Item C20 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 09/17/2013 Division: Social Services Bulk Item: Yes X No — Department: Social Services Staff Contact/Pho : Sheryt Cnaham/292-4510 29 �i3 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of an Agreement for Disposal of Remains between Allen- Beyer Funeral Home and Monroe County Board of County Commissioners(Social Services)for a contract period.of 10/16/2013 through 10/15/2018. ITEM BACKGROUND: Three funeral homes throughout Monroe County currently provide these services for the County. This is an agreement between the County and Allen-Beyer Funeral Home setting forth the responsibilities, services, and costs. There is an increase in cost. Prior to 02/21/200`1, the rate was$450.00 which was the rate for 20 years. On'02/21/2001 the rate increased to$900.00 per cremation/burial and this rate has been static for 12 Vz years. The new rate is $1200.00 per cremation/burial(adult)and$600.00 per cremation/burial(child). PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: Board approved contract on February 21,2001 CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES:N/A STAFF RECOIV NDATIONS:Approval TOTAL COST:$1 00 00/cremation/buriai INDIRECT COST: BUDGETED: Yes X DIFFERENTIAL OF LOCAL PREFERENCE: COST TO COUNTY: $1,200/cremation/burial SOURCE OF FUNDS: C��1E2A�— Evtu E REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes_4No X AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: Coup A ! OlPurch�asin / Risk tY �y g Management DOCUMENTATION: Included )( Not Required DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM# Revised 7M MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract with: Allen-Beyer Funeral Contract# Effective Date: 10/16/2013 Expiration Date: 10/15/2018 Contract se/Description: Approval of an Agreement for Disposal of Remains between Allen-Beyer Funeral Home and Monroe CQppjy Board of CgpM Commissioners Social Services for a contract period of 10/16/2013 through 10/15/2018. Contract Manager: Sheryl Graham 292-4510 Social Services (Name} (Ext.) (Department/Stop#) for BOCC meeting on 09/17/2013 Agenda eadline: 09/03/2013 CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: $ $1200.00/ Current Year Portion: $ cremation C)o 1 - 5 30 4 9 Budgeted? YesM No ❑ Account Codes: - - - - Grant: $ County Match: $ ADDITIONAL COSTS Estimated Ongoing Costs: $ 1200.00 per For: cremation/burial (Not included in dollar value above) (e .maintenance,utilities,janitorial,salaries,etc.) CONTRACT REVIEW Changes Date Out Date In Needed Reviewer Division Director YesEj No[El Risk Management YesQ:N — ,3 O.M.B./Purc ing Yes❑No[n/ County Attorney YesEl NOO -Aklj-- 7 /-3 Comments: OMB ljorm Revised 2/27/01 MCP#2 AGREEMENT FOR DISPOSAL OF REMAINS ALLEN-BE ER FUNERAL HOME MONROE COUNTY THIS CONTRACT is made and entered into this 16'h day of October, 2013, by and between Monroe County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida,` whose address is The Historic Ciato Building, 1100 Simonton Street, Suite 2-257, Key West, Florida 33040 (hereafter, "County"), and Allen Funeral Directors, LLC., d/b/a:Allen- Bever Funeral Home, a Florida business whose address is Post Office Box 373000 Key Largo, Florida 33037 {hereafter"Con�ractor") WHEREAS, funeral horses througl-tout the County provide storage refrigerated facilities, and occasionally provide for disposal of remains at County's cost; and WHEREAS, the County entered into an Agreement for Disposal of Remains with Beyer Funeral Home`on February 21, 2001; and WHEREAS, the _former owner of Beyer Funeral Home, Marilyn Beyer, sold the business to Jacqueline Allen and Anthony Allen; and WHEREAS, Jacqueline Allen and Anthony Allen are incorporated as Allen Funeral Directors, LLC., d/b/a/ Allen-Beyer Funeral Home; and WHEREAS, the Contractor has requested and the County has agreed to increase the fee paid for the services provided under this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the parties have found the February 21, 2001 agreement mutually beneficial; and WHEREAS, the parties rtititually agree to terminate the February 21, 2001 agreement and enter into this agreement in order to reflect the change in ownership and the updated terms of the Agreement; now, therefore IN CONSIDERATION of the following mutual promises and benefits, the parties agree as follows: I. TERM. The term of this agreement is five (5) years beginning October 16, 2013 and terminating on October 15, 201 K 2. TERMINATION OF PRIOR AGREEMENT. The parties mutually agree to