Item Q3 R/4 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS C ounty of M onroe Mayor David Rice, District 4 Mayor Pro Tem Craig Cates, District 1 The Florida Keys Michelle Coldiron, District 2 Vacant, District 3 Holly Merrill Raschein, District 5 County Commission Meeting April 20, 2022 Agenda Item Number: Q.3 Agenda Item Summary #10459 BULK ITEM: No DEPARTMENT: Planning/Environmental Resources TIME APPROXIMATE: STAFF CONTACT: Emily Schemper (305) 289-2500 1:30 pm PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM WORDING: A Public Hearing to Consider Approval of a Resolution Transmitting to the State Land Planning Agency an Ordinance Proposing Amendments to Comprehensive Plan Policy 101.5.34 and Policy 101.9.4, Related to Elevation of Existing Residential Dwelling Units, As Continued from the March 16, 2022, BOCC Transmittal Hearing Regarding the Evaluation and Appraisal (EA) Amendments to the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. ITEM BACKGROUND: hearing to consider transmittal to the State Land Planning Agency of a set of amendments to the Monroe County Year 2030 Comprehensive Plan. During that hearing, staff requested that proposed changes to Policy 101.5.34 and Policy 101.9.4 related to the elevation of lawfully existing residential dwelling units be continued to the April 20, 2022, BOCC meeting and be transmitted as a separate ordinance, in order to allow for additional revisions and coordination with the Monroe County Land Authority (- administering the FEMA home elevation grant program) and the Florida Department After reviewing with MCLA and DEO, staff is proposing the following proposed amendments to Policy 101.5.34 and Policy 101.9.4: Policy 101.5.34 Notwithstanding the open space provisions set forth in Policy 101.5.25 and Chapter 130 of the Land Development Code and the minimum required setbacks in Chapters 130 and 131 of the Land Development Code, a lawfully-existing residential dwelling unit, not including mobile homes, may be elevated above base flood level to reduce flood damage, pursuant to: The lawfully-existing dwelling unit structure is elevated within the original (existing) footprint of the structure. Setbacks and land use open space requirements are waived to allow necessary improvements to a dwelling unit being retrofitted by elevating the unit to meet or exceed flood levels. The necessary improvements are limited to ingress/egress Qbdlfu!Qh/!3768 R/4 structures (stairs, ramps, landings, elevators, etc.). The waiver provided shall be the minimum necessary to provide access to the structure that is in compliance with fire code requirements. Side and rear setback requirements are waived to allow accessory elevated platforms above base flood for equipment (mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems, appliances and components) situated at least two (2) feet from the side yard property line or at least five (5) feet from the rear yard property line. In no event shall the total combined area of all accessory structures occupy more than 80 percent (80%) of the required side yard setback area or 60 percent (60%) of the required rear yard setback area. Maximum shoreline setbacks are to be maintained and, in no event shall a shoreline setback be less than ten (10) feet from mean high water. The improvements shall be constructed to avoid off-site discharge of stormwater from the subject parcel, in accordance with Section 114-3 of the Monroe County Land Development Code. Development shall maintain compliance to the maximum extent practicable, as determined by the Planning Director. This Policy does not waive any required minimum vegetated setbacks adjacent to wetlands (see Policy 203.1.2 and Policy 204.2.5) and does not authorize any encroachments to a conservation easement. This Policy does not restrict a property owner from proposing other additions or improvements to the elevated dwelling unit, as long as the additions, enlargements, expansions, and extensions do not create a nonconformity or cause a further violation to an existing nonconformity. New or substantial improvement or reconstruction of single-family dwelling units shall comply with the setback and open space provisions set forth in Policy 101.5.25 and in Chapters 130 and 131 of the Monroe County Land Development Code. * * * Policy 101.9.4 With the following exception, nonconforming structures which are damaged or destroyed so as to require substantial improvement shall be repaired or restored in conformance with all applicable provisions of the current Monroe County Code. Substantial improvement or reconstruction of nonconforming single-family dwelling units homes shall comply with the setback and open space provisions set forth in Policy 101.5.25 and in Chapters 130 and 131 of the Monroe County Land Development Code except where strict compliance would result in a reduction in lot coverage as compared to the pre- destruction footprint of the dwelling unit house. In such cases, the previously approved open space ratio shall be applied; and the maximum shoreline setback shall be maintained and in no event shall the shoreline setback be less than ten (10) feet from mean high water. To further post disaster recovery and resiliency, notwithstanding the open space provisions set forth in Policy 101.5.25 and Chapter 130 of the Land Development Code and the minimum required setbacks in Chapters 130 and 131 of the Land Development Qbdlfu!Qh/!3769 R/4 Code, a nonconforming lawfully-existing residential dwelling unit, not including mobile homes, may be retrofitted to elevate the structure above base flood level to reduce flood damage, pursuant to: The lawfully-existing dwelling unit structure may maintain its existing setbacks and open space, even if nonconforming, provided the structure is elevated within the original (existing) footprint of the structure. Setbacks and land use open space requirements are waived to allow necessary improvements to a dwelling unit being retrofitted by elevating the unit to meet or exceed flood levels. The necessary improvements are limited to ingress/egress structures (stairs, ramps, landings, elevators, etc.). The waiver provided shall be the minimum necessary to provide access to the structure that is in compliance with fire code requirements. Side and rear setback requirements are waived to allow accessory elevated platforms above base flood for equipment (mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems, appliances and components) situated at least two (2) feet from the side yard property line or at least five (5) feet from the rear yard property line. In no event shall the total combined area of all accessory structures occupy more than 80 percent (80%) of the required side yard setback area or 60 percent (60%) of the required rear yard setback area. Maximum shoreline setbacks are to be maintained and, in no event shall a shoreline setback be less than ten (10) feet from mean high water. The improvements shall be constructed to avoid off-site discharge of stormwater from the subject parcel, in accordance with Section 114-3 of the Monroe County Land Development Code. This Policy does not waive any required minimum vegetated setbacks adjacent to wetlands (see Policy 203.1.2 and Policy 204.2.5) and does not authorize any encroachments to a conservation easement. This Policy does not restrict a property owner from proposing other additions or improvements to the elevated dwelling unit, as long as the additions, enlargements, expansions, and extensions do not create a nonconformity or cause a further violation to an existing nonconformity. (Ord. No. 039-2019 , § 1, 10-16-2019) The original staff report from the March 16, 2022, transmittal hearing is attached. Since that time, staff is proposing the revisions above in order to better accommodate the needs of existing residential structures for which elevation above required flood heights has been determined to be feasible. Such retrofitting of existing construction allows the homeowner to reuse materials, energy, and other resources expended in the original construction of the home; offers solutions to homeowners that may be more economically advantageous than complete reconstruction; and encourages property owners to make their homes more resilient to storm events and sea level rise. Information below this line is Item Background from the original March 16, 2022 transmittal item. _____________________________ Monroe County must complete amendments to reflect and satisfy changes in statutory requirements as Evaluation and Appraisal (EA) amendments which are required to be transmitted to the Qbdlfu!Qh/!376: R/4 Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) by April 22, 2022. If the County fails to update the Comprehensive Plan pursuant to EA requirements, it cannot amend the Comprehensive Plan until such time as it complies with the EA requirements. The Monroe County Planning and Environmental Resources Department is proposing Evaluation and Appraisal (EA) amendments to the 2030 Comprehensive Plan to update the Comprehensive Plan to reflect changes in statutory and rule requirements; to update deadlines within the Comprehensive Plan, to eliminate accomplished or obsolete provisions, to make corrections to text and eliminate grammatical errors; and to amend provisions to reflect changes in local conditions and recent data, trends, issues and challenges. _____________________________ Monroe ort (EAR) was adopted by the Monroe on May 22, 2012 via Resolution No. 150-2012. The County prepared Comprehensive Plan amendments in accordance with the 2012 EAR. After statutory updates to Florida Statute Section 163.3191, DEO revised the Monroe County evaluation and appraisal notification letter deadline to May 1, 2014, in Rule 73C-49, Florida .A.C. On April 23, 2014, the BOCC approved the EAR Notification Letter to DEO which specified the necessary Plan amendments required to reflect changes in requirements in state statutes. The County prepared Comprehensive Plan amendments in accordance with the 2014 EAR notification letter. The BOCC adopted the 2030 Comprehensive Plan in April 2016, pursuant to Ordinance No.005- -based amendments. The Monroe County Year 2030 Comprehensive Plan became effective upon the posting of the Notice of Intent on the DEO website on June 20, 2016. Monroe County must evaluate its Comprehensive Plan every seven (7) years and determine if Plan amendments are necessary to reflect changes in state requirements (i.e., does the County need to update its Comprehensive Plan to satisfy statutory requirements). 