Item D01 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: 6/21106 DIVISION: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR BULK ITEM: YES DEPARTMENT: AIRPORTS STAFF CONTACT PERSON: Peter Horton AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to pay Florida Industrial Electric, Inc., $33,568.55, to repair damage to the Key West International Airport Airfield Lighting caused by hurricane Wilma. ITEM BACKGROUND: The Clerk of the Court has requested that these invoices be approved by the County CommissiOl before being processed for payment. PREVIOUS RELEVANT SOCC ACTION: Approval of hurricane Wilma related invoices at the April and May Commissior meeting. CONTRACTIAGREEMENT CHANGES: nla STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval TOTAL COST: $33,568.55 BUDGETED: Yes COST TO AIRPORT: None COST TO PFC: None COST TO COUNTY: None SOURCE OF FUNDS: 404-5420-630113-530-340 - hurricane Wilma Account REVENUE PRODUCING: No AMOUNT PER MONTH /YEAR: APPROVED BY: County Attorney nla OMS/Purchasing nla Risk Management n/a AIRPORT DIRECTOR APPROVAL ?fr Peter J. Horton DOCUMENTATION: Included X Not Required AGENDA ITEM # DISPOSITION: Ibev APB URS May 2, 2006 Mrs. Bevette Moore Airport business Administrator Key West International Airport 3491 S. Roosevelt Boulevard Key West, Florida 33040-4399 Reference: Invoices from Florida Industrial Electric Florida Keys Marathon & Key West lnt'[ Airport Dear Bevette: Attached are the invoices No. 55036-03A (Florida Keys Marathon) and No.55036-03B (Key West) for the work that Florida Industrial Electric has done on the airfield lighting on both airports. This work was performed as an emergency caused by the Hurricane Wilma. I found the invoices to be acceptable. I also will send the invoice to Reggie for the Marathon project. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~' Corporati /l - { \ / \.<~ ~~dres Outie! 'e , PE Project Manager Attachments xc: James R. "ReggIe" Paras, FlOIida Keys Marathon airport Mil Reisert, PE - URS Corp. F:\k1ffi~~m9rnt1dRLE-bcvette( 1 ).doc 5805 NW 11th Street. Suite 340 MiamI. FL 33126-2053 Tel: 305.262.7466 Fax: 305.261.4017 ~)~ ~/~;7 Florida Industrial Electric, Inc ~ 1050 Miller Drive, Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 /y .~~ 407-331-1551 SERVICES SOLD TO: MONROE COUNTY 1100 SIMONTON STREET, ROOM 2-213 KEY WEST, FL 33040 Invoice Number Invoice Date Field Purchase Order FIE Job Number Work Order Number DESCRIPTION: HURRICANE WILMA REPAIRS KEY WEST AIRPORT INVOICE 55036-03B 3/29/2006 55036 Quantitv Description Unit Price Amount 1.00 LABOR $8,138.50 $8,138.50 1.00 MATERIALS $23,075.48 $23,075.48 1.00 LODGING/PERDIEM/TRUCK $2,354.57 $2,354.57 SEE A TT ACHED BACK-UP / " . i I APPROVED FOR PAYMENT URS CORPORATION i lL'C~' By ~ ~ \ I i~'" J Date ~r~ ~ ~, ) i ..;.... I HI...: \ " i c...A.\.l C Wdf-1.'" PLEASE INCLUDE FIE'S INVOICE NUMBER ON CHECK Subtotal $33,568.55 Questions concerning this invoice? MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO: $33,568.55 Call: JASON LEVANGIE FLORIDA INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC, INC. PAY THIS AMOUNT 407-331-1551 EXT. 116 1050 MILLER DRIVE AL TAMONTE SPRINGS, FL 32701 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! - III 1::: o a. ... :< .... tJ) <J) ;: >, (J) :::s::: "C s:: <tl c: ro ..c ...... <tl ... m ~ - 00 .... (ll: Co (J) n: I'll E ~ (!) c C1] r..> .;:: ..... ::J :r: CD ro'l o to tl) am'l:t N 0 <D<DOONo_m r--...-co O')"'f QlOD ..... mON C<) mr--.,,-(,OlOcQC> LCJOl'<t Or--. ON!() to l- O'<t'<t" r--. N l()LCJrnr--.o <0 0 0)..0..0 <.0 ill 0<010 '<t {/) N'<t('<') (J) .- to..,.---N't"'""-f-f)..-tn .,.... I'- cor--. 0 UJ Y} .- Yl- ..... ..--l()r--......I'-CDW N"t..... <''')(1) '<tNM lJ) EI} EDb'l-Yl-ED...-)W NIX) o. W Y) Y) <A- U} M. ~ C<) mM .... (I) M N >- <A- ... N W ~ b'l- <A- ~ - ill.,....m '<tt-r- UJ'<t 0 CO '<t"tll m 0 CD 001.00 lO(Q(!) roOlJ'.- <0ro CO l() NN '<t en <'J OQJ'.-OC; Zeo-q-<.D ID<OO <000 l[) [D .- 0' ... [J) <n O'<tOCD 10 O'<t(0N -('..IN 0_ .,.... l") ill I'- OillmU) ::r:OY}('t') WIRY} ~;,; 1.0 CO !() 0'1 "<l' M l() '<t('<')v..... l() - w - <3'_ ('.I. ..... 