Item C35 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: September 17, 2013 Division: Employee Services Bulk Item: Yes X No _ Department: Employee Benefits Staff Contact Person/Phone #: Maria Gonzalez Ext. 4448 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of revisions to the Benefit Booklet (Plan Document) for Covered Plan Participants of the Group Health Insurance Plan ITEM BACKGROUND: The revisions clarify coverage for participants in regards to their benefits and how they are being administered. Other revisions are in compliance with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). There is no substantive dollar impact for the changes being recommended. The changes mostly clarify language regarding benefits for covered plan participants. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: On November 20, 2012, the BOCC approved the current Plan Document with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval TOTAL COST: N/A INDIRECT COST: BUDGETED: Yes _No DIFFERENTIAL OF LOCAL PREFERENCE: Internal Service Fund COST TO COUNTY: N/A SOURCE OF FUNDS: Primarily Ad Valorem REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No X AMOUNT PER MONTH Year P APPROVED BY: County Att_ OMB/Purcliasing Risk Managemeyd� DOCUMENTATION: Included X Not Required DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM# Revised 7/09 Ad& BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS County of Monroe Mayor George ,Heatheeugent,r District 2 Mayor Pro Tern,Heather Carruthers,District 3 The Florida Keys Danny L.Kolhage,District 1 David Rice,District 4 Sylvia J.Murphy,District 5 Office of the Employee Services Division Director The Historic Gato Cigar Factory 1100 Simonton Street,Suite 268 Key West,FL 33040 (305)292-4458—Phone (305)292-4564-Fax TO: Mayor Neugent and Commissioners FROM: Teresa Aguiar, Director Employee Services DATE: July 31, 2013 SUBJ: Group Health Plan Document—Revisions This item requests approval to revise the Plan Document for covered plan participants. This is the sole document used in determining the benefits of eligible covered persons of the County's Health Insurance Plan. The Plan is being revised as follows: • Page 2-3 Newly Added Language clarifies coverage. There is no change in the benefit Payment Guidelines for Autism Spectrum Disorder The covered therapies provided in the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder outlined in paragraph three above will be applied to the Outpatient Therapies Benefit Period maximum set forth in the Schedule of Benefits. Autism Spectrum Disorder Services must be authorized in accordance with the BCBSF's established criteria,before such Services are rendered. Services performed without authorization will be denied. Authorization for coverage is not required when Covered Services are provided for the treatment of an Emergency Medical Condition. Exclusion: Any Services for the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder other than as specifically identified as covered in this section. Note: In order to determine whether such Services are covered under this Benefit Booklet,we reserve the right to request a formal written treatment plan signed by the treating Physician to include the diagnosis,the proposed treatment type,the frequency with which the treatment plan will be updated, but no less than every 6 months. This Benefit Booklet will only cover services to the extent included in the treating physician's formal written treatment plan. 1 of 7 • Page 2-6 Newly added language regarding payment under the requirements of PPACA (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act)for Emergency Medical Services. Emergency Services Emergency Services for an Emergency Medical Condition are covered when rendered in-Network and Out- of-Network without the need for any prior authorization determination by us. When Emergency Services and care for an Emergency Medical Condition are rendered by an Out-of- Network Provider,any Copayment and/or Coinsurance amount applicable to in-Network Providers for Emergency Services will also apply to such Out-of-Network Provider. Special Payment Rules for Non-Grandfathered Plans The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act(PPACA)requires that non-grandfathered health plans apply a specific method for determining the allowed amount for Emergency Services rendered for an Emergency Medical Condition by Providers who do not have a contract with us. Payment for Emergency Services rendered by an Out-of-Network Provider that has not entered into an agreement with BCBSF to provide access to a discount from the billed amount of that Provider will be the greater of: 1. the amount equal to the median amount negotiated with all BCBSF In-Network Providers for the same Services; 2. the Allowed Amount as defined in the Booklet; 3. the usual and customary Provider charges for similar Services in the community where the Services were provided, or 4. what Medicare would have paid for the Services rendered. In no event will Out-of-Network Providers be paid more than their charges for the Services rendered. • Page 2-13 Language consolidated to incorporate adults and children rather than breaking them out into two separate components. There are no substantive changes. `a'through `h'is a requirement of PPA CA. • Page 2-14 Exclusions—Language added to define the guidelines used by BCBSFL for sterilization and contraceptive implants. Preventative Adult Welln Health Services Preventative adult wellness Services are covered for both adults and children based on prevailing medical standards and recommendations which are explained further below. Some examples of preventive health Services include,but are not limited to, periodic routine health exams, immunizations and related preventive Services such as Prostate Specific Antigen(PSA),routine mammograms and pan smears. In order to be covered, Services shall be provided in accordance with prevailing medical standards consistent with: amour-plan For-par-poses of this L.o^��+, an adult is 17 year-s or-elder-. in ordeF to be eever-ed, SeFviees shall be provided in aeraer-danee with pf:e ailing fnediraal standards 2 of 7 1. Evidence-based items or Services that have in effect a rating of`A' or `B' in the current recommendations of the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force established under the Public Health Service Act; 2. Immunizations that have in effect a recommendation from the Advisory Committee on immunization Practices of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention established under the Public Health Service Act with respect to the individual involved; and 3. with respect to women, such additional preventative care and screenings not described in paragraph(4-)number one as provided for in comprehensive guidelines supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration. Women's preventive coverage under this category includes: a. well-woman visits; b. Screening for gestational diabetes; c. Human papillomavirus testing; d. Counseling for sexually transmitted infections; e. Counseling and screening for human immune-deficient vy irus; f. Contraceptive methods and counseling; g_ Screening and counseling for interpersonal and domestic violence, and h. Breastfeeding support supplies and counseling. Breastfeeding supplies are limited to one manual breast pump per pregnancy. Exclusion: Routine vision and hearing examinations and screenings are not covered,except as required under paragraph number one above. Sterilization Procedures covered under this section are limited to tubal ligations only. Contraceptive implants are limited to Intrauterine devices(IUD)only, including insertion and removal. Preventative Child Mealth Supervision Sen4ees hirthdaY afe eevered. 1 id based items a Sefyiees that heave ' ff t 4i« f'A' 'B' the t �pTlQpfipp-pQ�ITiCGI1TS"17r4GIl�GOSC'lRir'lliTtO'�77rGITOGt-CTTCTCIII�p�2 I i pI D III CIIG eC[rrGilHealth Sen4ee r-eeemmendations of the U.S. Preventive Seniees Task For-ee es4ablished under-the Public f 7 z 4ions tha4 have i e ff et n admien -rem the Advise.-y Commit+°° e involved;immuniza4ien Pr-aetiraes of the Centers fer-Disease Control and Wevenfien established unde 3. with r-espeet to f f and f • Page 3-1 Language removed regarding adult wellness in compliance with PPACA. 3 of 7 • Page 3-4 Language removed in regards to the specific reference to Child and Adult in compliance with PPA CA. Immunizations except those covered under the Preventive Child Health gupem4sien Services or I eventive Adult Wellness Ser-viees sategeFies category of the"What is Covered?" section. • Page 5-2 Newly added language to address the Per Admission Deductible and Emergency Room Visit Deductible. There is no change in the benefit. 4. Emergency Room Facility Copayment: The emergency room facility Copayment applies regardless of the reason for the visit, is in addition to the applicable Coinsurance amount,and applies to emergency room facility Services in or outside the state of Florida. The emergency room facility Copayment must be satisfied by you for each visit. If you are admitted to the Hospital as an inpatient at the time of the emergency room visit,the emergency room facility Copayment will be waived, but you will still be responsible for the inpatient facility Copayment. Hospital Per Admission Deductible The Hospital Per Admission Deductible(PAD)must be satisfied by each Covered Plan Participant,for each Hospital admission,before any payment will be made for any claim for inpatient Health Care Services. The Hospital Per Admission Deductible applies regardless of the reason for the admission, is in addition to the Deductible requirement, and applies to all Hospital admissions in or outside the state of Florida. Emergency Room Per Visit Deductible The Emergency Room Per Visit Deductible(PVD) is set for the in the Schedule of Benefits. The Emergency Room Per Visit Deductible applies regardless of the reason for the visit, is in addition to the Deductible,and applies to emergency room services in or outside the state of Florida. The Emergency room Per Visit Deductible must be satisfied by each Covered Plan Participant for each visit. If the Covered Plan Participant is admitted to the Hospital at the time of the emergency room visit,the Emergency Room Per Visit Deductible will be waived. • Page 5--3 Clarification of language of how Plan is set up and being administered There is no change in benefit Family out-of-pocket maximum If your plan includes a family out-of-pocket maximum, once your family has reached the family—out-of pocket maximum amount listed in the Schedule of Benefits,neither you nor your covered family members will have any additional out-of-pocket responsibility for the remainder of that Benefit Period and we will pay 100 percent of the Allowed Amount for Covered Services rendered during the remainder of that Benefit Period. The maximum amount any one Covered Person in your family can contribute toward the family ou- of-pocket maximum, if applicable, is the amount applied toward the individual out-of-pocket maximum. Please see your Schedule of Benefits for more information. Note: The-Dedestible, any applicable Copayments and Coinsurance amounts will accumulate toward the out-of-pocket maximums. Any benefit penalty reductions, Deductible,PAD, PVD, non-covered charges or any charges in excess of the allowed Amount will not accumulate toward the out-of-pocket maximums. If 4of7 the Group has purchased Prescription Drug coverage,any applicable Cost Share under the Prescription Drug coverage,will not apply to the Deductible or the out-of-pocket maximums under this Booklet. • Page 74 Clarification of language describing how payment are being made to the BlueCard (out of State)Providers. No change in benefits. BlueCard(Out-of-State)Program the amount yeu pay for-Gever-ed Sef-viees is ealeaule4ed on the!owe The negetiated priee theA the oft site Blue Cross and/er-Blue Shield Plan("Host Blue")passes e OR a,this"fiegetieAed Providers Outside the Sme of FlorWa withhelds,an),ether-eantingent payment a"angements and fien ralaims 4msaetiens with your-health rare Pr-evider-ef with a specified gfeep of Providers. The negotiated pFiee f"ay alse be bbilled aahmges r-edaeed Fefleet an aver-age expeeted savings with year-health eafe Pr-evider-er-with a speeified group of Pr-evide The pr-iee that fellee4s — . gs may result in gmmer-var-iatiea(more er-less)ffem the aetual pr-ioe paid than will the estimated pfiee. The negetiated pAraelAill alse be pr-espeefively!djusted in the fi4" eeffeet fer-ever- or-under-estimation ef past priees. However-,the affieffflt)'OH pay*S refiSideFed a final wise: StffPdtes in a small nufobff ef states may r-equir-e the Hest Blue to use a basis for-ealetilating a raever-ed individual's liability for-Cevefed Sef:N,iees that does fiet r-efleet the efftir-e savings malized, of:expeeted to be realized,en a paAietilar-elaim er-te add a surehar-ge. Should afty state stattAes fnaffdate liability ealetilatieft fnetheds that differ-ftem the usual 13IueQrd fnethed neted abeve in par-agf:aph ene of this seetien Or-Feqtfife a suFehar-ge,we will then ealeaulate your-liability fer-any Govefed Sef-Aees ift aeeer-danee with the applieab4e Out-of-Area Services We have a variety of relationships with other Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Licensees referred to generally as"Inter-Plan Programs". Whenever you obtain Health Care Services outside of our service area,the claims for these Services may be processed through one of these Inter-Plan Programs,which include the BlueCard Program and may include negotiated national Account arrangements available between us and other Blue Cross and Blue Shield Licensees. Typically,when accessing care outside our service area,you will obtain care from health care Providers that have a contractual agreement(i.e., are"participating providers")with the local Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Licensee in that other geographic area("Host Blue"). In some instances,you may obtain care from non-participating health care Providers. Our payment practices in both instances are described below. BlueCard Program Under the BlueCard Program when you access Covered Services within the geographic area served by a Host Blue we will remain responsible for fulfilling our contractual obligations. However,the Host Blue is responsible for contracting with and generally handling all interactions with its participating health care Providers. 5 of 7 Whenever you access Covered Services outside our service area and the claim is processed through the B1ueCard Program,the amount you pay for Covered Services is calculated based on the lower of: • The billed covered charges for your Covered Services;or • The negotiated price that Host Blue makes available to us. Often,this"negotiated price"will be a simple discount that reflects an actual price that the Host Blue pays to your health care Provider. Sometimes, it is an estimated price that takes into account special arrangements with your health care Provider or Provider group that may include types of settlements, incentive payments, and/or other credits or charges. Occasionally, it be an average price, based on a discount that results in expected average savings for similar types of health care Providers after taking into account the same types of transactions as with an estimated price. Estimated pricing and average pricing, going forward,also take into account adjustments to correct for over-or underestimation of modifications of past pricing for the types of transaction modifications noted above. However, such adjustments will not affect the price we use for your claim because they will not be gpplied retroactively to claims already paid. Laws in a small number of states may require the Host Blue to add a surcharge to your calculation. If any state laws mandate other liability calculation methods, including a surcharge,we would then calculate your liability for any Covered Services according to applicable law. Out-of-Network Providers Outside Our Service Area Your Liability Calculation When Covered Services are provided outside of our service area by non-participating health care Providers, the payment will be based on the Allowed Amount as defined in the Benefit Booklet. • Page 8-3 Language removed in regards to the prescription drug prior authorization requirements. Envision handles the County's Prescription Drug Program. BCBSFL handles only the medical pharmacy. Out-of-Network Providers 1. in the ease of Preseription Drugs defieted with a speeial syfflbel in the Medioafien Guide as denial of eover-age for-sueh Preseription Drug,ineluding any Se- Felated—to the Freser-iption Drug or-its administrutio*. FeF additional details oft how to ebtain. ' —�at4her-im4iefi,and for-a list of Weser-ipti • Page 10-1 Language clarified from Covered Employee/Retiree to Participant. No change in benefits. Eligibility Requirements for Dependent(s) 6 of 7 An individual who meets the eligibility criteria specified below is an Eligible Dependent and is eligible to apply for coverage under this Booklet. 1. The Covered I leyee�Retir-ee's Plan Participant's spouse under a legally valid existing marriage under Federal Law. 2. The Covered Efnpleyee4W s Plan Participant's natural, newborn, adopted, Foster,or step child(ren)(or a child for who the Covered Employee has been court-appointed as legal guardian or legal custodian)who has not reached the end of the Calendar Year in which he or she reaches age 26(or in the case of a Foster Child, is no longer eligible under the Foster Child Program), regardless of the dependent child's student or marital status, financial dependency on the Covered Employee,whether the dependent child resides with the Covered Employee, or whether the dependent child is eligible for or enrolled in any other group health plan. • Page 10-2 Handicapped Children—Language changed from the age of 30 to 26. This provides more flexibility for Handicapped dependents because they now do not need to be students or living in Florida between the ages of 26 and 30 to quay for coverage. Handicapped Children In the case of a handicapped dependent child, such child is eligible to continue coverage as a Covered Dependent,beyond the age of 30 26, if the child is: 1. otherwise eligible for coverage under the Group Health Plan; 2. incapable of self-sustaining employment by reason of mental retardation or physical handicap; and 3. chiefly dependent upon the Covered Employee for support and maintenance provided that the symptoms or causes of the child's handicap existed prior to the child's;e 26 1'birthday. This eligibility shall terminate on the last day of the month in which the dependent child no longer meets the requirements for extended eligibility as a handicapped child. 7of7 l Revised BlueOptions Benefit Booklet for Covered Plan Participants of Monroe County BOCC Group Health Plan BlueOptions Benefit Booklet for Covered Plan Participants of Monroe County BOCC Group Health Plan A Self-funded Group Health �= Benefit Plan For Customer Service Assistance: (800) 664-5295 B0611—1/1/13 Divisions 001,C01,R01,R02,002 Table of Contents Section 1: How to Use Your Benefit Booklet............................................................. 1-1 Section2: What Is Covered?.....................................................................................2-1 Section 3: What Is Not Covered?..............................................................................3-1 Section 4: Medical Necessity ....................................................................................4-1 Section 5: Understanding Your Share of Health Care Expenses..............................5-1 Section 6: Physicians, Hospitals and Other Provider Options...................................6-1 Section 7: BlueCarde(Out-of-State) Program...........................................................7-1 Section 8: Blueprint for Health Programs..................................................................8-1 Section 9: Pre-existing Conditions Exclusion Period.................................................9-1 Section 10: Eligibility for Coverage............................................................................ 10-1 Section 11: Enrollment and Effective Date of Coverage............................................ 11-1 Section 12: Termination of Coverage........................................................................ 12-1 Section 13: Continuing Coverage Under COBRA..................................................... 13-1 Section 14: Conversion Privilege...................................................................14-1 Section 15: Extension of Benefits..................................................................15-1 Section 16: The Effect of Medicare Coverage/ Medicare Secondary Payer Provisions .............................................................................................. 16-1 Section 17: Duplication of Coverage Under Other Health Plans/Programs............... 17-1 Section18: Subrogation............................................................................................ 18-1 Section 19: Right of Reimbursement......................................................................... 19-1 Section 20: Claims Processing..................................................................................20-1 Section 21: Relationship Between the Parties...........................................................21-1 Section 22: General Provisions.................................................................................22-1 Section 23: Definitions...............................................................................................23-1 Table of Contents Section 1 : How to Use Your Benefit Booklet This is your Benefit Booklet("Booklet"). It be coordinated with other policies or plans; describes your coverage, benefits, limitations and the Group Health Plan's subrogation and exclusions for the self-funded Group Health rights and right of reimbursement. Benefit Plan ("Group Health Plan" or"Group You will need to refer to the Schedule of Plan")established and maintained by Monroe Benefits to determine how much you have to County BOCC. pay for particular Health Care Services. The sponsor of your Group Health Plan has contracted with Blue Cross Blue Shield of When reading your Booklet, please Florida, Inc. (BCBSF), under an Administrative remember that: Services Only Agreement("ASO Agreement"), • you should read this Booklet in its entirety in to provide certain third party administrative order to determine if a particular Health Care services,including claims processing, customer Service is covered. service, and other services, and access to certain of its Provider networks. BCBSF • the headings of sections contained in this provides certain administrative services only and Booklet are for reference purposes only and does not assume any financial risk or obligation shall not affect in any way the meaning or with respect to Health Care Services rendered to interpretation of particular provisions. Covered Persons or claims submitted for references to"you"or"your'throughout refer processing under this Benefit Booklet for such to you as the Covered Plan Participant and to Services.The payment of claims under the your Covered Dependents, unless expressly Group Health Plan depends exclusively upon stated otherwise or unless, in the context in the funding provided by Monroe County BOCC. which the term is used, it is clearly intended You should read your Benefit Booklet carefully otherwise. Any references which refer solely before you need Health Care Services. It to you as the Covered Plan Participant or contains valuable information about: solely to your Covered Dependent(s)will be noted as such.• your BlueOptions benefits; •• what is covered; references to"we", "us", and "our"throughout refer to Blue Cross and Blue Shield of • what is excluded or not covered; Florida, Inc. We may also refer to ourselves • coverage and payment rules; as"BCBSF". • Blueprint for Health Programs; if a word or phrase starts with a capital letter, it is either the first word in a sentence, a • how and when to file a claim; proper name,a title, or a defined term. If the • how much, and under what circumstances, word or phrase has a special meaning, it will payment will be made; either be defined in the Definitions section or defined within the particular section where it • what you will have to pay as your share; and is used. • other important information including when benefits may change; how and when coverage stops; how to continue coverage if you are no longer eligible; how benefits will How to Use Your Benefit Booklet 1-1 Where do you find information on........ • what particular types of Health Care • how to add or remove a Dependent? Services are covered? Read the"Enrollment and Effective Date of Read the"What Is Covered?"and "What Is Coverage"section. Not Covered?"sections. • what happens if you are covered under • how much will be paid under your Group this Benefit Booklet and another health Health Plan and how much do you have to plan? pay? Read the"Duplication of Coverage Under Read the"Understanding Your Share of Other Health Plans Programs'section. Health Care Expenses'section along with the • what happens when your coverage ends? Schedule of Benefits. • how the amount you pay for Covered Read the"Termination of Coverage"section. Services under the BlueCard (Out-of- • what the terms used throughout this State) Program will be determined when Booklet mean? you receive care outside the state of Read the"Definitions"section. Florida? Read the'BlueCard(Out-of-State) Program" section. Overview of How BlueOptions Works Whenever you need care, you have a choice. If you visit an: In-Network Provider Out-of-Network Provider You receive In-Network benefits, the You receive the Out-of-Network level of highest level of coverage available. benefits—you will share more of the cost of your care. You do not have to file a claim;the claim You may be required to submit a claim form. will be filed by the In-Network Provider for you. The In-Network Provider'is responsible You should notify BCBSF of inpatient for Admission Notification if you are admissions. admitted to the Hospital. "For Services rendered by an In-Network Provider located outside of Florida, you should notify us of inpatient admissions. How to Use Your Benefit Booklet 1-2 Section 2: What Is Covered. Introduction Necessity coverage criteria then in effect, except as specified in this section; This section describes the Health Care Services that are covered under this Benefit Booklet. All 4. in accordance with the benefit guidelines benefits for Covered Services are subject to listed below; your share of the cost and the benefit 5. rendered while your coverage is in force; maximums listed on your Schedule of Benefits, and the applicable Allowed Amount an limitations Y PP � 6. not specifically or generally limited(e.g., and/or exclusions, as well as other provisions Pre-existingCondition exclusionary period) rY P ) contained in this Booklet, and any or excluded under this Booklet. Endorsement(s)in accordance with BCBSF's Medical Necessity coverage criteria and benefit BCBSF or Monroe County BOCC will determine guidelines then in effect. whether Services are Covered Services under this Booklet after you have obtained the Remember that exclusions and limitations also Services and a claim has been received for the apply to your coverage. Exclusions and Services. In some circumstances BCBSF or limitations that are specific to a type of Service Monroe County BOCC may determine whether are included along with the benefit description in Services might be Covered Services under this this section. Additional exclusions and Booklet before you are provided the Service. limitations that may apply can be found in the For example, BCBSF or Monroe County BOCC 'What Is Not Covered?"section. More than one may determine whether a proposed transplant is limitation or exclusion may apply to a specific a Covered Service under this Booklet before the Service or a particular situation. transplant is provided. Neither BCBSF nor Expenses for the Health Care Services listed in Monroe County BOCC are obligated to this section will be covered under this Booklet determine, in advance, whether any Service not only if the Services are: yet provided to you would be a Covered Service unless we have specifically designated that a 1. within the Health Care Services categories Service is subject to a prior authorization in the"What Is Covered?" section; requirement as described in the"Blueprint for 2. actually rendered(not just proposed or Health Programs"section. We are also not recommended)by an appropriately licensed obligated to cover or pay for any Service that health care Provider who is recognized for has not actually been rendered to you. payment under this Benefit Booklet and for In determining whether Health Care Services which an itemized statement or description are Covered Services under this Booklet, no of the procedure or Service which was written or verbal representation by any rendered is received, including any employee or agent of BCBSF or Monroe County applicable procedure code, diagnosis code BOCC, or by any other person, shall waive or and other information required in order to otherwise modify the terms of this Booklet and, process a claim for the Service; therefore, neither you, nor any health care 3. Medically Necessary, as defined in this Provider or other person should rely on any such Booklet and determined by BCBSF in written or verbal representation. accordance with BCBSF's Medical What Is Covered? 2-1 Our Benefit Guidelines number of tests performed by the Physician. The Allowed Amount for allergy immunotherapy In providing benefits for Covered Services,the treatment is based upon the type and number of benefit guidelines listed below apply as well as doses. any other applicable payment rules specific to particular categories of Services: Ambulance Services 1. Payment for certain Health Care Services is Ambulance Services provided by a ground included within the Allowed Amount for the vehicle may be covered provided it is necessary primary procedure, and therefore no to transport you from: additional amount is payable for any such 1. a Hospital which is unable to provide proper Services. care to the nearest Hospital that can provide 2. Payment is based on the Allowed Amount proper care; for the actual Service rendered(i.e., 2. a Hospital to your nearest home,or to a payment is not based on the Allowed Skilled Nursing Facility; or Amount for a Service which is more complex than that actually rendered), and is not 3. the place a medical emergency occurs to based on the method utilized to perform the the nearest Hospital that can provide proper Service or the day of the week or the time of care. day the procedure is performed. Expenses for Ambulance Services by boat, 3. Payment for a Service includes all airplane, or helicopter shall be limited to the components of the Health Care Service Allowed Amount for a ground vehicle unless: when the Service can be described by a 1. the pick-up point is inaccessible by ground single procedure code, or when the Service vehicle; is an essential or integral part of the associated therapeutic/diagnostic Service 2. speed in excess of ground vehicle speed is critical;or rendered. 3. the travel distance involved in getting you to Covered Services Categories the nearest Hospital that can provide proper care is too far for medical safety, as Accident Care determined by BCBSF or Monroe County Health Care Services to treat an injury or illness BOCC. resulting from an Accident not related to your job Please refer to your Schedule of Benefits for the or employment are covered. per-day maximums for ground transportation Exclusion: and air/water transportation. Health Care Services to treat an injury or illness Ambulatory Surgical Centers resulting from an Accident related to your job or employment are excluded. Health Care Services rendered at an Ambulatory Surgical Center are covered and include: Allergy Testing and Treatments 1. use of operating and recovery rooms; Testing and desensitization therapy(e.g., 2. respiratory,or inhalation therapy p• ry. PY(e.g., injections)and the cost of hyposensitization oxygen); serum are covered. The Allowed Amount for allergy testing is based upon the type and What Is Covered? 2-2 3. drugs and medicines administered(except 1. well-baby and well-child screening for the for take home drugs)at the Ambulatory presence of Autism Spectrum Disorder; Surgical Center; 2. Applied Behavior Analysis,when rendered 4. intravenous solutions; by an individual certified pursuant to Section 5. dressings, including ordinary casts; 393.17 of the Florida Statutes or licensed under Chapters 490 or 491 of the Florida 6. anesthetics and their administration; Statutes;and 7. administration of, including the cost of, 3. Physical Therapy by a Physical Therapist, whole blood or blood products(except as Occupational Therapy by an Occupational outlined in the Drugs exclusion of the"What Therapist, and Speech Therapy by a Is Not Covered?"section); Speech Therapist. Covered therapies 8. transfusion supplies and equipment; provided in the treatment of Autism 9. diagnostic Services, including radiology, Spectrum Disorder are covered even though ultrasound, laboratory, pathology and they may be habilitative in nature(provided approved machine testing(e.g., EKG); and to teach a function)and are not necessarily limited to restoration of a function or skill that 10. chemotherapytreatment for proven has been lost. malignant disease. Payment Guidelines for Autism Spectrum Anesthesia Administration Services Disorder Administration of anesthesia by a Physician or The covered therapies provided in the treatment Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist("CRNA") of Autism Spectrum Disorder outlined in may be covered. In those instances where the paragraph three above will be applied to the CRNA is actively directed by a Physician other Outpatient Therapies Benefit Period maximum than the Physician who performed the surgical set forth in the Schedule of Benefits.Autism procedure, payment for Covered Services, if Spectrum Disorder Services must be authorized any, will be made for both the CRNA and the in accordance with BCBSF's established criteria, Physician Health Care Services at the lower before such Services are rendered. Services directed-services Allowed Amount in accordance performed without authorization will be denied. with BCBSF's payment program then in effect Authorization for coverage is not required when for such Covered Services. Covered Services are provided for the treatment of an Emergency Medical Condition. Exclusion: Exclusion: Coverage does not include anesthesia Services by an operating Physician, his or her partner or Any Services for the treatment of Autism associate. Spectrum Disorder other than as specifically identified as covered in this section. Autism Spectrum Disorder Note: In order to determine whether such Autism Spectrum Disorder Services provided to Autism Spectrum Disorder Services are covered a Covered Dependent who is under the age of under this Benefit Booklet, we reserve the right 18, or if 18 years of age or older, is attending to request a formal written treatment plan signed high school and was diagnosed with Autism by the treating Physician to include the Spectrum Disorder prior to his or her 9th birthday diagnosis,the proposed treatment type,the consisting of: frequency and duration of treatment,the What Is Covered? 2-3 anticipated outcomes stated as goals,and the Contraceptive Injections frequency with which the treatment plan will be Medication by injection is covered when updated, but no less than every 6 months. This provided and administered by a Physician,for benefit booklet will only cover services to the the purpose of contraception, and is limited to extent included in the Treating Physician's the medication and administration when formal written treatment plan. medically necessary. Breast Reconstructive Surgery Dental Services Surgery to reestablish symmetry between two Dental Services are limited to the following: breasts and implanted prostheses incident to Mastectomy is covered. In order to be covered, 1. Care and stabilization treatment rendered such surgery must be provided in a manner within 90 days of an Accidental Dental Injury chosen by your Physician, consistent with to Sound Natural Teeth. prevailing medical standards,and in consultation 2. Extraction of teeth required prior to radiation with you. therapy when you have a diagnosis of cancer of the head and/or neck. Child Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate Treatment 3. Anesthesia Services for dental care Treatment and Services for Child Cleft Lip and including general anesthesia and Cleft Palate, including medical,dental, Speech hospitalization Services necessary to assure Therapy, audiology, and nutrition Services for the safe delivery of necessary dental care treatment of a child under the age of 18 who has provided to you or your Covered Dependent cleft lip or cleft palate are covered. In order for in a Hospital or Ambulatory Surgical Center such Services to be covered,your Covered if: Dependent's Physician must specifically prescribe such Services and such Services must a) the Covered Dependent is under 8 be medically necessary and consequent to years of age and it is determined by a treatment of the cleft lip or cleft palate. dentist and the Covered Dependent's Physician that: Concurrent Physician Care i. dental treatment is necessary due to Concurrent Physician care Services are a dental Condition that is covered, provided:(a)the additional Physician significantly complex; or actively participates in your treatment; (b)the ii. the Covered Dependent has a Condition involves more than one body system developmental disability in which or is so severe or complex that one Physician patient management in the dental cannot provide the care unassisted; and(c)the office has proven to be ineffective; Physicians have different specialties or have the or same specialty with different sub-specialties. b) you or your Covered Dependent have Consultations one or more medical Conditions that Consultations provided by a Physician are would create significant or undue covered if your attending Physician requests the medical risk for you in the course of consultation and the consulting Physician delivery of any necessary dental prepares a written report. treatment or surgery if not rendered in a Hospital or Ambulatory Surgical Center. What Is Covered? 24 Exclusion: 4. approved machine testing(e.g., 1. Dental Services provided more than 90 days electrocardiogram [EKG], after the date of an Accidental Dental Injury electroencephalograph [EEG], and other regardless of whether or not such services electronic diagnostic medical procedures); could have been rendered within 90 days; and and 5. genetic testing for the purposes of 2. Dental Implant. explaining current signs and symptoms of a possible hereditary disease. Diabetes Outpatient Self-Management Dialysis Services Diabetes outpatient self-management training and educational Services and nutrition Dialysis Services including equipment,training, counseling(including all Medically Necessary and medical supplies,when provided at any equipment and supplies)to treat diabetes, if location by a Provider licensed to perform dialysis including a Dialysis Center are covered. your treating Physician or a Physician who specializes in the treatment of diabetes certifies Durable Medical Equipment that such Services are Medically Necessary, are covered. In order to be covered, diabetes Durable Medical Equipment when provided by a outpatient self-management training and Durable Medical Equipment Provider and when educational Services must be provided under prescribed by a Physician, limited to the most the direct supervision of a certified Diabetes cost-effective equipment as determined by Educator or a board-certified Physician BCBSF or Monroe County BOCC is covered. specializing in endocrinology. Additionally, in Payment Guidelines for Durable Medical order to be covered, nutrition counseling must Equipment be provided by a licensed Dietitian. Covered Services may also include the trimming of Supplies and service to repair medical toenails,corns, calluses, and therapeutic shoes equipment may be Covered Services only if you (including inserts and/or modifications)for the own the equipment or you are purchasing the treatment of severe diabetic foot disease. equipment. Payment for Durable Medical Equipment will be based on the lowest of the Diagnostic Services following: 1)the purchase price; 2)the Diagnostic Services when ordered by a lease/purchase price; 3)the rental rate;or 4)the Physician are limited to the following: Allowed Amount. The Allowed Amount for such rental equipment will not exceed the total 1. radiology, ultrasound and nuclear medicine, purchase price. Durable Medical Equipment Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI); � includes, but is not limited to,the following: 2. laboratory and pathology Services; wheelchairs, crutches,canes,walkers, hospital 3. Services involving bones or joints of the jaw beds, and oxygen equipment. (e.g., Services to treat temporomandibular Note: Repair or replacement of Durable joint[TMJ]dysfunction)or facial region if, Medical Equipment due to growth of a child or under accepted medical standards, such significant change in functional status is a diagnostic Services are necessary to treat Covered Service. Conditions caused by congenital or Exclusion: developmental deformity, disease,or injury; Equipment which is primarily for convenience and/or comfort; modifications to motor vehicles What Is Covered? 2-5 and/or homes, including but not limited to, 3. the usual and customary Provider charges wheelchair lifts or ramps;water therapy devices for similar Services in the community where such as Jacuzzis, hot tubs, swimming pools or the Services were provided; or whirlpools; exercise and massage equipment, electric scooters, hearing aids, air conditioners 4. what Medicare would have paid for the and purifiers, humidifiers,water softeners and/or Services rendered. purifiers, pillows,mattresses or waterbeds, In no event will Out-of-Network Providers be escalators,elevators, stair glides,emergency paid more than their charges for the Services alert equipment, handrails and grab bars, heat rendered. appliances, dehumidifiers, and the replacement of Durable Medical Equipment solely because it Enteral Formulas is old or used are excluded. Prescription and non-prescription enteral formulas for home use when prescribed by a Emergency Services Physician as necessary to treat inherited Emergency Services for an Emergency Medical diseases of amino acid, organic acid, Condition are covered when rendered In- carbohydrate or fat metabolism as well as Network and Out-of-Network without the need malabsorption originating from congenital for any prior authorization determination by us. defects present at birth or acquired during the When Emergency Services and care for an neonatal period are covered. Emergency Medical Condition are rendered by Coverage to treat inherited diseases of amino an Out-of-Network Provider, any Copayment acid and organic acids,for you up to your 25th and/or Coinsurance amount applicable to In- birthday, shall include coverage for food Network Providers for Emergency Services will products modified to be low protein. also apply to such Out-of-Network Provider. Eye Care Special Payment Rules for Non-Grandfathered Plans Coverage includes the following Services: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act 1. Physician Services, soft lenses or sclera (PPACA)requires that non-grandfathered health shells,for the treatment of aphakic patients; plans apply a specific method for determining 2. initial glasses or contact lenses following the allowed amount for Emergency Services cataract surgery; and rendered for an Emergency Medical Condition 3. Physician Services to treat an injury to or by Providers who do not have a contract with us. disease of the eyes. Payment for Emergency Services rendered by Exclusion: an Out-of-Network Provider that has not entered into an agreement with BCBSF to provide Health Care Services to diagnose or treat vision access to a discount from the billed amount of problems which are not a direct consequence of that Provider will be the greater of: trauma or prior ophthalmic surgery; eye examinations; eye exercises or visual training; 1. the amount equal to the median amount eye glasses and contact lenses and their fitting negotiated with all BCBSF In-Network are excluded. In addition to the above, any Providers for the same Services; surgical procedure performed primarily to correct 2. the Allowed Amount as defined in the or improve myopia or other refractive disorders Booklet; (e.g., radial keratotomy, PRK and LASIK)are excluded. What Is Covered? 2-6 i Home Health Care 5. respiratory, or inhalation therapy(e.g., oxygen); and The Home Health Care Services listed below are covered when the following criteria are met: 6. Physical Therapy by a Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapy by a Occupational 1. you are unable to leave your home without Therapist,and Speech Therapy by a considerable effort and the assistance of Speech Therapist. another person because you are: bedridden or chairbound or because you are restricted Exclusions: in ambulation whether or not you use 1. homemaker or domestic maid services; assistive devices; or you are significantly 2. sitter or companion services; limited in physical activities due to a Condition; and 3. Services rendered by an employee or operator of an adult congregate living 2. the Home Health Care Services rendered facility;an adult foster home; an adult day ! have been prescribed by a Physician by way care center, or a nursing home facility; of a formal written treatment plan that has been reviewed and renewed by the 4. Speech Therapy provided for a diagnosis of prescribing Physician every 30 days. In developmental delay; order to determine whether such Services 5. Custodial Care except for any such care are covered under this Booklet, you may be covered under this subsection when required to provide a copy of any written provided on a part-time or intermittent basis treatment plan; (as defined above)by a home health aide; 3. the Home Health Care Services are 6. food, housing, and home delivered meals; j provided directly by(or indirectly through)a and Home Health Agency; and 7. Services rendered in a Hospital, nursing 4. you are meeting or achieving the desired home,or intermediate care facility. treatment goals set forth in the treatment plan as documented in the clinical progress Hospice Services notes. Health Care Services provided in connection Home Health Care Services are limited to: with a Hospice treatment program may be 1. part-time(i.e., less than 8 hours per day and Covered Services, provided the Hospice less than a total of 40 hours in a calendar treatment program is: j week)or intermittent(i.e., a visit of up to, but 1. approved by your Physician; and not exceeding, 2 hours per day)nursing care by a Registered Nurse, Licensed 2. your doctor has certified to us in writing that Practical Nurse and/or home health aide your life expectancy is 12 months or less. j Services; Recertification is required every six months. 2. home health aide Services must be Hospital Services consistent with the plan of treatment, ordered by a Physician, and rendered under Covered Hospital Services include: the supervision of a Registered Nurse; 1. room and board in a semi-private room 3. medical social services; when confined as an inpatient, unless the patient must be isolated from others for 4. nutritional guidance; documented clinical reasons; I What Is Covered? 2-7 2. intensive care units, including cardiac, 3. take-home drugs; progressive and neonatal care; 4. telephone and television; 3. use of operating and recovery rooms; 5. guest meals or gourmet menus; and 4. use of emergency rooms; 6. admission kits. 5. respiratory, pulmonary, or inhalation therapy (e.g., oxygen); Inpatient Rehabilitation 6. drugs and medicines administered(except Inpatient Rehabilitation Services are covered for take home drugs)by the Hospital; when the following criteria are met: 7. intravenous solutions; 1. Services must be provided under the direction of a Physician and must be 8. administration of, including the cost of, provided by a Medicare certified facility in whole blood or blood products except as outlined in the Drugs exclusion of the"What accordance with a comprehensive i Is Not Covered?" section); rehabilitation program; 2 9. dressings, including ordinary casts; . a plan of care must be developed and managed by a coordinated multi-disciplinary 10. anesthetics and their administration; team; 11. transfusion supplies and equipment; 3. coverage is limited to the specific acute, 12. diagnostic Services, including radiology, catastrophic target diagnoses of severe ultrasound, laboratory, pathology and stroke, multiple trauma, brain/spinal injury, approved machine testing(e.g., EKG); severe neurological motor disorders, and/or severe burns; 13. Physical, Speech, Occupational, and Cardiac Therapies; and 4. the individual must be able to actively participate in at least 2 rehabilitative 14. transplants as described in the Transplant therapies and be able to tolerate at least 3 Services subsection. hours per day of skilled Rehabilitation Exclusion: Services for at least 5 days a week and their Condition must be likely to result in Expenses for the following Hospital Services are significant improvement; and excluded when such Services could have been provided without admitting you to the Hospital: 5. the Rehabilitation Services must be required 1)room and board provided during the at such intensity,frequency and duration as admission;2)Physician visits provided while you to make it impractical for the individual to were an inpatient; 3)Occupational Therapy, receive services in a less intensive setting. Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Cardiac Inpatient Rehabilitation Services are subject to Therapy;and 4)other Services provided while the inpatient facility Copayment, if applicable, you were an inpatient. and the benefit maximum set forth in the In addition, expenses for the following and Schedule of Benefits. similar items are also excluded: Exclusion: 1. gowns and slippers; All Substance Dependency, drug and alcohol 2. shampoo,toothpaste, body lotions and related diagnoses, Pain Management, and hygiene packets; respiratory ventilator management Services are excluded. What Is Covered? 2-8 Mammograms this Booklet for the postpartum assessment Mammograms obtained in a medical office, includes coverage for the physical assessment medical treatment facility or through a health of the mother and any necessary clinical tests in testing service that uses radiological equipment keeping with prevailing medical standards. registered with the appropriate Florida regulatory Under Federal law,your Group Plan generally agencies(or those of another state)for may not restrict benefits for any hospital length diagnostic purposes or breast cancer screening of stay in connection with childbirth for the are Covered Services. mother or newborn child to less than 48 hours Benefits for mammograms may not be subject to following a vaginal delivery; or less than 96 the Deductible, Coinsurance, or Copayment(if hours following a cesarean section. However, applicable). Please refer to your Schedule of Federal law generally does not prohibit the Benefits for more information. mother's or newborn's attending Provider, after consulting with the mother,from discharging the Mastectomy Services mother or her newborn earlier than 48 hours(or 96 as applicable). In any case, under Federal Breast cancer treatment including treatment for law, your Group Plan can only require that a physical complications relating to a Mastectomy provider obtain authorization for prescribing an (including Iymphedemas), and outpatient post- inpatient hospital stay that exceeds 48 hours(or surgical follow-up in accordance with prevailing 96 hours). medical standards as determined by you and your attending Physician are covered. Exclusion: Outpatient post-surgical follow-up care for Maternity Services rendered to a Covered Mastectomy Services shall be covered when Person who becomes pregnant as a Gestational provided by a Provider in accordance with the Surrogate under the terms of, and in accordance prevailing medical standards and at the most with, a Gestational Surrogacy Contract or medically appropriate setting. The setting may Arrangement are excluded. This exclusion be the Hospital, Physician's office, outpatient applies to all expenses for prenatal, intra-partal, center, or your home. The treating Physician, and post-partal Maternity/Obstetrical Care, and after consultation with you, may choose the Health Care Services rendered to the Covered appropriate setting. Person acting as a Gestational Surrogate. Maternity Services For the definition of Gestational Surrogate and Gestational Surrogacy Contract, see the Health Care Services, including prenatal care, "Definitions" section of this Benefit Booklet. delivery and postpartum care and assessment, provided to you, by a Doctor of Medicine(M.D.), Medical Pharmacy Doctor of Osteopathy(D.O.), Hospital, Birth Center, Midwife or Certified Nurse Midwife may Physician-administered Prescription Drugs be Covered Services. Care for the mother which are rendered in a Physician's office are includes the postpartum assessment. subject to a separate Cost Share amount that is in addition to the office visit Cost Share amount. In order for the postpartum assessment to be The Medical Pharmacy Cost Share amount covered, such assessment must be provided at applies to the Prescription Drug and does not a Hospital, an attending Physician's office, an include the administration of the Prescription outpatient maternity center, or in the home by a Drug. qualified licensed health care professional trained in care for a mother. Coverage under What Is Covered? 2-9 Your plan may also include a maximum monthly of learning disabilities or for mental amount you will be required to pay out-of-pocket retardation; for Medical Pharmacy, when such Services are 3. Services extended beyond the period provided by an In-Network Provider or Specialty necessary for evaluation and diagnosis of Pharmacy. If your plan includes a Medical learning disabilities or for mental retardation; Pharmacy out-of-pocket monthly maximum, it will be listed on your Schedule of Benefits and 4. Services for marriage counseling,when not only applies after you have met your Deductible, rendered in connection with a Condition if applicable. classified in the diagnostic categories of the International Classification of Diseases, Please refer to your Schedule of Benefits for the Ninth Edition,Clinical Modification(ICD-9- additional Cost Share amount and/or monthly CM)or their equivalents in the most recently maximum out-of-pocket applicable to Medical published version of the American Pharmacy for your plan. Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Note: For purposes of this benefit, allergy Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; injections and immunizations are not considered 5. Services for pre-marital counseling; Medical Pharmacy. 6. Services for court-ordered care or testing, or Mental Health Services required as a condition of parole or probation; Diagnostic evaluation, psychiatric treatment, individual therapy, and group therapy provided �• Services for testing of aptitude, ability, to you by a Physician, Psychologist, or Mental intelligence or interest(except as covered Health Professional for the treatment of a Mental under the Autism Spectrum Disorder and Nervous Disorder may be covered. These subsection); Health Care Services include inpatient, 8. Services for testing and evaluation for the outpatient, and Partial Hospitalization services. purpose of maintaining employment; Partial Hospitalization is a Covered Service 9. Services for cognitive remediation; when provided under the direction of a Physician 10. inpatient confinements that are primarily and in lieu of inpatient hospitalization. intended as a change of environment;or Exclusion: 11. inpatient(over night)mental health Services 1. Services rendered in connection with a received in a residential treatment facility. Condition not classified in the diagnostic Newborn Care categories of the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Edition, Clinical A newborn child will be covered from the Modification(ICD-9 CM)or their equivalents moment of birth provided that the newborn child in the most recently published version of the is eligible for coverage and properly enrolled. American Psychiatric Association's Covered Services shall consist of coverage for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental injury or sickness, including the necessary care Disorders, regardless of the underlying or treatment of medically diagnosed congenital cause,or effect, of the disorder; defects, birth abnormalities, and premature birth. 2. Services for psychological testing Newborn Assessment: associated with the evaluation and diagnosis An assessment of the newborn child is covered provided the Services were rendered at a What Is Covered? 2-10 Hospital,the attending Physician's office, a Birth Payment for splints for the treatment of Center, or in the home by a Physician, Midwife temporomandibular joint("TMJ")dysfunction is or Certified Nurse Midwife, and the performance limited to payment for one splint in a six-month of any necessary clinical tests and period unless a more frequent replacement is immunizations are within prevailing medical determined by BCBSF or Monroe County BOCC standards. These Services are not subject to to be Medically Necessary. the Deductible. Exclusion: Ambulance Services,when necessary to 1. Expenses for arch supports,shoe inserts transport the newborn child to and from the designed to effect conformational changes nearest appropriate facility which is staffed and in the foot or foot alignment, orthopedic equipped to treat the newborn child's Condition, shoes, over-the-counter, custom-made or as determined by BCBSF or Monroe County built-up shoes,cast shoes, sneakers,ready- BOCC and certified by the attending Physician as Medically Necessary to protect the health and made compression hose or support hose, or similar type devices/appliances regardless safety of the newborn child, are covered. of intended use, except for therapeutic Under Federal law, your Group Plan generally shoes(including inserts and/or may not restrict benefits for any hospital length modifications)for the treatment of severe of stay in connection with childbirth for the diabetic foot disease; mother or newborn child to less than 48 hours 2. Expenses for orthotic appliances or devices following a vaginal delivery; or less than 96 which straighten or re-shape the hours following a cesarean section. However, conformation of the head or bones of the Federal law generally does not prohibit the skull or cranium through cranial banding or mother's or newborn's attending Provider,after molding(e.g. dynamic orthotic cranioplasty consulting with the mother,from discharging the or molding helmets), except when the mother or her newborn earlier than 48 hours(or orthotic appliance or device is used as an 96 as applicable). In any case, under Federal alternative to an internal fixation device as a law, your Group Plan can only require that a result of surgery for craniosynostosis; and provider obtain authorization for prescribing an 3. Expenses for devices necessary to exercise, inpatient hospital stay that exceeds 48 hours(or train, or participate in sports,e.g.custom- 96 hours). made knee braces. Orthotic Devices Osteoporosis Screening, Diagnosis, and Orthotic Devices including braces and trusses Treatment for the leg,arm, neck and back,and special Screening, diagnosis, and treatment of surgical corsets are covered when prescribed by osteoporosis for high-risk individuals is covered a Physician and designed and fitted by an as medically necessary, including, but not Orthotist. limited to: Benefits may be provided for necessary 1. estrogen-deficient individuals who are at replacement of an Orthotic Device which is clinical risk for osteoporosis; owned by you when due to irreparable damage, wear, a change in your Condition, or when 2. individuals who have vertebral necessitated due to growth of a child. abnormalities; 3. individuals who are receiving long-term glucocorticoid(steroid)therapy; or What Is Covered? 2-11 4. individuals who have primary 458(Medical Practice), Chapter 459 hyperparathyroidism, and (Osteopathy), Chapter 460(Chiropractic)or 5. individuals who have a family history of Chapter 461 (Podiatry)is covered. The osteoporosis. Physician's prescription must specify the number of treatments. Outpatient Cardiac,Occupational, Physical, Payment Guidelines for Massage and Speech, Massage Therapies and Spinal Physical Therapy Manipulation Services 1. Payment for covered Massage Services is Outpatient therapies listed below may be limited to no more than four(4) 15-minute Covered Services when ordered by a Physician Massage treatments per day, not to exceed or other health care professional licensed to the Outpatient Cardiac, Occupational, perform such Services. The outpatient therapies Physical, Speech, and Massage Therapies listed in this category are in addition to the and Spinal Manipulations benefit maximum Cardiac, Occupational, Physical and Speech listed on the Schedule of Benefits. Therapy benefits listed in the Home Health Care, Hospital, and Skilled Nursing Facility 2. Payment for a combination of covered categories herein. Massage and Physical Therapy Services rendered on the same day is limited to no Cardiac Therapy Services provided under the more than four(4) 15-minute treatments per supervision of a Physician,or an appropriate day for combined Massage and Physical Provider trained for Cardiac Therapy,for the Therapy treatment,not to exceed the purpose of aiding in the restoration of normal Outpatient Cardiac, Occupational, Physical, heart function in connection with a myocardial Speech, and Massage Therapies and Spinal infarction, coronary occlusion or coronary Manipulations benefit maximum listed on the bypass surgery are covered. Schedule of Benefits. Occupational Therapy Services provided by a 3. Payment for covered Physical Therapy Physician or Occupational Therapist for the Services rendered on the same day as purpose of aiding in the restoration of a spinal manipulation is limited to one(1) previously impaired function lost due to a Physical Therapy treatment per day not to Condition are covered. exceed fifteen(15)minutes in length. Speech Therapy Services of a Physician, Spinal Manipulations: Services by Physicians Speech Therapist, or licensed audiologist to aid for manipulations of the spine to correct a slight in the restoration of speech loss or an dislocation of a bone or joint that is impairment of speech resulting from a Condition demonstrated by x-ray are covered. are covered. Payment Guidelines for Spinal Manipulation Physical Therapy Services provided by a Physician or Physical Therapist for the purpose 1• Payment for covered spinal manipulation is of aiding in the restoration of normal physical limited to no more than 26 spinal function lost due to a Condition are covered. manipulations per Benefit Period, or the maximum benefit listed in the Schedule of Massage Therapy Massage provided by a Benefits,whichever occurs first. Physician, Massage Therapist, or Physical Therapist when the Massage is prescribed as 2. Payment for covered Physical Therapy being Medically Necessary by a Physician Services rendered on the same day as a licensed pursuant to Florida Statutes Chapter spinal manipulation is limited to one(1) What Is Covered? 2-12 Physical Therapy treatment per day, not to services vendor that, at the time the exceed fifteen(15)minutes in length. Services were rendered,was under contract Your Schedule of Benefits sets forth the with BCBSF. maximum number of visits covered under this The term "established patient,"as used herein, plan for any combination of the outpatient shall mean that the covered individual has therapies and spinal manipulation Services received professional services from the listed above. For example, even if you may Physician who provided the online medical have only been administered two(2)of the Services, or another physician of the same spinal manipulations for the Benefit Period, any specialty who belongs to the same group additional spinal manipulations for that Benefit practice as that Physician,within the past three Period will not be covered if you have already years. met the combined therapy visit maximum with Exclusion: other Services. Expenses for online medical Services provided Oxygen electronically through a computer by a Physician Expenses for oxygen,the equipment necessary via the Internet other than through a healthcare to administer it, and the administration of oxygen communication services vendor that has entered are covered. into contract with BCBSF are excluded. Expenses for online medical Services provided Physician Services by a health care provider that is not a Physician and expenses for Health Care Services Medical or surgical Health Care Services rendered by telephone are also excluded. provided by a Physician, including Services rendered in the Physician's office, in an Preventive Health Services outpatient facility, or electronically through a Preventive Services are covered for both adults computer via the Internet. and children based on prevailing medical Payment Guidelines for Physician Services standards and recommendations which are Provided by Electronic Means through a explained further below. Some examples of Computer: preventive health Services include, but are not limited to, periodic routine health exams, routine Expenses for online medical Services provided gynecological exams, immunizations and related electronically through a computer by a Physician preventive Services such as Prostate Specific via the Internet will be covered only if such Antigen(PSA), routine mammograms and pap Services: smears. In order to be covered, Services shall 1. were provided to a covered individual who be provided in accordance with prevailing was,at the time the Services were provided, medical standards consistent with: an established patient of the Physician rendering the Services; 1. evidence-based items or Services that have in effect a rating of'A' or'B' in the current 2. were in response to an online inquiry recommendations of the U.S. Preventive received through the Internet from the Services Task Force established under the covered individual with respect to which the Public Health Service Act; Services were provided; and 2. immunizations that have in effect a 3. were provided by a Physician through a recommendation from the Advisory secure online healthcare communication Committee on Immunization Practices of the What Is Covered? 