163.3191 Evaluation and Appraisal of Comprehensive Plan. (1) At least once every 7 years, each local government shall evaluate its comprehensive plan to determine if plan amendments are necessary to reflect changes in state requirements in this part since the last update of the comprehensive plan, and notify the state land planning agency as to its determination. (2) If the local government determines amendments to its comprehensive plan are necessary to reflect changes in state requirements, the local government shall prepare and transmit within 1 year such plan amendment or amendments for review pursuant to s. 163.3184. (3) Local governments are encouraged to comprehensively evaluate and, as necessary, update comprehensive plans to reflect changes in local conditions. Plan amendments transmitted pursuant to this section shall be reviewed pursuant to s. 163.3184(4). (4) If a local government fails to submit its letter prescribed by subsection (1) or update its plan pursuant to subsection (2), it may not amend its comprehensive plan until such time as it complies with this section. Qbdlfu!Qh/!3771 R/4 (5) The state land planning agency may not adopt rules to implement this section, other than procedural rules or a schedule indicating when local governments must comply with the requirements of this section. The professional staff of the Monroe County Planning and Environmental Resources Department conducted a review of the changes to the Florida Statutes (2012-March 2021) and determined two (2) amendments to its Comprehensive Plan were necessary to reflect changes in state requirements for the Peril of Flood legislation (F.S. Section 163.3178(2)(f)) and the revision of the definition of (F.S. Section 380.04; F.S. Section 163.3221; and referenced in F.S. 163.3164(14)). Excerpts of the changes to the pertinent statutory provisions are provided below. The associated Laws of Florida (L.O.F. 2015-69 and L.O.F. 2018-34) for these updates are attached as Exhibit 4. At the February 17, 2021, BOCC meeting, the Board of County Commissioners discussed the draft evaluation and appraisal notification letter to the DEO with the two identified required updates and other potential updates to the Comprehensive Plan, which were not required and do not get included in the notification letter to DEO, but have been found by staff to be needed, such as: 1) Update the Rule 28-20 references within the comprehensive plan to reflect the recently adopted Administration Commission Rule 28-20.140, F.A.C., with the updated Work Program (mainly canal restoration work program). CHHA) depiction on the Future Land modeling. Qbdlfu!Qh/!3772 R/4 3) Extending the deadlines (or eliminating) within the comprehensive plan (policies stating within X years after the adoption of the comprehensive plan already passed); and 4) General text updates, corrections to text and removing grammatical errors and clean-up of policies On Evaluation and Appraisal Notification Letter to DEO (attached as Exhibit 3) specifying the necessary Plan amendments required to reflect changes in requirements in the Florida Statutes: 1) Update Comprehensive Plan to address the Peril of Flood legislation and 2) Update Comprehensive P Pursuant to Florida Statute Section 163.3191, and Rule 73C-rent evaluation and appraisal notification letter deadline to DEO was May 1, 2021. The County transmitted its evaluation and appraisal (EA) notification letter to DEO on April 21, 2021. On July 1, 2021, after the EA Notification Letter was sent to DEO, Chapter 2021-195, Laws of the date of its adoption its next proposed plan amendment that is initiated after July 1, 2021, or the date of the next scheduled evaluation and appraisal of its comprehensive plan pursuant to Section statutory requirement. The associated Laws of Florida for this update is also included within Exhibit 4. _____________________________ Community Meeting and Public Participation In accordance with Section 102-159(b)(3), a Community Meeting was held on October 14, 2021, to provide for public input. There was one (1) member of the public in attendance. Development Review Committee and Public Input The Monroe County Development Review Committee considered the proposed amendment at a regular meeting on November 15, 2021, and received public input. Planning Commission and Public Input The Monroe County Planning Commission considered the proposed amendment at a regular meeting on January 26, 2022, provided for public input, and recommended approval with proposed changes to Policy 102.4.2 to prioritize the acquisition of Lower Keys marsh rabbit habitat and buffer area within the MIAI boundary and to Objective 108.1 to add the County will encourage effective communication and coordination with Naval Air Station Key West and the other military activities/facilities within unincorporated Monroe County. ------------------ Comprehensive Plan amendments may be proposed by the Board of County Commissioners, the Planning Commission, the Director of Planning, or the owner or other person having a contractual Qbdlfu!Qh/!3773 R/4 interest in property to be affected by a proposed amendment. The Director of Planning shall review and process applications as they are received and pass them on to the Development Review Committee and the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall hold at least one (1) public hearing. The Planning Commission shall review the application, the reports and recommendations of the Monroe County Planning and Environmental Resources Department and the Development Review Committee and the testimony given at the public hearing. The Planning Commission shall submit its recommendations and findings to the Board of County Commissioners. The BOCC holds a public hearing to consider the transmittal of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment, and considers the Monroe County Planning anstaff report, professional staff recommendation, and the testimony given at the public hearing. The BOCC may or may not recommend transmittal to the State Land Planning Agency. The amendment is transmitted to State Land Planning Agency, which then reviews the proposal and issues an Objections, Recommendations and Comments (ORC) Report. Upon receipt of the ORC report, the County has 180 days to adopt the amendments, adopt the amendments with changes or not adopt the amendment. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: 22, 2012 via Resolution No. 150-2012. The BOCC adopted the 2030 Comprehensive Plan in April 2016, pursuant to Ordinance No. 005- -based amendments. At the February 17, 2021 BOCC meeting, the Board of County Commissioners discussed the draft evaluation and appraisal notification letter to the DEO. On April 21, 2021, the Boa Evaluation and Appraisal Notification Letter to DEO. On March 16, 2022, the BOCC held a public hearing to consider transmittal to the State Land Planning Agency of the EAR-based amendments to the Monroe County Year 2030 Comprehensive Plan, and, during that hearing, continued the hearing for proposed changes to Policy 101.5.34 and Policy 101.9.4 related to the elevation of lawfully existing residential dwelling units to the April 20, 2022 meeting. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval. DOCUMENTATION: Qbdlfu!Qh/!3774 R/4 Transmittal_Resolution Exhibit A to Resolution_Ordinance Professional Staff Report - 2021-129_SR_CP_EAR based amendments_BOCC FINANCIAL IMPACT: Effective Date: N/A Expiration Date: N/A Total Dollar Value of Contract: N/A Total Cost to County: N/A Current Year Portion: N/A Budgeted: N/A Source of Funds: CPI: N/A Indirect Costs: N/A Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts: N/A Revenue Producing: N/A If yes, amount: N/A Grant: N/A County Match: N/A Insurance Required: N/A Additional Details: N/A REVIEWED BY: Emily Schemper Completed 04/05/2022 1:44 PM Peter Morris Completed 04/05/2022 4:15 PM Purchasing Completed 04/05/2022 4:18 PM Budget and Finance Completed 04/05/2022 4:28 PM Brian Bradley Completed 04/05/2022 4:31 PM Lindsey Ballard Completed 04/05/2022 4:44 PM Board of County Commissioners Pending 04/20/2022 9:00 AM Qbdlfu!Qh/!3775 R/4/b 1 2 3 4 5 6 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA 7 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 8 RESOLUTION NO. ____ - 2022 9 10 A RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY 11 COMMISSIONERS TRANSMITTING TO THE STATE LAND PLANNING AGENCY AN 12 ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MONROE COUNTY 2030 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 13 TO CREATE POLICY 101.5.34 AND TO AMEND POLICY 101.9.4 TO PROVIDE 14 EXCEPTIONS TO NON-SHORELINE AND SHORELINE SETBACK AND OPEN SPACE 15 REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ELEVATION OF LAWFULLY EXISTING RESIDENTIAL 16 DWELLING UNITS ABOVE FLOOD REQUIREMENTS; PROCESSED AS PART OF 17 THE EVALUATION AND APPRAISAL AMENDMENTS TO THE MONROE COUNTY 18 2030 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; TO REFLECT CHANGES IN LOCAL CONDITIONS 19 AND RECENT DATA, TRENDS, ISSUES AND CHALLENGES; PROVIDING FOR 20 SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF CONFLICTING PROVISIONS; 21 PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTAL TO THE STATE LAND PLANNING AGENCY AND 22 THE SECRETARY OF STATE; PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENT TO AND 23 INCORPORATION IN THE MONROE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; 24 PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (FILE 2021-129) 25 ______________________________________________________________________________ 26 27 WHEREAS, on April 20, 2022, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners 28 conducted a public hearing for the purpose of considering the transmittal pursuant to the State 29 Coordinated Review Process in Sec. 163.3184(4), F.S., to the State Land Planning Agency for 30 objections, recommendations and comments, and to the other Reviewing Agencies as defined in 31 Sec. 163.3184(1)(c), F.S., for review and comment on a proposed amendment to the Monroe 32 County Year 2030 Comprehensive Plan as described above; and 33 34 WHEREAS, the Monroe County Planning Commission and the Monroe County Board of 35 County Commissioners support the requested text amendment; 36 37 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY 38 COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: 39 40 Section 1. The Board of County Commissioners does hereby adopt the recommendation of the 41 Planning Commission to transmit the draft ordinance including proposed creation Buubdinfou;!Usbotnjuubm`Sftpmvujpo!!)Dpnqsfifotjwf!Qmbo!Usbotnjuubm!.!Fmfwbujpo!pg!ipnft* 42 of Policy 101.5.34, and proposed amendments to Policy 101.9.4 related to elevation 43 of existing dwelling units, attached as Exhibit A, for adoption of the proposed text 44 amendment. 45 46 Section 2. The Board of County Commissioners does hereby transmit the proposed 47 amendment to the State Land Planning Agency for review and comment in Resolution No. - 2022 Page 1 of 2 File 2021-129 Qbdlfu!Qh/!3776 R/4/b 48 accordance with the State Coordinated Review process pursuant to Section 49 163.3184(4), Florida Statutes. 50 51 Section 3.The Monroe County staff is given authority to prepare and submit the required 52 transmittal letter and supporting documents for the proposed amendment in 53 accordance with the requirements of Section 163.3184(4), Florida Statutes. 54 55 Section 4.The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this 56 resolution to the Director of Planning. 57 58 PASSED AND ADOPTEDby the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, 59 Florida, at a regular meeting held on April 20,2022. 