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PICKUP Invoice No: 913222444 Invoice Date: 11/04/2005 Account Number: 0000219298 Account Name: FLA INDUSrRIAL ELECTRIC Ship to: FLA INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC 1050 MILLER DR AU AMONTE SPRINGS FL 32701 Page 1 of 1 Date Silipped Shipped From 1 ~J0412005 ORLANDO, FL Yo... 1" To - I __FP-FIA _ ~ Quantity Catalog # ( Description Unit Price f Unit Amount ! 500 312-BJLK 3M INDUSTRIAL TAPE DIV. 39.25 f 1000 19.63 YELL INS WING WI,'1E CONN 100 30-452. !DEAL INDUSTRIES INC 127.54 /. 1000 12.75 SIZE 452 RED WIRECONN i PLD-1 PANDUIT CORPORATION 19.93 I 1 ---~ - - '--. MARKER DISPENSER KIT I Terms of Payment 1 % 10th Prox., net 15th Prox. As a condition of the sales agreement, a monthly service charge of the lesser of 1-1/2% or lhe maximum permitted by law may be added to all accounts not paid by net due dale. Pro Card, Visa, Mas1ercard, American Express and Discover credft cards are accepted al lime and point of sale I I I I L~GIJ ' ; ,_,dO ........... ....-- ~ 1as -- .. -...:.=-. ~-_.=._-,~=- ~~--~ -~ k .- 20.qv M--13Lf.8{ NOV o ?UJ5 Approval ~=~~~==~'= --,~-~~ -" ._-------- r Sub Total I Freight & Handling Tax Total Due. I Cash Discount (it paid within terms)! _.--.-._~"'" w___~ Subject to standard terms and conditions on the reverse side. PAGE 70t 10 5231 oeD 3.40 55.71 0.52- ~ CQ)~-.{512 ALLEN ENTERPRISES, INC. AIRPORT LIGHTING EQUIPMENT SALES & SERVICE ...-_...... p. 0 BOX 560384 (/ ~ . ORLANDO, FL 32856.0384 \ PHONE (407) 857-6778 {\ / \ ( 1/ KY\O~ I N"\\9 \ \ ut \_"P SOLD TO: 'J 0 n P-') vv'l (0' n ('/V (.-q) IJ.<-,1J 'J 0,~..> ~ 0 0032336.lN CUSTOMER NO F1820 FLORIDA INDUSTRIAL ELECT 1050 WILER DRIVE - ALT..A..MONTE SPRINGS, FL 3270] IPTO: FLORIDA INDUSTRIAL ELECT C/O MARATHON AIRPORT 9400 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY :MARATHON, FL 33050 K ~ 000 M 2006 K 18: 000 I' K 18.000! ~ / ().(g. &/i G~ J J 3 JU ~QJobJPEas~=.r~~556" ~fL _.~-_.__.- n--.. '/ I T v I ~ 1 -~..._._--,-_. I a;: {~ "" 'Ii'~n;:: I / ~ ytJol 78 tv .{ i ~~-.; f Sales Tax: APP1OV;U_l__.._____________ i fc- 18, 000 ]8000. K 18000 4. 000 I K 18.000 10 000 M .3 000 3. 000 r-< 1000 1000 k" 2Q 000 20 GOO ~ 1000 ] 000 K. 2000 2000 QO I 44D2415/0000 1400 35A0433 $,00' 35A0436 o oOf 60AZ678/30 0.00! 62B058on 000 66A0092 000 44B1212S o 00. nAOl m/6 Q ooJ 94AOO54 o.oor 44C100SJl 0000 72.A.Q1 17/8 o oo~ 72J\011~!1 SIGN ACTIVE BALLAST ASSElvfBLY 8 LA.\1P LOWVASIGNFCB POWER SUPPLY IX FOR LOW -VA SIGN PCB 25VA 250V A, 3-STEP LOW VA SIGN IX FRANGIBLE CPLG, L-S58, SZ3 FRANGIBLE PIPE CPLG FOR SIGN ST.l>:.tiD.OFE' FDR FC BOARD HE....X 114 M..F 8/32 L. 853 SIZE 2 LID ASSY EXT CORD 6' ]6/2 SOW 600V STYLE 1 & 7 L358' TETHER 3/161 28' L-810 SINGLE OSST 69W 120V PCB CONN PLUG 4. PIN" 8 PIN PCB CONNECTOR 1,647.28 496 980 / 8,945 64- 36500 14600 70150 70150 22780 68.34 .I 12.440 1244 / 1080 2160 ./ 266.480 26648 ,,/ 41 510 8302 -- 14490 28.98- ,r 116 no 232 22 ;;/ 4480 8064/ 0 15894 ./ ENTERED ON JAN 1 n 2006 OFF HOL. KEEP ON -JOLD Net Invoice: Freight MONROE o [J 12,786.04- 270.00 84 2.16 13,898.2ft Invoice Total: c/ /0 Y 'NVV'LC ~l:"IDN W:OL'T AND TOOL -..~ _WiJRTH_ -...,- ORIGINAL k DATE INVOICE NO. 1 ~. ~ Ie):=) fl_l:::~';' 1'::'~.--nn . 2051 BLUE HERON BLVD. WEST (561) 845..8800 RIVIERA BEACH, FLORIDA 33404 w\VltJ..Act j on 8 oltAn dT 001. com INVOICE TO: :~i':t? (, j:">'r iJ;:,: T :C,:'~. I ~-:ir~fJ:~:~1 ~~~ T I~I_ E L" ~::[: r ~-.? T C: 1 I~ ":: ~;:::..: \ ~..1 I L ~ ~ E s~ ~~_! F:;~ 1 \/1:-:: (-~t . T Ai'P!L,;j\1 r i~: .~~ ;'::1 ~"~~L;::3 F i.. i; ; SHIP TO: r--L.llP I I)!~ I .r-,[fJljS~ Tr: 1 AL. E t- E~:; rF~ 1 C J(j5() .~.lJLl_ER DRI\)~ ,,;.-r r i\~ ~ jr-t (C:t-it~l., E elF: EPeC; r-lL -r Ar"HJ~\J T E fJF'Ff3S FL. ::~::~70 1 PURCH,o.S" ORDER ~O. DATE or: ORCFR SLS FO.~. f== SHIP VIA FREIGHT TS~ MS I GP ~~ (j :"=-; /,,--( )~ ., f / _~~)l? l ....)::", ~") :=? JE:3 , I }\~~ 1 ]. (}~'.J I n! 1F' SDl lri< 11, \' ~ - I I I I UNITP~UM ~ " EM N\ J ,~,~ B~R/0E SCRIPTION ORDEr> QTY. BACK ORDER QrY. SHPD, AMOUNT --' F', ~~'.?_'~,~ Y-'E:rfl ~ t ca'Y'fT'1E~Ti~: t D C',,'I~ c:VS': (:';i;;:c~(5 '.'WiO (ec~ 1 '/2 f:3>:zcdi i'!V(]; CEo'S. :~lH('€}FF f-IOLD 'I(JF-~1{JI\~~:;L;~ and '/8U [r';~ 11 1;.~r...~ C2 itj(3.112d ai". In\lC:~K~~L:., -' ._ ie=> '::'< copy, it :A~] 1 ~-,--:..c.:::_"r.il.!F'llC(';TE" !..:Pc\2'f' 1f1V01c.