terminate the parties February 21, 2001 agreement with neither party having any further rights or obligations under the teams of the February 21, 2001 agreement. . SCOPE OF SERVICES. Contractor shall provide at Contractor's place of business refrigerated storage of deceased individuals transferred to their possession and disposal services as described below. Contractor shall provide to County an original accurate Death Certificate prior to payment under paragraph 5. Disposal may be by cremation or delivery of casket to the Key West Cemetery, or other cemetery designated by the County, for vault interment. Cremation services include: the statutorily required approval by Medical Examiner for cremation, and disposal of remains, including placement in a temporary container, unless otherwise directed by the County. County shall direct Contractor as to the means of disposal, whether cremation or burial. County represents that for each body it directs Contractor to process and dispose under this Agreement. County has anatomical board authority, if applicable, under Section 406.52, F.S. to dispose. 4. The Contractor "shall maintain all licenses and insurance required for operation of a funeral home and shall obtain burial transit permits and any other legally required permits for disposal or cremation of or transfer of, a deceased individual. 5. COSTS. (a) County shall pay Contractor for each "unclaimed" or indigent body processed either through cremation or for interment, in the amount of $1,200.00. In the event the County has received only partial remains or the remains of an infant, County shall pay $600. 0. This cost shall encompass burials of unidentified bodies, zeigler-type or badger caskets for decomposed bodies, flat' top casket (gray cloth covered, white interior,; fixed handles), particle board flat top casket (metal bar hardware, gray cloth covered), pain pine casket (no dandles, white interior), raised top pine casket (handles and white interior), or equivalent caskets, and embalming and all other services 'necessary for the disposal of remains ,by cremation or interment, including but not limited to removal and transfer of remains to funeral home, to crematory, to cemetery, or to Monroe County Social Services office. The County will be responsible for transfer oTcrernated remains to family members or others as appropriate and shall ensure the most economical and secure delivery service passible in each set ofcircumstances. (b) County shall pay in accordance with the Florida Local Government Prompt Payment Act; payment wiil be made by submission of invoice by Contractor. (c) Contractor shall sUbrnit. in arrears, invoices to County with supporting documentation acceptable to the Clerk. Acoptability to the Clerk is based on generally accepted accountinia principles anfj s acih lavvs, rules and regulations as may govern the Clerk's disbursal of i1tnds. (d) he contract amou-nt agreed to herein may be adjusted annually, on the renewal date of each year, by a percentage equal to the percentage increase in the CPI for urban consumers for the preceding calendar year. 5. LIMITATION OF SERVICES. (a) The services shall be limited to unclaimed bodies or those for which the County has made a determination of indigency. Bodies which are claimed by no one but for which there are assets to cover the cost of cremation or burial are not covered by this agreement. If the County has determined that there was no indigency but the funeral home processes through the court a request for disposal of assets without administration and, as a r,sult, is paid the full amount of known assets, which is less than S1,200, the County shall reimburse the funeral home the difference between $1,200 and the amount received through the court proceeding. Court costs may be reimbursed at the discretion of the Director of Social Services. (b) No funeral service shall be authorized by County for any deceased individual processed under this agreement. 6. INDEMNIFY AND HOi1D HARMLESS. Notwithstanding any minimum insurance requirements prescribed elsewhere in this agreement, Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hoid the COl TY and the COUNTY's elected and appointed officers and employees harmless from and against (i) any claims, actions or causes of action, (ii) any litigation. administrative proceedings, appellate proceedings, or other proceedings relating to any type of injury (including death), loss, damage, fine, penalty or business interruption, and (iii) a,ay costs or expenses that may be asserted against, initiated with respect to, o.