60 61 Mayor David Rice_______ 62 Mayor Pro Tem Craig Cates_______ 63 CommissionerMichelle Coldiron_______ 64 Commissioner District ThreeVACANT 65 Commissioner Holly Merrill Raschein_______ 66 67 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 68 OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA 69 70 By:______________________________ 71 MAYOR DAVID RICE 72 73 74 4/5/22 75(SEAL) 76 ATTEST: KEVIN MADOK, CLERK 77 78 79 By:___________________________ 80 AS DEPUTY CLERK Buubdinfou;!Usbotnjuubm`Sftpmvujpo!!)Dpnqsfifotjwf!Qmbo!Usbotnjuubm!.!Fmfwbujpo!pg!ipnft* Resolution No. -2022Page 2of 2 File 2021-129 Qbdlfu!Qh/!3777 R/4/c 1 2 3 4 5MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA 6MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 7 8ORDINANCE NO. -2022 9 10AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MONROE COUNTY 2030 COMPREHENSIVE 11PLAN TO CREATE POLICY 101.5.34 AND TO AMEND POLICY 101.9.4 TO PROVIDE 12EXCEPTIONS TO NON-SHORELINE AND SHORELINE SETBACK AND OPEN 13SPACE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ELEVATION OF LAWFULLY EXISTING 14RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS ABOVE FLOOD REQUIREMENTS; PROCESSED 15AS PART OF THE EVALUATION AND APPRAISAL AMENDMENTS TO THE 16MONROE COUNTY 2030 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; TO REFLECT CHANGES IN 17LOCAL CONDITIONS AND RECENT DATA, TRENDS, ISSUES AND CHALLENGES; 18PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF CONFLICTING 19PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTAL TO THE STATE LAND PLANNING 20AGENCY AND THE SECRETARY OF STATE; PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENT TO 21AND INCORPORATION IN THE MONROE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; 22PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 23____________________________________________________________________________________ 24 25WHEREAS, Monroe County may, pursuant to Article 8 of the Florida Constitution and Florida 26Statute § 125.66, enact ordinances to protect the public health, safety, and welfare of the residents of and 27visitors to the County; and 28 29WHEREAS, on April 15, 1993, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners adopted the 302010 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan; as amended pursuant to Department of Community Affairs 31Rule 91-14.022, Florida Administrative Code on January 4, 1996, and adopted by F.A.C. Rule 3228-20.100 Part I, January 2, 1996 and Part II, July 14, 1997; and 33 34WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature intends that local planning be a continuous process, and the 35Florida Statutes encourage local governments to comprehensively evaluate and, as necessary, update 36comprehensive plans to reflect changes in local conditions; and 37 38WHEREAS, on August 18, 2004, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners adopted 39an Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR), pursuant to Florida Statute § 163.3191, for the 2010 Monroe 40County Comprehensive Plan, and subsequently adopted Comprehensive Plan amendments in accordance 41with the 2004 EAR; and Buubdinfou;!Fyijcju!B!up!Sftpmvujpo`Psejobodf!!)Dpnqsfifotjwf!Qmbo!Usbotnjuubm!.!Fmfwbujpo!pg!ipnft* 42 43WHEREAS, on May 22, 2012, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners via 44Resolution No. 150-2012 adopted an Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR), pursuant to Florida 45Statute § 163.3191, for the 2010 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan, and subsequently adopted 46Comprehensive Plan amendments in accordance with the 2012 EAR; and 1 of 7 Qbdlfu!Qh/!3778 R/4/c 1 2WHEREAS, after statutory updates to Florida Statute § 163.3191, the Department of Economic 3Opportunity (DEO) revised the Monroe County evaluation and appraisal notification letter deadline to 4May 1, 2014, in Rule 73C-49, F.A.C.; and 5 6WHEREAS, on April 23, 2014, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners approved 7the EAR Notification Letter to DEO which specified the necessary Plan amendments required to reflect 8changes in requirements in the Florida Statutes and the County prepared Comprehensive Plan amendments 9in accordance with the 2014 EAR notification letter; and 10 11WHEREAS, on April 13, 2016, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners adopted the 122030 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan pursuant to Ordinance No. 005-2016, which included the 13-based amendments; and 14 15WHEREAS, the 2030 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan became effective upon the posting of 16the Notice of Intent on the DEO website on June 20, 2016; and 17 18WHEREAS, pursuant to Florida Statute § Section 163.3191, Monroe County must evaluate its 19Comprehensive Plan every seven (7) years to determine if amendments are necessary to reflect changes 20in state statutory and/or state administrative code requirements; and 21 22WHEREAS, pursuant to Florida Statute § 163.3191, and Rule 73C- 23evaluation and appraisal notification letter deadline to DEO was May 1, 2021; and 24 25WHEREAS, on April 21, 2021, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners approved 26transmittal evaluation and appraisal (EA) notification letter to DEO; and 27 28WHEREAS, Monroe County is proposing amendments in accordance with the 2021 evaluation 29and appraisal (EA) notification letter, including amendments to address the Peril of Flood state 30legislation, an update to the , amendments to address the now 31statutorily required Property Rights Element; and 32 33WHEREAS, Monroe County is proposing amendments to the Comprehensive Plan to 34accommodate the needs of existing residential structures for which elevation above required flood heights 35has been determined to be feasible; as such retrofitting of existing construction allows the homeowner to 36reuse materials, energy, and other resources expended in the original construction of the home; offers 37solutions to homeowners that may be more economically advantageous than complete reconstruction; and 38encourages property owners to make their homes more resilient to storm events and sea level rise; and 39 40WHEREAS, the Monroe County Planning and Environmental Resources Department 41community meeting on October 14, 2021, to review the proposed amendment Buubdinfou;!Fyijcju!B!up!Sftpmvujpo`Psejobodf!!)Dpnqsfifotjwf!Qmbo!Usbotnjuubm!.!Fmfwbujpo!pg!ipnft* 42and to receive public comment; and 43 44WHEREAS, the Monroe County Development Review Committee (DRC) reviewed and 45considered the proposed amendments at a regularly scheduled duly noticed meeting held on November 4615, 2021; and 2 of 7 Qbdlfu!Qh/!3779 R/4/c 1WHEREAS, on January 26, 2022, the Monroe County Planning Commission held a public 2hearing for the purpose of considering the proposed amendment and provided for public comment; and 3 4WHEREAS, the Monroe County Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. P03-22 5recommending approval, with changes to Policy 102.4.2 to prioritize the acquisition of Lower Keys marsh 6rabbit habitat and buffer area within the MIAI boundary, and to Objective 108.1 to add that the County 7will encourage effective communication and coordination with Naval Air Station Key West and the other 8military activities/facilities within unincorporated Monroe County; and 9 10WHEREAS, on March 16, 2022, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners held a 11public hearing, considered the staff report, and provided for public comment and public participation in 12accordance with the requirements of state law and the procedures adopted for public participation in the 13planning process; and 14 15WHEREAS, at the March 16, 2022, public hearing, at staff request, the BOCC continued the 16transmittal hearing, just for the proposed amendments to create Policy 101.5.34 and amend Policy 101.9.4 17related to elevation of existing dwelling units to the April 20, 2022, public hearing as a separate transmittal 18to allow for additional coordination and revisions; and 19 20WHEREAS, at the March 16, 2022, public hearing, the BOCC voted to transmit the remaining 21proposed amendments to DEO to review the proposal; and 22 23WHEREAS, at the March 16, 2022, public hearing, the BOCC adopted Resolution ________, 24transmitting the proposed text amendment to the State Land Planning Agency without Policy 101.5.34 25and amend Policy 101.9.4 related to elevation of existing dwelling units; and 26 27WHEREAS, on April 20, 2022, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners held a 28public hearing to consider the proposed amendments to create Policy 101.5.34 and amend Policy 101.9.4 29related to elevation of existing dwelling units, considered the staff report, and provided for public 30comment and public participation in accordance with the requirements of state law and the procedures 31adopted for public participation in the planning process; and 32 33WHEREAS, the State Land Planning Agency reviewed the amendment and issued an Objections, 34Recommendations and Comments (ORC) report, received by the County on __________________; and 35 36WHEREAS, _________________________________________; 37 38WHEREAS, the County has 180 days from the date of receipt of the ORC to adopt the proposed 39amendment, adopt the amendment with changes or not adopt the amendment; and 40 41WHEREAS, on _________________, the BOCC held a public hearing to consider adoption of Buubdinfou;!Fyijcju!B!up!Sftpmvujpo`Psejobodf!!)Dpnqsfifotjwf!Qmbo!Usbotnjuubm!.!Fmfwbujpo!pg!ipnft* 42the proposed Comprehensive Plan text amendment; and 43 44WHEREAS, Monroe County policies and regulations adopted in the Monroe County 45Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code are to maintain public health, safety, and welfare of 3 of 7 Qbdlfu!Qh/!377: R/4/c 1the citizens of the Florida Keys and to strengthen our local government capability to manage land use and 2development; and 3 4WHEREAS, based upon the documentation submitted and information provided in the 5accompanying staff report, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners makes the following 6Conclusions of Law: 71.!The proposed amendment is consistent with the Goals, Objectives and Policies of the 2030 8Monroe County Comprehensive Plan; and 92.!The proposed amendment is consistent with the Principles for Guiding Development for the 10Florida Keys Area of Critical State Concern, Florida Statute § 380.0552(7); and 113.!The proposed amendment is consistent with Part II of Florida Statutes Chapter 163. 12 13NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 14OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: 15 16Section 1. Recitals and Legislative Intent. The foregoing recitals, findings of fact, conclusions 17of law, and statements of legislative intent are true and correct and are hereby incorporated as if fully 18stated herein. 19 20Section 2. The text of the 2030 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan is amended as follows 21(Proposed amendments are shown with deletions stricken through and additions are underlined): 22 23Policy 101.5.34 24Notwithstanding the open space provisions set forth in Policy 101.5.25 and Chapter 130 of the 25Land Development Code and the minimum required setbacks in Chapters 130 and 131 of the 26Land Development Code, a lawfully-existing residential dwelling unit, not including mobile 27homes, may be elevated above base flood level to reduce flood damage, pursuant to: 28 The lawfully-existing dwelling unit structure is elevated within the original (existing) 29footprint of the structure. 