Item K2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: September 18.2013 Division: Monroe Coun Sheriffs Office Bulk Item: Yes X No _ Department: Grants Staff Contact Person/Phone#: Tamara Snider 1292-7092 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to execute Amendment#0002 to DCF Criminal Justice Mental Health and Substance Abuse Reinvestment Grant 1 MOU for the"Third Year". ITEM BACKGROUND: In March of 2013 Department of Children and Families approved the third year funding of the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Reinvestment Grant in the amount of$249,980.28 bringing direct funding total for all three years to$615.251.42. DCF is now requesting the Mayor's signature on the third year Memorandum of Understanding. In February 2012 Department of Children and Families approved the second year funding of the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Reinvestment Grant. DCF is now requesting the Mayor's signature on the second year Memorandum of Understanding. On April 22, 2011, a MOU was executed between DCF and Monroe County. On April 29, 2011, the Monroe County Sheriffs Office was advised by DCF that it should apply for 100%of the first year's funds in advance, due to the possibility that said funds may not be available after June 30, 2011. A separate form requires the Mayor's signature in order to obtain the advance funds. In February 2011 a request was submitted to the BOCC to(1)Approval to execute Memorandum of Understanding#LHZ237 between the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families and Monroe County in order to accept a three-year Implementation Grant in the amount of$749,469.00, and (2)approval of Memorandum of Understanding between the Monroe County Sheriffs Office and County regarding the Implementation Grant. In September 2010, the BOCC approved the Sheriffs request to submit an application for the Implementation Grant. On or about January 12, 2011, the Sheriff was notified that the State had awarded the grant. This Implementation Grant will help the Sheriffs Office to provide alternatives to detention for offenders who are mentally ill and/or have substance abuse problems. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: See above. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: None STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval. i TOTAL COST: i1"Year= $249,823 00/2"a Year= 114 952.88+495.26 =$115,448.1413nd Year=1249,980.28 249 143.42+679.58+157.28 = 249 980.28 /Grant Total for 3 Years$615,251.42 INDIRECT COST: BUDGETED: Yes X No DIFFERENTIALIOF LOCAL PREFERENCE: n/a COST TO COUNTY:$0.00 In-Kind Match Explanation: *Lower Keys Medical Center-$250,000 per year for Medical Services (x 3 years =$750,000.00) *Institute of Criminal Justice—FKCC-$4,200.00 per year for CIT Training Space(x 3 years=$12,600.00 *16`h Judicial Circuit Drug - $5,936.32 per year for Counseling &Drug Testing (x 3 years =$17,808.96). MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract with: Monroe County Sheriff Effective Date: April 22, 2011 Expiration Date: 3 Year Grant Contract Purpose/Description: Criminal Justice Mental Health and Substance Abuse Reinvestment Grant MOU for the third year. Contract Manager: Tamara Snider 292-7092 Monroe County Sheriffs Office (Name) (Ext.) (Department) for BOCC meeting on Se tember,l8, 2013 Agenda Deadline: September 3, 2013 CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: $615,251.42 Current Year Portion: $0.00(starts next FY) Budgeted?Yes X No Account Codes: -XXXXXX Grant: $615,251.42 for 3 years(1't Year=$249,823.0012"d Year= 114,952.88+495.26= 115 448.141 P Year=$249,980.28 249143.42+679.58+157.28 = 249 980.28 1 Grant Total for 3 Years$615,251.42 County Match: $0.00 NOTE. The In-Kind Match of$843,174,96 for all 3 years of the grant, will be provided by Lower Keys Medical Center, 161h Judicial Circuit Drug Court/Court Administration, Florida Keys Outreach Coalition, Institute of Criminal Justice (CIT Training), and the Monroe County Sheriff Office. In addition, the Sheriff's Office is providing a cash match of 10%per cant per year($25,000 in Year 3). ADDITIONAL COSTS: $0.00 Estimated Ongoing Costs: $0.00 CONTRACT REVIEW Changes Date Out Date I Needed R fewer Division Director �� �Yes❑ No[]/ I� Risk Management Yes❑ Nord '3 r�3 OMB/PurclTasing 8WI3 Yes[] No2� l County Attorney $f�e 13 Yes❑ No[ I Comments: i OMB Form Revised 9/11/95 MCP #2 "Florida Keys Outreach Coalition, Inc. - $4,704 per year for Transitional Housing and supportive services 9 x 3 years =$14,112.00). 