Item A TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2013 ADD-ONS Pagc 6 C43 I"I'MP1,0YEE SERVICT.'S Apr roval to accept proposal firoin to conduct as Job 0assification and ("onipensation S,tudy at as to of$82,000, i ' III trm 7t -- N Page 11 07 (70UN]"'Y ADMINIS ndi '"I'RATOR Approval of an Interlocal NMI..........MI ............ Agreement arneng a Febriiary 20, 2013 la terlocal AgIvernent regarding the distriN,ifion art the remaining $150 luillion in Ma.yfield Grant Funds," 11age I I P3 COUNTY ATY - Approval of Settlement Agreement in the maller of' Maifloux & Sons, Inc. v Monroe COUnty' 'IZ013 CA 791 k Pagc I I P4 COUNTY A]"TORNEY -. Approval of Settleinent. Agreernent in the nialtex, of Monroe Cowily v Jose' Gonzah.-z, individUally, and Gonzalez Architects, (.'ase Number 0'7-(­`A-458-K DELETIONS Page 4 C18 SOCIAL SERVICES - Approval of an Agreement for Disposal of Remains between Dean-Lopez Funeral Home and Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (Social Services) for a contract period of 10/16/2013 through 10/15/2018. Page 4 C19 SOCIAL SERVICES - Approval of an Agreement for Disposal of Remains between Castillo & Thurston's Key West Mortuary and Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (Social Services) for a contract period of 10/16/2013 through 10/15/2018. Page 4 C20 SOCIAL SERVICES - Approval of an Agreement for Disposal of Remains between Allen-Beyer Funeral Home and Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (Social Services) for a contract period of 10/16/2013 through 10/15/2018. Page 4 ('21 I)IJBI.IC WORKS ­ Approval of as lZesolution rernMirlg PI'MOLIS appointment of an awhodzcd agent of an Aninial Control Contractor, 1),ige 4, C27 flUB1,1C WOI�F,, - Aj-.)proval to award bid and exectite a (.,,ontrad with Air Mcchanical & Service Corp,, for as ftill maintenalicc prograrn fin, the two centrif6gal chillers at ,Jackson Sqwire, CORRECTIONS/NOTES Page 9 13 ENGINNERfNG - (1 evised wordirig & backLIP) - Appeal by Boos Development Inc. of the denial of a right-of-way permit for work on 3rd Street, Stock Island as part of development of a CVS store. (THIS IS A QUASI-J[JDI(.'1AI., Vfl"ARING) Page 11 03 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR—(Additional backup - the last two pages were added) - Approval of the Monroe County 2014 State and Federal Legislative Agenda. Page 11 06 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR— ( ThncapproXiIMAW ot'3,30 PM) - Approval to enter into Agreement for Sale and Purchase of the property known as Rowell's Marina, including Tracts I and 2, plus a breakwater peninsular, Parcel "A" and rock jetty and land, Parcel "B", located at 104550 Overseas Highway, Key Largo for the purchase price of no more than Five Million Dollars and no/cents. .......... .. ................. K411 ................. ..................... ........ .............. ................................... ....... .......... ........................................................................