<=~gbQ,N, HQ D dL:,e j :,2/J.:,:;/c.? ~:5C:; 1 [)()i -1i.:~3:3 (H)'r ~:~ 1/4 ~r 20 / 1 t1 r~E ).: ~:'::'P~F~ SC:F~t: ;,~ ~:;../~3 1 r)i):' a,:;) 1 72{)[~4:~; ::;~) c: 45C~ f-'; ::J~ii L3 S ,::)~)~~: :;:.- :i /:2 --1 :.:~ X 4 1/2 lAE L,[~E {~~.j-C:l.1CjF\ S /s ::1 ~ AL T~i~r Rf-~li'-1v';;'iJ ..-1. ~?42 / F:l=-:~,.J(~~ 7~3:.~~~:; "r:-:__ 1() "r0q 1742';~?7 ~~(~5j 81!..\2 ~'1'~r"c~~ Ei.~~L~ ~ e~.Jc\"(-~:-J \.~;.;;.:..:=' t ~_... .. ,-'< ~ \f ~ (=~'-"\i;t J:3et~c.;"'1:< F i :~;:~:,~~()4, .~~ ~~ :;;: ~ -~}, ~~~ f--: Gr'" "''"' "This i'~~ .;;~.1-r-~ i n\/(J"i ce r .;:.: ~-. iIe::.:. ~ L ~"2-::1- Ii\!VO:CEl"ERMS ceNT"':; r TOTAL !'~i\-IOUN1 1 ()f) o 1 (){) -l -t (~,.\r~ ,i,. ): I L,.~' /(., 11. i} 1. i) o --t ~-. J..'-I 21 () q ()Or: 21..C-t ENTERED HOLD F~ i "/, i 8l . .3, F' " lJ. E~D::< :1. t)~~,~, If ~, ,~ J .-..~ n .[,-, "liE-Q 0 2 :..:.";?,'::f.- ~~ I' 1-' ....,...,--t ~r --~ . .-. . -~..- -. r;l -..,~..- o (J GL JobfPhase~___ 5 qo~ b __ NOV 2 1 2005 App;:oval_._____ (),,?OS:T ~ISC CHG. FREIGHT TAX!OS AMOliNT DUE '-T,~ .-, .>} ,.. 1 '?i~~ :r.l~.-~"c~~~? ....~T1.~-~~::~; -='~~? -. ':-.=::-', - :=-~" =-~.: ,1i'l.iJlI'lQI~.,l3 "" r:.'i'="' ...,111 ,:.t-I......r,:. i.-JI ""Jlt ~~~n~""-':i~' ..DIjI. Ir"'lIIuIl/F'-Ld, ~"1'ltr~~r.l'I" t~ ,uJ.ror il~c-'" ~~~r,~ i.h, rhii~11oJ ~_:'H't!-lrla..,;c~.....~\OIi.:l ~ t:~l'1I"~ ~ctr"rJ""bil;;~""y...,.,NI !r,-,u..,.rl 1:!I~l:'-.. ~i\t;.yO(ltYIl.IJidiI(J ~~o;Tj ....i;;l~t$ltW ~"cly. "1l.J/P""~ f<l ~-r.., ~~Ol:r"" Ilr ""..r.;m aMlI~~~~ J:u n:. :;.!~.~iS.L~k>< ~g,..,,,,,""::o.llIro ~~II~J"IQ ~!"'-"'~~. '1""4' CI .ptJ-.~J. ~("'t ~:J-~""! Io'QI"II.hO l~-a-iJ b. ",?It"'" <;Iu..... ~"....,:"f: -I"lt;l-l.;,:f, """".~~.I.J i~,p<o.;.[...,J. ,lr;;ll tn<;l6h.o; ~o)I.J,'yA-.:~OI:i ~Ii ,'nJTM: c.:.-~~"1 !tl'\'ll~C"Q''Wl'.t--'l'I """ ~~l 11.11'1',;;rJ 1~_~ ,;:,o.o:;.'."~ ''='1_ il' u,d ~:~u;or ."," t\II ~l_......,d \0:1 ~.~. ";wr_"'~'F;I"" >I pt'o:I...,~~"u,...'f IJ{)~d",y;I L-;:b"!'I r'l"">=Il...Il~. It'lo'rtr,"<l t,;o'lCrOO.!: !:,,"'I,Il~"''':;'....... .."I!I''I!tn ~ I}:j"".l. ,,~"t.U:I~r "..",~:f1- Vof.t;~ FLORIDA INDUSTRIAL 1050 MILLER DR - ALTAMONTE SPRINGS FL 32701~7505 [, I I J, , [L 1I,"11 rill' [r I] r 1I [ 1,1,1,11'1 "j, J "J ,I [ II, , , ,1,1, I 1959 7 - 3362 ELECTRIC BRANCH: 84 #0084 ORJ~~O ELECTRIC RSI HUGHES SUPPLY INC 521 W CENTRAL BL I]D ORLANuO FL 32801-2593 407-841-4710 Fax 407-849-1281 SHIP TO: 1959 FLORIDA INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC 1050 MILLER DR ALTk~ONTE SPRINGS, FL 32701-7505 ~~~lti 1 2 / 1 0 / 0 5 1 0 f 1 u HES~ L'lVOICE REMIT TO: HUGHES SUPPLY INC PO BOX 101888 ATLANTA GA 30392-1888 SOLD ,0: 1959 ;t::=;=~=i:!tI~11::=1!~a=~ pale Rockwell TOUR-TRUCK 11/17/05 .-----i-- 6.8 24~ BUT SPL 4 BODY CVR&GASK ENTERED ON FIOLD 1< - ~ST GL --'J- JobJPhase~___ .S~03b-- - o ~-~'~~F-~~ - [1 NO~ 2 2 2CJ5 I 1 I ..._. _ ..........__..'-c......,.._.. __,,_,'_ _"_~l_ ApPTOv.a1_____n_j;_ G ~ II JJ--:;.... Signat:ure D te- ()~- ~ ~ i ,}~;,.L.) K{*...:r~r", r"~I.~ ~r1i ~D ,~.',~'\.,...r" _.......;.\, ...\.)..... .Ii ..-:11""'" ~ DEe n 2 2.005 I . 1-... ~ JLl1 .2.18 33.29 If paid by 22/10/05 you may deduct $0.62 CALL MICHELE OR ERIC 407-331-1551 X 126 PRIOR TO DELIVERY Amount Due 33.29 ~Price quotations for all HOPE and PVC related produds are for immediate shipment only, Prices are subject to change without notice, ilnd all quotes remain subject to Hughes' Terms aJ1d Conditions of Sale- " TERMS AND CONDITIONS I MSDS INFORMATION ON REVERSE 4~3~3 K -- COOPER Crouse-Hinds Original Invoice Page 1 of 1 .c\irpoIt Lighting 1200 Kennedy Road Windsor. CT 06095 Phone: (860) 683-4300 Fax: (860) 683-4354 WW').J chalp.com Please Remit To; Wire Transfers To: Please Send Checks 10; PNC Bank Crolls~IIinds Pittsburgh, PA P.O. I30x 640239 AC 111269730 Pittsburgh, PA 15264-0239 ABAft 043000096 Bill To: nORlDAINDUSIRW. ELECTRIC 1050 MILLER DRIVE ALIA.lyfONIE SPRINGS H 32701 USA Invoice No 91059251 Delivery Note No. 81797867 Order ~o. 598147 Invoice Date 12/07 f2005 Quote/Contract No.. 20033771 Sold-To: FLORIDA INDUS1RIAL ELECTRIC .N}50 :'?lfL~ER DRIVE AT T AMON IE SPR.I}:GS H 32701 USA ShillTo: FLORIDA Il'iDt:STRlAL ELECTRIC ;-" ",,- .HJ50 MU LER DRIVE AU AMONTE SPRINGS H 32701 USA Customer No. Customer r.O.lRel ~umber 1130.11 _155036-07 Twckino No. . ~OIS@i;342417i7~- __ - CUB 1 usn J Date Shi J 12/07/2005 Carrier ~i',TjTED PA~~'SERvrCE DelivciV ~\Dl. FOB PLANT J Item No Material Number Quantity Ordered Back Older Quantity Shipped {jOM Price Value Cust Itrnil ['00030 Catalog Number and Description Customer M,lteriaI Number 3lO507 20590 l AMP/REFL 62W-6 6A 4 o 4 EA 27 [3 --, 358 rei~l Cll ,,-,,~~7""} I-..:-~ J ob/phase ~__iJ:._.'