- sustained by, any indemnified party by reason of, or in connection w ah. (A) any activity of or any of its employees, agents, contractors or other invitees during the tear, orl'this Agreement,(B) the negligence or willful misconduct of Contractor or any a 1, its employees, agents, sub-contractors or other invitees, or (C) Contractor's default in respect of any of the obligations that it undertakes under the terms of this Contractor's, except to the extent the claims, actions, causes of action. litigation, proceedings, costs or expenses arise from the intentional or sole negligent acts or omissions of the COUNTY or any of its employees, agents, contractors or invitees (other than Contractor). Additionally, Contractor shall not be liable for those errors or omissions of County in giving direction to Contractor for disposal of any specific body or rerna ns. Contractor relies upon the County to exercise due diligence to locate fainily members and to issue proper disposal directions to Contractor. Insofar as the clairns, actions. causes of action, litigation, proceedings, Costs or expenses relate to events or circumstances that occur during the term of this Agreement, this section will Qurn iEle the expiration of the term of this Agreement or any earlier terniination of this A -ee.nent; 7. BOOKS. RECORDS and DOCUMENTS. Contractor shall maintain all books, records, and documents dire-etly pertinent to performance under this Agreement in accordance with generally accept,;d accouraing principles consistently applied. Each party to this Agreement or their authori eo representatives shall have reasonable and timely access to such records of each other party to this Agreement for public records purposes during the ten- of the Agreement and for four years following the termination of this Agreement. If an auditor employed b-v the County or Clerk determines that monies paid to Contractor pursuant to this Agreement were spent for purposes not authorized by this Agreement, the Contractor shall repay the monies together with interest calculated pursuant to See. 55.03; I=S, runnini( from the date the monies were paid to Contractor. 8. GOVERNING LAW, VENUE. and INTERPRETATION. (a) This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the :Mate of Florida applicable to contracts made and to be performed entirely in the State. (b) In the event that any cause of action or administrative proceeding is instituted for the e iforcement o- interpretation of this Agreement, the County and Contractor aLge ., that venue will sie in the appropriate court or before the appropriate administrative body in N'lonroe County, Flon" <a. (c) r he County and Contractor agr-,e that, in the event of conflicting interpretations of the terms or a tzmin of this Agr,-emem by or between any of them the issue shallbe submit-,.ed to mediat_on prior t<; the instituticn of any ether administrative or legal proceeding. 9. SEVERABILITV. If any tuna, covenant, condition, or provision of this Agreement (or the application thereof to any circumstance or person) shall be declared invalid or unenfof ceable to any ext-ent by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining terms, covenants, conditions, and provisions of this Agreement, shall not be affected tncreby; and each remaining term, c ovcnant. conidition, and provision of this Agreement shall be valid and shall be enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law unless the enforcement of the remaining terms., covenants, conditions, and provisions of this Agreement would prevent the accomplishment of the original intent of this Agreement. The County and Contractor agr.c to rt tfbrni the Agreement to replace any stricken provision wi h a vatid provision that cones as close as possible to the intent of the stricken prowsi< n. 10. ATTORNEY* FEES and COSTS. The County and Contractor agree that in the event any cause of actin or administrative proceeding is initiated or defended by any party relative to the -C.-Corcerr ent or interpretation of this Agreement, the prevailing party shalt be entitled to reasonas e ttorney's fees, court costs, investigative, and out-of-pocket expenses, as an award against the non-prevailing party, and shall include attorney's fees. courts costs, investigative, and out-of-pocket expenses in appellate proceedings. Mediation proceedings initiated and conducted pursuant to this Agreement shall be in accordance with the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure and usual and customary procedures required by the circuit court of Monroe County. I1. BINDING EFFECT. The terrns, covenants, conditions, and provisions of this Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the County and Contractor and their respective legal representatives, successors, and assigns. 