional aircraft parking is needed to reduce existing congestion, meet FAA standards, and improve safety conditions. The Environmental Assessment that included this project was completed March 19, 2021, with a finding of no significant impact by the FAA. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: Approval of the Key West International Airport Master Plan at the BOCC meeting held August 15, 2018. The Master Plan is a comprehensive study of the Airport and describes short-, medium-, and long-term development plans to meet future aviation needs. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval. DOCUMENTATION: FINANCIAL IMPACT: Effective Date: Expiration Date: Total Dollar Value of Contract: Approximately $500.00 for bid notices Qbdlfu!Qh/!2771 K/6 Total Cost to County: -0- Current Year Portion: Budgeted: yes Source of Funds: Key West Airport Operating Fund 404 CPI: Indirect Costs: Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts: Revenue Producing: If yes, amount: Grant: County Match: Insurance Required: No Additional Details: 04/20/22 404-63001 · KEY WEST AIRPORT O & M $500.00 REVIEWED BY: Beth Leto Completed 04/01/2022 3:30 PM Richard Strickland Completed 04/05/2022 10:01 AM Pedro Mercado Completed 04/05/2022 10:01 AM Purchasing Completed 04/05/2022 10:02 AM Budget and Finance Completed 04/05/2022 10:14 AM Brian Bradley Completed 04/05/2022 10:44 AM Lindsey Ballard Completed 04/05/2022 11:32 AM Board of County Commissioners Pending 04/20/2022 9:00 AM Qbdlfu!Qh/!2772