'Monroe County Sheriffs Office-$16,218.00 per year for grant administration/staff assistance, office space, supplies, air cards, computer equipment(i.e. laptop, monitors, docking station, desk top computer/hard drive, etc.), printer, vehicle usage, etc. (x 3 years = $48,654.00). Cash Match Explanation: 'Monroe County Sheriffs Office(Year 1 $249,823.00 = $25,0001 Year 2 $114,952.88 =$11,500 1 Year 3 $249,143.42 =$25,000 Sheriffs estimated total cash match: $61,500.00(to be used for purchase of additional services). SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes_ Yo X AMOUNT PER MONTH Year=$249,980.28 APPROVED BY: County A OMB urchha ng Risk Management DOCUMENTATION: Included X Not Required— DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM# I I i LHZ37 Amendment#p002 August 23,2013 THIS AMENDMENT, entered into between the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families, hereinafter referred to as the "department" and Monroe County Board of County Commissioners hereinafter referred to as the "County," amends Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)# LHZ37. Amendment Number 0001 reduced funding, added reporting requirements, added a liability responsibility, updated the Substance Abuse and Program Office contact and the Grant Manager for the department and added the County's responsibility to return any unmatched grant funds, any unused advanced grant funds and any unapplied accrued. This amendment shall re-distribute budget funds to increase costs for travel, training, grant services and consultants costs and add Adult Treatment and Enhanced Grant Services, update the Grant Manager for the County, update the Substance Abuse and Program Office contact and the Grant Manager for the department. 1. Page 2, MOU, first paragraph, is hereby amended to read: NOW, THEREFORE, the Department hereby awards the sum of $615,251.42 to County over three years with $249,823 of that total grant amount being awarded beginning with state fiscal year 2010-2011 under the following terms and conditions: 2. Page 5, MOU, Item 24.b), the first paragraph, is hereby amended to read: b) The name, address, telephone number, and email address of the Grant Manager for the County under this Grant Memorandum of Understanding is: Laura deloach-Hartle Sr.,Administrator Grants & Special Projects Monroe County BOCC The Historic Gato Cigar Factory 1160 Simonton Street Key West, FL 33040 Phone: 305.292.4482 Email: deloachhartle-Iaura(cDmonroecounty-fl.aov 3. Page 5, MOU, Item 24.c), is hereby amended to read: c) Thy name, address, telephone number, and email address of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Program Office contact for the Department of Children and Families under this Grant Memorandum of Understanding is: Utz Gazioch Adult Mental Health Substance Abuse and Mental Health Program Office Florida Department of Children and Families 1317 Winewood Boulevard, Building 6, Room 223 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Phpne: (850)714-4322 Email: Ute_Gazioch@dcf.state.fl.us 1 LHZ37 Amendment#0002 August 23,2013 4. Page 5, MOU, Item 24.d), is hereby amended to read: d) The name, address, telephone number, and email address of the Grant Manager for the Department of Children and Families under this Grant Memorandum of Understanding is: l Linda Antwi Substance Abuse and Mental Health Contracts Unit 1317 Winewood Blvd., Bldg, 6, Room 339 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0700 (850) 717-4529 Email: Linda_Antwi@dcf.state.fl.us 5. Page 8, Attachment I, dated August 3, 2012, is hereby deleted in its entirety and Page 8, Revised Attachment I, dated August 1, 2013, is inserted in lieu thereof and attached hereto. 