Item Q1 R/2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS C ounty of M onroe Mayor David Rice, District 4 Mayor Pro Tem Craig Cates, District 1 The Florida Keys Michelle Coldiron, District 2 Vacant, District 3 Holly Merrill Raschein, District 5 County Commission Meeting April 20, 2022 Agenda Item Number: Q.1 Agenda Item Summary #10044 BULK ITEM: No DEPARTMENT: Planning/Environmental Resources TIME APPROXIMATE: STAFF CONTACT: Emily Schemper (305) 289-2500 1:30 PM PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM WORDING: A Public Hearing to Consider Approval of an Ordinance by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Updating the Five-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements Table for Fiscal Years 2022-2026, Located within the Capital Improvements Element of the Monroe County Year 2030 Comprehensive Plan, pursuant to Florida Statute Section 163.3177(3). ITEM BACKGROUND: sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, and potable water are the only public facilities and services subject to the concurrency requirement on a statewide basis.The local comprehensive plan must include adopted level of service (LOS) standards to guide its application of concurrency. Florida Statute Section 163.3177(3)(a), in relevant part, requires the local comprehensive plan to include a Capital Improvements Element (CIE). Projects necessary to ensure that adopted LOS standards are achieved and maintained for a five-year the capital improvements element must be reviewed by the local government on an annual basis. Modifications to update the 5-year capital improvement schedule may be accomplished by ordinance and may not be deemed to be amendments to the local comprehensive plan. Data for this update is comprised of information provided by staff within County Departments, and from the FDOT Five Year Work Program and FKAA Annual Report. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: The BOCC adopted Ordinance No. 011-2020 on February 19, 2020, which updated the Five-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements table for FY 2020-2024 within the Capital Improvements Element. The BOCC adopted Ordinance No. 002-2017 on April 12, 2017, which updated the Five-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements table for FY 2017-2021 within the Capital Improvements Element. Qbdlfu!Qh/!361: R/2 The BOCC adopted Ordinance No. 001-2016 on January 20, 2016, which updated the Five-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements table for FY2016-2020 within the Capital Improvements Element. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval DOCUMENTATION: FY22-26 CIE SR Exhibit 1 to SR_FY20-24_Strikethrough Exhibit 2 to SR_FY22-26_Schedule of Cap. Impv. Exhibit 3 to SR_Data & Analysis Ordinance Exhibit A to Ord_FY22-26_Schedule of Cap. Impv. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Effective Date: N/A Expiration Date: N/A Total Dollar Value of Contract: N/A Total Cost to County: N/A Current Year Portion: N/A Budgeted: N/A Source of Funds: CPI: N/A Indirect Costs: N/A Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts: N/A Revenue Producing: N/A If yes, amount: N/A Grant: N/A County Match: N/A Insurance Required: N/A Additional Details: N/A REVIEWED BY: Emily Schemper Completed 04/04/2022 11:11 AM Peter Morris Completed 04/04/2022 12:35 PM Maureen Proffitt Skipped 02/01/2022 3:28 PM Purchasing Completed 04/04/2022 12:41 PM Qbdlfu!Qh/!3621 R/2 Budget and Finance Completed 04/04/2022 12:53 PM Maria Slavik Completed 04/04/2022 1:43 PM Lindsey Ballard Completed 04/04/2022 4:32 PM Board of County Commissioners Pending 04/20/2022 9:00 AM Qbdlfu!Qh/!3622 R/2/b MEMORANDUM M ONROE C OUNTY P LANNING & E NVIRONMENTAL R ESOURCES D EPARTMENT We strive to be caring, professional and fair To: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Through: Emily Schemper, AICP, CFM, Senior Director of Planning and Environmental Resources From: Janene Sclafani, Transportation Planner Date: October 24, 2021 Subject: Request to update the Five-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements table within the Capital Improvements Element of the Monroe County Year 2030 Comprehensive Plan for Fiscal Years 2022-2026. Meeting: April 20, 2022 1 2A. PURPOSE 3 4As stated in §163.3177(3), F.S.: 5(a) The comprehensive plan shall contain a capital improvements element designed to consider 6the need for and the location of public facilities in order to encourage the efficient use of 7such facilities and set forth: 81. A component that outlines principles for construction, extension, or increase in capacity 9of public facilities, as well as a component that outlines principles for correcting existing 10public facility deficiencies, which are necessary to implement the comprehensive plan. 11The components shall cover at least a 5-year period. 122. Estimated public facility costs, including a delineation of when facilities will be needed, 13the general location of the facilities, and projected revenue sources to fund the facilities. 143. Standards to ensure the availability of public facilities and the adequacy of those 15facilities to meet established acceptable levels of service. 164. A schedule of capital improvements which includes any publicly funded projects of 17federal, state, or local government, and which may include privately funded projects for 18which the local government has no fiscal responsibility. Projects necessary to ensure that 19any adopted level-of-service standards are achieved and maintained for the 5-year 20period must be identified as either funded or unfunded and given a level of priority for 21funding. 225. The schedule must include transportation improvements included in the applicable 23 24pursuant to s. 339.175(8) to the extent that such improvements are relied upon to ensure BOCC SR 04.20.22 Page 1 of 11 File 2021-156 Qbdlfu!Qh/!3623 R/2/b 1 concurrency and financial feasibility. The schedule must be coordinated with the 2 -range transportation plan 3 adopted pursuant to s. 339.175(7). 4 5 (b) The capital improvements element must be reviewed by the local government on an annual 6 basis. Modifications to update the 5-year capital improvement schedule may be 7 accomplished by ordinance and may not be deemed to be amendments to the local 8 comprehensive plan. 9 10 B. PROPOSED AMENDMENT 11 12 Staff is requesting that the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners adopt an amendment 13 to the Five-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements table, within the Capital Improvements 14 Element of the Year 2030 Comprehensive Plan, to reflect the capital improvement projects adopted 15 by the level-of-service (LOS) standards are 16 achieved and maintained. Exhibit 1 is a strikethrough version of the current table and Exhibit 2is 17 the proposed update for Fiscal Years 2022-2026. 18 19 The definition of §163.3164(7), F.S., is: 20 physical assets constructed or purchased to provide, improve, or replace a public 21 facility and which are typically large scale and high in cost. The cost of a capital 22 improvement is generally nonrecurring and may require multiyear financing. For 23 the purposes of this part, physical assets that have been identified as existing or 24 projected needs in the individual comprehensive plan elements shall be considered 25 capital improvements. 