12. AETEORITY. Each party represents and warrants to the other that the execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement have been duly authorized by all necessary County and corporate action, as required by law, 13. CLAVv S FOR FEDEP_6,1: or STATE AID. Contractor and County agree that each }hall be. and is, empowert d :j app'y for, seek, and obtain federal and state funds to furl-kcr the purpose of this Agreen-i. at, -rovided that all applications, requests, grant proposals, and funding solicitations shall be approved by each party prior to submission. 14. ADJUDICATION of D'I'SP"TES or DISAGREEMENTS. County and Contractor agree that all disputes � _:id disagreements shall be attempted to be resolved by meet and confer sessions between representatives of each of the parties. If no resolution can be agreed upon within 30 da-,s after the .-St meet and confer session, the issue or issues shall bc discussed at a publ-c men nu of the Board of County Commissioners. If the issue or issues ire still not resolved to the satisfaction of the parties, then any party shall have the right to seek such relief or remedy as may be provided by this Agreement or by Florida law. Balanc. Df Pay lnte Iionahy Left Mank 15. NOTICE RE D 'RE ENT Any notice required or permitter; under this agreement shall be in writing and hand delivered or railed, postage prepaid, to the other party by certified mail, returned receipt requested,to the following: For County: For Contractor. Director of Social Services Allen-Meyer Funeral Home Shend Graham Post Office Box 373000 1106 Simonton St. Suite 2-256 Key Largo, Florida 33037 Key West, Florida 3 3040 And Monroe County Attorney's Office 1111 12". St. Suite 408 Key West, F 1. 33040 16. COOP ERATIO��'o In the event any administrative or legal proceeding is instituted against either party relating to the formation, execution, performance, or breach of this Agreement, County and Contractor agree to participate, to the extent required by the other party, in all proceed n s, hearings, processes, meetings, and other activities related to the szbstance of this Agreement or provision of the services under this Agreement. County and Contractor specifk-ally agree that no party to this Agreement shall be required to enter into any arbitration proceedings related to this Agreement. 17. NONDISCRIMINATION Contractor agrees that there will be no discrimination agair st any pers-on, and it is expressly understood that upon a determination by a court of competent jurisdiction that discrimination has occurred, this Agreement autornatica ly terminates wit'hou{ any further action on the part of any party, effective the -late of the court or .zzr. Contracmr agrees to comply with all Federal and Florida statutes. and all local ordinances, as applicable. relating to nondiscrimination. These include out are not limited to. 1) Title Vi of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (PL 88- 352) which pro. bits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin; 2) Title IX of the Education Amendment o f 1972. as an-.,ended (20 USC ss. 1681-1683, and 1685- 1686) which prohibits discrimination on Lhe basis of sex; 3) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1 =73. as am ndec ,2 CSC S. 794 . which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicaps; 4) Tlae `Y.ge DiscE'innination Act of 1975, as amended (42 USC ss. 611- 61;-_ ) whi<sh prohibits discrirrinatirnn the basis of age; } The Drug Abuse Office and T,£-ratLment A ;t of 1972 `PI, Q-25_"), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of dreg abuse,; 6) `l'he Con pn:hensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehab 'itation Act of 1970 (PL 91-616), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of alcohc! abuse or alcoholism: 7) The Public Health Service Act of 1912, ss. 523 any 527 (42 SC ss. 690dd-3 and 290ee-3), as amended, relating to confidentiality of alcohol and dr£1 t noose patient records; 8) Title VII1 of the Civil Rights act of 1963 (42 USC s. et seq.), as amended. relating to nondiscrimination in the sale, rental �--)r financing of ho-u sing,: 9, The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 USC s. 1201 Note), as maybe z,-,,mended from time to time, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of disability. 