2-13 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention uterine devices(IUD)only, including insertion established under the Public Health Service and removal. Act with respect to the individual involved; prosthetic Devices 3. with respect to infants, children, and The following Prosthetic Devices are covered adolescents,evidence-informed preventive when prescribed by a Physician and designed care and screenings provided for in the and fitted by a Prosthetist: comprehensive guidelines supported by the Health Resources and Services 1. artificial hands,arms,feet, legs and eyes, Administration; and including permanent implanted lenses following cataract surgery, cardiac 4. with respect to women, such additional pacemakers,and prosthetic devices incident preventive care and screenings not described in paragraph number one as to a Mastectomy; provided for in comprehensive guidelines 2. appliances needed to effectively use artificial supported by the Health Resources and limbs or corrective braces; or Services Administration. Women's 3. penile prosthesis. preventive coverage under this category Covered Prosthetic Devices(except cardiac includes: pacemakers, and Prosthetic Devices incident to a. well-woman visits; Mastectomy)are limited to the first such b. screening for gestational diabetes; permanent prosthesis(including the first temporary prosthesis if it is determined to be c. human papillomavirus testing; necessary)prescribed for each specific d. counseling for sexually transmitted Condition. infections; Benefits may be provided for necessary e. counseling and screening for human replacement of a Prosthetic Device which is immune-deficiency virus; owned by you when due to irreparable damage, f. contraceptive methods and counseling; wear, or a change in your Condition, or when necessitated due to growth of a child. g. screening and counseling for interpersonal and domestic violence; Exclusion: and 1. Expenses for microprocessor controlled or h. breastfeeding support, supplies and myoelectric artificial limbs(e.g. C-legs); and counseling. Breastfeeding supplies are 2. Expenses for cosmetic enhancements to limited to one manual breast pump per artificial limbs. pregnancy. Exclusion: Self-Administered Prescription Drugs Routine vision and hearing examinations and The following Self-Administered Drugs are screenings are not covered, except as required covered: under paragraph number one above. 1. Self-Administered Prescription Drugs used Sterilization procedures covered under this in the treatment of diabetes,cancer, section are limited to tubal ligations only. Conditions requiring immediate stabilization Contraceptive implants are limited to Intra- What Is Covered? 2-14 (e.g.anaphylaxis),or in the administration of Skilled Nursing Facilities dialysis;and The following Health Care Services may be 2. Self-Administered Prescription Drugs Covered Services when you are an inpatient in a identified as Specialty Drugs with a special Skilled Nursing Facility: symbol in the Medication Guide when delivered to you at home and purchased at a 1. room and board; Specialty Pharmacy or an Out-of-Network 2. respiratory, pulmonary, or inhalation therapy Provider that provides Specialty Drugs. (e.g.,oxygen); 3. Specialty Drugs used to increase height or 3. drugs and medicines administered while an bone growth (e.g., growth hormone), must inpatient(except take home drugs); meet the following criteria in order to be 4. intravenous solutions; covered: 5. administration of, including the cost of, a. Must be prescribed for Conditions of whole blood or blood products(except as growth hormone deficiency documented outlined in the Drugs exclusion of the"What with two abnormally low stimulation Is Not Covered?"section); tests of less than 10 ng/ml and one 6. dressings, including ordinary casts; abnormally low growth hormone dependent peptide or for Conditions of 7. transfusion supplies and equipment; growth hormone deficiency associated g. diagnostic Services, including radiology, with loss of pituitary function due to ultrasound, laboratory, pathology and trauma, surgery,tumors, radiation or approved machine testing(e.g., EKG); disease, or for state mandated use as in patients with AIDS. 9. chemotherapy treatment for proven malignant disease; and b. Continuation of growth hormone therapy is only covered for Conditions 10. Physical, Speech, and Occupational associated with significant growth Therapies. hormone deficiency when there is A treatment plan from your Physician may be evidence of continued responsiveness required in order to determine coverage and to treatment. Treatment is considered payment. responsive in children less than 21 Exclusion: years of age,when the growth hormone dependent peptide(IGF-1)is in the Expenses for an inpatient admission to a Skilled normal range for age and Tanner Nursing Facility for purposes of Custodial Care, development stage; the growth velocity convalescent care, or any other Service is at least 2 cm per year, and studies primarily for the convenience of you and/or your family members or the Provider are excluded. demonstrate open epiphyses. Treatment is considered responsive in Substance Dependency Care and Treatment both adolescents with closed epiphyses and for adults,who continue to evidence Care and treatment for Substance Dependency growth hormone deficiency and the IGF- includes the following: 1 remains in the normal range for age 1. Health Care Services(inpatient and and gender. outpatient or any combination thereof) provided by a Physician, Psychologist or What Is Covered? 2-15 Mental Health Professional in a program congenital or developmental deformity, accredited by the Joint Commission on the disease, or injury; Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations or 5. Services of a Physician for the purpose of approved by the state of Florida(or another rendering a second surgical opinion and state)for Detoxification or Substance related diagnostic services to help determine Dependency. the need for sure and surgery; 2. Physician, Psychologist and Mental Health 6. surgical procedures performed on a Covered Professional outpatient visits for the care Plan Participant for the treatment of Morbid and treatment of Substance Dependency. Obesity(e.g., intestinal bypass, stomach Exclusion: stapling, balloon dilation)and the associated care provided the Covered Plan Participant Expenses for prolonged care and treatment of has not previously undergone the same or Substance Dependency in a specialized similar procedure in the lifetime of this inpatient or residential facility or inpatient Group Health Plan when medically confinements that are primarily intended as a necessary. change of environment are excluded. Exclusion: Surgical Assistant Services a. Surgical procedures for the treatment of Services rendered by a Physician, Registered Morbid Obesity including: intestinal Nurse First Assistant or Physician Assistant bypass; stomach stapling; balloon when acting as a surgical assistant(provided no dilation and associated care for the intern, resident, or other staff physician is surgical treatment of Morbid Obesity, if available)when the assistant is necessary are the Covered Plan Participant has covered. previously undergone the same or similar procedures in the lifetime of this Surgical Procedures Group Health Plan. Surgical procedures Surgical procedures performed by a Physician performed to revise, or correct defects may be covered including the following: related to, a prior intestinal bypass, 1. sterilization (tubal ligations and stomach stapling or balloon dilation are also excluded. vasectomies), regardless of Medical Necessity; b. Reversal of a weight loss surgery, 2. surgery to correct deformity which was surgical procedures to revise,correct, and correction of defects to include caused by disease, trauma, birth defects, adjustment to devices implanted or any growth defects or prior therapeutic fills not performed during the initial processes; surgical event. 3. oral surgical procedures for excisions of Payment Guidelines for Surgical Procedures tumors, cysts, abscesses,and lesions of the mouth; 1. Payment for multiple surgical procedures performed in addition to the primary surgical 4. surgical procedures involving bones or joints procedure, on the same or different areas of of the jaw(e.g.,temporomandibular joint the body, during the same operative session [TMJ])and facial region if, under accepted will be based on 50 percent of the Allowed medical standards, such surgery is Amount for any secondary surgical necessary to treat Conditions caused by procedure(s)performed. In addition, What Is Covered? 2-16 Coinsurance or Copayment(if any)indicated any successor or similar rule or covered by in your Schedule of Benefits will apply. This Medicare as described in the most recently guideline is applicable to all bilateral published Medicare Coverage Issues procedures and all surgical procedures Manual issued by the Centers for Medicare performed on the same date of service. and Medicaid Services. Coverage will be 2. Payment for incidental surgical procedures provided for the expenses incurred for the is limited to the Allowed Amount for the donation of bone marrow by a donor to the primary procedure, and there is no same extent such expenses would be additional payment for any incidental covered for you and will be subject to the procedure. An "incidental surgical same limitations and exclusions as would be procedure" includes surgery where one, or applicable to you. Coverage for the more than one, surgical procedure is reasonable expenses of searching for the performed through the same incision or donor will be limited to a search among operative approach as the primary surgical immediate family members and donors procedure which, in BCBSF's or Monroe identified through the National Bone Marrow County BOCC's opinion, is not clearly Donor Program; identified and/or does not add significant time or complexity to the surgical session. 2. corneal transplant; For example,the removal of a normal 3. heart transplant(including a ventricular appendix performed in conjunction with a assist device, if indicated, when used as a Medically Necessary hysterectomy is an bridge to heart transplantation); incidental surgical procedure(i.e.,there is no payment for the removal of the normal 4. heart-lung combination transplant; appendix in the example). 5. liver transplant; 3. Payment for surgical procedures for fracture 6. kidney transplant; care, dislocation treatment, debridement, wound repair, unna boot, and other related 7. Pancreas; Health Care Services, is included in the 8. pancreas transplant performed Allowed Amount of the surgical procedure. simultaneously with a kidney transplant; or Transplant Services 9. lung-whole single or whole bilateral transplant. Transplant Services, limited to the procedures listed below, may be covered when performed at Coverage will be provided for donor costs and a facility acceptable to BCBSF or Monroe organ acquisition for transplants, other than County BOCC, subject to the conditions and Bone Marrow Transplants, provided such costs limitations described below. are not covered in whole or in part by any other Transplant includes pre-transplant, transplant insurance carrier, organization or person other and post-discharge Services, and treatment of than the donor's family or estate. complications after transplantation. Benefits will You may call the customer service phone only be paid for Services, care and treatment number indicated in this Booklet or on your received or provided in connection with a: Identification Card in order to determine which 1. Bone Marrow Transplant, as defined herein, Bone Marrow Transplants are covered under which is specifically listed in the rule 596- this Booklet. 12.001 of the Florida Administrative Code or What Is Covered? 2-17 Exclusions: Expenses for the following are excluded: 1. transplant procedures not included in the list above, or otherwise excluded under this Booklet(e.g., Experimental or Investigational transplant procedures); 2. transplant procedures involving the transplantation or implantation of any non- human organ or tissue; 3. transplant procedures related to the donation or acquisition of an organ or tissue for a recipient who is not covered under this Benefit Booklet; 4. transplant procedures involving the implant of an artificial organ, including the implant of the artificial organ; 5. any organ,tissue, marrow, or stem cells which is/are sold rather than donated; 6. any Bone Marrow Transplant,as defined herein,which is not specifically listed in rule 5913-12.001 of the Florida Administrative Code or any successor or similar rule or covered by Medicare pursuant to a national coverage decision made by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as evidenced in the most recently published Medicare Coverage Issues Manual; 7. any Service in connection with the identification of a donor from a local, state or national listing, except in the case of a Bone Marrow Transplant; 8. any non-medical costs, including but not limited to,temporary lodging or transportation costs for you and/or your family to and from the approved facility; and 9. any artificial heart or mechanical device that replaces either the atrium and/or the ventricle. What Is Covered? 2-18 Section 3: What Is Not Covered? Introduction clinical ecology;chelation therapy; thermography; mind-body interactions such as Your Booklet expressly excludes expenses for meditation, imagery, yoga, dance, and art the following Health Care Services, supplies, therapy; biofeedback; prayer and mental drugs or charges. The following exclusions are healing; manual healing methods such as the in addition to any exclusions specified in the Alexander technique, aromatherapy, Ayurvedic 'What Is Covered?"section or any other section massage, craniosacral balancing, Feldenkrais of the Booklet. method, Hellerwork, polarity therapy, Reichian Abortions which are elective. therapy, reflexology, rolfing, shiatsu,traditional Chinese massage,Trager therapy,trigger-point Arch Supports, shoe inserts designed to effect myotherapy, and biofield therapeutics; Reiki, conformational changes in the foot or foot SHEN therapy, and therapeutic touch; alignment,orthopedic shoes,over-the-counter, bioelectromagnetic applications in medicine;and custom-made or built-up shoes, cast shoes, herbal therapies. sneakers, ready-made compression hose or support hose, or similar type devices/appliances Complications of Non-Covered Services, regardless of intended use, except for including the diagnosis or treatment of any therapeutic shoes(including inserts and/or Condition which is a complication of a non- modifications)for the treatment of severe covered Health Care Service(e.g., Health Care diabetic foot disease. Services to treat a complication of cosmetic surgery are not covered). Assisted Reproductive Therapy(Infertility) including, but not limited to, associated Services, Contraceptive medications, devices, supplies, and medications for In Vitro appliances, or other Health Care Services when Fertilization(IVF); Gamete Intrafallopian provided for contraception, except when Transfer(GIFT)procedures; Zygote indicated as covered, under the Preventive Intrafallopian Transfer(ZIFT)procedures; Health Services category of the"What Is Artificial Insemination(AI); embryo transport; Covered?" section. surrogate parenting;donor semen and related Cosmetic Services, including any Service to costs including collection and preparation; and improve the appearance or self-perception of an infertility treatment medication. individual(except as covered under the Breast Autopsy or postmortem examination services, Reconstructive Surgery category), including and unless specifically requested by BCBSF or without limitation: cosmetic surgery and Monroe County BOCC. procedures or supplies to correct hair loss or skin wrinkling(e.g., Minoxidil, Rogaine, Retin-A), Complementary or Alternative Medicine and hair implants/transplants. including, but not limited to, self-care or self-help training; homeopathic medicine and counseling; Costs related to telephone consultations, failure Ayurvedic medicine such as lifestyle to keep a scheduled appointment, or completion modifications and purification therapies; of any form and/or medical information. traditional Oriental medicine including Custodial Care and any service of a custodial acupuncture; naturopathic medicine; nature, including and without limitation: Health environmental medicine including the field of Care Services primarily to assist in the activities What Is Not Covered? 3-1 of daily living; rest homes; home companions or treatment of cancer that have not been sitters; home parents;domestic maid services; approved for any indication are excluded. respite care; and provision of services which are. 2. All drugs dispensed to, or purchased by, you for the sole purposes of allowing a family from a pharmacy. This exclusion does not member or caregiver of a Covered Person to apply to drugs dispensed to you when: return to work. a. you are an inpatient in a Hospital, Dental Care or treatment of the teeth or their Ambulatory Surgical Center, Skilled supporting structures or gums, or dental Nursing Facility, Psychiatric Facility or a procedures, including but not limited to: Hospice facility; extraction of teeth, restoration of teeth with or without fillings,crowns or other materials, b. you are in the outpatient department of bridges,cleaning of teeth, dental implants, a Hospital; dentures, periodontal or endodontic procedures, c. dispensed to your Physician for orthodontic treatment(e.g., braces), intraoral administration to you in the Physician's prosthetic devices, palatal expansion devices, office and prior coverage authorization bruxism appliances, and dental x-rays. This has been obtained(if required); and exclusion also applies to Phase II treatments(as defined by the American Dental Association)for d. you are receiving Home Health Care TMJ dysfunction. This exclusion does not apply according to a plan of treatment and the to an Accidental Dental Injury and the Child Cleft Home Health Care Agency bills us for Lip and Cleft Palate Treatment Services such drugs, including Self-Administered Prescription Drugs that are rendered in category as described in the"What Is Covered?" connection with a nursing visit. section. 3. Any non-Prescription medicines, remedies, Drugs vaccines, biological products(except 1. Prescribed for uses other than the Food and insulin), pharmaceuticals or chemical Drug Administration(FDA)approved label compounds, vitamins, mineral supplements, indications. This exclusion does not apply to fluoride products, over-the-counter drugs, any drug that has been proven safe, products,or health foods, except as effective and accepted for the treatment of described in the Preventive Health Services the specific medical Condition for which the category of the"What Is Covered?"section. drug has been prescribed, as evidenced by the results of good quality controlled clinical 4. Any drug which is indicated or used for studies published in at least two or more sexual dysfunction(e.g., Cialis, Levitra, peer-reviewed full length articles in Viagra, Caverject). The exception described respected national professional medical in exclusion number one above does not journals. This exclusion also does not apply apply to sexual dysfunction drugs excluded to any drug prescribed for the treatment of under this paragraph. cancer that has been approved by the FDA 5. Any Self-Administered Prescription Drug not for at least one indication, provided the drug indicated as covered in the"What Is is recognized for treatment of your particular Covered?" section of this Benefit Booklet. cancer in a Standard Reference 6. Blood or blood products used to treat Compendium or recommended for treatment hemophilia, except when provided to you of your particular cancer in Medical for: Literature. Drugs prescribed for the I What Is Not Covered? 3-2 a. emergency stabilization; arches; chronic foot strain;trimming of toenails b. during a covered inpatient stay; or corns,or calluses. c. when proximately related to a surgical General Exclusions include, but are not limited procedure. to: The exceptions to the exclusion for drugs 1. any Health Care Service received prior to purchased or dispensed by a pharmacy your Effective Date or after the date your described in subparagraph number two do coverage terminates; not apply to hemophilia drugs excluded 2. any Service to diagnose or treat any under this subparagraph. Condition resulting from or in connection 7. Drugs,which require prior coverage with your job or employment; authorization when prior coverage 3. any Health Care Services not within the authorization is not obtained. service categories described in the"What is 8. Specialty Drugs used to increase height or Covered?"section, any rider, or bone growth(e.g., growth hormone)except Endorsement attached hereto, unless such for Conditions of growth hormone deficiency services are specifically required to be documented with two abnormally low covered by applicable law; stimulation tests of less than 10 ng/ml and 4. any Health Care Services provided by a one abnormally low growth hormone Physician or other health care Provider dependent peptide or for Conditions of related to you by blood or marriage; growth hormone deficiency associated with loss of pituitary function due to trauma, 5. any Health Care Service which is not surgery,tumors,radiation or disease, or for Medically Necessary as determined by us or state mandated use as in patients with Monroe County BOCC and defined in this AIDS. Booklet. The ordering of a Service by a health care Provider does not in itself make Continuation of growth hormone therapy will such Service Medically Necessary or a not be covered except for Conditions Covered Service; associated with significant growth hormone deficiency when there is evidence of 6. any Health Care Services rendered at no continued responsiveness to treatment. charge; (See"What is Covered?"section for 7. expenses for claims denied because we did additional information.) not receive information requested from you Experimental or Investigational Services, regarding whether or not you have other except as otherwise covered under the Bone coverage and the details of such coverage; Marrow Transplant provision of the Transplant 8. any Health Care Services to diagnose or Services category. treat a Condition which,directly or indirectly, Food and Food Products prescribed or not, resulted from or is in connection with: except as covered in the Enteral Formulas a) war or an act of war, whether declared subsection of the"What Is Covered?" section. or not; Foot Care which is routine, including any Health b) your participation in, or commission of, Care Service, in the absence of disease. This any act punishable by law as a exclusion includes, but is not limited to: non- misdemeanor or felony, or which surgical treatment of bunions;flat feet;fallen constitutes riot, or rebellion; What Is Not Covered? 3-3 c) your engaging in an illegal occupation; Arrangement. This exclusion applies to all d) Services received at military or expenses for prenatal, intra-partal, and post- government facilities; or partal Maternity/Obstetrical Care, and Health e) Services received to treat a Condition Care Services rendered to the Covered Person arising out of your service in the armed acting as a Gestational Surrogate. forces, reserves and/or National Guard; For the definition of Gestational Surrogate and Gestational Surrogacy Contract see the f) Services that are not patient-specific, as Definitions section of this Benefit Booklet. determined solely by us. 9. Health Care Services rendered because Oral Surgery except as provided under the 'What Is Covered?"section. they were ordered by a court, unless such Services are Covered Services under this Orthomolecular Therapy including nutrients, Benefit Booklet; and vitamins, and food supplements. 10. any Health Care Services rendered by or Oversight of a medical laboratory by a through a medical or dental department Physician or other health care Provider. maintained by or on behalf of an employer, "Oversight"as used in this exclusion shall, mutual association, labor union,trust, or include, but is not limited to,the oversight of: similar person or group; or 1. the laboratory to assure timeliness, 11. Health Care Services that are not direct, reliability, and/or usefulness of test results; hands-on, and patient specific, including, but 2. the calibration of laboratory machines or not limited to the oversight of a medical testing of laboratory equipment; laboratory to assure timeliness, reliability, and/or usefulness of test results, or the 3. the preparation, review or updating of any oversight of the calibration of laboratory protocol or procedure created or reviewed machines,equipment,or laboratory by a Physician or other health care Provider technicians. in connection with the operation of the laboratory; and Genetic screening, including the evaluation of genes to determine if you are a carrier of an 4. laboratory equipment or laboratory abnormal gene that puts you at risk for a personnel for any reason. Condition, except as provided under the Personal Comfort, Hygiene or Convenience Preventive Health Services category of the Items and Services deemed to be not Medically 'What Is Covered?"section. Necessary and not directly related to your Hearing Aids(external or implantable)and treatment including, but not limited to: Services related to the fitting or provision of 1. beauty and barber services; hearing aids, including tinnitus maskers, 2. clothing including support hose; batteries,and cost of repair. 3. radio and television; Immunizations except those covered under the 4. guest meals and accommodations; Preventive Health Services category of the 5. telephone charges; 'What Is Covered?"section. 6. take-home supplies; Maternity Services rendered to a Covered 7. travel expenses(other than Medically Person who becomes pregnant as a Gestational Necessary Ambulance Services); Surrogate under the terms of, and in accordance g. motel/hotel accommodations; with, a Gestational Surrogacy Contract or What Is Not Covered? 3-4 9. air conditioners,furnaces, air filters, air or conditioning programs such as athletic training, water purification systems,water softening bodybuilding, exercise,fitness,flexibility, and systems, humidifiers, dehumidifiers,vacuum diversion or general motivation. cleaners or any other similar equipment and devices used for environmental control or to Training and Educational Programs, or enhance an environmental setting; materials, including, but not limited to programs or materials for pain management and 10. hot tubs, Jacuzzis, heated spas, pools, or vocational rehabilitation, except as provided memberships to health clubs; under the Diabetes Outpatient Self Management 11. heating pads, hot water bottles,or ice packs; category of the"What Is Covered?"section. 12. physical fitness equipment; Travel or vacation expenses even if prescribed 13. hand rails and grab bars; and or ordered by a Provider. 14. Massages except as covered in the"What Is Volunteer Services or Services which would Covered?"section of this Booklet. normally be provided free of charge and any Private Duty Nursing Care rendered at any charges associated with Deductible, location. Coinsurance, or Copayment(if applicable) Rehabilitative Therapies provided on an requirements which are waived by a health care inpatient or outpatient basis, except as provided Provider. in the Hospital, Skilled Nursing Facility, Home Weight Control Services including any service Health Care,and Outpatient Cardiac, to lose, gain, or maintain weight, including Occupational, Physical, Speech, Massage without limitation: any weight control/loss Therapies and Spinal Manipulations categories program;appetite suppressants;dietary of the"What Is Covered?"section. regimens;food or food supplements; exercise Rehabilitative Therapies provided for the programs; equipment; whether or not it is part of purpose of maintaining rather than improving a treatment plan for a Condition. your Condition are also excluded. Wigs and/or cranial prosthesis. Reversal of Voluntary, Surgically-Induced Sterility including the reversal of tubal ligations and vasectomies. Sexual Reassignment,or Modification Services including, but not limited to, any Health Care Services related to such treatment,such as psychiatric Services. Smoking Cessation Programs including any service to eliminate or reduce the dependency on,or addiction to,tobacco, including but not limited to nicotine withdrawal programs and nicotine products(e.g., gum,transdermal patches, etc.). Sports-Related devices and services used to affect performance primarily in sports-related activities;all expenses related to physical What Is Not Covered? 3-5 Section 4: Medical Necessity In order for Health Care Services to be covered 1. staying in the Hospital because under this Booklet, such Services must meet all arrangements for discharge have not been of the requirements to be a Covered Service, completed; including being Medically Necessary, as defined 2. use of laboratory, x-ray, or other diagnostic by this Benefit Booklet. testing that has no clear indication, or is not It is important to remember that any review of expected to alter your treatment; Medical Necessity we undertake is solely for the 3. staying in the Hospital because supervision purposes of determining coverage, benefits,or in the home, or care in the home, is not payment under the terms of this Booklet and not available or inconvenient;or being for the purpose of recommending or providing hospitalized for any Service which could � medical care. In conducting a review of Medical have been provided adequately in an Necessity, BCBSF may review specific medical facts or information pertaining to you. Any such alternate setting(e.g., Hospital outpatient review, however, is strictly for the purpose of department); or determining whether a Health Care Service 4. inpatient admissions to a Hospital, Skilled provided or proposed meets the definition of Nursing Facility, or any other facility for the Medical Necessity in this Booklet. In applying purpose of Custodial Care, convalescent the definition of Medical Necessity in this care, or any other Service primarily for the Booklet to a specific Health Care Service, convenience of the patient or his or her coverage and payment guidelines then in effect family members or a Provider. may be applied by BCBSF. Note: Whether or not a Health Care Service All decisions that require or pertain to is specifically listed as an exclusion,the fact independent professional medical/clinical that a Provider may prescribe, recommend, judgement or training, or the need for medical approve, or furnish a Health Care Service services, are solely your responsibility and that does not mean that the Service is Medically of your treating Physicians and health care Necessary(as defined by this Benefit Providers. You and your Physicians are Booklet)or a Covered Service. Please refer responsible for deciding what medical care to the"Definitions" section for the should be rendered or received and when that definitions of"Medically Necessary"or care should be provided. Monroe County BOCC "Medical Necessity". is ultimately responsible for determining whether expenses incurred for medical care are covered under this Booklet. In making coverage decisions, neither BCBSF nor Monroe County BOCC will be deemed to participate in or override your decisions concerning your health or the medical decisions of your health care Providers. Examples of hospitalization and other Health Care Services that are not Medically Necessary include, but are not limited to: Medical Necessity 4-1 Section 5: Understanding Your Share of Health Care Expenses This section explains what your share of the Benefits for the specific Covered Services which health care expenses will be for Covered are subject to a Copayment. Listed below is a Services you receive. In addition to the brief description of some of the Copayment information explained in this section, it is requirements that may apply to your plan. If the important that you refer to your Schedule of Allowed Amount or the Provider's actual charge Benefits to determine your share of the cost with for a Covered Service rendered is less than the regard to Covered Services. Copayment amount, you must pay the lesser of the Allowed Amount or the Provider's actual Deductible Requirement charge for the Covered Service. Individual Deductible 1. Office Services Copayment: This amount,when applicable, must be satisfied If your plan is a Copayment plan, the by you and each of your Covered Dependents Copayment for Covered Services rendered each Benefit Period, before any payment will be in the office(when applicable)must be made by the Group Health Plan. Only those satisfied by you,for each office Service before any payment will be made. The charges indicated on claims received for office Services Copayment applies Covered Services will be credited toward the regardless of the reason for the office visit individual Deductible and only up to the and applies to all Covered Services applicable Allowed Amount. Please see your rendered in the office,with the exception of Schedule of Benefits for more information. Durable Medical Equipment, Medical Family Deductible Pharmacy, Prosthetics, and Orthotics. If your plan includes a family Deductible, after Generally, if more than one Covered Service the family Deductible has been met by your that is subject to a Copayment is rendered family, neither you nor your Covered during the same office visit, you will be Dependents will have any additional Deductible responsible for a single Copayment which responsibility for the remainder of that Benefit will not exceed the highest Copayment Period. The maximum amount that any one specified in the Schedule of Benefits for the Covered Person in your family can contribute particular Health Care Services rendered. toward the family Deductible, if applicable, is the 2. Inpatient Facility Copayment: amount applied toward the individual Deductible. Please see your Schedule of Benefits for more The inpatient facility Copayment must be satisfied by you,for each inpatient information. admission to a Hospital, Psychiatric Facility, Copayment Requirements or Substance Abuse Facility, before any payment will be made for any claim for Covered Services rendered by certain Providers inpatient Covered Services. The inpatient or at certain locations or settings will be subject facility Copayment applies regardless of the to a Copayment requirement. This is the dollar reason for the admission, and applies to all amount you have to pay when you receive these inpatient admissions to a Hospital, Services. Please refer to your Schedule of Psychiatric Facility or Substance Abuse Understanding Your Share of Health Care Expenses 5-1 Facility in or outside the state of Florida. Hospital Per Admission Deductible Additionally,you will be responsible for out- of-pocket expenses for Covered Services The Hospital Per Admission Deductible(PAD) provided by Physicians and other health must be satisfied by each Covered Plan care professionals for inpatient admissions. Participant,for each Hospital admission, before any payment will be made for any claim for Note: Inpatient facility Copayments may inpatient Health Care Services. The Hospital vary depending on the facility chosen. per Admission Deductible applies regardless of (Please see the Schedule of Benefits for the reason for the admission, is in addition to the more information). Deductible requirement, and applies to all 3. Outpatient Facility Copayment: Hospital admissions in or outside the state of The outpatient facility Copayment must be Florida. satisfied by you,for each outpatient visit to a Emergency Room Per Visit Hospital,Ambulatory Surgical Center, Deductible Independent Diagnostic Testing Facility, Psychiatric Facility or Substance Abuse The Emergency Room Per Visit Deductible Facility, before any payment will be made for (PVD)is set forth in the Schedule of Benefits. any claim for outpatient Covered Services. The Emergency Room Per Visit Deductible The Outpatient Facility Copayment applies applies regardless of the reason for the visit, is regardless of the reason for the visit,and in addition to the Deductible, and applies to applies to all outpatient visits to a Hospital, emergency room services in or outside the state Psychiatric Facility or Substance Abuse of Florida. The Emergency Room Per Visit Facility in or outside the state of Florida. Deductible must be satisfied by each Covered Additionally, you will be responsible for out- Plan Participant for each visit. If the Covered of-pocket expenses for Covered Services Plan Participant is admitted to the Hospital at the provided by Physician and other healthcare time of the emergency room visit,the professionals. Emergency Room Per Visit Deductible will be Note: Outpatient facility Copayments may waived. vary depending on the facility chosen. Coinsurance Requirements (Please see the Schedule of Benefits for more information). All applicable Deductible or Copayment amounts must be satisfied before any portion of the 4. Emergency Room Facility Copayment: Allowed Amount will be paid for Covered The emergency room facility Copayment Services. For Services that are subject to applies regardless of the reason for the visit, Coinsurance,the Coinsurance percentage of the is in addition to the applicable Coinsurance applicable Allowed Amount you are responsible amount, and applies to emergency room for is listed in the Schedule of Benefits. facility Services in or outside the state of Florida. The emergency room facility Out-of-Pocket Maximums Copayment must be satisfied by you for each visit. If you are admitted to the Individual out-of-pocket maximum Hospital as an inpatient at the time of the Once you have reached the individual out-of- emergency room visit,the emergency room pocket maximum amount listed in the Schedule facility Copayment will be waived, but you of Benefits, you will have no additional out-of- will still be responsible for the inpatient pocket responsibility for the remainder of that facility Copayment. Benefit Period and we will pay 100 percent of Understanding Your Share of Health Care Expenses 5-2 the Allowed Amount for Covered Services in effect immediately preceding the Effective rendered during the remainder of that Benefit Date of the coverage provided under this Benefit Period. Booklet. This provision is only applicable for you Family out-of-pocket maximum during the initial Benefit Period of coverage under this Benefit Booklet and the following If your plan includes a family out-of-pocket rules apply: maximum,once your family has reached the 1. Prior Coverage Credit for Deductible: family out-of-pocket maximum amount listed in the Schedule of Benefits, neither you nor your For the initial Benefit Period of coverage covered family members will have any additional under this Benefit Booklet only,charges out-of-pocket responsibility for the remainder of credited towards your Deductible that Benefit Period and we will pay 100 percent requirement under the prior policy or plan, of the Allowed Amount for Covered Services for Services rendered during the 90-day rendered during the remainder of that Benefit period immediately preceding the Effective Period. The maximum amount any one Covered Date of the coverage under this Benefit Person in your family can contribute toward the Booklet,will be credited to the Deductible family out-of-pocket maximum, if applicable, is requirement under this Booklet. the amount applied toward the individual out-of- 2. Prior Coverage Credit for Coinsurance: pocket maximum. Please see your Schedule of Benefits for more information. Charges credited by Monroe County BOCC's prior policy or plan,towards your Note: Any applicable Copayments and Coinsurance Maximum,for Services Coinsurance amounts will accumulate toward rendered during the 90-day period the out-of-pocket maximums. Any benefit immediately preceding the Effective Date of penalty reductions, Deductible, PAD, PVD, non- coverage under this Benefit Booklet, will be covered charges or any charges in excess of the credited to your out-of-pocket maximum Allowed Amount will not accumulate toward the under this Booklet. out-of-pocket maximums. If the Group has purchased Prescription Drug coverage, any 3. Prior coverage credit towards the Deductible applicable Cost Share under the Prescription or out-of-pocket maximums will only be Drug coverage, will not apply to the Deductible given for Health Care Services which would or the out-of-pocket maximums under this have been Covered Services under this Booklet. Booklet. 4. Prior coverage credit under this Booklet only Prior Coverage Credit applies at the initial enrollment of the entire You will be given credit for the satisfaction or Group. You and/or Monroe County BOCC partial satisfaction of any Deductible and are responsible for providing BCBSF with Coinsurance maximums met by you under a any information necessary for BCBSF to prior group insurance, blanket insurance, or apply this prior coverage credit. franchise insurance or group Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)policy or plan Benefit Maximum Carryover maintained by Monroe County BOCC if the coverage provided hereunder replaces such a If immediately before the Effective Date of the policy or plan.This provision only applies if the coverage under this Benefit Booklet, you were prior group insurance, blanket insurance, covered under a prior Monroe County BOCC franchise insurance, HMO or plan coverage was group plan insured or administered by BCBSF, Understanding Your Share of Health Care Expenses 5-3 l amounts applied to your benefit maximums under the prior group plan,will be applied toward your benefit under this Booklet. Additional Expenses You Must Pay In addition to your share of the expenses described above, you are also responsible for: 1. any applicable Copayments; 2. expenses incurred for non-covered Services; 3. charges in excess of any maximum benefit limitation listed in the Schedule of Benefits (e.g.,the Benefit Period maximums); 4. charges in excess of the Allowed Amount for Covered Services rendered by Providers who have not agreed to accept the Allowed Amount as payment in full; 5. any benefit reductions; 6. payment of expenses for claims denied because we did not receive information requested from you regarding whether or not you have other coverage and the details of such coverage; and 7. charges for Health Care Services which are excluded. Additionally, you are responsible for any contribution amount required by Monroe County BOCC. How Benefit Maximums Will Be Credited Only amounts actually paid for Covered Services will be credited towards any applicable benefit maximums. The amounts paid which are credited towards your benefit maximums will be based on the Allowed Amount for the Covered Services provided. Understanding Your Share of Health Care Expenses 5-4 Section 6: Physicians, Hospitals and Other Provider Options Introduction continuing a relationship with a Family Physician It is important for you to understand how the allows the physician to become knowledgeable Provider you select and the setting in which you about you and your family's health history. A receive Health Care Services affects how much Family Physician can help you determine when you are responsible for paying under this you need to visit a specialist and also help you Booklet. This section, along with the Schedule find one based on their knowledge of you and of Benefits,describes the health care Provider your specific healthcare needs. Types of Family options available to you and the payment rules Physicians are Family Practitioners, General for Services you receive. Practitioners, Internal Medicine doctors and Pediatricians. Additionally,care rendered by As used throughout this section"out-of-pocket Family Physicians usually results in lower out-of- expenses"or"out-of-pocket'refers to the pocket expenses for you. Whether you select a amounts you are required to pay including any Family Physician or another type of Physician to applicable Copayments,the Deductible and/or render Health Care Services, please remember Coinsurance amounts for Covered Services. that using In-Network Providers may result in lower out-of-pocket expenses for you. You You are entitled to preferred provider type should always determine whether a Provider is benefits when you receive Covered Services In-Network or Out-of-Network prior to receiving from In-Network Providers. You are entitled to Services to determine the amount you are traditional program type benefits at the point of responsible for paying out-of-pocket. service when you receive Covered Services from Traditional Program Providers or BlueCard Location of Service (Out-of-State)Traditional Program Providers, in conformity with Section 7: BlueCard (Out-of- In addition to the participation status of the State)Program. Provider,the location or setting where you receive Services can affect the amount you pay. Provider Participation Status For example,the amount you are responsible for paying out-of-pocket will vary whether you With BlueCiptions, you may choose to receive receive Services in a Hospital, a Provider's Services from any Provider. However, you may office, or an Ambulatory Surgical Center. be able to lower the amount you have to pay for Please refer to your Schedule of Benefits for Covered Services by receiving care from an In- specific information regarding your out-of-pocket Network Provider. Although you have the option expenses for such situations. After you and to select any Provider you choose, you are your Physician have determined the plan of encouraged to select and develop a relationship treatment most appropriate for your care, you with an In-Network Family Physician. There are should refer to the'What Is Covered?"section several advantages to selecting a Family and your Schedule of Benefits to find out if the Physician. Family Physicians are trained to specific Health Care Services are covered and provide a broad range of medical care and can how much you will have to pay. You should also be a valuable resource to coordinate your consult with your Physician to determine the overall healthcare needs. Developing and most appropriate setting based on your health care and financial needs. Physicians,Hospitals and Other Provider Options 6-1 To verify if a Provider is In-Network benefit plan,the Provider is considered Out-of- for your plan you can: Network. 1. If in Florida, review your current BlueOptions Provider Directory; 2. If in Florida, access the BlueOptions Provider directory at BCBSF's web-site at www.floridablue.com; and/or 3. If outside of Florida, access the on-line BlueCard Doctor and Hospital Finder at www.floridablue.com; and/or 4. Call the customer service phone number in this Booklet or on your Identification Card to search for PPO providers. Please remember that changes to Provider network participation can occur at any time. Consequently, it is your responsibility to determine whether a specific Provider is In- Network at the time you receive Covered Services. In-Network Providers When you use In-Network Providers, your out- of-pocket expenses for Covered Services may be lower. Payment will be based on the Allowed Amount and your share of the cost will be at the In-Network benefit level listed in the Schedule of Benefits. Out-of-Network Providers When you use Out-of-Network Providers your out-of-pocket expenses for Covered Services will be higher. We will base our payment on the Allowed Amount at the Coinsurance percentage listed in the Schedule of Benefits. Further, if the Out-of-Network Provider is a Traditional Program Provider or a BlueCard (Out-of-State) Traditional Program Provider,our payment to such Provider may be under the terms of that Provider's contract. If your Schedule of Benefits and BlueOptions Provider directory do not include a Provider as In-Network under your Physicians,Hospitals and Other Provider Options 6-2 In-Network Out-of-Network What expenses • Any applicable Copayments, Deductible(s)and/or Coinsurance requirements; are you • Expenses for Services which are not covered; responsible for • Expenses for Services in excess of any benefit maximum limitations; paying? • Expenses for claims denied because we did not receive information requested from you regarding whether or not you have other coverage and the details of such coverage; and • Expenses for Services which are excluded. Who is • The Provider will file the claim ' You are responsible for filing the responsible for for you and payment will be claim and payment will be made filing your made directly to the Provider. directly to the Covered Plan claims? Participant. If you receive Services from a Provider who participates in our Traditional Program or is a BlueCard (Out-of-State)Traditional Program Provider, the Provider will file the claim for you. In those instances payment will be made directly to the Provider. Can you be billed • NO. You are protected from • YES. You are responsible for paying the difference being billed for the difference in the difference between what we pay between what the the Allowed Amount and the and the Provider's charge. However, Provider is paid Provider's charge when you use if you receive Services from a and the Provider's In-Network Providers. The Provider who participates in our charge? Provider will accept the Allowed Traditional Program,the Provider will Amount as payment in full for accept our Allowed Amount as Covered Services except as payment in full for Covered Services otherwise permitted under the since such Traditional Program terms of the Provider's contract Providers have agreed not to bill you and this Booklet. for the difference. Further, under the BlueCard(Out-of-State)Program, when you receive Covered Services from a BlueCard(Out-of-State) Traditional Program Provider, you may be responsible for paying the difference between what the Host Blue pays and the Provider's billed charge. Note: You are solely responsible for selecting a Provider when obtaining Health Care Services and for verifying whether that Provider is In-Network or Out-of-Network. You are also responsible for determining the corresponding payment options, if any, at the time the Health Care Services are rendered. Physicians,Hospitals and Other Provider Options 6-3 Physicians admits to by contacting the Physician's office. This will provide you with information that will When you receive Covered Services from a help you determine a portion of what your out-of- Physician you will be responsible for a pocket costs may be in the event you are Copayment and/or the Deductible and the hospitalized. applicable Coinsurance. Several factors will Refer to your Schedule of Benefits to determine determine your out-of-pocket expenses including the applicable out-of-pocket expenses you are your Schedule of Benefits,whether the responsible for paying for Hospital Services. Physician is In-Network or Out-of-Network,the location of service, the type of Service rendered, Specialty Pharmacy and the Physician's specialty. Remember that the location or setting where a Certain medications, such as injectable, oral, Service is rendered can affect the amount you inhaled and infused therapies used to treat are responsible for paying out-of-pocket. After complex medical Conditions are typically more you and your Physician have determined the difficult to maintain, administer and monitor plan of treatment most appropriate for your care, when compared to traditional Drugs. Specialty you should refer to the Schedule of Benefits and Drugs may require frequent dosage consult with your Physician to determine the adjustments, special storage and handling and most appropriate setting based on your health may not be readily available at local pharmacies care and financial needs. or routinely stocked by Physicians'offices, Refer to your Schedule of Benefits to determine mostly due to the high cost and complex the applicable Copayments, Coinsurance handling they require. percentage and/or Deductible amount you are Using the Specialty Pharmacy to provide these responsible for paying for Physician Services. Specialty Drugs should lower the amount you have to pay for these medications,while helping Hospitals to preserve your benefits. Each time you receive inpatient or outpatient Other Providers Covered Services at a Hospital, in addition to any out-of-pocket expenses related to Physician With BlueOptions you have access to other Services, you will be responsible for out-of- Providers in addition to the ones previously pocket expenses related to Hospital Services. described in this section. Other Providers In-Network Hospitals have been divided into two include facilities that provide alternative groups that are referred to as"options"on the outpatient settings or other persons and entities Schedule of Benefits. The amount you are that specialize in a specific Service(s). While responsible for paying out-of-pocket is different these Providers may be recognized for payment, for each of these options. Remember that there they may not be included as In-Network are also different out-of-pocket expenses for Providers for your plan. Additionally, all of the Out-of-Network Hospitals. Services that are within the scope of certain Providers' licenses may not be Covered Since not all Physicians admit patients to every Services under this Booklet. Please refer to the Hospital, it is important when choosing a 'What Is Covered?"and"What Is Not Covered?" Physician that you determine the Hospitals sections of this Booklet and your Schedule of where your Physician has admitting privileges. Benefits to determine your out-of-pocket You can find out what Hospitals your Physician Physicians,Hospitals and Other Provider Options 6-4 expenses for Covered Services rendered by 4)is a BlueCard(Out-of-State)PPO Program these Providers. Provider; 5)is a BlueCard(Out-of-State) You may be able to receive certain outpatient Traditional Program Provider;6)is a licensed Services at a location other than a Hospital. The Hospital, Physician, or dentist and the benefits amount you are responsible for paying for which have been assigned are for care provided Services rendered at some alternative facilities pursuant to section 395.1041, Florida Statutes; is generally less than if you had received those or 7)is an Ambulance Provider that provides same Services at a Hospital. transportation for Services from the location where an "emergency medical condition", Remember that the location of service can defined in section 395.002(8)Florida Statutes, impact the amount you are responsible for first occurred to a Hospital, and the benefits paying out-of-pocket. After you and your which have been assigned are for transportation Physician have determined the plan of treatment to care provided pursuant to section 395.1041, most appropriate for your care, you should refer Florida Statutes. A written attestation of the to the Schedule of Benefits and consult with assignment of benefits may be required. your Physician to determine the most appropriate setting based on your health care and financial needs. When Services are rendered at an outpatient facility other than a Hospital there may be an out-of-pocket expense for the facility Provider as well as an out-of- pocket expense for other types of Providers. Assignment of Benefits to Providers Except as set forth in the last paragraph of this section, any of the following assignments, or attempted assignments, by you to any Provider will not be honored: • an assignment of the benefits due to you for Covered Services under this Benefit Booklet; • an assignment of your right to receive payments for Covered Services under this Benefit Booklet; or • an assignment of a claim for damage resulting from a breach,or an alleged breach of the terms of this Benefit Booklet. j We specifically reserve the right to honor an assignment of benefits or payment by you to a Provider who: 1)is In-Network under your plan of coverage; 2)is a NetworkBlue Provider even if that Provider is not in the panel for your plan of coverage; 3) is a Traditional Program Provider; Physicians,Hospitals and Other Provider Options 6-5 Section 7: BlueCard® (Out-of-State) Program Out-of-Area Services • The negotiated price that the Host Blue makes available to us. We have a variety of relationships with other Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Licensees Often,this"negotiated price'will be a simple referred to generally as"Inter-Plan Programs". discount that reflects an actual price that the Host Whenever you obtain Health Care Services Blue pays to your health care Provider. outside of our service area,the claims for these Sometimes, it is an estimated price that takes into Services may be processed through one of account special arrangements with your health these Inter-Plan Programs,which include the care Provider or Provider group that may include BlueCard Program and may include negotiated types of settlements, incentive payments, and/or National Account arrangements available other credits or charges. Occasionally, it may be between us and other Blue Cross and Blue an average price, based on a discount that Shield Licensees. results in expected average savings for similar Typically,when accessing care outside our types of health care Providers after taking into service area, you will obtain care from health account the same types of transactions as with care Providers that have a contractual an estimated price. agreement(i.e., are"participating providers") Estimated pricing and average pricing, going with the local Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield forward, also take into account adjustments to Licensee in that other geographic area("Host correct for over-or underestimation of Blue"). In some instances, you may obtain care modifications of past pricing for the types of from non-participating health care Providers. transaction modifications noted above. However, Our payment practices in both instances are such adjustments will not affect the price we use described below. for your claim because they will not be applied retroactively to claims already paid. BlueCard Program Laws in a small number of states may require the Under the BlueCard Program,when you Host Blue to add a surcharge to your calculation. access Covered Services within the geographic If any state laws mandate other liability area served by a Host Blue,we will remain calculation methods, including a surcharge,we responsible for fulfilling our contractual would then calculate your liability for any Covered obligations. However,the Host Blue is Services according to applicable law. responsible for contracting with and generally handling all interactions with its participating Out-of-Network Providers Outside Our health care Providers. Service Area Whenever you access Covered Services Your Liability Calculation outside our service area and the claim is When Covered Services are provided outside of processed through the BlueCard Program,the our service area by non-participating health care amount you pay for Covered Services is Providers,the payment will be based on the calculated based on the lower of: Allowed Amount as defined in the Benefit • The billed covered charges for your Booklet. Covered Services; or BlueCard(Out-of-State)Program 7-1 Section 8: Blueprint for Health Programs Introduction Psychiatric Facility, Substance Abuse Facility or Skilled Nursing Facility(as applicable)if we BCBSF has established(and from time to time have been notified of your admission. For an establishes)various customer-focused health admission outside of Florida,you or the education and information programs as well as Hospital, Psychiatric Facility, Substance Abuse benefit utilization management and utilization review programs. Under the terms of the ASO Facility or Skilled Nursing Facility(as applicable) Agreement between BCBSF and Monroe should notify us of the admission. Making sure County BOCC, BCBSF has agreed to make that we are notified of your admission will enable these programs available to you.These us to provide you information about the Blueprint programs,collectively called the Blueprint for for Health Programs available to you. You or Health Programs, are designed to 1)provide you the Hospital, Psychiatric Facility, Substance with information that will help you make more Abuse Facility or Skilled Nursing Facility(as informed decisions about your health,2)help applicable)may notify us of your admission by facilitate the management and review of calling the toll free customer service number on coverage and benefits provided under this your ID card. Booklet and 3)present opportunities, as explained below,to mutually agree upon Out-of-Network alternative benefits or payment alternatives for cost-effective medically appropriate Health Care For admissions to an Out-of-Network Hospital, Services. Some BluePrint For Health Psychiatric Facility, Substance Abuse Facility or Programs may not be available outside the Skilled Nursing Facility, you or the Hospital, state of Florida. Psychiatric Facility, Substance Abuse Facility or Skilled Nursing Facility should notify BCBSF of Admission Notification the admission. Notifying BCBSF of your admission will enable BCBSF to provide you The admission notification requirements vary information about the Blueprint for Health depending on whether you are admitted to a Programs available to you. You or the Hospital Hospital, Psychiatric Facility, Substance Abuse may notify BCBSF of your admission by calling Facility or Skilled Nursing Facility which is In- the toll-free customer service number on your ID Network or Out-of-Network. card. In-Network Inpatient Facility Program Under the admission notification requirement, Under the inpatient facility program,we may we must be notified of all inpatient admissions review Hospital stays, Hospice, Inpatient (i.e., elective, planned, urgent or emergency)to Rehabilitation, LTAC and Skilled Nursing Facility In-Network Hospitals, Psychiatric Facilities, (SNF)Services, and other Health Care Services Substance Abuse Facilities or Skilled Nursing rendered during the course of an inpatient stay Facilities. While it is the sole responsibility of or treatment program. We may conduct this the In-Network Provider located in Florida to review while you are inpatient, after your comply with our admission notification discharge, or as part of a review of an episode requirements, you should ask the Hospital, of care when you are transferred from one level Blueprint for Health Programs 8-1 P of inpatient care to another for ongoing required under the terms of their agreement treatment. The review is conducted solely to with us;or determine whether we should provide coverage 2 we perform a focused review under the and/or payment for a particular admission or focused utilization management program Health Care Services rendered during that and we determine that a Health Care admission. Using our established criteria then in Service is not Medically Necessary in effect, a concurrent review of the inpatient stay accordance with our Medical Necessity may occur at regular intervals, including in criteria or inconsistent with our benefit advance of a transfer from one inpatient facility guidelines then in effect unless the following to another. We will provide notification to your exception applies. Physician when inpatient coverage criteria are no longer met. In administering the inpatient Exception for Certain NetworkBlue Physicians facility program,we may review specific medical Certain NetworkBlue Physicians licensed as facts or information and assess,among other Doctors of Medicine(M.D.)or Doctors of things,the appropriateness of the Services Osteopathy(D.O.)only may bill you for Services being rendered, health care setting and/or the determined to be not Medically Necessary by level of care of an inpatient admission or other BCBSF under this focused utilization health care treatment program. Any such management program if, before you receive the reviews by us, and any reviews or assessments Service: of specific medical facts or information which we conduct, are solely for purposes of making a. they give you a written estimate of your coverage or payment decisions under this financial obligation for the Service; Benefit Booklet and not for the purpose of b. they specifically identify the proposed recommending or providing medical care. Service that BCBSF has determined not to Provider Focused Utilization be Medically Necessary; and Management Program c. you agree to assume financial responsibility for such Service. Certain NetworkBlue Providers have agreed to participate in our focused utilization Prior Coverage Authorization/Pre- management program. This pre-service review Service Notification Programs program is intended to promote the efficient delivery of medically appropriate Health Care It is important for you to understand our prior Services by NetworkBlue Providers. Under this coverage authorization programs and how the program we may perform focused prospective Provider you select and the type of Service you reviews of all or specific Health Care Services receive affects these requirements and proposed for you. In order to perform the ultimately how much you are responsible for review,we may require the Provider to submit to paying under this Benefit Booklet. us specific medical information relating to Health You or your Provider will be required to obtain Care Services proposed for you. These prior coverage authorization from us for: NetworkBlue Providers have agreed not to bill, or collect, any payment whatsoever from you or 1. advanced diagnostic imaging Services, us,or any other person or entity, with respect to such as CT scans, MRIs, MRA and nuclear a specific Health Care Service if: imaging; 1. they fail to submit the Health Care Service for a focused prospective review when Blueprint for Health Programs 8-2 1 2. Autism Spectrum Disorder; Mental customer service phone number on the back Health; and Substance Dependency of your ID Card. Services; and 2. In the case of Autism Spectrum Disorder, 3. other Health Care Services that are or may Mental Health, and Substance become subject to a prior coverage Dependency Services under a prior authorization program or a pre-service coverage authorization or pre-service notification program as defined and notification program, it is your sole administered by us. responsibility to comply with our prior Prior coverage authorization requirements vary, coverage authorization or pre-service depending on whether Services are rendered by notification requirements when rendered or an In-Network Provider or an Out-of-Network referred by an Out-of-Network Provider, Provider, as described below: before the Services are provided. Failure to obtain prior coverage authorization In-Network Providers will result in denial of coverage for such Services. It is the In-Network Provider's sole responsibility to comply with our prior coverage authorization 3. In the case of other Health Care Services requirements,and therefore you will not be under a prior coverage authorization or pre- responsible for any benefit reductions if prior service notification program, it is your sole coverage authorization is not obtained before responsibility to comply with our prior Medically Necessary Services are rendered. coverage authorization or pre-service Once we have received the necessary medical notification requirements when rendered or documentation from the Provider,we will review referred by an Out-of-Network Provider, the information and make a prior coverage before the Services are provided. Failure authorization decision, based on our established to obtain prior coverage authorization or criteria then in effect. The Provider will be provide pre-service notification may notified of the prior coverage authorization result in denial of the claim or application decision. of a financial penalty assessed at the Out-of-Network Providers time the claim is presented for payment to us. The penalty applied will be the lesser P Y PP 1. In the case of advanced diagnostic of$500 or 20% of the total Allowed Amount imaging Services such as CT scans, MRIs, MRA and nuclear imaging, it is your sole of the claim. The decision to apply a penalty or den the claim will be made uniform) and responsibility to comply with our prior y y coverage authorization requirements when will be identified in the notice describing the prior coverage authorization and pre-service rendered or referred by an Out-of-Network Provider before the advanced diagnostic notification programs. imaging Services are provided. Your Once the necessary medical documentation has failure to obtain prior coverage been received from you and/or the Out-of- authorization will result in denial of Network Provider, BCBSF or a designated coverage for such Services. vendor,will review the information and make a For additional details on how to obtain prior prior coverage authorization decision, based on coverage authorization for advanced our established criteria then in effect. You will diagnostic imaging Services, please call the be notified of the prior coverage authorization decision. Blueprint for Health Programs 8-3 BCBSF will provide you information for any Out- made available on a case-by-case basis when of-Network Health Care Service subject to a you meet BCBSF's case management criteria prior coverage authorization or pre-service then in effect. Such alternative benefits or notification program, including how you can payments, if any,will be made available in obtain prior coverage authorization and/or accordance with a treatment plan with which provide the pre-service notification for such you, or your representative, and your Physician Service not already listed here. This information agree to in writing. In addition, Monroe County will be provided to you upon enrollment, or at BOCC will be required to specifically agree to least 30 days prior to such Out-of-Network such treatment plan and the alternative benefits Services becoming subject to a prior coverage or payment. authorization or pre-service notification program. The fact that certain Health Care Services under See the"Claims Processing"section for the personal case management program have information on what you can do if prior coverage been provided or payment has been made in no authorization is denied. way obligates BCBSF, Monroe County BOCC, Note: Prior coverage authorization is not or the Group Health Plan to continue to provide required when Covered Services are provided or pay for the same or similar Services. Nothing for the treatment of an Emergency Medical contained in this section shall be deemed a Condition. waiver of Monroe County BOCC's right to enforce this Booklet in strict accordance with its Member Focused Programs terms. The terms of this Booklet will continue to apply, except as specifically modified in writing The Blueprint for Health Programs may include voluntary programs for certain members. These in accordance with the personal case programs may address health promotion, management program rules then in effect. prevention and early detection of disease, Health Information, Promotion, Prevention chronic illness management programs, case and Illness Management Programs management programs and other member These Blueprint for Health Programs may focused programs. include health information that supports health care education and choices for healthcare Personal Case Management Program issues. These programs focus on keeping you The personal case management program well, help to identify early preventive measures focuses on members who suffer from a of treatment and help covered individuals with catastrophic illness or injury. In the event you chronic problems to enjoy lives that are as have a catastrophic or chronic Condition,we productive and healthy as possible. These may, in BCBSF's sole discretion, assign a programs may include prenatal educational Personal Case Manager to you to help programs and illness management programs for coordinate coverage, benefits, or payment for Conditions such as diabetes, cancer and heart Health Care Services you receive. Your disease. These programs are voluntary and are participation in this program is completely designed to enhance your ability to make voluntary. informed choices and decisions for your unique health care needs. You may call the toll free Under the personal case management program, customer service number on your ID card for you may be offered alternative benefits or more information. Your participation in this payment for cost-effective Health Care Services. program is completely voluntary. These alternative benefits or payments may be Blueprint for Health Programs 8-4 IMPORTANT INFORMATION RELATING TO BCBSF'S BLUEPRINT FOR HEALTH PROGRAMS All decisions that require or pertain to independent professional medical/clinical judgment or training,or the need for medical services, are solely your responsibility and the responsibility of your Physicians and other health care Providers. You and your Physicians are responsible for deciding what medical care should be rendered or received, and when and how that care should be provided. Monroe County BOCC is ultimately responsible for determining whether expenses,which have been or will be incurred for medical care are, or will be, covered under this Booklet. In fulfilling this responsibility, neither BCBSF nor Monroe County BOCC will be deemed to participate in or override the medical decisions of your health care Provider. Please note that the Hospital admission notification requirement and any Blueprint For Health Program may be discontinued or modified at any time without notice to you or your consent. Blueprint for Health Programs 8-5 Section 9: Pre-existing Conditions Exclusion Period Introduction 6. Genetic Information in the absence of a diagnosis of the Condition; Generally,there is no coverage under this 7• routine follow-up care of breast cancer after the Booklet for Health Care Services to treat a Pre-existing Condition, or Conditions arising person was determined to be free of breast from a Pre-existing Condition, until you have cancer; been continuously covered under this 8. Conditions arising from domestic violence; or Booklet for a 12-month period. This 12- month Pre-existing Condition exclusionary 9• inherited diseases of amino acid, organic acid, period begins on the first day of the Waiting carbohydrate or fat metabolism as well as Period if you are an initial enrollee; or your malabsorption originating from congenital Effective Date of coverage under the Booklet defects present at birth or acquired during the if you are a special or annual enrollee. This neonatal period. exclusionary period also applies to any Genetic Information, as used above, means prescription drug that is prescribed in information about genes,gene products, and connection with a Pre-existing Condition. inherited characteristics that may derive from the This Pre-existing Condition exclusionary individual or a family member. This includes period does not apply to: information regarding carrier status and information 1. the Covered Plan Participant and each derived from laboratory tests that identify mutations Covered Dependent who was covered in specific genes or chromosomes, physical medical under the Group's prior medical plan on examinations,family histories, and direct analysis of the date immediately preceding the genes or chromosomes. Effective Date of coverage under this Pre-existing Condition Definition Booklet; 2. you if you were enrolled during the Initial A Pre-existing Condition means any Condition related to a physical or mental Condition, regardless Enrollment Period prior to the Effective of the cause of the Condition,for which medical Date of the Group; advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment was 3. you when the Group has elected to recommended or received during the six-month waive, in writing, at the time of Group period immediately preceding: Application the Pre-existing Conditions 1. the first day of your Waiting Period for initial exclusionary period for all subsequent enrollees;or Eligible Employees and/or Eligible 2. your Effective Date of coverage under the Dependents; Group Health Plan for special and annual 4. any Condition for a Covered Person who enrollees. is under the age of 19 as of the effective date of this Benefit Booklet, or if enrolled Reducing the Pre-existing Conditions thereafter, is under the age of 19 at the Exclusionary Period time of enrollment; No matter whether you enroll when first eligible or at 5. pregnancy; a later date(such as an Annual Open Enrollment Period or as a result of Special Enrollment), you Pre-existing Condibons Exclusion Penod 9-1 may be able to reduce or even eliminate the 8. a health plan offered under chapter 89 of Title 5, Pre-existing Conditions exclusionary period if United States Code; you have prior Creditable Coverage. 