26 27 Section 163.3177(3), F.S., requires that projects necessary to ensure that any adopted level-of- 28 service standards are achieved and maintained for the five-year period be identified as either 29 funded of unfunded and given a level of priority for funding and that the capital improvements 30 element be reviewed by the local government on an annual basis. 31 32 C. DATA AND ANALYSIS 33 34 The Five-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements table for FY 22-26 (Exhibit B) lists the public 35 facilities which Monroe County will provide in order to reduce existing deficiencies, provide for 36 necessary replacements, and meet the future demand identified by the Comprehensive Plan. 37 Exhibit C includes data and the portions of the FY 22-26 adopted budget which identify 38 and support capital improvement projects. 39 Buubdinfou;!GZ33.37!DJF!TS!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* 40 that Monroe County shall ensure that all 41 development and redevelopment taking place within its boundaries does not result in a reduction 42 of the level-of-service requirements established and adopted by \[the\] Comprehensive Plan. 43 Further, Monroe County shall ensure that Comprehensive Plan amendments include an analysis 44 of the availability of facilities and services or demonstrate that the adopted levels of service can 45 be reasonably met. The proposed Five-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements forFY 22- 46 26e public facilities types which have adopted BOCC SR 04.20.22 Page 2of 11 File 2021-156 Qbdlfu!Qh/!3624 R/2/b 1 LOS standards within the Comprehensive Plan: 2 3 1.!Transportation (Policies 301.1.1 & 301.1.2) 4 2.!Potable Water (Policy 701.1.1) 5 3.!Solid Waste (Policy 801.1.1) 6 4.!Sanitary Sewer (Policy 901.1.1) 7 5. Drainage (Policy 1001.1.1) 8 6. Recreation and Open Space (Policy 1201.1.1) 9 10 1. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES 11 12 The LOS standards for roads are established in Element 3.3 Traffic Circulation in the 13 Comprehensive Plan. 14 15 Objective 301.1 16 Monroe County shall establish level of service (LOS) standards for all paved roads in 17 Monroe County for the purpose of determining existing and future roadway needs. 18 19 Policy 301.1.1 20 For all County roads, Monroe County hereby adopts a minimum peak hour level of 21 service (LOS) standard of D, measured by the methodology identified in the most recent 22 edition of the Highway Capacity Manual, as necessary to determine proposed 23 development impacts. The County shall maintain the level of service on County roads 24 within five percent (5%) of LOS D. 25 26 Policy 301.1.2 27 For U.S. 1, Monroe County hereby adopts a level of service (LOS) standard of C, as 28 measured by the methodology established by the U.S. 1 LOS Task Force and adopted 29 by the Board of County Commissioners in August 1991. The level of service on U.S. 1 30 shall be maintained within five percent (5%) of LOS C. 31 32 Objective 301.2 33 Monroe County shall ensure that all paved roads have sufficient capacity to serve 34 development at the adopted LOS standards concurrent with the impact of said 35 development. 36 37 Policy 301.2.3 38 Monroe County shall not permit new development which would significantly degrade 39 the LOS below the adopted LOS standards on U.S. 1 (overall) unless the proportionate Buubdinfou;!GZ33.37!DJF!TS!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* 40 share of the impact is mitigated. The development of one single family residential unit, 41 on a single parcel, shall be considered de minimis and shall not be subject to this 42 requirement. A five percent projected decrease in travel speeds, below LOS C, is a 43 significant degradation in the level of service on U.S. 1. Traffic volume which exceeds 44 the LOS D standard by more than five percent is a significant degradation in the level 45 of service on any other County road. 46 BOCC SR 04.20.22 Page 3of 11 File 2021-156 Qbdlfu!Qh/!3625 R/2/b 1 2 U.S. 1 is the only principal arterial serving the Keys. Monroe County has the Florida Department 3 of Transportation (FDOT) conduct a biennial study to monitor the LOS on U.S. 1. The 2021 4 Arterial Travel and Time Delay Study indicates that the overall LOS of U.S. 1 is level .Based 5 on this data, the adopted LOS for U.S. 1 continues to be maintained. 6 7 The FDOT District 6 transportation improvement projects are included in the 5-Year Schedule of 8 Capital Improvements table. 9 10 2. POTABLE WATER FACILITIES 11 12 The LOS standards for potable water are established in Element 3.7 Potable Water in the 13 Comprehensive Plan. 14 15 Objective 701.1 16 Monroe County shall ensure that at the time a certificate of occupancy or its functional 17 equivalent is issued, adequate potable water supply, treatment, and distribution facilities are 18 available to support the development at the adopted level of service standards. 19 20 Policy 701.1.1: Monroe County hereby adopts the following level of service standard 21 concurrent to achieve Objective 701.1 and shall use these standards as the basis for 22 determining facility capacity and the demand generated by a development. 23 24 Level of Service Standard: 25 1.!Quantity: 26 100 gal./capita/day* 27 *Note: Based on historical data through December 2011; provided by 28 FKAA. December 2012. 29 30 2. Minimum Pressure: 31 20 PSI at customer service 32 33 3.!Minimum Potable Water Quality: 34 Shall be as defined by Chapter 62-550 F.A.C. 35 36 37 The Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (FKAA) is the sole provider of potable water in the Florida 38 39 groundwater from the wellfield is treated Buubdinfou;!GZ33.37!DJF!TS!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* 40 which currently has a maximum water treatment design capacity of 29.8 million gallons per day 41 (MGD). The primary water treatment process is a conventional lime softening/filtration water 42 treatment plant and is capable of treating up to 23.8 MGD from the Biscayne Aquifer. The 43 secondary water treatment process is the Reverse Osmosis water treatment plant and is capable of 44 producing 6 MGD from the brackish Floridan Aquifer. The two saltwater Reserve Osmosis (RO) 45 plants, located on Stock Island and Marathon, are available to produce potable water under BOCC SR 04.20.22 Page 4of 11 File 2021-156 Qbdlfu!Qh/!3626 R/2/b 1 emergency conditions. The RO desalination plants have design capacities of 2.0 and 1.0 MGD of 2 water, respectively. 3 4 The FKAA maintains storage tank facilities which provide an overall storage capacity of 45.2 5 million gallons system wide. The sizes of tanks vary from 0.2 to 5.0 million gallons. These tanks 6 are utilized during periods of peak water demand and serve as an emergency water supply. Since 7 the existing transmission line serves the entire Florida Keys (including Key West), and storage 8 capacity is an integral part of the system, the capacity of the entire system must be considered 9 together. 10 11 In March 2008, South Florida Water Management 12 modification of WUP 13-00005-5-W for a 20-year allocation from the Biscayne and Floridan 13 Aquifers. This modified WUP provides an annual allocation of 8,751 Million Gallons (MG) or 14 23.98 MGD and a maximum monthly allocation of 809 MG with a limited annual withdrawal from 15 the Biscayne Aquifer of 6,492 MG. 16 17 18 19 20 The following tables provide an overview of actual and projected water demands in the FKAA 21 service area including Water Use Permit (WUP) allocation limits, and remaining water allocations 22 (1,359 MG projected for 2021). 