/) :)\.0 ". Fe r" \ ') F\n,," !J.... \..F , _ ,.vu) Approval _c_"___~_~"___'_.u_ $ IUl EN I t.Rt.D ON Payment: ~et 30 Days JAN 2 J 2006 OFF HOLD Cl KEEP ON HOLD LJ Orders are accepted subject to Airport Lightini! tenDS 8Jld conditions of sale which are induded at have been provided preVIOuslY to buyer - EN1J OF !l\"VOICE z;:aoCp ~.) G 1::~ rfil '\ 1 IT! /;;~;\ r~ tr~=;"l :r"'8 J!J J \~ \~}Li \~~ \8 f\ 00324'36.lN ~ ALLEN'ENTERPRISES, INC. _,,' AIRPORT LIGHTING EOUIPMENT SALES & SERVICE P.O BOX 560384 ORLANDO, FL 32856-0384 PHONE (407) 857-6778 ;OLD TO: CUSTOMER NO F1820 SHIP TO: F1.0RlDA Ih'l]USTRll\.L ELECT lOS0 }AILLER DR.TVE ALTP..MO~1E SPRINGS, FL 32701 FLORlDA INlJUSTRlAL ELEO] 1050 MILLER DRlVE fJ.,TMWN1E SFPJNGS, a 32701 . I ~tii~~~;~a~~.wfliiif0,~~Sik'~~ld~~1<<,;\jl!~,ltlf*,~r~~iJ;~.i~~~~i~",~f.,,~'{~jI/;l~~"\1@f;l~EW:i{ifIi"'.ii!\Wi!~ 55036-12 01!D9/i~ 0002 PS ALLEN ENTERPRlSES 003-1076 '^/O PO r 1:~/ GV ---....----.. .--.-...............j1IP Tob/Phase,_ 5Gb3 "~"",,,,_".,",T~" H'~"'. ..~ JAN 1 1 r~C3 \ A pproY;l.l__~.....".~_.~.." /// ~~f---~~ ~{.:~ ~?1 \) " ' I ~~, I V)\ II vi it /;' .~/ I l Sales Tax: ~ Net Invoice: Freight SEMINOLE 118.56 29.00 8.30 155.86 Invoice Total: ~ ~) 0 -.--I,.-,-r- \....1 ~ ...--" ~ /-~ ~....... 'jl ) /"'t-~ \\i/ /;'-'1'" I j {(~'V f0~~ 11.1.1 Li, \) \~d) ~l ~:d \S~ ALLEN ENTERPRISES, INC. AIRPORT LIGHTING EQUIPMENT SALES & SERVICE p. 0 BOX 560384 ORLANDO, FL 32856-0384 PHONE (407) 857-6778 CUSTOMER NO 0032526,.TN F1820 ,,~ I... HDP..I!JA INDUSTPl..".L ELEC1 j 050 ]I,tiLLER DRIVE ALTAMOlTT2 SPRINGS, FI-, 3270] SHIP TO: FLOP..IDA INDUSTRIAL ELECT 1050 IvlILLER DRIVE ALT AlI.l:ONTE SPRiNGS, FL 32701 ;OLD TO: GL Job}Phase__ ____._L ~_~l <c. i:i-~~O'-.. T 'A.... oval ~~rr- -- JAfJ 2 . I I I I 1 , L, ~~\bt ~\,,~~ ~ A C, , I at- r}? ,_ 1 DJ-- &> (.-// ' El\T-'l:',....ro 0.' · JOl D llJ I .....f{C:l. ... r..., n < fEB 0 6 2t 06 OFF HOLD I KEEP ON HOLD [J 0: Net Invoice: l'reiQ11t Sales Ta-"\{: SEMINOLE Invoice Total: 425.94 60.00 2982 515,,76 sc-fa1 I) ." T"11 r-i'~ y\ If {~~~ 1l t~:;? (G~ ill11.l \~j \:c.,j) II ~\"'1 "--SJ K 0032621-m ALLEN ENTERPRISES, INC. AIRPORT LIGHTING EQUIPMENT SALES & SERViCE P. 0 BOX 560384 ORLANDO, FL 32856-0384 PHONE (407) 857-6778 CUSTOMER NO. F1820 :FLORIDA INDUSTRIAL ELEGf 10501vlILLER DP1VE ALTA1-.lOlITE SFP...:rNGS, :::L 32701 SHIP TO: FLORIDA llIDUSTxLAL ELECT C/O IvIARi\THON AIRFORI 9400 OVERSEAS HIGKWAY :M:.A....."R.AIHON, FL 33050 SOLD TO: SIGN ACTIVE BALLAST ASSEMBLY 8 LM.1P 8 COO 2990 40 827 48W 6. 6A SIG SEPJES LA11P 13640 109 12 Q 000 35A0433 PO\VERSUPPLYIXFORLOW-VA 36.500 oeo SIGN PCB 7000 , 2SVA 35A0436 I 250V A, 3-STEP LOW V A SIGN TX 70150 49] 05 GO JobJF C-.'--'--!J!:2D 3~~--' --. ENTE ED ON 1- OLD FEE U i 2006 ;AppLai..___---.- .------ EB 1 7 700 ~---- t.~~"-l~ ~') Or r . ,'-,,'.-' - I 'I' ('\1 ) KEE' 01\1 f'lU~- o [] ok _ oJ. .)3 - df trr~- Net Invoice: rteighl Sa1e~ Tax: MONROE Invoice Total: 600.17 80,00 45..01 725.18 cq _J ( ALLEN ENTERPRISES, INC. AIRPORT LIGHTING EQUIPMENT SALES & SERVICE P. 0 BOX 560384 ORLANDO, FL 32856-0384 PHONE (407) 857-6778 CUSTOMER NO t< OO.~2599"IN F1820 ~"'.l" i.) ~ .1-r)'\ \~ 7{j7 {r-\ 1:1' (T':::"'-' ;~r:3.... LU],Li 'J V,,)j 1 \..':::-::1 '-9 FLOP.Jl)A INDUSl Rl.A.L ELSe;: 1050 MTLLER D~lVE l>J.Tl":I.vImrIE SPFE-TGS, FL 32701 SHIP TO: FLORIDA INDUSTFJAL ELECT CIO MARATHON AIRPORT 9400 OVERSEAS HI GrnNAY WRAIHON, EoL 3"3050 SOLD 10: "[P.!~ , ~ . O('l'"' 1j jJiJ ~::t_:-\ ..J IL I 3G'N 6 6AT 1011 P LM,iP LAMP SOCKET STIlES 4940 10 180 5928 2036 I I -..-~l _ // ...... i"\ /1/1)/ 1~()~ )' ! ! tAL rJ 7 ( i el' i ? r \ I :'---/~~/ "'--l_.--.------ , I I I . I GU J obfPhase___. ENTERED O~J HOLD r:FR 1 7 ~006 1..--' 1 1--' o r ~. :. -~', i) U ~(::r:~~' ~-:i,;'} }{~~>LJ) lJ !,.x....... i..