9. a public health plan; If you are enrolling when you are first eligible 10. a health benefit plan of the Peace Corps; for coverage and you have no more than a 63 day break in Creditable Coverage as of 11. State Children's Health Insurance Program your Enrollment Date under this Booklet, (CHIP); your Pre-existing Conditions exclusionary 12. public health plans established by the federal period will be reduced by the amount of prior government;or Creditable Coverage you have. 1 If, on the other hand, you are enrolling under 3. public health plans established by foreign this Booklet at any other time as allowed governments. under its terms,such as during an Annual Proving Creditable Coverage Open Enrollment Period or a Special Enrollment Period, your Pre-existing You may provide a Prior/Concurrent Coverage Conditions exclusionary period will be Affidavit or Certification of Creditable Coverage to reduced by the amount of any Creditable prove the amount of time you were covered under Coverage you have; provided there is no Creditable Coverage. Prior health insurers and/or more than a 63 day break in coverage prior group health plans are required to provide a to your Enrollment Date in this Booklet. certification of Creditable Coverage to you upon If you have no Creditable Coverage or none termination of your coverage and at any time upon that can reduce the Pre-existing Conditions request up to 24 months after termination of your exclusionary period,the full 12-month Pre- prior health coverage. If you do not provide a existing Conditions exclusionary period will certification,then you must provide some other apply. evidence of Creditable Coverage such as a copy of an ID card or health insurance bill from a prior Creditable Coverage carrier and attest to the amount of time you were covered under the Creditable Coverage. Creditable Coverage is health care coverage that may include any of the following: 1. a group health insurance plan; 2. individual health insurance; 3. Medicare Part A and Part B; 4. Medicaid; 5. benefits to members and certain former members of the uniformed services and their dependents; 6. a medical care program of the Indian Health Service or of a tribal organization; 7. a State health benefits risk pool; Pre-existing conditions Exclusion Penod 9-2 Section 10: Eligibility for Coverage Each employee or other individual who is eligible the 60th day of continuous service or to participate in the Monroe County Group Waiting Period. Health Plan, and who meets and continues to Monroe County BOCC's coverage eligibility meet the eligibility requirements described in this classifications may be expanded to include: Booklet, shall be entitled to apply for coverage under this Booklet. These eligibility 1. retired employees; requirements are binding upon you and/or your 2. Constitutional Officers or their Employees; eligible family members. No changes in the eligibility requirements will be permitted except 3. additional job classifications; as permitted by Monroe County BOCC. 4. employees of affiliated or subsidiary Acceptable documentation may be required as companies of Monroe County BOCC; and proof that an individual meets and continues to meet the eligibility requirements such as a court 5. other individuals as determined by Monroe order naming the Eligible Employee as the legal County BOCC. guardian or appropriate adoption documentation Monroe County BOCC shall have sole discretion described in the"Enrollment and Effective Date concerning the expansion of eligibility of Coverage"section. classifications. Eligibility Requirements for Covered Eligibility Requirements for Plan Participants Dependent(s) In order to be eligible to enroll as a Covered An individual who meets the eligibility criteria Plan Participant, an individual must be an specified below is an Eligible Dependent and is Eligible Employee or Eligible Retiree. An eligible to apply for coverage under this Booklet: Eligible Employee must meet each of the following requirements: 1. The Covered Plan Participant's spouse under a legally valid existing marriage under 1. The employee must be a bona fide Federal Law. employee of a Monroe County Employer, participating in the Monroe County Group 2. The Covered Plan Participant's natural, Health Plan; newborn,adopted, Foster, or step child(ren) (or a child for whom the Covered Plan 2. The employee must be actively working 25 Participant has been court-appointed as hours or more per week on a regular basis; legal guardian or legal custodian)who has 3. The employee must have completed the not reached the end of the Calendar Year in applicable Waiting Period of 60 days of which he or she reaches age 26(or in the continuous service; and case of a Foster Child, is no longer eligible 4. The employee must meet any additional under the Foster Child Program), regardless eligibility requirement(s)required by Monroe of the dependent child's student or marital County BOCC. status,financial dependency on the Covered Plan Participant,whether the dependent Note: Employees and qualified Dependents are child resides with the Covered Plan eligible for coverage on the day following Participant, or whether the dependent child Eligibility For Coverage 10-1 is eligible for or enrolled in any other group Handicapped Children health plan. In the case of a handicapped dependent child, 3. The newborn child of a Covered Dependent such child is eligible to continue coverage as a child who has not reached the end of the Covered Dependent, beyond the age of 26, if Calendar Year in which he or she becomes the child is: 26. Coverage for such newborn child will 1. otherwise eligible for coverage under the automatically terminate 18 months after the Group Health Plan; birth of the newborn child. 2. incapable of self-sustaining employment by Note: If a Covered Dependent child who has reason of mental retardation or physical reached the end of the Calendar Year in which handicap; and he or she becomes 26 obtains a dependent of their own(e.g.,through birth or adoption)such 3. chiefly dependent upon the Covered Plan newborn child will not be eligible for this Participant for support and maintenance coverage and the Covered Dependent child will provided that the symptoms or causes of the also lose his or her eligibility for this coverage. It child's handicap existed prior to the child's is the Covered Plan Participant's sole 26th birthday. responsibility to establish that a child meets the This eligibility shall terminate on the last day of applicable requirements for eligibility. the month in which the dependent child no This eligibility shall terminate on the last day of longer meets the requirements for extended the Calendar Year in which the dependent child eligibility as a handicapped child. reaches age 26. Exception for Students on Medical Leave of Extension of Eligibility for Dependent Absence from School Children A Covered Dependent child who is a full-time or A Covered Dependent child may continue part-time student at an accredited post- coverage beyond the end of the Calendar Year secondary institution,who takes a physician in which he or she reaches age 26, provided he certified medically necessary leave of absence or she is: from school,will still be considered a student for eligibility purposes under this Booklet for the 1. unmarried and does not have a dependent; earlier of 12 months from the first day of the 2. a Florida resident or a full-time or part-time leave of absence or the date the Covered student; Dependent would otherwise no longer be eligible for coverage under this Booklet. 3. not enrolled in any other health coverage policy or group health plan; and 4. not entitled to benefits under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act unless the child is a handicapped dependent child. This eligibility shall terminate on the last day of the Calendar Year in which the dependent child reaches age 30. Eligibility For Coverage 1 0-Z 1 and Effective Date of Coverage Section 11 .• Enrollmente g Eligible Employees, Eligible Retirees and Employee/Retiree and the employee's spouse Eligible Dependents may enroll for coverage under a legally valid existing marriage under according to the provisions below. Federal Law or Domestic Partner. Any Eligible Employee, Eligible Retiree or Employee/Child(ren)Coverage-This type of Eligible Dependent who is not properly enrolled coverage provides coverage for the will not be covered under this Benefit Booklet. Employee/Retiree and the covered child(ren) Neither BCBSF nor Monroe County BOCC will only. have any obligation whatsoever to any individual Employee/Family Coverage-This type of who is not properly enrolled. coverage provides coverage for the Any Employee, Eligible Retiree, or Eligible Employee/Retiree and the Covered Dependents. Dependent who is eligible for coverage under There may be additional contribution amounts this Booklet may apply for coverage according to for each Covered Dependent based on the the provisions set forth below. coverage selected by Monroe County BOCC. Enrollment Forms/Electing Coverage Enrollment Periods To apply for coverage, you as the Eligible The enrollment periods for applying for coverage Employee or Eligible Retiree must: are as follows: 1. complete and submit,through Monroe Initial Enrollment Period is the period of time County BOCC Benefits Office,the during which an Eligible Employee or Eligible Enrollment Form; Dependent is first eligible to enroll. It starts on 2. provide any additional information needed to the Eligible Employee's or Eligible Dependent's determine eligibility, at the request of initial date of eligibility and ends no less than 30 BCBSF or Monroe County BOCC Benefits days later. Office; Annual Open Enrollment Period is the period 3. pay any required contribution; and of time during which each Eligible Employee or 4. complete and submit,through Monroe Eligible Retiree is given an opportunity to select County BOCC Benefits Office, an coverage from among the alternatives included Enrollment Form to add Eligible in Monroe County BOCC's health benefit Dependents. program. The period is established by Monroe County BOCC, occurs annually, and will take When making application for coverage,you place when specified by Monroe County BOCC. must elect one of the types of coverage available under Monroe County BOCC's Special Enrollment Period is the 30-day period program. Such types may include: of time(unless otherwise noted)immediately following a special circumstance during which an Employee Only Coverage-This type of Eligible Employee or Eligible Dependent may coverage provides coverage for the apply for coverage. Special circumstances are Employee/Retiree only. described in the Special Enrollment Period Employee/Spouse Coverage-This type of subsection. coverage provides coverage for the Enrollment and Effective Date of Coverage 1-1 Employee Enrollment Enrollment event,during the Special Enrollment Period. An Eligible Employee who fails to enroll during the Initial Enrollment Period will not be covered Note: For a Covered Dependent child who has and may only enroll under this Benefit Booklet reached the end of the Calendar Year in which during the next Annual Open Enrollment Period he or she becomes 26 and the Covered established by Monroe County BOCC, or in the Dependent child obtains a dependent of their case of a Special Enrollment event, during the own(e.g.,through birth or adoption), such Special Enrollment Period. The Effective Date newborn child will not be eligible for this will be the date specified by Monroe County coverage and cannot enroll. Further, such BOCC. Covered Dependent child will also lose his or her eligibility for this coverage. Dependent Enrollment Adopted Newborn Child—To enroll an An individual may be added upon becoming an adopted newborn child,the Covered Plan Participant must submit an Enrollment Form Eligible Dependent of a Covered Plan through Monroe County BOCC Benefits Office to Participant. Below are special rules for certain BCBSF during the 30-day period immediately Eligible Dependents. following the date of birth. The Effective Date of Newborn Child—To enroll a newborn child who coverage for an adopted newborn child, eligible is an Eligible Dependent,the Covered Plan for coverage,will be the moment of birth, Participant must submit an Enrollment Form to provided that a written agreement to adopt such BCBSF through Monroe County BOCC Benefits child has been entered into by the Covered Plan Office during the 30-day period immediately Participant prior to the birth of such child, following the date of birth. The Effective Date of whether or not such an agreement is coverage for a newborn child will be the date of enforceable. The Covered Plan Participant may birth. be required to provide any information and/or If timely notice is given, no additional documents that are deemed necessary in order contribution will be charged for coverage of the to administer this provision. newborn child for not less than 30 days after the If timely notice is given, no additional birth of the child. If timely notice is not received, contribution will be charged for coverage of the the applicable contribution will be charged from adopted newborn child for not less than 30 days the date of birth. The applicable contribution for after the birth of the child. If timely notice is not the child will be charged after the initial 30-day received,the applicable contribution will be period in either case. Coverage will not be charged from the date of birth. The applicable denied for a newborn child if the Covered Plan contribution for the child will be charged after the Participant provides notice to Monroe County initial 30-day period in either case. Coverage BOCC Benefits Office and an Enrollment Form will not be denied for an adopted newborn child is received within the 60-day period of the birth if the Covered Plan Participant provides notice of the child and any applicable contribution is to Monroe County BOCC Benefits Office and an paid back to the date of birth. Enrollment Form is received within the 60-day If the newborn is not enrolled within sixty days of period of the birth of the adopted newborn child the date of birth,the newborn child will not be and any applicable contribution is paid back to covered, and may only be enrolled under this the date of birth. Benefit Booklet during an Annual Open If the adopted newborn child is not enrolled Enrollment Period,or in the case of a Special within sixty days of the date of birth,the adopted Enrollment and Effective Date of Coverage 11-2 newborn child will not be covered, and may only must be submitted to BCBSF through Monroe be enrolled under this Benefit Booklet during an County BOCC Benefits Office. It is the Annual Open Enrollment Period, or in the case responsibility of the Covered Plan Participant to of a Special Enrollment event,during the Special notify BCBSF through Monroe County BOCC Enrollment Period. Benefits Office if the adoption does not take If the adopted newborn child is not ultimately place. Upon receipt of this notification,we will placed in the residence of the Covered Plan terminate the coverage of the child as of the Participant,there shall be no coverage for the Effective Date of the adopted child upon receipt adopted newborn child. It is your responsibility of the written notice. as the Covered Plan Participant to notify Monroe If the Covered Plan Participant's status as a County BOCC Benefits Office within ten foster parent is terminated, coverage will end for calendar days of the date that placement was to any Foster Child. It is the responsibility of the occur if the adopted newborn child is not placed Covered Plan Participant to notify BCBSF in your residence. through Monroe County BOCC Benefits Office Adopted/Foster Children—To enroll an that the Foster Child is no longer in the Covered adopted or Foster Child,the Covered Plan Plan Participant's care. Upon receipt of this Participant must submit an Enrollment Form notification, coverage for the child will be during the 30-day period immediately following terminated on the date the Covered Plan the date of placement. The Effective Date for an Participant's status as a foster parent adopted or Foster child(other than an adopted terminated. newborn child)will be the date such adopted or Marital Status—The Covered Plan Participant Foster child is placed in the residence of the may apply for coverage of an Eligible Dependent Covered Plan Participant in compliance with due to a legally valid existing marriage under applicable law. The Covered Plan Participant Federal Law. To apply for coverage,the may be required to provide any information Covered Plan Participant must complete the and/or documents deemed necessary in order to Enrollment Form through Monroe County BOCC properly administer this section. Benefits Office and forward it to BCBSF. The In the event Monroe County BOCC Benefits Covered Plan Participant must make application Office is not notified within 30 days of the date of for enrollment within 30 days of the marriage. placement,the child will be added as of the date The Effective Date of coverage for an Eligible of placement so long as Covered Plan Dependent who is enrolled as a result of Participant provides notice to Monroe County marriage is the date of the marriage. BOCC Benefits Office,and we receive the Court Order—The Covered Plan Participant Enrollment Form within 60 days of the may apply for coverage for an Eligible placement. If the adopted or Foster Child is not Dependent outside of the Initial Enrollment enrolled within sixty days of the date of Period and Annual Open Enrollment Period if a placement, the adopted or Foster Child will not court has ordered coverage to be provided for a be covered, and may only be enrolled under this minor child under their group coverage. To Benefit Booklet during an Annual Open apply for coverage,the Covered Plan Participant Enrollment Period,or in the case of a Special must complete an Enrollment Form through Enrollment event, during the Special Enrollment Monroe County BOCC Benefits Office and Period. For all children covered as adopted forward it to BCBSF. The Covered Plan children, if the final decree of adoption is not Participant must make application for enrollment issued,coverage shall not be continued for the within 30 days of the court order. The Effective proposed adopted Child. Proof of final adoption Date of coverage for an Eligible Dependent who Enrollment and Effective Date of Coverage 11-3 is enrolled as a result of a court order is the date 1. If you lose your coverage under another required by the court. group health benefit plan(as an employee or dependent), or coverage under other Annual Open Enrollment Period health insurance(except in the case of loss of coverage under a Children's Health Eligible Employees and/or Eligible Dependents Insurance Program (CHIP)or Medicaid, see who did not apply for coverage during the Initial #3 below),or COBRA continuation Enrollment Period or a Special Enrollment coverage that you were covered under at Period may apply for coverage during an Annual the time of initial enrollment provided that: Open Enrollment Period. The Eligible Employee may enroll by completing the Enrollment Form a) when offered coverage under this plan during the Annual Open Enrollment Period. at the time of initial eligibility, you stated, in writing,that coverage under a group The effective date of coverage for an Eligible health plan or health insurance Employee and any Eligible Dependent(s)will be coverage was the reason for declining the date established by Monroe County BOCC enrollment; and Benefits Office. b) you lost your other coverage under a Eligible Employees who do not enroll or change group health benefit plan or health their coverage selection during the Annual Open insurance coverage(except in the case Enrollment Period, must wait until the next of loss of coverage under a CHIP or Annual Open Enrollment Period, unless the Medicaid, see#3 below)as a result of Eligible Employee or the Eligible Dependent is termination of employment, reduction in enrolled due to a special circumstance as the number of hours you work, reaching outlined in the Special Enrollment Period or exceeding the maximum lifetime of all subsection of this section. benefits under other health coverage, the employer ceased offering group Special Enrollment Period health coverage, death of your spouse, divorce, legal separation or employer An Eligible Employee and/or the Employee's contributions toward such coverage was Eligible Dependent(s)may apply for coverage terminated; and outside of the Initial Enrollment Period and Annual Enrollment Period as a result of a special c) you submit the applicable Enrollment enrollment event. To apply for coverage,the Form to the Group within 30 days of the Eligible Employee and/or the Employee's date your coverage was terminated Eligible Dependent(s)must complete the Note: Loss of coverage for failure to pay applicable Enrollment Form and forward it to your required contribution/premium on a Monroe County BOCC Benefits Office within the timely basis or for cause(such as making a time periods noted below for each special fraudulent claim or an intentional enrollment event. misrepresentation of a material fact in An Eligible Employee and/or the Employee's connection with the prior health coverage)is Eligible Dependent(s)may apply for coverage if not a qualifying event for special enrollment. one of the following special enrollment events or occurs and the applicable Enrollment Form is 2. If when offered coverage under this plan at submitted to Monroe County BOCC Benefits the time of initial eligibility, you stated, in Office within the indicated time periods: writing,that coverage under a group health plan or health insurance coverage was the Enrollment and Effective Date of Coverage 11-4 i I ! reason for declining enrollment; and you get Condition exclusionary period, and Waiting mauled or obtain a dependent through birth, Period)are applicable to rehired employees and adoption or placement in anticipation of their Eligible Dependents. adoption and you submit the applicable Enrollment Form to Monroe County BOCC Benefits Office within 30 days of the date of the event. or 3. If you or your Eligible Dependent(s)lose coverage under a CHIP or Medicaid due to loss of eligibility for such coverage or become eligible for the optional state premium assistance program and you submit the applicable Enrollment Form to Monroe County BOCC Benefits Office within 60 days of the date such coverage was terminated or the date you become eligible for the optional state premium assistance program. The Effective Date of coverage for you and your Eligible Dependents added as a result of a special enrollment event is the date of the special enrollment event. Eligible Employees or Eligible Dependents who do not enroll or change their coverage selection during the Special Enrollment Period must wait until the next Annual Open Enrollment Period(See the Dependent Enrollment subsection of this section for the rules relating to the enrollment of Eligible Dependents of a Covered Plan Participant). Other Provisions Regarding Enrollment and Effective Date of ! Coverage i Individuals who are rehired as employees of Monroe County BOCC or any of the Constitutional Officers or their Employees are considered newly hired employees for purposes of this section. The provisions of the Group Health Plan(which includes this Booklet)which are applicable to newly hired employees and their Eligible Dependents(e.g., enrollment, Effective Dates of coverage, Pre-existing Enrollment and Effective Date of Coverage 11-5 Section 12: Termination of Coverage Termination of a Covered Plan 4. last day of the Calendar Year that the Participant's Coverage Covered Dependent child no longer meets any of the applicable eligibility requirements; A Covered Plan Participant's coverage under this Benefit Booklet will automatically terminate 5. date specified by Monroe County BOCC that the Dependent's coverage is terminated for at 12:01 a.m.: cause(see the Termination of Individual 1. on the date the Group Health Plan Coverage for Cause subsection). terminates; In the event you as the Covered Plan Participant 2. on the date the ASO Agreement between wish to delete a Covered Dependent from BCBSF and Monroe County BOCC coverage, an Enrollment Form must be terminates; forwarded to BCBSF through Monroe County 3. on the last day of the first month that the BOCC Benefits Office. Covered Plan Participant fails to continue to In the event you as the Covered Plan Participant meet any of the applicable eligibility wish to terminate a spouse's coverage,(e.g., in requirements; the case of divorce),you must submit an 4. on the date specified by Monroe County Enrollment Form to Monroe County BOCC, prior BOCC that the Covered Plan Participant's to the requested termination date or within 10 coverage is terminated for cause(see the days of the date the divorce is final,whichever is Termination of an Individual Coverage for applicable. Cause subsection); or Termination of an Individual's 5. on the date specified by Monroe County Coverage for Cause BOCC that the Covered Plan Participant's coverage terminates. In the event any of the following occurs, Monroe County BOCC may terminate an individual's Termination of a Covered coverage for cause: Dependent's Coverage 1. fraud, material misrepresentation or A Covered Dependent's coverage will omission in applying for coverage or automatically terminate at 12:01 a.m. on the benefits; or date: 2. the knowing misrepresentation, omission or 1. the Group Health Plan terminates; the giving of false information on Enrollment Forms or other forms completed, by or on 2. the Covered Plan Participant's coverage your behalf. terminates for any reason; 3. the Dependent becomes covered under an Notice of Termination alternative health benefits plan which is It is Monroe County BOCC's responsibility to offered through or in connection with the immediately notify you of your termination or that Group Health Plan; of your Covered Dependents for any reason. Terrronabon of Coverage 12-1 Certification of Creditable Coverage In the event coverage terminates for any reason, a written certification of Creditable Coverage will be issued to you. The certification of Creditable Coverage will indicate the period of time you were enrolled i under Monroe County BOCC's Group Health Plan. Creditable Coverage may reduce the length of any Pre-existing Condition exclusionary period by the length of time you had prior Creditable Coverage. Upon request, another certification of Creditable Coverage will be sent to you within a 24-month period after termination of coverage. You may call the customer service phone number indicated in this Booklet or on your ID Card to request the certification. The succeeding carrier will be responsible for determining if coverage meets the qualifying Creditable Coverage guidelines(e.g., no more than a 63-day break in coverage). Termination of Coverage 12-2 Section 13: Continuing Coverage Under COBRA A federal continuation of coverage law, known months)if you or your Covered as the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Dependent(s)is/are totally disabled(as Reconciliation Act of 1985(COBRA), as defined by the Social Security Administration amended, may apply to your Group Health Plan. (SSA))at the time of your termination, If COBRA applies, you or your Covered reduction in hours or within the first 60 days Dependents may be entitled to continue of COBRA continuation coverage. The coverage for a limited period of time, if you meet Covered Person must supply notice of the the applicable requirements, make a timely disability determination to Monroe County election, and pay the proper amount required to BOCC Benefits Office within 18 months of maintain coverage. becoming eligible for continuation coverage You must contact Monroe County BOCC and no later than 60 days after the SSA's Benefits Office to determine if you or your determination date. Covered Dependent(s)are entitled to COBRA 2. Your Covered Dependent(s)may elect to continuation of coverage. Monroe County continue their coverage for a period not to BOCC is solely responsible for meeting all of the exceed 36 months in the case of: obligations under COBRA, including the a) the Covered Plan Participant's obligation to notify all Covered Persons of their entitlement to Medicare; rights under COBRA. If you fail to meet your obligations under COBRA and this Benefit b) divorce or legal separation of the Booklet, Monroe County BOCC will not be liable Covered Plan Participant; for any claims incurred by you or your Covered c) death of the Covered Plan Participant; Dependent(s)after termination of coverage. d) the employer files bankruptcy(subject to A summary of your COBRA rights and the bankruptcy court approval); or general conditions for qualification for COBRA continuation coverage is provided below. e) a dependent child may elect the 36 month extension if the dependent child The following is a summary of what you may ceases to be an Eligible Dependent elect, if COBRA applies to Monroe County under the terms of Monroe County BOCC and you are eligible for such coverage: BOCC's coverage. 1. You may elect to continue this coverage for Children born to or placed for adoption with the a period not to exceed 18 months"in the Covered Plan Participant during the continuation case of: coverage periods noted above are also eligible a) termination of employment of the for the remainder of the continuation period. Covered Plan Participant other than for Additional requirements applicable to gross misconduct;or continuation of coverage under COBRA are set b) reduced hours of employment of the forth below: Covered Plan Participant. 1. Monroe County BOCC must notify you of *Note: You and/or your Covered your continuation of coverage rights under Dependent(s)are eligible for an 11 month COBRA within 14 days of the event which extension of the 18 month COBRA creates the continuation option. If coverage continuation option above(to a total of 29 would be lost due to Medicare entitlement, Continuing Coverage Under COBRA 13-1 divorce,legal separation or the failure of a An election by a Covered Plan Participant or Covered Dependent child to meet eligibility Covered Dependent spouse shall be deemed to requirements,you or your Covered be an election for any other qualified beneficiary Dependent must notify Monroe County related to that Covered Plan Participant or BOCC Benefits Office,in writing,within 60 Covered Dependent spouse, unless otherwise days of any of these events. Monroe specified in the election form. County BOCC's 14-day notice requirement Note: This section shall not be interpreted to runs from the date of receipt of such notice. grant any continuation rights in excess of 2. You must elect to continue the coverage those required by COBRA and/or Section within 60 days of the later of: 4980B of the Internal Revenue Code. a) the date that the coverage terminates; or Additionally,this Benefit Booklet shall be deemed to have been modified,and shall be b) the date the notification of continuation of interpreted, so as to comply with COBRA coverage rights is sent by Monroe and changes to COBRA that are mandatory County BOCC. with respect to Monroe County BOCC. 3. COBRA coverage will terminate if you become covered under any other group health insurance plan. However, COBRA coverage may continue if the new group health insurance plan contains exclusions or limitations due to a Pre-existing Condition that would affect your coverage. 4. COBRA coverage will terminate if you become entitled to Medicare. 5. If you are totally disabled and eligible and elect to extend your continuation of coverage, you may not continue such extension of coverage more than 30 days after a determination by the Social Security Administration that you are no longer disabled. You must inform Monroe County BOCC Benefits Office of the Social Security Administration's determination within 30 days of such determination. 6. You must meet all contribution requirements,and all other eligibility requirements described in COBRA, and,to the extent not inconsistent with COBRA, in the Group Health Plan. 7. COBRA coverage will terminate on the date Monroe County BOCC ceases to provide group health coverage to its employees. Continuing Coverage Under COBRA 13-2 Section 14: Conversion Privilege Eligibility Criteria for Conversion Additionally, you are not entitled to a converted You are entitled to apply for a BCBSF individual policy if: insurance conversion policy(hereinafter referred 1. you are eligible for or covered under the to as a"converted policy"or"conversion policy") Medicare program; if: 2. you failed to pay, on a timely basis,the 1. you were continuously covered for at least contribution required for coverage under the three months under the Group Health Plan, Group Health Plan; and/or under another group policy that provided similar benefits immediately prior to 3. the Group Health Plan was replaced within the Group Health Plan; and 31 days after termination by any group policy, contract, plan, or program, including 2. your coverage was terminated for any aself-insured plan or program,that provides reason, including discontinuance of the benefits similar to the benefits provided Group Health Plan in its entirety and termination of continued coverage under under this Booklet; or COBRA. 4. a) you fall under one of the following Notify BCBSF in writing or by telephone if you categories and meet the requirements of are interested in a conversion policy. Within 14 4.b. below: days of such notice, BCBSF will send you a I. you are covered under any Hospital, conversion policy application, premium notice surgical, medical or major medical and outline of coverage. The outline of policy or contract or under a coverage will contain a brief description of the prepayment plan or under any other benefits and coverage, exclusions and plan or program that provides limitations,and the applicable Deductible(s)and benefits which are similar to the Coinsurance provisions. benefits provided under this Booklet; BCBSF must receive a completed application or for a converted policy, and the applicable ii. you are eligible,whether or not premium payment,within the 63-day period covered, under any arrangement of beginning on the date the coverage under the Group Health Plan terminated. If coverage for individuals in a group, whether on an insured, uninsured, coverage has been terminated, due to the non-payment of employee contribution by or partially insured basis,for Monroe County BOCC, BCBSF must receive benefits similar those provided the completed converted policy application under this Booklet; or and the applicable premium payment within iii. benefits similar to the benefits the 63-day period beginning on the date provided under this Booklet are notice was given that the Group Health Plan provided for or are available to you terminated. pursuant to or in accordance with In the event BCBSF does not receive the the requirements of any state or converted policy application and the initial federal law(e.g., COBRA, premium payment within such 63-day period, Medicaid);and your converted policy application will be denied and you will not be entitled to a converted policy. Conversion Privilege 14-1 b) the benefits provided under the sources referred to in paragraph 4.a.i or the benefits provided or available under the source referred to in paragraph 4.a.ii. and 4.a.iii. above,together with the benefits provided by our converted policy would result in over-insurance in accordance with our over-insurance standards, as determined by us. Neither Monroe County BOCC nor BCBSF has any obligation to notify you of this conversion privilege when your coverage terminates or at any other time. It is your sole responsibility to exercise this conversion privilege by submitting a BCBSF converted policy application and the initial premium payment to us within 63 days of the termination of your coverage under this Benefit Booklet. The converted policy may be issued without evidence of insurability and shall be effective the day following the day your coverage under this Benefit Booklet terminated. Note: Our converted policies are not a continuation of coverage under COBRA or any other states'similar laws. Coverage and benefits provided under a converted policy will not be identical to the coverage and benefits provided under this Booklet. When applying for our converted policy,you have two options: 1)a converted policy providing major medical coverage meeting the requirements of 627.6675(10)Florida Statutes or 2)a converted policy providing coverage and benefits identical to the coverage and benefits required to be provided under a small employer standard health benefit plan pursuant to Section 627.6699(12)Florida Statutes. In any event,we will not be required to issue a converted policy unless required to do so by Florida law. We may have other options available to you. Call the telephone number on your Identification card for more information. Conversion Privilege 14-2 Section 15: Extension of Benefits Extension of Benefits perform those normal day-to-day activities which you would otherwise perform and you In the event the Group Health Plan is require regular care and attendance by a terminated, coverage will not be provided under Physician. this Benefit Booklet for any Service rendered on or after the termination date. The extension of 2. In the event you are receiving covered benefits provisions described below only apply dental treatment as of the termination date of the Group Health Plan a limited extension when the entire Group Health Plan is of such covered dental treatment will be terminated. The extension of benefits described in this section do not apply when your coverage provided under this Benefit Booklet if: terminates if the Group Health Plan remains in a) a course of dental treatment or dental effect. The extension of benefits provisions are procedures were recommended in subject to all of the other provisions, including writing and commenced in accordance the limitations and exclusions. with the terms specified herein while you Note: It is your sole responsibility to provide were covered under the Group Health acceptable documentation showing that you are Plan; entitled to an extension of benefits. b) the dental procedures were procedures 1. In the event you are totally disabled on the for other than routine examinations, termination date of the Group Health Plan as prophylaxis, x-rays, sealants, or a result of a specific Accident or illness orthodontic services; and incurred while you were covered under this c) the dental procedures were performed Booklet, as determined by us,a limited within 90 days after the Group Health extension of benefits will be provided under Plan terminated. this Benefit Booklet for the disabled This extension of benefits is for Covered individual only. This extension of benefits is Services necessary to complete the for Covered Services necessary to treat the dental treatment only. This extension of disabling Condition only. This extension of benefits will automatically terminate at benefits will only continue as long as the the end of the 90-day period beginning disability is continuous and uninterrupted. In on the termination date of the Group any event,this extension of benefits will Health Plan or on the date you become automatically terminate at the end of the 12- covered under a succeeding insurance, month period beginning on the termination health maintenance organization or self- j date of the Group Health Plan. insured plan providing coverage or For purposes of this section, you will be Services for similar dental procedures. considered "totally disabled"only if, in our You are not required to be totally or Monroe County BOCC's opinion, you are disabled in order to be eligible for this unable to work at any gainful job for which extension of benefits. you are suited by education,training, or Please refer to the Dental Care category of experience,and you require regular care the"What Is Covered?"section for a and attendance by a Physician. You are description of the dental care Services totally disabled only if, in our or Monroe covered under this Booklet. County BOCC's opinion, you are unable to Extension of Benefits 15-1 i 3. In the event you are pregnant as of the termination date of the Group Health Plan,a limited extension of the maternity expense benefits included in this Booklet will be available, provided the pregnancy commenced while the pregnant individual was covered under the Group Health Plan, as determined by us or Monroe County BOCC. This extension of benefits is for Covered Services necessary to treat the pregnancy only. This extension of benefits will automatically terminate on the date of the birth of the child. You are not required to be Totally Disabled in order to be eligible for this extension of benefits. I I i I � I I I � I I I I Extension of Benefits 15-2 Section 16: The Effect of Medicare Coverage/Medicare Secondary Payer Provisions When you become covered under Medicare and disability whose employer has less than 100 continue to be eligible and covered under this employees, retirees and/or their spouses over Benefit Booklet,coverage under this Benefit the age of 65). Also, if coverage under this Booklet will be primary and the Medicare Benefit Booklet was primary prior to ESRD benefits will be secondary, but only to the extent entitlement,then coverage hereunder will required by law. In all other instances, coverage remain primary for the ESRD coordination under this Benefit Booklet will be secondary to period. If you become eligible for Medicare due any Medicare benefits. To the extent the to ESRD, coverage will be provided,as benefits under this Benefit Booklet are primary, described in this section, on a primary basis for claims for Covered Services should be filed with 30 months. BCBSF first. Disabled Active Individuals Under Medicare, Monroe County BOCC MAY NOT offer, subsidize, procure or provide a If you are entitled to Medicare coverage Medicare supplement policy to you. Also, because of a disability other than ESRD, Monroe County BOCC MAY NOT induce you to Medicare benefits will be secondary to the decline or terminate your group health insurance benefits provided under this Benefit Booklet coverage and elect Medicare as primary payer. provided that: If you become 65 or become eligible for Monroe County BOCC employed at least 100 or Medicare due to End Stage Renal Disease more full-time or part-time employees on 50%or ("ESRD"), you must immediately notify Monroe more of its regular business days during the County BOCC Benefits Office. previous Calendar Year. If the Group Health Plan is a multi-employer plan, as defined by Individuals With End Stage Renal Medicare, Medicare benefits will be secondary if Disease at least one employer participating in the plan If you are entitled to Medicare coverage covered 100 or more employees under the plan because of ESRD, coverage under this Benefit on 50%or more of its regular business days Booklet will be provided on a primary basis for during the previous Calendar Year. 30 months beginning with the earlier of: Miscellaneous 1. the month in which you became entitled to Medicare Part"A" ESRD benefits;or 1. This section shall be subject to, modified (if necessary)to conform to or comply with, 2. the first month in which you would have and interpreted with reference to the been entitled to Medicare Part"A" ESRD requirements of federal statutory and benefits if a timely application had been regulatory Medicare Secondary Payer made. provisions as those provisions relate to If Medicare was primary prior to the time you Medicare beneficiaries who are covered became eligible due to ESRD,then Medicare under this Benefit Booklet. will remain primary(i.e., persons entitled due to The Effect of Medicare Coverage/Medicare Secondary Payer Provisions 16-1 2. BCBSF will not be liable to Monroe County BOCC or to any individual covered under this Benefit Booklet on account of any nonpayment of primary benefits resulting from any failure of performance of Monroe County BOCC's obligations as described in this section. The Effect of Medicare Coverage/Medicare Secondary Payer Provisions 16-2 Section 17: Duplication of Coverage Under Other Health Plans/Programs Coordination of Benefits with which the law permits coordination of benefits; Coordination of Benefits("COB")is a limitation of coverage and/or benefits to be provided under 4. Medicare, as described in "The Effect of Medicare Coverage/Medicare Secondary this Benefit Booklet. Payer Provisions"section; and COB determines the manner in which expenses will be paid when you are covered under more 5. to the extent permitted by law, any other than one health plan, program,or policy government sponsored health insurance providing benefits for Health Care Services. program. COB is designed to avoid the costly duplication The amount of payment, if any, when benefits of payment for Covered Services. It is your are coordinated under this section, is based on responsibility to provide BCBSF and Monroe whether or not the benefits under this Benefit County BOCC Benefits Office information Booklet are primary. When primary, payment concerning any duplication of coverage under will be made for Covered Services without any other health plan, program,or policy you or regard to coverage under other plans. When the your Covered Dependents may have. This benefits under this Benefit Booklet are not means you must notify BCBSF and Monroe primary, payment for Covered Services may be County BOCC Benefits Office in writing if you reduced so that total benefits under all your have other applicable coverage or if there is no plans will not exceed 100 percent of the total other coverage. You may be requested to reasonable expenses actually incurred for provide this information at initial enrollment, by Covered Services. For purposes of this section, written correspondence annually thereafter, or in in the event you receive Covered Services from connection with a specific Health Care Service an In-Network Provider or an Out-of-Network you receive. If the information is not received, Provider who participates in the Traditional claims may be denied and you will be Program, "total reasonable expenses"shall responsible for payment of any expenses related mean the total amount required to be paid to the to denied claims. Provider pursuant to the applicable agreement Health plans, programs or policies which may be BCBSF or another Blue Cross and/or Blue subject to COB include, but are not limited to, Shield organization has with such Provider. In the following which will be referred to as the event that the primary payer's payment "plan(s)"for purposes of this section: exceeds the Allowed Amount, no payment will be made for such Services. 1. any group or non-group health insurance, group-type self-insurance, or HMO plan; The following rules shall be used to establish the order in which benefits under the respective 2. any group plan issued by any Blue Cross plans will be determined: and/or Blue Shield organization(s); 1. When you are covered as a Covered 3. any other plan, program or insurance policy, Dependent and the other plan covers you as including an automobile PIP insurance policy and/or medical payment coverage Duplication of Coverage Under Other Health Plans/Programs 17-1 other than a dependent,the Group Health 5. When rules 1, 2, 3, and 4 above do not Plan will be secondary. establish an order of benefits,the plan which 2. When the Group Health Plan covers a has covered you the longest shall be dependent child whose parents are not primary. separated or divorced: The Group Health Plan will not coordinate benefits against an indemnity-type policy, an a) the plan of the parent whose birthday, excess insurance policy, a policy with excluding year of birth,falls earlier in the coverage limited to specified illnesses or year will be primary; or accidents, or a Medicare supplement policy. b) if both parents have the same birthday, 6. If you are covered under a COBRA excluding year of birth, and the other continuation plan as a result of the purchase plan has covered one of the parents of coverage as provided under the longer than us, the Group Health Plan Consolidated Omnibus Budget will be secondary. Reconciliation Act of 1985, as amended, 3. When the Group Health Plan covers a and also under another group plan,the dependent child whose parents are following order of benefits applies: separated or divorced: a) first,the plan covering the person as an a) if the parent with custody is not employee,or as the employee's remarried,the plan of the parent with Dependent; and custody is primary; b) second,the coverage purchased under b) if the parent with custody has remarried, the plan covering the person as a former the plan of the parent with custody is employee, or as the former employee's primary;the stepparent's plan is Dependent provided according to the secondary; and the plan of the parent provisions of COBRA. without custody pays last; 7. If the other plan does not have rules that c) regardless of which parent has custody, establish the same order of benefits as whenever a court decree specifies the under this Booklet,the benefits under the parent who is financially responsible for other plan will be determined primary to the the child's health care expenses,the benefits under this Booklet. plan of that parent is primary. Coordination of benefits shall not be permitted 4. When the Group Health Plan covers a against an indemnity-type policy, an excess dependent child and the dependent child is insurance policy as defined in Florida Statutes also covered under another plan: Section 627.635, a policy with coverage limited a) the plan of the parent who is neither laid to specified illnesses or accidents,or a Medicare off nor retired will be primary;or supplement policy. b) if the other plan is not subject to this Non-Duplication of Government rule, and if, as a result, such plan does Programs and Worker's not agree on the order of benefits,this Compensation paragraph shall not apply. The benefits under this Booklet shall not duplicate any benefits to which you or your Duplication of Coverage Under Other Health Plans/Programs 17-2 Covered Dependents are entitled to or eligible for under government programs(e.g., Medicare, Medicaid,Veterans Administration)or Worker's Compensation to the extent allowed by law, or under any extension of benefits of coverage under a prior plan or program which may be provided or required by law. Duplication of Coverage Under Other Health Plans/Programs 17-3 Section 18: Subrogation In the event payment is made under this Benefit legal representative shall promptly notify BCBSF Booklet to you or on your behalf for any claim in in writing of any settlement negotiations prior to connection with or arising from a Condition entering into any settlement agreement, shall resulting, directly or indirectly,from an disclose to BCBSF any amount recovered from intentional act or from the negligence or fault of any person or entity that may be liable, and shall any third person or entity, Monroe County BOCC not make any distributions of settlement or and/or the Group Health Plan,to the extent of judgement proceeds without Monroe County any such payment, shall be subrogated to all BOCC's prior written consent. No waiver, causes of action and all rights of recovery you release of liability, or other documents executed have against any person or entity. Such by you without such notice to BCBSF shall be subrogation rights shall extend and apply to any binding upon Monroe County BOCC. settlement of a claim, regardless of whether litigation has been initiated. BCBSF may recover, on behalf of Monroe County BOCC and/or the Group Health Plan,the amount of any payments made on your behalf minus BCBSF or Monroe County BOCC's pro rata share for any costs and attorney fees incurred by you in pursuing and recovering damages. BCBSF may subrogate, on behalf of Monroe County BOCC and/or the Group Health Plan,against all money recovered regardless of the source of the money including, but not limited to, uninsured motorist coverage. Although Monroe County BOCC may, but is not required to,take into consideration any special factors relating your specific case in resolving the subrogation claim, Monroe County BOCC will have the first right of recovery out of any recovery or settlement amount you are able to obtain even if you or your attorney believes that you have not been made whole for your losses or damages by the amount of the recovery or settlement. You must promptly execute and deliver such instruments and papers pertaining to such settlement of claims, settlement negotiations, or litigation as may be requested by BCBSF or Monroe County BOCC,and shall do whatever is necessary to enable BCBSF or Monroe County BOCC to exercise Monroe County BOCC's subrogation rights and shall do nothing to prejudice such rights. Additionally, you or your I Subrogation 18-1 Section 19: Right of Reimbursement If any payment under this Benefit Booklet is made to you or on your behalf with respect to any injury or illness resulting from the intentional act,negligence, or fault of a third person or entity, Monroe County BOCC and/or the Group Health Plan will have a right to be reimbursed by you(out of any settlement or judgment proceeds you recover)one dollar($1.00)for each dollar paid under the terms of the Group Health Plan minus a pro rata share for any costs and attorney fees incurred in pursuing and recovering such proceeds. Monroe County BOCC's and/or the Group Health Plan's right of reimbursement will be in addition to any subrogation right or claim available to Monroe County BOCC, and you must execute and deliver such instruments or papers pertaining to any settlement or claim, settlement negotiations, or litigation as may be requested by BCBSF on behalf of Monroe County BOCC, and/or the Group Health Plan,to exercise Monroe County BOCC's and/or the Group Health Plan's right of reimbursement hereunder. You or your lawyer must notify us, by certified or registered mail, if you intend to claim damages from someone for injuries or illness. You must do nothing to prejudice Monroe County BOCC's and/or the Group Health Plan's right of reimbursement hereunder and no waiver, release of liability, or other documents executed by you,without notice to us and our written consent, acting on behalf of Monroe County SOCC, will be binding upon Monroe County BOCC. Right of Reimbursement 19-1 Section 20: Claims Processing Introduction Post-Service Claims This section is intended to: How to File a Post-Service Claim • help you understand what you or your We have defined and described the three types treating Providers must do, under the terms of claims that may be submitted to us. Our of this Benefit Booklet, in order to obtain experience shows that the most common type of payment for expenses for Covered Services claim we will receive from you or your treating they have rendered or will render to you; Providers will likely be Post-Service Claims. and In-Network Providers have agreed to file Post- • provide you with a general description of the Service Claims for Services they render to you. applicable procedures we will use for In the event a Provider who renders Services to making Adverse Benefit Determinations, you does not file a Post-Service Claim for such Concurrent Care Decisions and for notifying Services, it is your responsibility to file it with us. you when we deny benefits. We must receive a Post-Service Claim within 90 Under no circumstances will we be held days of the date the Health Care Service was responsible for, nor will we accept liability rendered or, if it was not reasonably possible to relating to,the failure of your Group Plan's file within such 90-day period,as soon as sponsor or plan administrator to: 1)comply with possible. In any event, no Post-Service Claim any applicable disclosure requirements; will be considered for payment if we do not 2)provide you with a Summary Plan Description receive it at the address indicated on your ID (SPD); or 3)comply with any other legal Card within one year of the date the Service was requirements. You should contact your plan rendered unless you were legally incapacitated. sponsor or administrator if you have questions For Post-Service Claims,we must receive an relating to your Group Plan's SPD. We are not itemized statement from the health care Provider your Group Plan's sponsor or plan administrator. for the Service rendered along with a completed In most cases,a plan's sponsor or plan claim form. The itemized statement must administrator is the employer who establishes contain the following information: and maintains the plan. 1. the date the Service was provided; Types of Claims 2. a description of the Service including any applicable procedure code(s); For purposes of this Benefit Booklet,there are three types of claims: 1)Pre-Service Claims; 3. the amount actually charged by the 2)Post-Service Claims;and 3)Claims Involving Provider; Urgent Care. It is important that you become 4. the diagnosis including any applicable familiar with the types of claims that can be diagnosis code(s); submitted to us and the timeframes and other 5. the Provider's name and address; requirements that apply. 