30 Setbacks and land use open space requirements are waived to allow necessary 31improvements to a dwelling unit being retrofitted by elevating the unit to meet or exceed 32flood levels. The necessary improvements are limited to ingress/egress structures (stairs, 33ramps, landings, elevators, etc.). The waiver provided shall be the minimum necessary to 34provide access to the structure that is in compliance with fire code requirements. 35 Side and rear setback requirements are waived to allow accessory elevated platforms above 36base flood for equipment (mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems, appliances and 37components) situated at least two (2) feet from the side yard property line or at least five 38(5) feet from the rear yard property line. In no event shall the total combined area of all 39accessory structures occupy more than 80 percent (80%) of the required side yard setback 40area or 60 percent (60%) of the required rear yard setback area. 41 Maximum shoreline setbacks are to be maintained and, in no event shall a shoreline setback Buubdinfou;!Fyijcju!B!up!Sftpmvujpo`Psejobodf!!)Dpnqsfifotjwf!Qmbo!Usbotnjuubm!.!Fmfwbujpo!pg!ipnft* 42be less than ten (10) feet from mean high water. 43 The improvements shall be constructed to avoid off-site discharge of stormwater from the 44subject parcel, in accordance with Section 114-3 of the Monroe County Land Development 45Code. 4 of 7 Qbdlfu!Qh/!3781 R/4/c 1 Development shall maintain compliance to the maximum extent practicable, as determined 2by the Planning Director. 3 This Policy does not waive any required minimum vegetated setbacks adjacent to wetlands 4(see Policy 203.1.2 and Policy 204.2.5) and does not authorize any encroachments to a 5conservation easement. 6 This Policy does not restrict a property owner from proposing other additions or 7improvements to the elevated dwelling unit, as long as the additions, enlargements, 8expansions, and extensions do not create a nonconformity or cause a further violation to an 9existing nonconformity. 10 New or substantial improvement or reconstruction of single-family dwelling units shall 11comply with the setback and open space provisions set forth in Policy 101.5.25 and in 12Chapters 130 and 131 of the Monroe County Land Development Code. 13 14* * * 15Policy 101.9.4 16With the following exception, nonconforming structures which are damaged or destroyed so as to 17require substantial improvement shall be repaired or restored in conformance with all applicable 18provisions of the current Monroe County Code. Substantial improvement or reconstruction of 19nonconforming single-family dwelling units homes shall comply with the setback and open space 20provisions set forth in Policy 101.5.25 and in Chapters 130 and 131 of the Monroe County Land 21Development Code except where strict compliance would result in a reduction in lot coverage as 22compared to the pre-destruction footprint of the dwelling unit house. In such cases, the previously 23approved open space ratio shall be applied; and the maximum shoreline setback shall be 24maintained and in no event shall the shoreline setback be less than ten (10) feet from mean high 25water. 26 27To further post disaster recovery and resiliency, notwithstanding the open space provisions set 28forth in Policy 101.5.25 and Chapter 130 of the Land Development Code and the minimum 29required setbacks in Chapters 130 and 131 of the Land Development Code, a nonconforming 30lawfully-existing residential dwelling unit, not including mobile homes, may be retrofitted to 31elevate the structure above base flood level to reduce flood damage, pursuant to: 32 The lawfully-existing dwelling unit structure may maintain its existing setbacks and open 33space, even if nonconforming, provided the structure is elevated within the original 34(existing) footprint of the structure. 35 Setbacks and land use open space requirements are waived to allow necessary 36improvements to a dwelling unit being retrofitted by elevating the unit to meet or exceed 37flood levels. The necessary improvements are limited to ingress/egress structures (stairs, 38ramps, landings, elevators, etc.). The waiver provided shall be the minimum necessary to 39provide access to the structure that is in compliance with fire code requirements. 40 Side and rear setback requirements are waived to allow accessory elevated platforms above 41base flood for equipment (mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems, appliances and Buubdinfou;!Fyijcju!B!up!Sftpmvujpo`Psejobodf!!)Dpnqsfifotjwf!Qmbo!Usbotnjuubm!.!Fmfwbujpo!pg!ipnft* 42components) situated at least two (2) feet from the side yard property line or at least five 43(5) feet from the rear yard property line. In no event shall the total combined area of all 44accessory structures occupy more than 80 percent (80%) of the required side yard setback 45area or 60 percent (60%) of the required rear yard setback area. 5 of 7 Qbdlfu!Qh/!3782 R/4/c 1 Maximum shoreline setbacks are to be maintained and, in no event shall a shoreline setback 2be less than ten (10) feet from mean high water. 3 The improvements shall be constructed to avoid off-site discharge of stormwater from the 4subject parcel, in accordance with Section 114-3 of the Monroe County Land Development 5Code. 6 This Policy does not waive any required minimum vegetated setbacks adjacent to wetlands 7(see Policy 203.1.2 and Policy 204.2.5) and does not authorize any encroachments to a 8conservation easement. 9 This Policy does not restrict a property owner from proposing other additions or 10improvements to the elevated dwelling unit, as long as the additions, enlargements, 11expansions, and extensions do not create a nonconformity or cause a further violation to an 12existing nonconformity. 13(Ord. No. 039-2019 , § 1, 10-16-2019) 14 15Section 3. Severability. If any portion of this Ordinance, or any part or portion thereof, is held to 16be invalid or unenforceable by any administrative hearing officer or court of competent jurisdiction, the 17invalidity or unenforceability of such provision, or any part or portion thereof, shall neither limit nor 18impair the operation, enforceability, or validity of any other provision of this Ordinance, or any remaining 19pert(s) or portion(s) thereof. All other provisions of this Ordinance, and remaining part(s) or portion(s) 20thereof, shall continue unimpaired in full force and effect. 21 22Section 4. Conflicting Provisions. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this 23ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. 24 25Section 5. Transmittal. This ordinance shall be transmitted to the Florida State Land Planning 26Agency as required by Florida Statutes §§ 380.05 (11) and 380.0552(9). 27 28Section 6. Filing. This Ordinance shall be filed in the Office of the Secretary of the State of Florida 29but shall not become effective until a notice is issued by the State Land Planning Agency or Administration 30Commission finding the amendment in compliance with Florida Statutes Chapter 163, and after any 31applicable challenges have been resolved. 32 33Section 7. Inclusion in the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan. The amendments shall be 34incorporated in the 2030 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan. The numbering of the foregoing 35amendment may be renumbered to conform to the numbering in the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan. 36 37Section 8. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become as provided by law and stated above. 38 39PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, 40at a regular meeting held on ___________________, 2022. 41 Buubdinfou;!Fyijcju!B!up!Sftpmvujpo`Psejobodf!!)Dpnqsfifotjwf!Qmbo!Usbotnjuubm!.!Fmfwbujpo!pg!ipnft* 42Mayor David Rice _______ 43Mayor Pro Tem Craig Cates _______ 44Commissioner Michelle Coldiron _______ 45Commissioner District Three VACANT 46Commissioner Holly Merrill Raschein _______ 6 of 7 Qbdlfu!Qh/!3783 R/4/c 1 2BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 3OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA 4 5By: ______________________________ 6 Mayor David Rice 7 8 9 10(SEAL) 11ATTEST: KEVIN MADOK, CLERK 12 13 14By: ___________________________ 15 AS DEPUTY CLERK Buubdinfou;!Fyijcju!B!up!Sftpmvujpo`Psejobodf!!)Dpnqsfifotjwf!Qmbo!Usbotnjuubm!.!Fmfwbujpo!pg!ipnft* 7 of 7 Qbdlfu!Qh/!3784 R/4/d 1 2 3 4 5 MEMORANDUM 6 M ONROE C OUNTY P LANNING & E NVIRONMENTAL R ESOURCES D EPARTMENT 7 8 To: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners 9 10 From: Emily Schemper, A.I.C.P., C.F.M., Senior Director, Monroe County Planning and 11 Environmental Resources Department 12 13 Date: February 24, 2022 14 15 Subject: An Ordinance Adopting Evaluation And Appraisal Amendments to the Monroe County 16 2030 Comprehensive Plan to Amend Chapter 1.0, Introduction And Background; Amend 17 Chapter 2.0, Including 2.1 General County Element And Creating 2.2 Private Property 18 Rights Element; Amend Chapter 3.0, Including 3.1 Future Land Use Element, 3.2 19 Conservation And Coastal Management Element, 3.3 Traffic Circulation Element, 3.4 20 Mass Transit Element, 3.5 Ports, Aviation And Related Facilities Element, 3.6 Housing 21 Element, 3.7 Potable Water Element, 3.8 Solid Waste Element, 3.9 Sanitary Sewer 22 Element, 3.10 Drainage Element, 3.11 Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Element, 23 3.12 Recreation and Open Space Element, 3.13 Intergovernmental Coordination 24 Element, 3.14 Capital Improvements Element, and 3.15 Energy, Resiliency And Climate 25 Element; And To Amend Definitions Within The Glossary; To Update the Text of the 26 Comprehensive Plan to Reflect Changes in Statutory and Rule Requirements; To Update 27 Deadlines within the Comprehensive Plan, to Eliminate Accomplished or Obsolete 28 Provisions, to Make Corrections to Text and Eliminate Grammatical Errors; and to 29 Amend Provisions to Reflect Changes in Local Conditions and Recent Data, Trends, 30 Issues and Challenges; and to Update Map Atlas Map Series 3-7 (Coastal High Hazard 31 Area) to be Consistent with the Florida Division Of 32 to the SLOSH Model for Monroe County; Providing for Severability; Providing for 33 Repeal of Conflicting Provisions; Providing for Transmittal to the State Land Planning 34 Agency and the Secretary of State; Providing for Amendment to and Incorporation in the 35 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan; Providing for an Effective Date. 36 37 Meeting: March 16, 2022 38 39 I.!REQUEST 40 41 Monroe County must complete amendments to reflect and satisfy changes in statutory requirements as 42 Evaluation and Appraisal (EA) amendments which are required to be transmitted to the Department 43 of Economic Opportunity (DEO) by April 22, 2022. If the County fails to update the Comprehensive 44 Plan pursuant to EA requirements, it cannot amend the Comprehensive Plan until such time as it 45 complies with the EA requirements. 46 1 of 21 Qbdlfu!Qh/!3785 R/4/d 1 The Monroe County Planning and Environmental Resources Department is proposing Evaluation and 2 Appraisal (EA) amendments to the 2030 Comprehensive Plan to update the Comprehensive Plan to 3 reflect changes in Florida statutory and Florida administrative rule requirements; to update deadlines 4 within the Comprehensive Plan, to eliminate accomplished or obsolete provisions, to make corrections 5 to text and eliminate grammatical errors; and to amend provisions to reflect changes in local conditions 6 and recent data, trends, issues and challenges. 