~Ji. ,..... -I. 55030 JAN 3 1 2006 Approval Net Invoic~: fire igln; Sales lax: MONROE lnvoice Total: 79..64 :;2.00 5..98 111.62 S~\.; ALLEN ENTERPRISES~ INC. AIRPORT UGHTJNG EQUIPMENT SALES & SERVICE P. 0, BOX 560384 ORLANDO, Fl 32856-0384 PHONE (407) 857-6778 SOLD TO: ,FLORIDA llmUSrRIAL ELECT 1050 1v1ILLER DRlvE ALTAMCHrE SFP1NGS, F"L 32701 'J 0 '''-fr-;:::\ "\ J?7-\ll(n>I;;~\ '1,1! 1;\1//1.)'.) \~ !r- "'~~~ L.~ ,:J 'o,"";..-?,... ':::::: '-~ CUSTOMER NO SHIP TO: FLOPJDA INDUSTPlAL ELECT CIO MARAIHON AIRPORT 9400 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARAfHON, FL 33050 k 0032659.-IN F1820 4 000 4 000 000 44A6225 ! o COi35A04J3 , I i I l FE 2 4 ?a06 r~tL;~O 0 "T''';- G', HOLD 0 I SIGN ACTIVE BALLAST ASSEMBLY 8 L.AJ...'iP POV/ERSlJPPLY IXFOR LOW-VA SIGN PCB 25VA 36500 GIl . _-.L__ JobJP~55oa{o FEB 2 7 2006 ',. ;Approval. Net Invoice: Frei!!.ht Sales lax: MONROE Invoice Total: 14600 3,440,56 32.00 258.04 3,730.60 ! 0/1'3 ALLEN ENTERPRISES, !t-JCo AIRPORT LIGHTING EQUIPMENT SALES & SERVICE P.O BOX 560384 ORLANDO, FL 32856-0384 PHONE (407) 857-6778 SOLD TO: ,. --'J 0032570.IN F1820 CUSTOMER NO FLORIDA INDUSTRIAL ELECT i 050 11ILLER DPlVE. .tU-rA.cvIONTE SPRINGS, FL 32701 SHIP TO: FLOPlDA ll'IDUSTRlAL ELECT c/o MARATHON AIRPORT 9400 OVERSEAS HI GtrwA Y MARATHON, FL 33050 ~---'.._~ DATE ' f SHIP VIA --C-1-t2€J2GI'J15" _ ,_L FEDLX PPJ n V1\T PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER ORDER DATE 55036-04 . ] 1/09/2005 i ~1Yo jl ' !TEMNUMBER o JOf 35A0433 " I ~~~1 PCB 00 I 35A0436 ! 2.50V A, 3-STEP LOW V A SIGN TX ATTN DOUG ~JIH I k CO &/s:~D M ~::- '&"/ :; / I I 61(-~dG / 9 ~;// // QTY lRDERED )4000 OTY. i, SHIPPED' 14000 I 8000 [ 8000 !-ORlGI::&ADD. .PNct30 SALESPERSON. 0003 KJvl AlLEN ENTERPRISES ,', TERMS, ' I~ 0030~;6R ORqER NUMBER , UNIT PRI9lJ'EXTENDED pAICE 36500 511 00 I I POWER SU?PLY IX FOR LOWN A OESCRIP1'IQN ,. 70150 561 20 GL 5Sb3{b Job;Phase._~ JA;-~ 3 U 2006 Approval qOLD: :i J.... ,..n ENTl-P,[' '1 . L.,......... ff:o, " r;~ i \ f, ~. ~ , I 'Net Invoice: Freight Sales Tax: MONROE Invoice Total: 1,07220 79.00 80.41 1,231..61 s9li- :-[----- FOB r . TERMS T-~N?El&AJln '.' Net-:lO~__ 0003 Y,JvfS~~:~:ERP~SES -- ',. - f~024~~2 ORDER NUMBER . ITEMNUMBER r DESCRIPJIONUNJT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE 27 ACC94 E1 SIG SEP-=ES SIGN RECTIFIER 6300 25 2a HOLD AI P'J;EX OCATIm~ IN KEY \VEST FOR PICK-UP BILL \VILHELlvI 3 5-797-3805 I ALLEN ENTERPRISES, ~NC. AIRPORT LIGHTING EQUIPMENT SALES & SERVICE p. 0. BOX 560384 ORLANDO, FL 32856-0384 PHONE (407) 857.6778 SOLD TO: P,--,CPJDA INDU~IRIAL ELECT 1050 :MILLEP. DPlVE A.LLAMONTE SPRlNGS, 1:L 3270] DATE SHIP VIA i i E ORDER NUMBER 55036-16 ORg~~ED l SH~;:EDl 4 COO 4. 000 I I QTY I B.D. j 000- EN T :RFtl. _ __'~ .,{ I ---,1 ~i' HO D fB 2 4 2006 OFF- ~rn: ~) r ~. --.~ L f ;:r-- r'-r---r t , \.ct:j.J Of V ,Llr)L 0 I ' '. ',J . f'--7 ":"J J ',~.:';:,.,. I" CUSTOMER NO SHIP TO: .FLOPIDA INDUSTPJPL ELECT c/o HUSSlvIANN CORP ATTN: BILL WILHELIv!: KEY 1N:EST, FL 33040 \< 0032655-IN F1820 GL Joh/phase5:JU3 Approval Net Invoice: Freight SalesIax: MONROE Invoice Total: 25"20 23.00 189 50,,09 (., I [,1../ t- o: o 00.. ZW 0:: 'W 0", ~z l-W <Jo.. UJX ...JL.1.l l.1.J _of ...Jl ::; a:: I- en ::J o zc.: :iO 00: _<t a:: 0 01- -l- u....O I..U 0:: () .......... "-::> I~I cl ! , ,~I'~I .~ I L;q I (II Il<fll !# (\') I'-S I I <r- 1 ! I "H I v ~ -- /' ~ " 0- j~ ~! ~ ~ 1'SJ~'-. f ('"\ ~Q /' ~ -~I 1-- J~~il ~~I~ ~I :i I . i~ I~ ,NI I I~I ~, Illl~t i II I I I ! II I )~~,i vi i 1,[1 ~ ~I \" , ,.J -I '-, I I <IJ-'f+ ~1! I i II! [,.1 N I Q) I I ~ ~i ~ i f I i "\1 ~ Q. (\1 r.J! '~I o r~I' )' v fl I ~ ~i ~. i rl! I ~ -vrll' I ~: I I r\ \' "I ~I , I I~i ,)1' , I I~I i~'i II ~l V I 1-- IJ:J ' ~ i ~ 111 I ~ \1 U~ i~i I ~ I~ 111 Iii i 8 f I ~ I i I L- Iii ;t1~ I~ I rf I~ i ! '1 Q) I ~ I' tT i ! E? ., ~ {. 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I'" ~.RJ~J~~ ", fr~HTi ..' ., . . .:/.g~;~;1~:~:" rtJ tJqL ~ ;":;:"$ E~5:.:t ~ , ','~',' 'c f~~ig;i":i.';,~,~,:~:.~D:.'..~:."l~.1...~.~1;,;;.~..~;i.;.t;..'l~~,tM.i.I'~~-")_".: r:~~CH~~~. '. ~ , . ~i~~~~-L .!'.i~;,,~~~~.'\~_'.~.'~I-. '::'l~.r':':lt,~.~.,;.c.,:\,'.:,t,~.",!:, ~I~':'."";~""" "Co;>:. I, :-:,?~--:- -:: -:;-: ,~- ~~ _ . _ c .'"; - ..BDTtP~"CGf:Y}ldb~tF K: 1"+ sir 41G . 