Item N1 O/2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS C ounty of M onroe Mayor David Rice, District 4 Mayor Pro Tem Craig Cates, District 1 The Florida Keys Michelle Coldiron, District 2 Vacant, District 3 Holly Merrill Raschein, District 5 County Commission Meeting April 20, 2022 Agenda Item Number: N.1 Agenda Item Summary #10464 BULK ITEM: Yes DEPARTMENT: County Clerk of Court TIME APPROXIMATE: STAFF CONTACT: Pamela Hancock (305) 292-3550 N/A AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of the minutes from the regular meetings of January 21, 2022 and February 16, 2022. ITEM BACKGROUND: PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval. DOCUMENTATION: 01. January 21 02. February 16 FINANCIAL IMPACT: Effective Date: Expiration Date: Total Dollar Value of Contract: Total Cost to County: Current Year Portion: Budgeted: Source of Funds: CPI: Indirect Costs: Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:1: O/2 Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts: Revenue Producing: If yes, amount: Grant: County Match: Insurance Required: Additional Details: N/A REVIEWED BY: Kevin Madok Skipped 04/04/2022 2:38 PM Cynthia Hall Completed 04/04/2022 3:37 PM Lindsey Ballard Completed 04/04/2022 4:44 PM Board of County Commissioners Pending 04/20/2022 9:00 AM Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:21 O/2/b MINUTES OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RegularMeeting Board of County Commissioners Friday, January 21, 2022 Marathon, Florida & Via Communication Media Technology A regular meeting of the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners convened at 9:00 a.m. at the Marathon Government Center and via Communication Media Technology. Present and answering to roll call were Commissioner Craig Cates, Commissioner Michelle Coldiron, Commissioner Holly Raschein and Mayor David Rice. The District 3 seat is vacant. Also present at the meeting were Roman Gastesi, County Administrator; Bob Shillinger, County Attorney; Kevin Madok, Clerk of Court; Pamela Hancock, Deputy Clerk; county staff, members of the press and radio; and the general public. ADDITIONS, CORRECTIONS & DELETIONS A1 Motion was made by Commissioner Raschein and seconded by Commissioner Coldiron granting approval of the Additions, Corrections & Deletions to the agenda. Motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATION OF AWARDS B1 Presentation of Years of Service Award for twenty years of service to Paul Wunderlich, Construction Inspector, Engineering Department. B2 Monroe County Fire Rescue badge pinning and oath presentation of nine new members as follows: Firefighter EMT Alexander Andalia, Firefighter Paramedic Chris Baylis, Firefighter EMT Kevin Cossio, Firefighter EMT Joseph Hernandez, Firefighter EMT David Iser, Firefighter Buubdinfou;!12/!Kbovbsz!32!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* EMT Ariel Lopez, Firefighter Paramedic Adrian Macias Ricard, Firefighter EMT Carlos Nava Orosco and Firefighter EMT Spencer Saltzburg. B2 Presentation of Years of Service Award for ten years of service to Battalion Chief Charlie Mather, Fire Rescue. BULK APPROVALS Motion was made by Commissioner Cates and seconded by Commissioner Coldiron granting approval of the following items by unanimous consent: C2 Board granted approval and authorized execution of a one-year Residential Lease Agreement with a County employee, JW, as Lessee, for Unit 2, of a County-owned duplex. Page | 1 01/21/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:22 O/2/b C3 Board granted approval and authorized execution of a one-year Residential Lease Agreement with County employee, Douglas Smith, as Lessee, for the Key Largo tiny house. C5 Board granted approval and authorized execution of a Distribution Right-of-Way Easement with Florida Keys Electric Cooperative Association, Inc. (FKEC) for the Rowell's Waterfront Park. This utility easement is needed in order to allow FKEC to construct, operate and maintain electric service for Rowell's Waterfront Park. C6 Board granted approval to negotiate a Contract with WSP USA, Inc. for Construction Engineering and Inspection Services for the Florida Keys Overseas Heritage Trail Connection at Cudjoe Gardens Project. If successful negotiations cannot be reached, Board granted approval to negotiate with the next highest ranked respondent until successful negotiations are reached. C7 Board granted approval to accept grant funding from the Florida Firefighter Cancer Decontamination Equipment Grant Program for the purchase of firefighting protective equipment in the amount of $11,704.00. The grant would provide 75% funding, up to a maximum of $8,778.00; and the County is required to match 25%, or $2,926.00. Board also granted authorization for the County Administrator to execute any required documentation in relation to the approval process. C8 Board ratified the Standard Contract # AA-2229, Older Americans Act between Alliance for Aging, Inc., and Monroe County Board of County Commissioners/Monroe County Social Services/In-Home Services and Nutrition Programs for the contract period of January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2022, in the not to exceed amount of $726,265.90. C9 Board granted approval to purchase fourteen Ford F-150's Model 2022 Ford F-150 2WD Reg Cab Pickup from Alan Jay Fleet Sales in the amount of $26,460.00 each, $370,440.00 total; by "Piggybacking" the Florida Sheriff’s Contract # v2 FSA20-VEL28.0; for Facilities Maintenance, Parks & Beaches, Code Enforcement and Transportation Departments. These purchases are already in the approved budget for the departments. C10 Board granted approval of the rescission of previously approved Consent Order between Buubdinfou;!12/!Kbovbsz!32!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* the State of Florida, Department of Environmental Protection, Thurmond Street Partners LLC, the USA-Everglades National Park and Monroe County, to reach settlement with Thurmond Street Partners LLC, for dredging and filling wetlands and altering mangroves without a permit; and granted approval and authorized execution of a revised version that includes Attachment II from the National Park Service. C11 Board granted approval to award surplus units to the highest bidders as set forth in the Budget & Finance Purchasing Department Tabulation Sheet;and granted authorization to award the surplus items to the next highest bidder(s), if necessary,until items are disposed of. Said tabulation sheet is incorporated herein by reference. C12 Board granted approval and authorized execution of a Task Order and Amendment to the Continuing Services Contract with HDR Engineering, Inc., in the amount of $99,214.00, to extend the term of the contract for one year to provide consultant services to perform a Page | 2 01/21/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:23 O/2/b stormwater needs analysis for county-maintained roads as required by Section 403.9302(3)(a), F.S. and to evaluate roadway asset management software systems. C13 Board granted approval to purchase two new 2023 Ford F-750 Clam Trucks; one for Roads & Bridges Upper Keys; and one for Solid Waste Department; piggybacking on Sourcewell Contract No. 2022 120716-NAF & 060920-NAF. These are already approved in the County Fiscal Year 2022 Budget. C14 Board accepted the report of monthly Change Orders for the months of November and December 2021, reviewed by the County Administrator/Assistant County Administrator. Said reports are incorporated herein by reference. C16 Board granted approval to negotiate for On Call Professional Engineering Services Contracts with the top six ranked respondents: Kisinger Campo & Associates, KCI Technologies, Inc., WSP USA, Inc., HDR Engineering, CSA Central Inc., and Kimley Horn. If successful negotiations cannot be reached with any of these six respondents, Board granted approval to negotiate with the next highest ranked respondent until successful negotiations are completed, resulting in contracts with no fewer than six firms. C17 Board granted approval to accept three separate offers, made on behalf of three former Monroe County Fire Rescue patients (“Debtor”), by making payment on account for less than the full amount for services rendered by Global Sky Aircharter Corporation a/k/a Trauma Star Air Ambulance Transport. These three payments totaling $27,083.92, if accepted, will be applied respectively to each debtor’s account and be considered payment-in-full and final settlement. C18 Board granted approval to add one new full time equivalent position of Executive Assistant, in the Fiscal Year 2022 budget, for Parks and Beaches. C20 Board granted approval of the Monroe County Purchasing Policy, which includes revisions that align with the processes of the new finance system and the new purchasing card issuing bank. These include changes in terminology and forms that are now obsolete. Other minor changes were made to make terminology more consistent or to clarify the item. Buubdinfou;!12/!Kbovbsz!32!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* C21 Board granted approval to advertise a Public Hearing to approve and incorporate into the Monroe County Code of Ordinances the newly created Section 22-129 of Article VI Other Municipal Service Taxing Units in Chapter 22 Special Districts. C22 Board granted approval to rescind Agenda Item D8 ,which was an approval of an Agreement with Key West PD, LLC d/b/a Island Private Care, from the April 15, 2020, BOCC meeting. Page | 3 01/21/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:24 O/2/b C23 Board adopted the following Resolutions concerning the Transfer of Funds and Receipt of Unanticipated Revenue: Transfer of Funds (OMB Schedule Item No. 1). RESOLUTION NO. 001-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Transfer of Funds (OMB Schedule Item No. 2). RESOLUTION NO. 002-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Transfer of Funds (OMB Schedule Item No. 3). RESOLUTION NO. 003-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Transfer of Funds (OMB Schedule Item No. 4). RESOLUTION NO. 004-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Transfer of Funds (OMB Schedule Item No. 5). RESOLUTION NO. 005-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Transfer of Funds (OMB Schedule Item No. 6). RESOLUTION NO. 006-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Amending Resolution No. 436y-2021 (OMB Schedule Item No. 7). RESOLUTION NO. 007-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Amending Resolution No. 326-2021 (OMB Schedule Item No. 8). Buubdinfou;!12/!Kbovbsz!32!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* RESOLUTION NO. 008-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Receipt of Unanticipated Funds (OMB Schedule Item No. 9). RESOLUTION NO. 009-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Receipt of Unanticipated Funds (OMB Schedule Item No. 10). RESOLUTION NO. 010-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Transfer of Funds (OMB Schedule Item No. 11). RESOLUTION NO. 011-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Page | 4 01/21/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:25 O/2/b Receipt of Unanticipated Funds (OMB Schedule Item No. 12). RESOLUTION NO. 012-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Transfer of Funds (OMB Schedule Item No. 13). RESOLUTION NO. 013-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Receipt of Unanticipated Funds (OMB Schedule Item No. 14). RESOLUTION NO. 014-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Amending Resolution No. 458-2021 (OMB Schedule Item No. 15). RESOLUTION NO. 015-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Transfer of Funds (OMB Schedule Item No. 16). RESOLUTION NO. 016-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Receipt of Unanticipated Funds (OMB Schedule Item No. 17). RESOLUTION NO. 017-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Receipt of Unanticipated Funds (OMB Schedule Item No. 18). RESOLUTION NO. 018-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Receipt of Unanticipated Funds (OMB Schedule Item No. 19). RESOLUTION NO. 019-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Buubdinfou;!12/!Kbovbsz!32!