7 8 II. BACKGROUND INFORMATION 9 10 Monroe EAR) was adopted by the BOCC on 11 May 22, 2012 pursuant to Resolution No. 150-2012. The County prepared Comprehensive Plan 12 amendments in accordance with the 2012 EAR. 13 14 After statutory changes to Florida Statute § 163.3191, DEO revised the Monroe County evaluation and 15 appraisal notification letter deadline to May 1, 2014, in Rule 73C-49, Florida Administrative Code 16 F.A.C. On April 23, 2014, the BOCC approved the EAR Notification Letter to DEO which specified 17 the necessary Plan amendments required to accord with state statutory requirements. The County 18 prepared Comprehensive Plan amendments in accordance with the 2014 EAR notification letter. 19 20 The BOCC adopted the 2030 Comprehensive Plan in April 2016, pursuant to Ordinance No. 005-2016, 21 -based amendments. The Monroe County Year 2030 Comprehensive 22 Plan became effective upon the posting of tebsite on June 20, 2016. 23 24 The County must evaluate its comprehensive plan every seven (7) years and determine if Plan 25 amendments are necessary to conform to state statutory changes (i.e., does the County need to update its 26 Comprehensive Plan to satisfy changed state statutory provisions). 27 28 163.3191 Evaluation and Appraisal of Comprehensive Plan. 29 (1) At least once every 7 years, each local government shall evaluate its comprehensive plan to determine if 30 plan amendments are necessary to reflect changes in state requirements in this part since the last update 31 of the comprehensive plan, and notify the state land planning agency as to its determination. 32 (2) If the local government determines amendments to its comprehensive plan are necessary to reflect changes 33 in state requirements, the local government shall prepare and transmit within 1 year such plan amendment 34 or amendments for review pursuant to s. 163.3184. 35 (3) Local governments are encouraged to comprehensively evaluate and, as necessary, update comprehensive 36 plans to reflect changes in local conditions. Plan amendments transmitted pursuant to this section shall 37 be reviewed pursuant to s. 163.3184(4). 38 (4) If a local government fails to submit its letter prescribed by subsection (1) or update its plan pursuant to 39 subsection (2), it may not amend its comprehensive plan until such time as it complies with this section. 40 (5) The state land planning agency may not adopt rules to implement this section, other than procedural rules 41 or a schedule indicating when local governments must comply with the requirements of this section. 42 43 The professional staff of the Monroe County Planning and Environmental Resources Department 44 conducted a review of changes made to the Florida Statutes (2012-March 2021) and 45 determined two (2) amendments to the Comprehensive Plan were necessary to accord with state statutory 46 changes, to-wit, the Peril of Flood state legislation (Florida Statute § 163.3178(2)(f)) and the revision 47 (Florida Statute § 380.04; Florida Statute § 163.3221; and 48 referenced in Florida Statute § 163.3164(14)). Excerpts of the subject statutory changes are provided Buubdinfou;!Qspgfttjpobm!Tubgg!Sfqpsu!.!3132.23:`TS`DQ`FBS!cbtfe!bnfoenfout`CPDD!!)Dpnqsfifotjwf!Qmbo!Usbotnjuubm!.!Fmfwbujpo!pg 2 of 21 Qbdlfu!Qh/!3786 R/4/d 1 below. The associated Laws of Florida (L.O.F. 2015-69 and L.O.F. 2018-34) for these updates are 2 attached as Exhibit 4. 3 4 5 6 7 8 At the February 17, 2021, BOCC meeting, the Board of County Commissioners discussed the draft 9 evaluation and appraisal notification letter to the DEO with the two identified required changes/updates 10 and other potential changes/updates to the Comprehensive Plan, which were not required and do not get 11 included in the notification letter to DEO, but have been found by to 12 be needed, such as: 13 14 1) Update the Rule 28-20 references within the Comprehensive Plan to reflect the recently adopted 15 Administration Commission Rule 28-20.140, F.A.C., with the updated Work Program (mainly 16 canal restoration work program). 17 2) CHHA) depiction on the Future Land Use 18 Maps with the updated Florida Department of Emergency Ma 19 3) Ewithin 20 X years after the adoption of the comprehensive plan 21 and 22 4) General text updates, corrections to text and removing grammatical errors and clean-up of policies 23 24 On April 21, 2021, the Board of County Commissioners 25 Evaluation and Appraisal Notification Letter to DEO (attached as Exhibit 3) specifying the necessary 26 Plan amendments required to reflect state statutory changes: 1) Update Comprehensive Plan to address 27 the Peril of Flood state legislation and 2) Update Comprehensive Plan definition of the term 28 . 29 Buubdinfou;!Qspgfttjpobm!Tubgg!Sfqpsu!.!3132.23:`TS`DQ`FBS!cbtfe!bnfoenfout`CPDD!!)Dpnqsfifotjwf!Qmbo!Usbotnjuubm!.!Fmfwbujpo!pg 3 of 21 Qbdlfu!Qh/!3787 R/4/d 1 Pursuant to Florida Statute § 163.3191, and Rule 73C- 2 and appraisal notification letter deadline to DEO was May 1, 2021. The County transmitted its evaluation 3 and appraisal (EA) notification letter to DEO on April 21, 2021. 4 5 On July 1, 2021, after the EA Notification Letter was sent to DEO, Chapter 2021-195, Laws of Florida 6 (HB 59) went into effect requiring adoption of a 7 adoption its next proposed plan amendment that is initiated after July 1, 2021, or the date of the next 8 scheduled evaluation and appraisal of its comprehensive plan pursuant to Section 163.3191, Florida 9 Statutes The proposed County EA amendments will address this additional statutory 10 change/requirement. The associated Laws of Florida for this update is also included within Exhibit 4. 11 12 _____________________________ 13 14 Community Meeting and Public Participation 15 In accordance with -159(b)(3), a community meeting was 16 held on October 14, 2021, to provide for public input. There was one (1) member of the public in 17 attendance. 18 19 Monroe County Development Review Committee and Public Input 20 The Development Review Committee considered the proposed amendment at a regular meeting on 21 November 15, 2021, and received public input. 22 23 Monroe County Planning Commission and Public Input 24 The Planning Commission considered the proposed amendment at a regular meeting on January 26, 25 2022, provided for public input and recommended approval with proposed changes to Policy 102.4.2 to 26 prioritize the acquisition of Lower Keys marsh rabbit habitat and buffer area within the MIAI boundary 27 and to Objective 108.1 to add the County will encourage effective communication and coordination 28 with Naval Air Station Key West and the other military activities/facilities within unincorporated 29 Monroe County. 30 31 32 III.!PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS 33 34 Proposed Amendments are shown with deletions stricken through and additions are 35 underlined. 36 37 Proposed Amendments by the Planning Commission are shown with deletions stricken 38 through and additions are underlined and highlighted in yellow. 39 40 All proposed amendments are included in Exhibit 1 (text amendments) and Exhibit 2 41 (map amendments), with main or significant or example amendments summarized in 42 the table below. Buubdinfou;!Qspgfttjpobm!Tubgg!Sfqpsu!.!3132.23:`TS`DQ`FBS!cbtfe!bnfoenfout`CPDD!!)Dpnqsfifotjwf!Qmbo!Usbotnjuubm!.!Fmfwbujpo!pg 4 of 21 Qbdlfu!Qh/!3788 Buubdinfou;!Qspgfttjpobm!Tubgg!Sfqpsu!.!3132.23:`TS`DQ`FBS!cbtfe!bnfoenfout`CPDD Buubdinfou;!Qspgfttjpobm!Tubgg!Sfqpsu!.!3132.23:`TS`DQ`FBS!cbtfe!bnfoenfout`CPDD Buubdinfou;!Qspgfttjpobm!Tubgg!Sfqpsu!.!3132.23:`TS`DQ`FBS!cbtfe!bnfoenfout`CPDD Buubdinfou;!Qspgfttjpobm!Tubgg!Sfqpsu!.!3132.23:`TS`DQ`FBS!cbtfe!bnfoenfout`CPDD Buubdinfou;!Qspgfttjpobm!Tubgg!Sfqpsu!.!3132.23:`TS`DQ`FBS!cbtfe!bnfoenfout`CPDD Buubdinfou;!Qspgfttjpobm!Tubgg!Sfqpsu!.!3132.23:`TS`DQ`FBS!cbtfe!bnfoenfout`CPDD Buubdinfou;!Qspgfttjpobm!Tubgg!Sfqpsu!.!3132.23:`TS`DQ`FBS!cbtfe!bnfoenfout`CPDD Buubdinfou;!Qspgfttjpobm!Tubgg!Sfqpsu!.!3132.23:`TS`DQ`FBS!cbtfe!bnfoenfout`CPDD Buubdinfou;!Qspgfttjpobm!Tubgg!Sfqpsu!.!3132.23:`TS`DQ`FBS!cbtfe!bnfoenfout`CPDD Buubdinfou;!Qspgfttjpobm!Tubgg!Sfqpsu!.!3132.23:`TS`DQ`FBS!cbtfe!bnfoenfout`CPDD Buubdinfou;!Qspgfttjpobm!Tubgg!Sfqpsu!.!3132.23:`TS`DQ`FBS!cbtfe!bnfoenfout`CPDD Buubdinfou;!Qspgfttjpobm!Tubgg!Sfqpsu!.!3132.23:`TS`DQ`FBS!cbtfe!bnfoenfout`CPDD R/4/d 1 IV.!CONSISTENCY WITH THE MONROE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, THE 2 PRINCIPLES FOR GUIDING DEVELOPMENT, AND FLORIDA STATUTES. 3 4 A. The proposed amendment is consistent with the Goals, Objectives and Policies of the Monroe 5 County 2030 Comprehensive Plan. Specifically, it furthers: 6 7 GOAL 101: Monroe County shall manage future growth to enhance the quality of life, ensure the safety of 8 County residents and visitors, and protect valuable natural resources. 9 10 GOAL 102: Monroe County shall direct future growth to lands which are most suitable for development and 11 shall encourage conservation and protection of environmentally sensitive lands (wetlands, beach berm and 12 tropical hardwood hammock). 13 14 GOAL 106: Monroe County shall continue to maintain the Tier System to ensure growth initiatives recognize 15 the natural and man-made systems in the Florida Keys, the carrying capacity to accommodate further 16 development, the need for the significant expansion of the public acquisition of vacant developable lands, and 17 to equitably balance the rights and expectations of private property owners. 18 19 GOAL 108: The compatibility of lands adjacent to or closely proximate to the Boca Chica airfield of Naval 20 Air Station Key West (NASKW) pursuant to Sections 163.3175 and 163.3177, Florida Statutes, shall be 21 achieved through the implementation of the Objectives and Policies, incorporated herein. Achieved is defined 22 as being consistent with the Objectives and Policies, incorporated herein. 23 24 GOAL 202: The environmental quality of Monroe County's estuaries, nearshore waters (canals, harbors, bays, 25 lakes and tidal streams,) and associated marine resources shall be maintained and, where possible, improved 26 or restored. 27 28 GOAL 203: The health and integrity of living marine resources and marine habitat, including mangroves, 29 seagrasses, coral reefs, other hard bottom communities and fisheries, shall be protected and, where possible, 30 restored and enhanced. 31 32 GOAL 204: The health and integrity of Monroe County's marine and freshwater wetlands shall be protected 33 and, where possible, restored and enhanced. 34 35 GOAL 205: The health and integrity of Monroe County's native upland vegetation shall be protected and, 36 where possible, enhanced. 37 38 GOAL 206: Monroe County shall protect and conserve existing wildlife and wildlife habitats. 39 40 GOAL 215: Monroe County shall provide for hurricane evacuation, shelters and refuges, and communication 41 capabilities to promote safeguarding of the public against the effects of hurricanes and tropical storms. 42 43 GOAL 301: To provide a safe, convenient, efficient, and environmentally-compatible motorized and non- 44 motorized transportation system for the movement of people and goods in Monroe County 45 46 GOAL 1501: Monroe County shall coordinate with the municipalities of Key West, Key Colony Beach, 47 Islamorada, Layton and Marathon; regional, State, and federal government agencies, nongovernmental 48 organizations and private organizations to exchange data and develop coordinated strategies to address energy 49 conservation and impacts from climate change. 