10) Any other nondiscrimination provisions in any Federal or state statutes which may apply to the parties to, or the subject matter of, this Agreement. 18. COVENANT or NO INTEREST. County and Contractor covenant that neither presently has any interest, and shall not acquire any interest, which would conflict in any manner or degree with its performance -,,nder this Agreement, and that the only interest of each is to perform and receive benefits as recited in this Agreement. 19. CODE of ETHI'C"S. County agrees that officers and employees of the County recognize and will be required to comply with the standards of conduct for public officers and employees as delineated in Section 112.313, Florida Statutes, regarding, but not limited to, solicitation or acceptance of gifts; doing business with one's agency; unauthorized compensation; misuse of public position, conflicting employment or contractual relationship; and disciosure or use of certain information. Y 20. NO SOLICH ATI01i/PA ,'j`VTJ "IT. The County and Contractor warrant that, in respect to itself, it has tie-ither employed nor retained any company or person, other than a bona fide e�Tinlovee v,-,)rkino solely ibr it, to solicit or secure this Agreement and that it has not paid or agreed it) pay an,,,, person, company, corporation, individual, or firm, other than a bona fide employee o,,orkmg solely for it, any fee., commission, percentage, gift, or other consideration �ontirgent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreernient. For th� bre,�,--ch or violation of the provision, the Contractor agrees that the County shall have }h.- r1gyInt to terminate this Agreement without liability and, at its discretion, to offset fron, monCS or otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage., gift, or consideration. 2L PLIBLIC ACCEI,;S. Pursu.aini to Florida Statute §119.0701, Contractor and its subcontractors s' all comrl,-v with all public records laws of the State of Florida, including but not limited to: a) Keep and maintain publv- records that ordinarliy and necessarily would be required by I'Vionroe Coum,, in the performance of this Agreement. b) Provide the pubhc with ac,-,,ss to pu'ntic records on the same terms and conditions that Monroe County would,11 provide the records and at a cost that does not exceed the cost pico,�'&d in Fio-.,`.c;a Statutes. Chapter 119 or as otherwise provided by c) Ensure that public records d"liat art- exernpi or confidential and exempt from public req-,j;-,-, ate Aot (Jisc!osed e-I cept as authorized by law. d) Meet all requlr:ments for retarn=inr .,, trub!ic records and transfer, at no cost, to Monroe Cor ntv all public tx:cord Y in Possession of the contractor upon termination of this Agreement and destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. All records stored electronically must be provided to Monroe County in a format that is compatible xvith the inforr..dtion recF noloa� systems of Monroe County. 22. NON-WAIVER of ll iUNIT '. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sec. 768.28, Florida Statutes, the participation of the County and the Contractor in this Agreement and the acquisition r3' any c orr=mercial liability insurance coverage, self- insurance coverage, or local go.wirlrment !i::+ility insurance pool coverage shall not be deemed a vv °Far €it rnur,f) * °^e ex t�nt )f } ° llty coverage, nor shall any contract entered into V� 1+e County be rest deed to ccrr.-a.�n any provision for waiver. 23. PlyiVILEUES and 1MMUNiH1iES. All of the privileges and immunities from liability, exernptic ns from yaws ordina lees, and rules and pensions and relief, disability, workers' compensation, and other benefits which apply to the activity of officers, agents, or employees of any public agents or employees of the County, when performing their respecove fund o=_s under this Agreement within the territorial limits of the County s-flall apply to the same degree and extent to the performance of such functions and duties of such officers, agents, volunteers.. or employees outside the territorial limits of the County. 