23 24 Annual Water Withdrawals 2002 to 2019 WUP +/- Annual WUP % Annual Year Withdrawal Limit Change Allocation (MG) (MG) (MG) 2002 6,191 10.03% 7,274 1,083 2003 6,288 1.57% 7,274 986 2004 6,383 2.74% 7,274 813 2005 6,477 0.16% 7,274 803 2006 6,283 -2.49% 7,274 964 2007 5,850 -7.35% 7,274 1,428 2008 5,960 1.89% 8,751 2,791 2009 5,966 0.09% 8,751 2,785 2010 5,919 -0.79% 8,751 2,832 Buubdinfou;!GZ33.37!DJF!TS!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* 2011 6,327 6.89% 8,751 2,424 2012 6,042 -4.50% 8,751 2,709 2013 6,105 1.04% 8,751 2,646 2014 6,377 4.46% 8,751 2,374 2015 6,530 2.40% 8,751 2,221 2016 6,462 -1.04% 8,751 2,289 BOCC SR 04.20.22 Page 5of 11 File 2021-156 Qbdlfu!Qh/!3627 R/2/b 2017 6,324 -2.13% 8,751 2,427 2018 6,526 3.10% 8,751 2,225 2019 6,809 4.16 % 8,751 1,942 Source: Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority, 2021 1 Figure 3.5 - Projected Water Demand in 2021 (in MG) FKAA 2021 Water 2020 Water Permit Demand Demand Thresholds Projected Annual Allocation (Raw Water) Average Daily Demand 23.98 18.41 20.25 Maximum Monthly Demand 809.01 612.65 654.20 Annual Demand 8,751 6,736 7,392 Biscayne Aquifer Annual Allocation/Limitations (Raw Water) Average Daily Demand 17.79 17.23 17.79 Annual Demand 6,492 6,307 6,492 Floridan RO Production Average Daily Demand 6.00 0.93 0.56 Emergency RO WTP Facilities Kermit L. Lewin Design Capacity 2.00 (MGD) 0.00 (MGY) 0.30 Marathon RO Design Capacity 1.00 (MGD) 0.00 (MGY) 0.00 All figures are in millions of gallons Source: Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority, 2021 2 Buubdinfou;!GZ33.37!DJF!TS!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* 3 BOCC SR 04.20.22 Page 6of 11 File 2021-156 Qbdlfu!Qh/!3628 R/2/b 1 The following table provides the amount of water used on a per capita basis. Based on Functional 2 Population and average daily demand, the average water consumption for 2019 was approximately 3 114 gallons per capita (person) within the adopted LOS of 132.00 gal./capita/day. 4 Figure 3.6 - Per Capita Water Use Average Per Capita Daily Demand 1 Year Functional Population Water Consumption 2 (gallons) 2 (gallons) 2000 153,080 17,016,393 111 2001 153,552 15,415,616 100 2002 154,023 16,962,082 110 2003 154,495 17,228,192 112 2004 154,924 17,652,596 114 2005 156,150 17,730,000 114 2006 155,738 17,287,671 111 2007 155,440 16,017,315 103 2008 154,728 16,285,383 105 2009 155,441 16,345,205 105 2010 155,288 16,210,959 104 2011 156,054 17,334,247 111 2012 156,391 16,508,197 106 2013 156,727 16,836,164 107 2014 157,063 17,472,362 111 2015 157,400 17,890,400 114 2016 157,730 17,704,100 112 2017 158,060 17,632,900 112 2018 158,391 17,643,800 113 2019 158,721 18,070,000 114 Source: 1. Monroe County Population Projections - Monroe County Planning Department, 2011 2. Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority, 2021 5 6 With the construction of the new water supply wells and RO water treatment, the new reclaimed 7 systems, and the ability to operate the 3.0 MGD RO desalination plants during emergency 8 situations, there is an adequate supply of water to meet current and future demands, based on 9 current conditions and projections. FKAA will continue to monitor and track conditions and events Buubdinfou;!GZ33.37!DJF!TS!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* 10 that could negatively impact the existing water supply. Any such impacts will be evaluated to 11 determine future changes necessary to continue servicing Monroe County with adequate supply. 12 Based on this data, the County is maintaining it adopted LOS. 13 14 FKAA replacement and improvement projects are included in the 5-Year Schedule of Capital 15 Improvements table. BOCC SR 04.20.22 Page 7of 11 File 2021-156 Qbdlfu!Qh/!3629 R/2/b 1 2 3 4 The LOS standards for solid waste are established in Element 3.8 Solid Waste in the Comprehensive 5 Plan. 6 7 Objective 801.1: Monroe County shall ensure that solid waste collection service and disposal 8 capacity is available to serve development at the adopted level of service standards. 9 10 Policy 801.1.1: Monroe County hereby adopts the following level of service standard to 11 achieve Objective 801.1, and shall use these standards as the basis for determining facility 12 capacity and the demand generated by a development. 13 14 Level of Service Standards: 15 Disposal Quantity: 11.41 pounds per capita per day 16 17 Policy 801.1.2 18 Monroe County shall maintain land development regulations which provide a Concurrency 19 Management System (See Capital Improvements Policy 1401.4.5). The Concurrency 20 Management System shall ensure that no certificate of occupancy or its functional 21 equivalent will be issued for new development unless adequate solid waste collection and 22 disposal facilities needed to support the development at the adopted level of service 23 standards are available concurrent with the impacts of development. 24 25 LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS 26 27 28 29 30 31 4. SANITARY SEWER FACILITIES 32 33 The LOS standards for sanitary sewer are established in Element 3.9 Sanitary Sewer in the 34 Comprehensive Plan. 35 36 Objective 901.1 37 Monroe County shall ensure that, at the time a certificate of occupancy, or its functional 38 equivalent is issued, adequate sanitary wastewater treatment and disposal facilities, including 39 wastewater treatment facilities and onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems, are available Buubdinfou;!GZ33.37!DJF!TS!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* 40 to support the development at the adopted level of service standards, and annually update the 41 five-year schedule of capital needs accordingly. 42 43 44 Policy 901.1.1 BOCC SR 04.20.22 Page 8of 11 File 2021-156 Qbdlfu!Qh/!362: R/2/b 1 Monroe County shall ensure that at the time a certificate of occupancy, or its functional 2 equivalent is issued, adequate sanitary wastewater treatment and disposal facilities are 3 available to support the development at the adopted level of service standards. 4 5 December 31, 2015 Level of Service Standards 6 7 (A)!The permanent level of service standards for wastewater treatment in Monroe County 8 are as follows: 9 Mg/L BOD TSS TN TP On-site Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems 10 10 10 1 Design flows less than 100,000 gpd (BAT) 10 10 10 1 Design flows greater than or equal to 100,000 gpd (AWT) 5 5 3 1 10 Source: Monroe County Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan, 2000. 11 12 BOD: Biochemical Oxygen Demand 13 TSS: Total Suspended Solids 14 TN: Total Nitrogen 15 TP: Total Phosphorus 16 BAT: Best Available Technology 17 AWT: Advanced Wastewater Technology 18 19 (B)!The County shall support State and Federal educational programs to reduce demand 20 for phosphate products. 21 22 (C)!The capacity level of service standard: 167 gallons per day per EDU. 23 24 The Monroe County Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan, mandated by the Comprehensive Plan, 25 establishes a LOS capacity of 145 gpd/EDU. Currently, the following wastewater facilities are 26 listed as scheduled projects on the 5-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements table: FKAA: 27 Florida City, Navy, Duck Key and Big Coppitt; and Monroe County: County Facilities, Big 28 Coppitt, Duck Key, Cudjoe Regional, and Long Key. 29 30 Multiple wastewater projects are included to complete wastewater tasks pursuant to Sections 31 380.0552, 381.0065, and 403.086, Florida Statutes and Rule 28-20.140, Florida Administrative 32 Code. 33 34 5. DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER FACILITIES Buubdinfou;!GZ33.37!DJF!TS!