50 Buubdinfou;!Qspgfttjpobm!Tubgg!Sfqpsu!.!3132.23:`TS`DQ`FBS!cbtfe!bnfoenfout`CPDD!!)Dpnqsfifotjwf!Qmbo!Usbotnjuubm!.!Fmfwbujpo!pg 17 of 21 Qbdlfu!Qh/!37:1 R/4/d 1 B. The amendment is consistent with the Principles for Guiding Development for the Florida Keys 2 Area, Section 380.0552(7), Florida Statutes. 3 4 For the purposes of reviewing consistency of the adopted plan or any amendments to that plan with the 5 principles for guiding development and any amendments to the principles, the principles shall be construed 6 as a whole and no specific provision shall be construed or applied in isolation from the other provisions. 7 8 (a)!Strengthening local government capabilities for managing land use and development so that local 9 government is able to achieve these objectives without continuing the area of critical state concern 10 designation. 11 (b)!Protecting shoreline and benthic resources, including mangroves, coral reef formations, seagrass beds, 12 wetlands, fish and wildlife, and their habitat. 13 (c)!Protecting upland resources, tropical biological communities, freshwater wetlands, native tropical 14 vegetation (for example, hardwood hammocks and pinelands), dune ridges and beaches, wildlife, and 15 their habitat. 16 (d)!Ensuring the maximum well-being of the Florida Keys and its citizens through sound economic 17 development. 18 (e)!Limiting the adverse impacts of development on the quality of water throughout the Florida Keys. 19 (f)!Enhancing natural scenic resources, promoting the aesthetic benefits of the natural environment, and 20 ensuring that development is compatible with the unique historic character of the Florida Keys. 21 (g)!Protecting the historical heritage of the Florida Keys. 22 (h)!Protecting the value, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and amortized life of existing and proposed major 23 public investments, including: 24 25 1.!The Florida Keys Aqueduct and water supply facilities; 26 2.!Sewage collection, treatment, and disposal facilities; 27 3.!Solid waste treatment, collection, and disposal facilities; 28 4.!Key West Naval Air Station and other military facilities; 29 5.!Transportation facilities; 30 6.!Federal parks, wildlife refuges, and marine sanctuaries; 31 7.!State parks, recreation facilities, aquatic preserves, and other publicly owned properties; 32 8.!City electric service and the Florida Keys Electric Co-op; and 33 9.!Other utilities, as appropriate. 34 35 (i)!Protecting and improving water quality by providing for the construction, operation, maintenance, and 36 replacement of stormwater management facilities; central sewage collection; treatment and disposal 37 facilities; and the installation and proper operation and maintenance of onsite sewage treatment and 38 disposal systems. 39 (j)!Ensuring the improvement of nearshore water quality by requiring the construction and operation of 40 wastewater management facilities that meet the requirements of ss. 381.0065(4)(l) and 403.086(10), as 41 applicable, and by directing growth to areas served by central wastewater treatment facilities through 42 permit allocation systems. 43 (k)!Limiting the adverse impacts of public investments on the environmental resources of the Florida Keys. 44 (l)!Making available adequate affordable housing for all sectors of the population of the Florida Keys. 45 (m)!Providing adequate alternatives for the protection of public safety and welfare in the event of a natural or 46 manmade disaster and for a postdisaster reconstruction plan. 47 (n)!Protecting the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the Florida Keys and maintaining the 48 Florida Keys as a unique Florida resource. 49 50 Pursuant to Section 380.0552(7) Florida Statutes, the proposed amendment is not inconsistent with the 51 Principles for Guiding Development as a whole and is not inconsistent with any Principle. 52 Buubdinfou;!Qspgfttjpobm!Tubgg!Sfqpsu!.!3132.23:`TS`DQ`FBS!cbtfe!bnfoenfout`CPDD!!)Dpnqsfifotjwf!Qmbo!Usbotnjuubm!.!Fmfwbujpo!pg 18 of 21 Qbdlfu!Qh/!37:2 R/4/d 1 C. The proposed amendment is consistent with the Part II of Chapter 163, Florida Statute (F.S.). 2 Specifically, the amendment furthers: 3 4 163.3161(4), F.S. It is the intent of this act that local governments have the ability to preserve and enhance 5 present advantages; encourage the most appropriate use of land, water, and resources, consistent with the 6 public interest; overcome present handicaps; and deal effectively with future problems that may result 7 from the use and development of land within their jurisdictions. Through the process of comprehensive 8 planning, it is intended that units of local government can preserve, promote, protect, and improve the 9 public health, safety, comfort, good order, appearance, convenience, law enforcement and fire prevention, 10 and general welfare; facilitate the adequate and efficient provision of transportation, water, sewerage, 11 schools, parks, recreational facilities, housing, and other requirements and services; and conserve, 12 develop, utilize, and protect natural resources within their jurisdictions. 13 14 163.3161(6), F.S. It is the intent of this act that adopted comprehensive plans shall have the legal status set 15 out in this act and that no public or private development shall be permitted except in conformity with 16 comprehensive plans, or elements or portions thereof, prepared and adopted in conformity with this act. 17 18 163.3164(14), F.S. e same meaning as in s. 380.04. 19 20 163.3177(1), F.S. The comprehensive plan shall provide the principles, guidelines, standards, and strategies 21 for the orderly and balanced future economic, social, physical, environmental, and fiscal development of 22 the area that reflects community commitments to implement the plan and its elements. These principles 23 and strategies shall guide future decisions in a consistent manner and shall contain programs and activities 24 to ensure comprehensive plans are implemented. The sections of the comprehensive plan containing the 25 principles and strategies, generally provided as goals, objectives, and policies, shall describe how the local 26 or 27 continued to implement the comprehensive plan in a consistent manner. It is not the intent of this part to 28 require the inclusion of implementing regulations in the comprehensive plan but rather to require 29 identification of those programs, activities, and land development regulations that will be part of the 30 strategy for implementing the comprehensive plan and the principles that describe how the programs, 31 activities, and land development regulations will be carried out. The plan shall establish meaningful and 32 predictable standards for the use and development of land and provide meaningful guidelines for the 33 content of more detailed land development and use regulations. 34 35 163.3177(6)(i)1, F.S. In accordance with the legislative intent expressed in ss. 163.3161(10) and 187.101(3) 36 that governmental entities respect judicially acknowledged and constitutionally protected private property 37 rights, each local government shall include in its comprehensive plan a property rights element to ensure 38 that private property rights are considered in local decision-making. A local government may adopt its 39 own property rights element or use the following statement of rights: 40 The following rights shall be considered in local decision-making: 41 1. The right of a property owner to physically possess and control his or her interests in the property, 42 including easements, leases, or mineral rights. 43 2. The right of a property owner to use, maintain, develop, and improve his or her property for personal 44 use or for the use of any other person, subject to state law and local ordinances. 45 3. The right of the property owner to privacy and to exclude others from the property to protect the 46 y. 47 4. The right of a property owner to dispose of his or her property through sale or gift. 48 2. Each local government must adopt a property rights element in its comprehensive plan by the earlier of 49 the date of its adoption of its next proposed plan amendment that is initiated after July 1, 2021, or the date 50 of the next scheduled evaluation and appraisal of its comprehensive plan pursuant to s. 163.3191. If a 51 local government adopts its own property rights element, the element may not conflict with the statement 52 of rights provided in subparagraph 1. Buubdinfou;!Qspgfttjpobm!Tubgg!Sfqpsu!.!3132.23:`TS`DQ`FBS!cbtfe!bnfoenfout`CPDD!!)Dpnqsfifotjwf!Qmbo!Usbotnjuubm!.!Fmfwbujpo!pg 19 of 21 Qbdlfu!Qh/!37:3 R/4/d 1 2 163.3178(2)(f), F.S. A redevelopment component that outlines the principles that must be used to eliminate 3 inappropriate and unsafe development in the coastal areas when opportunities arise. The component must: 4 1. Include development and redevelopment principles, strategies, and engineering solutions that reduce 5 the flood risk in coastal areas which results from high-tide events, storm surge, flash floods, stormwater 6 runoff, and the related impacts of sea-level rise. 7 2. Encourage the use of best practices development and redevelopment principles, strategies, and 8 engineering solutions that will result in the removal of coastal real property from flood zone designations 9 established by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. 10 3. Identify site development techniques and best practices that may reduce losses due to flooding and 11 claims made under flood insurance policies issued in this state. 12 4. Be consistent with, or more stringent than, the flood-resistant construction requirements in the Florida 13 Building Code and applicable flood plain management regulations set forth in 44 C.F.R. part 60. 14 5. Require that any construction activities seaward of the coastal construction control lines established 15 pursuant to s. 161.053 be consistent with chapter 161. 16 6. Encourage local governments to participate in the National Flood Insurance Program Community 17 Rating System administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency to achieve flood insurance 18 premium discounts for their residents. 19 20 163.3191, F.S. Evaluation and appraisal of comprehensive plan. 21 (1) At least once every 7 years, each local government shall evaluate its comprehensive plan to determine 22 if plan amendments are necessary to reflect changes in state requirements in this part since the last update 23 of the comprehensive plan, and notify the state land planning agency as to its determination. 24 (2) If the local government determines amendments to its comprehensive plan are necessary to reflect 25 changes in state requirements, the local government shall prepare and transmit within 1 year such plan 26 amendment or amendments for review pursuant to s. 163.3184. 27 (3) Local governments are encouraged to comprehensively evaluate and, as necessary, update 28 comprehensive plans to reflect changes in local conditions. Plan amendments transmitted pursuant to this 29 section shall be reviewed pursuant to s. 163.3184(4). 