24. LEGAL OBLICATIONS and RESPONSIBILITIES: Non-Delegation of Constitutional or statutory Dan S. f his Agrccment is not intended to, nor shall it be construed as, relieving any pare, ipati g , ntity from any obligation or responsibility imposed upon the ent-M, by laNv cxcept to the extent of actual and timely performance thereof by an-v pa ficip rtim4 entr}, ., in ,,.,h=°ch c so the ?erformance may be offered in satisfaction !i tm o.. �g:raron or ?rr € }h_ F u�-flaer, this Agreement is not intended to, nor shall it b� construed as, autl c =izing !ho dclelglrtion of the constitutional or statutory duties of the County, except to the extent permitted by the Florida constitution, state statute, and case law, 25. N ON-REL`tAN ;l by N()N-F ARTIES. No person or entity shall be entitled to re'y upon the terms, or say of °i # rrr. of this Agreement to enforce or attempt to enforce any third-p3Nt claim o: .ntitlr r 4,= : to or benefit of any service or program contem-plated, hereunder. and the t%-,unt_, an'di the t_ontractor agree that neither the County nor the Contractor or any agent, dicer. , . .rrpl ° e of either shall have the authority to inform, counsel, or otherwise Indicate that any particular individual or group of individuals, entity or entities, hay, c-ntitl e; -ats or benefits under this Agreement separate and apart. inferior to, or super:c r to tint tw mmunity in general or for the purposes contemplate l n this A= �-eement. 26. NO P",-RSONAL LIA11311-T1 Y. No covenant or agreement contained herein shall be deemed to be a co-.,errant or agreement of any member, officer, agent, or employee of Monroe County in his or her individual capacity, and no member, officer, agent, or employee of-Monroe Cc .nty shal! i-)k- liable personally on this Agreement or be subject to any persorai liability ,-Ir accountability by reason of the execution of this Agreement. 27. EXECUTION in COUINTERPARTS. This Agreement . may be executed in any number of counterparts. each of which shall be regarded as an original, all of which taken together shall constitute one ind the same instrument and any of the parties hereto may execute this Agreement signing any such counterpart. /8. SEC-i[ON HEik-ANGS, Section headings have been inserted in this Agreement as a matter of convenic,rice of re,'c--reace only, and it is agreed that such section headings are not a part of this Agreement art-32 will not be used in the interpretation of any provision of this Agreement. 29. FE`-Y----WZAL, ST/il'E an:` LOCAI, LAW. The Contractor shall compiy with all federal. sta-c, county and focal taws, ordinances, rules and regulations now and hereafter in force which rnav be a--licab!e v, theo,,leration of its business. REV,'EW. This a` has been carefully reviewed by Contractor and the County, therefore this agreement is not to be construed against either party on the basis of authorship. 1. P1JJf3LiC ENTITY CRIIVE STATEMENT. A person or affiliate who has been placed or,, the convicted, vertaor Est following a conviction for public entity crime may noa sub alit a bid. on a- contract T,,o provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract a public entity for the construction or repair of a public lbuilding or ),iblilc n3ay not submit bids on leases of real U property to public ewity. may ;lot b-; a-:,-ar`:ed or p��-rforrn work as a contractor, supplier, swocol.-itractor. or consullant undtr a ccr.tract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017. for Category Two for a period of 36 months from the date of being placcd on, the core 'ct�A Vjst. If the Contractor is on the convicted vendor list, t1he-n th's, Contract Is %.,o;.d a') i,-,;iio with the County under no obligation to pay the coritrl-ctor an) cornPensz-,,"1,on cr -ander any legal theory whatsoever. 3%. "THIGS CL,V- SE. Cot tractor warrants that he/it has not employed, r("tained or otherwise 'Cad act #v 1's"Its behalf any former County officer or employee subject ic, the prohibition of Section 21' of Ordinance No. 010-1990 or any County officer or employee in violation ot-Section 3 of Ordinance No. 010-1990. For breach or violation of this proxl:,zlon the (-,',,-)u-itv may, in its discretion, terminate this contract Wit!'c;€lt fiabE'iry and m1av ads . i,. its a,scretion, deduct 1rom the contract or purchase price, or otherwise recover, the full amount of any fee, commission, percentage, gift, car consideration paid to the fors er County officer or employee. 33. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR.Pa:OR. In carrying out the work the Contractor is an in&per dent cor tractor an,,J in no way may be considered or deemed an employee or officer of the County_ 34.' ASSIGNMENT. The Co ntra to may not assign this Contract, or subcontract the N,,ork.xNithout the p;sor Nwitten approval of the County. IN WITNESS WHEROF, County and G-M,;ractor have executed this Agreement as of the date first wriFften abo�'e. (SEAL) 2OARD OI; COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Attest: AM'`i- IDEAVILI , Clerk OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Deputy Clerk Mayor/Chairman Date: Date.: C01VI-RACT OR By: Jacq ine Allen and Antho�nyAllen Title: ( A 0 C NTY 0 OV ASPE T CO 'P.