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* Receipt of Unanticipated Funds (OMB Schedule Item No. 20). RESOLUTION NO. 020-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Receipt of Unanticipated Funds (OMB Schedule Item No. 21). RESOLUTION NO. 021-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Receipt of Unanticipated Funds (OMB Schedule Item No. 22). RESOLUTION NO. 022-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Page | 5 01/21/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:26 O/2/b Receipt of Unanticipated Funds (OMB Schedule Item No. 23). RESOLUTION NO. 023-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. C24 Board accepted the award for Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response Grant, in the amount of $5,665,104.00; and granted approval for the County Administrator to execute any required documentation in relation to the approval process. TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL D1 Board granted approval to advertise a Request for Proposals for Professional Public Relations Agency Services for the Monroe County Tourist Development Council. D2 Board granted approval to advertise a Request for Proposals for a Visitor Profile Survey Agency forthe Monroe County Tourist Development Council. D3 Board granted approval to advertise a Request for Proposals for an International Sales Agency for the Monroe County Tourist Development Council. D4 Board granted approval to revise Section II of the Tourist Development Council Operations Manual to add the reimbursement of up to fifty percent of digital programs to Cultural, Fishing and Destination Events allowable marketing expenses. D5 Board announcedone vacant position on the Tourist Development Council District IV Advisory Committee for one "At Large" appointment. D6 Board granted approval of Ms. Cora Baggs (sole applicant) as the "At Large" appointment to the Tourist Development Council District III Advisory Committee. st D7 Board granted approval and authorized execution of the 1 Amendment to Agreement with Key West Film Festival Corporation, Inc., for the Key West Film Festival Event, to amend the agreement due to a scrivener’s error within the original expiration date. Buubdinfou;!12/!Kbovbsz!32!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* AIRPORTS J1 Board granted approval to purchase a Mitsubishi Forklift, in the amount of $66,430.00, from Kelly Tractor Co. for the Florida Keys Marathon International Airport utilizing Florida Sheriff’s Association Contract No. FSA20-EQU18.0. The loader will be paid from Florida Department of Transportation Essential Airport Equipment Grant G1U50 (80%);and Marathon Airport Operating Fund 403 (20%). J2 Board ratified and granted approval of Airport Rescue Grant Agreement No. 3-12-0044- 039-2022 from the United States of America,acting through the Federal Aviation Administration, as executed by the Director of Airports, providing $59,000.00 to the Florida Keys Marathon International Airport for the purpose of preventing, preparing for and responding to the Coronavirus Pandemic. No match is required for this grant. Page | 6 01/21/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:27 O/2/b J3 Board ratified and granted approval of Airport Rescue Grant Agreement No. 3-12-0037- 069-2022 from the United States of America, acting through the Federal Aviation Administration, as executed by the Director of Airports, providing $426,340.00 for the purpose of providing relief from rent and minimum annual guarantees to each eligible in-terminal airport concession at the Key West International Airport. No match is required for this grant. nd J4 Board ratified and granted approval of the 2Amendment to State of Florida, Department of Transportation, Public Transportation Grant Agreement No. G1Q04, as executed by the Director of Airports, amending the grant scope of work for EYW Planning Studies to include Bird Control Services at the Key West International Airport. This grant is funded by Florida Department of Transportation (50%); and Airport Operating Fund 404 (50%). J5 Board accept the report of Airport Change Orders,for the month of December 2021, reviewed by the County Administrator/Assistant County Administrator. Said report is incorporated herein by reference. J6 Board granted approval to reject all bids and re-advertise a competitive solicitation for the Florida Keys Marathon International Airport West Apron Expansion Drainage Project. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES, BUILDING AND CODE COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENTS K1 Board adopted the following Resolution by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) approving the request of Mote Marine Laboratory, Inc., for the release and waiver of the residential inclusionary requirements pursuant to Monroe County Land Development Code Section 139-1(e)(3) which provides the Monroe County BOCC with the authority to reduce, adjust, or waive the requirements of the residential inclusionary requirements; and approving the acceptance of two market rate ROGO exemptions to Monroe County which were previously deed restricted as affordable housing to satisfy the residential inclusionary requirement triggered by the redevelopment of the Mote Marine Laboratory Facility, having the present address of 24244 Overseas Highway, Summerland Key, Monroe Buubdinfou;!12/!Kbovbsz!32!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* County, Florida, and currently bearing Monroe property identification number 00190890- 000000. RESOLUTION NO. 024-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. K2 Board granted approval to advertise a Public Hearing to consider approval of an Ordinance amending Chapter 12, Article IV. - Irrigation Conservation, to be consistent with South Florida Water Management District Rule 40E-24, Florida Administrative Code (FAC), requiring year-round irrigation conservation measures to achieve water conservation consistent with District Rule 40E-24.201, FAC, including irrigation standards such as hours, days of the week, variance and enforcement procedures. Page | 7 01/21/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:28 O/2/b K3 Board adopted the following Resolution of the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners waiving approximately $7,455.00in building permit fees for a total of five affordable housing dwelling units serving the median income level category (100% of median) or below, to be constructed on parcels located at 31351 Avenue D, 31455 Avenue A, 31565 Avenue A, 31526 Avenue B, and 31272 Avenue H, on Big Pine Key. RESOLUTION NO. 025-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. SHERIFF’S OFFICE M1 Board granted approval of the request for expenditure for Federal Equitable Sharing Funds, for Fiscal Year 2022, to be used to purchase metal evidence lockers. COMMISSIONER’S ITEMS N1 Board adopted the following Resolution urging reforms to the National Flood Insurance Program that include protection from the potential increases to flood insurance premiums as a result of the implementation of Risk Rating 2.0 by limiting annual increases to flood insurance premiums to no more than 10% per year, and supporting federal legislation recently introduced in Congress that include these reforms. RESOLUTION NO. 026-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. N3 Board adopted the following Resolution supporting passage of the federal Commitment to Veteran Support and Outreach Act that will provide additional funding to Monroe’s Veterans Affairs Department that serves and supports the County’s veterans and their families. RESOLUTION NO. 027-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Buubdinfou;!12/!Kbovbsz!32!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* COUNTY CLERK O1 Board granted approval of the minutes from the budget meetings of September 8, 2021, and September 15, 2021; and from the regular meetings of September 15, 2021, and October 20, 2021. Said minutes are incorporated herein by reference. O2 Board granted approval to dispose of records that have met the appropriate retention period. O3 Board granted approval to remove furniture from inventory and dispose of it. Page | 8 01/21/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:29 O/2/b O4 Board granted approval of Tourist Development Council expenses for the month of December 2021, as follows: Vendor Amount Advertising $28,252.25 Bricks & Mortar Projects$135,537.26 Events $11,940.33 Office Supplies & Operating Costs$32,129.07 Personnel Services$152,459.70 Sales & Marketing $27,400.11 Telephone & Utilities $2,823.73 Travel $2,070.17 Visitor Information Services $89,806.67 O5 Board granted approval of BOCC Warrants 10096703-10098400 (AP); 27809-27906 (WC); no (PR Checks); all payroll direct deposited to employee's bank accounts for the month of December 2021, as follows: Fund Fund Title Amount 001 General Fund $49,135,099.33 101 Fine & Forfeiture $5,048,367.91 102 Road/Bridges $1,231,729.76 115 Tourist Development Council-Two Penny $631,381.47 116 TDC - Admin Promo 2 Cent $934,274.08 117 TDC - District 1 Third Cent $530,343.98 118 TDC - District 2 Third Cent $247,056.19 119 TDC - District 3 Third Cent $404,227.56 120 TDC - District 4 Third Cent $219,091.50 121 TDC - District 5 Third Cent $318,543.92 125 Grant Fund $1,099,198.42 141 Fire/Ambulance $1,237,841.69 147 Unincorporated Service $189,882.01 148 Planning Building $804,280.58 Buubdinfou;!12/!Kbovbsz!32!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* 149 Municipal Policing $663,540.91 152 Duck Key Security$8,053.35 153 Local Housing Assistance $48,695.05 157 Boating Improvement Fund$52,878.29 158 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund$47,663.24 160 Environmental Restoration $24,704.75 162 Law Enforcement Trust-600 $12,842.00 163 Court Facilities $13,905.65 180 Building Funds $544,921.86 207 2003 Revenue Bonds $5,099,740.00 304 1 Cent Infrastructure $374,202.35 312 Cudjoe Regional WW Project$11,251.64 314 Series 2014 Revenue Bonds $499,994.92 316 Land Acquisition $68,882.82 Page | 9 01/21/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:2: O/2/b Fund Fund Title Amount 401 Card Sound Bridge $48,395.52 403 Marathon Airport $774,024.72 404 Key West Int'l Airport $2,161,004.55 406 PFC & Operating Restrictions $1,511,977.76 414 MSD Solid Waste $1,707,394.40 501 Workers' Compensation$231,489.81 502 Group Insurance Fund $1,644,085.91 503 Risk Management Fund$257,677.70 504 Fleet Management Fund $341,693.54 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR P1Board accepted the County Administrator's monthly activity report for January 2022. Said report is incorporated herein by reference. P5Board granted approval and authorized execution of a revenue based ($44,396.06) Interlocal Agreement with the City of Marathon, for its share of the $360,718.00 Grant Agreement MN008,from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) for the Florida Keys Reasonable Assurance Document Water Quality Monitoring Services; of which $22,198.03 is reimbursable to Marathon from FDEP; and $22,198.03 is required as Marathon's 50% local cost share. P6 Board granted approval and authorized execution of Revenue Grant Agreement SD0013, from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, in the amount of$100,000.00 to fund the design and permitting of injection wells for Canal 278 on Big Pine Key;and Canal 58 in Key Largo as part of the County's Canal Restoration Program. P7 Board granted approval to negotiate with top-ranked respondent Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. for aContract to provide Professional Mobile LiDAR Elevation, Surveying and Mapping Services for roads and facilities in the municipalities to assist in their resilience planning work, to be funded by the municipalities; and granted approval, if necessary, Buubdinfou;!12/!Kbovbsz!32!