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* 35 36 The LOS standards for drainage are established in Element 3.10 Drainage in the Comprehensive 37 Plan. 38 Policy 1001.1.1 39 Water Quality Level of Service Standards - Minimum Water Quality: 40 41 All projects shall be designed so that the discharges will meet Florida State Water BOCC SR 04.20.22 Page 9of 11 File 2021-156 Qbdlfu!Qh/!3631 R/2/b 1 Quality/Quantity Standards as set forth in Chapters 62-3 and 62-302.530, F.A.C, 2 incorporated herein by reference. All projects should be designed in accordance with the 3 Florida Department of Transportation and South Florida Water Management District 4 standards and taking into account projections for climate change. 5 6 Every three years, after the adoption of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, Monroe County shall 7 review the standards for detention and retention volumes for surface water to ensure they 8 achieve minimum water quality standards. 9 10 11 12 5-Year Schedule of 13 Capital Improvements table. 14 15 6. PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1.! 33 34 35 2.! 36 37 38 39 Buubdinfou;!GZ33.37!DJF!TS!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* 40 41 42 43 44 BOCC SR 04.20.22 Page 10of 11 File 2021-156 Qbdlfu!Qh/!3632 R/2/b Monroe County Demand Surplus or Comprehensive Plan Policy Existing Functional in (Deficit) in 1201.1.1, Parks and Recreation Acreage Population 2010 Acreage Acreage 1.5 acres per 1,000 functional population of passive, resourced- 138,803 250 208 42 based neighborhood and community parks. 1.5 acres per 1,000 functional 138,803 434 208 226 population of passive, activity- based neighborhood and Upper Keys: community parks within each of 93 55 38 36,982 the Upper Keys, Middle Keys, Middle Keys: 135 31 104 and Lower Keys subareas. 20,559 Lower Keys: 204 122 82 81,262 Monroe County Technical Document, May 11, 2011, Chapter 13, Recreation and Open Space, Sections and 1 2 3 5-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements table. 4 5 D. RECOMMENDATION 6 7 Staff recommends APPROVAL to the Board of County Commissioners of the proposed update 8 to the Five-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements table within the Capital Improvements 9 Element of the Monroe County Year 2030 Comprehensive Plan for Fiscal Years 2022-2026. 10 11 E. EXHIBITS 12 13 Exhibit 1. 5-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements for FY 2020-2024 (Strikethrough) 14 Exhibit 2. Proposed 5-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements for FY 2022-2026 15 Exhibit 3. Monroe County data & analysis FY 2022-2026 Budget Funds and Revenue Sources 16 Exhibit 4. Proposed Ordinance Buubdinfou;!GZ33.37!DJF!TS!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* BOCC SR 04.20.22 Page 11of 11 File 2021-156 Qbdlfu!Qh/!3633 R/2/c Fyijcju2upTubggSfqpsu Qbdlfu!Qh/!3634 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3635 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3636 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3637 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3638 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3639 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!363: R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3641 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3642 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3643 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3644 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3645 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3646 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3647 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3648 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3649 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!364: R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3651 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3652 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3653 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3654 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3655 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3656 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3657 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3658 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3659 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!365: R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3661 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3662 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3663 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3664 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3665 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3666 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3667 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3668 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3669 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!366: R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3671 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3672 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3673 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3674 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3675 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3676 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3677 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3678 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3679 R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!367: R/2/c Qbdlfu!Qh/!3681 R/2/d Fyijcju3upTubggSfqpsu Qbdlfu!Qh/!3682 R/2/d Qbdlfu!Qh/!3683 R/2/d Qbdlfu!Qh/!3684 R/2/d Qbdlfu!Qh/!3685 R/2/d Qbdlfu!Qh/!3686 R/2/d Qbdlfu!Qh/!3687 R/2/d Qbdlfu!Qh/!3688 R/2/d Qbdlfu!Qh/!3689 R/2/d Qbdlfu!Qh/!368: R/2/d Qbdlfu!Qh/!3691 R/2/d Qbdlfu!Qh/!3692 R/2/d --- 125,000700,000500,000950,000 Total 1,200,0003,500,0009,200,0003,000,0001,000,0005,500,0002,600,0004,120,0003,000,0006,000,0003,500,0004,300,0002,300,000 36,000,00026,000,000 3,600,0006,000,0001,000,000 FY 2026 - -- 520,000950,000 1,000,0003,800,0002,300,000 FY 2025 400,000 500,000 4,000,0004,500,0001,000,000 FY 2024 500,000 4,800,0001,000,0001,500,000 FY 2023 12,000,00013,000,000 125,000 700,000 500,000 1,200,0003,500,0004,000,0003,000,0001,000,0001,100,0003,000,000 FY 2022 20,000,00013,000,000 - - 9/15/2021 Appropriated ProjectBudget Buubdinfou;!Fyijcju!3!up!TS`GZ33.37`Tdifevmf!pg!Dbq/!Jnqw/!