(MO NEY Date FAX NO. :3054511445 Aug. 24 2007 04:09PM P2 A✓'���1. 1[ , a s Y r _ Y'e FOR ' 3 , mm, N et t heti ` ay L , 2 i b3► J dlb_Omn Monme Cam, a political subdivisi& of tom•S#a f va is se adEl sls 1' ih Sex3uilding; .51W College Rcd, ley Rest, 9 {�}, WYW r k�r basins whose sddvm'is Post affioe": , g funeral homes thr tltc Pt swa . pctri%ide fc dim of re am. at�s WHEREAd havo iou*-b no f l'C Pdlt W.the following 't]!tltUal i 1 ...:` U term of this agreement €roar terminated by :may=,sad tti�e being�++�tt0' comet party thirty days before the �r1, prbNjI trSCW b�nefrigerMed s Iage of dead tedies�to thik,p iii aftd � ' . to-Cowty, an:On i s W may be byamm `cxdfi► f l cy @l e +l�crnte�y, desk by 'tlte +Cctrhty, �. . `si by Medical Fire-fsx'' aad mil'off' t htd pl$ ent.in a y diner,unlras :dk r th.- iiity:. as to the s of dill,. twl r*Pmeft r' N)dy 4& Co n wtor to prows a _z�isp :tom t , �'1�• board auffionty �245.07, ► 1~.� 1 Vie, Cbnbusor l mainWn all licenses and ce• ; a + fi•"t ObOin borial transit permits tl o c trarsfiet aE dead,body. • ' - sal pay Cow for oph "ter med `oi b� prompid n or for intecmen#,in the t .1T4};° cif motif bad" � k or badger . g type- f�de�alpr�eel byes,. .. c oet� 0 er4 Wh&interior, fixed ha metal bar- gr�►y"ek wvatA P�l casket(no Me�: W white iwr�, or equivalent c�askhts,.anct al aver S&W fix tho .dispcastl +of musins by cremation. .i t —but, mA '. lint .to,removal acid�of memain to fimeral lice,fc>a��: PMO l y. The, . Ar d ti s for of .1°'s�. or as appropriate arrd dwl requ im the mod economical ' 1+a m:e h's of dramstgam regardiag the body and the next of kin. 44 ft - .. Pq Mil f4Mi 0 . wof mmains rx one.. MA atemmen t are rw coyeft&';63�!, . �,rar• , An Jib .?tTlii the 164em Uni 'c' are c r f 4' We att�ttt f t tx�iutt } 01 'MOUM Cot*Board of •.. y�jry�yY/w`�� ■((■ ♦;fit p Z a11' fair / i buy {�{j _ w fUpry;go ees sf .eIn OWACCUM with, or*t�, AmyMc - s `. C`�cxritract�arr it4 subcxatr S a�A' �t:of X Ott b -tiabk it te.emn md 00hskm vfAcbUtwiff. to, C >I r d*K.MW Of MY Ved b* or mmim eac tie. tt D ;ltjc Emily m ind. #o to W . _ _ •R,..4�.� 3. .'may 't 1 " y3 Pn�4. .;�:�t�. '> S $ - ..�.. •3"a nLsn�.£�' s --r� � r £-.e "�`<'sY'�'�`'l 'Sr. Cy aM CRT ST�4'�MOMM. A pi, tw. � t ' n�i • abW tYtt opDt Lt to pie my @Dods or�toB �. a � �4 � & bif kam of-real pW!,tY to SIC m�ty.ttOt ' `UOCKMU7cior, Or cOnwitant under, Ocatra I�S«MU $. Y pd with any pubhe entity W emu, tom: o t 2V.017 for CateMy Two for a.pe€iad.of 3t . :fi, t o ate o g c list. If the Cor is tiie:inict n v d tuft, the County under no of nr age ner any legal theory�. kft4t§CLAUSE The Provider wwramu_t�at1. or hiAts behalf any formes Ctuiht�r t` tit pro 'lu�oh of Sa�c#ioii=2 of Ordinance No. 010-1990 or any ., 3' at t a� ui rrtolaIjDU OSection I of+1 ayo�e�I�I��o.y�010-1 . For•bat r - ,-ltii inf mft this � x "« � 't�y iy lit Ci1� Ctx tt duct fiom'thc contract or pwrlmw price, or otlicu� ve , fug°antc t a�f arty: ;: per, gift, or cmaitleration p :to.:the:fii1rner ty.` I U.. FNL"IMENT CONTRACTOR- In W8 o11f the v�rorlc tie iS stt iudependft conuico'wid in no way may be cowkkmd or defied an p eg c�� of t� f je' • .. - .�_<-r� �a �"1. J�'�� 1 YF a t r s FROM :BEYER FUNERAL HOME FAX NO. :3054511445 Aug.. 24 2007 04:13PM PI "s. 5� 1. V-�.'IAW. This'� it S t s tilt " t. Lrida. di me yam its iwplc�rm or k fay �s 8 " Qolor,laelig ii ;Wit;t t nl or d abtDit The Cafflftt P� $r any iiibc+� iwat&d under t#tis Cow - . rrym�is+�iailfie�,:tZed _ - . 131 A�S��.i�t'i: ���ttzay aot assign&i*�,•� Works #.w anal of*e .y. E"Cllrk OPOMPNROE C CttdTY A r� AL CONTRACTOR Anint Title Tide FROM :EEYER FUNERPL HOME FAX NO. :3054511445 Aug. 24 2007 04:0" P1 O'JNT-Yd' POE DWe 81 �P�o�fiem NM.WHNi,,DLWia 4 5If)(►� W'g i� K6bmz 5 Key 11 84 m 3-,4 40 OR*"24573 _ (305)29145I7.FAX March 14, Zt3fl1 Mrs. MAri 1 yn -Buyer owner .Beyer Funeral. mome P. 0. Box 3000 ' .Key Largo,% .Florida 33070 RE,: eaernent for- Bisposal of Rears. Lear IMirs: ,Sayer: For. your records., enclosed please find a €'Ily ,executed, duplicate original of the above-captioned Agreement wdth = Monroe County., Please note that due to an error,:In tie regal department,. the contract did not go into, effect UTIta February 21,' 2001. Sincerely, Louim LaTorr;�!s 6 rector Social Services" . Tit igc Enclosure r