30 (4) If a local government fails to submit its letter prescribed by subsection (1) or update its plan pursuant 31 to subsection (2), it may not amend its comprehensive plan until such time as it complies with this section. 32 (5) The state land planning agency may not adopt rules to implement this section, other than procedural 33 rules or a schedule indicating when local governments must comply with the requirements of this section. 34 35 163.3201, F.S. Relationship of comprehensive plan to exercise of land development regulatory authority. 36 It is the intent of this act that adopted comprehensive plans or elements thereof shall be implemented, in 37 part, by the adoption and enforcement of appropriate local regulations on the development of lands and 38 waters within an area. It is the intent of this act that the adoption and enforcement by a governing body of 39 regulations for the development of land or the adoption and enforcement by a governing body of a land 40 development code for an area shall be based on, be related to, and be a means of implementation for an 41 adopted comprehensive plan as required by this act. 42 43 V.!PROCESS 44 45 Comprehensive Plan amendments may be proposed by the Board of County Commissioners, the 46 Planning Commission, the Director of Planning, or the owner or other person having a contractual 47 interest in property to be affected by a proposed amendment. The Director of Planning shall review and 48 process applications as they are received and pass them onto the Development Review Committee and 49 the Planning Commission. 50 Buubdinfou;!Qspgfttjpobm!Tubgg!Sfqpsu!.!3132.23:`TS`DQ`FBS!cbtfe!bnfoenfout`CPDD!!)Dpnqsfifotjwf!Qmbo!Usbotnjuubm!.!Fmfwbujpo!pg 20 of 21 Qbdlfu!Qh/!37:4 R/4/d 1 The Planning Commission shall hold at least one public hearing. The Planning Commission shall review 2 the application, the reports and recommendations of the Monroe County Planning and Environmental 3 Resources Department and the Development Review Committee and the testimony given at the public 4 hearing. The Planning Commission shall submit its recommendations and findings to the Board of 5 County Commissioners (BOCC). The BOCC holds a public hearing to consider the transmittal of the 6 proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment, and considers the staff report, the 7 professional staff recommendation, and the testimony given at the public hearing. The BOCC may or 8 may not recommend transmittal to the State Land Planning Agency. The amendment is transmitted to 9 State Land Planning Agency, which then reviews the proposal and issues an Objections, 10 Recommendations and Comments (ORC) Report. Upon receipt of the ORC report, the County has 180 11 days to adopt the amendments, adopt the amendments with changes or not adopt the amendment. 12 13 VI.!STAFF RECOMMENDATION 14 15 Approval. 16 17 VIII. EXHIBITS 18 19 Exhibit 1 - Proposed EA text amendments (Proposed Text Amendments) 20 Exhibit 2 - Proposed update Map Atlas Map Series 3-7 (Coastal High Hazard Area) 21 Exhibit 3 - Florida Statute § 22 163.3191, to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) 23 Exhibit 4 - -69 and L.O.F. 2018-34 (Development Definition) 24 Exhibit 5 - Compilation of the Data and Analysis for the Evaluation and Appraisal amendments Buubdinfou;!Qspgfttjpobm!Tubgg!Sfqpsu!.!3132.23:`TS`DQ`FBS!cbtfe!bnfoenfout`CPDD!!)Dpnqsfifotjwf!Qmbo!Usbotnjuubm!.!Fmfwbujpo!pg 21 of 21 Qbdlfu!Qh/!37:5 .,pE?�glc0 • r 5 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA 6 MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 7 8 ORDINANCE NO. -2022 9 10 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MONROE COUNTY 2030 COMPREHENSIVE' 11 PLAN TO CREATE POLICY 101.5.34 AND TO AMEND POLICY 101.9.4 TO PROVIDE 12 EXCEPTIONS TO NON-SHORELINE AND SHORELINE SETBACK AND OPEN 13 SPACE- REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ELEVATION OF LAWFULLY EXISTING 14 RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNITS ABOVE FLOOD REQUIREMENTS; PROCESSED. 15 AS PART OF THE EVALUATION AND APPRAISAL AMENDMENTS TO THE 16 MONROE COUNTY 2030 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; TO REFLECT CHANGES IN 17 LOCAL CONDITIONS AND RECENT DATA; TRENDS, ISSUES AND CHALLENGES; 18 . PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF CONFLICTING 19 PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTAL; TO THE STATE LAND PLANNING 20 AGENCY AND THE SECRETARY OF STATE; PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENT TO 21 . AND INCORPORATION IN THE MONROE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; 22 . PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE: 23 24 25 WHEREAS, Monroe County may, pursuant.to Article 8 of the Florida Constitution and Florida 26 Statute § 125.66, enact ordinances to,protect the public health, safety, and welfare of the residents of and 27 visitors to the County; and 28 29 WHEREAS, on April 15, 1993,the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners adopted the 30 2010 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan; as amended pursuant to Department of Community Affairs 31 Rule 91-14:022,Florida Administrative Code("F.A.C.") on;January 4, 1996, and adopted by F.A.C. Rule 32 28-20.100 Part I, January 2, 1996 and Part II, July 14, 1997; and 33 34 WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature intends that local planning be a continuous process, and the 35 Florida Statutes encourage local governments to comprehensively evaluate and, as necessary, update 36 comprehensive plans to'reflect changes in local conditions; and 37 . . 38 WHEREAS, on.August 18, 2004, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners adopted 39 an Evaluation and Appraisal Report("EAR"),pursuant to Florida Statute § 163.3191,for the 2010 Monroe 40 County Comprehensive Plan, and subsequently adopted Comprehensive Plan amendments in accordance 41 with the 2004 EAR; and 42 43 WHEREAS, on May 22, 2012, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners via 44 Resolution No. 150-2012.adopted an Evaluation and Appraisal Report ("EAR"), pursuant to Florida 45 Statute § 163.3191, for the 2010 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan, and subsequently adopted 46 Comprehensive Plan amendments in accordance with the 2012 EAR; and 1 of 7 G2 3 1 2 WHEREAS, after statutory updates to Florida Statute § 163.3191, the Department of Economic 3 Opportunity ("DEO") revised the Monroe County evaluation and appraisal notification letter deadline to 4 May 1, 2014, in Rule 73C-49, F.A.C.; and 5 6 WHEREAS, on April 23, 2014, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners approved 7 the EAR Notification Letter to DEO which specified the necessary Plan amendments required to reflect 8 changes in requirements in the Florida Statutes and the County prepared Comprehensive Plan amendments 9 in accordance with the 2014 EAR notification letter; and 10 • 11 WHEREAS, on April 13,2016,the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners adopted the 12 2030 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan pursuant to Ordinance No. 005-2016, which included the 13 County's EAR-based amendments; and 14 15 WHEREAS,the 2030 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan became effective upon the posting of 16 the Notice of Intent on the DEO website on June 20, 2016; and 17 18 WHEREAS, pursuant to Florida Statute § Section 163,3191, Monroe County must evaluate its 19 Comprehensive Plan every seven (7) years to determine if amendments are necessary to reflect changes 20 in state statutory and/or state administrative code requirements; and 21 22 WHEREAS,pursuant to Florida Statute § 163.31,91, and Rule 73C-49, F.A.C.,Monroe County's 23 evaluation and appraisal notification letter deadline to DEO was May.1,2021; and 24 25 WHEREAS, on April 21, 2021,. the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners approved 26 transmittal of the County's evaluation and appraisal ("EA") notification letter to DEO; and 27 28 WHEREAS, Monroe County is proposing amendments in accordance with the 2021 evaluation 29 and appraisal ("EA") notification letter, including amendments to address the Peril of Flood state 30 legislation, an update to the definition•of the term `development,' and amendments to address the now 31 statutorily "required Property Rights Element; and 32 33 WHEREAS, Monroe County is proposing amendments to the Comprehensive Plan to 34 accommodate the needs of existing residential structures for which elevation above required flood heights 35 has been determined to be feasible; as such retrofitting of existing construction allows the homeowner to 36 reuse materials, energy, and other resources expended in the original construction of the home; offers 37 solutions to homeowners that may be'more economically advantageous than complete reconstruction; and 38 encourages property owners to make their homes more resilient to storm events and sea level rise; and 39 40 WHEREAS, the Monroe County Planning and Environmental Resources Department 41 ("Department")conducted a community meeting on October 14,2021,to review the proposed amendment 42 and to receive public comment; and 43 44 WHEREAS, the Monroe County Development Review Committee ("DRC") reviewed and 45 considered the proposed amendments at a regularly scheduled duly noticed meeting held on November 46 15, 2021; and 2 of 7 1 WHEREAS, on January 26, 2022, the Monroe County Planning Commission held a public 2 hearing for the purpose of considering the proposed amendment and provided for public comment; and 3 4 WHEREAS, the Monroe County Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. P03-22 5 recommending approval,with changes to Policy 102.4.2 to prioritize the acquisition of Lower Keys marsh 6 rabbit habitat and buffer area within the MIAI boundary, and to,Objective 108.1 to add that the County 7 will encourage effective communication and coordination with Naval Air Station Key West and the other 8 military activities/facilities within unincorporated Monroe County; and 9 10 WHEREAS, on March 16, 2022, the Monroe County Board.of County Commissioners held a 11 public hearing, considered the staff report, and provided for.public comment and public participation in 12 accordance with the requirements of state law and the procedures adopted for public participation in the 13 planning process; and 14 15 WHEREAS, at the March 16, 2022, public hearing; at staff's request, the BOCC continued the 16 transmittal hearing,just for the proposed amendments,to create Policy 101.5.34 and amend Policy 101.9.4 17 related to elevation of existing dwelling units to the April 20,2022,public hearing,as a separate transmittal 18 to allow for additional coordination and revisions; and 19 20 WHEREAS, at the March 16, 2022, public hearing,.ther'BOCC voted to transmit the remaining 21 proposed amendments to DEO to review the proposal; and 22 23 WHEREAS, at the March 16, 2022, public hearing, the BOCC adopted Resolution 24 transmitting the proposed text amendment to the.State Land Planning Agency without Policy 101.5.34 25 and amend Policy 101.9.4 related to elevation of existing dwelling.units; and 26 27 WHEREAS, on April 20, 2022, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners held a 28 public hearing to consider the proposed,amendments to create Policy 101.5.34 and amend Policy 101.9.4 29 related