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* Potable Water (Policy 701.1.1) Repair/upgrade subaqueous crossingRepair/upgrade cathodic protectionRockland yard buildingGrassy Key transmission line replacementStock Island pump station and generator replacementStock Island ROStock Island RO generatorKey West administration buildingIslamorada transmission line replacementFront/Whitehead/Eaton distribution line replacementTransmission Terminus rehabilitationCross Key water distribution upgradeSouth/United Street water distribution upgradeUtility coordination relocatesNo name KeyStock Island garage replacementElectrical improvement at Florida City - phase 1Chemical system improvements at Florida CityBox Girder bridge coating/couplingTransmission system valve replacementMarathon pump station tank installationCoco Plum 3 Qbdlfu!Qh/!3693 Project TitleFlorida Keys Aquaduct Authority R/2/d -- 500,000300,000700,000340,000500,000400,000 7,200,0002,000,0002,200,0003,200,0002,200,0005,200,0001,500,0005,000,0004,000,0004,960,0002,950,000 156,645,000156,645,000156,645,000 700,000810,000 2,000,0002,200,0002,000,0005,000,000 23,310,00023,310,00023,310,000 - 200,000 4,000,0003,200,0001,300,000 17,270,00017,270,00017,270,000 - 950,000 3,000,0005,000,0001,500,000 20,850,00020,850,00020,850,000 - 200,000 100,000 750,000 340,000 500,000 1,000,000 35,690,00035,690,00035,690,000 - 500,000 300,000 100,000 600,000 400,000 1,500,0004,000,0001,000,000 59,525,00059,525,00059,525,000 - - --- Buubdinfou;!Fyijcju!3!up!TS`GZ33.37`Tdifevmf!pg!Dbq/!Jnqw/!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* Ocean Reef distribution and storage improvementsCrawl Key tank repairsKey Colony Beach 4 (23,920 lf of pipe)Various locations from US1 - 187th Ave - Transmission Main ProtectionNew Town 7 - Marathon (10,280 LF of Pipe)Duck Key Inner Island Distribution (13,525 LF of Pipe)Snake Creek subaqueous pipeDiesel Pump upgrades at WTPGrassy Key 2 (2,985 LF of Pipe)Florida City gravity thickener and flooring maintenance5MG Storage Tank at Florida CityPurchase of New Wellfield Property Navy Projects Navy- connection tank feedNavy- connection A distributionNavy- connection B distributionNavy- second feed to Boca ChicaNavy- fire system WestNavy- fire system East Priority but Non-Critical FacilitiesNo Projects Qbdlfu!Qh/!3694 Total - FKAARevenues - FKAAMonroe County Projects Total R/2/d Qbdlfu!Qh/!3695 R/2/d Qbdlfu!Qh/!3696 R/2/d ΏΏΏΏΏ- Total ΏΏΏΏΏ- FY 2026 ΏΏΏΏΏ- FY 2025 ΏΏΏΏΏ- FY 2024 ΏΏΏΏΏ- FY 2023 ΏΏΏΏΏ- FY 2022 - 9/15/2021 Appropriated - ProjectBudget Buubdinfou;!Fyijcju!3!up!TS`GZ33.37`Tdifevmf!pg!Dbq/!Jnqw/!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* Drainage and Storm Water (Policy 1001.1.1) Qbdlfu!Qh/!3697 Project TitleFlorida Department of Transportation bƚ tƩƚƆĻĭƷƭ Subtotal - FDOTRevenues - FDOTMonroe County bƚ tƩƚƆĻĭƷƭ Total R/2/d --- 25,000 178,500 547,708 Total 3,069,5421,232,014 5,052,764 1,000,000 1,000,000 FY 2026 1,969,542 1,969,542 FY 2025 - FY 2024 - FY 2023 25,000 178,500 547,708 100,000 1,232,014 2,083,222 FY 2022 86,41635,689 649,348 6,383,353 7,154,806 9/15/2021 Appropriated 50,000 203,500 1,055,5303,748,8901,335,6149,024,864 ProjectBudget 15,418,398 Annual Buubdinfou;!Fyijcju!3!up!TS`GZ33.37`Tdifevmf!pg!Dbq/!Jnqw/!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* Parks and Recreation (Policy 1201.1.1) Marathon Library Qbdlfu!Qh/!3698 Project Title Key Largo Park Pickleball CourtsLibrary AutomationBig Pine Swimming HoleHiggs Beach Reynolds Street Pier RailingRowell's Marina Total R/2/d Qbdlfu!Qh/!3699 R/2/d Qbdlfu!Qh/!369: R/2/e 38933414734341 3-21:5-::64-:11 91-11141-11142-36156-11153-11148-61186-11151-11123-42333-68377-11182-931:6-11136-76191-11146-:2131-63167-54151-229 622-228485-111578-111211-111461-111485-111578-111211-111461-11142:-867431-111362-361231-111236-111395-:47279-111541-317541-317261-111261-111286-111286-111436-111436-111373-611636-111761-111261-111248 -611248-611848-:92242-439292-713316-111:34-511277-352253-577439-431377-871848-284311-111732-867571-111221-111338-541311-723 3-443-3413-442-9768-731-4543-364-7112-116-1112-636-1112-636-1115-848-1115-848-1113-111-1112-121-6796-248-4982-654-7762-596-9443-93:-:882-875-3323-151-7212-37:-432 43-26:-48:21-288-797 Hsboe!Upubm 3137 86-111 211-111461-111211-111461-111561-831436-111 3-443-3413-442-9762-788-:373-111-111 21-111-111 3136 86-11151-229 561-831436-111 2-781-:86 21-33:-48: 3135 48-61151-111:6-111 578-111578-111561-831373-611316-111571-111338-541 2-743-4272-37:-432 21-111-111 3134 61-11142-36148-61177-11191-111 561-831311-111236-111:61-111:61-111373-611311-111221-111311-723 2-6:5-4:13-111-1113-111-1112-:41-111 3133 3-21:5-::64-:11 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.!CSJEHF!$!:11199TUSVDUVSF!JOTQFDUJPOT!.!NPOSPF!DPVOUZUSBGGJD!PQFSBUJPOT!QVTICVUUPO!DPOTUSVDUJPO!JO!NPOSPF!DPVOUZ Jufn!Eftdsjqujpo NPOSPF Obnf 17 CEHsboe!Upubm Qbdlfu!Qh/!36:2 R/2/e Qbdlfu!Qh/!36:3 R/2/e Qbdlfu!Qh/!36:4 R/2/e Qbdlfu!Qh/!36:5 R/2/e Qbdlfu!Qh/!36:6 R/2/e Qbdlfu!Qh/!36:7 R/2/e Qbdlfu!Qh/!36:8 R/2/e Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority’s Budget and Financial Plan 2022 Capital and Debt Capital Improvement Budget For fiscal years 2022-2026 Estimated five- year 20222023202420252026expenditures Description Water Projects Repair/upgrade subaqueous crossing 125,000 125,000 Repair/upgrade cathodic protection 1,200,000 1,200,000 Rockland yard building 700,000 700,000 Grassy Key transmission line replacement - - Stock Island pump station and generator replacement 3,500,000 3,500,000 Stock Island RO 20,000,000 12,000,000 4,000,000 36,000,000 Stock Island RO generator 4,000,000 4,800,000 400,000 9,200,000 Key West administration building 3,000,000 3,000,000 Islamorada transmission line replacement 13,000,000 13,000,000 26,000,000 Front/Whitehead/Eaton distribution line replacement 1,000,000 1,000,000 Transmission Terminus rehabilitation 1,000,000 4,500,000 5,500,000 Cross Key water distribution upgrade - - South/United Street water distribution upgrade 1,100,000 1,500,000 2,600,000 Utility coordination relocates 500,000 500,000 Navy- connection tank feed - - Navy- connection A distribution 600,000 750,000 1,500,000 1,300,000 810,000 4,960,000 Navy- connection B distribution 340,000 340,000 Navy- second feed to Boca Chica 500,000 500,000 Navy- fire system West 400,000 400,000 Navy- fire system East 1,000,000 1,000,000 950,000 2,950,000 No name Key - Stock Island garage replacement 520,000 3,600,000 4,120,000 Electrical improvement at Florida City - phase 1 3,000,000 3,000,000 Chemical system improvements at Florida City 950,000 - 950,000 Box Girder bridge coating/coupling 6,000,000 6,000,000 Transmission system valve replacement 500,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 3,500,000 Marathon pump station tank installation 500,000 3,800,000 - 4,300,000 Coco Plum 3 2,300,000 - 2,300,000 Ocean Reef distribution and storage improvements 200,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 - 7,200,000 Crawl Key tank repairs 500,000 - - - 500,000 Key Colony Beach 4 (23,920 lf of pipe) 2,000,000 2,000,000 Various locations from US1 - 187th Ave - Transmission Main Protection 300,000 300,000 New Town 7 - Marathon (10,280 LF of Pipe) 2,200,000 2,200,000 Duck Key Inner Island Distribution (13,525 LF of Pipe) 3,200,000 3,200,000 Snake Creek subaqueous pipe 200,000 2,000,000 2,200,000 Diesel Pump upgrades at WTP 100,000 100,000 5,000,000 5,200,000 Grassy Key 2 (2,985 LF of Pipe) 700,000 700,000 Florida City gravity thickener and flooring maintenance 1,500,000 5MG Storage Tank at Florida City 5,000,000 5,000,000 Purchase of New Wellfield Property 4,000,000 4,000,000 Total water projects$ 59,525,000 $ 35,690,000$ 20,850,000$ 17,270,000$ 23,310,000$ 155,145,000 63 | Page Qbdlfu!Qh/!36:9 R/2/e Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority’s Budget and Financial Plan 2022 Capital and Debt Capital Improvement Budget (cont.) For fiscal years 2022-2026 