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* to negotiate with next-ranked respondents until an agreement is reached. th P8 Board granted approval of the 4 Task Order, in the amount of $153,703.31, to the Contract with HDR, Inc. for the Roads Vulnerability Analysis and Capital Plan for County- maintained roads and related services, to provide conceptual design for the full number of miles of roads subject to inundation by 2045, retroactive to December 17, 2021; and granted authorization for the County Administrator to execute the Task Order. P9 Board granted approval and authorized execution of a $0 Contract with Wood Environment and Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. for Professional Services for the Engineering, Design, Surveys, Permitting, Procurement, and Construction Engineering & Inspection Services for up to ten Canal Restoration Projects listed in the Monroe County Canal Work Plan. Task Orders for the projects will be issued as funds become available. Page | 10 01/21/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:31 O/2/b P10Board granted approval and authorized execution of a $0 Contract with Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. for On Call Professional Engineering Services for the Canal Restoration Programs for the Category A – Canal Master Plan Program Planning Services. COUNTY ATTORNEY Q2 Board granted approval and authorized execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Gregory Oropeza and the law firm of Oropeza, Stones, and Cardenas, PLLC. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES, BUILDING AND CODE COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENTS T1 Board adopted the following Resolution rescinding the reservation of thirty-six Moderate-Income Affordable Housing ROGO Allocations, memorialized by Resolution Nos. 168-2021 and 169-2021, for Gorman & Company and relating to property located at 22732 Overseas Highway, and Lots 17 through 26, Block 1, Cudjoe Ocean Shores, Cudjoe Key, having property identification numbers 00187060-000000, 00187070-000000, 00187080-000000, 00187090-000000, 00187100-000000, 00187110-000000, 00187120-000000 and 00187130- 000000; and property located at the corner of Sacarma Drive and Overseas Highway, Lots 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16, of Sacarma Bay Subdivision, Cudjoe Key, having property identification numbers 00175130-000000, 00175140-000000, 00175180-000000, 00175200-000000, 00175220-000000, 00175240-000000, and 00175260-000000, due to cancellation of purchase contract and no award of SAIL Funding to the development projects. RESOLUTION NO. 028-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. ASSISTANT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR nd T2 Board granted approval and authorized execution of the 2 Amendment to the Task Order with Cardno, Inc. for PFAS evaluations at the Joe London Fire Training Academy. Buubdinfou;!12/!Kbovbsz!32!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* FACILITIES MAINTENANCE T3 Board granted approval and authorized execution of the 5th Amendment to Lease Agreement with Salute Watersports, LLC, for the Mobile Retail Merchandise or Service Concession at Higgs Beach, for rent abatement due to beach closures and/or limited access during the Shoreline Restoration Project at Higgs Beach. The request is for a half month of October 2021, and the full month of November 2021. The total requested abatement is $844.37 for rent and usage tax. Revenue to Monroe County. AIRPORTS nd T4 Board granted approval and authorized execution of the 2 Task Order with NV2A Gulf Keystar, AJoint Venture for Construction Manager at Risk Services pre-construction activities in the amount of $259,381.00 for the Key West International Airport Concourse A and Terminal Page | 11 01/21/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:32 O/2/b Improvements Program, to be funded by Florida Department of Transportation Grant G2090 (50%); and Airport Operating Fund 404 (50%). T5 Board granted approval and authorized execution of Jacobs Project Management Co.’s PSO 12/15-E3, in the amount of $53,767.00, for design and bid phase for a new chiller system for the main terminal of the Florida Keys Marathon International Airport. The PSO is being funded by Florida Department of Transportation Grant G1P52 (80%); and Airport Operating Fund 403 (20%). PROJECT MANAGEMENT nd T6 Board granted approval to rescind and replace the 2 Modification, extending the completion date of the grant to May 31, 2022, and increasing the grant amount by $44,581.12, of Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Agreement #4337-66-R with the Florida Department of Emergency Management which provided design funding, in the amount of $960,652.33, for the nd Emergency Operations Center at the Marathon Airport. The original 2Modification only nd extended the date. However, the agreement had expired so the 2 Modification was revised to reinstate and extend the agreement. LIBRARIES T7 Board granted approval to expend up to $300,000.00 in library funds for the purchase of library lending materials from Baker & Taylor using the Board approved purchasing contract; and granted approval of delegation of the purchasing authority to Kimberly Matthews to sign individual invoices for the library's material collection, the cumulative value of which will not exceed $300,000.00. Motion carried unanimously. COUNTY LAND ACQUISITION AND LAND MANAGEMENT Christine Hurley, Land Authority Executive Director, addressed the Board concerning the Buubdinfou;!12/!Kbovbsz!32!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* following four items (G1 to G4). After discussion, motion was made by Commissioner Cates and seconded by Commissioner Coldiron granting approval of the following four items: G1 Resolution granting approval of a purchase agreement of property funded by the Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery Voluntary Home Buyout Program, in the amount of $245,000.00, execution of a restrictive covenant running with the land, and moving one Market Rate - Rate of Growth Ordinance Exemption from the acquired property to the Administrative Relief pool for market rate allocation(s). RESOLUTION NO. 029-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. G2 Resolution granting approval of a purchase agreement of property funded by the Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery Voluntary Home Buyout Program, in Page | 12 01/21/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:33 O/2/b the amount of $410,000.00, execution of a restrictive covenant running with the land, and moving one Market Rate - Rate of Growth Ordinance Exemption from the acquired property to the Administrative Relief pool for market rate allocation(s). RESOLUTION NO. 030-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. G3 Resolution granting approval of a purchase agreement of property funded by the Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery Voluntary Home Buyout Program, in the amount of $675,000.00, execution of a restrictive covenant running with the land, and moving one Market Rate - Rate of Growth Ordinance Exemption from the acquired property to the Administrative Relief pool for market rate allocation(s). RESOLUTION NO. 031-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. G4 Resolution granting approval of a purchase agreement of property funded by the Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery Voluntary Home Buyout Program, in the amount of $725,000.00, execution of a restrictive covenant running with the land, and moving one Market Rate - Rate of Growth Ordinance Exemption from the acquired property to the Administrative Relief pool for market rate allocation(s). RESOLUTION NO. 032-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Motion carried unanimously. G5 Motion was made by Commissioner Cates and seconded by Commissioner Raschein nd granting approval and authorizing execution of the 2 Amendment to the Subrecipient Agreement between the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) and Monroe County Board of County Commissioners for the Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) Voluntary Home Buyout Program funded through CDBG-DR funds to change Buubdinfou;!12/!Kbovbsz!32!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* property valuation requirement from pre-storm to post storm value, extend the term to June 3, 2023, change the DEO contact, and clarifying employment eligibility verification process, with no local match requirement. Motion carried unanimously. G6 Motion was made by Commissioner Coldiron and seconded by Commissioner Cates to adopt the following Resolution to move one Market Rate – Rate of Growth Ordinance Exemption from property known as Lot 26, Dobie's Subdivision (PB 2-135) and adjoining lands with parcel number 00188860-000000 (formerly 00188870-000000), to the Administrative Relief Pool for market rate allocations. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 033-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Page | 13 01/21/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:34 O/2/b G7 Motion was made by Commissioner Coldiron and seconded by Commissioner Cates granting approval to terminate Grant for Flood Mitigation (FMA-PJ-04-FL-2016-013) due to property owner of 1512/1514 Duncombe Street withdrawing from the program. Motion carried unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS BULK APPROVAL C1 Bob Shillinger, County Attorney, addressed the Board concerning approval of a Resolution naming the three members of the County Commission designated by the Board to represent Monroe County on the Board of Governors of Fire and Ambulance District 1 for 2022, as required by Ordinance No. 045-1988. After discussion, motion was made by Commissioner Coldiron and seconded by Commissioner Cates designating Commissioner Cates, Commissioner Raschein and Mayor Rice to represent Monroe County on the Board of Governors. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 034-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. The Board of County Commissioners meeting adjourned for the Board of Governors, Fire & Ambulance District 1, meeting. FIRE & AMBULANCE DISTRICT 1 BOARD OF GOVERNORS The Board of Governors for the Fire & Ambulance District 1 convened. Present and answering to roll call were Commissioner Craig Cates, Commissioner Holly Raschein, Mayor David Rice, Councilman Greg Lewis and Mayor Bruce Halle. H1 Motion was made by Commissioner Raschein and seconded by Commissioner Cates to adopt the following Resolution electing Mayor Halle as the Chairperson and Councilman Lewis as Vice Chairperson of the Board of Governors of Fire and Ambulance District 1 for 2022, as required by Ordinance No. 045-1988. Motion carried unanimously. Buubdinfou;!12/!Kbovbsz!32!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* RESOLUTION NO. 035-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. The Board of Governors, Fire & Ambulance District 1, adjourned. The Board of County Commissioners meeting reconvened with all Commissioners present. COVID-19 I1 Shannon Weiner, Director of Emergency Management; and Bob Eadie, JD, Administrator & Health Officer for the Monroe County Health Department, gave a COVID-19 update. Page | 14 01/21/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:35 O/2/b COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR P3Roman Gastesi, County Administrator, addressed the Board concerning approval of an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Marathon (City), as documented in Marathon Resolution 2021-119, under which the County will loan the City up to $1.5 million to help the City finance the purchase and rehabilitation of a parcel of real estate that will support operations at Pigeon Key. The loan will be funded by the One Cent Infrastructure Sales Surtax. After discussion, motion was made by Commissioner Coldiron and seconded by Commissioner Cates granting approval of the item. Motion carried unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS BULK APPROVALS C15 Motion was made by Commissioner Coldiron and seconded by Commissioner Raschein st granting approval of the 1Amendment to the Agreement with the Guidance/Care Center (G/CC) for Transportation Services to incorporate transportation protocols for Baker Act/Marchman Act clients and to establish trip rates for the transportation services to be provided by G/CC effective December 1, 2021. Roll call vote carried unanimously, with Mayor Rice abstaining due to a conflict. C19 The following individual addressed the Board concerning approval of a Resolution to waive fees currently charged for non-profit organizations or entities for use of County property or facilities: Stuart Schaffer, representing Sugarloaf Shores Property Owner’s Association. Mr. Shillinger addressed the Board. After discussion, motion was made by Commissioner Coldiron and seconded by Commissioner Raschein to continue the item to next month’s meeting and to continue to work on the Resolution. Motion carried unanimously. C4 Bryan Cooke, Employee Services Director; Tina Boan, Budget & Finance Sr. Director; Mr. Shillinger; Kevin Madok, Clerk of the Court; and Chief Steve Hudson; addressed the Board concerning approval of a Resolution to revise Section 7.01 C. of the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual regarding automatic payout of annual leave that exceeds the allowable Buubdinfou;!12/!Kbovbsz!32!