to.elevation of-existing dwelling units; considered the staff report, and provided for public 30 comment and public participation in accordance,.with the requirements of state law and the procedures 31 adopted for public participation in the planning process; and 32 33 WHEREAS,the State Land Planning Agency reviewed the amendment and issued an Objections, 34 Recommendations and Comments("ORC")report,received by the County on ; and 35 36 WHEREAS, the•ORC report stated, " ;" and 37 38 WHEREAS, the County has 180 days from the date of receipt of the ORC to adopt the proposed 39 amendment, adopt the amendment with changes or not adopt the amendment; and 40 41 WHEREAS, on , the BOCC held a public hearing to consider adoption of 42 the proposed Comprehensive Plan text amendment; and 43 44 WHEREAS, Monroe County policies and regulations adopted in the Monroe County 45 Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code are to maintain public health, safety, and welfare of 3 of 7 i 1 the citizens of the Florida Keys and to strengthen our local government capability to manage land use arid 2 development; and 3 4 WHEREAS, based upon the documentation submitted and information provided in the 5 accompanying staff report, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners makes the following 6 Conclusions of Law: 7 1. The proposed amendment is consistent with the Goals, Objectives and Policies of the 203.0 8 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan;and 9 2. The proposed amendment is consistent with the Principles for Guiding Development for the 10 Florida Keys Area of Critical State Concern,Florida Statute § 380.0552(7); and 11 3. The proposed amendment is consistent with Part II of Florida Statutes Chapter 163. 12 . 13 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY.THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 14 OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: 15 16 Section 1. Recitals and Legislative Intent. The foregoing recitals,findings of fact, conclusions 17 of law, and statements of legislative intent are true and correct and are hereby incorporated as if fully 18 stated herein. 19 20 Section 2. The text of the 203;0 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan is amended as follows 21 (Proposed amendments are shown with deletions_stricken through and additions are underlined): 22 23 Policy.101.5.34 _ 24 Notwithstanding the_open space provisions set forth..in Policy 101.5.25, Policy 212.2.4, and 25 Chapters 118 arid 130 of the Land Development Code; and the minimum required setbacks in 26 Policy 212.2:4;•.and Chapters 118, 130, and 1311 of the Land Development Code; a lawfully- 27 ' existing residential dwelling:unit,not including mobile homes,may be elevated above base flood 28 level (design flood-elevation)to'reduce flood damage;pursuant to: . 29 • :The:lawfully-existing.dwelling unit structure is elevated within the original (lawfully- 30 existing) footprint of the structure: 31 • Setbacks and land use open space requirements are waived to allow necessary 32 improvements to a dwelling unit being retrofitted by elevating the unit to meet or exceed 33 flood levels. The necessary improvements are limited to ingress/egress structures (stairs, 34 ramps, landings, elevators, etc.). The waiver:provided shall be the minimum necessary to 35 provide access to the structure that is in compliance with fire code requirements. 36 • Side and rear setback aridopen space requirements are waived to allow accessory elevated 37 platforms,above base'flood for equipment (mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems, 38 appliances and components).situated at least two (2) feet from the side yard property line 39 or at least five(5)feet from the rear yard property line.Inoe entshll e tot l ce::bined 40 area of all accessory :,truetures occupy more than 80'percent(80%) of the required side 41 yard setback area or 60 percent(60%)of the`required r-ar yard setback ar-a. 42 • Maximum possible shoreline setbacks and open space are to be maintained,and in no event 43 shall a required shoreline setback be reduced to less than ten (10) feet from mean high 44 water except to accommodate the lawfully existing footprint of the structure to be elevated. 4 of 7 1 • The improvements shall be constructed to avoid off-site discharge of stormwater from the 2 subject parcel, in accordance with Section 114.3 of the Monroe County Land Development 3 Code. 4 • Development shall maintain compliance to the maximum extent practicable, as determined 5 by the Planning Director. 6 • This Policy does not waive any required minimum vegetated setbacks adjacent to wetlands 7 (see Policy 203.1.2 and Policy 204.2.5) and :does not authorize any encroachments to a 8 conservation.easement. 9 • This Policy does not-.restrict a property owner from. proposing other additions or 10 improvements to the elevated dwelling unit, as long as the additions, enlargements, 11 expansions,:and extensions do not create a nonconformity or cause a further violation to an 12 existing nonconformity. . 13 New:construction r s„bsta tia' improvement or reconstruction of single-family dwelling - 14 - units shall comply with the setback and open space provisions set forth in Policy 101.5.25; 15 Policy 212.2.4, and in Chapters .118, . 130; and 131 of the Monroe County Land 16 Development Code. 17 - 18 * * . * 19 Policy 101.9.4 20 With the following exception; nonconforming structures which are damaged or destroyed so as to 21 require substantial improvement shall lbe repaired or restored in conformance with all applicable 22 provisions of the current Monroe County -Code. Substantial improvement or reconstruction of 23 nonconforming single-family dwelling units hues shall comply-with the setback and open space 24 provisions set forth-in Policy 101.5.25: and in Chapters 130 and 131 of.the Monroe County Land 25 Development Code except where strict compliance would result in a reduction in lot coverage as 26 compared to the,pre-destruction footprint of the dwelling unit house. In such cases,the previously 27 approved open space ratio shall be applied; and: the maximum shoreline setback shall be 28 maintained and in no event shall:the shoreline setback be less than ten (10) feet from mean high 29 water... . 30 31 . 'To further post disaster recovery and resiliency, notwithstanding the open space provisions set 32 . forth in Policy 101.5.25,Policy 212.2.4,and Chapters 118 and 130 of the Land Development Code 33 and the minimum required'setbacks in Policy 212.2.4, and Chapters .1.18, 130,and 131 of the Land 34 Development Code, a nonconforming"lawfully-existing residential dwelling unit, not including 35 mobile homes, may be retrofitted to elevate the structure above base flood level (design flood 36 elevation)to reduce flood damage,pursuant to: 37 • The lawfully existing"dwelling unit structure may maintain its existing setbacks and open 38 space, even if nonconforming, provided the structure is elevated within the original 39 (lawfully-existing) footprint of the structure. 40 • Setbacks and land use open space requirements are waived to allow necessary 41 improvements to a dwelling unit being retrofitted by elevating the unit to meet or exceed 42 flood levels. The necessary improvements are limited to ingress/egress structures (stairs, 43 ramps, landings, elevators, etc.). The waiver provided shall be the minimum necessary to 44 provide access to the structure that is in compliance with fire code requirements. 45 • Side and rear setback and open space requirements are waived to allow accessory elevated 46 platforms above base flood for equipment (mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems, 5 of 1 appliances,and components) situated at least two (2) feet from the side yard property line 2 or at least five(5)feet from the rear yard property line. In no event shall the total combined 3 area of all accessory:structures occupy more than 80 percent (80%) of the.required side 4 yard setback area or 60 percent(60%) of the required rear yard setback area. 5 • . Maximum possible shoreline setbacks and open space are to be maintained,and in no event 6 shall a shoreline setback be less than ten (10) feet from mean high water except to 7 accommodate the lawfully existing footprint of the structure to be elevated. 8 • The improvements shall be constructed to avoid off-site discharge of stermwater from the 9 subject parcel,in accordance with Section 114-3 of the-Monroe County Land Development 10 Code. 11 • This Policy does not waive anyrequired minimum vegetated setbacks adjacent to wetlands 12 (see Policy 203.1.2 and Policy 204.2.5) and'does not.authorize any encroachments to a 13 . conservation easement. 14 • This Policy does not restrict a property owner from proposing other additions or 15 improvements to the elevated 'dwelling unit, as long as the additions, enlargements., 16 expansions, and extensions do not Create:a nonconformity or cause.a further violation to an 17 existing nonconformity. . 18 (Ord.No. 039-2019 , § 1, 10-16-2019) . ., 19 20 . Section 3. Severability. If any portion of this Ordinance, or any part or portion.thereof, is held to 21 be invalid or unenforceable by any administrative hearing officer or court of competent jurisdiction, the 22 invalidity or unenforceability of such provision, or:any part or portion thereof, shall neither limit nor 23 impair the operation,enforceability, or validity of any other provision of this Ordinance, or any remaining 24 pert(s) or portion(s) thereof All other provisions of this Ordinance, and remaining part(s) or portion(s) 25 thereof, shall continue..unimpaired in full force and effect. 26 27 Section 4. Conflicting Provisions. All ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with this 28 ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. 29 30 Section 5. Transmittal. This..ordinance shall betransmitted to the Florida State Land Planning 31 Agency as required by Florida.Statutes §§ 380.05 (1-1) and 380.0552(9). 32 33 Section 6;Filing.This Ordinance shall be filed in the Office of the Secretary of the State of Florida 34 but shall not become effective until-anotice is issued by the State Land Planning Agency or Administration 35 Commission finding the amendment in compliance with Florida Statutes Chapter 163, and after any 36 applicable challenges have been resoled. 37 38 Section 7. Inclusion.in the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan. The amendments shall be 39 incorporated in the 2030 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan. The numbering of the foregoing 40 amendment may be renumbered to conform to the numbering in the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan. 41 42 Section 8. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become as provided by law and stated above. 43 1 44 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, 45 at a regular meeting held on , 2022. 46 6 of I I , I , 1 Mayor David Rice 2 Mayor Pro Tern Craig Cates 3 Commissioner Michelle Coldiron 4 Commissioner District Three VACANT 5 Commissioner Holly Merrill Raschein 6 7 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 8 OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA 9 10 By: 11 Mayor David Rice 12 13 14 15 (SEAL) 16 ATTEST: KEVIN MADOK, CLERK 17 18 19 By: 20 AS DEPUTY CLERK • • • • I , 7 of 7