Estimated five- year 20222023202420252026expenditures Description Wastewater projects Decentralized Program (Cross Key, Pigeon Key and On-site) 1,750,000 - 1,750,000 Big Coppitt treatment plant expansion 1,000,000 5,000,000 8,000,000 14,000,000 Big Coppitt WW treatment filters - - Navy lift station rehabilitation 2,800,000 2,800,000 Cudjoe Regional Manhole Repairs 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 Duck Key collection systen rehabilitation 200,000 - 200,000 Total wastewater projects 5,650,000 5,100,000 8,100,000 300,000 100,000 19,250,000 Total capital improvement projects$ 65,175,000 $ 40,790,000 $ 28,950,000 $ 17,570,000 $ 23,410,000 $ 174,395,000 Funding sources Funds from retail rates and cash on hand$ 21,850,000$ 8,400,000$ 12,100,000 $ 13,270,000$ 22,600,000 $ 78,220,000 Navy water rates 2,000,000 2,590,000 2,450,000 1,300,000 810,000 9,150,000 Federal and state appropriations 19,750,000 14,000,000 4,000,000 - - 37,750,000 Bond proceeds 21,575,000 15,800,000 10,400,000 3,000,000 - 50,775,000 Total$ 65,175,000 $ 40,790,000$ 28,950,000$ 17,570,000$ 23,410,000$ 175,895,000 64 | Page Qbdlfu!Qh/!36:: R/2/e Buubdinfou;!Fyijcju!4!!up!TS`Ebub!'!Bobmztjt!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* Qbdlfu!Qh/!3711 R/2/e Buubdinfou;!Fyijcju!4!!up!TS`Ebub!'!Bobmztjt!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* Qbdlfu!Qh/!3712 R/2/e Buubdinfou;!Fyijcju!4!!up!TS`Ebub!'!Bobmztjt!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* Qbdlfu!Qh/!3713 R/2/e Buubdinfou;!Fyijcju!4!!up!TS`Ebub!'!Bobmztjt!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* Qbdlfu!Qh/!3714 R/2/e Buubdinfou;!Fyijcju!4!!up!TS`Ebub!'!Bobmztjt!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* Qbdlfu!Qh/!3715 R/2/e Buubdinfou;!Fyijcju!4!!up!TS`Ebub!'!Bobmztjt!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* Qbdlfu!Qh/!3716 R/2/e Buubdinfou;!Fyijcju!4!!up!TS`Ebub!'!Bobmztjt!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* Qbdlfu!Qh/!3717 R/2/e Buubdinfou;!Fyijcju!4!!up!TS`Ebub!'!Bobmztjt!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* Qbdlfu!Qh/!3718 R/2/e Buubdinfou;!Fyijcju!4!!up!TS`Ebub!'!Bobmztjt!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* Qbdlfu!Qh/!3719 R/2/e Buubdinfou;!Fyijcju!4!!up!TS`Ebub!'!Bobmztjt!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* Qbdlfu!Qh/!371: R/2/e Buubdinfou;!Fyijcju!4!!up!TS`Ebub!'!Bobmztjt!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* Qbdlfu!Qh/!3721 R/2/e $6M$5M Canal 84 water quality monitoring PE1901 Canal Monitoring MSBU anticipated for O&MMSBU anticipated for O&MMSBU anticipated for O&MMSBU anticipated for O&MMSBU anticipated for O&MMSBU anticipated for O&MMSBU anticipated for O&MMSBU anticipated for O&MMSBU anticipated for O&M MSBU anticipated for O&M PE2101 Canal & Culvert Projects $100,000 in FY21 for design & permitting 475 and design, permitting & procurment for permitting & procurement of a culvert for Canal plan, design of a seaweed barrier pilot project & public outreach, sargassum management master $50,000 (SD009) in FY21 for design & permitting Notes Buubdinfou;!Fyijcju!4!!up!TS`Ebub!'!Bobmztjt!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* Qbdlfu!Qh/!3722 R/2/e CapitalImprovementProjectsSummarySchedule TotalProjectFY2021FY2022FY2023FY2024FY2025FY2026 TotalProjectAppropriationsEstimatedActualAdoptedProposedBudgetProposedBudgetProposedBudgetProposedBudget Revenues Fund(s)Account# 102312***TotalFuelTax2,818,7952,550,0002,550,0002,550,0002,550,0002,550,000 304312***TotalDiscreteSalesTax1Cent24,940,56524,566,45625,057,78525,558,94126,070,12026,591,522 130135324***TotalImpactFees155,400160,900160,900160,900160,900160,900 310312325***TotalSpecialAssessmentsCAP2,645,0002,753,9052,753,9052,753,9052,753,9052,753,905 316334***TotalStateGrants 102335***TotalStateSharedFuelTax3,681,7483,765,0003,765,0003,765,0003,765,0003,765,000 102344***TotalServicesTransportation21,53534,00034,00034,00034,00034,000 102,130135, 361***TotalInterest1,001,064224,656219,356219,356219,356217,356 304316 102364***TotalDispositionofFixedAsset30,000 102,130135, 369***TotalMiscellaneous201,11330,00030,00030,00030,00030,000 304316 304,310312 350,000375,000375,000 381***TotalTransferinfromOtherFunds10,350,8362,172,084350,000 316 312314384***DebtProceeds 102,130135, 389001TotalLess5%(1,704,246)(1,728,547)(1,753,605)(1,779,164)(1,803,135) 304316 102,130135, 389***TotalFundBalanceForward27,549,60218,578,23910,726,97611,383,9739,532,468 304316 TOTALREVENUES 45,846,05662,102,35751,770,63844,395,47345,563,09044,207,016 Appropriations FundProject#ProjectName PhysicalEnvironment 13330500SolidWasteImpactFeesAnnual128,177 304PE1901CanalMonitoring507,300294,303163,23049,767 304PE2101Canal&CulvertProjectsAnnual50,00075,000 310VariousBigCoppittWasteWaterProjectAnnual41,629,083687,000712,000712,000712,000712,000712,000 311VariousDuckKeyWasteWaterProjectAnnual15,843,3341,50030,00035,00035,00035,00035,000 312VariousCudjoeWasteWaterProjectAnnual250,454,3595,132,349733,328233,328233,328231,596231,596 315VariousLongKeyWasteWaterProjectAnnual917,502 316PE1602LandAcquisition8,351,2336,875,970262,5481,212,715 TotalPhysicalEnvironment 316,014,5516,296,6272,940,987980,328980,328978,596978,596 GeneralGovernment 304CG2004BuildingAutomationReplacement219,55969,559150,000 304CG2001GuidanceCareCenterProject200,000190,9519,049 304CG1902JeffersonBrowne943,102242,102501,000200,000 304CG2006MCSOEnvelopeRepairProject412,25440,722371,532 304CG1901OceanReefBuildingPurchase1,874,841599,841800,000475,000 304CG1904PublicDefender/SimontonProperty4,589,0662,032,102157,6431,321,8211,077,500 304CG2002SeniorNutritionCenter4,502,00079066,21075,0002,675,0001,685,000 200,000 304CG2007RocklandKeyFacility1,951,48851,488500,0001,200,000 304CG2201JacksonSquareChillerBuilding4,000,0002,000,0002,000,000 304CG2202CountyFacilitiesCapitalProjects1,544,5001,544,500 TotalGeneralGovernment 3,227,5552,555,4346,816,3213,277,5002,675,0001,685,000 Culture&Recreation 1312958Parks&RecImpactFees(AllDistricts)Annual579,409647,907659,869690,962715,046 13129523KeyLargoParkPickleballCourts203,50025,000178,500 13230002LibraryAutomationAnnual25,00025,000 13230000LibraryImpactFeesAnnual1,200,0007,190 304CC1701BigPineSwimmingHole1,055,53086,416421,406547,708 304CC1402Higg'sBeach3,748,890649,34830,000100,0001,969,5421,000,000 304CC2001ReynoldsStreetPierRailing50,00035,68914,311 304CC1901Rowell'sMarina1,335,614103,6001,232,014 314CC1501MarathonLibrary9,024,8646,383,3532,641,511 TotalCulture&Recreation 7,154,8064,460,8282,669,821647,907659,8692,660,5041,715,046 EconomicEnvironment 304CE1901TinyHouse351,274124,846226,428 TotalEconomicEnvironment 124,846226,428 PublicSafety 1353150*Fire&EMSImpactFees(AllDistricts)Annual183,382179,406183,959188,294192,421 304CP1901Fire&AmbulanceFireTruck2,255,579648,409770,170837,000 304CP2002JoeLondonFireTrainingSiteAssessment108,70062,92745,773 304CP1403KLFireHydrants1,589,225989,225150,000150,000150,000150,000 304CP2101MCSOGenerator3,273,000573,000300,0002,400,000 314CP1501CudjoeFireStation5,081,2894,612,794468,495 314CP1503PKJail&Courthouse39,469,57417,063,75319,205,8213,200,000 304CP2202TraumaStarHelicopterReplacement2,500,000500,000500,000500,000500,000500,000 TotalPublicSafety 23,377,10821,213,2595,170,3823,229,406833,959688,294692,421 Transportation 102225*Roads&BridgesAnnual5,635,7787,587,1777,071,6117,069,4747,053,3397,053,339 