Resolution 370-2022 RESOLUTION NO. 370 -2022 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY TO APPROVE THE GRANT APPLICATION AND AUTHORIZE THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR TO SUBMIT SUCH APPLICATION THROUGH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION FOR THE BUILDING RESILIENT INFRASTRUCTURE AND COMMUNITIES (BRIO) GRANT AS PART OF THE FEMA GRANT APPLICATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS,the COUNTY recognizes the need for immediate, coordinated,and visionary action to address the impacts of a changing climate and ensure the COUNTY provides for resilience for its more than 300 miles of roads infrastructure; and WHEREAS, the recommendation for a Roads Adaptation Plan is Green Keys item 2-14, which specifies that the County shall conduct a County-wide roads analysis to identify near-term roads subject to inundation risk, including nuisance flooding, and that include related green infrastructure where appropriate; and WHEREAS, such analysis was completed and a Roads Vulnerability Analysis and Capital Plan for County- maintained roads was developed; and WHEREAS, the Flagler Avenue road adaptation project is project area 59-B under the Plan; and WHEREAS, FEMA has a program that supports local communities as they undertake hazard mitigation projects, reducing the risks they face from disasters and natural hazards known as the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIO)program; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners seeks to apply for a road adaptation grant for its Flagler Avenue road adaptation project area located within the city limits of Key West; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners for Monroe County approves the application and authorizes the County Administrator to submit the application under the 2022 BRIC program. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, FLORIDA,AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners hereby authorizes the County Administrator to submit the following application with the FEMA BRIC program: A. 1 Road Adaptation grant application for a capital road adaptation project, as follows: I Project Area Number ` Project Location Total Cost 5%batch from Roads Study Project Area No. 59-B LowerKeys/Key West-Flagler $54,899,41 .09 $13,724,852.50 Avenue Section s The effective date of this Resolution is October ,2022. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissionersof Monroe County, Florida, at meeting of said or a 10 day of October, 2022. Mayor David Rice Mayor Pro Tem Craig ates Commissioner is l of iron Yes Commissioner James K. Scholl Yes ommissioner Holly Raschein _Y s s r BOARDF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF Madok,Clerk MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA _, 1 ._. ___ _____®_ By: s Deputy Clerk Mayor .w .e..Y Approved as to form and legal sufficiency y " Monroe County Attorney's Office 10- -2022 JI m