55036 Hurricane WHma Repairs (Marathan and Key West Airports) LABOR TOTAL MARATHON KEY WESl 12/19/2006 HRS. REG, O.T" Doug Knuth 8 $7600 $ 608 00 $ 608 00 Doug Knuth 7.5 $114 00 $ 855 00 $ 85500 Ted Williams 8 $63 DO $ 504 00 $ 504 00 Ted Wilriams 75 $94 50 $ 708.75 $ 708.75 $ 2,675..75 $ 2,675.75 12/23/2005 Doug Knuth 13 $11400 $ 1,48200 $ 1 ,482 DO Ted Williams 13 $94 50 $ 1,228.50 $ 1,228.50 S 2,710.50 $ 2,710.50 1/25/2006 Doug Knuth 11 $76,00 S 836 00 $ 836 00 Ted Wirliams 11 $63 00 $ 693.00 $ 693.00 $ 1,529.00 $ 1,529.00 1/26/2006 Doug Knuth 10 576 00 $ 760 00 $ 760 DC Ted Williams 10 $63 00 $ 630.00 $ 630.0C $ 1,390"00 $ 1,390,QC 1/27/2006 Doug Knuth 1.5 $76 00 $ 11400 $ 1140C Doug Knuth 8 S 114 00 $ 912 00 $ 91200 Ted Williams 9 $63.00 $ 567 00 $ 567,00 Ted Williams 05 $94 50 $ 47,25 $ 47.25 $ 1,640.25 $ 1,640.25 1128/2006 Doug Knuth 10 $11400 $ 1,14000 $ 1,14000 Ted Williams 10 $9450 $ 945.00 S 945.00 $ 2,085.00 $ 2,085,00 1/30/2006 Doug Knuth 12 $76 00 $ 91200 $ 91200 Ted Williams 12 $63 00 $ 756.00 $ 756.00 $ 1,668.00 $ 1,668,00 2/1/2006 Doug Knuth 9 $7600 $ 684 00 $ 684 00 Ted Williams 9 $63 00 $ 567,00 $ 567.00 $ 1,251.00 $ 1,251,,00 2/3/2006 Doug Knuth 4 $11400 $ 456 00 S 456.00 Ted Williams 4 $9450 $ 378.00 S 378.00 $ 834.00 $ 834.00 -...-.- ........1 _, ONN . > ('1)1.00:) "NM LO""=tQ) (;f,)ot;.q~ 000 000 . , -.::tV-CO N('.,J'l:j'- ~~ (Do. T- ~ M ~~tA- a LOll) a~~ ('jlI)(O ""-NM 1O";t0) 000 000 ">t~eo N<:'\I-q ro_(()_~ T- ,...- f? iT}Y}VJ. (fl tI} ~ 00 Olf) -..r'<:j ~ rn .,- fh f:F)- 00 00 tOeD 1'--1"- if} If} 1.0 l() "l'" "<;j" "tr" -V to N N 0 0 N - 00 ll:" 0 m N (\) 0 to ..L E 0 ..c t:::: CO 0 ...... -- I.D <( :J a) , :J 0 c= to L (IJ -J ('\j~= 0 ~.2 --J ~ rnS 0 (J)e:- ~ N ::;ll':J - =' L- a Q) (D 0 m 0 - 01- N Oco I- c:: It: cc r': ,... , I;(: Y:I 1.0 N . 'l""" M N . N T- yt LO l'-. . (7) (D M ... 0- N VJ. , , / DATE: J.;:( ~- a " FORM NUMBER: 0347 FIE JOB NUMBER: j- ~)- <J :~ " BUDGET CODE: CHANGE ORDER NO: ADDITIONAL WORK AUTHORIZATION FLORIDA INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC, INC. 1050 Miller Drive Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 Phone (407)331-1551Fax (40!l331-0~44._ Cor-trador l J~ ~ t -r 11 i~: fJYt 11 JMt( Ii, ~:~P:f:~J ,HO;2 f~ 0 -rhone Number k--1 goS-;) 'i,;,J - 5S'f~ PrDjecl Na",e/[)escription , rnliecl Number rjfH S /"iIV /?<: iJA;/l /\'I!<: -( (1..Ie_:; / ,~~-(' :3 (, -'--- V 'r-c 1Y1;J7rl-L. 'te(~ -I?,) U Ld. 11\ eoi r.... :?-O 5" ~ 797 - 3"'6" ct~'5'"" Florida Industrial Eledric, Inc is hereby authorized to perform the following specifically described additional work: tJ fi- 0 1..Ie':' Fz.:!J/'\ /n'~ff T/7,:J Tc k::::.z.-IJesTrt Plf'::.R., II c.k 1ft<.. 4:/ ~1","Ae ,f tlf2 -r'> IN /1"l11-R.,4-!1i,}.L1. /l11?T 131'1( tJ. Ii &/ M ff 1 /6/~ . 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C k 'fS1S- /t'J - - -- , - , Above Additional Work is to be performed under the same conditions as specified in the original contract unless otherwise stipulated \~),' 11\ \ 1'\ \,\,y- "R 7i< It ) n1--' ~~ Date: I J;) fp / D to Authorizing Signature I I ,SJ '\ Colitcactors Ropce"ntative I Date~ J ~;2{v-ct;" Authorizing Signature C7"'~C ~L-#- Floricfa Industrial Electric Inc.'s Reoresentative / DATE: _ / -if ?. 0 b FIE JOB NUMBER: 5 5- c :5 (P FORM NUMBER: BUDGET CODE: CHANGE ORDER NO: 0341 ADDITIONAL WORK AUTHORIZATION FLORIDA INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC, lNC, 1050 Miller Drive Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 Phone (407)331-1551 Fax (407)331..{)444 - COctaCt PerSon -. - - - - - Phone Numbe' !tUeS' 11:- JJ t~lI...~ (__,.1-'114 r"':' c~T felt e~-.A, N/J~ta.~ 305 -J. "l~-351 if ,oj..,t NamOlDe6Cflption Project Number r r- n) N - ~Jcbt S S<l-d (" C d! 'f'J 7A C.I e.,0 t I Cd f ~ e.. f....--. 0 '3 - '7 9- 7- 8"fS d - Florida Indu5trial Electric, Inc js hereby authorized to perform the following speciflcaily de=ribed additional work: (J [:.-lSrj.-e F~J}/.'tT' ,..-..-)(!"f<.:") I ,'-' rrlItA~Tt"tdA.J Td lie LJ-eg:rr'-1 ~ '\ tS'l?l(~ Ltt 1\ t1 Qh,., .4-1 9,- Ar'\' t{/&P-€'..,p 0>..1 77.~ Fo If.;-coY (,u'Ci-- $/~hJ C<'=....-!t.crc j) E ~ T f ~C1.? " \.VL~$ r .E ~ ;;Z 7 ~ A'v-'" L-II jiae"{4 ;2 .J'c-,o r-c cr> d-<,). - ? -- :}.? · ~ '? -.)7 ... ~ fr..s r 7' ~ w <. S r <j r e.:} fe-<d. / '7 <:.. -->7 ,N R-e...& f.1/CJ~ 'Y'i n & (;l ;} ~-_ '.