6. Pages 19 through 23, Attachment I, are hereby deleted in their entirety and Pages 19 through 23, dated July 31, 2013, are inserted in lieu thereof and attached hereto. 4 I, 7. Page 35, Attachment I, dated August 10, 2012, is hereby deleted in its entirety and Page 35, dated July 31, 2013, is inserted in lieu thereof and attached hereto. f r 4 R This amendment shall begin on August 23, 2013 or the date on which the amendment has been signed by both parties, whichever is later. All provisions in the MOU and any attachments thereto in conflict with this amendment shall be and are hereby changed to conform with this amendment. All provisions not in conflict with this amendment are still in effect and are to be performed at the level specified in the contract. This amendment and all its attachments are hereby made a part of the contract. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this nine (9) page amendment to be executed by their officials thereunto duly authorized. PROVIDER: STATE OF FLORIDA MONROE'COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND COMMISSIONERS FAMILIES � SIGNED SIGNED BY: BY: s NAME: _ NAME: Rob Siedlecki i F i TITLE: TITLE: Assistant Secretary for Substance Abuse and Mental Health MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY E A P PJ=j TV RM: r C NTHIA L. HALL 2 ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY i. Date 6-30- &Dt3 i I LHZ37 Amendment#0002 August 23,2013 i DATE: DATE: I FEDERAL ID NUMBER: 59-6000749 I I I i I P i gr b i t Y 4F k ' } S C t I � I t � I I I I I � I I I i I '€ I E 3 I ' I f LHZ37 Amendment#0002 August 23,2013 f ATTACHMENT I MOU#LHZ237 1 i Criminal Justice,Mental Health and Substance Abuse Reinvestment Grant i# Cover Page For lmpkmentation Grant I E Project Title: mplementation/Expansion Grant i i County or Counties: Monroe Contact Name: Laura deLoach-Hartle Department: Grant Administrator—Monroe CotintY Address Line 1: 1100 Simonton Street k Address Line 2: City: Key West State: Florida Zip: 33040 0hone. 305-292-4482 Fax: Name if an Chief Tornm Ta for/Grants Administrator Tamara Snider Monroe CountySheriffs Office I Address Line 1: 5525 College Road Address Line 2: City: Key West State: Florida Zip: 33040 Email: .net / JWdwae net Phone: 305-293-7325 Fax: 305-293-7353 1.Total Amount of Grant Funds Requested:•omw i'w k hbdudee df uaued inWftI $615,251.42 2.Total Matching Funds(Provided by applicant and project putners):"ind for 3 ym-W3,174.96+Cash Match for 3 ym-SSIAW -SQU,674.96 904 674.96 3.Total Project Cost(Add amounts in 1 and 2): 1,519,926.38 Certifying Official's Signature Certifying Official's Name Michael Ri (printed) Title: Chief,Bureau of Administration Date: August 1,2013 l _ I I � I t i y a Page 8 S V 4 LHZ37 Amendment#0002 August 23,2013 i Budget Summary AMENDED JULY 31,2013 For Year 3 Grant Period 4-1-13 to 3-31-14 I i i A.Personnel: Total Personnel $105,000.00 ! B.Fringe Benefits: Total Fringe Benefits: $38,745.00 C.Travel/Tra;ni rofessional Renewals/Agency cy Membership Fees: $23,481.00 D.Equipment:$-0- E. Supplies: Total Supplies $11,610.46 k F. Construction: -0- x G.Trainers/Consultants/Contractual: Total Contractual $166,620.00 H. Odle r: $0.00 E Total Direct Costs 3rd Year: $345.456.46 per 3rd year Based on Roll-over balance from Year 2 of$95,476.18 plus Year 3 Advanced Funding of$249,143.42 plus Accrued Interest thru 3-31-13 of$836.86 (1679.58+$157.28) Total Direct Funding for 3 Years: $249,823.00 for 1"Year+114,952.88+495.26=$115,448.14.for 2°d Year+ 249143.42+679.58+157.28=$249,980.28 for 3a Year=$615,251.42 I. In-Kind Match: $281.058,32 per year N 3 years=$843,174.96) J. Cash Match: Monroe County Sheriffs Office will provide 10%cash match per year— Year 1 -$249,823.00=$25,000 Year 2-$114,952.88=$11,500 Year 3-$249,143.42=$25,000 I Estimated total cash match: 61,500(to be used for purchase of additional services). Total Project Amount: $1,519,926.38 I I i I Page 19 I r I 5 LHZ37 Amendment#0002 August 23,2013 Budget Detail Narrative AMENDED July 31 2013 For Year 3 Grant Period 4-1-13 to 3-31-14 A.Personnel Total Personnel Cost is: $105,000.00 Project Director 1. $60,000 Reentry Coordinator 1. 