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* maximum threshold each year (currently 480 hours for full time, 40-hour employees), as of April 1st; and, providing an annual option for employees who have at least 320 hours of annual leave accrued to be paid out up to 80 hours, as of November 1st.The following individual addressed the Board: Andrea Thompson, representing Firefighter Local 3909. After discussion, motion was made by Commissioner Raschein and seconded by Commissioner Coldiron to approve Part (C)1, the $172,000.00 – if you will, for this year, not Part (C)2, as follows: C. 1. Annual leave may be used on a payday -to- payday basis as it is earned according to scheduling requirements and may be accumulated up to 60 working days with a maximum of 480 hours. Any time earned in excess of this amount as of April 1st of each this year (2022) will be paid to the employee at their regular rate of pay. Average Hours Worked Per Week Hours Worked Per Day Maximum Hours Accrual Page | 15 01/21/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:36 O/2/b Average Hours Worked Per WeekHours Worked Per DayMaximum Hours Accrual 40 8480 30 6360 25 5300 24 4.8288 20 4240 C. 2. Once per year as of November 1, employees may request payout of up to 80 hours of Annual Leave at their regular rate of pay. This payout of annual leave shall not be counted as time worked for the purposes of calculating overtime in any given workweek. Employees must have a minimum of 320 hours of Annual Leave accrued as of October 31 in order to be eligible for the Annual Leave payout. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 036-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR P4 Kevin Wilson, Assistant County Administrator; and Mr. Shillinger gave a Power Point Presentation report and update on staff's investigations for options for future use and possible disposition of Bay Drive in Key Largo. The following individuals addressed the Board: Sue Heim and Nancy Diersing. Board advised staff to maintain the status quo. STAFF REPORT E1 Lisa Tennyson, Legislative Affairs & Grants Acquisition Director, gave a legislative update. Mr. Shillinger addressed the Board. COMMISSIONER’S ITEMS Buubdinfou;!12/!Kbovbsz!32!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* N4 Motion was made by Commissioner Coldiron and seconded by Mayor Rice to adopt the following Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County Florida supporting the designation of the Cow Key Channel Bridge on U.S 1/ S.R 5 in Monroe County, Florida as the "Cheryl H. Cates Memorial Bridge" and requesting the Florida Department of Transportation erect the appropriate signage reflecting the designation. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 037-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. N5 Emily Schemper, Sr. Director of Planning & Environmental Resources; and Celia Hitchins, Sr. Administrator Marine Resources, addressed the Board concerning approval of a Resolution supporting enactment and approval of House Bill 1065/Senate Bill 1432 to facilitate a reduction in the number of derelict vessels in the waters of the Florida Keys and directing the Page | 16 01/21/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:37 O/2/b Monroe County Marine Resources Office to pursue necessary steps to implement new moorings as required by law and to partner with the City of Key West in the effort to achieve implementation of additional moorings and associated local management. After discussion, motion was made by Commissioner Cates and seconded by Commissioner Coldiron to adopt the following Resolution. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 038-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. PUBLIC HEARINGS R1 A Public Hearing was held to consider adoption of an Ordinance that would establish standards and processes to be used in disposing of real property acquired by the County under the Density Reduction Program to neighboring property owners and Property Owners Associations, with deed restrictions prohibiting the construction of Principal Residential Structures, and other limitations. Ms. Hurley, Mr. Shillinger and Ms. Schemper addressed the Board. The following individual addressed the Board: Rudy Krause. After discussion, motion was made by Commissioner Coldiron and seconded by Commissioner Cates to adopt the following Ordinance, with the deletion of an active Property Association pursuant to the definition in F.S. 712.01(5). Motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 001-2022 Said Ordinance is incorporated herein by reference. R2 A Public Hearing was held to consider a Resolution renouncing and disclaiming any right of the County and the public in and to the right-of-way of a portion of Peninsular Avenue, Stock Island, Monroe County, Florida, as shown on the Plat of George L. McDonald, Plat Book 1, Page 55, bounded on the north by Block 45, Lots 42-46 and 52-57; bounded on the west by Peninsular Avenue; bounded on the south by Block 61, Lots 5-7, Parcels C, D and G, and Units Ws-32 and Unit b1-l1-20 of Key West Harbour Condominium; and bounded on the east by filled bay- bottom. Ms. Schemper gave a Power Point Presentation. There was no public input. After discussion, motion was made by Commissioner Raschein and seconded by Commissioner Buubdinfou;!12/!Kbovbsz!32!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* Coldiron to adopt the following Resolution. Roll call vote carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 039-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. R3 A Public Hearing was held to consider approval of a Resolution for budget amendments for Fiscal Year 2022 for the Road and Bridge Fund, Fund 102; Impact Fees Roadways Fund, Fund 130; One Cent Infrastructure Surtax Fund, Fund 304; and Series 2014 Revenue Bond, Fund 314. Ms. Boan addressed the Board. There was no public input. After discussion, motion was made by Commissioner Coldiron and seconded by Commissioner Cates to adopt the following Resolution. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 040-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Page | 17 01/21/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:38 O/2/b COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR P2Mr. Shillinger, Ms. Boan, Lindsey Ballard, Aide to County Administrator; and Pamela Hancock, Deputy Clerk; addressed the Board concerning the 2022 appointments of Commissioners to various duties. Said appointments are attached hereto. COMMISSIONER’S ITEM N2 The following individual addressed the Board concerning ongoing issues with the Middle Keys Land Trust's Project at Woods Corner: Josh Moreire, representing Woods Corner Home Association. Mr. Shillinger addressed the Board. The Board took no official action. CLOSED SESSION L2 Mr. Shillinger announced the Attorney-Client Closed Session and Risk Management Closed Session in the matter of Monroe County v. Sugarloaf VFD, Inc. & Sugarloaf Wi-Fi, Inc., 16th Judicial Circuit Case No.: 2017-CA-631-K, and read the required language into the record pursuant to Section 286.011(8) and 768.28 F.S.S. Mr. Shillinger advised that the following individuals would be present at the meeting: County Commissioners; County Administrator Roman Gastesi, County Attorney Bob Shillinger; and a certified court reporter. Mayor Rice declared the open session of the meeting closed. After the closed session, the meeting was re-opened. COUNTY ATTORNEY Q1 Board accepted the County Attorney report for January 2022. Said report is incorporated herein by reference. There being no further business, the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners was adjourned. Buubdinfou;!12/!Kbovbsz!32!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* Kevin Madok, CPA Clerk and ex-officio Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners Monroe County, Florida Pamela G. Hancock, D.C. Page | 18 01/21/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:39 Buubdinfou;!12/!Kbovbsz!32!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* Buubdinfou;!12/!Kbovbsz!32!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* Buubdinfou;!12/!Kbovbsz!32!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* O/2/c MINUTES OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RegularMeeting Board of County Commissioners Wednesday, February 16, 2022 Key West, Florida & Via Communication Media Technology A regular meeting of the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners convened at 9:00 a.m. at the Harvey Government Center and via Communication Media Technology. Present and answering to roll call were Commissioner Craig Cates, Commissioner Michelle Coldiron, Commissioner Holly Raschein and Mayor David Rice. The District 3 seat is vacant. Also present at the meeting were Roman Gastesi, County Administrator; Bob Shillinger, County Attorney; Kevin Madok, Clerk of Court; Pamela Hancock, Deputy Clerk; county staff, members of the press and radio; and the general public. ADDITIONS, CORRECTIONS & DELETIONS A1 Motion was made by Commissioner Coldiron and seconded by Commissioner Raschein granting approval of the Additions, Corrections & Deletions to the agenda. Motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATION OF AWARDS B1 Presentation to Tom Hambright, Monroe County Public Library System's Lead Archivist and acclaimed local Historian, upon his retirement and bestowing upon him the honorary title of Historian Emeritus for the Florida History Department. B2 Presentation of Employee of the Year to Julie Cuneo, of the Office of Management & Budget, Purchasing, Grants Administration. Buubdinfou;!13/!Gfcsvbsz!27!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* BULK APPROVALS Motion was made by Commissioner Coldiron and seconded by Commissioner Raschein granting approval of the following items by unanimous consent: C1 Board granted approval of the termination of the Temporary Non-Exclusive Storage License Agreement with Conch Tree & Landscape Professionals, Inc. at Rowell's property with a retro-active date of July 1, 2021. C2 Board granted approval and authorized execution of the clarification to the Memorandum of Understanding with International Association of Firefighters Local 3909, Unit 1 and Unit 2, to provide additional detail to a section in the current Collective Bargaining Agreement: 1) Flight Page | 1 02/16/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:43 O/2/c Nurse hourly rate with respect to calculation of regular pay and overtime pay as related to the 2,496-hour planned annual work schedule. C4 Board granted approval to purchase additional equipment and technologies from EnvisionWare, Inc.to expand the existing library circulation services to all library branches and additional sites as determined. This item approves the purchase of self-checkout equipment, printing, self-pay station, PC reservations capabilities, and tablet stations in the amount of $119,190.94. Funding is from the $975,469.00 grant from the State Library and includes $493,356.00for the purchase of EnvisionWare, Inc. equipment and technologies that will be purchased in phases over the next three to four months. C6 Board granted approval to advertise a Request for Proposals for Construction Auditing Services. The purpose is to provide contract and pay application auditing for complex and costly projects. The auditing costs will be included in the associated project. th C7 Board granted approval and authorized execution of the 7 Amendment to the Contract with WSP USA, Inc. for Engineering Design and Permitting Services for the Sea Level Rise Pilot - Twin Lakes Subdivision (Key Largo) Project to include the hydrology and hydraulics study required by the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. This amendment, in the maximum not to exceed amount of $15,081.57, will not increase the overall total contract amount due to balances remaining in other tasks that can be utilized. C8 Board adopted the following Resolution authorizing Brandon T. Evans to act as an authorized agent of Animal Control to enforce Chapter 4, Monroe County Code, and Chapter 828, Florida Statutes, to issue citations for violation of the Monroe County Code, and/or attend Court. RESOLUTION NO. 041-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. C9 Board adopted the following Resolution for a Florida Department of Transportation Maintenance Memorandum of Agreement for the Florida Keys Overseas Heritage Trail Buubdinfou;!13/!Gfcsvbsz!27!