6. the name of the individual who received the Service; and Claims Processing 20-1 7. the Covered Plan Participant's name and claim or a portion of the claim is contested. Our contract number as they appear on the ID notice may identify: 1)the contested portion or Card. portions of the claim; 2)the reason(s)for The itemized statement and claim form must be contesting the claim or a portion of the claim; received by us at the address indicated on your and 3)the date that we reasonably expect to ID Card. notify you of the decision. The notice may also indicate whether additional information is Note: Special claims processing rules may needed in order to complete processing of the apply for Health Care Services you receive claim. If we request additional information,we outside the state of Florida under the BlueCard must receive it within 45 days of our request for Program (See the"BlueCard(Out-of-State) the information. If we do not receive the Program"section of this Booklet). requested information,the claim or a portion The Processinq of Post-Service Claim_s of the claim will be adjudicated based on the information in our possession at the time We will use our best efforts to pay, contest, or and may be denied. Upon receipt of the deny all Post-Service Claims for which we have requested information,we will use our best all of the necessary information, as determined efforts to complete the processing of the Post- by us. Post-Service Claims will be paid, Service Claim within 15 days of receipt of the contested,or denied within the timeframes information. described below. • Denial of Post-Service Claims • Payment for Post-Service Claims In the event we deny a Post-Service Claim When payment is due under the terms of this submitted electronically,we will use our best Benefit Booklet,we will use our best efforts to efforts to provide notice, within 20 days of pay(in whole or in part)for electronically receipt,that the claim or a portion of the claim is submitted Post-Service Claims within 20 days of denied. In the event we deny a paper Post- receipt. Likewise,we will use our best efforts to Service Claim,we will use our best efforts to pay(in whole or in part)for paper Post-Service provide notice, within 30 days of receipt,that the Claims within 40 days of receipt. You may claim or a portion of the claim is denied. The receive notice of payment for paper claims notice may identify the denied portion(s)of the within 30 days of receipt. If we are unable to claim and the reason(s)for denial. It is your determine whether the claim or a portion of the responsibility to ensure that we receive all claim is payable because we need more or information determined by us as necessary to additional information,we may contest the claim adjudicate a Post-Service Claim. If we do not within the timeframes set forth below. receive the necessary information,the claim or a portion of the claim may be denied. • Contested Post-Service Claims A Post-Service Claim denial is an Adverse In the event we contest an electronically Benefit Determination and is subject to the submitted Post-Service Claim,or a portion of Adverse Benefit Determination standards and such a claim,we will use our best efforts to appeal procedures described in this section. provide notice,within 20 days of receipt,that the claim or a portion of the claim is contested. In Additional Processing Information for Post- the event we contest a Post-Service Claim Service Claims submitted on a paper claim form, or a portion of In any event,we will use our best efforts to pay such a claim,we will use our best efforts to or deny all: 1)electronic Post-Service Claims provide notice, within 30 days of receipt, that the within 90 days of receipt of the completed claim; Claims Processing 20-2 and 2)Post-Service paper claims within 120 Benefit Determinations on Pre-Service Claims days of receipt of the completed claim. Claims Involving Urgent Care processing shall be deemed to have been For a Pre-Service Claim Involving Urgent Care, completed as of the date the notice of the claims we will use our best efforts to provide notice of decision is deposited in the mail by us or our determination(whether adverse or not)as otherwise electronically transmitted. Any claims soon as possible, but not later than 72 hours payment relating to a Post-Service Claim that is after receipt of the Pre-Service Claim unless not made by us within the applicable timeframe additional information is required for a coverage is subject to the payment of simple interest at decision. If additional information is necessary the rate established by the Florida Insurance to make a determination, we will use our best Code. efforts to provide notice within 24 hours of: 1) We will investigate any allegation of improper the need for additional information; 2)the billing by a Provider upon receipt of written specific information that you or your Provider notification from you. If we determine that you may need to provide; and 3)the date that we were billed for a Service that was not actually reasonably expect to provide notice of the performed, any payment amount will be adjusted decision. If we request additional information, and, if applicable, a refund will be requested. In we must receive it within 48 hours of our such a case, if payment to the Provider is request. We will use our best efforts to provide reduced due solely to the notification from you, notice of the decision on your Pre-Service Claim we will pay you 20 percent of the amount of the within 48 hours after the earlier of: 1)receipt of reduction, up to a total of$500. the requested information; or 2)the end of the period you were afforded to provide the Pre-Service Claims specified additional information as described above. How to File a Pre-Service Claim Benefit Determinations on Pre-Service Claims This Benefit Booklet may condition coverage, that Do Not Involve Urgent Care benefits, or payment(in whole or in part),for a specific Covered Service, on the receipt by us of We will use our best efforts to provide notice of a decision on aPre-Service Claim not involving a Pre-Service Claim as that term is defined herein. In order to determine whether we must urgent care within 15 days of receipt provided receive a Pre-Service Claim for a particular additional information is not required for a Covered Service, please refer to the'What Is coverage decision. This 15-day determination Covered?"section and other applicable sections period may be extended by us one time for up to of this Benefit Booklet. You may also call the an additional 15 days. If such an extension is customer service number on your ID card for necessary, we will use our best efforts to provide assistance. notice of the extension and reasons for it. We will use our best efforts to provide notification of We are not required to render an opinion or the decision on your Pre-Service claim within a make a coverage or benefit determination with total of 30 days of the initial receipt of the claim, respect to a Service that has not actually been if an extension of time was taken by us. provided to you unless the terms of this Benefit Booklet require(or condition payment upon) If additional information is necessary to make a approval by us for the Service before it is determination, we will use our best efforts to: 1)provide notice of the need for additional received. information, prior to the expiration of the initial 15-day period;2)identify the specific information Claims Processing 20-3 I that you or your Provider may need to provide; Requests for Extension of Services and 3)inform you of the date that we reasonably Your Provider may request an extension of expect to notify you of our decision. If we coverage or benefits for a Service beyond the request additional information,we must receive approved period of time or number of approved it within 45 days of our request for the Services. If the request for an extension is for a information. We will use our best efforts to Claim Involving Urgent Care,we will use our provide notification of the decision on your Pre- best efforts to notify you of the approval or denial Service Claim within 15 days of receipt of the of such requested extension within 24 hours requested information. after receipt of your request, provided it is A Pre-Service Claim denial is an Adverse received at least 24 hours prior to the expiration Benefit Determination and is subject to the of the previously approved number or length of Adverse Benefit Determination standards and coverage for such Services. We will use our appeal procedures described in this section. best efforts to notify you within 24 hours if: 1)we need additional information; or 2)you or your Concurrent Care Decisions representative failed to follow proper procedures Reduction or Termination of Coverage or in your request for an extension. If we request Benefits for Services additional information, you will have 48 hours to provide the requested information.We may A reduction or termination of coverage or notify you orally or in writing, unless you or your benefits for Services will be considered an representative specifically request that it be in Adverse Benefit Determination when: writing. A denial of a request for extension of • we have approved in writing coverage or Services is considered an Adverse Benefit benefits for an ongoing course of Services to Determination and is subject to the Adverse be provided over a period of time or a Benefit Determination review procedure below. number of Services to be rendered; and Standards for Adverse Benefit • the reduction or termination occurs before Determinations the end of such previously approved time or number of Services; and Manner and Content of a Notification of an • the reduction or termination of coverage or Adverse Benefit Determination: benefits by us was not due to an We will use our best efforts to provide notice of amendment of this Benefit Booklet or any Adverse Benefit Determination in writing. termination of your coverage as provided by Notification of an Adverse Benefit Determination this Benefit Booklet. will include(or will be made available to you free We will use our best efforts to notify you of such of charge upon request): reduction or termination in advance so that you 1. the date the Service or supply was provided; will have a reasonable amount of time to have the reduction or termination reviewed in 2. the Provider's name; accordance with the Adverse Benefit 3. the dollar amount of the claim, if applicable; Determination standards and procedures described below. In no event shall we be 4. the diagnosis codes included on the claim required to provide more than a reasonable (e.g., ICD-9, DSM-IV), including a period of time within which you may develop description of such codes; your appeal before we actually terminate or 5. the standardized procedure code included reduce coverage for the Services. on the claim (e.g., Current Procedural Claims Processing 20-4 Terminology), including a description of such Determination. An appeal of an Adverse Benefit codes; Determination will be reviewed using the review 6. the specific reason or reasons for the process described below. Your appeal must be submitted to us in writing for an internal appeal Adverse Benefit Determination, including within 365 days of the original Adverse Benefit any applicable denial code; Determination, except in the case of Concurrent 7. a description of the specific Benefit Booklet Care Decisions which may, depending upon the provisions upon which the Adverse Benefit circumstances, require you to file within a Determination is based, as well as any shorter period of time from notice of the denial. internal rule,guideline, protocol, or other The following guidelines are applicable to similar criterion that was relied upon in reviews of Adverse Benefit Determinations: making the Adverse Benefit Determination; • We must receive your appeal of an Adverse 8. a description of any additional information Benefit Determination in person or in writing; that might change the determination and • You may request to review pertinent why that information is necessary; documents, such as any internal rule, 9. a description of the Adverse Benefit guideline, protocol, or similar criterion relied upon to make the determination, and submit Determination review procedures and the issues or comments in writing; time limits applicable to such procedures; • If the Adverse Benefit Determination is 10. if the Adverse Benefit Determination is based on the lack of Medical Necessity of a based on the Medical Necessity or particular Service or the Experimental or Experimental or Investigational limitations Investigational exclusion, you may request, and exclusions,a statement telling you how free of charge, an explanation of the to obtain the specific explanation of the scientific or clinical judgment relied upon, if scientific or clinical judgment for the any,for the determination,that applies the determination; and terms of this Benefit Booklet to your medical circumstances; 11. You have the right to an independent external review through an external review ' During the review process, the Services in organization for certain appeals, as provided question will be reviewed without regard to in the Patient Protection and Affordable the decision reached in the initial Care Act of 2010. determination; If the claim is a Claim Involving Urgent Care,we 0 We may consult with appropriate may notify you orally within the proper Physicians, as necessary; timeframes, provided we follow-up with a written • Any independent medical consultant who or electronic notification meeting the reviews your Adverse Benefit Determination requirements of this subsection no later than on our behalf will be identified upon request; three days after the oral notification. • If your claim is a Claim Involving Urgent Care, you may request an expedited appeal How to Appeal an Adverse Benefit orally or in writing in which case all Determination necessary information on review may be transmitted between you and us by Except as described below, only you, or a telephone,facsimile or other available representative designated by you in writing, expeditious method; and have the right to appeal an Adverse Benefit Claims Processing 20-5 • If you wish to give someone else permission claim denial.The appeal may be directed to an to appeal an Adverse Benefit Determination employee of BCBSF who is a licensed Physician on your behalf,we must receive a responsible for Medical Necessity reviews.The completed Appointment of Representative appeal may be by telephone and the Physician form signed by you indicating the name of will respond to you,within a reasonable time, not the person who will represent you with to exceed 15 business days. Requests for an respect to the appeal. An Appointment of internal appeal should be sent to the address Representative form is not required if your below: Physician is appealing an Adverse Benefit Determination relating to a Claim Involving Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. Urgent Care. Appointment of Attention: Member Appeals Representative forms are available at P.O. Box 44197 www.floridablue.com or by calling the Jacksonville, Florida 32231-4197 number on the back of your BCBSF ID Card. How to Request External Review of Timing of Our Appeal Review on Adverse Our Appeal Decision Benefit Determinations If you are not satisfied with our internal review of We will use our best efforts to review your your appeal of an Adverse Benefit appeal of an Adverse Benefit Determination and Determination, please refer to the Adverse communicate the decision in accordance with Benefit Determination notice or call the customer the following time frames: service phone number on your ID Card for • Pre-Service Claims--within 30 days of the information on how to request an external receipt of your appeal;or review. • Post-Service Claims--within 60 days of the Additional Claims Processing receipt of your appeal;or Provisions • Claims Involving Urgent Care(and requests 1. Release of Information/Cooperation: to extend concurrent care Services made within 24 hours prior to the termination of the In order to process claims,we may need Services)--within 72 hours of receipt of your certain information, including information request. If additional information is regarding other health care coverage you necessary we will notify you within 24 hours may have. You must cooperate with us in and we must receive the requested our effort to obtain such information by, additional information within 48 hours of our among other ways, signing any release of request.After we receive the additional information form at our request. Failure by information,we will have an additional 48 you to fully cooperate with us may result in a hours to make a final determination. denial of the pending claim and we will have Note:The nature of a claim for Services(i.e. no liability for such claim. whether it is"urgent care"or not)is judged as of 2. Physical Examination: the time of the benefit determination on review, In order to make coverage and benefit not as of the time the Service was initially decisions,we may, at our expense, require reviewed or provided. you to be examined by a health care You,or a Provider acting on your behalf,who Provider of our choice as often as is has had a claim denied as not Medically reasonably necessary while a claim is Necessary has the opportunity to appeal the pending. Failure by you to fully cooperate Claims Processing 20-6 I with such examination shall result in a denial c) A description of any additional of the pending claim and we shall have no information that would change the initial liability for such claim. determination and why that information 3. Legal Actions: is necessary; No legal action arising out of or in d) A description of the applicable Adverse connection with coverage under this Benefit Benefit Determination review Booklet may be brought against us within procedures and the time limits the 60-day period following our receipt of the applicable to such procedures; and completed claim as required herein. e) If the Adverse Benefit Determination is Additionally, no such action may be brought based on the Medical Necessity or after expiration of the applicable statute of Experimental or Investigational limitations. limitations and exclusions, a statement 4. Fraud, Misrepresentation or Omission in telling you how you can obtain the Applying for Benefits: specific explanation of the scientific or clinical judgment for the determination. We rely on the information provided on the itemized statement and the claim form when 6. Circumstances Beyond Our Control: processing a claim. All such information, To the extent that natural disaster,war, riot, therefore, must be accurate,truthful and civil insurrection,epidemic,or other complete. Any fraudulent statement, emergency or similar event not within our omission or concealment of facts, control, results in facilities, personnel or our misrepresentation,or incorrect information financial resources being unable to process may result, in addition to any other legal claims for Covered Services,we will have no remedy we may have, in denial of the claim liability or obligation for any delay in the or cancellation or rescission of your payment of claims for Covered Services, coverage. except that we will make a good faith effort 5. Explanation of Benefits Form: to make payment for such Services,taking All claims decisions, including denial and into account the impact of the event. For the claims review decisions,will be purposes of this paragraph, an event is not communicated to you in writing either on an within our control if we cannot effectively explanation of benefits form or some other exercise influence or dominion over its written correspondence.This form may occurrence or non-occurrence. indicate: a) The specific reason or reasons for the Adverse Benefit Determination; b) Reference to the specific Benefit Booklet provisions upon which the Adverse Benefit Determination is based as well as any internal rule, guideline, protocol,or other similar criterion that was relied upon in making the Adverse Benefit Determination; Claims Processing 20-7 Section 21 : Relationship Between the Parties BCBSF/Monroe County BOCC and nor Monroe County BOCC will be liable,whether Health Care Providers in tort or contract or otherwise,for any acts or omissions of any other person or organization Neither BCBSF nor Monroe County BOCC nor with which BCBSF has made or hereafter makes any of their officers, directors or employees arrangements for the provision of Covered provides Health Care Services to you. Rather, Services. BCBSF is not your agent, servant,or BCBSF and Monroe County BOCC are engaged representative nor is BCBSF an agent, servant, in making coverage and benefit decisions under or representative of Monroe County BOCC and this Booklet. By accepting the Group health BCBSF will not be liable for any acts or care coverage and benefits,you agree that omissions, or those of Monroe County BOCC, its making such coverage and benefit decisions agents, servants,employees, or any person or does not constitute the rendering of Health Care organization with which Monroe County BOCC Services and that health care Providers has entered into any agreement or arrangement. rendering those Services are not employees or By acceptance of coverage and benefits agents of BCBSF or Monroe County BOCC. In hereunder, you agree to the foregoing. this regard,we and Monroe County BOCC hereby expressly disclaim any agency Medical Treatment Decisions- relationship,actual or implied,with any Responsibility of Your Physician, Not health care Provider. BCBSF and Monroe BCBSF County BOCC do not, by virtue of making coverage, benefit, and payment decisions, Any and all decisions that require or pertain to exercise any control or direction over the independent professional medical judgment or medical judgment or clinical decisions of any training, or the need for medical Services or health care Provider. Any decisions made under supplies, must be made solely by your family the Group Health Plan concerning and your treating Physician in accordance with appropriateness of setting, or whether any the patient/physician relationship. It is possible Service is Medically Necessary, shall be that you or your treating Physician may conclude deemed to be made solely for purposes of that a particular procedure is needed, determining whether such Services are covered, appropriate,or desirable, even though such and not for purposes of recommending any procedure may not be covered. treatment or non-treatment. Neither BCBSF nor Monroe County BOCC will assume liability for any loss or damage arising as a result of acts or omissions of any health care Provider. Non Liability of BCBSF and Monroe County BOCC Neither Monroe County BOCC nor any person covered under this Booklet is BCBSF's agent or representative, and neither shall be liable for any acts or omissions by BCBSF's agents,servants, employees, or us. Additionally, neither BCBSF Relationship Between the Parties 21-1 Section 22: General Provisions Access to Information Compliance with State and Federal Laws and Regulations BCBSF and Monroe County BOCC have the right to receive,from you and any health care The terms of coverage and benefits to be Provider rendering Services to you, information provided under this Benefit Booklet shall be that is reasonably necessary, as determined by deemed to have been modified and shall be BCBSF and Monroe County BOCC, in order to interpreted, so as to comply with applicable state administer the coverage and benefits provided, or federal laws and regulations dealing with subject to all applicable confidentiality benefits, eligibility, enrollment,termination, or requirements listed below. By accepting other rights and duties. coverage, you authorize every health care Provider who renders Services to you,to Confidentiality disclose to BCBSF and Monroe County BOCC Except as otherwise specifically provided herein, or to affiliated entities, upon request, all facts, and except as may be required in order for us to records, and reports pertaining to your care, administer coverage and benefits, specific treatment, and physical or mental Condition, and medical information concerning you, received by to permit BCBSF and/or Monroe County BOCC Providers, shall be kept confidential by us in to copy any such records and reports so conformity with applicable law. Such information obtained. may be disclosed to third parties for use in connection with bona fide medical research and Right to Receive Necessary education,or as reasonably necessary in Information connection with the administration of coverage and benefits, specifically including BCBSF's In order to administer coverage and benefits, quality assurance and Blueprint for Health BCBSF or Monroe County BOCC may,without Programs. Additionally, we may disclose such the consent of,or notice to,any person, plan, or information to entities affiliated with us or other organization, obtain from any person, plan, or persons or entities we utilize to assist in organization any information with respect to any providing coverage, benefits or services under person covered under this Booklet or applicant this Booklet. Further, any documents or for enrollment which BCBSF or Monroe County information which are properly subpoenaed in a BOCC deem to be necessary. judicial proceeding, or by order of a regulatory agency, shall not be subject to this provision. Right to Recovery BCBSF's arrangements with a Provider may require that we release certain claims and Whenever the Group Health Plan has made medical information about persons covered payments in excess of the maximum provided under this Booklet to that Provider even if for under this Booklet, BCBSF or Monroe treatment has not been sought by or through County BOCC will have the right to recover any that Provider. By accepting coverage, you such payments,to the extent of such excess, hereby authorize us to release to Providers from you or any person, plan, or other claims information, including related medical organization that received such payments. information, pertaining to you in order for any such Provider to evaluate your financial responsibility under this Booklet. General Provisions 22-1 Benefit Booklet constitute a waiver of any such terms or conditions. Further, it will not affect BCBSF's or You have been provided with this Benefit Monroe County BOCC's right at any time to Booklet and an Identification Card as evidence enforce any terms or conditions under this of your coverage under this Benefit Booklet. Benefit Booklet. Modification of Provider Network and Notices the Participation Status Any notice required or permitted hereunder will NetworkBlue and the Traditional Provider be deemed given if hand delivered or if mailed Program, and the participation status of by United States Mail, postage prepaid, and individual Providers available through BCBSF, addressed as listed below. Such notice will be are subject to change at any time by BCBSF deemed effective as of the date delivered or so without prior notice to you or your approval or deposited in the mail. that of Monroe County BOCC. Additionally, If to BCBSF: BCBSF may,at any time,terminate or modify the terms of any Provider contract and may To the address printed on the Identification enter into additional Provider contracts without Card. prior notice to you, or your approval or that of If to you: Monroe County BOCC. It is your responsibility to determine whether a health care Provider is To the latest address provided by you or to an In-Network Provider at the time the Health your latest address on Enrollment Forms Care Service is rendered. Under this Booklet, actually delivered to us. your financial responsibility may vary depending You must notify Monroe County BOCC upon a Provider's participation status. Benefits Office immediately of any Cooperation Required of You and address change. Your Covered Dependents If to Monroe County BOCC: To the address indicated by Monroe County You must cooperate with BCBSF and Monroe BOCC. County BOCC, and must execute and submit to us any consents, releases, assignments, and Our Obligations Upon Termination other documents requested in order to administer, and exercise any rights hereunder. Upon termination of your coverage for any Failure to do so may result in the denial of reason,there will be no further liability or claims and will constitute grounds for termination responsibility to you under the Group Health for cause(See the Termination of an Individual's Plan, except as specifically described herein. Coverage for Cause subsection in the Termination Of Coverage section). Promissory Estoppel Non-Waiver of Defaults No oral statements, representations,or understanding by any person can change, alter, Any failure by BCBSF or Monroe County BOCC delete,add, or otherwise modify the express at any time, or from time to time,to enforce or to written terms of this Booklet. require the strict adherence to any of the terms or conditions described herein, will in no event General Provisions yy_y Florida Agency for Health Care Administration Performance Data The performance outcome and financial data published by the Agency for Health Care Administration(AHCA), pursuant to Florida Statute 408.05, or any successor statute, located at the web site address www.floridahealthfinder.gov, may be accessed through the link provided on the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida corporate web site at www.floridablue.com. Third Party Beneficiary The terms and provisions of the Group Health Plan shall be binding solely upon, and inure solely to the benefit of, Monroe County BOCC and individuals covered under the terms of this Benefit Booklet,and no other person shall have any rights, interest or claims thereunder, or under this Benefit Booklet, or be entitled to sue for a breach thereof as a third-party beneficiary or otherwise. Monroe County BOCC hereby specifically expresses its intent that health care Providers that have not entered into contracts with BCBSF to participate in BCBSF's Provider networks shall not be third-party beneficiaries under the terms of the Monroe County BOCC Group Health Plan or this Benefit Booklet. Customer Rewards Programs From time to time,we may offer programs to our customers that provide rewards for following the terms of the program. We will tell you about any available rewards programs in general mailings, member newsletters and/or on our website. Your participation in these programs is completely voluntary and will in no way affect the coverage available to you under this Benefit Booklet. We reserve the right to offer rewards in excess of$25 per year as well as the right to discontinue or modify any reward program features or promotional offers at any time without your consent. General Provisions 22-3 Section 23: Definitions The following definitions are used in this Benefit 1. In the case of an In-Network Provider Booklet. Other definitions may be found in the located in Florida,this amount will be particular section or subsection where they are established in accordance with the used. applicable agreement between that Provider Accident means an unintentional, unexpected and BCBSF. event, other than the acute onset of a bodily 2. In the case of an In-Network Provider infirmity or disease,which results in traumatic located outside of Florida,this amount will injury. This term does not include injuries generally be established in accordance with caused by surgery or treatment for disease or the negotiated price that the on-site Blue illness. Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan("Host Blue") passes on to us, except when the Host Blue Accidental Dental Injury means an injury to is unable to pass on its negotiated price due sound natural teeth(not previously to the terms of its Provider contracts. See compromised by decay)caused by a sudden, the BlueCard(Out-of-State)Program unintentional,and unexpected event or force. section for more details. This term does not include injuries to the mouth, 3. In the case of Out-of-Network Providers structures within the oral cavity,or injuries to located in Florida who participate in the natural teeth caused by biting or chewing, surgery, or treatment for a disease or illness. Traditional Program,this amount will be established in accordance with the Administrative Services Only Agreement or applicable agreement between that Provider ASO Agreement means an agreement between and BCBSF. Monroe County BOCC and BCBSF. Under the 4. In the case of Out-of-Network Providers Administrative Services Only Agreement, located outside of Florida who participate in BCBSF provides claims processing and the BlueCard(Out-of-State)Traditional payment services,customer service, utilization Program,this amount will generally be review services and access to BCBSF's established in accordance with the NetworkBlue and BCBSF's network of negotiated pace that the Host Blue passes Traditional Insurance Providers. on to us, except when the Host Blue is Adverse Benefit Determination means any unable to pass on its negotiated price due to denial, reduction or termination of coverage, the terms of its Provider contracts. See the benefits, or payment(in whole or in part)under BlueCard (Out-of-State) Program section for the Benefit Booklet with respect to a Pre-Service more details. Claim or a Post-Service Claim.Any reduction or 5. In the case of an Out-of-Network Provider termination of coverage, benefits, or payment in that has not entered into an agreement with connection with a Concurrent Care Decision, as BCBSF to provide access to a discount from described in this section, shall also constitute an the billed amount of that Provider for the Adverse Benefit Determination. specific Covered Services provided to you, Allowed Amount means the maximum amount the Allowed Amount will be the lesser of that upon which payment will be based for Covered Provider's actual billed amount for the Services. The Allowed Amount may be changed specific Covered Services or an amount at any time without notice to you or your established by BCBSF that may be based consent. on several factors including (but not DefirnGons 23-1 i necessarily limited to): (i)payment for such billed by such Out-of-Network Provider for such Services under the Medicare and/or Services. You will be responsible for any Medicaid programs; (ii)payment often difference between such Allowed Amount and accepted for such Services by that Out-of- the amount billed for such Services by any such Network Provider and/or by other Providers, Out-of-Network Provider. either in Florida or in other comparable Ambulance means a ground or water vehicle, market(s),that BCBSF determines are airplane or helicopter properly licensed pursuant comparable to the Out-of-Network Provider to Chapter 401 of the Florida Statutes, or a that provided the specific Covered Services similar applicable law in another state. (which may include payment accepted by Ambulatory Surgical Center means a facility such Out-of-Network Provider and/or by other Providers as participating providers in properly licensed pursuant to Chapter 395 of the Florida Statutes, or a similar applicable law of other provider networks of third-party payers another state,the primary purpose of which is to which may include,for example, other provide elective surgical care to a patient, insurance companies and/or health admitted to, and discharged from such facility maintenance organizations); (iii)payment within the same working day. amounts which are consistent, as determined by BCBSF,with BCBSF's Applied Behavior Analysis means the design, provider network strategies(e.g., does not implementation and evaluation of environmental result in payment that encourages Providers modifications, using behavioral stimuli and participating in a BCBSF network to become consequences to produce socially significant improvement in human behavior, including, but non-participating); and/or, (iv)the cost of not limited to,the use of direct observation, providing the specific Covered Services. In measurement and functional analysis of the the case of an Out-of-Network Provider that relations between environment and behavior. has not entered into an agreement with another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Artificial Insemination (Al)means a medical organization to provide access to discounts procedure in which sperm is placed into the from the billed amount for the specific female reproductive tract by a qualified health Covered Services under the BlueCard(Out- care provider for the purpose of producing a of-State)Program,the Allowed Amount for pregnancy. the specific Covered Services provided to Autism Spectrum Disorder means any of the you may be based upon the amount following disorders as defined in the diagnostic provided to BCBSF by the other Blue Cross categories of the International Classification of and/or Blue Shield organization where the Diseases, Ninth Edition, Clinical Modification Services were provided at the amount such (ICD-9 CM), or their equivalents in the most organization would pay non-participating recently published version of the American Providers in its geographic area for such Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Services. Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: Please specifically note that, in the case of an 1. Autistic disorder; Out-of-Network Provider that has not entered 2. Asperger's syndrome; into an agreement with BCBSF to provide access to a discount from the billed amount of 3. Pervasive developmental disorder not that Provider,the Allowed Amount for particular otherwise specified; and Services is often substantially below the amount 4. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder. Definitions 23-2 Benefit Period means a consecutive period of BlueCard (Out-of-State) PPO Program time, specified by BCBSF and the Group, in Provider means a Provider designated as a which benefits accumulate toward the BlueCard(Out-of-State) PPO Program Provider satisfaction of Deductibles, out-of-pocket by the Host Blue. maximums and any applicable benefit maximums. Your Benefit Period is listed on your BlueCard (Out-of-State)Traditional Program Schedule of Benefits,and will not be less than Provider means a Provider designated as a 12 months unless indicated as such. BlueCard(Out-of-State)Traditional Program Provider by the Host Blue. Birth Center means a facility or institution, other than a Hospital or Ambulatory Surgical Center, Bone Marrow Transplant means human blood which is properly licensed pursuant to Chapter Precursor cells administered to a patient to 383 of the Florida Statutes, or a similar restore normal hematological and immunological applicable law of another state, in which births functions following ablative or non-ablative are planned to occur away from the mother's therapy with curative or life-prolonging intent. usual residence following a normal, Human blood precursor cells may be obtained uncomplicated, low-risk pregnancy. from the patient in an autologous transplant, or an allogeneic transplant from a medically BlueCard(Out-of-State) Program means a acceptable related or unrelated donor, and may national Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association be derived from bone marrow,the circulating program available through Blue Cross and Blue blood, or a combination of bone marrow and Shield of Florida, Inc. Subject to any applicable circulating blood. If chemotherapy is an integral BlueCard(Out-of-State)Program rules and part of the treatment involving bone marrow protocols, you may have access to the Provider transplantation,the term "Bone Marrow discounts of other participating Blue Cross and/or Transplant"includes the transplantation as well Blue Shield plans. See the BlueCard(Out-of- as the administration of chemotherapy and the State)Program section for more details. chemotherapy drugs. The term "Bone Marrow BlueCard(Out-of-State) PPO Program means Transplant"also includes any Services or supplies relating to any treatment or therapy a national Blue Cross and Blue Shield involving the use of high dose or intensive dose Association program available through Blue chemotherapy and human blood precursor cells Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. Subject to and includes any and all Hospital, Physician or any applicable BlueCard(Out-of-State) Program other health care Provider Health Care Services rules and protocols, you may have access to the which are rendered in order to treat the effects BlueCard(Out-of-State) PPO Program discounts of,or complications arising from, the use of high of other participating Blue Cross and/or Blue dose or intensive dose chemotherapy or human Shield plans. blood precursor cells(e.g., Hospital room and BlueCard (Out-of-State)Traditional Program board and ancillary Services). means a national Blue Cross and Blue Shield Calendar Year begins January 1 st and ends Association program available through Blue December 31st. Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. Subject to any applicable BlueCard(Out-of-State)Program Cardiac Therapy means Health Care Services rules and protocols, you may have access to the provided under the supervision of a Physician, BlueCard(Out-of-State)Traditional Program or an appropriate Provider trained for Cardiac discounts of other participating Blue Cross Therapy,for the purpose of aiding in the and/or Blue Shield plans. restoration of normal heart function in Defindions 23-3 connection with a myocardial infarction, As defined herein, a Concurrent Care Decision coronary occlusion or coronary bypass surgery. shall not include any decision to deny, reduce, or terminate coverage, benefits, or payment Certified Nurse Midwife means a person who under the personal case management Program is licensed pursuant to Chapter 464 of the as described in the as For Health Florida Statutes,or a similar applicable law of Programs'section of this Benefit Booklet. � another state,as an advanced nurse practitioner and who is certified to practice midwifery by the Condition means a disease, illness,ailment, American College of Nurse Midwives. injury, or pregnancy. Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist Convenient Care Center means a properly means a person who is a properly licensed licensed ambulatory center that: 1)treats a nurse who is a certified advanced registered limited number of common,low-intensity nurse practitioner within the nurse anesthetist illnesses when ready access to the patient's category pursuant to Chapter 464 of the Florida primary physician is not possible; 2)shares Statutes,or a similar applicable law of another clinical information about the treatment with the state. patient's primary physician;3)is usually housed in a retail business;and 4) is staffed by at least Claim Involving Urgent Care means any one master's level nurse(ARNP)who operates request or application for coverage or benefits under a set of clinical protocols that strictly for medical care or treatment that has not yet circumscribe the conditions the ARNP can treat. been provided to you with respect to which the Although no physician is present at the application of time periods for making non- Convenient Care Center, medical oversight is urgent care benefit determinations:(1)could based on a written collaborative agreement seriously jeopardize your life or health or your between a supervising physician and the ARNP. ability regain ain maximum function; or(2)in the 9 opinion of a Physician with knowledge of your Copayment means the dollar amount Condition,would subject you to severe pain that established solely by BCBSF and Monroe cannot be adequately managed without the County BOCC which is required to be paid to a proposed Services being rendered. health care Provider by you at the time certain Coinsurance means your share of health care Covered Services are rendered by that Provider. expenses for Covered Services. After your Cost Share means the dollar or percentage Deductible requirement is met, a percentage of amount established solely by us,which must be the Allowed Amount will be paid for Covered paid to a health care Provider by you at the time Services, as listed in the Schedule of Benefits. Covered Services are rendered by that Provider. The percentage you are responsible for is your Cost Share may include, but is not limited to Coinsurance. Coinsurance, Copayment, Deductible and/or Per Admission Deductible(PAD)amounts. Concurrent Care Decision means a decision Applicable Cost Share amounts are identified in by us to deny, reduce, or terminate coverage, your Schedule of Benefits. benefits, or payment(in whole or in part)with respect to a course of treatment to be provided Covered Dependent means an Eligible over a period of time,or a specific number of Dependent who meets and continues to meet all treatments,if we had previously approved or applicable eligibility requirements and who is authorized in writing coverage, benefits, or enrolled, and actually covered, under the Group payment for that course of treatment or number Health Plan other than as a Covered Plan of treatments. Participant(See the"Eligibility Requirements for Definitions 23-4 Dependent(s)"subsection of the"Eligibility for metabolic or other means,the intoxicating Coverage"section). alcohol or drug,alcohol or drug dependent factors or alcohol in combination with drugs as Covered Person means a Covered Plan determined by a licensed Physician or Participant or a Covered Dependent. Psychologist, while keeping the physiological Covered Plan Participant means an Eligible risk to the individual at a minimum. Employee or other individual who meets and Diabetes Educator means a person who is continues to meet all applicable eligibility properly certified pursuant to Florida law, or a requirements and who is enrolled, and actually similar applicable law of another state,to covered, under this Benefit Booklet other than supervise diabetes outpatient self-management as a Covered Dependent. training and educational services. Covered Services means those Health Care Dialysis Center means an outpatient facility Services which meet the criteria listed in the certified by the Centers for Medicare and "What Is Covered?"section. Medicaid Services(CMMS)and the Florida Custodial or Custodial Care means care that Agency for Health Care Administration(or a serves to assist an individual in the activities of similar regulatory agency of another state)to daily living, such as assistance in walking, provide hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis getting in and out of bed, bathing, dressing, services and support. feeding, and using the toilet, preparation of Dietitian means a person who is properly special diets,and supervision of medication that licensed pursuant to Florida law or a similar usually can be self-administered. Custodial applicable law of another state to provide Care essentially is personal care that does not nutrition counseling for diabetes outpatient self- require the continuing attention of trained management services. medical or paramedical personnel. In determining whether a person is receiving Durable Medical Equipment means equipment Custodial Care, consideration is given to the furnished by a supplier or a Home Health frequency, intensity and level of care and Agency that: 1)can withstand repeated use; medical supervision required and furnished. A 2)is primarily and customarily used to serve a determination that care received is Custodial is medical purpose; 3)not for comfort or not based on the patient's diagnosis,type of convenience; 4)generally is not useful to an Condition, degree of functional limitation,or individual in the absence of a Condition; and rehabilitation potential. 5)is appropriate for use in the home. Deductible means the amount of charges, up to Durable Medical Equipment Provider means a the Allowed Amount,for Covered Services that person or entity that is properly licensed, if are your responsibility. The term, Deductible, applicable, under Florida law(or a similar does not include any amounts you are applicable law of another state)to provide home responsible for in excess of the Allowed Amount, medical equipment,oxygen therapy services, or or any Coinsurance/Copay amounts, if dialysis supplies in the patient's home under a applicable. Physician's prescription. Detoxification means a process whereby an Effective Date means,with respect to alcohol or drug intoxicated, or alcohol or drug individuals covered under this Benefit Booklet, dependent, individual is assisted through the 12:01 a.m. on the date Monroe County BOCC period of time necessary to eliminate, by specifies that the coverage will commence as Defirnfions 23-5 further described in the"Enrollment and 2. within the capabilities of the staff and Effective Date of Coverage"section of this facilities available at the hospital, such Benefit Booklet. further medical examination and treatment I Eligible Dependent means an individual who as are required under Section 1867 of such meets and continues to meet all of the eligibility Act to Stabilize the patient. requirements described in the Eligibility Endorsement means an amendment to the Requirements for Dependent(s)subsection of Group Health Plan or this Booklet. the Eligibility for Coverage section in this Benefit Booklet, and is eligible to enroll as a Covered Enrollment Date means the date of enrollment Dependent. of the individual under the Group Health Plan or, if earlier,the first day of the Waiting Period of Eligible Employee means an active employee such enrollment. or retiree who meets and continues to meet all of the eligibility requirements described in the Enrollment Forms means those forms, Eligibility Requirements for Covered Plan electronic(where available)or paper,which are Participant subsection of the Eligibility for used to maintain accurate enrollment files under Coverage section in the Benefit Booklet and is this Benefit Booklet. eligible to enroll as a Covered Plan Participant. Experimental or Investigational means any Any individual who is an Eligible Employee is not evaluation,treatment,therapy, or device which a Covered Plan Participant until such individual involves the application, administration or use, of has actually enrolled with, and been accepted procedures,techniques, equipment, supplies, for coverage as a Covered Plan Participant by products, remedies, vaccines, biological Monroe County BOCC. products, drugs, pharmaceuticals,or chemical Emergency Medical Condition means a compounds if, as determined solely by BCBSF: medical or psychiatric Condition or an injury 1. such evaluation, treatment, therapy, or manifesting itself by acute symptoms of device cannot be lawfully marketed without sufficient severity(including severe pain)such approval of the United States Food and that a prudent layperson,who possesses an Drug Administration or the Florida average knowledge of health and medicine, Department of Health and approval for could reasonably expect the absence of marketing has not, in fact, been given at the immediate medical attention to result in a time such is furnished to you;or condition described in clause(i),(ii), or(iii)of Section 1867(e)(1)(A)of the Social Security Act. 2. such evaluation,treatment,therapy, or device is provided pursuant to a written Emergency Services means, with respect to an protocol which describes as among its I Emergency Medical Condition: objectives the following: determinations of 1. a medical screening examination (as safety, efficacy, or efficacy in comparison to required under Section 1867 of the Social the standard evaluation,treatment,therapy, Security Act)that is within the capability of or device; or the emergency department of a Hospital, 3. such evaluation,treatment, therapy, or including ancillary Services routinely device is delivered or should be delivered available to the emergency department to subject to the approval and supervision of evaluate such Emergency Medical an institutional review board or other entity Condition; and as required and defined by federal regulations;or Definitions 23-6 4. credible scientific evidence shows that such 2. reports, articles, or written assessments in evaluation,treatment,therapy,or device is authoritative medical and scientific literature the subject of an ongoing Phase I or II published in the United States, Canada, or clinical investigation,or the experimental or Great Britain; research arm of a Phase III clinical 3. published reports,articles, or other literature investigation, or under study to determine: of the United States Department of Health maximum tolerated dosage(s),toxicity, and Human Services or the United States safety, efficacy, or efficacy as compared Public Health Service, including any of the with the standard means for treatment or National Institutes of Health, or the United diagnosis of the Condition in question;or States Office of Technology Assessment; 5. credible scientific evidence shows that the 4. the written protocol or protocols relied upon consensus of opinion among experts is that by the treating Physician or institution or the further studies, research, or clinical protocols of another Physician or institution investigations are necessary to determine: studying substantially the same evaluation, maximum tolerated dosage(s),toxicity, treatment, therapy, or device; safety, efficacy, or efficacy as compared with the standard means for treatment or 5. the written informed consent used by the diagnosis of the Condition in question; or treating Physician or institution or by another Physician or institution studying substantially 6. credible scientific evidence shows that such the same evaluation,treatment,therapy, or evaluation,treatment, therapy, or device has device; or not been proven safe and effective for treatment of the Condition in question,as 6. the records(including any reports)of any evidenced in the most recently published institutional review board of any institution Medical Literature in the United States, which has reviewed the evaluation, Canada, or Great Britain, using generally treatment,therapy, or device for the accepted scientific, medical,or public health Condition in question. methodologies or statistical practices; or Note: Health Care Services which are 7. there is no consensus among practicing determined by BCBSF to be Experimental or Physicians that the treatment,therapy, or Investigational are excluded(see the"What device is safe and effective for the Condition Is Not Covered?"section). In determining in question; or whether a Health Care Service is Experimental or Investigational, BCBSF may 8. such evaluation, treatment,therapy, or also rely on the predominant opinion among device is not the standard treatment, experts, as expressed in the published therapy, or device utilized by practicing authoritative literature,that usage of a Physicians in treating other patients with the particular evaluation,treatment,therapy, or same or similar Condition. device should be substantially confined to "Credible scientific evidence"shall mean(as research settings or that further studies are determined by BCBSF): necessary in order to define safety,toxicity, 1. records maintained by Physicians or effectiveness,or effectiveness compared Hospitals rendering care or treatment to you with standard alternatives. or other patients with the same or similar FDA means the United States Food and Drug Condition; Administration. DefirnUons 23-7 Foster Child means a person who is placed in Health Care Services or Services includes your residence and care under the Foster Care treatments,therapies, devices, procedures, Program by the Florida Department of Health& techniques,equipment, supplies, products, Rehabilitative Services in compliance with remedies,vaccines, biological products, drugs, Florida Statutes or by a similar regulatory pharmaceuticals,chemical compounds, and agency of another state in compliance with that other services rendered or supplied, by or at the state's applicable laws. direction of, Providers. Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer(GIFT)means Home Health Agency means a properly the direct transfer of a mixture of sperm and licensed agency or organization which provides eggs into the fallopian tube by a qualified health health services in the home pursuant to Chapter care provider. Fertilization takes place inside 400 of the Florida Statutes, or a similar the tube. applicable law of another state. Generally Accepted Standards of Medical Home Health Care or Home Health Care Practice means standards that are based on Services means Physician-directed credible scientific evidence published in peer- professional, technical and related medical and reviewed medical literature generally recognized personal care Services provided on an by the relevant medical community, Physician intermittent or part-time basis directly by(or Specialty Society recommendations, and the indirectly through)a Home Health Agency in views of Physicians practicing in relevant clinical your home or residence. For purposes of this areas and any other relevant factors. definition, a Hospital, Skilled Nursing Facility, Gestational Surrogate means a woman, nursing home or other facility will not be regardless of age,who contracts,orally or in considered an individual's home or residence. writing,to become pregnant by means of Hospice means a public agency or private assisted reproductive technology without the use organization which is duly licensed by the State of an egg from her body. of Florida under applicable law, or a similar Gestational Surrogacy Contract or applicable law of another state,to provide Arrangement means an oral or written hospice services. In addition,such licensed agreement, regardless of the state or jurisdiction entity must be principally engaged in providing where executed, between the Gestational pain relief, symptom management,and Surrogate and the intended parent or parents. supportive services to terminally ill persons and their families. Group means the employer, labor union,trust, association, partnership,or corporation, Hospital means a facility properly licensed department, other organization or entity through Pursuant to Chapter 395 of the Florida Statutes, which coverage and benefits under this Benefit or a similar applicable law of another state,that: Booklet are made available to you, and through offers services which are more intensive than those required for room, board, personal which you and your Covered Dependents become entitled to coverage and benefits for the services and general nursing care;offers Covered Services described herein. facilities and beds for use beyond 24 hours;and regularly makes available at least clinical Group Health Plan or Group Plan means the laboratory services, diagnostic x-ray services plan established and maintained by Monroe and treatment facilities for surgery or obstetrical County BOCC for the provision of health care care or other definitive medical treatment of coverage and benefits to the individuals covered similar extent. under this Benefit Booklet. Definitions 23-8 The term Hospital does not include: an performed by a licensed Physician or by Ambulatory Surgical Center;a Skilled Nursing licensed, certified non-Physician personnel Facility;a stand-alone Birthing Center; a under appropriate Physician supervision. An Psychiatric Facility;a Substance Abuse Facility; Independent Diagnostic Testing Facility must be a convalescent, rest or nursing home;or a appropriately registered with the Agency for facility which primarily provides Custodial, Health Care Administration and must comply educational, or Rehabilitative Therapies. with all applicable Florida law or laws of the State in which it operates. Further, such an Note: if services specifically for the entity must meet BCBSF's criteria for eligibility treatment of a physical disability are as an Independent Diagnostic Testing Facility. provided in a licensed Hospital which is accredited by the Joint Commission on the In-Network means,when used in reference to Accreditation of Health Care Organizations, Covered Services,the level of benefits payable the American Osteopathic Association, or to an In-Network Provider as designated on the the Commission on the Accreditation of Schedule of Benefits under the heading"In- Rehabilitative Facilities, payment for these Network". Otherwise, In-Network means,when services will not be denied solely because used in reference to a Provider,that, at the time such Hospital lacks major surgical facilities Covered Services are rendered, the Provider is and is primarily of a rehabilitative nature. an In-Network Provider under the terms of this Recognition of these facilities does not Booklet. expand the scope of Covered Services. It In-Network Provider means any health care only expands the setting where Covered Provider who, at the time Covered Services Services can be performed for coverage were rendered to you, was under contract with purposes. BCBSF to participate in BCBSF's NetworkBlue Identification(ID)Card means the card(s) and included in the panel of providers issued to Covered Plan Participants under the designated by BCBSF as"In-Network"for your BlueOptions Group Health Plan. The card is not specific plan. (Please refer to your Schedule of transferable to another person. Possession of Benefits). For payment purposes under this such card in no way guarantees that a particular Benefit Booklet only,the term In-Network individual is eligible for,or covered under,this Provider also refers,when applicable, to any Benefit Booklet. health care Provider located outside the state of Florida who or which, at the time Health Care Independent Clinical Laboratory means a Services were rendered to you, participated as a laboratory properly licensed pursuant to Chapter BlueCard (Out-of-State)PPO Program Provider 483 of the Florida Statutes, or a similar under the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association's applicable law of another state, where BlueCard(Out-of-State) Program. examinations are performed on materials or specimens taken from the human body to In Vitro Fertilization(IVF) means a process in provide information or materials used in the which an egg and sperm are combined in a diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a laboratory dish to facilitate fertilization. If Condition. fertilized, the resulting embryo is transferred to the woman's uterus. Independent Diagnostic Testing Facility means a facility, independent of a Hospital or Licensed Practical Nurse means a person Physician's office,which is a fixed location, a properly licensed to practice practical nursing mobile entity, or an individual non-Physician pursuant to Chapter 464 of the Florida Statues, practitioner where diagnostic tests are or a similar applicable law of another state. Defintbons 23.9 Massage Therapist means a person properly Service or sequence of Services at least as licensed to practice Massage, pursuant to likely to produce equivalent therapeutic or Chapter 480 of the Florida Statutes, or a similar diagnostic results as to the diagnosis or applicable law of another state. treatment of your illness. Massage or Massage Therapy means the Note: It is important to remember that any manipulation of superficial tissues of the human review of Medical Necessity by us is solely for body using the hand,foot, arm, or elbow. For the purpose of determining coverage or benefits purposes of this Benefit Booklet,the term under this Booklet and not for the purpose of Massage or Massage Therapy does not include recommending or providing medical care. In this the application or use of the following or similar respect,we may review specific medical facts or techniques or items for the purpose of aiding in information pertaining to you. Any such review, the manipulation of superficial tissues: hot or however, is strictly for the purpose of cold packs;hydrotherapy; colonic irrigation; determining, among other things,whether a thermal therapy;chemical or herbal Service provided or proposed meets the preparations; paraffin baths; infrared light; definition of Medical Necessity in this Booklet as ultraviolet light; Hubbard tank; or contrast baths. determined by us. In applying the definition of Medical Necessity in this Booklet,we may apply Mastectomy means the removal of all or part of our coverage and payment guidelines then in the breast for Medically Necessary reasons as effect. You are free to obtain a Service even if determined by a Physician. we deny coverage because the Service is not Medical Literature means scientific studies Medically Necessary; however, you will be solely published in a United States peer-reviewed responsible for paying for the Service. national professional journal. Medicare means the federal health insurance Medical Pharmacy means Physician- provided under Title XVIII of the Social Security administered Prescription Drugs which are Act and all amendments thereto. rendered in a Physician's office. Medication Guide for the purpose of this Medically Necessary or Medical Necessity Benefit Booklet means the guide then in effect means that, with respect to a Health Care issued by us where you may find information Service, a Physician,exercising prudent clinical about Specialty Drugs, Prescription Drugs that judgment, provided the Health Care Service to require prior coverage authorization and Self- you for the purpose of preventing, evaluating, Administered Prescription Drugs that may be diagnosing or treating an illness, injury, disease covered under this plan. or its symptoms, and that the Health Care Note: The Medication Guide is subject to Service was: change at any time. Please refer to our website 1. in accordance with Generally Accepted at www.floridablue.com for the most current Standards of Medical Practice; guide or you may call the customer service 2. clinically appropriate, in terms of type, phone number on your Identification Card for frequency, extent, site and duration, and current information. considered effective for your illness, injury or Mental Health Professional means a person disease; and properly licensed to provide mental health 3. not primarily for your convenience, or that of Services, pursuant to Chapter 491 of the Florida your Physician or other health care Provider, Statutes, or a similar applicable law of another and not more costly than an alternative state. This professional may be a clinical social DefirnUons 23-10 worker, mental health counselor or marriage and of-Network means,when used in reference to a family therapist. A Mental Health Professional Provider,that,at the time Covered Services are does not include members of any religious rendered,the Provider is not an In-Network denomination who provide counseling services. Provider under the terms of this Booklet. Mental and Nervous Disorder means any Out-of-Network Provider means a Provider disorder listed in the diagnostic categories of the who, at the time Health Care Services were International Classification of Diseases, Ninth rendered: Edition, Clinical Modification(ICD-9 CM),or their 1. did not have a contract with us to participate equivalents in the most recently published in NetworkBlue but was participating in our version of the American Psychiatric Traditional Program; or Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 2, did not have a contract with a Host Blue to of Mental Disorders, regardless of the underlying participate in its local PPO Program for cause,or effect, of the disorder. purposes of the BlueCard(Out-of-State) Midwife means a person properly licensed to PPO Program but was participating, for practice midwifery pursuant to Chapter 467 of purposes of the BlueCard(Out-of-State) the Florida Statutes, or a similar applicable law Program, as a BlueCard(Out-of-State) of another state. Traditional Program Provider; or NetworkBlue means,or refers to, the preferred 3. did have a contract to participate in provider network established and so designated NetworkBlue but was not included in the by BCBSF which is available to individuals panel of Providers designated by us to be covered under this Benefit Booklet. Please note In-Network for your Plan; or that BCBSF's Preferred Patient Care(PPC) 4. did not have a contract with us to participate preferred provider network is not available to in NetworkBlue or our Traditional Program; individuals covered under this Benefit Booklet. or 5. did not have a contract with a Host Blue to Occupational Therapist means a person participate for purposes of the BlueCard properly licensed to practice Occupational (Out-of-State)Program as a BlueCard(Out- Therapy pursuant to Chapter 468 of the Florida � Statutes, or a similar applicable law of another of State)Traditional Program Provider. state. Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility means an entity which renders,through providers properly Occupational Therapy means a treatment that licensed pursuant to Florida law or the similar follows an illness or injury and is designed to law or laws of another state: outpatient physical help a patient learn to use a newly restored or therapy; outpatient speech therapy; previously impaired function. P P py; outpatient occupational therapy; outpatient cardiac Orthotic Device means any rigid or semi-rigid rehabilitation therapy; and outpatient Massage device needed to support a weak or deformed for the primary purpose of restoring or improving body part or restrict or eliminate body a bodily function impaired or eliminated by a movement. Condition. Further, such an entity must meet BCBSF's criteria for eligibility as an Outpatient Out-of-Network means,when used in reference Rehabilitation Facility.The term Outpatient to Covered Services,the level of benefits Rehabilitation Facility, as used herein, shall not payable to an Out-of-Network Provider as include any Hospital including a general acute designated on the Schedule of Benefits under care Hospital, or any separately organized unit the heading"Out-of-Network". Otherwise,Out- of a Hospital,which provides comprehensive DefirnUons 23-11 medical rehabilitation inpatient services, or Statutes,or a similar applicable law of another rehabilitation outpatient services, including, but state. not limited to,a Class III "specialty rehabilitation hospital" described in Chapter 59A, Florida Physician Specialty Society means a United Administrative Code or the similar law or laws of States medical specialty society that represents another state. diplomates certified by a board recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties. Pain Management includes, but is not limited Post-Service Claim means an to, Services for pain assessment, medication, y paper or electronic request or application for coverage, physical therapy, biofeedback, and/or benefits, or a counseling. Pain rehabilitation programs are payment for a Service actually Provided to you(notjust proposed or programs featuring multidisciplinary Services recommended)that is received by us on a directed toward helping those with chronic pain to reduce or limit their pain. properly completed claim form or electronic format acceptable to us in accordance with the Partial Hospitalization means treatment in provisions of this section. which an individual receives at least seven Pre-Service Claim means any request or hours of institutional care during a portion of a application for coverage or benefits for a Service 24-hour period and returns home or leaves the that has not yet been provided to you and with treatment facility during any period in which respect to which the terms of the Benefit Booklet treatment is not scheduled. A Hospital shall not condition payment for the Service(in whole or in be considered a"home"for purposes of this definition. part)on approval by us of coverage or benefits for the Service before you receive it. A Pre- Physical Therapy means the treatment of Service Claim may be a Claim Involving Urgent disease or injury by physical or mechanical Care. As defined herein,a Pre-Service Claim means as defined in Chapter 486 of the Florida shall not include a request for a decision or Statutes or a similar applicable law of another opinion by us regarding coverage, benefits, or state. Such therapy may include traction, active payment for a Service that has not actually been or passive exercises, or heat therapy. rendered to you if the terms of the Benefit Physical Therapist means a person properly Booklet do not require(or condition payment licensed to practice Physical Thera upon)approval by us of coverage or benefits for p y Therapy pursuant the Service before it is received. to Chapter 486 of the Florida Statutes,or a similar applicable law of another state. Prescription Drug means any medicinal substance, remedy, vaccine, biological product, Physician means any individual who is properly drug,pharmaceutical or chemical compound licensed by the state of Florida, or a similar which can only be dispensed with a Prescription applicable law of another state, as a Doctor of and/or which is required by state law to bear the Medicine(M.D.), Doctor of Osteopathy(D.O.), following statement or similar statement on the Doctor of Podiatry(D.P.M.), Doctor of label: "Caution: Federal law prohibits Chiropractic(D.C.), Doctor of Dental Surgery or dispensing without a Prescription". Dental Medicine(D.D.S. or D.M.D.), or Doctor of Optometry(O.D.). Prior/Concurrent Coverage Affidavit means the form that an Eligible Employee or Eligible Physician Assistant means a person properly Dependent can submit to BCBSF as proof of the licensed pursuant to Chapter 458 of the Florida amount of time the Eligible Employee was covered under Creditable Coverage. DefimOons 23_12 Prosthetist/Orthotist means a person or entity Rehabilitative Therapies means therapies the that is properly licensed, if applicable, under primary purpose of which is to restore or Florida law,or a similar applicable law of improve bodily or mental functions impaired or another state,to provide services consisting of eliminated by a Condition, and include, but are the design and fabrication of medical devices not limited to, Physical Therapy, Speech such as braces, splints, and artificial limbs Therapy, Pain Management, pulmonary therapy prescribed by a Physician. or Cardiac Therapy. Prosthetic Device means a device which Self-Administered Prescription Drug means replaces all or part of a body part or an internal an FDA-approved Prescription Drug that you body organ or replaces all or part of the may administer to yourself, as recommended by functions of a permanently inoperative or a Physician. malfunctioning body part or organ. Skilled Nursing Facility means an institution or Provider means any facility, person or entity part thereof which meets BCBSF's criteria for recognized for payment by BCBSF under this eligibility as a Skilled Nursing Facility and which: Booklet. 1)is licensed as a Skilled Nursing Facility by the state of Florida or a similar applicable law of Psychiatric Facility means a facility properly another state; and 2)is accredited as a Skilled licensed under Florida law, or a similar Nursing Facility by the Joint Commission on applicable law of another state,to provide for the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations or care and treatment of Mental and Nervous recognized as a Skilled Nursing Facility by the Disorders. For purposes of this Booklet, a Secretary of Health and Human Services of the Psychiatric Facility is not a Hospital or a United States under Medicare, unless such Substance Abuse Facility,as defined herein. accreditation or recognition requirement has Psychologist means a person properly licensed been waived by BCBSF. to practice psychology pursuant to Chapter 490 Sound Natural Teeth means teeth that are of the Florida Statutes, or a similar applicable whole or properly restored(restoration with law of another state. amalgams, resin or composite only); are without Registered Nurse means a person properly impairment, periodontal, or other conditions; and licensed to practice professional nursing are not in need of Services provided for any pursuant to Chapter 464 of the Florida Statutes, reason other than an Accidental Dental Injury. or a similar applicable law of another state. Teeth previously restored with a crown, inlay, onlay, or porcelain restoration, or treated with Registered Nurse First Assistant(RNFA) endodontics, are not Sound Natural Teeth. means a person properly licensed to perform surgical first assisting services pursuant to Specialty Drug means an FDA-approved Chapter 464 of the Florida Statutes or a similar Prescription Drug that has been designated, applicable law of another state. solely by us, as a Specialty Drug due to special handling, storage,training, distribution Rehabilitation Services means Services for the requirements and/or management of therapy. purpose of restoring function lost due to illness, Specialty Drugs may be Provider administered injury or surgical procedures including but not or self-administered and are identified with a limited to cardiac rehabilitation, pulmonary special symbol in the Medication Guide. rehabilitation, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy and Massage Specialty Pharmacy means a Pharmacy that Therapy. has signed a Participating Pharmacy Provider Definitions 23-13 Agreement with us to provide specific organizations as designated under the Blue Prescription Drug products, as determined by Cross and Blue Shield Association's BlueCard us. In-Network Specialty Pharmacies are listed Program. in the Medication Guide. Traditional Program Providers means,or Speech Therapy means the treatment of refers to,those health care Providers who are speech and language disorders by a Speech not NetworkBlue Providers, but who, or which, at Therapist including language assessment and the time you received Services from them were language restorative therapy services. participating in the Traditional Program. For Stabilize shall have the same meaning with purposes of payment under this Benefit Booklet only,the term Traditional Program Provider also regard to Emergency Services as the term is refers,when applicable, to any health care defined in Section 1867 of the Social Security Provider located outside the state of Florida who Act. or which, at the time Health Care Services were Speech Therapist means a person properly rendered to you, participated as a BlueCard licensed to practice Speech Therapy pursuant to Traditional Provider under the Blue Cross and Chapter 468 of the Florida Statutes, or a similar Blue Shield Association's BlueCard Program. applicable law of another state. Traditional providers are considered out of network for benefit calculation purposes; Standard Reference Compendium means: however, does not balance bill the member. 1)the United States Pharmacopoeia Drug Information; 2)the American Medical Association Drug Evaluation;or 3)the American Urgent Care Center means a facility properly Hospital Formulary Service Hospital Drug licensed that: 1)is available to provide Services Information. to patients at least 60 hours per week with at Substance Abuse Facility means a facility least twenty-five(25)of those available hours properly licensed under Florida law, or a similar after 5:00 p.m. on weekdays or on Saturday or applicable law of another state,to provide Sunday;2)posts instructions for individuals necessary care and treatment for Substance seeking Health Care Services, in a conspicuous Dependency. For the purposes of this Booklet a public place, as to where to obtain such Substance Abuse Facility is not a Hospital or a Services when the Urgent Care Center is Psychiatric Facility, as defined herein. closed; 3)employs or contracts with at least one or more Board Certified or Board Eligible Substance Dependency means a Condition Physicians and Registered Nurses(RNs)who where a person's alcohol or drug use injures his are physically present during all hours of or her health; interferes with his or her social or operation. Physicians, RNs, and other medical economic functioning; or causes the individual to professional staff must have appropriate training lose self-control. and skills for the care of adults and children; and Traditional Program means, or refers to, 4)maintains and operates basic diagnostic BCBSF's provider contracting programs called radiology and laboratory equipment in Payment for Physician Services(PPS)and compliance with applicable state and/or federal Payment for Hospital Services(PHS). For laws and regulations. purposes of this Benefit Booklet, the term For purposes of this Benefit Booklet, an Urgent Traditional Program also refers,when Care Center is not a Hospital, Psychiatric applicable,to the traditional Provider contracting Facility, Substance Abuse Facility, Skilled programs of other Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield I Definitions 23-14 Nursing Facility or Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility. Waiting Period means the length of time established by Monroe County BOCC which must be met by an individual before that individual becomes eligible for coverage under this Benefit Booklet. Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer(ZIFT)means a process in which an egg is fertilized in the laboratory and the resulting zygote is transferred to the fallopian tube at the pronuclear stage (before cell division takes place). The eggs are retrieved and fertilized on one day and the zygote is transferred the following day. Definitions 23-15 Qualified Medical Child Support Orders Disclaimer Qualified Medical Child Support Orders- The Plan will provide benefits as required byany Qualified Medical Child Support Order (MCSO). A MCSO can be either:1) A Qualified Medical Child Support Order (MCSO) that satisfies the requirements of Section 609(a) of ERISA;or 2)A National Medical Support Notice(NMSN)that satisfies the requirements of Section 1908 of the Social Security Act. Upon receipt of a MCSO or NMSN by a Covered Employee/Retiree notification must be given to the Monroe County Group Health Plan Administrator(Benefits Office)within 31 days of receipt. The Covered Employee/Retiree will need to provide any reasonable information or assistance to the Monroe County Group Health Plan Administrator(Benefits Office)in connection with the MCSO. Disclaimer 1 Current BlueOptions Benefit Booklet for Covered Plan Participants of Monroe County BOCC Group Health Plan BlueOptions Benefit Booklet for Covered Plan Participants of Monroe County BOCC Group Health Plan A Self-funded Group Health Benefit Plan For Customer Service Assistance: (800) 664-5295 B061 1—11/01111 Divisions 001,COI,R01,R02,002 Table of Contents Section 1: How to Use Your Benefit Booklet............................................................. 1-1 Section 2: What Is Covered?.....................................................................................2-1 Section 3: What Is Not Covered?..............................................................................3-1 Section 4: Medical Necessity....................................................................................4-1 Section 5: Understanding Your Share of Health Care Expenses ..............................5-1 Section 6: Physicians, Hospitals and Other Provider Options...................................6-1 I Section 7: BlueCard°(Out-of-State) Program...........................................................7-1 Section 8: Blueprint for Health Programs.................. .............8-1 Section 9: Pre-existing Conditions Exclusion Period.................................................9-1 Section 10: Eligibility for Coverage............................. Section 11: Enrollment and Effective Date of Coverage............................................ 11-1 Section 12: Termination of Coverage........................................................................ 12-1 Section 13: Continuing Coverage Under COBRA Section 14: Conversion Privilege...................................................................14-1 Section 15: Extension of Benefits..................................................................15-1 I Section 16: The Effect of Medicare Coverage/ Medicare Secondary Payer Provisions ..................... 16-1 Section 17: Duplication of Coverage Under Other Health Plans/Programs............... 17-1 Section18: Subrogation............................................................................................ 18-1 Section 19: Right of Reimbursement......................................................................... 19-1 Section 20: Claims Processing..................................................................................20-1 Section 21: Relationship Between the Parties...........................................................21-1 Section 22: General Provisions.................................................................................22-1 Section 23: Definitions...............................................................................................23-1 Table of Contents Section 1 : How to Use Your Benefit Booklet This is your Benefit Booklet("Booklet"). It be coordinated with other policies or plans; describes your coverage, benefits, limitations and the Group Health Plan's subrogation and exclusions for the self-funded Group Health rights and right of reimbursement. Benefit Plan ("Group Health Plan" or"Group You will need to refer to the Schedule of Plan")established and maintained by Monroe Benefits to determine how much you have to County BOCC. pay for particular Health Care Services. The sponsor of your Group Health Plan has contracted with Blue Cross Blue Shield of When reading your Booklet, please Florida, Inc. (BCBSF), under an Administrative remember that: Services Only Agreement("ASO Agreement"), . you should read this Booklet in its entirety in to provide certain third party administrative services, including claims processing, customer order to determine if a particular Health Care Service is covered. service, and other services, and access to certain of its Provider networks. BCBSF • the headings of sections contained in this provides certain administrative services only and Booklet are for reference purposes only and does not assume any financial risk or obligation shall not affect in any way the meaning or with respect to Health Care Services rendered to interpretation of particular provisions. Covered Persons or claims submitted for • references to"you"or"your"throughout refer processing under this Benefit Booklet for such to you as the Covered Plan Participant and to Services.The payment of claims under the your Covered Dependents, unless expressly Group Health Plan depends exclusively upon stated otherwise or unless, in the context in the funding provided by Monroe County BOCC. which the term is used,it is clearly intended You should read your Benefit Booklet carefully otherwise. Any references which refer solely before you need Health Care Services. It to you as the Covered Plan Participant or contains valuable information about: solely to your Covered Dependent(s)will be • your BlueOptions benefits; noted as such. • references to"we", "us",and"our"throughout • what is covered; refer to Blue Cross and Blue Shield of • what is excluded or not covered; Florida, Inc. We may also refer to ourselves • coverage and payment rules; as"BCBSF". • Blueprint for Health Programs; • if a word or phrase starts with a capital letter, � it is either the first word in a sentence, a • how and when to file a claim; proper name, a title, or a defined term. If the • how much,and under what circumstances, word or phrase has a special meaning, it will payment will be made; either be defined in the Definitions section or defined within the particular section where it • what you will have to pay as your share; and is used. • other important information including when benefits may change; how and when coverage stops; how to continue coverage if you are no longer eligible; how benefits will How to Use Your Benefit Booklet _� Where do you find information on........ • what particular types of Health Care • how to add or remove a Dependent? Services are covered? Read the"Enrollment and Effective Date of Read the"What Is Covered?"and"What Is Coverage"section. Not Covered?" sections. • what happens if you are covered under • how much will be paid under your Group this Benefit Booklet and another health Health Plan and how much do you have to plan? pay? Read the"Duplication of Coverage Under Read the"Understanding Your Share of Other Health Plans Programs"section. Health Care Expenses" section along with the . what happens when your coverage ends? Schedule of Benefits. • how the amount you pay for Covered Read the"Termination of Coverage"section. Services under the BlueCard® (Out-of- • what the terms used throughout this State) Program will be determined when Booklet mean? you receive care outside the state of Read the"Definitions" section. Florida? Read the"BlueCard®(Out-of-State)Program" section. Overview of How BlueOptions Works Whenever you need care,you have a choice. If you visit an: In-Network Provider Out-of-Network Provider You receive In-Network benefits,the You receive the Out-of-Network level of highest level of coverage available. benefits—you will share more of the cost of your care. You do not have to file a claim;the claim You may be required to submit a claim form. will be filed by the In-Network Provider for you. The In-Network Provider*is responsible You should notify BCBSF of inpatient for Admission Notification if you are admissions. admitted to the Hospital. *For Services rendered by an In-Network Provider located outside of Florida, you should notify us of inpatient admissions. How to Use Your Benefit Booklet 1.2 Section 2: What Is Covered? Introduction Necessity coverage criteria then in effect, except as specified in this section; This section describes the Health Care Services that are covered under this Benefit Booklet. All 4. in accordance with the benefit guidelines benefits for Covered Services are subject to listed below; your share of the cost and the benefit 5. rendered while your coverage is in force; maximums listed on your Schedule of Benefits, and the applicable Allowed Amount, any limitations 6. not specifically or generally limited (e.g., and/or exclusions, as well as other provisions Pre-existing Condition exclusionary period) contained in this Booklet, and any or excluded under this Booklet. Endorsement(s)in accordance with BCBSF's Medical Necessity coverage criteria and benefit BCBSF or Monroe County BOCC will determine guidelines then in effect. whether Services are Covered Services under this Booklet after you have obtained the Remember that exclusions and limitations also Services and a claim has been received for the apply to your coverage. Exclusions and Services. In some circumstances BCBSF or limitations that are specific to a type of Service Monroe County BOCC may determine whether are included along with the benefit description in Services might be Covered Services under this this section. Additional exclusions and Booklet before you are provided the Service. limitations that may apply can be found in the For example, BCBSF or Monroe County BOCC "What Is Not Covered?"section. More than one may determine whether a proposed transplant is limitation or exclusion may apply to a specific a Covered Service under this Booklet before the Service or a particular situation. transplant is provided. Neither BCBSF nor Expenses for the Health Care Services listed in Monroe County BOCC are obligated to this section will be covered under this Booklet determine, in advance,whether any Service not only if the Services are: yet provided to you would be a Covered Service unless we have specifically designated that a 1. within the Health Care Services categories Service is subject to a prior authorization in the"What Is Covered?" section; requirement as described in the "Blueprint for 2. actually rendered (not just proposed or Health Programs"section. We are also not recommended)by an appropriately licensed obligated to cover or pay for any Service that health care Provider who is recognized for has not actually been rendered to you. payment under this Benefit Booklet and for In determining whether Health Care Services which an itemized statement or description are Covered Services under this Booklet, no of the procedure or Service which was written or verbal representation by any rendered is received, including any employee or agent of BCBSF or Monroe County applicable procedure code, diagnosis code BOCC, or by any other person, shall waive or and other information required in order to otherwise modify the terms of this Booklet and, process a claim for the Service; therefore, neither you, nor any health care 3. Medically Necessary, as defined in this Provider or other person should rely on any such Booklet and determined by BCBSF in written or verbal representation. accordance with BCBSF's Medical What Is Covered 2-t Our Benefit Guidelines number of tests performed by the Physician. The Allowed Amount for allergy immunotherapy In providing benefits for Covered Services,the treatment is based upon the type and number of benefit guidelines listed below apply as well as doses. any other applicable payment rules specific to particular categories of Services: Ambulance Services 1. Payment for certain Health Care Services is Ambulance Services provided by a ground included within the Allowed Amount for the vehicle may be covered provided it is necessary primary procedure, and therefore no to transport you from: additional amount is payable for any such 1. a Hospital which is unable to provide proper Services. care to the nearest Hospital that can provide 2. Payment is based on the Allowed Amount proper care; for the actual Service rendered(i.e., 2. a Hospital to your nearest home, or to a payment is not based on the Allowed Skilled Nursing Facility;or Amount for a Service which is more complex than that actually rendered), and is not 3. the place a medical emergency occurs to based on the method utilized to perform the the nearest Hospital that can provide proper Service or the day of the week or the time of care. day the procedure is performed. Expenses for Ambulance Services by boat, 3. Payment for a Service includes all airplane, or helicopter shall be limited to the components of the Health Care Service Allowed Amount for a ground vehicle unless: when the Service can be described by a 1. the pick-up point is inaccessible by ground single procedure code, or when the Service vehicle; is an essential or integral part of the associated therapeutic/diagnostic Service 2. speed in excess of ground vehicle speed is rendered. critical; or 3. the travel distance involved in getting you to Covered Services Categories the nearest Hospital that can provide proper care is too far for medical safety,as Accident Care determined by BCBSF or Monroe County Health Care Services to treat an injury or illness BOCC. resulting from an Accident not related to your job Please refer to your Schedule of Benefits for the or employment are covered. per-day maximums for ground transportation Exclusion: and air/water transportation. Health Care Services to treat an injury or illness Ambulatory Surgical Centers resulting from an Accident related to your job or employment are excluded. Health Care Services rendered at an Ambulatory Surgical Center are covered and include: Allergy Testing and Treatments 1. use of operating and recovery rooms; Testing and desensitization therapy(e.g., 2. respiratory,or inhalation therapy(e.g., injections)and the cost of hyposensitization oxygen); serum are covered. The Allowed Amount for allergy testing is based upon the type and What Is Covered? 2_2 3. drugs and medicines administered(except 1. well-baby and well-child screening for the for take home drugs)at the Ambulatory presence of Autism Spectrum Disorder; Surgical Center; 2. Applied Behavior Analysis,when rendered 4. intravenous solutions; by an individual certified pursuant to Section 5, dressings, including ordinary casts; 393.17 of the Florida Statutes or licensed under Chapters 490 or 491 of the Florida 6. anesthetics and their administration; Statutes;and 7. administration of, including the cost of, 3. Physical Therapy by a Physical Therapist, whole blood or blood products(except as Occupational Therapy by an Occupational outlined in the Drugs exclusion of the"What Therapist, and Speech Therapy by a Is Not Covered?" section); Speech Therapist. Covered therapies 8. transfusion supplies and equipment; provided in the treatment of Autism 9. diagnostic Services, including radiology, Spectrum Disorder are covered even though ultrasound, laboratory, pathology and they may be habilitative in nature(provided approved machine testing(e.g., EKG); and to teach a function)and are not necessarily limited to restoration of a function or skill that 10. chemotherapy treatment for proven has been lost. malignant disease. Payment Guidelines for Autism Spectrum Anesthesia Administration Services Disorder Administration of anesthesia by a Physician or Autism Spectrum Disorder Services must be Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist("CRNA") authorized in accordance with BCBSF's may be covered. In those instances where the established criteria, before such Services are rendered. Services performed without CRNA is actively directed by a Physician other authorization will be denied. Authorization for than the Physician who performed the surgical coverage is not required when Covered Services procedure, payment for Covered Services,if are provided for the treatment of an Emergency any,will be made for both the CRNA and the Medical Condition. Physician Health Care Services at the lower directed-services Allowed Amount in accordance Note: In order to determine whether such with BCBSF's payment program then in effect Services are covered under this Benefit Booklet, for such Covered Services. we reserve the right to request a formal written treatment plan signed by the treating Physician Exclusion: to include the diagnosis, the proposed treatment Coverage does not include anesthesia Services type,the frequency and duration of treatment, by an operating Physician, his or her partner or the anticipated outcomes stated as goals, and associate. the frequency with which the treatment plan will be updated, but no less than every 6 months. Autism Spectrum Disorder This Benefit Booklet will only cover services to the extent included in the treating physician's Autism Spectrum Disorder Services provided to formal written treatment plan. a Covered Dependent who is under the age of Breast Reconstructive Surgery 18,or if 18 years of age or older, is attending high school and was diagnosed with Autism Surgery to reestablish symmetry between two Spectrum Disorder prior to his or her 9"birthday breasts and implanted prostheses incident to consisting of: Mastectomy is covered. In order to be covered, such surgery must be provided in a manner What is Covered? y 3 chosen by your Physician, consistent with 2. Extraction of teeth required prior to radiation prevailing medical standards,and in consultation therapy when you have a diagnosis of with you. cancer of the head and/or neck. Child Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate Treatment 3. Anesthesia Services for dental care including general anesthesia and Treatment and Services for Child Cleft Lip and hospitalization Services necessary to assure Cleft Palate, including medical, dental, Speech the safe delivery of necessary dental care Therapy,audiology, and nutrition Services for provided to you or your Covered Dependent treatment of a child under the age of 18 who has in a Hospital or Ambulatory Surgical Center cleft lip or cleft palate are covered. In order for if: such Services to be covered, your Covered Dependent's Physician must specifically a) the Covered Dependent is under 8 prescribe such Services and such Services must years of age and it is determined by a be medically necessary and consequent to dentist and the Covered Dependent's treatment of the cleft lip or cleft palate. Physician that: Concurrent Physician Care i. dental treatment is necessary due to a dental Condition that is Concurrent Physician care Services are significantly complex; or covered, provided: (a)the additional Physician actively participates in your treatment;(b)the ii. the Covered Dependent has a Condition involves more than one body system developmental disability in which or is so severe or complex that one Physician patient management in the dental cannot provide the care unassisted;and(c)the office has proven to be ineffective; Physicians have different specialties or have the or same specialty with different sub-specialties. b) you or your Covered Dependent have j Consultations one or more medical Conditions that would create significant or undue Consultations provided by a Physician are medical risk for you in the course of covered if your attending Physician requests the delivery of any necessary dental consultation and the consulting Physician treatment or surgery if not rendered in a prepares a written report. Hospital or Ambulatory Surgical Center. Contraceptive Injections Exclusion: Medication by injection is covered when 1. Dental Services provided more than 90 provided and administered by a Physician,for days after the date of an Accidental the purpose of contraception, and is limited to Dental Injury regardless of whether or the medication and administration when not such services could have been medically necessary. rendered within 90 days; and Dental Services 2. Dental Implant. Dental Services are limited to the following: Diabetes Outpatient Self-Management 1. Care and stabilization treatment rendered within 90 days of an Accidental Dental Injury Diabetes outpatient self-management training to Sound Natural Teeth. and educational Services and nutrition counseling (including all Medically Necessary equipment and supplies)to treat diabetes, if What Is Covered? 2-0 your treating Physician or a Physician who Durable Medical Equipment specializes in the treatment of diabetes certifies Durable Medical Equipment when provided by a that such Services are Medically Necessary, are Durable Medical Equipment Provider and when covered. In order to be covered,diabetes prescribed by a Physician, limited to the most outpatient self-management training and cost-effective equipment as determined by educational Services must be provided under BCBSF or Monroe County BOCC is covered. the direct supervision of a certified Diabetes Educator or a board-certified Physician Payment Guidelines for Durable Medical specializing in endocrinology. Additionally, in Equipment order to be covered, nutrition counseling must Supplies and service to repair medical be provided by a licensed Dietitian. Covered equipment may be Covered Services only if you Services may also include the trimming of own the equipment or you are purchasing the toenails, corns,calluses, and therapeutic shoes equipment. Payment for Durable Medical (including inserts and/or modifications)for the Equipment will be based on the lowest of the treatment of severe diabetic foot disease. following: 1 g )the purchase se price; 2)the Diagnostic Services lease/purchase price; 3)the rental rate; or 4)the Allowed Amount. The Allowed Amount for such Diagnostic Services when ordered by a Physician are limited to the following: rental equipment will not exceed the total y g purchase price. Durable Medical Equipment 1, radiology, ultrasound and nuclear medicine, includes, but is not limited to,the following: Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI); wheelchairs,crutches, canes,walkers, hospital 2. laboratory and pathology Services; beds,and oxygen equipment. 3. Services involving bones or joints of the jaw Note: Repair or replacement of Durable (e.g., Services to treat temporomandibular Medical Equipment due to growth of a child or joint[TMJ]dysfunction)or facial region if, significant change in functional status is a under accepted medical standards, such Covered Service. diagnostic Services are necessary to treat Exclusion: Conditions caused by congenital or Equipment which is primarily for convenience developmental deformity, disease,or injury; and/or comfort; modifications to motor vehicles 4. approved machine testing (e.g., and/or homes,including but not limited to, electrocardiogram [EKG], wheelchair lifts or ramps;water therapy devices electroencephalograph (EEG], and other such as Jacuzzis, hot tubs, swimming pools or electronic diagnostic medical procedures); whirlpools;exercise and massage equipment, and electric scooters, hearing aids, air conditioners 5. genetic testing for the purposes of and purifiers, humidifiers,water softeners and/or explaining current signs and symptoms of a purifiers, pillows, mattresses or waterbeds, possible hereditary disease. escalators, elevators, stair glides, emergency alert equipment, handrails and grab bars, heat Dialysis Services appliances, dehumidifiers, and the replacement Dialysis Services including equipment,training, of Durable Medical Equipment solely because it and medical supplies, when provided at any is old or used are excluded. location by a Provider licensed to perform dialysis including a Dialysis Center are covered. Emergency Services What Is Covered 2-5 Emergency Services for an Emergency Medical (e.g., radial keratotomy, PRK and LASIK)are Condition are covered when rendered In- excluded. Network and Out-of-Network without the need for any prior authorization determination by us. Home Health Care When Emergency Services and care for an The Home Health Care Services listed below Emergency Medical Condition are rendered by are covered when the following criteria are met: an Out-of-Network Provider, any Copayment 1. you are unable to leave your home without and/or Coinsurance amount applicable to In- considerable effort and the assistance of Network Providers for Emergency Services will another person because you are: bedridden also apply to such Out-of-Network Provider. or chairbound or because you are restricted Enteral Formulas in ambulation whether or not you use assistive devices;or you are significantly Prescription and non-prescription enteral limited in physical activities due to a formulas for home use when prescribed by a Condition; and Physician as necessary to treat inherited 2. the Home Health Care Services rendered diseases of amino acid, organic acid, carbohydrate or fat metabolism as well as have been prescribed by a Physician by way malabsorption originating from congenital of a formal written treatment plan that has defects present at birth or acquired during the been reviewed and renewed by the neonatal period are covered. prescribing Physician every 30 days. In order to determine whether such Services Coverage to treat inherited diseases of amino are covered under this Booklet, you may be acid and organic acids,for you up to your 25th birthday, shall include coverage for food required to provide a copy of any written products modified to be low protein. treatment plan; 3. the Home Health Care Services are Eye Care provided directly by(or indirectly through)a Coverage includes the following Services: Home Health Agency; and 1. Physician Services, soft lenses or sclera 4. you are meeting or achieving the desired shells,for the treatment of aphakic patients; treatment goals set forth in the treatment 2. initial glasses or contact lenses following plan as documented in the clinical progressnotes. cataract surgery; and 3. Physician Services to treat an injury to or Home Health Care Services are limited to: disease of the eyes. 1. part-time(i.e., less than 8 hours per day and Exclusion: less than a total of 40 hours in a calendar week)or intermittent(i.e., a visit of up to, but Health Care Services to diagnose or treat vision not exceeding, 2 hours per day) nursing problems which are not a direct consequence of care by a Registered Nurse, Licensed trauma or prior ophthalmic surgery;eye Practical Nurse and/or home health aide examinations; eye exercises or visual training; Services; eye glasses and contact lenses and their fitting are excluded. In addition to the above, any 2• home health aide Services must be surgical procedure performed primarily to correct consistent with the plan of treatment, or improve myopia or other refractive disorders What Is Covered? 2-6 ordered by a Physician, and rendered under 1. room and board in a semi-private room the supervision of a Registered Nurse; when confined as an inpatient, unless the patient must be isolated from others for 3. medical social services; documented clinical reasons; 4. nutritional guidance; 2. intensive care units, including cardiac, 5. respiratory,or inhalation therapy(e.g., progressive and neonatal care; oxygen); and 3. use of operating and recovery rooms; 6. Physical Therapy by a Physical Therapist, 4. use of emergency rooms; Occupational Therapy by a Occupational Therapist, and Speech Therapy by a 5. respiratory, pulmonary, or inhalation therapy Speech Therapist. (e.g.,oxygen); Exclusions: 6. drugs and medicines administered(except for take home drugs) by the Hospital; 1. homemaker or domestic maid services; 7. intravenous solutions; 2. sitter or companion services; 8. administration of, including the cost of, 3. Services rendered by an employee or whole blood or blood products(except as operator of an adult congregate living outlined in the Drugs exclusion of the"What facility; an adult foster home;an adult day Is Not Covered?"section); care center,or a nursing home facility; 9. dressings, including ordinary casts; 4. Speech Therapy provided for a diagnosis of developmental delay; 10. anesthetics and their administration; 5. Custodial Care except for any such care 11. transfusion supplies and equipment; covered under this subsection when 12. diagnostic Services, including radiology, provided on a part-time or intermittent basis ultrasound, laboratory, pathology and (as defined above)by a home health aide; approved machine testing (e.g., EKG); 6. food, housing, and home delivered meals; 13. Physical, Speech, Occupational, and and Cardiac Therapies; and 7. Services rendered in a Hospital, nursing 14. transplants as described in the Transplant home, or intermediate care facility. Services subsection. Hospice Services Exclusion: Health Care Services provided in connection Expenses for the following Hospital Services are with a Hospice treatment program may be excluded when such Services could have been Covered Services, provided the Hospice provided without admitting you to the Hospital: treatment program is: 1)room and board provided during the admission; 2) Physician visits provided while you 1. approved by your Physician;and were an inpatient;3)Occupational Therapy, 2. your doctor has certified to us in writing that Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Cardiac your life expectancy is 12 months or less. Therapy; and 4)other Services provided while Recertification is required every six months. you were an inpatient. In addition, expenses for the following and Hospital Services similar items are also excluded: Covered Hospital Services include: 1. gowns and slippers; What Is Covered? 2-7 2. shampoo,toothpaste, body lotions and respiratory ventilator management Services are hygiene packets; excluded. 3. take-home drugs; Mammograms 4, telephone and television; Mammograms obtained in a medical office, 5. guest meals or gourmet menus;and medical treatment facility or through a health 6. admission kits. testing service that uses radiological equipment registered with the appropriate Florida regulatory Inpatient Rehabilitation agencies(or those of another state)for diagnostic purposes or breast cancer screening Inpatient Rehabilitation Services are covered are Covered Services. when the following criteria are met: Benefits for mammograms may not be subject to 1. Services must be provided under the the Deductible,Coinsurance, or Copayment(if direction of a Physician and must be applicable). Please refer to your Schedule of provided by a Medicare certified facility in Benefits for more information. accordance with a comprehensive rehabilitation program; Mastectomy Services 2. a plan of care must be developed and Breast cancer treatment including treatment for managed by a coordinated multi-disciplinary team; physical complications relating to a Mastectomy (including lymphedemas), and outpatient post- 3. coverage is limited to the specific acute, surgical follow-up in accordance with prevailing catastrophic target diagnoses of severe medical standards as determined by you and stroke, multiple trauma, brain/spinal injury, your attending Physician are covered. severe neurological motor disorders,and/or Outpatient post-surgical follow-up care for severe burns; Mastectomy Services shall be covered when 4. the individual must be able to actively provided by a Provider in accordance with the prevailing medical standards and at the most participate in at least 2 rehabilitative medically appropriate setting. The setting may therapies and be able to tolerate at least 3 hours per day of skilled Rehabilitation be the Hospital, Physician's office, outpatient Services for at least 5 days a week and their center, or your home. The treating Physician,after consultation with you, may choose the Condition must be likely to result in significant improvement; and appropriate setting. 5. the Rehabilitation Services must be required Maternity Services at such intensity,frequency and duration as Health Care Services,including prenatal care, to make it impractical for the individual to delivery and postpartum care and assessment, receive services in a less intensive setting. provided to you, by a Doctor of Medicine(M.D.), Inpatient Rehabilitation Services are subject to Doctor of Osteopathy(D.O.), Hospital, Birth the inpatient facility Copayment, if applicable, Center, Midwife or Certified Nurse Midwife may and the benefit maximum set forth in the be Covered Services. Care for the mother Schedule of Benefits. includes the postpartum assessment. Exclusion: In order for the postpartum assessment to be covered, such assessment must be provided at All Substance Dependency, drug and alcohol a Hospital, an attending Physician's office, an related diagnoses, Pain Management, and What Is Covered 2-8 outpatient maternity center, or in the home by a include the administration of the Prescription qualified licensed health care professional Drug. trained in care for a mother. Coverage under this Booklet for the postpartum assessment Your plan may also include a maximum monthly includes coverage for the physical assessment amount you will be required to pay out-of-pocket of the mother and any necessary clinical tests in for Medical Pharmacy,when such Services are keeping with prevailing medical standards. provided by an In-Network Provider or Specialty Pharmacy. If your plan includes a Medical Under Federal law, your Group Plan generally Pharmacy out-of-pocket monthly maximum, it may not restrict benefits for any hospital length will be listed on your Schedule of Benefits and of stay in connection with childbirth for the only applies after you have met your Deductible, mother or newborn child to less than 48 hours if applicable. following a vaginal delivery; or less than 96 hours following a cesarean section. However, Please refer to your Schedule of Benefits for the Federal law generally does not prohibit the additional Cost Share amount and/or monthly mother's or newborn's attending Provider, after maximum out-of-pocket applicable to Medical consulting with the mother, from discharging the Pharmacy for your plan. mother or her newborn earlier than 48 hours(or Note: For purposes of this benefit,allergy 96 as applicable). In any case, under Federal injections and immunizations are not considered law,your Group Plan can only require that a Medical Pharmacy. provider obtain authorization for prescribing an inpatient hospital stay that exceeds 48 hours(or Mental Health Services 96 hours). Diagnostic evaluation, psychiatric treatment, Exclusion: individual thera py, and group therapy provided Maternity Services rendered to a Covered to you by a Physician, Psychologist, or Mental Person who becomes pregnant as a Gestational Health Professional for the treatment of a Mental Surrogate under the terms of, and in accordance and Nervous Disorder may be covered. These with, a Gestational Surrogacy Contract or Health Care Services include inpatient, Arrangement are excluded. This exclusion outpatient, and Partial Hospitalization services. applies to all expenses for prenatal, intra-partal, Partial Hospitalization is a Covered Service and post-partal Maternity/Obstetrical Care, and when provided under the direction of a Physician Health Care Services rendered to the Covered and in lieu of inpatient hospitalization. Person acting as a Gestational Surrogate. Exclusion: For the definition of Gestational Surrogate and Gestational Surrogacy Contract, see the 1. Services rendered in connection with a "Definitions" section of this Benefit Booklet. Condition not classified in the diagnostic categories of the International Classification Medical Pharmacy of Diseases, Ninth Edition, Clinical Modification (ICD-9 CM)or their equivalents Physician-administered Prescription Drugs in the most recently published version of the which are rendered in a Physician's office are American Psychiatric Association's subject to a separate Cost Share amount that is Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental in addition to the office visit Cost Share amount. Disorders, regardless of the underlying The Medical Pharmacy Cost Share amount cause,or effect, of the disorder; applies to the Prescription Drug and does not What Is Covered 2-9 2. Services for psychological testing An assessment of the newborn child is covered associated with the evaluation and diagnosis provided the Services were rendered at a of learning disabilities or for mental Hospital,the attending Physician's office, a Birth retardation; Center,or in the home by a Physician, Midwife or Certified Nurse Midwife, and the performance 3. Services extended beyond the period of any necessary clinical tests and necessary for evaluation and diagnosis of immunizations are within prevailing medical learning disabilities or for mental retardation; standards. These Services are not subject to 4. Services for marriage counseling, when not the Deductible. rendered in connection with a Condition Ambulance Services,when necessary to classified in the diagnostic categories of the transport the newborn child to and from the International Classification of Diseases, nearest appropriate facility which is staffed and Ninth Edition,Clinical Modification(ICD-9- CM)or their equivalents in the most recently equipped to treat the newborn child's Condition, published version of the American as determined by BCBSF or Monroe County Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and BOCC and certified by the attending Physician Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; as Medically Necessary to protect the health and 5. Services for pre-marital counseling; safety of the newborn child, are covered. 6. Services for court-ordered care or testing, or Under Federal law, your Group Plan generally required as a condition of parole or may not restrict benefits for any hospital length probation; of stay in connection with childbirth for the mother or newborn child to less than 48 hours 7. Services for testing of aptitude, ability, following a vaginal delivery; or less than 96 intelligence or interest(except as covered hours following a cesarean section. However, under the Autism Spectrum Disorder Federal law generally does not prohibit the subsection); mother's or newborn's attending Provider, after 8. Services for testing and evaluation for the consulting with the mother,from discharging the purpose of maintaining employment; mother or her newborn earlier than 48 hours(or 9. Services for cognitive remediation; 96 as applicable). In any case, under Federal 10. inpatient confinements that are primarily law, your Group Plan can only require that a intended as a change of environment; or provider obtain authorization for prescribing an inpatient hospital stay that exceeds 48 hours(or 11. inpatient(over night)mental health Services 96 hours). received in a residential treatment facility. Newborn Care Orthotic Devices A newborn child will be covered from the Orthotic Devices including braces and trusses moment of birth provided that the newborn child for the leg,arm,neck and back, and special is eligible for coverage and properly enrolled. surgical corsets are covered when prescribed by Covered Services shall consist of coverage for a Physician and designed and fitted by an injury or sickness,including the necessary care Orthotist. or treatment of medically diagnosed congenital Benefits may be provided for necessary defects, birth abnormalities, and premature birth. replacement of an Orthotic Device which is Newborn Assessment: owned by you when due to irreparable damage, wear, a change in your Condition, or when necessitated due to growth of a child. What Is Covered 2 10 Payment for splints for the treatment of 2. individuals who have vertebral temporomandibular joint("TMJ")dysfunction is abnormalities; limited to payment for one splint in a six-month 3. individuals who are receiving long-term period unless a more frequent replacement is glucocorticoid (steroid)therapy; determined by BCBSF or Monroe County BOCC to be Medically Necessary. 4. individuals who have primary hyperparathyroidism; and Exclusion: 5. individuals who have a family history of osteoporosis. 1. Expenses for arch supports,shoe inserts designed to effect conformational changes Outpatient Cardiac,Occupational, Physical, in the foot or foot alignment, orthopedic Speech, Massage Therapies and Spinal shoes, over-the-counter, custom-made or Manipulation Services built-up shoes, cast shoes, sneakers, ready- Outpatient therapies listed below may be made compression hose or support hose, or Covered Services when ordered by a Physician similar type devices/appliances regardless or other health care professional licensed to of intended use,except for therapeutic perform such Services. The outpatient therapies shoes(including inserts and/or listed in this category are in addition to the modifications)for the treatment of severe Cardiac, Occupational, Physical and Speech diabetic foot disease; Therapy benefits listed in the Home Health 2. Expenses for orthotic appliances or devices Care, Hospital, and Skilled Nursing Facility categories herein. which straighten or re-shape the conformation of the head or bones of the Cardiac Therapy Services provided under the skull or cranium through cranial banding or supervision of a Physician, or an appropriate molding(e.g.dynamic orthotic cranioplasty Provider trained for Cardiac Therapy,for the or molding helmets), except when the purpose of aiding in the restoration of normal orthotic appliance or device is used as an heart function in connection with a myocardial alternative to an internal fixation device as a infarction, coronary occlusion or coronary result of surgery for craniosynostosis;and bypass surgery are covered. 3. Expenses for devices necessary to exercise, Occupational Therapy Services provided by a train, or participate in sports, e.g. custom- Physician or Occupational Therapist for the made knee braces. purpose of aiding in the restoration of a previously impaired function lost due to a Osteoporosis Screening, Diagnosis, and Condition are covered. Treatment Speech Therapy Services of a Physician, Screening, diagnosis,and treatment of Speech Therapist, or licensed audiologist to aid osteoporosis for high-risk individuals is covered in the restoration of speech loss or an as medically necessary, including, but not impairment of speech resulting from a Condition limited to: are covered. Physical Therapy Services provided by a 1. estrogen-deficient individuals who are at physician or Physical Therapist for the purpose clinical risk for osteoporosis; of aiding in the restoration of normal physical function lost due to a Condition are covered. What Is Covered? 2.11 Massage Therapy Massage provided by a maximum benefit listed in the Schedule of Physician, Massage Therapist, or Physical Benefits,whichever occurs first. Therapist when the Massage is prescribed as 2. Payment for covered Physical Therapy being Medically Necessary by a Physician Services rendered on the same day as licensed pursuant to Florida Statutes Chapter spinal manipulation is limited to one(1) 458(Medical Practice), Chapter 459 Physical Therapy treatment per day, not to (Osteopathy), Chapter 460(Chiropractic)or ChaChapter 461 (Podiatry) exceed fifteen(15)minutes in length. p ( ry) is covered. The Physician's prescription must specify the Your Schedule of Benefits sets forth the number of treatments. maximum number of visits covered under this Payment Guidelines for Massage and plan for any combination of the outpatient Physical Therapy therapies and spinal manipulation Services listed above. For example, even if you may 1. Payment for covered Massage Services is have only been administered two(2)of the limited to no more than four(4) 15-minute spinal manipulations for the Benefit Period, any Massage treatments per day, not to exceed additional spinal manipulations for that Benefit the Outpatient Cardiac, Occupational, Period will not be covered if you have already Physical, Speech, and Massage Therapies met the combined therapy visit maximum with and Spinal Manipulations benefit maximum other Services. listed on the Schedule of Benefits. 2. Payment for a combination of covered Oxygen Massage and Physical Therapy Services Expenses for oxygen,the equipment necessary rendered on the same day is limited to no to administer it,and the administration of oxygen more than four(4) 15-minute treatments per are covered. day for combined Massage and Physical Therapy treatment, not to exceed the Physician Services Outpatient Cardiac, Occupational, Physical, Medical or surgical Health Care Services Speech, and Massage Therapies and Spinal provided by a Physician, including Services Manipulations benefit maximum listed on the rendered in the Physician's office, in an Schedule of Benefits. outpatient facility, or electronically through a 3. Payment for covered Physical Therapy computer via the Internet. Services rendered on the same day as spinal manipulation is limited to one(1) Payment Guidelines for Physician Services Physical Therapy treatment per day not to Provided by Electronic Means through a exceed fifteen (15)minutes in length. Computer: Spinal Manipulations: Services by Physicians Expenses for online medical Services provided for manipulations of the spine to correct a slight electronically through a computer by a Physician dislocation of a bone or joint that is via the Internet will be covered only if such demonstrated by x-ray are covered. Services: Payment Guidelines for Spinal Manipulation 1. were provided to a covered individual who was, at the time the Services were provided, 1. Payment for covered spinal manipulation is an established patient of the Physician limited to no more than 26 spinal rendering the Services; manipulations per Benefit Period,or the What Is Covered? 2-12 2. were in response to an online inquiry Committee on Immunization Practices of the received through the Internet from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention covered individual with respect to which the established under the Public Health Service Services were provided; and Act with respect to the individual involved; 3. were provided by a Physician through a and secure online healthcare communication 3. with respect to women,such additional services vendor that, at the time the preventive care and screenings not Services were rendered,was under contract described in paragraph (1) as provided for in with BCBSF. comprehensive guidelines supported p g by the The term "established patient,"as used herein, Health Resources and Services shall mean that the covered individual has Administration. received professional services from the Exclusion: Physician who provided the online medical Services, or another physician of the same Routine vision and hearing examinations and specialty who belongs to the same group screenings are not covered, except as required practice as that Physician, within the past three under paragraph number one above. years. Preventive Child Health Supervision Services Exclusion: Preventive Child Health Supervision Services Expenses for online medical Services provided from the moment of birth up to the 17th birthday electronically through a computer by a Physician are covered. via the Internet other than through a healthcare communication services vendor that has entered In order to be covered, Services shall be into contract with BCBSF are excluded. provided in accordance with prevailing medical Expenses for online medical Services provided standards consistent with: by a health care provider that is not a Physician 1. evidence-based items or Services that have and expenses for Health Care Services in effect a rating of'A'or'B' in the current rendered by telephone are also excluded. recommendations of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force established under the Preventive Adult Wellness Services Public Health Service Act; Preventive adult wellness Services are covered 2. immunizations that have in effect a under your plan. For purposes of this benefit, an recommendation from the Advisory adult is 17 years or older. Committee on Immunization Practices of the In order to be covered, Services shall be Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provided in accordance with prevailing medical established under the Public Health Service standards consistent with: Act with respect to the individual involved; and 1. evidence-based items or Services that have in effect a rating of'A'or`B' in the current 3. with respect to infants, children, and recommendations of the U.S. Preventive adolescents,evidence-informed preventive Services Task Force established under the care and screenings provided for in the Public Health Service Act; comprehensive guidelines supported by the Health Resources and Services 2. immunizations that have in effect a Administration. recommendation from the Advisory Prosthetic Devices What Is Covered? 2-13 The following Prosthetic Devices are covered Specialty Pharmacy or an Out-of-Network when prescribed by a Physician and designed Provider that provides Specialty Drugs. and fitted by a Prosthetist: 3. Specialty Drugs used to increase height or 1. artificial hands,arms,feet, legs and eyes, bone growth(e.g., growth hormone), must ' including permanent implanted lenses meet the following criteria in order to be following cataract surgery, cardiac pacemakers, and prosthetic devices incident covered: to a Mastectomy; a. Must be prescribed for Conditions of 2. appliances needed to effectively use artificial growth hormone deficiency documented limbs or corrective braces; or with two abnormally low stimulation tests of less than 10 ng/ml and one 3. penile prosthesis. abnormally low growth hormone Covered Prosthetic Devices(except cardiac dependent peptide or for Conditions of pacemakers, and Prosthetic Devices incident to growth hormone deficiency associated Mastectomy)are limited to the first such with loss of pituitary function due to permanent prosthesis(including the first trauma, surgery, tumors, radiation or temporary prosthesis if it is determined to be disease, or for state mandated use as in necessary)prescribed for each specific patients with AIDS. Condition. b. Continuation of growth hormone therapy Benefits may be provided for necessary is only covered for Conditions replacement of a Prosthetic Device which is associated with significant growth owned by you when due to irreparable damage, hormone deficiency when there is wear,or a change in your Condition, or when evidence of continued responsiveness necessitated due to growth of a child. to treatment. Treatment is considered i Exclusion: responsive in children less than 21 1. Expenses for microprocessor controlled or years of age,when the growth hormone myoelectric artificial limbs(e.g. C-legs); and dependent peptide(IGF-1) is in the normal range for age and Tanner 2. Expenses for cosmetic enhancements to development stage; the growth velocity artificial limbs. is at least 2 cm per year, and studies Self-Administered Prescription Drugs demonstrate open epiphyses. Treatment is considered responsive in The following Self-Administered Drugs are both adolescents with closed epiphyses covered: and for adults,who continue to evidence 1. Self-Administered Prescription Drugs used growth hormone deficiency and the IGF- In the treatment of diabetes, cancer, 1 remains in the normal range for age Conditions requiring immediate stabilization and gender. (e g. anaphylaxis), or in the administration of Skilled Nursing Facilities dialysis; and The following Health Care Services may be 2. Self-Administered Prescription Drugs Covered Services when you are an inpatient in a identified as Specialty Drugs with a special Skilled Nursing Facility: symbol in the Medication Guide when 1. room and board; delivered to you at home and purchased at a What Is Covered? 2_1 q 2, respiratory, pulmonary, or inhalation therapy 2. Physician, Psychologist and Mental Health (e.g., oxygen); Professional outpatient visits for the care 3. drugs and medicines administered while an and treatment of Substance Dependency. inpatient(except take home drugs); Exclusion: 4. intravenous solutions; Expenses for prolonged care and treatment of 5. administration of, including the cost of, Substance Dependency in a specialized whole blood or blood products(except as inpatient or residential facility or inpatient confinements that are primarily intended as a ' outlined in the Drugs exclusion of the "What change of environment are excluded. Is Not Covered?"section); 6. dressings, including ordinary casts; Surgical Assistant Services 7. transfusion supplies and equipment; Services rendered by a Physician, Registered Nurse First Assistant or Physician Assistant 8. diagnostic Services, including radiology,ultrasound, laboratory, atholo when acting as a surgical assistant(provided no approved machine testing(e.g..,, EKG);and ' intern,resident, or other staff physician is available)when the assistant is necessary are 9. chemotherapy treatment for proven covered. malignant disease; and Surgical Procedures 10. Physical, Speech, and Occupational Surgical procedures performed by a Physician Therapies; may be covered including the following: A treatment plan from your Physician may be 1. sterilization(tubal ligations and required in order to determine coverage and vasectomies), regardless of Medical payment. Necessity; Exclusion: 2. surgery to correct deformity which was Expenses for an inpatient admission to a Skilled caused by disease, trauma, birth defects, Nursing Facility for purposes of Custodial Care, growth defects or prior therapeutic convalescent care, or any other Service processes; primarily for the convenience of you and/or your 3. oral surgical procedures for excisions of family members or the Provider are excluded. tumors,cysts,abscesses,and lesions of the mouth; Substance Dependency Care and Treatment 4. surgical procedures involving bones or joints Care and treatment for Substance Dependency of the jaw(e.g., temporomandibutar joint includes the following: [TMJ])and facial region if, under accepted 1. Health Care Services(inpatient and medical standards, such surgery is outpatient or any combination thereof) necessary to treat Conditions caused by provided by a Physician, Psychologist or congenital or developmental deformity, Mental Health Professional in a program disease, or injury; and accredited by the Joint Commission on the 5. Services of a Physician for the purpose of Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations or rendering a second surgical opinion and approved by the state of Florida(or another related diagnostic services to help determine state)for Detoxification or Substance the need for surgery. Dependency. What Is Covered? 2-15 i 6. surgical procedures performed on a Covered primary procedure, and there is no Plan Participant for the treatment of Morbid additional payment for any incidental Obesity(e.g.,intestinal bypass, stomach procedure. An "incidental surgical stapling, balloon dilation)and the associated procedure" includes surgery where one, or care provided the Covered Plan Participant more than one,surgical procedure is has not previously undergone the same or performed through the same incision or similar procedure in the lifetime of this operative approach as the primary surgical Group Health Plan when medically procedure which,in BCBSF's or Monroe necessary. County BOCC's opinion, is not clearly Exclusion: identified and/or does not add significant time or complexity to the surgical session. a. Surgical procedures for the treatment of For example,the removal of a normal Morbid Obesity including:intestinal appendix performed in conjunction with a bypass; stomach stapling; balloon Medically Necessary hysterectomy is an dilation and associated care for the incidental surgical procedure(i.e.,there is surgical treatment of Morbid Obesity,if no payment for the removal of the normal the Covered Plan Participant has appendix in the example). previously undergone the same or similar procedures in the lifetime of this 3. Payment for surgical procedures for fracture Group Health Plan. Surgical procedures care,dislocation treatment, debridement, performed to revise, or correct defects wound repair, unna boot, and other related related to, a prior intestinal bypass, Health Care Services,is included in the stomach stapling or balloon dilation are Allowed Amount of the surgical procedure. also excluded. Transplant Services b. Reversal of a weight loss surgery, surgical procedures to revise,correct, Transplant Services, limited to the procedures and correction of defects to include listed below,may be covered when performed at adjustment to devices implanted or any a facility acceptable to BCBSF or Monroe j fills not performed during the initial County BOCC, subject to the conditions and surgical event. limitations described below. Payment Guidelines for Surgical Procedures Transplant includes pre-transplant, transplant and post-discharge Services, and treatment of 1. Payment for multiple surgical procedures complications after transplantation. Benefits will performed in addition to the primary surgical only be paid for Services, care and treatment procedure,on the same or different areas of received or provided in connection with a: the body, during the same operative session will be based on 50 percent of the Allowed 1. Bone Marrow Transplant, as defined herein, Amount for any secondary surgical which is specifically listed in the rule 59B- procedure(s)performed. In addition, 12.001 of the Florida Administrative Code or Coinsurance or Copayment(if any) indicated any successor or similar rule or covered by in your Schedule of Benefits will apply. This Medicare as described in the most recently guideline is applicable to all bilateral published Medicare Coverage Issues procedures and all surgical procedures Manual issued by the Centers for Medicare performed on the same date of service. and Medicaid Services. Coverage will be provided for the expenses incurred for the 2. Payment for incidental surgical procedures donation of bone marrow by a donor to the is limited to the Allowed Amount for the What Is Covered) 2-16 same extent such expenses would be 2. transplant procedures involving the covered for you and will be subject to the transplantation or implantation of any non- same limitations and exclusions as would be human organ or tissue; applicable to you. Coverage for the 3. transplant procedures related to the donation reasonable expenses of searching for the or acquisition of an organ or tissue for a donor will be limited to a search among recipient who is not covered under this immediate family members and donors Benefit Booklet; identified through the National Bone Marrow Donor Program; 4. transplant procedures involving the implant of an artificial organ,including the implant of the 2. corneal transplant; artificial organ; 3. heart transplant(including a ventricular 5. any organ,tissue, marrow, or stem cells assist device, if indicated,when used as a which is/are sold rather than donated; bridge to heart transplantation); 6. any Bone Marrow Transplant, as defined 4. heart-lung combination transplant; herein, which is not specifically listed in rule 5. liver transplant; 596-12.001 of the Florida Administrative 6. kidney transplant; Code or any successor or similar rule or covered by Medicare pursuant to a national 7. pancreas; coverage decision made by the Centers for 8. pancreas transplant performed Medicare and Medicaid Services as simultaneously with a kidney transplant; or evidenced in the most recently published 9. lung-whole single or whole bilateral Medicare Coverage Issues Manual; transplant. 