45,000 Total: $105,000 The Project Director will devote 100%effort to the project,representing$60,000 in annual salary.The Project Director will provide executive oversight,responsible for administration and evaluation of program and supervision of project staff.The Project Director will have a Master's Degree in a clinical area,extensive experience in the Administration of Mental Health,Substance Abuse and Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment Programs and experience with the criminal justice population. The Reentry Coordinator will devote 100%effort to the project,representing$45,000 in annual salary.The Reentry Coordinator will be required to have 5 years of experience with the criminal justice/substance abuse&mental health population.The Reentry Coordinator will provide screening,assessment,transition planning to support community reintegration,coordination with the criminal justice system,and case coordination with community agencies.The Reentry Coordinator will also assist the client in obtaining housing,employment,income and support entitlements. Note: Cost of Living: The salaries established for these positions take into account the remoteness and extreme high cost of living in the Florida Keys.The Price Level Index is 109.63,while the Florida State Average is 100,making it the most expensive place in the State of Florida to live.In addition,Monroe County ranks first among the State's counties in the cost of housing and health care,and third in the cost of food and beverages. B.Fringe Bemefits The standard;fringe benefit rates for Project personnel are as follows: l. FICA=7.65%or$8,033 2. Retirement=5.18%or$5,439 3. Worker's Compensation= 100(4.21x1.3)or$5,747 4. Wellness,Life Insurance,Health Insurance,Statutory Liability,and Professional Liability are estimated as there are no standard annual rates=$19,526 I Project erector W $20,745 Reentry�oordinator= 18,00-0 Total Cost $38,745 I I Page 20 I I i 6 i i LHZ37 Amendment#0002 August 23,2013 C.Travel/Trainin rofessional Renewals/Agency Renewals/Agency Membership Fees: $23,481,00 1, Staff_Direct Expenses: *Travel is required for the Project Staff in order to provide services to clients in the community,as well as visit other community service providers,criminal justice agencies and court systems throughout the Keys and the State of Florida,attend required meetings and/or conferences.It is anticipated that staff will travel approximately 400 miles per month at a.rate of$.445 x 12 months=$2,136. *Florida CIT'Coalition Meetings/Travel/Per Diem/Lodging for Staff @ 2 x per year @ $700 per trip=$1,400.00 *Travel/CEUs-Grant Training/Conferences/Miseellaneous Travel $8,000.00 *Miscellaneous Renewal Professional Licenses/Certifications, $500.00 *Agency Membership Fees $200.00 SUB TOTAL FOR STAFF DIRECT EXPENSES: $12,236.00 PER YEAR 2. Evaluator.'CIT Trainer and/or Consultants Direct ExygMes: Evaluator's Travel: I Evaluator's Travel Expenses,Per Diem,and bodging= $1,120.00 *CIT Trainer(s)and/or Consultants 'Travels : CIT Trainer(s)and/or Consultant(s)'Travel Expenses,Per Diem,Lodging,Vehicle Rental,Etc. _ $10,125 i *estimated travel cost* SUB TOTAI FOR EVALUATOR,CIT TRAINER(S)AND/OR CONSULTANT(S)DIRECT EXPENSES: $11,245.00 PER YEAR D. Eguipment: $-0- I E. Supplies:Total Su lies Cost: $11,610.46 Operating Supplies: *Two cell phones,including monthly service $2,040.00 per year I Page 21 i I I � 7 I L.HZ37 Amendment 90002 August 23,2013 _*Supplies(paper,notepads,staplers,hole punches,tape, tape dispensers,pens,pencils, graduation pins,notebooks, CIT Supplies,etc. $3,393.65 per year *Printing/Copying $750.00 per year *Postage