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* Connection at Cudjoe Gardens Project, for the County to provide maintenance of the shared use path upon completion of construction. RESOLUTION NO. 042-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. C10 Board granted approval to purchase four Ford F-150 Crew Cab 4WD XL 5.5' Bed 145" WB from Alan Jay Fleet Sales, in the amount of $31,604.00 each, $126,416.00 total, by Piggybacking SourceWell Contract No. 2021 120716-NAF & 060920-NAF for the Monroe County Building Department. These purchases are in the approved budget for the department. C11 Board granted approval to award bid and authorized execution of a Contract between Monroe County and Dion Fuels, LLC for fuel delivery. Page | 2 02/16/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:44 O/2/c C12 Board granted approval and authorized execution of an Agreement with Overdrive, Inc. for the Monroe County Public Library System to access and use their digital media platform to provide access to eContent purchased through and licensed by Overdrive, Inc. The agreement is for two years, at a cost of $12,000.00 per year, with $6,000.00 of material purchase credit. And granted approval to expend up to $220,000.00 in library funds for the purchase of eContent lending materials from Overdrive, Inc.; and granted approval of delegation of the purchasing authority to Kimberly Matthews to sign individual invoices for the library's digital material collection, the cumulative value of which will not exceed $220,000.00. This cost is already budgeted in the library's materials cost centers. C13 Board granted approval of the Issuance (renewal) of a Class A Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Monroe County Fire Rescue for the operation of an ALS Transport Ambulance Service for the period April 1, 2022, through March 31, 2024. th C14 Board granted approval and authorized execution of the 5 Amendment to Lease Agreement with Roberto Sanchez, Trustee of a certain Land Trust dated October 21, 1991, and Southernmost Development, Inc., as Lessors, for the Public Defender's Office at the Professional Building; providing for the first of three optional three-year renewals; and the annual adjustment of 3%, retro-active to February 1, 2022. Annual cost of the lease is $173,304.48 and is paid from ad valorem funds. C15 Board granted approval to purchase eleven portable radios and accessories from Motorola Solutions, in the amount of $66,197.14, utilizing funds from the Urban Areas Security Initiative Grant. The portable radios are needed for communication purposes in critical and potentially life- threatening situations. C16 Board granted approval to award seventeen surplus vehicles to the highest bidder as set forth in the Budget and Finance Purchasing Department Tabulation Sheet and granted authorization to dispose of the surplus vehicles to the next highest bidder, if necessary, until items are disposed. Said tabulation is incorporated herein by reference. C18 Board granted approval and authorized execution of a one-month extension to the Buubdinfou;!13/!Gfcsvbsz!27!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* existing Employment Agreement with Nina Burgess, for Fire Rescue EMS Billing Specialist position, to commence on February 19, 2022, and terminate on March 18, 2022. The extension will provide for continued internal discussions regarding renewal term and conditions for the subsequent contract term. C19 Board granted approval and authorized execution of an annual Lease Agreement with the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office, to provide 320 square feet of office space, at the Murray E. Nelson Government and Cultural Center in Key Largo, Florida. rd C20 Board granted approval and authorized execution of the 3 Amendment to Agreement with S&ME, Inc. for design of a scenic overlook at the Big Pine Swimming Hole,in the amount of $20,500.00, for revised design drawings brought on by project delays. This amendment is funded by the Infrastructure Sales Tax. Page | 3 02/16/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:45 O/2/c nd C21 Board granted approval and authorized execution of the 2 Addendum to Lease Agreement between Monroe County and Florida Keys Children's Shelter, Inc. to transfer ownership and the maintenance responsibilities of the water tank, pump, and pump housing structure located in a hardwood hammocks area adjacent to the property leased to the Children's Shelter regarding infrastructure on the property. C22 Board adopted the following Resolution for a Bill of Sale and Covenant between Monroe County and the Florida Department of Transportation for the County's acceptance of a Historic Flagler Railroad Mile Marker. This marker will be moved to the new Big Pine Swimming Hole Park for display to the public. RESOLUTION NO. 043-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. C23 Board accept the report of monthly Change Orders for the month of January 2022, reviewed by the County Administrator/Assistant County Administrator. Said report is incorporated herein by reference. C24 Board granted approval of the ratification of Application, and granted approval and authorized execution of Grant Agreement No. G0365 with the State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management, concerning an Emergency Management Performance Grant-American Rescue Plan Competitive Grant Program, in the amount of $50,000.00, with dollar-for-dollar county match required; and granted authorization for the County Administrator, or his designee, to execute any other required documentation in relation to the grant. C25 Board adopted the following Resolutions concerning the Transfer of Funds and for the Receipt of Unanticipated Revenue: Transfer of Funds (OMB Schedule Item No. 1). RESOLUTION NO. 044-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Buubdinfou;!13/!Gfcsvbsz!27!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* Transfer of Funds (OMB Schedule Item No. 2). RESOLUTION NO. 045-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Receipt of Unanticipated Revenue (OMB Schedule Item No. 3). RESOLUTION NO. 046-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Receipt of Unanticipated Revenue (OMB Schedule Item No. 4). RESOLUTION NO. 047-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Page | 4 02/16/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:46 O/2/c Transfer of Funds (OMB Schedule Item No. 5). RESOLUTION NO. 048-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Receipt of Unanticipated Revenue (OMB Schedule Item No. 6). RESOLUTION NO. 049-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Transfer of Funds (OMB Schedule Item No. 7). RESOLUTION NO. 050-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Receipt of Unanticipated Revenue (OMB Schedule Item No. 8). RESOLUTION NO. 051-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Receipt of Unanticipated Revenue (OMB Schedule Item No. 9). RESOLUTION NO. 052-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Receipt of Unanticipated Revenue (OMB Schedule Item No. 10). RESOLUTION NO. 053-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Receipt of Unanticipated Revenue (OMB Schedule Item No. 11). RESOLUTION NO. 054-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Receipt of Unanticipated Revenue (OMB Schedule Item No. 12). RESOLUTION NO. 055-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Buubdinfou;!13/!Gfcsvbsz!27!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* Receipt of Unanticipated Revenue (OMB Schedule Item No. 13). RESOLUTION NO. 056-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Receipt of Unanticipated Revenue (OMB Schedule Item No. 14). RESOLUTION NO. 057-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Receipt of Unanticipated Revenue (OMB Schedule Item No. 15). RESOLUTION NO. 058-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Page | 5 02/16/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:47 O/2/c Receipt of Unanticipated Revenue (OMB Schedule Item No. 16). RESOLUTION NO. 059-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Transfer of Funds (OMB Schedule Item No. 17). RESOLUTION NO. 060-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Receipt of Unanticipated Revenue (OMB Schedule Item No. 18). RESOLUTION NO. 061-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Transfer of Funds (OMB Schedule Item No. 19). RESOLUTION NO. 062-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Receipt of Unanticipated Revenue (OMB Schedule Item No. 20). RESOLUTION NO. 063-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. nd C26 Board granted approval and authorized execution of the 2 Change Order with Coral Construction Company for construction of the Lower Keys Scenic Viewing Area and Nature Center (Big Pine Swimming Hole) Project, in the amount of $427,454.46. This change order is a result of architectural plan revisions as required by the Monroe County Building Department during permitting. C27 Board granted approval and authorized execution of an Agreement for On Call Professional Engineering Services with CSA Central, Inc. for a period of four years with an option to renew for one additional year. CSA Central, Inc. was one of the top six ranked respondents to the solicitation. C29 Board granted approval and authorized execution of an Agreement for On Call Buubdinfou;!13/!Gfcsvbsz!27!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* Professional Engineering Services with HDR Engineering, Inc. for a period of four years with an option to renew for one additional year. HDR Engineering, Inc. was one of the top six ranked respondents to the solicitation. C30 Board granted approval and authorized execution of an Agreement for On Call Professional Engineering Services with KCI Technologies, Inc. for a period of four years with an option to renew for one additional year. KCI Technologies, Inc. was one of the top six ranked respondents to the solicitation. C31 Board granted approval and authorized execution of an Agreement for On Call Professional Engineering Services with Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc. for a period of four years with an option to renew for one additional year. Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc. was one of the top six ranked respondents to the solicitation. Page | 6 02/16/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:48 O/2/c C32 Board granted approval and authorized execution of an Agreement for On Call Professional Engineering Services with Kisinger, Campo & Associates, Corp. for a period of four years with an option to renew for one additional year. Kisinger, Campo & Associates, Corp. was one of the top six ranked respondents to the solicitation. C33 Board granted approval and authorized execution of an Agreement for On Call Professional Engineering Services with WSP USA, Inc. for a period of four years with an option to renew for one additional year. WSP USA, Inc. was one of the top six ranked respondents to the solicitation. C34 Board granted approval and authorized execution of an Interlocal Agreement between Monroe County and the City of Key West to increase bike and pedestrian amenities on certain County property along the U.S. 1 corridor as part of a Final Mile Florida Department of Transportation Grant, of $510,000.00, awarded to Key West. Twelve of the selected locations are owned by Monroe County. Only minimal costs to the County for future maintenance of bike fix- it stations. st C35 Board granted approval and authorized execution of the 1 Amendment to Agreement with Tropical Bay Property Owners Association, Inc. for payment of annual fees, increasing from $125.00 per lot to $150.00 per lot,retro-active to January 1, 2020, for maintenance costs related to County owned lots in the subdivision and to clarify that these costs are subject to periodic increases. HURRICANE IRMA RECOVERY rd D1 Board granted approval and authorized execution of the 3 Amendment to Grant Agreement 20.h.fh.100.005 with the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Historical Resources for repair of West Martello Citadel due to damage caused by Hurricane Irma. This amendment to the grant amends the expiration date from February 28, 2022, to June 30, 2022. rd D2 Board granted approval and authorized execution of the 3 Amendment to Grant Agreement 20.h.fh.100.006 with the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Historical Buubdinfou;!13/!Gfcsvbsz!27!