7. any Service in connection with the identification of a donor from a local, state or Coverage will be provided for donor costs and national listing, except in the case of a Bone organ acquisition for transplants, other than Marrow Transplant; Bone Marrow Transplants, provided such costs are not covered in whole or in part by any other 8. any non-medical costs,including but not insurance carrier, organization or person other limited to, temporary lodging or transportation than the donor's family or estate. costs for you and/or your family to and from You may call the customer service phone the approved facility; and number indicated in this Booklet or on your 9. any artificial heart or mechanical device that Identification Card in order to determine which replaces either the atrium and/or the Bone Marrow Transplants are covered under ventricle. this Booklet. Exclusions: Expenses for the following are excluded: 1. transplant procedures not included in the list above, or otherwise excluded under this Booklet(e.g., Experimental or Investigational transplant procedures); What Is Covered? 2-17 Section 3: What Is Not Covered? Introduction modifications and purification therapies; traditional Oriental medicine Including Your Booklet expressly excludes expenses for acupuncture; naturopathic medicine; the following Health Care Services, supplies, environmental medicine including the field of drugs or charges. The following exclusions are clinical ecology;chelation therapy; in addition to any exclusions specified in the thermography; mind-body interactions such as "What is Covered?" section or any other section meditation, imagery, yoga, dance, and art of the Booklet. therapy; biofeedback; prayer and mental Abortions which are elective. healing; manual healing methods such as the Alexander technique,aromatherapy, Ayurvedic Adult Wellness preventive care or routine massage,craniosacral balancing, Feldenkrais screening Services, except as specified under method, Hellerwork, polarity therapy, Reichian the Preventive Adult Wellness Services category therapy, reflexology, rolfing, shiatsu, traditional on the Schedule of Benefits. Chinese massage,Trager therapy, trigger-point Arch Supports, shoe inserts designed to effect myotherapy, and biofield therapeutics; Reiki, conformational changes in the foot or foot SHEN therapy, and therapeutic touch; alignment, orthopedic shoes, over-the-counter, bioelectromagnetic applications in medicine; and custom-made or built-up shoes, cast shoes, herbal therapies. sneakers, ready-made compression hose or Complications of Non-Covered Services, support hose, or similar type devices/appliances including the diagnosis or treatment of any regardless of intended use, except for Condition which is a complication of a non- therapeutic shoes(including inserts and/or covered Health Care Service(e.g., Health Care modifications)for the treatment of severe Services to treat a complication of cosmetic diabetic foot disease. surgery are not covered). Assisted Reproductive Therapy(Infertility) Contraceptive medications, devices, including, but not limited to, associated Services, appliances, or other Health Care Services when supplies,and medications for In Vitro provided for contraception, except when Fertilization(IVF); Gamete Intrafallopian indicated as covered, under the adult wellness Transfer(GIFT)procedures; Zygote benefit, on the Schedule of Benefits (when Intrafallopian Transfer(ZIFT)procedures; selected b the Group ),p), or otherwise covered in Artificial Insemination (Al); embryo transport; the"What Is Covered?" section. surrogate parenting; donor semen and related costs including collection and preparation;and Cosmetic Services, including any Service to infertility treatment medication. improve the appearance or self-perception of an individual(except as covered under the Breast Autopsy or postmortem examination services, Reconstructive Surgery category), including and unless specifically requested by BCBSF or without limitation: cosmetic surgery and Monroe County BOCC. procedures or supplies to correct hair loss or Complementary or Alternative Medicine skin wrinkling(e.g., Minoxidil, Rogaine, Retin-A), including, but not limited to, self-care or self-help and hair implants/transplants. training; homeopathic medicine and counseling; Ayurvedic medicine such as lifestyle What Is Not Covered? 3-1 Costs related to telephone consultations,failure for at least one indication, provided the drug to keep a scheduled appointment, or completion is recognized for treatment of your particular of any form and/or medical information. cancer in a Standard Reference Custodial Care and any service of a custodial Compendium or recommended for treatment of your particular cancer in Medical nature, including and without limitation: Health Literature. Drugs prescribed for the Care Services primarily to assist in the activities treatment of cancer that have not been of daily living; rest homes;home companions or approved for any indication are excluded. sitters; home parents; domestic maid services; respite care; and provision of services which are 2. All drugs dispensed to, or purchased by, you for the sole purposes of allowing a family from a pharmacy. This exclusion does not member or caregiver of a Covered Person to apply to drugs dispensed to you when: return to work. a. you are an inpatient in a Hospital, Dental Care or treatment of the teeth or their Ambulatory Surgical Center, Skilled supporting structures or gums,or dental Nursing Facility, Psychiatric Facility or a procedures, including but not limited to: Hospice facility; extraction of teeth,restoration of teeth with or b. you are in the outpatient department of without fillings, crowns or other materials, a Hospital; bridges,cleaning of teeth,dental implants, dentures, periodontal or endodontic procedures, c. dispensed to your Physician for orthodontic treatment(e.g., braces), intraoral administration to you in the Physician's prosthetic devices, palatal expansion devices, office and prior coverage authorization bruxism appliances, and dental x-rays. This has been obtained(if required); exclusion also applies to Phase II treatments(as d. you are receiving Home Health Care defined by the American Dental Association)for according to a plan of treatment and the TMJ dysfunction. This exclusion does not apply Home Health Care Agency bills us for to an Accidental Dental Injury and the Child Cleft such drugs, including Self-Administered Lip and Cleft Palate Treatment Services Prescription Drugs that are rendered in category as described in the"What Is Covered?" connection with a nursing visit. section. 3. Any non-Prescription medicines, remedies, Drugs vaccines, biological products(except insulin), pharmaceuticals or chemical 1. Prescribed for uses other than the Food and compounds, vitamins, mineral supplements, Drug Administration(FDA)approved label indications. This exclusion does not apply to fluoride products,over-the-counter drugs, products,or health foods, except as any drug that has been proven safe,effective and accepted for the treatment of described in the Preventive Adult Wellness Services and Preventive Child Health the specific medical Condition for which the Supervision Services categories of the drug has been prescribed, as evidenced by "What Is Covered?"section. the results of good quality controlled clinical studies published in at least two or more 4. Any drug which is indicated or used for peer-reviewed full length articles in sexual dysfunction (e.g., Cialis, Levitra, respected national professional medical Viagra, Caverject). The exception described journals. This exclusion also does not apply in exclusion number one above does not to any drug prescribed for the treatment of apply to sexual dysfunction drugs excluded cancer that has been approved by the FDA under this paragraph. What Is Not Covered? 3_2 5. Any Self-Administered Prescription Drug not Food and Food Products prescribed or not, indicated as covered in the "What Is except as covered in the Enteral Formulas Covered?"section of this Benefit Booklet. subsection of the"What Is Covered?" section. 6. Blood or blood products used to treat Foot Care which is routine,including any Health hemophilia,except when provided to you Care Service, in the absence of disease. This for: exclusion includes, but is not limited to: non- a. emergency stabilization; surgical treatment of bunions;flat feet;fallen arches;chronic foot strain; trimming of toenails b. during a covered inpatient stay, or corns,or calluses. c. when proximately related to a surgical General Exclusions include, but are not limited procedure. to: The exceptions to the exclusion for drugs 1. any Health Care Service received prior to purchased or dispensed by a pharmacy your Effective Date or after the date your described in subparagraph number two do coverage terminates; not apply to hemophilia drugs excluded under this subparagraph. 2. any Service to diagnose or treat any Condition resulting from or in connection 7. Drugs, which require prior coverage with your job or employment; authorization when prior coverage authorization is not obtained. 3. any Health Care Services not within the service categories described in the"What is 8. Specialty Drugs used to increase height or Covered?"section, any rider, or bone growth (e.g.,growth hormone)except Endorsement attached hereto, unless such for Conditions of growth hormone deficiency services are specifically required to be documented with two abnormally low covered by applicable law; stimulation tests of less than 10 ng/ml and one abnormally low growth hormone 4. any Health Care Services provided by a dependent peptide or for Conditions of Physician or other health care Provider growth hormone deficiency associated with related to you by blood or marriage; loss of pituitary function due to trauma, 5. any Health Care Service which is not surgery,tumors, radiation or disease, or for Medically Necessary as determined by us or state mandated use as in patients with Monroe County BOCC and defined in this AIDS. Booklet. The ordering of a Service by a Continuation of growth hormone therapy will health care Provider does not in itself make not be covered except for Conditions such Service Medically Necessary or a associated with significant growth hormone Covered Service; deficiency when there is evidence of 6. any Health Care Services rendered at no continued responsiveness to treatment. charge; (See"What is Covered?"section for additional information.) 7. expenses for claims denied because we did not receive information requested from you Experimental or Investigational Services, regarding whether or not you have other except as otherwise covered under the Bone coverage and the details of such coverage; Marrow Transplant provision of the Transplant Services category. What Is Not Covered 33 8. any Health Care Services to diagnose or Hearing Aids (external or implantable)and treat a Condition which,directly or indirectly, Services related to the fitting or provision of resulted from or is in connection with: hearing aids, including tinnitus maskers, a) war or an act of war,whether declared batteries, and cost of repair. or not; Immunizations except those covered under the b) your participation in, or commission of, Preventive Child Health Supervision Services or any act punishable by law as a Preventive Adult Wellness Services categories misdemeanor or felony, or which of the"What Is Covered?" section. constitutes riot, or rebellion; Maternity Services rendered to a Covered c) your engaging in an illegal occupation; Person who becomes pregnant as a Gestational d) Services received at military or Surrogate under the terms of, and in accordance government facilities; or with, a Gestational Surrogacy Contract or e) Services received to treat a Condition Arrangement. This exclusion applies to all arising out of your service in the armed expenses for prenatal, intra-partal, and post- forces, reserves and/or National Guard; partal Maternity/Obstetrical Care,and Health Care Services rendered to the Covered Person f) Services that are not patient-specific, as acting as a Gestational Surrogate. determined solely by us. 9. Health Care Services rendered because For the definition of Gestational Surrogate and they were ordered by a court, unless such Gestational Surrogacy Contract see the Services are Covered Services under this Definitions section of this Benefit Booklet. Benefit Booklet; and Oral Surgery except as provided under the 10. any Health Care Services rendered by or "What Is Covered?"section. through a medical or dental department Orthomolecular Therap y including nutrients, maintained by or on behalf of an employer, vitamins, and food supplements. mutual association, labor union,trust, or similar person or group; or Oversight of a medical laboratory by a Physician or other health care Provider. 11. Health Care Services that are not direct, "Oversight"as used in this exclusion shall, hands-on, and patient specific, including, but include, but is not limited to,the oversight of: not limited to the oversight of a medical laboratory to assure timeliness, reliability, 1. the laboratory to assure timeliness, and/or usefulness of test results, or the reliability, and/or usefulness of test results; oversight of the calibration of laboratory 2. the calibration of laboratory machines or machines,equipment, or laboratory testing of laboratory equipment; technicians. 3. the preparation, review or updating of any Genetic screening, including the evaluation of protocol or procedure created or reviewed genes to determine if you are a carrier of an by a Physician or other health care Provider abnormal gene that puts you at risk fora in connection with the operation of the Condition, except as provided under the laboratory; and Preventive Adult Wellness Services and Preventive Child Health Supervision Services 4. laboratory equipment or laboratory categories of the"What Is Covered?" section. personnel for any reason. What Is Not Covered? 3-4 Personal Comfort, Hygiene or Convenience Sexual Reassignment,or Modification Items and Services deemed to be not Medically Services including, but not limited to, any Health Necessary and not directly related to your Care Services related to such treatment, such treatment including, but not limited to: as psychiatric Services. 1. beauty and barber services; Smoking Cessation Programs including any 2. clothing including support hose; service to eliminate or reduce the dependency 3. radio and television; on, or addiction to,tobacco, including but not limited to nicotine withdrawal programs and 4. guest meals and accommodations; it 5. telephone charges; nicotine products(e.g.,gum,transdermal patches, etc.). 6. take-home supplies; 7. travel expenses(other than Medically Sports-Related devices and services used to Necessary Ambulance Services); affect performance primarily in sports-related activities;all expenses related to physical 8. motel/hotel accommodations; conditioning programs such as athletic training, 9. air conditioners,furnaces, air filters, air or bodybuilding, exercise,fitness, flexibility, and water purification systems,water softening diversion or general motivation. systems, humidifiers,dehumidifiers,vacuum cleaners or any other similar equipment and Training and Educational Programs, or devices used for environmental control or to materials, including, but not limited to programs enhance an environmental setting; or materials for pain management and 10. hot tubs, Jacuzzis, heated spas, pools,or vocational rehabilitation, except as provided memberships to health clubs; under the Diabetes Outpatient Self Management category of the"What Is Covered?" section. 11, heating pads, hot water bottles, or ice packs; 12. physical fitness equipment; Travel or vacation expenses even if prescribed 13. hand rails and grab bars;and or ordered by a Provider. 14. Massages except as covered in the"What Is Volunteer Services or Services which would Covered?"section of this Booklet. normally be provided free of charge and any charges associated with Deductible, Private Duty Nursing Care rendered at any Coinsurance, or Copayment(if applicable) location. requirements which are waived by a health care Rehabilitative Therapies provided on an Provider. inpatient or outpatient basis, except as provided Weight Control Services including any service in the Hospital, Skilled Nursing Facility, Home to lose,gain, or maintain weight, including Health Care,and Outpatient Cardiac, without limitation: any weight control/loss Occupational, Physical, Speech, Massage program; appetite suppressants; dietary Therapies and Spinal Manipulations categories regimens;food or food supplements; exercise of the"What Is Covered?" section. programs;equipment;whether or not it is part of Rehabilitative Therapies provided for the a treatment plan for a Condition. purpose of maintaining rather than improving your Condition are also excluded. Wigs and/or cranial prosthesis. Reversal of Voluntary, Surgically-Induced Sterility including the reversal of tubal ligations and vasectomies. What Is Not Covered? 3-5 Section 4: Medical Necessity In order for Health Care Services to be covered 1. staying in the Hospital because under this Booklet, such Services must meet all arrangements for discharge have not been of the requirements to be a Covered Service, completed; including being Medically Necessary,as defined 2. use of laboratory,x-ray, or other diagnostic by this Benefit Booklet. testing that has no clear indication, or is not It is important to remember that any review of expected to alter your treatment; Medical Necessity we undertake is solely for the 3. staying in the Hospital because supervision purposes of determining coverage, benefits, or in the home, or care in the home, is not payment under the terms of this Booklet and not available or inconvenient; or being for the purpose of recommending or providing hospitalized for any Service which could medical care, In conducting a review of Medical have been provided adequately in an Necessity, BCBSF may review specific medical alternate setting (e.g., Hospital outpatient facts or information pertaining to you. Any such department); or review, however, is strictly for the purpose of determining whether a Health Care Service 4. inpatient admissions to a Hospital, Skilled provided or proposed meets the definition of Nursing Facility, or any other facility for the Medical Necessity in this Booklet. In applying purpose of Custodial Care, convalescent the definition of Medical Necessity in this care,or any other Service primarily for the Booklet to a specific Health Care Service, convenience of the patient or his or her coverage and payment guidelines then in effect family members or a Provider. may be applied by BCBSF. Note: Whether or not a Health Care Service All decisions that require or pertain to is specifically listed as an exclusion,the fact independent professional medical/clinical that a Provider may prescribe, recommend, judgement or training, or the need for medical approve,or furnish a Health Care Service services, are solely your responsibility and that does not mean that the Service is Medically of your treating Physicians and health care Necessary(as defined by this Benefit Providers. You and your Physicians are Booklet)or a Covered Service. Please refer responsible for deciding what medical care to the"Definitions" section for the should be rendered or received and when that definitions of"Medically Necessary"or care should be provided. Monroe County BOCC "Medical Necessity". is ultimately responsible for determining whether expenses incurred for medical care are covered under this Booklet. In making coverage decisions, neither BCBSF nor Monroe County BOCC will be deemed to participate in or override your decisions concerning your health or the medical decisions of your health care Providers. Examples of hospitalization and other Health Care Services that are not Medically Necessary include, but are not limited to: Medical Necessity 4.1 Section 5: Understanding Your Share of Health Care Expenses This section explains what your share of the Benefits for the specific Covered Services which health care expenses will be for Covered are subject to a Copayment. Listed below is a Services you receive. In addition to the brief description of some of the Copayment information ton explained in this section, it is requirements that may apply to your plan. If the important that you refer to your Schedule of Allowed Amount or the Provider's actual charge Benefits to determine your share of the cost with for a Covered Service rendered is less than the regard to Covered Services. Copayment amount,you must pay the lesser of the Allowed Amount or the Provider's actual Deductible Requirement charge for the Covered Service. Individual Deductible 1. Office Services Copayment: This amount,when applicable, must be satisfied If your plan is a Copayment plan, the by you and each of your Covered Dependents Copayment for Covered Services rendered in the office(when applicable)must be each Benefit Period, before any payment will be satisfied by you,for each office Service made by the Group Health Plan. Only those before any payment will be made. The charges indicated on claims received for office Services Copayment applies Covered Services will be credited toward the regardless of the reason for the office visit individual Deductible and only up to the and applies to all Covered Services applicable Allowed Amount. Please see your rendered in the office, with the exception of Schedule of Benefits for more information. Durable Medical Equipment, Medical Family Deductible Pharmacy, Prosthetics,and Orthotics. If your plan includes a family Deductible, after Generally, if more than one Covered Service the family Deductible has been met by your that is subject to a Copayment is rendered family, neither you nor your Covered during the same office visit, you will be Dependents will have any additional Deductible responsible for a single Copayment which responsibility for the remainder of that Benefit will not exceed the highest Copayment Period. The maximum amount that any one specified in the Schedule of Benefits for the Covered Person in your family can contribute particular Health Care Services rendered. toward the family Deductible, if applicable, is the 2. Inpatient Facility Copayment: amount applied toward the individual Deductible. Please see your Schedule of Benefits for more The inpatient facility Copayment must be information. satisfied by you,for each inpatient admission to a Hospital, Psychiatric Facility, Copayment Requirements or Substance Abuse Facility, before any payment will be made for any claim for Covered Services rendered by certain Providers inpatient Covered Services. The inpatient or at certain locations or settings will be subject facility Copayment applies regardless of the to a Copayment requirement. This is the dollar reason for the admission, and applies to all amount you have to pay when you receive these inpatient admissions to a Hospital, Services. Please refer to your Schedule of Psychiatric Facility or Substance Abuse understanding Your Share of Health Care Expenses 5-1 Facility in or outside the state of Florida. Coinsurance Requirements Additionally, you will be responsible for out- of-pocket expenses for Covered Services All applicable Deductible or Copayment amounts provided by Physicians and other health must be satisfied before any portion of the Allowed Amount will be paid for Covered care professionals for inpatient admissions. Services. For Services that are subject to Note: Inpatient facility Copayments may Coinsurance,the Coinsurance percentage of the vary depending on the facility chosen. applicable Allowed Amount you are responsible (Please see the Schedule of Benefits for for is listed in the Schedule of Benefits. more information). 3. Outpatient Facility Copayment: Out-of-Pocket Maximums The outpatient facility Copayment must be Individual out-of-pocket maximum satisfied by you,for each outpatient visit to a Hospital, Ambulatory Surgical Center, Once you have reached the individual out-of- Independent Diagnostic Testing Facility, pocket maximum amount listed in the Schedule Psychiatric Facility or Substance Abuse of Benefits, you will have no additional out-of- Facility, before any payment will be made for pocket responsibility for the remainder of that any claim for outpatient Covered Services. Benefit Period and we will pay 100 percent of The Outpatient Facility Copayment applies the Allowed Amount for Covered Services regardless of the reason for the visit, and rendered during the remainder of that Benefit applies to all outpatient visits to a Hospital, Period. Psychiatric Facility or Substance Abuse Family out-of-pocket maximum Facility in or outside the state of Florida. Additionally, you will be responsible for out- If your plan includes a family out-of-pocket of-pocket expenses for Covered Services maximum,once your family has reached the provided by Physician and other healthcare family out-of-pocket maximum amount listed in professionals. the Schedule of Benefits, neither you nor your Note: Outpatient facility Copayments may covered family members will have any additional vary depending on the facility chosen. out-of-pocket responsibility for the remainder of (Please see the Schedule of Benefits for that Benefit Period and we will pay 100 percent more information). of the Allowed Amount for Covered Services rendered during the remainder of that Benefit 4. Emergency Room Facility Copayment: Period. The maximum amount any one Covered The emergency room facility Copayment Person in your family can contribute toward the applies regardless of the reason for the visit, family out-of-pocket maximum, if applicable, is is in addition to the applicable Coinsurance the amount applied toward the individual out-of- amount, and applies to emergency room pocket maximum. Please see your Schedule of facility Services in or outside the state of Benefits for more information. Florida. The emergency room facility Note: The Deductible, any applicable Copayment must be satisfied by you for each visit. If you are admitted to the Copayments and Coinsurance amounts will Hospital as an inpatient at the time of the accumulate toward the out-of-pocket maximums. emergency room visit, the emergency room Any benefit penalty reductions, non-covered facility Copayment will be waived, but you charges or any charges in excess of the Allowed will still be responsible for the inpatient Amount will not accumulate toward the out-of- facility Copayment. pocket maximums. If the Group has purchased Prescription Drug coverage, any applicable Cost Understanding Your Share of Health Care Expenses 5-2 Share under the Prescription Drug coverage,will given for Health Care Services which would not apply to the Deductible or the out-of-pocket have been Covered Services under this maximums under this Booklet. Booklet. Prior Coverage Credit 4. Prior coverage credit under this Booklet only applies at the initial enrollment of the entire You will be given credit for the satisfaction or Group. You and/or Monroe County BOCC partial satisfaction of any Deductible and are responsible for providing BCBSF with Coinsurance maximums met by you under a any information necessary for BCBSF to prior group insurance, blanket insurance, or apply this prior coverage credit. franchise insurance or group Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)policy or plan Benefit Maximum Carryover maintained by Monroe County BOCC if the coverage provided hereunder replaces such a If immediately before the Effective Date of the policy or plan.This provision only applies if the coverage under this Benefit Booklet, you were prior group insurance, blanket insurance, covered under a prior Monroe County BOCC franchise insurance, HMO or plan coverage was group plan insured or administered by BCBSF, in effect immediately preceding the Effective amounts applied to your benefit maximums Date of the coverage provided under this Benefit under the prior group plan, will be applied Booklet. This provision is only applicable for you toward your benefit maximums under this during the initial Benefit Period of coverage Booklet. under this Benefit Booklet and the following rules apply: Additional Expenses You Must Pay 1. Prior Coverage Credit for Deductible: In addition to your share of the expenses For the initial Benefit Period of coverage described above, you are also responsible for: under this Benefit Booklet only,charges 1, any applicable Copayments; credited towards your Deductible requirement under the prior policy or plan, 2. expenses incurred for non-covered for Services rendered during the - Services; e 90 day period immediately preceding the Effective 3. charges in excess of any maximum benefit Date of the coverage under this Benefit limitation listed in the Schedule of Benefits Booklet,will be credited to the Deductible (e.g., the Benefit Period maximums); requirement under this Booklet. 4. charges in excess of the Allowed Amount for 2. Prior Coverage Credit for Coinsurance: Covered Services rendered by Providers Charges credited by Monroe County who have not agreed to accept the Allowed BOCC's prior policy or plan,towards your Amount as payment in full; Coinsurance Maximum, for Services 5. any benefit reductions; rendered during the 90-day period immediately preceding the Effective Date of 6. payment of expenses for claims denied coverage under this Benefit Booklet, will be because we did not receive information requested from you regarding whether or not credited to your out-of-pocket maximum under this Booklet. you have other coverage and the details of such coverage; and 3. Prior coverage credit towards the Deductible or out-of-pocket maximums will only be charges for Health Care Services which are excluded. Understanding Your Share of Heafth Care Expenses 5-3 Additionally, you are responsible for any contribution amount required by Monroe County BOCC. How Benefit Maximums Will Be Credited Only amounts actually paid for Covered Services will be credited towards any applicable benefit maximums. The amounts paid which are credited towards your benefit maximums will be based on the Allowed Amount for the Covered Services provided. Understanding Your Share of Health Care Expenses 54 Section 6: Physicians, Hospitals and Other Provider Options Introduction continuing a relationship with a Family Physician It is important for you to understand how the allows the physician to become knowledgeable Provider you select and the setting in which you about you and your family's health history. A receive Health Care Services affects how much Family Physician can help you determine when you are responsible for paying under this you need to visit a specialist and also help you Booklet. This section, along with the Schedule find one based on their knowledge of you and ! of Benefits, describes the health care Provider your specific healthcare needs. Types of Family Physicians are Family Practitioners, General options available to you and the payment rules practitioners, Internal Medicine doctors and for Services you receive. Pediatricians. Additionally, care rendered by As used throughout this section"out-of-pocket Family Physicians usually results in lower out-of- expenses"or"out-of-pocket"refers to the pocket expenses for you. Whether you select a amounts you are required to pay including any Family Physician or another type of Physician to applicable Copayments,the Deductible and/or render Health Care Services, please remember Coinsurance amounts for Covered Services. that using In-Network Providers may result in lower out-of-pocket expenses for you. You You are entitled to preferred provider type should always determine whether a Provider is benefits when you receive Covered Services In-Network or Out-of-Network prior to receiving from In-Network Providers. You are entitled to Services to determine the amount you are ! traditional program type benefits at the point of responsible for paying out-of-pocket. service when you receive Covered Services from Traditional Program Providers or Location of Service BlueCard®(Out-of-State)Traditional Program Providers, in conformity with Section 7: In addition to the participation status of the BlueCard®(Out-of-State)Program. Provider,the location or setting where you receive Services can affect the amount you pay. Provider Participation Status For example,the amount you are responsible for paying out-of-pocket will vary whether you With BlueOptions, you may choose to receive receive Services in a Hospital, a Provider's Services from any Provider. However, you may office,or an Ambulatory Surgical Center. I be able to lower the amount you have to pay for Please refer to your Schedule of Benefits for Covered Services by receiving care from an In- specific information regarding your out-of-pocket Network Provider. Although you have the option expenses for such situations. After you and to select any Provider you choose, you are your Physician have determined the plan of encouraged to select and develop a relationship treatment most appropriate for your care, you with an In-Network Family Physician. There are should refer to the"What Is Covered?" section several advantages to selecting a Family and your Schedule of Benefits to find out if the Physician. Family Physicians are trained to specific Health Care Services are covered and provide a broad range of medical care and can how much you will have to pay. You should also be a valuable resource to coordinate your consult with your Physician to determine the overall healthcare needs. Developing and most appropriate setting based on your health care and financial needs. Physicians,Hospitals and Other Provider Options 6-1 i i To verify if a Provider is In-Network benefit plan,the Provider is considered Out-of- for your plan you can: Network. 1. If in Florida, review your current BlueOptions Provider Directory; 2. If in Florida, access the BlueOptions Provider directory at BCBSF's web-site at www.bcbsfl.com; and/or 3. If outside of Florida,access the on-line BlueCard®Doctor and Hospital Finder at www.bcbs.com;and/or 4. Call the customer service phone number in this Booklet or on your Identification Card to search for PPO providers. Please remember that changes to Provider network participation can occur at any time. Consequently, it is your responsibility to determine whether a specific Provider is In- Network at the time you receive Covered Services. In-Network Providers When you use In-Network Providers,your out- of-pocket expenses for Covered Services may be lower. Payment will be based on the Allowed Amount and your share of the cost will be at the In-Network benefit level listed in the Schedule of Benefits. Out-of-Network Providers When you use Out-of-Network Providers your out-of-pocket expenses for Covered Services will be higher. We will base our payment on the Allowed Amount at the Coinsurance percentage listed in the Schedule of Benefits. Further, if the Out-of-Network Provider is a Traditional Program Provider or a BlueCard®(Out-of-State) Traditional Program Provider, our payment to such Provider may be under the terms of that Provider's contract. If your Schedule of Benefits and BlueOptions Provider directory do not include a Provider as In-Network under your Physicians,Hospitals and Other Provider Options 6.2 In-Network Out-of-Network What expenses • Any applicable Copayments, Deductible(s)and/or Coinsurance requirements; are you Expenses for Services which are not covered; responsible for • Expenses for Services in excess of any benefit maximum limitations; paying? • Expenses for claims denied because we did not receive information requested from you regarding whether or not you have other coverage and the details of such coverage; and • Expenses for Services which are excluded. Who is • The Provider will file the claim • You are responsible for filing the responsible for for you and payment will be claim and payment will be made filing your made directly to the Provider. directly to the Covered Plan claims? Participant. If you receive Services from a Provider who participates in our Traditional Program or is a BlueCard®(Out-of-State)Traditional Program Provider, the Provider will file the claim for you. In those instances payment will be made directly to the Provider. Can you be billed • NO. You are protected from • YES. You are responsible for paying the difference being billed for the difference in the difference between what we pay between what the the Allowed Amount and the and the Provider's charge. However, Provider is paid Provider's charge when you use if you receive Services from a and the Provider's In-Network Providers. The Provider who participates in our charge? Provider will accept the Allowed Traditional Program,the Provider will Amount as payment in full for accept our Allowed Amount as Covered Services except as payment in full for Covered Services otherwise permitted under the since such Traditional Program terms of the Provider's contract Providers have agreed not to bill you and this Booklet. for the difference. Further, under the BlueCard®(Out-of-State) Program, when you receive Covered Services from a BlueCard®(Out-of-State) Traditional Program Provider, you may be responsible for paying the difference between what the Host Blue pays and the Provider's billed charge. Note: You are solely responsible for selecting a Provider when obtaining Health Care Services and for verifying whether that Provider is In-Network or Out-of-Network. You are also responsible for determining the corresponding payment options, if any, at the time the Health Care Services are rendered. Physicians,Hospitals and Other Provider Options 6-3 Physicians admits to by contacting the Physician's office. This will provide you with information that will When you receive Covered Services from a help you determine a portion of what your out-of- Physician you will be responsible for a pocket costs may be in the event you are Copayment and/or the Deductible and the hospitalized. applicable Coinsurance. Several factors will determine your out-of-pocket expenses including Refer to your Schedule of Benefits to determine , your Schedule of Benefits,whether the the applicable out-of-pocket expenses you are Physician is In-Network or Out-of-Network, the responsible for paying for Hospital Services. location of service, the type of Service rendered, Specialty Pharmacy and the Physician's specialty. Certain medications, such as injectable, oral, Remember that the location or setting where a inhaled and infused therapies used to treat Service is rendered can affect the amount you complex medical Conditions are typically more are responsible for paying out-of-pocket. After difficult to maintain, administer and monitor you and your Physician have determined the when compared to traditional Drugs. Specialty plan of treatment most appropriate for your care, Drugs may require frequent dosage you should refer to the Schedule of Benefits and adjustments,special storage and handling and consult with your Physician to determine the may not be readily available at local pharmacies most appropriate setting based on your health or routinely stocked by Physicians'offices, care and financial needs. mostly due to the high cost and complex Refer to your Schedule of Benefits to determine handling they require. the applicable Copayments,Coinsurance Using the Specialty Pharmacy to provide these percentage and/or Deductible amount you are Specialty Drugs should lower the amount you responsible for paying for Physician Services. have to pay for these medications, while helping to preserve your benefits. Hospitals Other Providers Each time you receive inpatient or outpatient Covered Services at a Hospital, in addition to With BlueOptions you have access to other any out-of-pocket expenses related to Physician Providers in addition to the ones previously Services, you will be responsible for out-of- described in this section. Other Providers pocket expenses related to Hospital Services. include facilities that provide alternative outpatient settings or other persons and entities In-Network Hospitals have been divided into two that specialize in a specific Service(s). While groups that are referred to as"options" on the these Providers may be recognized for payment, Schedule of Benefits. The amount you are they may not be included as In-Network responsible for paying out-of-pocket is different Providers for your plan. Additionally, all of the for each of these options. Remember that there Services that are within the scope of certain are also different out-of-pocket expenses for Providers' licenses may not be Covered Out-of-Network Hospitals. Services under this Booklet. Please refer to the "What Is Covered?"and"What Is Not Covered?" Since not all Physicians admit patients to every sections of this Booklet and your Schedule of Hospital, it is important when choosing a Benefits to determine your out-of-pocket Physician that you determine the Hospitals expenses for Covered Services rendered by where your Physician has admitting privileges. these Providers. You can find out what Hospitals your Physician Physicians,Hospitals and Other Provider Options 6-4 You may be able to receive certain outpatient Hospital, Physician, or dentist and the benefits Services at a location other than a Hospital. The which have been assigned are for care provided amount you are responsible for paying for pursuant to section 395.1041, Florida Statutes; Services rendered at some alternative facilities or 7)is an Ambulance Provider that provides is generally less than if you had received those transportation for Services from the location same Services at a Hospital. where an "emergency medical condition", Remember that the location of service can defined in section 395.002(8) Florida Statutes, impact the amount you are responsible for first occurred to a Hospital, and the benefits paying out-of-pocket. After you and your which have been assigned are for transportation Ian of treatment to care provided pursuant to section 395.1041, Physician have determined the p Florida Statutes. A written attestation of the most appropriate for your care,you should refer to the Schedule of Benefits and consult with assignment of benefits may be required. your Physician to determine the most appropriate setting based on your health care and financial needs. When Services are rendered at an outpatient facility other than a Hospital there may be an out-of-pocket expense for the facility Provider as well as an out-of- pocket expense for other types of Providers. Assignment of Benefits to Providers Except as set forth in the last paragraph of this section, any of the following assignments,or attempted assignments,by you to any Provider will not be honored: • an assignment of the benefits due to you for Covered Services under this Benefit Booklet; • an assignment of your right to receive payments for Covered Services under this Benefit Booklet;or • an assignment of a claim for damage resulting from a breach, or an alleged breach of the terms of this Benefit Booklet. We specifically reserve the right to honor an assignment of benefits or payment by you to a Provider who: 1)is In-Network under your plan of coverage;2)is a NetworkBlue Provider even if that Provider is not in the panel for your plan of coverage; 3)is a Traditional Program Provider; 4)is a BlueCard®(Out-of-State)PPO Program Provider; 5)is a BlueCard®(Out-of-State) Traditional Program Provider; 6)is a licensed Physicians,Hospitals and Other Provider Options 6-5 Section 7: BlueCard® (Out-of-State) Program Providers Outside the State of paragraph one of this section or require a Florida surcharge,we will then calculate your liability for any Covered Services in accordance with the When you obtain Health Care Services from applicable state statute in effect at the time you BlueCard®participating Providers outside the received your care. state of Florida,the amount you pay for Covered Services is calculated on the lower of: • The billed charges for your Covered Services,or • The negotiated price that the on-site Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan("Host Blue") passes on to us. Often, this"negotiated price"will consist of a simple discount,which reflects the actual price paid by the Host Blue. But sometimes it is an estimated price that factors into the actual price expected settlements,withholds, any other contingent payment arrangements and non- claims transactions with your health care Provider or with a specified group of Providers. The negotiated price may also be billed charges reduced to reflect an average expected savings with your health care Provider or with a specified group of Providers. The price that reflects average savings may result in greater variation(more or less)from the actual price paid than will the estimated price. The negotiated price will also be prospectively adjusted in the future to correct for over-or underestimation of past prices. However,the amount you pay is considered a final price. i Statutes in a small number of states may require the Host Blue to use a basis for calculating a covered individual's liability for Covered Services that does not reflect the entire savings realized, or expected to be realized, on a particular claim or to add a surcharge. Should any state statutes mandate liability calculation methods that differ from the usual BlueCard®method noted above in BlueCard(Out-of-State)Program 7-1 i Section 8: Blueprint for Health Programs Introduction Psychiatric Facility, Substance Abuse Facility or Skilled Nursing Facility(as applicable)if we BCBSF has established(and from time to time have been notified of your admission. For an establishes)various customer-focused health admission outside of Florida, you or the education and information programs as well as benefit utilization management and utilization Hospital, Psychiatric Facility, Substance Abuse review programs. Under the terms of the ASO Facility or Skilled Nursing Facility(as applicable) Agreement between BCBSF and Monroe should notify us of the admission. Making sure County BOCC, BCBSF has agreed to make that we are notified of your admission will enable these programs available to you. These us to provide you information about the Blueprint programs,collectively called the Blueprint for for Health Programs available to you. You or Health Programs,are designed to 1)provide you the Hospital, Psychiatric Facility, Substance with information that will help you make more Abuse Facility or Skilled Nursing Facility(as informed decisions about your health, 2)help applicable)may notify us of your admission by facilitate the management and review of calling the toll free customer service number on coverage and benefits provided under this your ID card. Booklet and 3)present opportunities, as explained below,to mutually agree upon Out-of-Network alternative benefits or payment alternatives for cost-effective medically appropriate Health Care For admissions to an Out-of-Network Hospital, Services. Some BluePrint For Health Psychiatric Facility, Substance Abuse Facility or Programs may not be available outside the Skilled Nursing Facility, you or the Hospital, state of Florida. Psychiatric Facility, Substance Abuse Facility or Skilled Nursing Facility should notify BCBSF of Admission Notification the admission. Notifying BCBSF of your admission will enable BCBSF to provide you The admission notification requirements vary information about the Blueprint for Health depending on whether you are admitted to a Programs available to you. You or the Hospital Hospital, Psychiatric Facility, Substance Abuse may notify BCBSF of your admission by calling Facility or Skilled Nursing Facility which is In- the toll-free customer service number on your ID Network or Out-of-Network. card. In-Network Inpatient Facility Program Under the admission notification requirement, Under the inpatient facility program,we may we must be notified of all inpatient admissions review Hospital stays, Hospice, Inpatient (i.e., elective, planned, urgent or emergency)to Rehabilitation, LTAC and Skilled Nursing Facility In-Network Hospitals, Psychiatric Facilities, (SNF)Services, and other Health Care Services Substance Abuse Facilities or Skilled Nursing rendered during the course of an inpatient stay Facilities. While it is the sole responsibility of or treatment program. We may conduct this review while you are inpatient, after your the In-Network Provider located in Florida to discharge,or as part of a review of an episode comply with our admission notification of care when you are transferred from one level requirements,you should ask the Hospital, Blueprmt for Health Programs 8-1 of inpatient care to another for ongoing 2. we perform a focused review under the treatment. The review is conducted solely to focused utilization management program determine whether we should provide coverage and we determine that a Health Care and/or payment for a particular admission or Service is not Medically Necessary in Health Care Services rendered during that accordance with our Medical Necessity admission. Using our established criteria then in criteria or inconsistent with our benefit effect,a concurrent review of the inpatient stay guidelines then in effect unless the following may occur at regular intervals, including in exception applies. advance of a transfer from one inpatient facility to another. We will provide notification to your Exception for Certain NetworkBlue Physicians Physician when inpatient coverage criteria are Certain NetworkBlue Physicians licensed as no longer met. In administering the inpatient Doctors of Medicine(M.D.)or Doctors of facility program,we may review specific medical Osteopathy(D.O.)only may bill you for Services facts or information and assess,among other determined to be not Medically Necessary by things,the appropriateness of the Services BCBSF under this focused utilization being rendered,health care setting and/or the management program if, before you receive the level of care of an inpatient admission or other Service: health care treatment program. Any such reviews by us, and any reviews or assessments a. they give you a written estimate of your of specific medical facts or information which we financial obligation for the Service; conduct, are solely for purposes of making coverage or payment decisions under this b. they specifically identify the proposed Benefit Booklet and not for the purpose of Service that BCBSF has determined not to recommending or providing medical care. be Medically Necessary; and c. you agree to assume financial responsibility Provider Focused Utilization for such Service. Management Program Certain NetworkBlue Providers have agreed to Prior Coverage Authorization/Pre- participate in our focused utilization Service Notification Programs management program. This pre-service review It is important for you to understand our prior program is intended to promote the efficient delivery of medically appropriate Health Care coverage authorization programs and how the Services by NetworkBlue Providers. Under this Provider you select and the type of Service you we may receive affects these requirements and program y perform focused prospective ultimately how much you are responsible for reviews of all or specific Health Care Services proposed for you. In order to perform the paying under this Benefit Booklet. review,we may require the Provider to submit to You or your Provider will be required to obtain us specific medical information relating to Health prior coverage authorization from us for: Care Services proposed for you. These NetworkBlue Providers have agreed not to bill, 1. certain Prescription Drugs denoted with a or collect, any payment whatsoever from you or special symbol in the Medication Guide as us, or any other person or entity, with respect to requiring prior authorization; a specific Health Care Service if: 2. advanced diagnostic imaging Services, 1. they fail to submit the Health Care Service such as CT scans, MRIs, MRA and nuclear for a focused prospective review when imaging; required under the terms of their agreement with us;or Blueprint for Health Programs 8_2 3. Autism Spectrum Disorder; Mental not require prior authorization when Health; and Substance Dependency purchased from an Out-of-Network Provider Services; and for delivery to you at home. 4. other Health Care Services that are or may For additional details on how to obtain prior become subject to a prior coverage coverage authorization, and for a list of authorization program or a pre-service Prescription Drugs that require prior notification program as defined and coverage authorization, please refer to the administered by us. Medication Guide. Prior coverage authorization requirements vary, 2. In the case of advanced diagnostic depending on whether Services are rendered by imaging Services such as CT scans, MRIs, an In-Network Provider or an Out-of-Network MRA and nuclear imaging, it is your sole Provider, as described below: responsibility to comply with our prior coverage authorization requirements when In-Network Providers rendered or referred by an Out-of-Network It is the In-Network Provider's sole responsibility Provider before the advanced diagnostic to comply with our prior coverage authorization imaging Services are provided. Your requirements, and therefore you will not be failure to obtain prior coverage responsible for any benefit reductions if prior authorization will result in denial of coverage authorization is not obtained before coverage for such Services. Medically Necessary Services are rendered. For additional details on how to obtain prior Once we have received the necessary medical coverage authorization for advanced documentation from the Provider, we will review diagnostic imaging Services, please call the the information and make a prior coverage customer service phone number on the back authorization decision, based on our established of your ID Card. criteria then in effect. The Provider will be 3. In the case of Autism Spectrum Disorder, notified of the prior coverage authorization Mental Health, and Substance decision. Dependency Services under a prior Out-of-Network Providers coverage authorization or pre-service notification program, it is your sole 1. In the case of Prescription Drugs denoted responsibility to comply with our prior with a special symbol in the Medication coverage authorization or pre-service Guide as requiring prior authorization,it is notification requirements when rendered or your sole responsibility to comply with our referred by an Out-of-Network Provider, prior coverage authorization requirements before the Services are provided. Failure when you use an Out-of-Network Provider to obtain prior coverage authorization before the Prescription Drug is purchased will result in denial of coverage for such or administered.Your failure to obtain Services. prior coverage authorization will result in denial of coverage for such Prescription 4. In the case of other Health Care Services Drug, including any Service related to the under a prior coverage authorization or pre- Prescription Drug or its administration. service notification program, it is your sole responsibility to comply with our prior Exception: Self-Administered Prescription coverage authorization or pre-service Drugs, identified as Specialty Drugs with a notification requirements when rendered or special symbol in the Medication Guide, do Blueprmt for Health Programs 8-3 referred by an Out-of-Network Provider, Member Focused Programs before the Services are provided. Failure to obtain prior coverage authorization or The Blueprint for Health Programs may include provide pre-service notification may voluntary programs for certain members. These result in denial of the claim or application programs may address health promotion, of a financial penalty assessed at the prevention and early detection of disease, time the claim is presented for payment chronic illness management programs, case to us. The penalty applied will be the lesser management programs and other member of$500 or 20% of the total Allowed Amount focused programs. of the claim. The decision to apply a penalty Personal Case Management Program or deny the claim will be made uniformly and will be identified in the notice describing the The personal case management program prior coverage authorization and pre-service focuses on members who suffer from a notification programs. catastrophic illness or injury. In the event you have a catastrophic or chronic Condition,we Once the necessary medical documentation has may, in BCBSF's sole discretion, assign a been received from you and/or the Out-of- Personal Case Manager to you to help Network Provider, BCBSF or a designated coordinate coverage, benefits, or payment for vendor,will review the information and make a Health Care Services you receive. Your prior coverage authorization decision, based on particioation in this program is completely our established criteria then in effect. You will voluntary. be notified of the prior coverage authorization Under the personal case management program, decision. you may be offered alternative benefits or BCBSF will provide you information for any Out- payment for cost-effective Health Care Services. of-Network Health Care Service subject to a These alternative benefits or payments may be prior coverage authorization or pre-service made available on a case-by-case basis when notification program, including how you can you meet BCBSF's case management criteria obtain prior coverage authorization and/or then in effect. Such alternative benefits or provide the pre-service notification for such payments, if any, will be made available in Service not already listed here. This information accordance with a treatment plan with which will be provided to you upon enrollment, or at you, or your representative, and your Physician least 30 days prior to such Out-of-Network agree to in writing. In addition, Monroe County Services becoming subject to a prior coverage BOCC will be required to specifically agree to authorization or pre-service notification program. such treatment plan and the alternative benefits or payment. See the"Claims Processing"section for information on what you can do if prior coverage The fact that certain Health Care Services under the personal case management program have authorization is denied. been provided or payment has been made in no Note: Prior coverage authorization is not way obligates BCBSF, Monroe County BOCC, required when Covered Services are provided or the Group Health Plan to continue to provide for the treatment of an Emergency Medical or pay for the same or similar Services. Nothing Condition. contained in this section shall be deemed a waiver of Monroe County BOCC's right to enforce this Booklet in strict accordance with its terms. The terms of this Booklet will continue to Blueprint for Health Programs 8-4 apply, except as specifically modified in writing Please note that the Hospital admission in accordance with the personal case notification requirement and any Blueprint For management program rules then in effect. Health Program may be discontinued or Health Information, Promotion,Prevention modified at any time without notice to you or and Illness Management Programs your consent. These Blueprint for Health Programs may include health information that supports health care education and choices for healthcare issues. These programs focus on keeping you well, help to identify early preventive measures of treatment and help covered individuals with chronic problems to enjoy lives that are as productive and healthy as possible. These programs may include prenatal educational programs and illness management programs for Conditions such as diabetes,cancer and heart disease. These programs are voluntary and are designed to enhance your ability to make informed choices and decisions for your unique health care needs. You may call the toll free customer service number on your ID card for more information. Your participation in this program is completely voluntary. IMPORTANT INFORMATION RELATING TO BCBSF'S BLUEPRINT FOR HEALTH PROGRAMS All decisions that require or pertain to independent professional medical/clinical judgment or training, or the need for medical services, are solely your responsibility and the responsibility of your Physicians and other health care Providers. You and your Physicians are responsible for deciding what medical care should be rendered or received, and when and how that care should be provided. Monroe County BOCC is ultimately responsible for determining whether expenses,which have been or will be incurred for medical care are, or will be, covered under this Booklet. In fulfilling this responsibility, neither BCBSF nor Monroe County BOCC will be deemed to participate in or override the medical decisions of your health care Provider. Bluepnnt for Health Programs g_5 Section 9: Pre-existing Conditions Exclusion Period Introduction 6. Genetic Information in the absence of a diagnosis of the Condition; Generally,there is no coverage under this Booklet for Health Care Services to treat a 7. routine follow-up care of breast cancer after the Pre-existing Condition, or Conditions arising person was determined to be free of breast from a Pre-existing Condition, until you have cancer; been continuously covered under this 8. Conditions arising from domestic violence; or Booklet for a 12-month period. This 12- month Pre-existing Condition exclusionary 9• inherited diseases of amino acid, organic acid, period begins on the first day of the Waiting carbohydrate or fat metabolism as well as Period if you are an initial enrollee; or your malabsorption originating from congenital Effective Date of coverage under the Booklet defects present at birth or acquired during the if you are a special or annual enrollee. This neonatal period. exclusionary period also applies to any Genetic Information, as used above, means prescription drug that is prescribed in information about genes, gene products,and connection with a Pre-existing Condition. inherited characteristics that may derive from the This Pre-existing Condition exclusionary individual or a family member. This includes period does not apply to: information regarding carrier status and information 1. the Covered Employee and each derived from laboratory tests that identify mutations Covered Dependent who was covered in specific genes or chromosomes, physical medical under the Group's prior medical plan on examinations,family histories, and direct analysis of the date immediately preceding the genes or chromosomes. Effective Date of coverage under this Pre-existing Condition Definition Booklet; 2. you if you were enrolled during the Initial A Pre-existing Condition means any Condition Enrollment Period prior to the Effective related to a physical or mental Condition, regardless of the cause of the Condition, for which medical Date of the Group; advice, diagnosis, care,or treatment was 3. you when the Group has elected to recommended or received during the six-month waive, in writing, at the time of Group period immediately preceding: Application the Pre-existing Conditions 1. the first day of your Waiting Period for initial exclusionary period for all subsequent enrollees; or Eligible Employees and/or Eligible 2. your Effective Date of coverage under the Dependents; Group Health Plan for special and annual 4. any Condition for a Covered Person who enrollees. is under the age of 19 as of the effective date of this Benefit Booklet, or if enrolled Reducing the Pre-existing Conditions thereafter, is under the age of 19 at the Exclusionary Period time of enrollment; No matter whether you enroll when first eligible or at 5. pregnancy; a later date(such as an Annual Open Enrollment Period or as a result of Special Enrollment),you Pre-existing Conditions Exclusion Period 9-1 may be able to reduce or even eliminate the 8. a health plan offered under chapter 89 of Title 5, Pre-existing Conditions exclusionary period if United States Code; you have prior Creditable Coverage. 9. a public health plan; If you are enrolling when you are first eligible 10. a health benefit plan of the Peace Corps; for coverage and you have no more than a 63 day break in Creditable Coverage as of 11. State Children's Health Insurance Program your Enrollment Date under this Booklet, (CHIP); your Pre-existing Conditions exclusionary 12. public health plans established by the federal period will be reduced by the amount of prior government; or Creditable Coverage you have. If, on the other hand, you are enrolling under 13. public health plans established by foreigngovernments. this Booklet at any other time as allowed under its terms, such as during an Annual Proving Creditable Coverage Open Enrollment Period or a Special Enrollment Period, your Pre-existing You may provide a Prior/Concurrent Coverage Conditions exclusionary period will be Affidavit or Certification of Creditable Coverage to reduced by the amount of any Creditable prove the amount of time you were covered under Coverage you have; provided there is no Creditable Coverage. Prior health insurers and/or more than a 63 day break in coverage prior group health plans are required to provide a to your Enrollment Date in this Booklet. certification of Creditable Coverage to you upon If you have no Creditable Coverage or none termination of your coverage and at any time upon that can reduce the Pre-existing Conditions request up to 24 months after termination of your exclusionary period,the full 12-month Pre- prior health coverage. If you do not provide a existing Conditions exclusionary period will certification, then you must provide some other apply. evidence of Creditable Coverage such as a copy of an ID card or health insurance bill from a prior Creditable Coverage carrier and attest to the amount of time you were covered under the Creditable Coverage. Creditable Coverage is health care coverage that may include any of the following: 1. a group health insurance plan; 2, individual health insurance; 3. Medicare Part A and Part B; 4. Medicaid; 5. benefits to members and certain former members of the uniformed services and their dependents; 6. a medical care program of the Indian Health Service or of a tribal organization; 7. a State health benefits risk pool; Pre-existing Conditions Exclusion Period g 2 i Section 10: Eligibility for Coverage Each employee or other individual who is eligible the 60"'day of continuous service or to participate in the Monroe County Group Waiting Period. Health Plan, and who meets and continues to Monroe County BOCC's coverage eligibility meet the eligibility requirements described in this classifications may be expanded to include: Booklet, shall be entitled to apply for coverage under this Booklet. These eligibility 1. retired employees; requirements are binding upon you and/or your 2. Constitutional Officers and their Employees; eligible family members. No changes in the eligibility requirements will be permitted except 3. additional job classifications; as permitted by Monroe County BOCC. 4. employees of affiliated or subsidiary Acceptable documentation may be required as companies of Monroe County BOCC; and proof that an individual meets and continues to meet the eligibility requirements such as a court 5. other individuals as determined by Monroe i County BOCC. order naming the Eligible Employee as the legal guardian or appropriate adoption documentation Monroe County BOCC shall have sole discretion described in the"Enrollment and Effective Date concerning the expansion of eligibility of Coverage"section. classifications. Eligibility Requirements for Covered Eligibility Requirements for Plan Participants Dependent(s) In order to be eligible to enroll as a Covered An individual who meets the eligibility criteria Plan Participant, an individual must be an specified below is an Eligible Dependent and is Eligible Employee or Eligible Retiree. An eligible to apply for coverage under this Booklet: Eligible Employee must meet each of the 1. The Covered Employee/Retiree's spouse following requirements: under a legally valid existing marriage under 1. The employee must be a bona fide Federal Law. employee of a Monroe County Employer participating in the Monroe County Group 2. The Covered Employee/Retiree's natural, Health Plan; newborn,adopted, Foster, or step children) (or a child for whom the Covered Employee 2. The employee must be actively working 25 has been court-appointed as legal guardian hours or more per week on a regular basis; or legal custodian)who has not reached the 3. The employee must have completed the end of the Calendar Year in which he or she applicable Waiting Period of 60 days of reaches age 26(or in the case of a Foster continuous service; and Child, is no longer eligible under the Foster 4. The employee must meet any additional Child Program), regardless of the dependent eligibility requirement(s)required by Monroe child's student or marital status, financial County BOCC. dependency on the Covered Employee, whether the dependent child resides with the Note: Employees and qualified Dependents are Covered Employee, or whether the eligible for coverage on the day following Eligibility For Coverage 10_1 dependent child is eligible for or enrolled In Handicapped Children any other group health plan. In the case of a handicapped dependent child, 3. The newborn child of a Covered Dependent such child is eligible to continue coverage as a child who has not reached the end of the Covered Dependent, beyond the age of 30, if Calendar Year in which he or she becomes the child is: 26. Coverage for such newborn child will 1. otherwise eligible for coverage under the automatically terminate 18 months after the Group Health Plan; birth of the newborn child. 