to mail correspondence $250.00 per year *Reentry and community education/resource materials/supplies/etc$5,176.81 per year F.Construction $-0- G.Trainer/C j nsultant/Contractual: $166,620.00 1. Total Contractual Adult Treatment Services with Daniela Menardi,LCSW,CAP *For individual/family sessions at$100/hour,group sessions at$20/hour and/or EMDR sessions at $150/hour = $45,060 *Additional individual/group treatment services/clinical consultation,etc. =$15,000 TOTAL=$60,060 2. Total Contractual with A Positive Step for BriefStrategic Family Therapy at$5,000 for 5 Juveniles per year TOTAL=$25,000 3. CIT Trainers' Training Fees @$2,000/week x 3 training sessions=$6,000 CIT Trainers' Fees,etc.@$400 for prep work for 1 day=$400 *rates effective 41112013—513112013* CIT Trainer/Consultants' Fees @$800/day x 5 daily sessions=$4,000 CIT Trainer/Consultants' Training preparation,.conference calls,reports,technical assistance,consultation, etc.Fees @$75/hour x 44 hours=$3,300 *new rates effective 61112013—completion of the grant* TOTAL=$13,700 4. Total Evaluation Services: *Evaluator Contract with Clare S Shaw,MA(LM Family,LLC)_ $10,000 *Evaluator Supplies: $300 *Incentives:Clients who complete the 6 month data follow-up will be given $20 gift certificates as an incentive for completion$20 x 48 clients= $960 I TOTAL=$11,260 5. Adult Treatment Enhanced Services: *Financial Assistance for Transitional Housing Facilities to include housing fee,drug testing,medications, transportation,etc. TOTAL=$34,600 6. Adult Treatment Enhanced Services: *Intensive Out-patient Services TOTAL=$22,000 H.Other $0 I j .I I i j Page 22 i 8 I j LHZ37 Amendment#0002 August 23,2013 i Total Direct!Costs 3rd Year: $345A56.46 Per 3rd year Based on Roll-over balance from Year 2 of$95,476.18. plus Year 3 Advanced Funding of$249,143.42 Plus Accrued Interest thru 3-31-13 of$836.86 ($679.58+$157.28) Total Direct!Fundine for 3 Years: J249,823.00 for 1"Year+114 952.88+495.26= 115 448.14 for 20d Year+ 249143.42+679.58+157.28=$249,980.28 for Yd Year=$615.251.42 I. In-Kind• $281,058.32 -Lower KeyslMedical Center-$250,000 per year for Medical Services(x 3 years=$750,000.00). -Institute of Criminal Justice—FKCC-$4,200.00 per year for CIT Training Space(x 3 years=$12,600.00). -16'Judicial'sCircuit Drug-$5,936.32 per year for Counseling&Drug Testing(x 3 years=$17,808.96). -Florida Keys Outreach Coalition,Inc.-$4,704 per year for Transitional Housing and supportive services 9 x 3 years _$14,112.06.). -Monroe County Sheriffs Office-$16,218.00 per year for grant administration/staff assistance,office space, supplies,air cards,computer equipment(i.e.laptop,monitors,docking station,desk top computer/hard drive,etc.), printer,vehiC,le usage,etc.(x 3 years=$48,654.00). 1 Subtotal of Kind Match: $281,058.32 per year x 3 years= 43 174.96 J. Cash Match i Monroe County Sheriff s Office will provide 10%cash match per year— Yeaf 1 -$249,823.00=$25,000 Year 2-$114,952.88=$11,500 Year 3-$249,143.42=$25,000 Estimated total cash match: $61,500.00(to be used for purchase of additional services). Total Project Amount $1,519,926.38 Year 1 Expenses $100,516.49 Year 2 Expenses $169,278.47 Year 3 Budget $345,456,46 3 Years Match $843,174.96 (In kind) 3 Years Cash Match $61,500.00 I I I Page 23 I I I i i 9 I I LHZ37 Amendment#0002 August 23,2013 I I I I i MATCH COLLECTION SUMMARY REPORT I DATE: I July 31, 2013 I ICounty: Monroe Type of Grant: Reinvestment Implementation Grant Match Requirement Percentage: 100% i Total Match Required for the Grant: $904,674,96 for 3 ears Mach Reported this Period: i Cash: $61,500.00 3 In-Kind: $843,174.96 Total: $904,674.96 I i I i Comments: I Cash Match: I Monroe County Sheriffs Office will provide 10%cash match per year- Year 1 $249,823.00=$25,000 Year 2 $114,952.88=$11,500 Year 3 $249,143.42=$25,000 i Estimated total cash match: $61,500 (to be used for purchase of additional services) I In-Kind: I 3 Years Match: $281,058.32 per year x 3 years = $843,174.96 i Page 35 I I I I I I I i I i i 10 I i i