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* Resources for repair of Pigeon Key Commissary and Honeymoon Cottage due to damage caused by Hurricane Irma. This amendment to the grant amends the expiration date from February 28, 2022, to June 30, 2022. TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL E1 Board granted approval and authorized execution of a thirty-six-month extension to the Agreement with AT&T to provide long distance telephone services for the Tourist Development Council (TDC) Administrative Office and visitor information lines (1-800 visitor services lines for Chamber of Commerce's); and to provide authorization for TDC Marketing Director to sign the extension. E2 Board granted approval to advertise a Request for Applications for Fiscal Year 2023 Destination and Turnkey Event Funding. Page | 7 02/16/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:49 O/2/c E3 Board granted approval to advertise a Request for Applications for Fiscal Year 2023 Capital Project Funding Applications. E4 Board granted approval of the Fiscal Year 2023 Fishing Event Funding Application. rd E5 Board granted approval and authorized execution of the 3 Amendment to extend Agreement with Miami-Dade Historical Maritime Museum, Inc. for the USCGC Ingham Repair and Restore Hull Project to March 31, 2022. E6 Board adopted the following Resolution to authorize the payment of expenses and invoices related to trade shows as set forth in the approved Monroe County Tourist Development 2021-2022 Marketing Plan; and granted approval to provide additional advance registration, booth related expenses and travel related expenses for trade shows for Fiscal Year 2023 to be paid from Tourist Development Council funds in Fiscal Year 2022. RESOLUTION NO. 064-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. E7 Board granted approval to rescind Agreement with Rotary Club of Key Largo Charitable Events, Inc., for the Key Largo Brew on the Bay Event, at the request of the grantee due to event being cancelled. E8 Board granted approval of Mary Beth Harris as the "At Large" appointment to the Tourist Development Council District IV Advisory Committee. AIRPORTS K1 Board granted approval to advertise a Request for Proposals for Key West Noise Insulation Program Construction Project at Key West by the Sea Final Phase consisting of twenty-five units. To be paid by future anticipated Federal Aviation Administration Grant (90%); and Passenger Facility Charge No. 17 (10%). Buubdinfou;!13/!Gfcsvbsz!27!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* K2 Board granted approval to advertise a Request for Proposals for Rental Car Concessions at Key West International Airport to include ticket counters, ready/return parking spaces and car prep/car service areas. Rent, plus commission based on gross revenues, will be paid to the airport monthly. K3 Board ratified and granted approval of CARES Act Airport Grant Agreement Development Addendum No. 3-12-0037-070-2022, from the United States of America, acting through the Federal Aviation Administration, as executed by the Director of Airports, providing $4,789,697.00 in funding for the Apron Overflow Parking Project at the Key West International Airport. No match is required for this grant. st K4 Board ratified and granted approval of the 1 Amendment to State of Florida, Department of Transportation, Public Transportation Grant Agreement No.G1V31, as executed by the Page | 8 02/16/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:4: O/2/c Director of Airports,providing an additional $675,000.00 in funding for Essential Airport Equipment for Key West International Airport; requires a 50% match from Airport Operating Fund 404. K5 Board granted approval to award bid and authorized execution of a Rental Car Concession Agreement with Avis Budget Car Rental, LLC at Florida Keys Marathon International Airport. K6 Board granted approval to award bid and authorized execution of a Rental Car Concession Agreement with KWJA, Inc. d/b/a Key West Adventures at Florida Keys Marathon International Airport. K7 Board granted approval to award bid and authorized execution of a Rental Car Concession with Enterprise Leasing Company of Florida, LLC d/b/a Enterprise Rent-A-Car at Florida Keys Marathon International Airport. K8 Board granted approval to include the fee summary sheet as an attachment to Jacobs Project Management Co.’s PSO 12/15-E3, that was approved at the BOCC meeting on January 21, 2022. The PSO is for design and bid phase for a new Chiller System for the main terminal of Florida Keys Marathon International Airport. The PSO is $53,767.00 and is being funded by Florida Department of Transportation Grant No. G1P52 (80%); and Airport Operating Fund 403 (20%). K9 Board accepted the report of Airport Change Orders for the month of January 2022, reviewed by the County Administrator/Assistant County Administrator. Said report is incorporated herein by reference. K10 Board ratified and granted approval of State of Florida, Department of Transportation, Public Transportation Grant Agreement No. G2555, as executed by the Director of Airports, providing $375,000.00 in funding for Key West International Airport Terminal Improvements; requires an equal match from Key West Airport Fund 404. Buubdinfou;!13/!Gfcsvbsz!27!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* K11 Board granted approval and authorized execution of a Master Agreement for Professional Services with Newton & Associates, Inc. for Financial Consulting Services for both Monroe County Airports. K12 Board granted approval and authorized execution of a Master Agreement for Professional Services with Ricondo & Associates, Inc. for Financial Consulting Services for both Monroe County Airports. K13 Board granted approval and authorized execution of a Master Agreement for Professional Services with Jacobs Project Management Co. for General Consulting Services for both Monroe County Airports. Page | 9 02/16/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:51 O/2/c K14 Board granted approval and authorized execution of a Master Agreement for Professional Services with McFarland Johnson, Inc. for General Consulting Services for both Monroe County Airports. K15 Board granted approval to award bid and authorized execution of a Contract with Charley Toppino & Sons, Inc., in the amount of $5,416,177.15, for the Aircraft Overflow Apron and Mitigation Project at Key West International Airport; to be funded with Federal Aviation Administration CARES Act Grant No. 37-70; Florida Department of Transportation Grant No. G1Q91; and Key West Airport Fund 404. K16 Board granted approval and authorized execution of Jacobs Project Management Task Order No. 12/15-D9, in the amount of $714,935.00,for Construction Support and Resident Project Representative Services during the Aircraft Overflow Apron Construction Project at Key West International Airport. The task order is being funded by Florida Department of Transportation Grant No. G1Q91 (50%); and Key West Airport Fund 404 (50%). PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES, BUILDING AND CODE COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENTS rd L1 Board adopted the following Resolution accepting and approving the 3 Supplemental Amendment to Joint Participation Agreement No. G1A71 with the Florida Department of Transportation, adding $300,000.00, and a time extension to June 30, 2024, for Monroe County's Transportation Planning Program; funded by Florida Department of Transportation in the amount of $262,500.00 (87.5%); the County's share is $37,500.00 (12.5%). RESOLUTION NO. 065-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. L2 Board granted approval to rescind prior Board approval, made pursuant to Item T6 on the Board's September 15, 2021, meeting agenda, the 1st Amendment to the Grant Agreement Buubdinfou;!13/!Gfcsvbsz!27!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* between Monroe County and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, to reimburse Monroe County for the County's Mobile Vessel Pumpout Service(s) provided between July 1, 2021, to September 30, 2021. The amendment never took legal effect and was ultimately rendered a legal nullity as a result of the state’s decision never to reciprocally issue its timely approval/execution of the same. L3 Board granted approval to reappoint Mr. Frank Herrada, CAC1817003, to one additional three-year term on the Contractors Examining Board, beginning March 23, 2022. L4 Board adopted the following Resolution setting the time, date, and place for a Public Hearing to consider a request for a Resolution renouncing and disclaiming any right of Monroe County and the public in and to a portion of the public right-of-way of Kay Drive, Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida, as shown on the plat of Key Largo Trailer Village, Plat Book 5, Page Page | 10 02/16/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:52 O/2/c 43 and the plat of Key Largo Trailer Village First Addition, Plat Book 5, Page 55. RESOLUTION NO. 066-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. COMMISSIONER’S ITEMS N1 Board granted approval of Mayor Rice’s reappointment of Sandra Higgs to the Sheriff''s Shared Asset Fine & Forfeiture Advisory Board, with a term expiration of February 16, 2024. N2 Board granted approval of Mayor Rice’s appointment of Beth Ramsay-Vickrey, as the District 4 representative, to the Library Advisory Board. This is a new four-year full-term appointment, to fill a vacancy, with a term expiration of February 16, 2026. N3 Board granted approval of Mayor Rice’s reappointment of Tim Root to the Tourist Development Council, as the Elected Municipal Official, with a term expiration of February 16, 2026. COUNTY CLERK O1 Board granted approval of the minutes from the regular meeting of October 20, 2021. Said minutes are incorporated herein by reference. O2 Board granted approval to dispose of records that have met the appropriate retention period. O3 Board granted approval of Tourist Development Council expenses for the month of January 2022, as follows: Vendor Amount Advertising $3,883,947.14 Bricks & Mortar Projects$97,256.85 Buubdinfou;!13/!Gfcsvbsz!27!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* Events $376,227.56 Office Supplies & Operating Costs$70,559.34 Personnel Services$504,534.43 Public Relations$322,992; 16 Sales & Marketing $287,773.65 Telephone & Utilities $9,419.15 Travel $2,940.06 Visitor Information Services $35,637.75 O4 Board granted approval to remove surplus equipment from inventory via disposal or advertise for bid. Page | 11 02/16/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:53 O/2/c O5 Board granted approval of BOCC Warrants 10098401-10099812 (AP); 27907-27978 (WC); 50005403 (PR CHECKS); one check and other payroll direct deposited to employee's bank accounts for the month of January 2022, as follows: Fund Fund Title Amount 001 General Fund $6,311,250.12 101 Fine & Forfeiture $10,761,925.31 102 Road/Bridges $1,232,569.01 104 Middle Keys Health Care MSTU $9,561.03 115 Tourist Development Council-Two Penny $475,939.68 116 TDC - Admin Promo 2 Cent $1,039,135.25 117 TDC - District 1 Third Cent $501,292.91 118 TDC - District 2 Third Cent $160,782.18 119 TDC - District 3 Third Cent $376,023.36 120 TDC - District 4 Third Cent $217,021.67 121 TDC - District 5 Third Cent $319,100.59 125 Grant Fund $717,069.31 141 Fire/Ambulance $930,385.09 147 Unincorporated Service $178,173.03 148 Planning Building $529,951.23 149 Municipal Policing $1,347,899.44 150 E911 Enhancement Fund$83,960.89 152 Duck Key Security$8,062.99 153 Local Housing Assistance $77,938.17 157 Boating Improvement Fund$24,195.55 158 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund$79,850.61 160 Environmental Restoration $18,117.98 162 Law Enforcement Trust-600 $5,500.00 163 Court Facilities $23,994.76 177 Canal #266 MSBU$1,500.00 180 Building Funds $362,356.69 304 1 Cent Infrastructure $503,241.26 Buubdinfou;!13/!Gfcsvbsz!27!