-0<'< D ~e,?l ~ fl) tJf~e:" A,- /Jpd.e....e-S'- -A. I- I /b ~/$rZ/1 ~ SA /2-, ,if f< I t.. Y ..e rt,.P S ---;;r- 'Y2O'-J/<J<u wr.e~jU.A '/"5 4 -'!It:. '#/-1 t.J ,,.e, e.... E ' -+- -rA-t'E'... / G /1 CU~.-o LA-l &-5 3 Above Additional Work is to be performed under the same conditions as specified in the original contract unless other.vise stipulated The work description listed above will be priced on one of the following: (PI"asQ Ch""K one of the bOAM oolow lhat pertain. to thiS additional work) Dcontract Unit Prices ",..-11 ~'<t=i'f" If box is checked, the additional work will be completed at this price: ~ime, Material and Equipment (please provide the required information below) List all Materials used: Quantity 4-'~V 'V 14- ~2 (--1J Pc-nY 1 q. 0 -"'2 f~ _ ~ @0 P Nrz. S Cf.()p(y S ~ A-013:s _~ '3 (J tJ L{t-~{'5 '48A C 011&., _ {1._ 'B 5 af! IT 3J'T.:.;J =;~:r A o1f:01E, -=t-y {?U tr :s~Li(<;;>5 8 1- 4 6-$ ;;Z 8 SPI/\/ Cc-MNcc.1e:.IZ'i'7!1AOI/Tjf 1- '1 II LV pJ c"',;;h;z<; /l OJ/7, '8 4- list Equipment Used: Hours L'r /LQt.:tL 'lfP1:;- 9 1~ DNegotiated price $ xP"..,,<., Date: 1/:; 7 It{, , I Authoriz.ing Signature \ ~ Date: -0~ Authorizing Signature Hours '1 ~_ 9 ;/.;L ~\.j.AN-'lrl / 't FIE JOB NUMBeR: ;)., <-) (j':> <..p BUDGET CODE: CHANGE ORDER NO: ADDfTIONAL WORK AUTHORfZA TrON FLORIDA INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC, INC 1050 Miller Drive Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 Phone (407)331-1551 Fax (407)331-0444 \ on tractor Contact Person ~ y /t/,g.5'TJ;tr~.;Y'ft{}.u,H1 ;4)ffac-f ,tJe"i::-? J, t1cr.e. t chU Phone Number 3~5'-dJ.-n-?Sld Proj""t NamalDeurip!ion Project Numc..r T -rm S /6-r0 r<Z~/,4-I/{ ./J~?.L,p~ .,/l/oTe.-1 ..'p/14,42'-A-'/';r../h~'7 /V~J7 /I?€.r"->-,/r~&// ~V '/he-/ ~,,,9-r J?-/f,n.i. Re AM ~,ADJ!...j S I~N j -3' (a~-<!:sf) A-e-h'kep S 16# -p {Ill =# 3 .. 1< c ;tJ'-'"L4!JR-d s J ,,-'/v "1. - ~ ,q 1>..J ;'J I -- 3 /7- ~-'" II 4- /i ? u R t' j lTc..eJ. P ftiZTJi" Ii el ouv t- t!J L I 'J tv'T I.i P I/"e ~{it? t;-.J. ;..J<;r-S t f IV $- 1.3 (, '2A:il)AC ^ C?c-k.~- TAe {'d'W ~~..-. S lCol - r N e...e..J ,cJ Pc 1-" 0 '-7 ~ D'~ ~ c,.'~ ~ -.t:-- '7;; } 4 '}J.. 7;~ 4 '-""~ . ~ A-'J ..A.q 0 ;1 A J.- """"'-' JrltST.J ~~ (J:-n-5Ij-) ) ~ ) ~5''''' ) ,A ~ ) --l 'AIJ{;;Lfl>->K. " ;1 3 A ';), ~ It 4--7 The work aescri-pUon Iiste a ove wilt be priced on ohe of the foIJ.OwiiJ.9:~ . ) .J (Please check ana of the bw;as below the! partains to this additional work) DContract Unit Prices , ,. DNegotiated Price If box is checked, the additional work will be completed at this price: $ I]2tTime, Material and Equipment (please provide the required Information below) ~< l-,lrt l:0 :~/&.....t'd'" ..;'!;C'frJ2:Q ,,8 rrL..rc.o ---- Quantity I I, I Hours /D_ /0 a.....A-.<->'l'-tr--l' .s /0 2 7 8' r:<. ~ 10 2, ~ I qJ't~//ttf ~0 f / 0 . I P' P;fe C PL, .L Q~ FUJV 6CJ ----. 'fLlAbO{j ~ 3//0 Date: ,/, 2_ S'- d~ Authorizing Signature L.J "'- "- lA.-.--- Contractor's Representative Date: I- ,1.~ ' d(f:- Authorizing Signature ~"~ I DATE: ;? / I / cP (0 /' / FIE JOB NUMBER:) 5" 0 '3 1..& FORM NUMBER: 0338 BUDGET CODE: CHANGE ORDER NO: ADDITIONAL WORK AUTHORIZATION FLORIDA INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC, INC. 1050 Miller Drive Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 Phone (407)331-1551 Fax (407)331-0444 Cootact Person Phone NumOer e . \u'e,s! J ~j~;t/,<Jj~Pr1J At? fJe'1t:::A. J. i-la-.ejr}rJ ;'O$.-..;pc-.35'j S Prcloct ame!Descriplicn Project Numbe" Ke.'f W~T /1. ,j"S 09& IV rR-c-T !J ';1 ,IV I I Ii e J n.,u,.tS' '? ~-s- - ~7- :r,g-a-S- Florida Industria! Electric, Inc. is hereby aulhorlzed to perform the following specifically described additional work: O'L4Ve ':'-/!..L.l..>1 /l-'?-'~JZ'+Tfto.U IVI~Or---rL Tt Ice tv; I /i e/r.., f0 .j'() .4[-YI < C<")/Vl pl--eTc.--? L ! {7ev y1:s- ~/lcJ..,..rS ? -/~~S'T) ; CfV c.A.. F u) 7-J /J -the k [ r-J 6-..1t- H e.h () j 5 I n..")"'C:- ~ .n---x:.. (:S <-- l s r--e;J /l <=- ( The work description listed above will be priced on one of the following: lP'~.se check one of lhe boxes ""low that pertains to this additional wor~) Dcontract Unit Prices If box is checked, the additional work will be completed at this price; ~mel Material and Equipment (please provide the required information below) DNegotiated Price $ List all Materials used>..,.. oJ .t'//'1#lV S LJ'IA 6;;<.25 5i&rc.E3 41.