10222561HarborDriveBridgeAnnual428,1641,139,7163,231,5941,364,969 102/30422564/CR2201SeaviewAveBridgeAnnual1,261,688210,5393,231,5941,364,969 102/13022560/29017BiminiDriveAnnual399,8602,194,7281,242,166 13029018CudjoeGardensTrailAnnual14,378112,78058,402 130290*RoadwayImpactFee(AllDistricts)Annual572,166666,008704,419792,127879,934 304CR16051stStreet/Bertha3,695,983363,2602,927,711405,012 304CR2001DuvalMill&Pave684,505372,505212,000100,000 304CR1902KohenSubDivision808,584308,40924,457475,718 304CR1905Road&BridgePhaseII5,500,0001,000,0004,500,000 304CR1401RoadPavingBacklog5Years960,000575,000385,000 304CR2202TwinLakes2,000,0001,000,0001,000,000 TotalTransportation 1,886,57614,083,85812,036,18015,200,80710,503,8318,845,46612,433,273 Other 102Reserves/BudgetedTransfers102Annual408,9192,873,6672,019,3912,004,4112,017,5462,017,546 304BudgetedTransfertoFund314fromFund304Annual13,000,0009,895,000 304ProjectManagementAdminAnnual7,986,6451,935,0832,343,4022,343,4022,343,4022,332,9062,332,906 3047MileBridge(10%funds)2,813,275562,655562,655562,655562,655562,655 304ReservesFund304Annual6,204,5955,497,0158,491,5766,759,3475,750,100 304Annual24,169,12310,239,51216,566,21815,661,84415,665,05915,690,66113,687,358 304TransfertoOtherFunds&DebtServFund 306ClerkofCourtNetworkSystemAnnual100,000 308ReservesFund308Annual200,000 Buubdinfou;!Fyijcju!4!!up!TS`Ebub!'!Bobmztjt!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* 311ReservesFund311Annual668,914126,375126,375126,375126,375 312DebtServiceFund312Annual5,508,6752,125,7402,125,7402,125,7402,125,7402,125,7402,125,740 312Reserves/BudgetedTransferFund312Annual98,26898,26898,268100,000100,000 314ReservesFund314Annual300,207 315Reserves/BudgetedTransfersFund315Annual305,836425,000 24,910,09032,468,66628,434,69031,417,48629,715,23026,702,680 TotalOther 50,664,443 TOTALALLCATEGORIESAPPROPRIATIONS 73,746,52462,102,35751,770,63844,395,47345,563,09044,207,016 *AnnualbudgetsforImpactFeesarebasedonavailabilityoffunds. Qbdlfu!Qh/!3723 R/2/f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA 8 MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 9 ORDINANCE NO. ____-2022 10 11 AN ORDINANCE BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY 12 COMMISSIONERS UPDATING THE FIVE-YEAR SCHEDULE OF 13 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS TABLE FOR FISCAL YEARS 2022-2026, 14 LOCATED WITHIN THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT OF 15 THE MONROE COUNTY YEAR 2030 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, 16 PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTE § 163.3177(3); PROVIDING FOR 17 SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF INCONSISTENT 18 PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FOR FILING WITH THE SECRETARY OF 19 STATE; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE MONROE COUNTY 20 YEAR 2030 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; PROVIDING FOR AN 21 EFFECTIVE DATE. 22 23 24 WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners hereby makes the following 25 findings and determinations: 26 27 1.!Pursuant to Florida Statute § 163.3164(7)physical assets 28 constructed or purchased to provide, improve, or replace a public facility and which are 29 typically large scale and high in cost. The cost of a capital improvement is generally 30 nonrecurring and may require multiyear financing. For the purposes of this part, physical 31 assets that have been identified as existing or projected needs in the individual 32 comprehensive plan elements shall be considered capital improvements. 33 34 2.!Pursuant to Florida Statute § 163.3177(3)(a), the Comprehensive Plan shall contain a capital 35 improvements element designed to consider the need for and the location of public facilities 36 in order to encourage the efficient use of such facilities\[.\] 37 38 3.!Pursuant to Florida Statute § 163.3177(3)(a)(1.), the Capital Improvements Element(CIE) 39 shall set forth \[a\] component that outlines principles for construction, extension, or increase Buubdinfou;!Psejobodf!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* 40 in capacity of public facilities, as well as outline principles for correcting existing public 41 facility deficiencies, which are necessary to implement the comprehensive plan. The 42 components shall cover at least a 5-year period. 43 44 4.!Pursuant to Florida Statute § 163.3177(3)(a)(2.), the CIE shall set forth \[e\]stimated public 45 facility costs, including a delineation of when facilities will be needed, the general location 46 of the facilities, and projected revenue sources to fund the facilities. 1 of 4 Qbdlfu!Qh/!3724 R/2/f 1 5.!Pursuant to Florida Statute § 163.3177(3)(a)(3.), the CIE shall set forth \[s\]tandards to 2 ensure the availability of public facilities and the adequacy of those facilities to meet 3 established acceptable levels of service. 4 5 6.!Pursuant to Florida Statute § 163.3177(3)(a)(4.), the CIE shall set forth a schedule of capital 6 improvements which includes any publicly funded projects of federal, state, or local 7 government, and which may include privately funded projects for which the local 8 government has no fiscal responsibility. Projects necessary to ensure that any adopted level- 9 of-service standards are achieved and maintained for the 5-year period must be identified as 10 either funded or unfunded and given a level of priority for funding. 11 12 7.!Pursuant to Florida Statute § 163.3177(3)(a)(5.), the schedule must include transportation 13 improve 14 improvement program adopted pursuant to s. 339.175(8) to the extent that such 15 improvements are relied upon to ensure concurrency and financial feasibility. The schedule 16 must -range 17 transportation plan adopted pursuant to s. 339.175(7). 18 19 8.!Pursuant to Florida Statute § 163.3177(3)(b), the capital improvements element must be 20 reviewed by the local government on an annual basis. Modifications to update the 5-year 21 capital improvement schedule may be accomplished by ordinance and may not be deemed 22 to be amendments to the local comprehensive plan. 23 24 9.!Objective 1401.1 of the Year 2030 Comprehensive Plan mandates Monroe County to 25 provide the capital improvements necessary to correct existing deficiencies, to 26 accommodate projected future growth, and to replace obsolete and worn-out facilities, in 27 accordance with an adopted Capital Improvements Program. 28 29 10.!Policy 1401.1.1 of the Year 2030 Comprehensive Plan mandates Monroe County to update 30 annually the existing County Capital Improvements Program to incorporate the 31 improvements identified in the Five-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements. 32 33 11.!Policy 1401.1.2 of the Year 2030 Comprehensive Plan mandates Monroe County to 34 annually update the Comprehensive Plan Five-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements, 35 and further provides that revisions to the schedule shall be incorporated into the Capital 36 Improvements Program on an annual basis. 37 38 12.!The Monitoring and Evaluation Procedures 4.0 of the Year 2030 Comprehensive Plan state 39 that the CIE must be reviewed in coordination with the Countys annual budget process. Buubdinfou;!Psejobodf!