2. incapable of self-sustaining employment by Note: If a Covered Dependent child who has reason of mental retardation or physical reached the end of the Calendar Year in which handicap; and he or she becomes 26 obtains a dependent of their own(e.g.,through birth or adoption)such 3. chiefly dependent upon the Covered newborn child will not be eligible for this Employee for support and maintenance coverage and the Covered Dependent child will provided that the symptoms or causes of the also lose his or her eligibility for this coverage. It child's handicap existed prior to the child's is the Covered Employee's sole responsibility to 30"birthday. establish that a child meets the applicable This eligibility shall terminate on the last day of requirements for eligibility. the month in which the dependent child no This eligibility shall terminate on the last day of longer meets the requirements for extended the Calendar Year in which the dependent child eligibility as a handicapped child. reaches age 26. Exception for Students on Medical Leave of Extension of Eligibility for Dependent Absence from School Children A Covered Dependent child who is a full-time or A Covered Dependent child may continue part-time student at an accredited post- coverage beyond the end of the Calendar Year secondary institution, who takes a physician in which he or she reaches age 26, provided he certified medically necessary leave of absence or she is: from school,will still be considered a student for eligibility purposes under this Booklet for the 1. unmarried and does not have a dependent; earlier of 12 months from the first day of the 2. a Florida resident or a full-time or part-time leave of absence or the date the Covered student; Dependent would otherwise no longer be eligible 3. not enrolled in any other health coverage for coverage under this Booklet. policy or group health plan; and 4. not entitled to benefits under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act unless the child is a handicapped dependent child. This eligibility shall terminate on the last day of the Calendar Year in which the dependent child reaches age 30. Eligibildy For Coverage 10-2 Section 11 : Enrollment and Effective Date of Coverage Eligible Employees, Eligible Retirees, and Employee/Retiree and the employee's spouse Eligible Dependents may enroll for coverage under a legally valid existing marriage under according to the provisions below. Federal Law or Domestic Partner. Any Eligible Employee, Eligible Retiree or Employee/Child(ren)Coverage-This type of Eligible Dependent who is not properly enrolled coverage provides coverage for the will not be covered under this Benefit Booklet. Employee/Retiree and the covered child(ren) Neither BCBSF nor Monroe County BOCC will only have any obligation whatsoever to any individual Employee/Family Coverage-This type of who is not properly enrolled. coverage provides coverage for the Any Employee, Eligible Retiree or Eligible Employee/Retiree and the Covered Dependents. Dependent who is eligible for coverage under There may be additional contribution amounts this Booklet may apply for coverage according to for each Covered Dependent based on the the provisions set forth below. coverage selected by Monroe County BOCC. Enrollment Forms/Electing Coverage Enrollment Periods To apply for coverage, you as the Eligible The enrollment periods for applying for coverage Employee or Eligible Retiree must: are as follows: 1. complete and submit,through Monroe Initial Enrollment Period is the period of time County BOCC Benefits Office,the during which an Eligible Employee or Eligible Enrollment Form; Dependent is first eligible to enroll. It starts on 2. provide any additional information needed to the Eligible Employee's or Eligible Dependent's determine eligibility, at the request of initial date of eligibility and ends no less than 30 BCBSF or Monroe County BOCC Benefits days later. Office; Annual Open Enrollment Period is the period 3. pay any required contribution; and of time during which each Eligible Employee or Eligible Retiree is given an opportunity to select 4. complete and submit, through Monroe coverage from among the alternatives included County BOCC Benefits Office, an in Monroe County BOCC's health benefit Enrollment Form to add Eligible program. The period is established by Monroe Dependents. County BOCC, occurs annually, and will take i When making application for coverage,you place when specified by Monroe County BOCC. must elect one of the types of coverage Special Enrollment Period is the 30-day period available under Monroe County BOCC's of time(unless otherwise noted) immediately program. Such types may include: following a special circumstance during which an Employee Only Coverage-This type of Eligible Employee or Eligible Dependent may coverage provides coverage for the apply for coverage. Special circumstances are Employee/Retiree only. described in the Special Enrollment Period Employee/Spouse Coverage-This type of subsection. coverage provides coverage for the Enrollment and Effective Date of Coverage �.� Employee Enrollment Enrollment event, during the Special Enrollment Period. An Eligible Employee who fails to enroll during Note: For a Covered Dependent child who has the Initial Enrollment Period will not be covered reached the end of the Calendar Year in which and may only enroll under this Benefit Booklet he or she becomes 26 and the Covered during the next Annual Open Enrollment Period Dependent child obtains a dependent of their established by Monroe County BOCC, or in the own (e.g.,through birth or adoption), such case of a Special Enrollment event,during the newborn child will not be eligible for this Special Enrollment Period. The Effective Date coverage and cannot enroll. Further, such will be the date specified by Monroe County Covered Dependent child will also lose his or BOCC. her eligibility for this coverage. Dependent Enrollment Adopted Newborn Child—To enroll an adopted newborn child,the Covered Plan An individual may be added upon becoming an Participant must submit an Enrollment Form Eligible Dependent of a Covered Plan through Monroe County BOCC Benefits Office to Participant. Below are special rules for certain BCBSF during the 30-day period immediately Eligible Dependents. following the date of birth. The Effective Date of coverage for an adopted newborn child, eligible Newborn Child—To enroll a newborn child who for coverage, will be the moment of birth, is an Eligible Dependent,the Covered Plan provided that a written agreement to adopt such Participant must submit an Enrollment Form to child has been entered into by the Covered Plan BCBSF through Monroe County BOCC Benefits Office during the 30-day period immediately Participant prior to the birth of such child, whether or not such an agreement is following the date of birth. The Effective Date of enforceable. The Covered Plan Participant may coverage for a newborn child will be the date of be required to provide any information and/or berth. documents that are deemed necessary in order If timely notice is given, no additional to administer this provision. contribution will be charged for coverage of the If timely notice is given, no additional newborn child for not less than 30 days after the contribution will be charged for coverage of the birth of the child. If timely notice is not received, adopted newborn child for not less than 30 days the applicable contribution will be charged from after the birth of the child. If timely notice is not the date of birth. The applicable contribution for received,the applicable contribution will be the child will be charged after the initial 30-day charged from the date of birth. The applicable period in either case. Coverage will not be contribution for the child will be charged after the denied for a newborn child if the Covered Plan initial 30-day period in either case. Coverage Participant provides notice to Monroe County will not be denied for an adopted newborn child BOCC Benefits Office and an Enrollment Form if the Covered Plan Participant provides notice is received within the 60-day period of the birth to Monroe County BOCC Benefits Office and an of the child and any applicable contribution is Enrollment Form is received within the 60-day paid back to the date of birth. period of the birth of the adopted newborn child If the newborn is not enrolled within sixty days of and any applicable contribution is paid back to the date of birth, the newborn child will not be the date of birth. covered, and may only be enrolled under this If the adopted newborn child is not enrolled Benefit Booklet during an Annual Open within sixty days of the date of birth, the adopted Enrollment Period,or in the case of a Special newborn child will not be covered, and may only be enrolled under this Benefit Booklet during an Enrollment and Effective Date of Coverage 11.2 I i Annual Open Enrollment Period, or in the case responsibility of the Covered Plan Participant to of a Special Enrollment event,during the Special notify BCBSF through Monroe County BOCC Enrollment Period. Benefits Office if the adoption does not take i If the adopted newborn child is not ultimately place. Upon receipt of this notification,we will placed in the residence of the Covered Plan terminate the coverage of the child as of the j Participant,there shall be no coverage for the Effective Date of the adopted child upon receipt adopted newborn child. It is your responsibility of the written notice. as the Covered Plan Participant notify ant to i p Monroe If the Covered Plan Participant's status as a County BOCC Benefits Office within ten foster parent is terminated, coverage will end for j calendar days of the date that placement was to any Foster Child. It is the responsibility of the I occur if the adopted newborn child is not placed Covered Plan Participant to notify BCBSF in your residence. through Monroe County BOCC Benefits Office Adopted/Foster Children—To enroll an that the Foster Child is no longer in the Covered adopted or Foster Child,the Covered Plan Plan Participant's care. Upon receipt of this Participant must submit an Enrollment Form notification,coverage for the child will be during the 30-day period immediately following terminated on the date the Covered Plan the date of placement. The Effective Date for an Participant's status as a foster parent adopted or Foster child(other than an adopted terminated. newborn child)will be the date such adopted or Marital Status—The Covered Plan Participant Foster child is placed in the residence of the may apply for coverage of an Eligible Dependent Covered Plan Participant in compliance with due to a legally valid existing marriage under applicable law. The Covered Plan Participant Federal Law. To apply for coverage,the may be required to provide any information Covered Plan Participant must complete the and/or documents deemed necessary in order to Enrollment Form through Monroe County BOCC properly administer this section. Benefits Office and forward it to BCBSF. The In the event Monroe County BOCC Benefits Covered Plan Participant must make application Office is not notified within 30 days of the date of for enrollment within 30 days of the marriage. placement,the child will be added as of the date The Effective Date of coverage for an Eligible of placement so long as Covered Plan Dependent who is enrolled as a result of Participant provides notice to Monroe County marriage is the date of the marriage. BOCC Benefits Office, and we receive the Court Order—The Covered Plan Participant Enrollment Form within 60 days of the may apply for coverage for an Eligible placement. If the adopted or Foster Child is not Dependent outside of the Initial Enrollment enrolled within sixty days of the date of Period and Annual Open Enrollment Period if a placement, the adopted or Foster Child will not court has ordered coverage to be provided for a be covered, and may only be enrolled under this minor child under their group coverage. To Benefit Booklet during an Annual Open apply for coverage, the Covered Plan Participant Enrollment Period, or in the case of a Special must complete an Enrollment Form through Enrollment event,during the Special Enrollment Monroe County BOCC Benefits Office and Period. For all children covered as adopted forward it to BCBSF. The Covered Plan children, if the final decree of adoption is not Participant must make application for enrollment j Issued, coverage shall not be continued for the within 30 days of the court order. The Effective proposed adopted Child. Proof of final adoption Date of coverage for an Eligible Dependent who must be submitted to BCBSF through Monroe is enrolled as a result of a court order is the date County BOCC Benefits Office. It is the required by the court. I Enrollment and Effective Date of Coverage 11.3 Annual Open Enrollment Period health insurance(except in the case of loss of coverage under a Children's Health Eligible Employees and/or Eligible Dependents Insurance Program(CHIP)or Medicaid, see who did not apply for coverage during the Initial #3 below), or COBRA continuation Enrollment Period or a Special Enrollment coverage that you were covered under at Period may apply for coverage during an Annual the time of initial enrollment provided that: Open Enrollment Period. The Eligible Employee may enroll by completing the Enrollment Form a) when offered coverage under this plan during the Annual Open Enrollment Period. at the time of initial eligibility, you stated, in writing,that coverage under a group The effective date of coverage for an Eligible health plan or health insurance Employee and any Eligible Dependent(s)will be coverage was the reason for declining the date established by Monroe County BOCC enrollment; and Benefits Office. b) you lost your other coverage under a Eligible Employees who do not enroll or change group health benefit plan or health their coverage selection during the Annual Open insurance coverage(except in the case Enrollment Period, must wait until the next of loss of coverage under a CHIP or Annual Open Enrollment Period, unless the Medicaid, see#3 below)as a result of Eligible Employee or the Eligible Dependent is termination of employment, reduction in enrolled due to a special circumstance as the number of hours you work, reaching outlined in the Special Enrollment Period or exceeding the maximum lifetime of all subsection of this section. benefits under other health coverage, the employer ceased offering group Special Enrollment Period health coverage, death of your spouse, divorce, legal separation or employer An Eligible Employee and/or the Employee's contributions toward such coverage was Eligible Dependent(s)may apply for coverage terminated; and outside of the Initial Enrollment Period and Annual Enrollment Period as a result of a special c) you submit the applicable Enrollment enrollment event. To apply for coverage,the Form to the Group within 30 days of the Eligible Employee and/or the Employee's date your coverage was terminated Eligible Dependent(s)must complete the Note, Loss of coverage for failure to pay applicable Enrollment Form and forward it to the your required contribution/premium on a Monroe County BOCC Benefits Office within the timely basis or for cause(such as making a time periods noted below for each special fraudulent claim or an intentional enrollment event. misrepresentation of a material fact in An Eligible Employee and/or the Employee's connection with the prior health coverage)is not a qualifying event for special enrollment. Eligible Dependent(s)may apply for coverage if one of the following special enrollment events or occurs and the applicable Enrollment Form is 2. If when offered coverage under this plan at submitted to the Monroe County BOCC Benefits the time of initial eligibility, g' y, you stated, in Office within the indicated time periods: writing,that coverage under a group health 1. If you lose your coverage under another plan or health insurance coverage was the group health benefit plan (as an employee reason for declining enrollment; and you get or dependent), or coverage under other married or obtain a dependent through birth, adoption or placement in anticipation of Enrollment and Effective Date of Coverage 11-4 adoption and you submit the applicable Enrollment Form to the Monroe County BOCC Benefits Office within 30 days of the date of the event. or 3. If you or your Eligible Dependent(s)lose coverage under a CHIP or Medicaid due to loss of eligibility for such coverage or become eligible for the optional state premium assistance program and you submit the applicable Enrollment Form to the Monroe County BOCC Benefits Office within 60 days of the date such coverage was terminated or the date you become eligible for the optional state premium assistance program. The Effective Date of coverage for you and your Eligible Dependents added as a result of a special enrollment event is the date of the special enrollment event. Eligible Employees or Eligible Dependents who do not enroll or change their coverage selection during the Special Enrollment Period must wait until the next Annual Open Enrollment Period(See the Dependent Enrollment subsection of this section for the rules relating to the enrollment of Eligible Dependents of a Covered Plan Participant). Other Provisions Regarding Enrollment and Effective Date of Coverage Individuals who are rehired as employees of Monroe County BOCC or any of the Constitutional Officers or their Employees are considered newly hired employees for purposes of this section. The provisions of the Group Health Plan(which includes this Booklet)which are applicable to newly hired employees and their Eligible Dependents(e.g., enrollment, Effective Dates of coverage, Pre-existing Condition exclusionary period, and Waiting Period)are applicable to rehired employees and their Eligible Dependents. Enrollment and Effective Date of Coverage t t_g Section 12: Termination of Coverage Termination of a Covered Plan 4. last day of the Calendar Year that the Participant's Coverage Covered Dependent child no longer meets any of the applicable eligibility requirements; A Covered Plan Participant's coverage under this Benefit Booklet will automatically terminate 5. date specified by Monroe County BOCC that at 12:01 a.m.: the Dependent's coverage is terminated for cause(see the Termination of Individual 1. on the date the Group Health Plan Coverage for Cause subsection). terminates; In the event you as the Covered Plan Participant 2. on the date the ASO Agreement between wish to delete a Covered Dependent from BCBSF and Monroe County BOCC coverage, an Enrollment Form must be terminates; forwarded to BCBSF through Monroe County 3. on the last day of the first month that the BOCC Benefits Office. Covered Plan Participant fails to continue to In the event you as the Covered Plan Participant meet any of the applicable eligibility wish to terminate a spouse's coverage, (e.g., in requirements; the case of divorce),you must submit an 4. on the date specified by Monroe County Enrollment Form to Monroe County BOCC, prior BOCC that the Covered Plan Participant's to the requested termination date or within 10 coverage is terminated for cause(see the days of the date the divorce is final, whichever is Termination of an Individual Coverage for applicable. Cause subsection); or Termination of an Individual's 5. on the date specified by Monroe County Coverage for Cause BOCC that the Covered Plan Participant's coverage terminates. In the event any of the following occurs, Monroe County BOCC may terminate an individual's Termination of a Covered coverage for cause: Dependent's Coverage 1. fraud, material misrepresentation or A Covered Dependent's coverage will omission in applying for coverage or automatically terminate at 12:01 a.m. on the benefits; or date: 2. the knowing misrepresentation, omission or 1. the Group Health Plan terminates; the giving of false information on Enrollment Forms or other forms completed, by or on 2. the Covered Plan Participant's coverage your behalf. terminates for any reason; 3. the Dependent becomes covered under an Notice of Termination alternative health benefits plan which is It is Monroe County BOCC's responsibility to offered through or in connection with the Group Health Plan; immediately notify you of your termination or that of your Covered Dependents for any reason. Termination of Coverage 12_1 Certification of Creditable Coverage In the event coverage termin ates for any reason, a written certification of Creditable Coverage will be issued to you. The certification of Creditable Coverage will indicate the period of time you were enrolled under Monroe County BOCC's Group Health Plan. Creditable Coverage may reduce the length of any Pre-existing Condition exclusionary period by the length of time you had prior Creditable Coverage. Upon request, another certification of Creditable Coverage will be sent to you within a 24-month period after termination of coverage. You may call the customer service phone number indicated in this Booklet or on your ID Card to request the certification. The succeeding carrier will be responsible for determining if coverage meets the qualifying Creditable Coverage guidelines(e.g., no more than a 63-day break in coverage). Termination of Coverage 12-2 I Section 13: Continuing Coverage Under COBRA. A federal continuation of coverage law, known months)if you or your Covered as the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Dependent(s)is/are totally disabled (as Reconciliation Act of 1985(COBRA), as defined by the Social Security Administration amended, may apply to your Group Health Plan. (SSA))at the time of your termination, If COBRA applies,you or your Covered reduction in hours or within the first 60 days Dependents may be entitled to continue of COBRA continuation coverage. The coverage for a limited period of time, if you meet Covered Person must supply notice of the the applicable requirements, make a timely disability determination to Monroe County election, and pay the proper amount required to BOCC Benefits Office within 18 months of maintain coverage. becoming eligible for continuation coverage You must contact Monroe County BOCC and no later than 60 days after the SSA's Benefits Office to determine if you or your determination date. Covered Dependent(s)are entitled to COBRA 2. Your Covered Dependent(s)may elect to continuation of coverage. Monroe County continue their coverage for a period not to BOCC is solely responsible for meeting all of the exceed 36 months in the case of: obligations under COBRA, including the a) the Covered Plan Participant's obligation to notify all Covered Persons of their entitlement to Medicare; rights under COBRA. If you fail to meet your obligations under COBRA and this Benefit b) divorce or legal separation of the Booklet, Monroe County BOCC will not be liable Covered Plan Participant; for any claims incurred by you or your Covered c) death of the Covered Plan Participant; Dependent(s)after termination of coverage. d) the employer files bankruptcy(subject to A summary of your COBRA rights and the bankruptcy court approval); or general conditions for qualification for COBRA continuation coverage is provided below. e) a dependent child may elect the 36 month extension if the dependent child The following is a summary of what you may ceases to be an Eligible Dependent elect, if COBRA applies to Monroe County under the terms of Monroe County BOCC and you are eligible for such coverage: BOCC's coverage. 1. You may elect to continue this coverage for Children born to or placed for adoption with the a period not to exceed 18 months*in the Covered Plan Participant during the continuation case of: coverage periods noted above are also eligible a) termination of employment of the for the remainder of the continuation period. Covered Plan Participant other than for Additional requirements applicable to gross misconduct;or continuation of coverage under COBRA are set b) reduced hours of employment of the forth below: Covered Plan Participant. 1. Monroe County BOCC must notify you of *Note: You and/or your Covered your continuation of coverage rights under Dependent(s)are eligible for an 11 month COBRA within 14 days of the event which extension of the 18 month COBRA creates the continuation option. If coverage continuation option above(to a total of 29 would be lost due to Medicare entitlement, Continuing Coverage Under COBRA tg 1 divorce, legal separation or the failure of a An election by a Covered Plan Participant or Covered Dependent child to meet eligibility Covered Dependent spouse shall be deemed to requirements,you or your Covered be an election for any other qualified beneficiary Dependent must notify Monroe County related to that Covered Plan Participant or BOCC Benefits Office, in writing, within 60 Covered Dependent spouse, unless otherwise days of any of these events. Monroe specified in the election form. County BOCC's 14-day notice requirement Note: This section shall not be interpreted to runs from the date of receipt of such notice. grant any continuation rights in excess of 2. You must elect to continue the coverage those required by COBRA and/or Section within 60 days of the later of: 4980B of the Internal Revenue Code. a) the date that the coverage terminates; or Additionally,this Benefit Booklet shall be deemed to have been modified,and shall be b) the date the notification of continuation of interpreted, so as to comply with COBRA coverage rights is sent by Monroe and changes to COBRA that are mandatory County BOCC. with respect to Monroe County BOCC. 3. COBRA coverage will terminate if you become covered under any other group health insurance plan. However,COBRA coverage may continue if the new group health insurance plan contains exclusions or limitations due to a Pre-existing Condition that would affect your coverage. 4. COBRA coverage will terminate if you become entitled to Medicare. 5. If you are totally disabled and eligible and elect to extend your continuation of coverage, you may not continue such extension of coverage more than 30 days after a determination by the Social Security Administration that you are no longer disabled. You must inform Monroe County BOCC Benefits Office of the Social Security Administration's determination within 30 days of such determination. 6. You must meet all contribution requirements,and all other eligibility requirements described in COBRA, and, to the extent not inconsistent with COBRA, in the Group Health Plan. 7. COBRA coverage will terminate on the date Monroe County BOCC ceases to provide group health coverage to its employees. Continuing Coverage Under COBRA 13-2 i Section 14: Conversion Privilege Eligibility Criteria for Conversion Additionally, you are not entitled to a converted You are entitled to apply for a BCBSF individual policy if: insurance conversion policy(hereinafter referred 1. you are eligible for or covered under the to as a"converted policy' or"conversion policy") Medicare program; if: 2. you failed to pay,on a timely basis, the 1. you were continuously covered for at least contribution required for coverage under the three months under the Group Health Plan, Group Health Plan; and/or under another group policy that provided similar benefits immediately prior to 3. the Group Health Plan was replaced within the Group Health Plan', and 31 days after termination by any group 2. your coverage was terminated for any policy,contract, plan, or program, including a self-insured plan or program,that provides reason, including discontinuance of the benefits similar to the benefits provided � Group Health Plan in its entirety and termination of continued coverage under under this Booklet;or COBRA. 4. a) you fall under one of the following Notify BCBSF in writing or by telephone if you categories and meet the requirements of are interested in a conversion policy. Within 14 4.b. below: days of such notice, BCBSF will send you a I. you are covered under any Hospital, conversion policy application, premium notice surgical, medical or major medical and outline of coverage. The outline of policy or contract or under a coverage will contain a brief description of the prepayment plan or under any other benefits and coverage, exclusions and plan or program that provides limitations,and the applicable Deductible(s)and benefits which are similar to the Coinsurance provisions. benefits provided under this Booklet; BCBSF must receive a completed application or for a converted policy, and the applicable ii. you are eligible,whether or not premium payment,within the 63-day period covered, under any arrangement of beginning on the date the coverage under coverage for individuals in a group, the Group Health Plan terminated. If whether on an insured, uninsured, coverage has been terminated,due to the or partially insured basis,for non-payment of employee contribution by Monroe County BOCC, BCBSF must receive benefits similar to those provided the completed converted policy application under this Booklet;or and the applicable premium payment within iii. benefits similar to the benefits the 63-day period beginning on the date provided under this Booklet are notice was given that the Group Health Plan provided for or are available to you terminated. pursuant to or in accordance with In the event BCBSF does not receive the the requirements of any state or converted policy application and the initial federal law(e.g., COBRA, premium payment within such 63-day period, Medicaid);and your converted policy application will be denied and you will not be entitled to a converted policy. Conversion Pnvde e 9 14-1 b) the benefits provided under the sources referred to in paragraph 4.a.i or the benefits provided or available under the � source referred to in paragraph 4.a.ii. and 4.a.iii.above,together with the benefits provided by our converted policy would result in over-insurance in accordance with our over-insurance standards, as determined by us. Neither Monroe County BOCC nor BCBSF has any obligation to notify you of this conversion privilege when your coverage terminates or at any other time. It is your sole responsibility to exercise this conversion privilege by submitting a BCBSF converted policy application and the initial premium payment to us within 63 days of the termination of your coverage under this Benefit Booklet. The converted policy may be issued without evidence of insurability and shall be effective the day following the day your coverage under this Benefit Booklet terminated. Note: Our converted policies are not a continuation of coverage under COBRA or any other states' similar laws. Coverage and benefits provided under a converted policy will not be identical to the coverage and benefits provided under this Booklet. When applying for our converted policy, you have two options: 1)a converted policy providing major medical coverage meeting the requirements of 627.6675(10) Florida Statutes or 2)a converted policy providing coverage and benefits identical to the coverage and benefits required to be provided under a small employer standard health benefit plan pursuant to Section 627.6699(12) Florida Statutes. In any event,we will not be required to issue a converted policy unless required to do so by Florida law. We may have other options available to you. Call the telephone number on your Identification card for more information. Conversion Privilege 14-2 Section 15: Extension of Benefits Extension of Benefits perform those normal day-to-day activities which you would otherwise perform and you In the event the Group Health Plan is require regular care and attendance by a terminated,coverage will not be provided under Physician. this Benefit Booklet for any Service rendered on or after the termination date. The extension of 2. In the event you are receiving covered benefits provisions described below only apply dental treatment as of the termination date when the entire Group Health Plan is of the Group Health Plan a limited extension terminated. The extension of benefits described of such covered dental treatment will be in this section do not apply when your coverage Provided under this Benefit Booklet if: terminates if the Group Health Plan remains in a) a course of dental treatment or dental effect. The extension of benefits provisions are procedures were recommended in subject to all of the other provisions, including writing and commenced in accordance the limitations and exclusions. with the terms specified herein while you Note: It is your sole responsibility to provide were covered under the Group Health acceptable documentation showing that you are Plan; entitled to an extension of benefits. b) the dental procedures were procedures 1. In the event you are totally disabled on the for other than routine examinations, termination date of the Group Health Plan as prophylaxis,x-rays, sealants,or orthodontic services; and a result of a specific Accident or illness incurred while you were covered under this c) the dental procedures were performed Booklet, as determined by us,a limited within 90 days after the Group Health extension of benefits will be provided under Plan terminated. this Benefit Booklet for the disabled This extension of benefits is for Covered individual only. This extension of benefits is Services necessary to complete the for Covered Services necessary to treat the dental treatment only. This extension of disabling Condition only. This extension of benefits will automatically terminate at benefits will only continue as long as the the end of the 90-day period beginning disability is continuous and uninterrupted. In on the termination date of the Group any event,this extension of benefits will Health Plan or on the date you become automatically terminate at the end of the 12- covered under a succeeding insurance, month period beginning on the termination health maintenance organization or self- date of the Group Health Plan. insured plan providing coverage or For purposes of this section, you will be Services for similar dental procedures. considered "totally disabled"only if, in our You are not required to be totally or Monroe County BOCC's opinion,you are disabled in order to be eligible for this unable to work at any gainful job for which extension of benefits. you are suited by education,training,or Please refer to the Dental Care category of experience, and you require regular care the"What Is Covered?" section for a and attendance by a Physician. You are description of the dental care Services totally disabled only if, in our or Monroe covered under this Booklet. County BOCC's opinion, you are unable to Extension of Benefits t 5_t 3. In the event you are pregnant as of the termination date of the Group Health Plan, a limited extension of the maternity expense benefits included in this Booklet will be available, provided the pregnancy commenced while the pregnant individual was covered under the Group Health Plan, as determined by us or Monroe County BOCC. This extension of benefits is for Covered Services necessary to treat the pregnancy only. This extension of benefits will automatically terminate on the date of the birth of the child. You are not required to be Totally Disabled in order to be eligible for this extension of benefits. Extension of Benefits 15-2 Section 16: The Effect of Medicare Coverage/Medicare Secondary Payer Provisions When you become covered under Medicare and disability whose employer has less than 100 continue to be eligible and covered under this employees, retirees and/or their spouses over Benefit Booklet,coverage under this Benefit the age of 65). Also,if coverage under this Booklet will be primary and the Medicare Benefit Booklet was primary prior to ESRD benefits will be secondary, but only to the extent entitlement,then coverage hereunder will required by law. In all other instances, coverage remain primary for the ESRD coordination under this Benefit Booklet will be secondary to period. If you become eligible for Medicare due any Medicare benefits. To the extent the to ESRD,coverage will be provided,as benefits under this Benefit Booklet are primary, described in this section, on a primary basis for claims for Covered Services should be filed with 30 months. BCBSF first. Under Medicare, Monroe County BOCC MAY Disabled Active Individuals NOT offer, subsidize, procure or provide a If you are entitled to Medicare coverage Medicare supplement policy to you. Also, because of a disability other than ESRD, Monroe County BOCC MAY NOT induce you to Medicare benefits will be secondary to the decline or terminate your group health insurance benefits provided under this Benefit Booklet coverage and elect Medicare as primary payer. provided that: If you become 65 or become eligible for Monroe County BOCC employed at least 100 or Medicare due to End Stage Renal Disease more full-time or part-time employees on 50% or ("ESRD"), you must immediately notify Monroe more of its regular business days during the County BOCC Benefits Office. previous Calendar Year. If the Group Health Plan is a multi-employer plan,as defined by Individuals With End Stage Renal Medicare, Medicare benefits will be secondary if Disease at least one employer participating in the plan If you are entitled to Medicare coverage covered 100 or more employees under the plan because of ESRD, coverage under this Benefit on 50%or more of its regular business days Booklet will be provided on a primary basis for during the previous Calendar Year. 30 months beginning with the earlier of: Miscellaneous 1. the month in which you became entitled to Medicare Part"A" ESRD benefits;or 1. This section shall be subject to, modified (if necessary)to conform to or comply with, 2. the first month in which you would have and interpreted with reference to the been entitled to Medicare Part"A" ESRD requirements of federal statutory and benefits if a timely application had been regulatory Medicare Secondary Payer made. provisions as those provisions relate to If Medicare was primary prior to the time you Medicare beneficiaries who are covered became eligible due to ESRD,then Medicare under this Benefit Booklet. will remain primary(i.e., persons entitled due to The Effect of Medicare coverage/Medicare Secondary Payer Provisions t 6_1 i 2. BCBSF will not be liable to Monroe County BOCC or to any individual covered under this Benefit Booklet on account of any nonpayment of primary benefits resulting from any failure of performance of Monroe County BOCC's obligations as described in this section. I i The Effect of Medicare coverage/Medicare Secondary Payer Provisions 16_2 Section 17: Duplication of Coverage Under Other Health Plans/Programs Coordination of Benefits with which the law permits coordination of benefits; Coordination of Benefits("COB")is a limitation 4. Medicare,as described in"The Effect of of coverage and/or benefits to be provided under Medicare Coverage/Medicare Secondary this Benefit Booklet. Payer Provisions"section; and COB determines the manner in which expenses 5. to the extent permitted by law,any other will be paid when you are covered under more government sponsored health insurance than one health plan, program,or policy providing benefits for Health Care Services. program. COB is designed to avoid the costly duplication The amount of payment, if any, when benefits of payment for Covered Services. it is your are coordinated under this section, is based on responsibility to provide BCBSF and Monroe whether or not the benefits under this Benefit County BOCC Benefits Office information Booklet are primary. When primary, payment concerning any duplication of coverage under will be made for Covered Services without any other health plan, program,or policy you or regard to coverage under other plans. When the your Covered Dependents may have. This benefits under this Benefit Booklet are not means you must notify BCBSF and Monroe primary, payment for Covered Services may be County BOCC Benefits Office in writing if you reduced so that total benefits under all your i have other applicable coverage or if there is no plans will not exceed 100 percent of the total other coverage. You may be requested to reasonable expenses actually incurred for provide this information at initial enrollment, by Covered Services. For purposes of this section, written correspondence annually thereafter, or in in the event you receive Covered Services from connection with a specific Health Care Service an In-Network Provider or an Out-of-Network you receive. If the information is not received, Provider who participates in the Traditional claims may be denied and you will be Program, "total reasonable expenses'shall responsible for payment of any expenses related mean the total amount required to be paid to the to denied claims. Provider pursuant to the applicable agreement BCBSF or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Health plans,programs or policies which may be Shield organization has with such Provider. In � subject to COB include, but are not limited to, the event that the primary the following which will be referred to as P ry payer's payment exceeds the Allowed Amount, no payment I "plan(s)"for purposes of this section: will be made for such Services. 1. any group or non-group health insurance, The following rules shall be used to establish the group-type self-insurance, or HMO plan; order in which benefits under the respective 2. any group plan issued by any Blue Cross plans will be determined: and/or Blue Shield organization(s); 1. When you are covered as a Covered 3. any other plan, program or insurance policy, Dependent and the other plan covers you as including an automobile PIP insurance other than a dependent,the Group Health policy and/or medical payment coverage Plan will be secondary. Duplication of Coverage Under Other Health Plans/Programs t 7_1 2. When the Group Health Plan covers a The Group Health Plan will not coordinate dependent child whose parents are not benefits against an indemnity-type policy, an separated or divorced: excess insurance policy,a policy with coverage limited to specified illnesses or a) the plan of the parent whose birthday, accidents, or a Medicare supplement policy. excluding year of birth,falls earlier in the 6. If you are covered under a COBRA year will be primary; or continuation plan as a result of the purchase b) if both parents have the same birthday, of coverage as provided under the excluding year of birth,and the other Consolidated Omnibus Budget plan has covered one of the parents Reconciliation Act of 1985, as amended, longer than us,the Group Health Plan and also under another group plan,the will be secondary. following order of benefits applies: 3. When the Group Health Plan covers a a) first,the plan covering the person as an dependent child whose parents are employee, or as the employee's separated or divorced: Dependent; and a) if the parent with custody is not b) second,the coverage purchased under remarried,the plan of the parent with the plan covering the person as a former custody is primary; employee,or as the former employee's b) ifthe parent with custody has remarried, Dependent provided according to the the plan of the parent with custody is provisions of COBRA. primary; the stepparent's plan is 7. If the other plan does not have rules that secondary; and the plan of the parent establish the same order of benefits as without custody pays last; under this Booklet, the benefits under the c) regardless of which parent has custody, other plan will be determined primary to the whenever a court decree specifies the benefits under this Booklet. parent who is financially responsible for the child's health care expenses,the Coordination of benefits shall not be permitted against an indemnity-type policy,an excess plan of that parent is primary. insurance policy as defined in Florida Statutes 4. When the Group Health Plan covers a Section 627.635, a policy with coverage limited dependent child and the dependent child is to specified illnesses or accidents, or a Medicare also covered under another plan: supplement policy. a) the plan of the parent who is neither laid off nor retired will be primary; or Non-Duplication of Government Programs and Worker's b) if the other plan is not subject to this Compensation rule, and if, as a result, such plan does not agree on the order of benefits,this The benefits under this Booklet shall not paragraph shall not apply. duplicate any benefits to which you or your 5. When rules 1, 2, 3, and 4 above do not Covered Dependents are entitled to or eligible establish an order of benefits,the plan which for under government programs(e.g., Medicare, has covered you the longest shall be Medicaid, Veterans Administration)or Worker's primary. Compensation to the extent allowed by law, or under any extension of benefits of coverage Duplication of Coverage Under Other Health Plans/Programs 17.2 i under a prior plan or program which may be provided or required by law. Duplication of Coverage Under Other Health Plans/Programs 17-3 Section 18: Subrogation In the event payment is made under this Benefit legal representative shall promptly notify BCBSF Booklet to you or on your behalf for any claim in in writing of any settlement negotiations prior to connection with or arising from a Condition entering into any settlement agreement, shall resulting, directly or indirectly,from an disclose to BCBSF any amount recovered from intentional act or from the negligence or fault of any person or entity that may be liable,and shall any third person or entity, Monroe County BOCC not make any distributions of settlement or and/or the Group Health Plan,to the extent of judgement proceeds without Monroe County any such payment, shall be subrogated to all BOCC's prior written consent. No waiver, causes of action and all rights of recovery you release of liability, or other documents executed have against any person or entity. Such by you without such notice to BCBSF shall be subrogation rights shall extend and apply to any binding upon Monroe County BOCC. settlement of a claim, regardless of whether litigation has been initiated. BCBSF may recover, on behalf of Monroe County BOCC and/or the Group Health Plan,the amount of any payments made on your behalf minus BCBSF or Monroe County BOCC's pro rata share for any costs and attorney fees incurred by you in pursuing and recovering damages. BCBSF may subrogate, on behalf of Monroe County BOCC and/or the Group Health Plan,against all money recovered regardless of the source of the money including, but not limited to, uninsured motorist coverage. Although Monroe County BOCC may, but is not required to, take into consideration any special factors relating your specific case in resolving the subrogation claim, Monroe County BOCC will have the first right of recovery out of any recovery or settlement amount you are able to obtain even if you or your attorney believes that you have not been made whole for your losses or damages by the amount of the recovery or settlement. You must promptly execute and deliver such instruments and papers pertaining to such settlement of claims, settlement negotiations,or litigation as may be requested by BCBSF or Monroe County BOCC, and shall do whatever is necessary to enable BCBSF or Monroe County BOCC to exercise Monroe County BOCC's subrogation rights and shall do nothing to prejudice such rights. Additionally, you or your Subrogation 18_1 Section 19: Right of Reimbursement I If any payment under this Benefit Booklet is made to you or on your behalf with respect to any injury or illness resulting from the intentional act, negligence,or fault of a third person or entity, Monroe County BOCC and/or the Group Health Plan will have a right to be reimbursed by you(out of any settlement or judgment proceeds you recover)one dollar($1.00)for each dollar paid under the terms of the Group Health Plan minus a pro rata share for any costs and attorney fees incurred in pursuing and recovering such proceeds. Monroe County BOCC's and/or the Group Health Plan's right of reimbursement will be in addition to any subrogation right or claim available to Monroe County BOCC, and you must execute and deliver such instruments or papers pertaining to any settlement or claim, settlement negotiations, or litigation as may be requested by BCBSF on behalf of Monroe County BOCC, and/or the Group Health Plan, to exercise Monroe County BOCC's and/or the Group Health Plan's right of reimbursement hereunder. You or your lawyer must notify us, by certified or registered mail, if you intend to claim damages from someone for injuries or illness. You must do nothing to prejudice Monroe County BOCC's and/or the Group Health Plan's right of reimbursement hereunder and no waiver, release of liability, or other documents executed by you,without notice to us and our written consent, acting on behalf of Monroe County BOCC,will be binding upon Monroe County BOCC. Right of Reimbursement g_t Section 20: Claims Processing Introduction Post-Service Claims This section is intended to: How to File a Post-Service Claim • help you understand what you or your We have defined and described the three types treating Providers must do, under the terms of claims that may be submitted to us. Our of this Benefit Booklet, in order to obtain experience shows that the most common type of payment for expenses for Covered Services claim we will receive from you or your treating j they have rendered or will render to you; Providers will likely be Post-Service Claims. and In-Network Providers have agreed to file Post- provide you with a general description of the Service Claims for Services the render to you. Y 9 P Y applicable procedures we will use for In the event a Provider who renders Services to making Adverse Benefit Determinations, you does not file a Post-Service Claim for such Concurrent Care Decisions and for notifying Services, it is your responsibility to file it with us. you when we deny benefits. We must receive a Post-Service Claim within 90 Under no circumstances will we be held days of the date the Health Care Service was responsible for, nor will we accept liability rendered or, if it was not reasonably possible to relating to, the failure of your Group Plan's file within such 90-day period,as soon as sponsor or plan administrator to: 1)comply with possible. In any event, no Post-Service Claim any applicable disclosure requirements; will be considered for payment if we do not 2)provide you with a Summary Plan Description receive it at the address indicated on your ID (SPD); or 3)comply with any other legal Card within one year of the date the Service was requirements. You should contact your plan rendered unless you were legally incapacitated. sponsor or administrator if you have questions For Post-Service Claims,we must receive an relating to your Group Plan's SPD. We are not itemized statement from the health care Provider your Group Plan's sponsor or plan administrator. for the Service rendered along with a completed In most cases, a plan's sponsor or plan claim form. The itemized statement must administrator is the employer who establishes contain the following information: and maintains the plan. 1. the date the Service was provided; Types of Claims 2. a description of the Service including any applicable procedure code(s); For purposes of this Benefit Booklet, there are three types of claims: 1) Pre-Service Claims; 3. the amount actually charged by the 2) Post-Service Claims;and 3)Claims Involving Provider; Urgent Care. It is important that you become 4. the diagnosis including any applicable familiar with the types of claims that can be diagnosis code(s); submitted to us and the timeframes and other 5. the Provider's name and address; requirements that apply. 6. the name of the individual who received the Service; and Claims Processing 20-1 7. the Covered Plan Participant's name and claim or a portion of the claim is contested. Our contract number as they appear on the ID notice may identify: 1)the contested portion or Card. portions of the claim;2)the reason(s)for The itemized statement and claim form must be contesting the claim or a portion of the claim; received by us at the address indicated on your and 3)the date that we reasonably expect to ID Card. notify you of the decision. The notice may also indicate whether additional information is Note: Special claims processing rules may needed in order to complete processing of the apply for Health Care Services you receive claim. If we request additional information,we outside the state of Florida under the BlueCardo must receive it within 45 days of our request for Program (See the"BlueCard`"(Out-of-State) the information. If we do not receive the Program" section of this Booklet). requested information,the claim or a portion The Processing of Post-Service Claims of the claim will be adjudicated based on the information in our possession at the time We will use our best efforts to pay,contest,or and may be denied. Upon receipt of the deny all Post-Service Claims for which we have requested information,we will use our best all of the necessary information, as determined efforts to complete the processing of the Post- by us. Post-Service Claims will be paid, Service Claim within 15 days of receipt of the contested, or denied within the timeframes information. described below. Denial of Post-Service Claims • Payment for Post-Service Claims In the event we deny a Post-Service Claim When payment is due under the terms of this submitted electronically,we will use our best Benefit Booklet,we will use our best efforts to efforts to provide notice,within 20 days of pay(in whole or in part)for electronically receipt, that the claim or a portion of the claim is submitted Post-Service Claims within 20 days of denied. In the event we deny a paper Post- receipt. Likewise, we will use our best efforts to Service Claim, we will use our best efforts to pay(in whole or in part)for paper Post-Service provide notice, within 30 days of receipt,that the Claims within 40 days of receipt. You may claim or a portion of the claim is denied. The receive notice of payment for paper claims notice may identify the denied portion(s)of the within 30 days of receipt. If we are unable to claim and the reason(s)for denial. It is your determine whether the claim or a portion of the responsibility to ensure that we receive all claim is payable because we need more or information determined by us as necessary to additional Information, we may contest the claim adjudicate a Post-Service Claim. If we do not within the timeframes set forth below. receive the necessary information,the claim or a portion of the claim may be denied. • Contested Post-Service Claims A Post-Service Claim denial is an Adverse In the event we contest an electronically Benefit Determination and is subject to the submitted Post-Service Claim, or a portion of Adverse Benefit Determination standards and such a claim,we will use our best efforts to appeal procedures described in this section. provide notice,within 20 days of receipt,that the claim or a portion of the claim is contested. In Additional Processing Information for Post- the event we contest a Post-Service Claim Service Claims submitted on a paper claim form, or a portion of In any event,we will use our best efforts to pay such a claim,we will use our best efforts to or deny all: 1)electronic Post-Service Claims provide notice, within 30 days of receipt,that the within 90 days of receipt of the completed claim; I Claims Processing 20-2 and 2)Post-Service paper claims within 120 Benefit Determinations on Pre-Service Claims days of receipt of the completed claim. Claims Involving Urgent Care processing shall be deemed to have been For a Pre-Service Claim Involving Urgent Care, completed as of the date the notice of the claims decision is deposited in the mail by us or we will use our best efforts to provide notice of I otherwise electronically transmitted. Any claims our determination(whether adverse or not)as soon as possible, but not later than 72 hours payment relating to aPost-Service Claim that is after receipt of the Pre-Service Claim unless not made by us within the applicable timeframe additional information is required for a coverage Is subject to the payment of simple interest at decision. If additional information is necessary the rate established by the Florida Insurance to make a determination, we will use our best Code. efforts to provide notice within 24 hours of: 1) We will investigate any allegation of improper the need for additional information; 2)the billing by a Provider upon receipt of written specific information that you or your Provider notification from you. If we determine that you may need to provide; and 3)the date that we were billed for a Service that was not actually reasonably expect to provide notice of the performed, any payment amount will be adjusted decision. If we request additional information, and, if applicable, a refund will be requested. In we must receive it within 48 hours of our such a case, if payment to the Provider is request. We will use our best efforts to provide reduced due solely to the notification from you, notice of the decision on your Pre-Service Claim we will pay you 20 percent of the amount of the within 48 hours after the earlier of: 1)receipt of reduction, up to a total of$500. the requested information; or 2)the end of the period you were afforded to provide the Pre-Service Claims specified additional information as described above. How to File a Pre-Service Claim Benefit Determinations on Pre-Service Claims This Benefit Booklet may condition coverage, that Do Not Involve Urgent Care benefits, or payment(in whole or in part),for a specific Covered Service, on the receipt by us of We will use our best efforts to provide notice of a a Pre-Service Claim as that term is defined decision on a Pre-Service Claim not involving herein. In order to determine whether we must urgent care within 15 days of receipt provided receive a Pre-Service Claim for a particular additional information is not required for a Covered Service, please refer to the"What Is coverage decision. This 15-day determination Covered?" section and other applicable sections period may be extended by us one time for up to of this Benefit Booklet. You may also call the an additional 15 days. If such an extension is customer service number on your ID card for necessary,we will use our best efforts to provide assistance. notice of the extension and reasons for it. We will use our best efforts to provide notification of We are not required to render an opinion or the decision on your Pre-Service claim within a make a coverage or benefit determination with total of 30 days of the initial receipt of the claim, respect to a Service that has not actually been if an extension of time was taken by us. provided to you unless the terms of this Benefit Booklet require(or condition payment upon) If additional information is necessary to make a approval by us for the Service before it is determination,we will use our best efforts to: received. 