{ p :2 .LJ IS;? /JS A1AP-:J}' P <.13> J 5' A D--Lt 5"3 p.o u;-<?e. S lr. t> f!f6!!-~ "3 .;) .A 0 4 J Ie J. II j! (,e :i Sf ef' ,,:pl-c 't g Ii 00 {J fa 3 ,,~() LI'fM!,:; r ~ f} -e J / 7 Ii d"-f' /;-' c..-....'"'.,.~ '/ j.. f} Ot l~/ d' 1/, iJ" (t",,,..~~.I<:A. fh/11 S "pLi-:.ef t..,././b' $" - LIst Equipment Used: C <. '1-5 ::L2. Hours 7' t ~ S- f1 ';LA Hours ~ t "7'1-/:.~S 111-- .A?, c II g.? d- T A-1""~ . /0- I 3" .z.; o I ~ /0 I Above Additional Work is to be performed ullder the same conditions as specified I the original contract ~::" OI7;J:"~I;P""I'd Aolhoriziog 8,go'Io", 11111 ) 0,,- _u ESd'f- ~ I r pontractofs Representative Date: Authorizing Signature ~ f':' i{'~- FI 'f1da Industrial Electric Inc.'s Re resentative / DATE: ;;t I'] j() (r , ' I FIE JOB NUMBER S .5" oj C, FORM NUMBER: 0339 BUDGET CODE: CHANGE ORDER NO: ADDITIONAL WORK AUTHORIZATION FLORIDA INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC, INC. 1050 Miller Drive Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 Phone (407)331-1551 Fax (407)331-0444 ntr.lctor Phone Number ~ 'i wC!-,j--r...1 ,vf<<L-~.;y-fro''---+-( A-..:: Rr,i. P"",Te..R ~ , H~-IZ..t 0".1 tI$'- )'12>' ?~/67 pro;ed NameJOes<:ripllOO Project Number rV>'>>~ d- ~'YJ J1-1efl-u'1-1 5:19 {'f r(~p~'i<.. Ke y .uJe5 T S-s-o:3 ~ u ;2- '}- LeN r>''1-L/T i3 (i/ {J l Y A €..<{ rA -;; a.'j - ''7 7 ;?-yo-;:, Florida Il1dustrial Elactric, Inc. is hereby authorized to perform the following l>pecifically described additional work: f11 e'T &-U 1 fA./' lti !J el g < 'f 0 /V-'t vi' <"JR. ke<! aj.} t ~"2_ A/I~';.rc.- :J' I ~ rJ 5 L0 5 e. l y<.J6-- / t47'l... H tL ( 5 r cP Se/a......) ~ '7 ?- 7 ~ ; ~--:- g '1 E -t -:. A J j ..-> ( ~fr"ST) J It! f (l.w~<: r) ~ fJ j'Ll -:;. (S~ T "'\ 10"4 .vv<:::sr-)... L'S;O Fa--<..,,-,J TR.tA<-~- ,15'51"-.)6- N--) 1YtJ-y~, -.e. S t &,0 5 " 0 v-e,6\.i 1(;.-1-( r ::;oJ..J':' -&1 '-I ;:'-dJ?.. jafit ~ 0 The work description listed above will be priced on one of the following: lease check on<, of the boxes below lha! perta in' to thi. addi! ione) work) If box is checked, the additional work will be completed at this price: $ ~me. Material and Equipment (please provide the required information beloW) List all Materials used: Quantity Employees ~~/ D (jUG !t,-.ru.*,4 I f 0 f) "Ji I/; tfty----.s I / 1'7 ;t-T<<'lf}-t. f tI $t:.i? ;- ~ T '/- t€-Itf/-:J -- J ~' i~/h:z..!iJl$4!" t:J (;; ill '{?~ "5'f77t1-JP cJ FF j- g ~c... '/Lj wIer::. __ (!) .t. LJ (,..5" -- (.; TI :) f9L!/c:e:S DContract Unit Prices DNegotiated Price k(2'~ >i'J.<fr1l List Equipment Used: I T/2Ue:. J( '15 if 5 Hours ;f 4 '-'t.{1HJ---rt.1J' _L- I {j 1 .. 3:J... ~o~ " 3CJ '/;J I. ,4-7>'l ~ ~I::.J T j' 3 T/1f;'~ ~ / lJ?ct[ Above Additional Work IS to be performed under the same conditions as specified in the original contract unless otherwise stipulated Date: () / 5' /0-0 ( I Authorizing Signature Date: Authorizing Signature Contractor's Representative CZ), JE: ~ Florid /.Industrial Electric. Inc.'s Re resentative DATE: 2/41/00 / ~ IE JOB NUMBER: f)e,6 S b FORM NUMBER: - BUDGET CODE: CHANGE ORDER NO: 0340 ADDITIONAL WORK AUTHORIZATION FLORIDA INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC, INC. 1050 Miller Drive Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 Phone (407)331-1551 Fax (407)331-0444 "tractor ,I) Ccn!ac1 Person Phone Number If~. WCy:if- t,ruT("6t.nd~v711 !fro- PC--reR j, HQ-dfof'J tJf"-;J92~ 7SlY Project ame/Oe~rip'icn . Project Number I-nC r /?l ,;t4-c't"Zl/9-' ( if I 'J ~ t? c. ~ /1wf: Ii.. ~ Y l.Jt!':.S' , LI tZ-S Co>,-,/7'fC( f-i'L II VI' fit e /h\ :3 6- Florida Industrial Electric, lnc, is hereby authorized to ~rtorm the following specifically described additional work: -::) 7 .-.2J' "- The work description listed above will be priced on one of the following: (please check one or lhe boxes below tho! penains 10 Ihis addilional work! Dcontract Unit Prices If box is checked, the additional work will be completed at this price: r::EJTIme, Material and Equipment DNegotiated Price $ (please provide the required information below) List Equipment Used: / Free/or:: 75q~ Hours ~ Y;;z.. AuthoriZing Signature Date: 2----/ Y /6-(.., J " Hours 4 'l";z /!yu--q-I'-'-1} _1- I t./ :Jg' ~ Authoriz.ing Signature ~ austrial Electric Inc.'s Re resentative