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* 312 Cudjoe Regional WW Project$7,592.68 314 Series 2014 Revenue Bonds $428,735.21 316 Land Acquisition $34,940.00 401 Card Sound Bridge $23,769.41 403 Marathon Airport $370,258.99 404 Key West Int'l Airport $1,302,785.32 406 PFC & Operating Restrictions $710,330.93 414 MSD Solid Waste $1,672,708.25 501 Workers' Compensation$124,818.25 502 Group Insurance Fund $3,589,286.81 503 Risk Management Fund$51,135.36 504 Fleet Management Fund $239,060.44 610 Fire/EMS LOSAP Trust Fund$5,040.00 Page | 12 02/16/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:54 O/2/c COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR P1Board accepted the County Administrator's monthly activity report for February2022. Said report is incorporated herein by reference. P2Board granted approval and authorized execution of Revenue GrantNo.IR036 to repair the Rock Harbor Jetty in Key Largo, in the amount of $1,353,986.00, utilizing funding from the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity funded through the Federal Housing and Urban Development Agency. P3Board granted approval and authorized execution of Revenue GrantNo.IR045 to repair the Tavernier Breakwater, in the amount of $2,194,599.00, utilizing Community Development Block Grant - Mitigation funding from the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity funded through the Federal Housing and Urban Development Agency. th P4 Board granted approval and authorized execution of the 14 Task Order, in the amount of $100,000.00, for Design, Permitting and Procurement Services for Canal 278 Injection Well in Big Pine Key; and Canal 58 Injection Well in Key Largo under the On-Call Contract with Wood Environment and Infrastructure Solutions, Inc., for Category B Canal Infrastructure Engineering Services; funded by Department of Environmental Protection Grant No. SD013. P5Board granted approval and authorized execution of a $0 Contract with Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc., for On-Call Professional Engineering Services for the Canal Restoration Program, for the Category B – Canal Infrastructure Engineering Services. P6 Board granted approval to advertise a Request for Proposals for the construction of Canal 25, for a backfill restoration in Key Largo; funded by the Department of Environmental Protection Stewardship Grant No. LPA0249. P7 Board granted approval to advertise a Request for Proposals for Canal 28 Backfill Restoration in Key Largo, estimated at $2.1 million, funded by Stewardship Grant No. LPA0241. rd Buubdinfou;!13/!Gfcsvbsz!27!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* P8 Board granted approval and authorized execution of the 3 Amendmentto Contract with Erin L. Deady, P.A., in the amount of $2,500.00, for an updated vulnerability assessment, to provide a Phase 2 updated Grant Application for the Vulnerability Assessment Application under the Resilient Florida Program, and an extension of time from March 31, 2022, to May 30, 2022. COUNTY ATTORNEY Q3Board granted approval to reimburse Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority,in the amount of $130,145.13, for 50% of the legal expenses generated by Lewis, Longman, and Walker, P.A. for the administrative challenge to the Turkey Point National Pollution Discharge Environmental Permit. Q4 Board granted approval to advertise a Request for Proposals for Airport Owners and Operators Liability Insurance Policy. Page | 13 02/16/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:55 O/2/c Q5 Board granted approval to advertise a Request for Proposals for Airport Public Officials Liability Insurance. Q6 Board granted authorization to initiate litigation against Hugo Ramirez, Katiana Ramirez & Carlos Manuel Fleites and their property, 441 Big Pine Road, Key Largo, Florida, to seek compliance with the County Code and enforce the lien(s) arising from Code Compliance Case No. CE18030114. Q7 Board adopted the following Resolution requesting the Supervisor of Elections hold a special election on June 28, 2022, as directed by the Monroe County School Board in a forthcoming Resolution, for the qualified electors of Monroe County to vote on the School Board's referendum questions regarding flexible funding and school security. RESOLUTION NO. 067-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT & BUDGET th T3 Board granted approval and authorized execution of the 13 Addendum to the Agreement with Buccaneer Courier amending the agreement to remove Bayshore Manor, 5200 College Road, Key West, FL 33040, Stop #9. COUNTY ATTORNEY T4 Board granted approval of the Settlement Agreement in Monroe County v. Jerome and Eleanor Knight, Case No. 20-CA-659-K; and granted authorization for the County Attorney's Office to execute the Settlement Agreement documents. AIRPORTS st T5 Board ratified and granted approval of the 1 Amendment to State of Florida, Department Buubdinfou;!13/!Gfcsvbsz!27!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* of Transportation (FDOT), Public Transportation Grant Agreement No. G1V30, as executed by the Director of Airports, providing $880,000.00 in funding for Environmental Assessment Projects at the Florida Keys Marathon International Airport, to be funded by FDOT (80%); and Marathon Airport Fund 403 (20%). st T6 Board ratified and granted approval of the 1 Amendment to State of Florida, Department of Transportation, Public Transportation Grant Agreement No. G1P33, as executed by the Director of Airports, providing $150,000.00 in funding for Key West International Airport Building and Security Improvements; requires $150,000.00 grant match from Key West Airport Fund 404. T7 Board granted approval to add one new full time equivalent position of Executive Assistant to the Director of Airports, Pay Grade 311 in the Fiscal Year 2022 budget,for Key West International Airport. Page | 14 02/16/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:56 O/2/c st T8 Board ratified and granted approval of the 1 Amendment to State of Florida, Department of Transportation (FDOT), Public Transportation Grant Agreement No. G1Q05, as executed by the Director of Airports, providing funding in the amount of $75,000.00 for Planning Studies at Florida Keys Marathon International Airport, to be funded by FDOT (80%); and Marathon Airport Fund 403 (20%). ENGINEERING T9 Board granted approval to advertise a Public Hearing for the road dedication of Calle Tres on Rockland Key to Monroe County, as required by the Development Agreement with Quarry Partners, LLC for the development of workforce housing on Big Coppitt Key. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR T10 Board granted approval and authorized execution of an Interlocal Agreement between Monroe County and Ocean Reef Volunteer Fire Department to set forth the terms and conditions under which they will purchase a 2023 Freightliner M2 standard cab with a custom AEV Type 1 Ambulance. COUNTY ATTORNEY T11 Board granted approval and authorized execution of an Agreement for Professional Services between Ada Mayte Santamaria and Monroe County to provide assistance to the County as agreed to by both parties for any and all matters so requested by the County. Motion carried unanimously. COUNTY LAND ACQUISITION AND LAND MANAGEMENT Christine Hurley, Land Authority Executive Director, addressed the Board concerning the following four items (H1 to H4). After discussion, motion was made by Commissioner Coldiron Buubdinfou;!13/!Gfcsvbsz!27!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* and seconded by Commissioner Cates granting approval of the following four items: H1 Resolution granting approval of a Purchase Agreement of property funded by the Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery Voluntary Home Buyout Program, in the amount of $830,000.00, execution of a restrictive covenant running with the land, and moving one Market Rate - Rate of Growth Ordinance Exemption from the acquired property to the Administrative Relief Pool for market rate allocation(s). RESOLUTION NO. 068-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. H2 Resolution granting approval of a Purchase Agreement of property funded by the Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery Voluntary Home Buyout Program, in the amount of $500,000.00, execution of a restrictive covenant running with the land, and moving one Market Rate Page | 15 02/16/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:57 O/2/c - Rate of Growth Ordinance Exemption from the acquired property to the Administrative Relief Pool for market rate allocation(s). RESOLUTION NO. 069-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. H3 Resolution granting approval of a Purchase Agreement of property funded by the Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery Voluntary Home Buyout Program, in the amount of $645,000.00, execution of a restrictive covenant running with the land, and moving one Market Rate - Rate of Growth Ordinance Exemption from the acquired property to the Administrative Relief Pool for market rate allocation(s). RESOLUTION NO. 070-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. H4 Resolution granting approval of a Purchase Agreement of property funded by the Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery Voluntary Home Buyout Program, in the amount of $550,000.00, execution of a restrictive covenant running with the land, and moving one Market Rate - Rate of Growth Ordinance Exemption from the acquired property to the Administrative Relief Pool for market rate allocation(s). RESOLUTION NO. 071-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Motion carried unanimously. thth H5 Ms. Hurley addressed the Board concerning approval of the 11 and 12Amendments to State Lands Management Lease No. 4549 between Monroe County and the State of Florida for the management of certain state-owned conservation lands. After discussion, motion was made by Commissioner Coldiron and seconded by Commissioner Cates granting approval of the item. Motion carried unanimously. H6 Ms. Hurley addressed the Board concerning approval of a Resolution authorizing the Buubdinfou;!13/!Gfcsvbsz!27!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* Monroe County Land Authority to initiate the process for selling nine vacant County owned lots in Tropical Bay Estates, provided that the lots are deed restricted to prohibit the construction of principal residential dwelling units thereon to contiguous property owners or Property Owners Associations, when applicable, and other limitations provided for in Ordinance No. 001-2022. After discussion, motion was made by Commissioner Coldiron and seconded by Commissioner Raschein to adopt the following Resolution. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 072-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. H7 Ms. Hurley and Bob Shillinger, County Attorney, addressed the Board on whether to accept repayment for Transferrable Development Right (TDR) from Jane Gilbert and release Unity of Title recorded after Ms. Gilbert sold the TDR to Monroe County. The following individual addressed the Board: Jane Gilbert. After discussion, motion was made by Commissioner Coldiron Page | 16 02/16/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:58 O/2/c and seconded by Commissioner Raschein to deny accepting a repayment and transferring the TDR back as it would set a negative precedence. Motion carried unanimously. The Board of County Commissioners meeting adjourned for the Board of Governors, Fire & Ambulance District 1, meeting. FIRE & AMBULANCE DISTRICT 1 BOARD OF GOVERNORS The Board of Governors for the Fire & Ambulance District 1 convened. Present and answering to roll call were Commissioner Craig Cates, Commissioner Holly Raschein, Mayor David Rice, Councilman Greg Lewis and Mayor Bruce Halle. I1 Motion was made by Mayor Rice and seconded by Commissioner Raschein granting approval for a one-month extension to the existing Employment Agreement with Nina Burgess, for Fire Rescue EMS Billing Specialist position, to commence on February 19, 2022, and terminate on March 18, 2022. The extension will provide for continued internal discussions regarding renewal term and conditions for the subsequent contract term. Motion carried unanimously. The Board of Governors, Fire & Ambulance District 1, adjourned. The Board of County Commissioners meeting reconvened with all Commissioners present. COMMISSIONER’S ITEM T12 Sheriff Richard Ramsay addressed the Board concerning approval of a Resolution in support of Sheriff Ramsay’s request to the Florida Department of Transportation regarding a visual barrier at mile marker 109 to reduce distracted driving, traffic congestion and increase public safety. After discussion, motion was made by Commissioner Raschein and seconded by Commissioner Coldiron to adopt the following Resolution. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 073-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. Buubdinfou;!13/!Gfcsvbsz!27!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* COVID-19 J1 Shannon Weiner, Director of Emergency Management; and Bob Eadie, JD, Administrator & Health Officer for the Monroe County Health Department, gave a COVID-19 update. MISCELLANEOUS BULK APPROVALS Motion was made by Commissioner Coldiron and seconded by Commissioner Cates granting approval of the following two items (C3 & C5): C3 Agreement with the Guidance/Care Center for Women’s Jail Incarceration Drug Abuse Treatment Services, in the amount of $27,121.66, for the period of October 1, 2021, through September 30, 2022; funded by Byrne/JAG Grant Program; and approval to re-assign the roles of Page | 17 02/16/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:59 O/2/c Implementing Agency Chief Official and Subgrantee Chief Official to the Director of Budget and Finance; and authorization to allow her to submit and accept grant related documents in Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s electronic portal. C5 Tenth Renewal to Agreement with the Guidance/Care Center, Inc. for use of the shared wastewater lift station by the Marathon Detention Facility extending the term from March 7, 2022, through March 6, 2025. Estimated annual amount $10,000.00. Motion carried unanimously, with Mayor Rice abstaining due to a conflict. C17 Mr. Shillinger addressed the Board concerning approval of License and Easement Agreement with Datapath Vertical Bridge II, LLC to allow for short-term use of a portion of the Long Key Transfer Station to locate and operate a temporary antenna facility while a new tower is being built to replace the existing tower on Long Key which is on land leased from the County. After discussion, motion was made by Commissioner Cates and seconded by Commissioner Raschein granting approval of the item, with the following change at page 2: 4. ACCESS. During the Term, Licensee shall have unrestricted and unfettered access to the Premises seven (7) days a week twenty-four (24) hours a day during the following business hours: Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; provided however, in the event of an emergency, Licensee may access the Premises provided Licensee notifies Licensor as soon as reasonably practicable. Motion carried unanimously. C28 Mr. Shillinger addressed the Board concerning approval of a Resolution to waive fees currently charged for non-profit organizations or entities for use of County property or facilities for non-fundraising events. After discussion, motion was made by Commissioner Coldiron and seconded by Commissioner Raschein granting approval of the item. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 074-2022 Buubdinfou;!13/!Gfcsvbsz!27!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. STAFF REPORTS F1 Lisa Tennyson, Legislative Affairs & Grants Acquisition Director, gave a legislative update. F2 Kimberly Matthews, Sr. Director of Strategic Planning & Libraries, gave a Power Point Presentation on Monroe County Public Library DLIS/IMLS ARPA Grant Progress and Next Steps. Mr. Shillinger addressed the Board. F3 Kristen Livengood, Public Information Officer, announced that the State of the County Information Guide and Annual Report is now available. Page | 18 02/16/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:5: O/2/c F4Richard Strickland, Director of Airports, gave a Power Point Presentation on Key West International AirportConcourse A and Terminal Improvements Program. F5 Jethon Williams, Sr. TV/Multimedia Coordinator, gave an update on MCTV’s new features. COMMISSIONER’S ITEM N4 Motion was made by Commissioner Coldiron and seconded by Commissioner Cates to adopt the following Resolution presenting primary and secondary projects to Florida Department of Transportation for their review and inclusion in 5-year work plan as recommended by the Florida Keys Transportation Coordination Committee. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 075-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. COUNTY ATTORNEY Q1 Mr. Shillinger referred the Board to the County Attorney Report for February 2022. Said report is incorporated herein by reference. Q1 Mr. Shillinger addressed the Board concerning Woods Corner. The Board took no official action. Q8 Mr. Shillinger requestedto hold an Attorney-Client Closed Session in the matter of Roy’s Trailer Park, Inc., d/b/a Island Life Village v. Eric Noel and Marie C. Noel and Monroe County, Case No. 19-CA-000175-K, and read the required language into the record. Motion was made by Commissioner Cates and seconded by Commissioner Coldiron granting approval to hold the closed session at the regularly scheduled BOCC meeting on March 16, 2022, at 1:30 p.m. in Key Largo, Florida, or as soon thereafter as may be heard. Motion carried unanimously. Q9 Mr. Shillinger requested to hold an Attorney-Client Closed Session in the matter of Key Buubdinfou;!13/!Gfcsvbsz!27!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* Haven Associated Enterprises, Inc. v. State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection, State of Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, and Monroe County, Second Judicial Circuit Case No. 21-CA-1613, and read the required language into the record. Motion was made by Commissioner Coldiron and seconded by Commissioner Cates to hold the closed session at the regularly scheduled BOCC meeting on March 16, 2022, at 1:30 p.m. in Key Largo, Florida, or as soon thereafter as may be heard. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Shillinger advised the Board that the following item (T1) is deleted from the agenda: T1 Request to hold an Attorney-Client Closed Session in the matter of Monroe County v. Knight, Sixteenth Judicial Circuit Case No. 20-CA-659-K, at the regularly scheduled BOCC meeting on March 16, 2022, at 1:30 p.m. in Key Largo, Florida, or as soon thereafter as may be heard. Page | 19 02/16/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:61 O/2/c T2 Mr. Shillinger requestedto hold an Attorney-Client Closed Session in the matter of Monroe County v. Buirley, Sixteenth Judicial Circuit Case No. 19-CA-656-K, and read the required language into the record. Motion was made by Commissioner Coldiron and seconded by Commissioner Raschein to hold the closed session at the regularly scheduled BOCC meeting on March 16, 2022, at 1:30 p.m. in Key Largo, Florida, or as soon thereafter as may be heard. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS R1 A Public Hearing was held to consider approval of an Ordinance amending Chapter 12, Article IV. - Irrigation Conservation, to be consistent with South Florida Water Management District Rule 40E-24, Florida Administrative Code ("F.A.C."), requiring year-round irrigation conservation measures to achieve water conservation consistent with District Rule 40E-24.201, F.A.C., including irrigation standards such as hours, days of the week, variance, and enforcement procedures. There was no public input. Motion was made by Commissioner Coldiron and seconded by Commissioner Cates. Motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 002-2022 Said Ordinance is incorporated herein by reference. R2 A Public Hearing was held to consider approval of a Resolution and Development Agreement between Monroe County, Florida and SH Marinas 6000, LLC. The requested development agreement relates to the proposed redevelopment of Stock Island Harbor Yacht Club to include one hundred and seven attached residential dwelling units to be utilized as short- term vacation rental units, up to forty-one transient hotel room units, and three affordable dwelling units. Structures may not be higher than forty feet from grade. The subject property is described as Section 36, Township 67 South, Range 25 East, Stock Island, Monroe County, Florida, currently having property identification number 00127480-000000. Emily Schemper, Sr. Director of Planning & Environmental Resources, gave a Power Point Presentation. Mr. Shillinger addressed the Board. The following individuals addressed the Board: Bart Smith, representing the applicant; Karen Taporco, Community Planning and Liaison Officer at NASKW; Ed Swift, John Buckheim, representing Keys Fresh Seafood; John McGee, Buubdinfou;!13/!Gfcsvbsz!27!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* representing Charley Toppino & Sons, and Ms. Hurley. After discussion, motion was made by Commissioner Cates and seconded by Commissioner Raschein granting approval of the item with authorization for the County Attorney to review the changes that will be made to the documents to make sure that it’s consistent with the changes discussed today. Roll call vote carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 076-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. R3 A Public Hearing was held to consider adoption of an Ordinance by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners amending the Monroe County Land Use District Map from Mixed Use to Destination Resort for property located at 6000 Peninsular Avenue, Stock Island, Monroe County, Florida, located at mile marker 5, currently having property identification number 00127480-000000, as proposed by Smith/Hawks as agent for SH Marinas 6000, LLC. Page | 20 02/16/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:62 O/2/c Ms. Schemper gave a Power Point Presentation. There was no public input. After discussion, motion was made by Commissioner Raschein and seconded by Commissioner Coldiron to adopt the following Ordinance. Roll call vote carried unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 003-2022 Said Ordinance is incorporated herein by reference. R4 A Public Hearing was held to consider approval of a Resolution and Amendment to Development Agreement between Monroe County, Florida, and Banyan Grove Development Corporation (Spottswood Partners, Inc.), currently Banyan Grove Residences, LTD, and Monroe County, for property located along Overseas Highway, Stock Island, Monroe County, Florida, currently having property identification number 00124140-000000. Ms. Schemper gave a Power Point Presentation. The following individual addressed the Board: Bart Smith, representing the applicant. After discussion, motion was made by Commissioner Coldiron and seconded by Commissioner Raschein to adopt the following Resolution and amendment to the Development Agreement for the two for one. Roll call vote carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 077-2022 Said Resolution is incorporated herein by reference. R5 A Public Hearing was held to consider to approval and incorporation into the Monroe County Code of Ordinances the newly created Section 22-129 of Article VI Other Municipal Service Taxing Units in Chapter 22 Special Districts. There were no public speakers. Motion was made by Commissioner Coldiron and seconded by Commissioner Raschein to adopt the following Ordinance. Roll call vote carried unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 004-2022 Said Ordinance is incorporated herein by reference. There being no further business, the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners was adjourned. Buubdinfou;!13/!Gfcsvbsz!27!!)Bqqspwbm!pg!Njovuft* Kevin Madok, CPA Clerk and ex-officio Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners Monroe County, Florida Pamela G. Hancock, D.C. Page | 21 02/16/2022 Qbdlfu!Qh/!2:63