1)provide notice of the need for additional information, prior to the expiration of the initial 15-day period;2)identify the specific information Claims Processing 20-3 that you or your Provider may need to provide; Reauests for Extension of Services and 3)inform you of the date that we reasonably Your Provider may request an extension of expect to notify you of our decision. If we coverage or benefits for a Service beyond the request additional information, we must receive approved period of time or number of approved it within 45 days of our request for the Services. If the request for an extension is for a information. We will use our best efforts to Claim Involving Urgent Care, we will use our provide notification of the decision on your Pre- best efforts to notify you of the approval or denial Service Claim within 15 days of receipt of the of such requested extension within 24 hours requested information. after receipt of your request, provided it is A Pre-Service Claim denial is an Adverse received at least 24 hours prior to the expiration Benefit Determination and is subject to the of the previously approved number or length of Adverse Benefit Determination standards and coverage for such Services. We will use our appeal procedures described in this section. best efforts to notify you within 24 hours if: 1)we need additional information; or 2)you or your Concurrent Care Decisions representative failed to follow proper procedures in your request for an extension. If we request Reduction or Termination of Coverage or additional information, you will have 48 hours to Benefits for Services provide the requested information.We may A reduction or termination of coverage or notify you orally or in writing, unless you or your benefits for Services will be considered an representative specifically request that it be in Adverse Benefit Determination when: writing. A denial of a request for extension of Services is considered an Adverse Benefit • we have approved in writing coverage or Determination and is subject to the Adverse benefits for an ongoing course of Services to Benefit Determination review procedure below. be provided over a period of time or a number of Services to be rendered; and Standards for Adverse Benefit Determinations • the reduction or termination occurs before the end of such previously approved time or Manner and Content of a Notification of an number of Services;and Adverse Benefit Determination: • the reduction or termination of coverage or We will use our best efforts to provide notice of benefits by us was not due to an any Adverse Benefit Determination in writing. amendment of this Benefit Booklet or Notification of an Adverse Benefit Determination termination of your coverage as provided by will include(or will be made available to you free this Benefit Booklet. of charge upon request): We will use our best efforts to notify you of such 1. the date the Service or supply was provided; reduction or termination in advance so that you 2. the Provider's name; will have a reasonable amount of time to have the reduction or termination reviewed in 3. the dollar amount of the claim, if applicable; accordance with the Adverse Benefit 4. the diagnosis codes included on the claim Determination standards and procedures (e.g., ICD-9, DSM-IV), including a described below. In no event shall we be description of such codes; required to provide more than a reasonable period of time within which you may develop 5. the standardized procedure code included on the claim (e.g., Current Procedural your appeal before we actually terminate or Terminology), including a description of such reduce coverage for the Services. codes; Claims Processing 20-4 6. the specific reason or reasons for the submitted to us in writing for an internal appeal Adverse Benefit Determination, including within 365 days of the original Adverse Benefit any applicable denial code; Determination, except in the case of Concurrent Care Decisions which may, depending upon the 7. a description of the specific Benefit Booklet circumstances, require you to file within a provisions upon which the Adverse Benefit shorter period of time from notice of the denial. Determination is based, as well as any The following guidelines are applicable to internal rule, guideline, protocol, or other reviews of Adverse Benefit Determinations: similar criterion that was relied upon in making the Adverse Benefit Determination; • We must receive your appeal of an Adverse Benefit Determination in person or in writing; i3. a description of any additional information that might change the determination and • You may request to review pertinent why that information is necessary; documents, such as any internal rule, guideline, protocol,or similar criterion relied 9. a description of the Adverse Benefit upon to make the determination,and submit Determination review procedures and the issues or comments in writing; time limits applicable to such procedures; • If the Adverse Benefit Determination is 10. if the Adverse Benefit Determination is based on the lack of Medical Necessity of a based on the Medical Necessity or particular Service or the Experimental or Experimental or Investigational limitations Investigational exclusion, you may request, and exclusions, a statement telling you how free of charge,an explanation of the scientific or clinical judgment relied upon, if to obtain the specific explanation of the any,for the determination,that applies the scientific or clinical judgment for the terms of this Benefit Booklet to your medical determination; and circumstances; 11. You have the right to an independent • During the review process, the Services in external review through an external review question will be reviewed without regard to organization for certain appeals, as provided the decision reached in the initial in the Patient Protection and Affordable determination; Care Act of 2010. • We may consult with appropriate If the claim is a Claim Involving Urgent Care,we Physicians,as necessary; may notify you orally within the proper • Any independent medical consultant who timeframes, provided we follow-up with a written reviews your Adverse Benefit Determination or electronic notification meeting the on our behalf will be identified upon request; requirements of this subsection no later than three days after the oral notification. • If your claim is a Claim Involving Urgent Care, you may request an expedited appeal How to Appeal an Adverse Benefit orally or in writing in which case all Determination necessary information on review may be transmitted between you and us by Except as described below, only you, or a telephone,facsimile or other available representative designated by you in writing, expeditious method;and have the right to appeal an Adverse Benefit 0 If you wish to give someone else permission Determination. An appeal of an Adverse Benefit to appeal an Adverse Benefit Determination Determination will be reviewed using the review on your behalf,we must receive a process described below. Your appeal must be completed Appointment of Representative Claims Processing 20-5 form signed by you indicating the name of will respond to you, within a reasonable time, not the person who will represent you with to exceed 15 business days. respect to the appeal. An Appointment of Representative form is not required if your Requests for an internal appeal should be Physician is appealing an Adverse Benefit sent to the address below: Determination relating to a Claim Involving Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. Urgent Care. Appointment of Attention: Member Appeals Representative forms are available at P.O. Box 44197 www.bcbsfl.com or by calling the number on Jacksonville, Florida 32231-4197 the back of your BCBSF ID Card. Timinq of Our Aooeal Review on Adverse How to Request External Review of Benefit Determinations Our Appeal Decision We will use our best efforts to review your If you are not satisfied with our internal review of appeal of an Adverse Benefit Determination and your appeal of an Adverse Benefit communicate the decision in accordance with Determination, please refer to the Adverse the following time frames: Benefit Determination notice or call the customer • Pre-Service Claims--within 30 days of the service phone number on your ID Card for receipt of your appeal; or information on how to request an external review. • Post-Service Claims--within 60 days of the receipt of your appeal;or Additional Claims Processing • Claims Involving Urgent Care(and requests Provisions to extend concurrent care Services made 1. Release of Information/Cooperation: within 24 hours prior to the termination of the Services)--within 72 hours of receipt of your In order to process claims,we may need request. If additional information is certain information, including information necessary we will notify you within 24 hours regarding other health care coverage you and we must receive the requested may have. You must cooperate with us in additional information within 48 hours of our our effort to obtain such information by, request. After we receive the additional among other ways, signing any release of information,we will have an additional 48 information form at our request. Failure by hours to make a final determination. you to fully cooperate with us may result in a Note: The nature of a claim for Services(i.e. denial of the pending claim and we will have whether it is"urgent care" or not)is judged as of no liability for such claim. the time of the benefit determination on review, 2. Physical Examination: not as of the time the Service was initially In order to make coverage and benefit reviewed or provided. decisions,we may, at our expense, require You,or a Provider acting on your behalf,who you to be examined by a health care has had a claim denied as not Medically Provider of our choice as often as is Necessary has the opportunity to appeal the reasonably necessary while a claim is claim denial.The appeal may be directed to an pending. Failure by you to fully cooperate employee of BCBSF who is a licensed Physician with such examination shall result in a denial responsible for Medical Necessity reviews.The of the pending claim and we shall have no appeal may be by telephone and the Physician liability for such claim. Claims Processing 20-6 i 3. Legal Actions: d) A description of the applicable Adverse No legal action arising out of or in Benefit Determination review connection with coverage under this Benefit procedures and the time limits Booklet may be brought against us within applicable to such procedures; and the 60-day period following our receipt of the e) if the Adverse Benefit Determination is completed claim as required herein. based on the Medical Necessity or Additionally, no such action may be brought Experimental or Investigational after expiration of the applicable statute of limitations and exclusions, a statement limitations. telling you how you can obtain the 4. Fraud,Misrepresentation or Omission in specific explanation of the scientific or Applying for Benefits: clinical judgment for the determination. We rely on the information provided on the 6. Circumstances Beyond Our Control: itemized statement and the claim form when To the extent that natural disaster,war, riot, processing a claim. All such information, civil insurrection,epidemic,or other therefore, must be accurate,truthful and emergency or similar event not within our complete. Any fraudulent statement, control, results in facilities, personnel or our omission or concealment of facts, financial resources being unable to process misrepresentation, or incorrect information claims for Covered Services,we will have no may result, in addition to any other legal liability or obligation for any delay in the remedy we may have, in denial of the claim payment of claims for Covered Services, or cancellation or rescission of your except that we will make a good faith effort coverage. to make payment for such Services,taking 5. Explanation of Benefits Form: into account the impact of the event. For the purposes of this paragraph, an event is not All claims decisions,including denial and claims review decisions,will be within our control if we cannot effectively communicated to you in writing either on an exercise influence or dominion over its explanation of benefits form or some other occurrence or non-occurrence. written correspondence. This form may indicate: a) The specific reason or reasons for the Adverse Benefit Determination; b) Reference to the specific Benefit Booklet provisions upon which the Adverse Benefit Determination is based as well as any internal rule, guideline, protocol, or other similar criterion that was relied upon in making the Adverse Benefit Determination; c) A description of any additional information that would change the initial determination and why that information is necessary; I Claims Processing 20.7 Section 21 : Relationship Between the Parties BCBSF/Monroe County BOCC and nor Monroe County BOCC will be liable, whether Health Care Providers in tort or contract or otherwise,for any acts or omissions of any other person or organization Neither BCBSF nor Monroe County BOCC nor with which BCBSF has made or hereafter makes any of their officers, directors or employees arrangements for the provision of Covered provides Health Care Services to you. Rather, Services. BCBSF is not your agent, servant, or BCBSF and Monroe County BOCC are engaged representative nor is BCBSF an agent, servant, in making coverage and benefit decisions under or representative of Monroe County BOCC and this Booklet. By accepting the Group health BCBSF will not be liable for any acts or care coverage and benefits, you agree that omissions, or those of Monroe County BOCC,its making such coverage and benefit decisions agents, servants, employees, or any person or does not constitute the rendering of Health Care organization with which Monroe County BOCC Services and that health care Providers has entered into any agreement or arrangement. rendering those Services are not employees or By acceptance of coverage and benefits agents of BCBSF or Monroe County BOCC. In hereunder, you agree to the foregoing. this regard,we and Monroe County BOCC hereby expressly disclaim any agency Medical Treatment Decisions - relationship, actual or implied,with any Responsibility of Your Physician, Not health care Provider. BCBSF and Monroe BCBSF County BOCC do not, by virtue of making coverage, benefit, and payment decisions, Any and all decisions that require or pertain to exercise any control or direction over the independent professional medical judgment or medical judgment or clinical decisions of any training, or the need for medical Services or health care Provider. Any decisions made under supplies, must be made solely by your family the Group Health Plan concerning and your treating Physician in accordance with appropriateness of setting,or whether any the patient/physician relationship. It is possible Service is Medically Necessary, shall be that you or your treating Physician may conclude deemed to be made solely for purposes of that a particular procedure is needed, determining whether such Services are covered, appropriate,or desirable, even though such and not for purposes of recommending any procedure may not be covered. treatment or non-treatment. Neither BCBSF nor Monroe County BOCC will assume liability for any loss or damage arising as a result of acts or omissions of any health care Provider. Non Liability of BCBSF and Monroe County BOCC Neither Monroe County BOCC nor any person covered under this Booklet is BCBSF's agent or representative, and neither shall be liable for any acts or omissions by BCBSF's agents, servants, employees, or us. Additionally, neither BCBSF Relationship Between the Parties 21_1 Section 22: General Provisions Access to Information BCBSF and Monroe County BOCC have the Compliance with State and Federal right to receive,from you and any health care Laws and Regulations Provider rendering Services to you, information that is reasonably necessary,as determined by The terms of coverage and benefits to be BCBSF and Monroe County BOCC, in order to provided under this Benefit Booklet shall be administer the coverage and benefits provided, deemed to have been modified and shall be subject to all applicable confidentiality interpreted, so as to comply with applicable state requirements listed below. By accepting or federal laws and regulations dealing with coverage, you authorize every health care benefits, eligibility, enrollment,termination, or Provider who renders Services to you, to other rights and duties. disclose to BCBSF and Monroe County BOCC or to affiliated entities, upon request, all facts, Confidentiality records, and reports pertaining to your care, treatment, and physical or mental Condition,and Except as otherwise specifically provided herein, to permit BCBSF and/or Monroe County BOCC and except as may be required in order for us to to copy any such records and reports so administer coverage and benefits, specific obtained. medical information concerning you, received by Providers, shall be kept confidential by us in Right to Receive Necessary conformity with applicable law. Such information Information may be disclosed to third parties for use in connection with bona fide medical research and In order to administer coverage and benefits, education, or as reasonably necessary in BCBSF or Monroe County BOCC may,without connection with the administration of coverage the consent of, or notice to, any person, plan, or organization, obtain from any person, plan, or and benefits, specifically including BCBSF's quality assurance and Blueprint for Health organization any information with respect to any person covered under this Booklet or applicant Programs. Additionally, we may disclose such for enrollment which BCBSF or Monroe County information to entities affiliated with us or other BOCC deem to be necessary. persons or entities we utilize to assist in providing coverage, benefits or services under Right to Recovery this Booklet. Further, any documents or information which are properly subpoenaed in a Whenever the Group Health Plan has made judicial proceeding, or by order of a regulatory payments in excess of the maximum provided agency, shall not be subject to this provision. for under this Booklet, BCBSF or Monroe BCBSF's arrangements with a Provider may County BOCC will have the right to recover any require that we release certain claims and such payments,to the extent of such excess, medical information about persons covered from you or any person, plan,or other organization that received such payments. under this Booklet to that Provider even if treatment has not been sought by or through that Provider. By accepting coverage, you General Provisions 22.E hereby authorize us to release to Providers Non-Waiver of Defaults claims information, including related medical information, pertaining to you in order for any Any failure by BCBSF or Monroe County BOCC such Provider to evaluate your financial at any time, or from time to time,to enforce or to responsibility under this Booklet. require the strict adherence to any of the terms or conditions described herein, will in no event Benefit Booklet constitute a waiver of any such terms or conditions. Further, it will not affect BCBSF's or You have been provided with this Benefit Monroe County BOCC's right at any time to Booklet and an Identification Card as evidence enforce any terms or conditions under this of your coverage under this Benefit Booklet. Benefit Booklet. Modification of Provider Network and Notices the Participation Status Any notice required or permitted hereunder will be deemed given if hand delivered or if mailed NetworkBlue and the Traditional Provider by United States Mail, postage prepaid, and Program, and the participation status of addressed as listed below. Such notice will be individual Providers available through BCBSF, deemed effective as of the date delivered or so are subject to change at any time by BCBSF deposited in the mail. without prior notice to you or your approval or If to BCBSF: that of Monroe County BOCC. Additionally, BCBSF may, at any time,terminate or modify To the address printed on the Identification the terms of any Provider contract and may Card. enter into additional Provider contracts without If to you: prior notice to you,or your approval or that of Monroe County BOCC. It is your responsibility To the latest address provided by you or to to determine whether a health care Provider is your latest address on Enrollment Forms an In-Network Provider at the time the Health actually delivered to us. Care Service is rendered. Under this Booklet, You must notify Monroe County BOCC your financial responsibility may vary depending Benefits Office immediately of any upon a Provider's participation status. address change. Cooperation Required of You and If to Monroe County BOCC: Your Covered Dependents To the address indicated by Monroe County BOCC. You must cooperate with BCBSF and Monroe County BOCC, and must execute and submit to Our Obligations Upon Termination us any consents, releases, assignments, and Upon termination of your coverage for any other documents requested in order to reason,there will be no further liability or administer, and exercise any rights hereunder. responsibility to you under the Group Health Failure to do so may result in the denial of Plan, except as specifically described herein. claims and will constitute grounds for termination for cause(See the Termination of an Individual's Promissory Estoppel Coverage for Cause subsection in the No oral statements, representations, or Termination Of Coverage section). understanding by any person can change, alter, General Provisions 22_2 delete, add,or otherwise modify the express discontinue or modify any reward program written terms of this Booklet. features or promotional offers at any time without your consent. Florida Agency for Health Care Administration Performance Data The performance outcome and financial data published by the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA), pursuant to Florida Statute 408.05,or any successor statute, located at the web site address www.floridahealthfinder.cyov,may be accessed through the link provided on the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida corporate web site at www.bcbsfl.com. Third Party Beneficiary The terms and provisions of the Group Health Plan shall be binding solely upon, and inure solely to the benefit of, Monroe County BOCC and individuals covered under the terms of this Benefit Booklet, and no other person shall have any rights, interest or claims thereunder, or under this Benefit Booklet, or be entitled to sue for a breach thereof as a third-party beneficiary or otherwise. Monroe County BOCC hereby specifically expresses its intent that health care Providers that have not entered into contracts with BCBSF to participate in BCBSF's Provider networks shall not be third-party beneficiaries under the terms of the Monroe County BOCC Group Health Plan or this Benefit Booklet. Customer Rewards Programs From time to time,we may offer programs to our customers that provide rewards for following the terms of the program. We will tell you about any available rewards programs in general mailings, member newsletters and/or on our website. Your participation in these programs is completely voluntary and will in no way affect the coverage available to you under this Benefit Booklet. We reserve the right to offer rewards in excess of$25 per year as well as the right to General Provisions 22-3 Section 23: Definitions The following definitions are used in this Benefit 1. In the case of an In-Network Provider Booklet. Other definitions may be found in the located in Florida,this amount will be particular section or subsection where they are established in accordance with the used. applicable agreement between that Provider Accident means an unintentional, unexpected and BCBSF. event, other than the acute onset of a bodily 2. In the case of an In-Network Provider infirmity or disease, which results in traumatic located outside of Florida, this amount will injury. This term does not include injuries generally be established in accordance with caused by surgery or treatment for disease or the negotiated price that the on-site Blue illness. Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan ("Host Blue") passes on to us,except when the Host Blue Accidental Dental Injury means an injury to is unable to pass on its negotiated price due sound natural teeth(not previously to the terms of its Provider contracts. See compromised by decay)caused by a sudden, the BlueCard®(Out-of-State) Program unintentional, and unexpected event or force. section for more details. This term does not include injuries to the mouth, 3. In the case of Out-of-Network Providers structures within the oral cavity, or injuries to located in Florida who participate in the natural teeth caused by biting or chewing, Traditional Program,this amount will be surgery, or treatment for a disease or illness. established in accordance with the Administrative Services Only Agreement or applicable agreement between that Provider ASO Agreement means an agreement between and BCBSF. Monroe County BOCC and BCBSF. Under the 4. In the case of Out-of-Network Providers Administrative Services Only Agreement, located outside of Florida who participate in BCBSF provides claims processing and the BlueCard®(Out-of-State)Traditional payment services, customer service, utilization Program, this amount will generally be review services and access to BCBSF's established in accordance with the NetworkBlue and BCBSF's network of negotiated price that the Host Blue passes Traditional Insurance Providers. on to us, except when the Host Blue is Adverse Benefit Determination means any unable to pass on its negotiated price due to denial, reduction or termination of coverage, the terms of its Provider contracts. See the benefits, or payment(in whole or in part)under BlueCard®(Out-of-State) Program section the Benefit Booklet with respect to a Pre-Service for more details. Claim or a Post-Service Claim. Any reduction or 5. In the case of an Out-of-Network Provider termination of coverage, benefits, or payment in that has not entered into an agreement with connection with a Concurrent Care Decision, as BCBSF to provide access to a discount from described in this section, shall also constitute an the billed amount of that Provider for the Adverse Benefit Determination. specific Covered Services provided to you, Allowed Amount means the maximum amount the Allowed Amount will be the lesser of that upon which payment will be based for Covered Provider's actual billed amount for the Services. The Allowed Amount may be changed specific Covered Services or an amount at any time without notice to you or your established by BCBSF that may be based consent. on several factors including (but not Definitions 23-1 necessarily limited to): (i)payment for such billed by such Out-of-Network Provider for such Services under the Medicare and/or Services. You will be responsible for any Medicaid programs; (ii)payment often difference between such Allowed Amount and accepted for such Services by that Out-of- the amount billed for such Services by any such Network Provider and/or by other Providers, Out-of-Network Provider. either in Florida or in other comparable Ambulance means a ground or water vehicle, market(s),that BCBSF determines are airplane or helicopter properly licensed pursuant comparable to the Out-of-Network Provider to Chapter 401 of the Florida Statutes,or a that provided the specific Covered Services similar applicable law in another state. (which may include payment accepted by Ambulatory Surgical Center means a facility such Out-of-Network Provider and/or by properly licensed pursuant to Chapter 395 of the other Providers as participating providers in Florida Statutes,or a similar applicable law of other provider networks of third-party payers another state,the primary purpose of which is to which may include,for example,other provide elective surgical care to a patient, insurance companies and/or health admitted to, and discharged from such facility maintenance organizations); (iii)payment within the same working day. amounts which are consistent, as Applied Behavior Analysis means the design, determined by BCBSF,with BCBSF's implementation and evaluation of environmental provider network strategies(e.g., does not modifications, using behavioral stimuli and result in payment that encourages Providers consequences to produce socially significant participating in a BCBSF network to become improvement in human behavior,including, but non-participating); and/or, (iv)the cost of not limited to,the use of direct observation, providing the specific Covered Services. In measurement and functional analysis of the the case of an Out-of-Network Provider that relations between environment and behavior. has not entered into an agreement with Artificial Insemination (Al) means a medical another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield procedure in which sperm is placed into the organization to provide access to discounts female reproductive tract by a qualified health from the billed amount for the specific care provider for the purpose of producing a Covered Services under the BlueCard (Out- pregnancy. of-State)Program, the Allowed Amount for Autism Spectrum Disorder means any of the the specific Covered Services provided to following disorders as defined in the diagnostic you may be based upon the amount categories of the International Classification of provided to BCBSF by the other Blue Cross Diseases, Ninth Edition, Clinical Modification and/or Blue Shield organization where the (ICD-9 CM),or their equivalents in the most Services were provided at the amount such recently published version of the American organization would pay non-participating Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Providers in its geographic area for such Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: Services. 1. Autistic disorder; Please specifically note that, in the case of an 2. Asperger's syndrome; Out-of-Network Provider that has not entered into an agreement with BCBSF to provide 3. Pervasive developmental disorder not access to a discount from the billed amount of otherwise specified;and that Provider, the Allowed Amount for particular 4. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder. Services is often substantially below the amount Definitions 23.2 Benefit Period means a consecutive period of BlueCard®(Out-of-State)PPO Program time, specified by BCBSF and the Group, in Provider means a Provider designated as a which benefits accumulate toward the BlueCard®(Out-of-State)PPO Program Provider satisfaction of Deductibles,out-of-pocket by the Host Blue. maximums and any applicable benefit BlueCard (Out-of-State)Traditional Program maximums. Your Benefit Period is listed on your Provider means a Provider designated as a Schedule of Benefits,and will not be less than BlueCard®(Out-of-State)Traditional Program 12 months unless indicated as such. Provider by the Host Blue. Birth Center means a facility or institution, other Bone Marrow Transplant means human blood than a Hospital or Ambulatory Surgical Center, precursor cells administered to a patient to which is properly licensed pursuant to Chapter restore normal hematological and immunological 383 of the Florida Statutes,or a similar functions following ablative or non-ablative applicable law of another state, in which births therapy with curative or life-prolonging intent. are planned to occur away from the mother's Human blood precursor cells may be obtained usual residence following a normal, from the patient in an autologous transplant, or uncomplicated, low-risk pregnancy. an allogeneic transplant from a medically ® acceptable related or unrelated donor, and may BlueCard (Out-of-State) Program means a be derived from bone marrow, the circulating national Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association blood,or a combination of bone marrow and program available through Blue Cross and Blue circulating blood. If chemotherapy is an integral Shield of Florida, Inc. Subject to any applicable part of the treatment involving bone marrow BlueCard'(Out-of-State) Program rules and transplantation,the term "Bone Marrow protocols, you may have access to the Provider Transplant"includes the transplantation as well discounts of other participating Blue Cross and/or as the administration of chemotherapy and the Blue Shield plans. Seethe BlueCard®(Out-of- chemotherapy drugs. The term "Bone Marrow State)Program section for more details. Transplant"also includes any Services or ® supplies relating to any treatment or therapy BlueCard (Out-of-State) PPO Program involving the use of high dose or intensive dose means a national Blue Cross and Blue Shield chemotherapy and human blood precursor cells Association program available through Blue and includes any and all Hospital, Physician or Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. Subject to other health care Provider Health Care Services any applicable BlueCard®(Out-of-State) which are rendered in order to treat the effects Program rules and protocols,you may have of, or complications arising from, the use of high access to the BlueCard®(Out-of-State) PPO dose or intensive dose chemotherapy or human Program discounts of other participating Blue blood precursor cells(e.g., Hospital room and Cross and/or Blue Shield plans. board and ancillary Services). BlueCard®(Out-of-State)Traditional Program Calendar Year begins January 1st and ends means a national Blue Cross and Blue Shield December 31st. Association program available through Blue Cardiac Therapy means Health Care Services Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. Subject to provided under the supervision of a Physician, any applicable BlueCard (Out-of-State) or an appropriate Provider trained for Cardiac Program rules and protocols, you may have Therapy,for the purpose of aiding in the access to the BlueCard®(Out-of-State) restoration of normal heart function in Traditional Program discounts of other connection with a myocardial infarction, participating Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield coronary occlusion or coronary bypass surgery. plans. Defindions 23-3 Certified Nurse Midwife means a person who or terminate coverage, benefits,or payment is licensed pursuant to Chapter 464 of the under the personal case management Program Florida Statutes, or a similar applicable law of as described in the"Blueprint For Health another state, as an advanced nurse practitioner Programs" section of this Benefit Booklet. and who is certified to practice midwifery by the American College of Nurse Midwives. Condition means a disease, illness, ailment, injury, or pregnancy. Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist means a person who is a properly licensed Convenient Care Center means a properly nurse who is a certified advanced registered licensed ambulatory center that: 1)treats a nurse practitioner within the nurse anesthetist limited number of common, low-intensity category pursuant to Chapter 464 of the Florida illnesses when ready access to the patient's Statutes, or a similar applicable law of another primary physician is not possible; 2)shares state. clinical information about the treatment with the patient's primary physician; 3) is usually housed Claim Involving Urgent Care means any in a retail business; and 4)is staffed by at least request or application for coverage or benefits one master's level nurse(ARNP)who operates for medical care or treatment that has not yet under a set of clinical protocols that strictly been provided to you with respect to which the circumscribe the conditions the ARNP can treat. application of time periods for making non- Although no physician is present at the urgent care benefit determinations: (1)could Convenient Care Center, medical oversight is seriously jeopardize your life or health or your based on a written collaborative agreement ability to regain maximum function; or(2)in the between a supervising physician and the ARNP. opinion of a Physician with knowledge of your Condition,would subject you to severe pain that Copayment means the dollar amount cannot be adequately managed without the established solely by BCBSF and Monroe proposed Services being rendered. County BOCC which is required to be paid to a health care Provider by you at the time certain Coinsurance means your share of health care Covered Services are rendered by that Provider. expenses for Covered Services. After your Deductible requirement is met, a percentage of Cost Share means the dollar or percentage the Allowed Amount will be paid for Covered amount established solely by us,which must be Services, as listed in the Schedule of Benefits. paid to a health care Provider by you at the time The percentage you are responsible for is your Covered Services are rendered by that Provider. Coinsurance. Cost Share may include, but is not limited to Coinsurance, Copayment, Deductible and/or Per Concurrent Care Decision means a decision Admission Deductible(PAD)amounts. by us to deny, reduce, or terminate coverage, Applicable Cost Share amounts are identified in benefits, or payment(in whole or in part)with your Schedule of Benefits. respect to a course of treatment to be provided over a period of time, or a specific number of Covered Dependent means an Eligible treatments, if we had previously approved or Dependent who meets and continues to meet all authorized in writing coverage, benefits, or applicable eligibility requirements and who is payment for that course of treatment or number enrolled, and actually covered, under the Group Health Plan other than as a Covered Plan of treatments. Participant(See the"Eligibility Requirements for As defined herein, a Concurrent Care Decision Dependent(s)"subsection of the"Eligibility for shall not include any decision to deny, reduce, Coverage" section). Definitions 23_4 Covered Person means a Covered Plan determined by a licensed Physician or Participant or a Covered Dependent. Psychologist, while keeping the physiological Covered Plan Participant means an Eligible risk to the individual at a minimum. Employee or other individual who meets and Diabetes Educator means a person who is continues to meet all applicable eligibility properly certified pursuant to Florida law, or a requirements and who is enrolled, and actually similar applicable law of another state,to covered, under this Benefit Booklet other than supervise diabetes outpatient self-management as a Covered Dependent. training and educational services. Covered Services means those Health Care Dialysis Center means an outpatient facility Services which meet the criteria listed in the certified by the Centers for Medicare and "What Is Covered?"section. Medicaid Services (CMMS)and the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (or a Custodial or Custodial Care means care that similar regulatory agency of another state)to serves to assist an individual in the activities of provide hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis daily living, such as assistance in walking, services and support. getting in and out of bed, bathing,dressing, feeding, and using the toilet, preparation of Dietitian means a person who is properly special diets,and supervision of medication that licensed pursuant to Florida law or a similar usually can be self-administered. Custodial applicable law of another state to provide Care essentially is personal care that does not nutrition counseling for diabetes outpatient self- require the continuing attention of trained management services. medical or paramedical personnel. In determining whether a person is receiving Durable Medical Equipment means equipment Custodial Care, consideration is given to the furnished by a supplier or a Home Health frequency, intensity and level of care and Agency that: 1)can withstand repeated use; medical supervision required and furnished. A 2)is primarily and customarily used to serve a determination that care received is Custodial is medical purpose;3)not for comfort or not based on the patient's diagnosis,type of convenience; 4)generally is not useful to an Condition, degree of functional limitation, or individual in the absence of a Condition; and rehabilitation potential. 5) is appropriate for use in the home. Deductible means the amount of charges, up to Durable Medical Equipment Provider means a the Allowed Amount, for Covered Services that person or entity that is properly licensed, if are your responsibility. The term, Deductible, applicable, under Florida law(or a similar does not include any amounts you are applicable law of another state)to provide home responsible for in excess of the Allowed Amount, medical equipment, oxygen therapy services, or or any CoinsurancelCopay amounts, if dialysis supplies in the patient's home under a applicable. Physician's prescription. Detoxification means a process whereby an Effective Date means,with respect to alcohol or drug intoxicated, or alcohol or drug individuals covered under this Benefit Booklet, dependent, individual is assisted through the 12:01 a.m. on the date Monroe County BOCC period of time necessary to eliminate, by specifies that the coverage will commence as metabolic or other means, the intoxicating further described in the "Enrollment and alcohol or drug, alcohol or drug dependent Effective Date of Coverage" section of this factors or alcohol in combination with drugs as Benefit Booklet. Definitions 23-5 Eligible Dependent means an individual who Endorsement means an amendment to the meets and continues to meet all of the eligibility Group Health Plan or this Booklet. requirements described in the Eligibility Requirements for Dependent(s)subsection of Enrollment Date means the date of enrollment the Eligibility for Coverage section in this Benefit of the individual under the Group Health Plan or, Booklet, and is eligible to enroll as a Covered if earlier,the first day of the Waiting Period of Dependent. such enrollment. Eligible Employee means an active employee Enrollment Forms means those forms, or retiree who meets and continues to meet all electronic(where available)or paper, which are of the eligibility requirements described in the used to maintain accurate enrollment files under Eligibility Requirements for Covered Plan this Benefit Booklet. Participant subsection of the Eligibility for Coverage section in the Benefit Booklet and is Experimental or Investigational means any eligible to enroll as a Covered Plan Participant. evaluation,treatment, therapy, or device which Any individual who is an Eligible Employee is not involves the application,administration or use, of a Covered Plan Participant until such individual procedures,techniques,equipment, supplies, has actually enrolled with, and been accepted products, remedies, vaccines, biological for coverage as a Covered Plan Participant by products,drugs, pharmaceuticals, or chemical Monroe County BOCC. compounds if, as determined solely by BCBSF: Emergency Medical Condition means a 1. such evaluation, treatment, therapy, or medical or psychiatric Condition or an injury device cannot be lawfully marketed without manifesting itself by acute symptoms of approval of the United States Food and sufficient severity(including severe pain)such Drug Administration or the Florida that a prudent layperson, who possesses an Department of Health and approval for average knowledge of health and medicine, marketing has not,in fact, been given at the could reasonably expect the absence of time such is furnished to you; or immediate medical attention to result in a condition described in clause(i), (ii), or(iii)of 2• such evaluation,treatment,therapy, or Section 1867(e)(1)(A)of the Social Security Act. device is provided pursuant to a written protocol which describes as among its Emergency Services means,with respect to an objectives the following: determinations of Emergency Medical Condition: safety, efficacy, or efficacy in comparison to 1. a medical screening examination (as the standard evaluation,treatment,therapy, required under Section 1867 of the Social or device; or Security Act)that is within the capability of 3. such evaluation, treatment, therapy, or the emergency department of a Hospital, device is delivered or should be delivered including ancillary Services routinely subject to the approval and supervision of available to the emergency department to an institutional review board or other entity evaluate such Emergency Medical as required and defined by federal Condition; and regulations; or 2. within the capabilities of the staff and facilities available at the hospital, such 4• credible scientific evidence shows that such further medical examination and treatment evaluation,treatment,therapy, or device is as are required under Section 1867 of such the subject of an ongoing Phase I or II Act to Stabilize the patient. clinical investigation, or the experimental or research arm of a Phase III clinical Definitions 23.6 investigation, or under stud to determine: 9 Y 3. published reports, articles, or other literature maximum tolerated dosage(s),toxicity, of the United States Department of Health i safety, efficacy, or efficacy as compared and Human Services or the United States with the standard means for treatment or Public Health Service, including any of the diagnosis of the Condition in question; or National Institutes of Health, or the United 5. credible scientific evidence shows that the States Office of Technology Assessment; consensus of opinion among experts is that 4. the written protocol or protocols relied upon further studies, research,or clinical by the treating Physician or institution or the investigations are necessary to determine: protocols of another Physician or institution maximum tolerated dosage(s),toxicity, studying substantially the same evaluation, safety, efficacy, or efficacy as compared treatment,therapy, or device; with the standard means for treatment or 5. the written informed consent used by the diagnosis of the Condition in question; or treating Physician or institution or by another 6* credible scientific evidence shows that such Physician or institution studying substantially evaluation,treatment, therapy, or device has the same evaluation,treatment, therapy, or not been proven safe and effective for device; or treatment of the Condition in question,as 6. the records(including any reports)of any evidenced in the most recently published institutional review board of any institution Medical Literature in the United States, which has reviewed the evaluation, Canada, or Great Britain, using generally treatment, therapy, accepted scientific, medical, or public health or device for the Condition in question. methodologies or statistical practices;or Note: Health Care Services which are 7. there is no consensus among practicing determined by BCBSF to be Experimental or Physicians that the treatment,therapy,or Investigational are excluded (see the"What device is safe and effective for the Condition Is Not Covered?"section). In determining in question; or whether a Health Care Service is 8. such evaluation, treatment, therapy, or Experimental or Investigational, BCBSF may device is not the standard treatment, also rely on the predominant opinion among therapy, or device utilized by practicing experts, as expressed in the published Physicians in treating other patients with the authoritative literature,that usage of a same or similar Condition, particular evaluation,treatment,therapy, or "Credible scientific evidence"shall mean (as device should be substantially confined to determined by BCBSF): research settings or that further studies are necessary In order to define safety,toxicity, 1. records maintained by Physicians or effectiveness,or effectiveness compared Hospitals rendering care or treatment to you with standard alternatives. or other patients with the same or similar Condition; FDA means the United States Food and Drug 2. reports,articles, or written assessments in Administration. authoritative medical and scientific literature Foster Child means a person who is placed in published in the United States, Canada,or your residence and care under the Foster Care Great Britain; Program by the Florida Department of Health & Rehabilitative Services in compliance with Florida Statutes or by a similar regulatory Definrhons 23_7 agency of another state in compliance with that pharmaceuticals,chemical compounds, and state's applicable laws. other services rendered or supplied, by or at the Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer(GIFT)means direction of, Providers. the direct transfer of a mixture of sperm and Home Health Agency means a properly eggs into the fallopian tube by a qualified health licensed agency or organization which provides care provider. Fertilization takes place inside health services in the home pursuant to Chapter the tube. 400 of the Florida Statutes,or a similar applicable law of another state. Generally Accepted Standards of Medical Practice means standards that are based on Home Health Care or Home Health Care credible scientific evidence published in peer- Services means Physician-directed reviewed medical literature generally recognized professional,technical and related medical and by the relevant medical community, Physician personal care Services provided on an Specialty Society recommendations, and the intermittent or part-time basis directly by(or views of Physicians practicing in relevant clinical indirectly through)a Home Health Agency in areas and any other relevant factors. your home or residence. For purposes of this Gestational Surrogate means a woman, definition, a Hospital, Skilled Nursing Facility, nursing home or other facility will not be regardless of age,who contracts,orally or in considered an individual's home or residence. writing,to become pregnant by means of assisted reproductive technology without the use Hospice means a public agency or private of an egg from her body. organization which is duly licensed by the State Gestational Surrogacy Contract or of Florida under applicable law, or a similar Arrangement means an oral or written applicable law of another state, to provide agreement, regardless of the state or jurisdiction hospice services. In addition, such licensed where executed, between the Gestational entity must be principally engaged in providing Surrogate and the intended parent or parents. pain relief,symptom management, and supportive services to terminally ill persons and Group means the employer, labor union,trust, their families. association, partnership,or corporation, department,other organization or entity through Hospital means a facility properly licensed which coverage and benefits under this Benefit Pursuant to Chapter 395 of the Florida Statutes, Booklet are made available to you, and through or a similar applicable law of another state, that: which you and your Covered Dependents offers services which are more intensive than become entitled to coverage and benefits for the those required for room, board, personal � Covered Services described herein. services and general nursing care;offers facilities and beds for use beyond 24 hours; and Group Health Plan or Group Plan means the regularly makes available at least clinical plan established and maintained by Monroe laboratory services, diagnostic x-ray services County BOCC for the provision of health care and treatment facilities for surgery or obstetrical coverage and benefits to the individuals covered care or other definitive medical treatment of under this Benefit Booklet. similar extent. Health Care Services or Services includes The term Hospital does not include: an treatments,therapies,devices,procedures, Ambulatory Surgical Center; a Skilled Nursing techniques, equipment, supplies, products, Facility;a stand-alone Birthing Center;a remedies,vaccines, biological products,drugs, Psychiatric Facility; a Substance Abuse Facility; Definitions 23-8 i a convalescent, rest or nursing home;or a appropriately registered with the Agency for facility which primarily provides Custodial, Health Care Administration and must comply educational,or Rehabilitative Therapies. with all applicable Florida law or laws of the State in which it operates. Further, such an Note: If services specifically for the entity must meet BCBSF's criteria for eligibility treatment of a physical disability are as an Independent Diagnostic Testing Facility. provided in a licensed Hospital which is accredited by the Joint Commission on the In-Network means,when used in reference to Accreditation of Health Care Organizations, Covered Services,the level of benefits payable the American Osteopathic Association,or to an In-Network Provider as designated on the the Commission on the Accreditation of Schedule of Benefits under the heading "In- Rehabilitative Facilities, payment for these Network". Otherwise, In-Network means,when services will not be denied solely because used in reference to a Provider, that,at the time such Hospital lacks major surgical facilities Covered Services are rendered,the Provider is an In-Network Provider under the terms of this and is primarily of a rehabilitative nature. Booklet. Recognition of these facilities does not expand the scope of Covered Services. It In-Network Provider means any health care only expands the setting where Covered Provider who, at the time Covered Services Services can be performed for coverage were rendered to you, was under contract with purposes. BCBSF to participate in BCBSF's NetworkBlue i and included in the panel of providers Identification(ID)Card means the card(s) designated by BCBSF as"In-Network"for your issued to Covered Plan Participants under the specific plan. (Please refer to your Schedule of BlueOptions Group Health Plan. The card is not Benefits). For payment purposes under this transferable to another person. Possession of Benefit Booklet only,the term In-Network such card in no way guarantees that a particular Provider also refers,when applicable, to any individual is eligible for, or covered under, this health care Provider located outside the state of Benefit Booklet. Florida who or which, at the time Health Care Independent Clinical Laboratory means a Services were rendered to you, participated as a BlueCard (Out-of-State) PPO Program Provider laboratory properly licensed pursuant to Chapter under the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association's 483 of the Florida Statutes, or a similar BlueCard®(Out-of-State) Program. applicable law of another state,where examinations are performed on materials or In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)means a process in specimens taken from the human body to which an egg and sperm are combined in a provide information or materials used in the laboratory dish to facilitate fertilization. If diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a fertilized,the resulting embryo is transferred to Condition. the woman's uterus. Independent Diagnostic Testing Facility Licensed Practical Nurse means a person means a facility, independent of a Hospital or properly licensed to practice practical nursing Physician's office,which is a fixed location, a pursuant to Chapter 464 of the Florida Statues, mobile entity, or an individual non-Physician or a similar applicable law of another state. practitioner where diagnostic tests are Massage Therapist means a person properly performed by a licensed Physician or by licensed to practice Massage, pursuant to licensed, certified non-Physician personnel Chapter 480 of the Florida Statutes,or a similar under appropriate Physician supervision. An applicable law of another state. Independent Diagnostic Testing Facility must be Definitions 23-9 i I` Massage or Massage Therapy means the Note: It is important to remember that any manipulation of superficial tissues of the human review of Medical Necessity by us is solely for body using the hand,foot, arm, or elbow. For the purpose of determining coverage or benefits purposes of this Benefit Booklet,the term under this Booklet and not for the purpose of Massage or Massage Therapy does not include recommending or providing medical care. In this the application or use of the following or similar respect,we may review specific medical facts or techniques or items for the purpose of aiding in information pertaining to you. Any such review, the manipulation of superficial tissues: hot or however, is strictly for the purpose of cold packs; hydrotherapy; colonic irrigation; determining, among other things, whether a thermal therapy; chemical or herbal Service provided or proposed meets the preparations; paraffin baths; infrared light; definition of Medical Necessity in this Booklet as ultraviolet light; Hubbard tank; or contrast baths. determined by us. In applying the definition of Medical Necessity in this Booklet, we may apply Mastectomy means the removal of all or part of the breast for Medically Necessary reasons as our coverage and payment guidelines then ineffect. You are free to obtain a Service even if determined by a Physician. we deny coverage because the Service is not Medical literature means scientific studies Medically Necessary; however, you will be solely published in a United States peer-reviewed responsible for paying for the Service. national professional journal. Medicare means the federal health insurance Medical Pharmacy means Physician- provided under Title XVIII of the Social Security administered Prescription Drugs which are Act and all amendments thereto. rendered in a Physician's office Medication Guide for the purpose of this Medically Necessary or Medical Necessity Benefit Booklet means the guide then in effect means that,with respect to a Health Care issued by us where you may find information Service, a Physician, exercising prudent clinical about Specialty Drugs, Prescription Drugs that judgment, provided the Health Care Service to require prior coverage authorization and Self- you for the purpose of preventing, evaluating, Administered Prescription Drugs that may be diagnosing or treating an illness, injury, disease covered under this plan. or its symptoms, and that the Health Care Note: The Medication Guide is subject to Service was: change at any time. Please refer to our website 1. in accordance with Generally Accepted at www.bcbsfl.com for the most current guide or Standards of Medical Practice; you may call the customer service phone 2. clinically appropriate, in terms of type, number on your Identification Card for current frequency, extent, site and duration, and information. considered effective for your illness, injury or Mental Health Professional means a person disease; and properly licensed to provide mental health 3. not primarily for your convenience,or that of Services, pursuant to Chapter 491 of the Florida your Physician or other health care Provider, Statutes, or a similar applicable law of another and not more costly than an alternative state. This professional may be a clinical social Service or sequence of Services at least as worker,mental health counselor or marriage and likely to produce equivalent therapeutic or family therapist. A Mental Health Professional diagnostic results as to the diagnosis or does not include members of any religious treatment of your illness. denomination who provide counseling services. Definmons 23-10 J Mental and Nervous Disorder means any Out-of-Network Provider means a Provider disorder listed in the diagnostic categories of the who, at the time Health Care Services were International Classification of Diseases, Ninth rendered: Edition, Clinical Modification(ICD-9 CM), or their 1. did not have a contract with us to participate equivalents in the most recently published in NetworkBlue but was participating in our version of the American Psychiatric Traditional Program;or Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 2. did not have a contract with a Host Blue to of Mental Disorders, regardless of the underlying participate in its local PPO Program for cause,or effect, of the disorder. purposes of the BlueCard®(Out-of-State) Midwife means a person properly licensed to PPO Program but was participating, for practice midwifery pursuant to Chapter 467 of purposes of the BlueCard®(Out-of-State) the Florida Statutes, or a similar applicable law Program, as a BlueCard®(Out-of-State) of another state. Traditional Program Provider;or NetworkBlue means, or refers to,the preferred 3. did have a contract to participate in provider network established and so designated NetworkBlue but was not included in the by BCBSF which is available to individuals panel of Providers designated by us to be covered under this Benefit Booklet. Please note In-Network for your Plan; or that BCBSF's Preferred Patient Care(PPC) 4. did not have a contract with us to participate preferred provider network is not available to in NetworkBlue or our Traditional Program; individuals covered under this Benefit Booklet. or Occupational Therapist means a person 5. did not have a contract with a Host Blue to properly licensed to practice Occupational participate for purposes of the BlueCard® Therapy pursuant to Chapter 468 of the Florida (Out-of-State)Program as a BlueCard® Statutes,or a similar applicable law of another (Out-of State)Traditional Program Provider. state. Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility means an entity which renders,through providers properly Occupational Therapy means a treatment that follows an illness or injury and is designed to licensed pursuant to Florida law or the similar help a patient learn to use a newly restored or law or laws of another state: outpatient physical previously impaired function. therapy; outpatient speech therapy; outpatient occupational therapy; outpatient cardiac Orthotic Device means any rigid or semi-rigid rehabilitation therapy; and outpatient Massage device needed to support a weak or deformed for the primary purpose of restoring or improving body part or restrict or eliminate body a bodily function impaired or eliminated by a movement. Condition. Further, such an entity must meet BCBSF's criteria for eligibility as an Outpatient Out-of-Network means,when used in reference Rehabilitation Facility. The term Outpatient to Covered Services,the level of benefits Rehabilitation Facility, as used herein, shall not payable to an Out-of-Network Provider as include any Hospital including a general acute designated on the Schedule of Benefits under care Hospital, or any separately organized unit the heading "Out-of-Network". Otherwise, Out- of a Hospital, which provides comprehensive of-Network means, when used in reference to a medical rehabilitation inpatient services,or Provider, that, at the time Covered Services are rehabilitation outpatient services, including, but rendered, the Provider is not an In-Network not limited to,a Class III "specialty rehabilitation Provider under the terms of this Booklet. hospital"described in Chapter 59A, Florida Definitions 23_11 Administrative Code or the similar law or laws of diplomates certified by a board recognized by another state. the American Board of Medical Specialties. Pain Management includes, but is not limited Post-Service Claim means any paper or to,Services for pain assessment, medication, electronic request or application for coverage, physical therapy, biofeedback, and/or benefits, or payment for a Service actually counseling. Pain rehabilitation programs are provided to you (not just proposed or programs featuring multidisciplinary Services recommended)that is received by us on a directed toward helping those with chronic pain properly completed claim form or electronic to reduce or limit their pain. format acceptable to us in accordance with the Partial Hospitalization means treatment in provisions of this section. which an individual receives at least seven Pre-Service Claim means any request or hours of institutional care during a portion of a application for coverage or benefits for a Service 24-hour period and returns home or leaves the that has not yet been provided to you and with treatment facility during any period in which respect to which the terms of the Benefit Booklet treatment is not scheduled. A Hospital shall not condition payment for the Service(in whole or in be considered a"home"for purposes of this part)on approval by us of coverage or benefits definition, for the Service before you receive it. A Pre- Physical Therapy means the treatment of Service Claim may be a Claim Involving Urgent Care. As defined herein, a Pre-Service Claim disease or injury by physical or mechanical shall not include a request for a decision or means as defined in Chapter 486 of the Florida opinion by us regarding coverage, benefits, or Statutes or a similar applicable law of another payment for a Service that has not actually been state. Such therapy may include traction,active rendered to you if the terms of the Benefit or passive exercises, or heat therapy. Booklet do not require(or condition payment Physical Therapist means a person properly upon)approval by us of coverage or benefits for licensed to practice Physical Therapy pursuant the Service before it is received. to Chapter 486 of the Florida Statutes, or a Prescription Drug means any medicinal similar applicable law of another state. substance, remedy,vaccine, biological product, Physician means any individual who is properly drug,pharmaceutical or chemical compound licensed by the state of Florida, or a similar which can only be dispensed with a Prescription applicable law of another state, as a Doctor of and/or which is required by state law to bear the Medicine(M.D.), Doctor of Osteopathy(D.O.), following statement or similar statement on the Doctor of Podiatry(D.P.M.), Doctor of label: "Caution: Federal law prohibits Chiropractic(D.C.), Doctor of Dental Surgery or dispensing without a Prescription". Dental Medicine(D.D.S. or D.M.D.), or Doctor of Prior/Concurrent Coverage Affidavit means Optometry(O.D.). the form that an Eligible Employee or Eligible Physician Assistant means a person properly Dependent can submit to BCBSF as proof of the licensed pursuant to Chapter 458 of the Florida amount of time the Eligible Employee was Statutes,or a similar applicable law of another covered under Creditable Coverage. state. ProsthetisUOrthotist means a person or entity Physician Specialty Society means a United that is properly licensed, if applicable, under States medical specialty society that represents Florida law, or a similar applicable law of another state,to provide services consisting of Definitions 23-12 the design and fabrication of medical devices eliminated by a Condition, and include, but are such as braces, splints, and artificial limbs not limited to, Physical Therapy, Speech prescribed by a Physician. Therapy, Pain Management, pulmonary therapy Prosthetic Device means a device which or Cardiac Therapy. replaces all or part of a body part or an internal Self-Administered Prescription Drug means body organ or replaces all or part of the an FDA-approved Prescription Drug that you functions of a permanently inoperative or may administer to yourself, as recommended by malfunctioning body part or organ. a Physician. Provider means any facility, person or entity Skilled Nursing Facility means an institution or recognized for payment by BCBSF under this part thereof which meets BCBSF's criteria for Booklet. eligibility as a Skilled Nursing Facility and which: 1)is licensed as a Skilled Nursing Facility by the Psychiatric Facility means a facility properly state of Florida or a similar applicable law of licensed under Florida law, or a similar another state;and 2)is accredited as a Skilled applicable law of another state,to provide for the Nursing Facility by the Joint Commission on care and treatment of Mental and Nervous Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations or Disorders. For purposes of this Booklet, a recognized as a Skilled Nursing Facility by the Psychiatric Facility is not a Hospital or a Secretary of Health and Human Services of the Substance Abuse Facility, as defined herein. United States under Medicare, unless such accreditation or recognition requirement has Psychologist means a person properly licensed been waived by BCBSF. to practice psychology pursuant to Chapter 490 of the Florida Statutes,or a similar applicable Sound Natural Teeth means teeth that are law of another state. whole or properly restored(restoration with amalgams, resin or composite only); are without Registered Nurse means a person properly impairment, periodontal, or other conditions; and licensed to practice professional nursing are not in need of Services provided for any pursuant to Chapter 464 of the Florida Statutes, reason other than an Accidental Dental Injury. or a similar applicable law of another state. Teeth previously restored with a crown, inlay, onlay,or porcelain restoration, or treated with Registered Nurse First Assistant(RNFA) endodontics, are not Sound Natural Teeth. means a person properly licensed to perform surgical first assisting services pursuant to Specialty Drug means an FDA-approved Chapter 464 of the Florida Statutes or a similar Prescription Drug that has been designated, applicable law of another state. solely by us, as a Specialty Drug due to special handling, storage, training, distribution Rehabilitation Services means Services for the requirements and/or management of therapy, purpose of restoring function lost due to illness, Specialty Drugs may be Provider administered injury or surgical procedures including but not or self-administered and are identified with a limited to cardiac rehabilitation, pulmonary special symbol in the Medication Guide. rehabilitation, Occupational Therapy, Speech Specialty Pharmacy means a Pharmacy that Therapy, Physical Therapy and Massage has signed a Participating Pharmacy Provider Therapy. Agreement with us to provide specific Rehabilitative Therapies means therapies the Prescription Drug products, as determined by primary purpose of which is to restore or us. In-Network Specialty Pharmacies are listed improve bodily or mental functions impaired or in the Medication Guide. Definitions 23_1 g Speech Therapy means the treatment of Traditional Program Providers means,or speech and language disorders by a Speech refers to,those health care Providers who are Therapist including language assessment and not NetworkBlue Providers, but who, or which, at language restorative therapy services. the time you received Services from them were Stabilize shall have the same meaning with participating in the Traditional Program. For regard to Emergency Services as the term is purposes of payment under this Benefit Booklet defined in Section 1867 of the Social Security only,the term Traditional Program Provider also Act. refers,when applicable, to any health care Provider located outside the state of Florida who Speech Therapist means a person properly or which, at the time Health Care Services were licensed to practice Speech Therapy pursuant to rendered to you, participated as a BlueCard® Chapter 468 of the Florida Statutes,or a similar Traditional Provider under the Blue Cross and applicable law of another state. Blue Shield Association's BlueCard®Program. Traditional providers are considered out of Standard Reference Compendium means: network for benefit calculation purposes; 1)the United States Pharmacopoeia Drug however, does not balance bill the member. Information; 2)the American Medical Association Drug Evaluation;or 3)the American Urgent Care Center means a facility properly Hospital Formulary Service Hospital Drug licensed that: 1)is available to provide Services Information. to patients at least 60 hours per week with at Substance Abuse Facility means a facility least twenty-five(25)of those available hours properly licensed under Florida law, or a similar after 5:00 p.m. on weekdays or on Saturday or Sunday;2) posts instructions for individuals applicable law of another state,to provide necessary care and treatment for Substance seeking Health Care Services, in a conspicuous Dependency. For the purposes of this Booklet a public place, as to where to obtain such Services when the Urgent Care Center is Substance Abuse Facility is not a Hospital or a closed; 3)employs or contracts with at least one Psychiatric Facility, as defined herein. or more Board Certified or Board Eligible Substance Dependency means a Condition Physicians and Registered Nurses(RNs)who where a person's alcohol or drug use injures his are physically present during all hours of or her health; interferes with his or her social or operation. Physicians, RNs, and other medical economic functioning; or causes the individual to professional staff must have appropriate training lose self-control. and skills for the care of adults and children; and 4)maintains and operates basic diagnostic Traditional Program means, or refers to, radiology and laboratory equipment in BCBSF's provider contracting programs called compliance with applicable state and/or federal Payment for Physician Services (PPS)and laws and regulations. Payment for Hospital Services(PHS). For purposes of this Benefit Booklet,the term For purposes of this Benefit Booklet, an Urgent Traditional Program also refers, when Care Center is not a Hospital, Psychiatric applicable, to the traditional Provider contracting Facility, Substance Abuse Facility, Skilled programs of other Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Nursing Facility or Outpatient Rehabilitation organizations as designated under the Blue Facility. Cross and Blue Shield Association's BlueCard® Waiting Period means the length of time Program. established by Monroe County BOCC which must be met by an individual before that Definitions 23-14 individual becomes eligible for coverage under this Benefit Booklet. Zygote Intrafalloplan Transfer(ZIFT)means a process in which an egg is fertilized in the laboratory and the resulting zygote is transferred to the fallopian tube at the pronuclear stage (before cell division takes place). The eggs are retrieved and fertilized on one day and the zygote is transferred the following day. Definitions 23-15 Qualified Medical Child Support Orders Disclaimer Qualified Medical Child Support Orders- The Plan will provide benefits as required by any Qualified Medical Child Support Order (MCSO). A MCSO can be either:1) A Qualified Medical Child Support Order (MCSO) that satisfies the requirements of Section 609(a) of ERISA;or 2) A National Medical Support Notice(NMSN)that satisfies the requirements of Section 1908 of the Social Security Act. Upon receipt of a MCSO or NMSN by a Covered Employee/Retiree notification must be given to the Monroe County Group Health Plan Administrator(Benefits Office)within 31 days of receipt. The Covered Employee/Retiree will need to provide any reasonable information or assistance to the Monroe County Group Health Plan Administrator (Benefits Office) in connection with the MCSO. Disclaimer t