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* 40 This Element identifies the need for public facilities, Level of Service standards, cost of 41 facilities, revenue sources, and a schedule for the funding and construction of 42 improvements for a five (5) year period. The annual evaluation will review capital 43 improvement priorities, costs, revenue concerns and implementation schedules, as 44 45 2 of 4 Qbdlfu!Qh/!3725 R/2/f 113.The subjectamendment is consistent with the Principles for Guiding Development for the 2Florida Keys AreaofCritical State Concern,Florida Statutes§380.0552(7). 3 4NOWTHEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY 5COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: 6 7Section 1.Recitals and Legislative Intent.The foregoing findings and determinations are true 8and correct and are hereby incorporated as if fully set forth herein. 9 10Section 2.The updated Five-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements table for Fiscal Years2022- 112026, located within the Capital Improvements Element of the Monroe County Year 122030 Comprehensive Plan,is hereby adopted and attached hereto as Exhibit A..This 13tablesupersedes and replaces any prior adopted tables. 14 15Section 3.Inconsistency, Partial Invalidity, Severability, and Survival of Provisions.If any 16portion of this Ordinance, or any part or portion thereof, is held to be invalid or 17unenforceable by any administrative hearing officer or court of competent jurisdiction, 18the invalidity or unenforceability of such provision, or any part or portion thereof, shall 19neither limit nor impair the operation, enforceability, or validity of any other provision 20of this Ordinance, or any remaining part(s) or portion(s) thereof. All other provisions 21of this Ordinance, and remaining part(s) or portion(s) thereof, shall continue 22unimpaired in full force and effect. 23 24Section 4.Repeal of Inconsistent Provisions.All ordinances or parts of ordinance(s)in conflict 25with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. The repeal of an 26ordinance herein shall not repeal the repealing clause of such ordinance or revive any 27ordinance which has been repealed thereby. 28 29Section 5.Effective Date.This Ordinance shall be filed in the Office of the Secretary of the State 30of Floridaand shall become effective as provided by law. 31 32Section 6.This amendment shall be incorporated into the Monroe County Year 2030 33Comprehensive Plan. 34 35PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, th 36at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 20day of April,2022. 37 38 39 40 41Commissioner District ThreeVACANT 42 43 Buubdinfou;!Psejobodf!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* 44BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 45OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA 46 47By:__________________________ 48MAYOR DAVID RICE 49 50 51 4/4/22 3of 4 Qbdlfu!Qh/!3726 R/2/f 1 2 3 (SEAL) 4 ATTEST: KEVIN MADOK, CLERK 5 6 7 By: ___________________________ 8 AS DEPUTY CLERK 9 Buubdinfou;!Psejobodf!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* 4 of 4 Qbdlfu!Qh/!3727 R/2/g FyijcjuBupPsejobodf Qbdlfu!Qh/!3728 R/2/g Qbdlfu!Qh/!3729 R/2/g Qbdlfu!Qh/!372: R/2/g Qbdlfu!Qh/!3731 R/2/g Qbdlfu!Qh/!3732 R/2/g Qbdlfu!Qh/!3733 R/2/g Qbdlfu!Qh/!3734 R/2/g Qbdlfu!Qh/!3735 R/2/g Qbdlfu!Qh/!3736 R/2/g Qbdlfu!Qh/!3737 R/2/g Qbdlfu!Qh/!3738 R/2/g --- 125,000700,000500,000950,000 Total 1,200,0003,500,0009,200,0003,000,0001,000,0005,500,0002,600,0004,120,0003,000,0006,000,0003,500,0004,300,0002,300,000 36,000,00026,000,000 3,600,0006,000,0001,000,000 FY 2026 - -- 520,000950,000 1,000,0003,800,0002,300,000 FY 2025 400,000 500,000 4,000,0004,500,0001,000,000 FY 2024 500,000 4,800,0001,000,0001,500,000 FY 2023 12,000,00013,000,000 125,000 700,000 500,000 1,200,0003,500,0004,000,0003,000,0001,000,0001,100,0003,000,000 FY 2022 20,000,00013,000,000 - - 9/15/2021 Appropriated ProjectBudget Buubdinfou;!Fyijcju!B!up!Pse`GZ33.37`Tdifevmf!pg!Dbq/!Jnqw/!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* Potable Water (Policy 701.1.1) Repair/upgrade subaqueous crossingRepair/upgrade cathodic protectionRockland yard buildingGrassy Key transmission line replacementStock Island pump station and generator replacementStock Island ROStock Island RO generatorKey West administration buildingIslamorada transmission line replacementFront/Whitehead/Eaton distribution line replacementTransmission Terminus rehabilitationCross Key water distribution upgradeSouth/United Street water distribution upgradeUtility coordination relocatesNo name KeyStock Island garage replacementElectrical improvement at Florida City - phase 1Chemical system improvements at Florida CityBox Girder bridge coating/couplingTransmission system valve replacementMarathon pump station tank installationCoco Plum 3 Qbdlfu!Qh/!3739 Project TitleFlorida Keys Aquaduct Authority R/2/g -- 500,000300,000700,000340,000500,000400,000 7,200,0002,000,0002,200,0003,200,0002,200,0005,200,0001,500,0005,000,0004,000,0004,960,0002,950,000 156,645,000156,645,000156,645,000 700,000810,000 2,000,0002,200,0002,000,0005,000,000 23,310,00023,310,00023,310,000 - 200,000 4,000,0003,200,0001,300,000 17,270,00017,270,00017,270,000 - 950,000 3,000,0005,000,0001,500,000 20,850,00020,850,00020,850,000 - 200,000 100,000 750,000 340,000 500,000 1,000,000 35,690,00035,690,00035,690,000 - 500,000 300,000 100,000 600,000 400,000 1,500,0004,000,0001,000,000 59,525,00059,525,00059,525,000 - - --- Buubdinfou;!Fyijcju!B!up!Pse`GZ33.37`Tdifevmf!pg!Dbq/!Jnqw/!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* Ocean Reef distribution and storage improvementsCrawl Key tank repairsKey Colony Beach 4 (23,920 lf of pipe)Various locations from US1 - 187th Ave - Transmission Main ProtectionNew Town 7 - Marathon (10,280 LF of Pipe)Duck Key Inner Island Distribution (13,525 LF of Pipe)Snake Creek subaqueous pipeDiesel Pump upgrades at WTPGrassy Key 2 (2,985 LF of Pipe)Florida City gravity thickener and flooring maintenance5MG Storage Tank at Florida CityPurchase of New Wellfield Property Navy Projects Navy- connection tank feedNavy- connection A distributionNavy- connection B distributionNavy- second feed to Boca ChicaNavy- fire system WestNavy- fire system East Priority but Non-Critical FacilitiesNo Projects Qbdlfu!Qh/!373: Total - FKAARevenues - FKAAMonroe County Projects Total R/2/g Qbdlfu!Qh/!3741 R/2/g Qbdlfu!Qh/!3742 R/2/g ΏΏΏΏΏ- Total ΏΏΏΏΏ- FY 2026 ΏΏΏΏΏ- FY 2025 ΏΏΏΏΏ- FY 2024 ΏΏΏΏΏ- FY 2023 ΏΏΏΏΏ- FY 2022 - 9/15/2021 Appropriated - ProjectBudget Buubdinfou;!Fyijcju!B!up!Pse`GZ33.37`Tdifevmf!pg!Dbq/!Jnqw/!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* Drainage and Storm Water (Policy 1001.1.1) Qbdlfu!Qh/!3743 Project TitleFlorida Department of Transportation bƚ tƩƚƆĻĭƷƭ Subtotal - FDOTRevenues - FDOTMonroe County bƚ tƩƚƆĻĭƷƭ Total R/2/g --- 25,000 178,500 547,708 Total 3,069,5421,232,014 5,052,764 1,000,000 1,000,000 FY 2026 1,969,542 1,969,542 FY 2025 - FY 2024 - FY 2023 25,000 178,500 547,708 100,000 1,232,014 2,083,222 FY 2022 86,41635,689 649,348 6,383,353 7,154,806 9/15/2021 Appropriated 50,000 203,500 1,055,5303,748,8901,335,6149,024,864 ProjectBudget 15,418,398 Annual Buubdinfou;!Fyijcju!B!up!Pse`GZ33.37`Tdifevmf!pg!Dbq/!Jnqw/!!)DJF!Vqebuf!.!6.zs!Tdifevmf!pg!Dbqjubm!Jnqspwfnfout!GZ!33.37* Parks and Recreation (Policy 1201.1.1) Marathon Library Qbdlfu!Qh/!3744 Project Title Key Largo Park Pickleball CourtsLibrary AutomationBig Pine Swimming HoleHiggs Beach Reynolds Street Pier RailingRowell's Marina Total R/2/g Qbdlfu!Qh/!3745 R/2/g Qbdlfu!Qh/!3746