Item D46 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: June 21, 2006 Division: Engineering Bulk Item: Yes No Department: Facilities Development Staff Contact Person: Jerry Barnett AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Receipt of monthly report on Change Orders reviewed by the County Administrator. ITEM BACKGROUND: There was one change order approved by the Deputy Administrator for the period beginning May 1,2006, and ending May 31,2006 for a total of$9,964.47. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: On September 9, 1998, Ordinance No. 026-1998 was adopted in order to provide that the County Administrator may approve separate, non-cumulative change orders for construction projects and professional service contracts in amounts not to exceed $25,000.00 or 5% of the original contract price, whichever is greater. The BOCC requested a monthly report of all change orders considered by the County Administrator. CONTRACTIAGREEMENTCBANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: N/ A TOTAL COST: N/A BUDGETED: Yes N/ A No COST TO COUNTY: N/A REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No X AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMB/Purchasing Risk Management ~ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: DOCUMENTA TION: Included Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITElVl Revised 2/05 !;ti1 ..... 1ZJ ~ I;;l < 0- U ~ i!? Q) c: ~ 0 w a:: ww\O !;tog .... I' OU)...-i Z- O:g .... u* .8 ~ .1!l ~ IX: 0'- 'c 0 .....c: 'E \D _::I I- g!0l ~ ~ 0 .!!:! .S: ....... ~ .... g-g Iii rt) c: ....... ....~ ::I t-I 0 Z In Q) .... U 0 ..c: .- S t-I .....ro :t: I OQ) (I) +-> ..c: ~ a:: Q \D Z ...-i...... W <C 0 0 'It:.8 ~ Q ~ ....... ~ .... Ul o.i .... a:: .... .8UlU 0- 0 0- 0 Z ~ roQ)e: <C ....... > u ro W :) In ~ Q)Ue: * _roQ) ~ 0 0 WQ)"E: z u Q w "0.......- 0 e:flro <C w 0 Q) = E :J: :J: &! S'u .... U l- I ~.e w ~ Q. W ..... 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LL MONROE COUNTY / ENGINEERING /FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER PROJECT TITLE: Freeman Justice Center Jackson Square Key West, FL CHANGE ORDER NO: 13 INITIATION DATE: May 10, 2006 CONTRACT DATE: June 16, 2004 TO CONTRACTOR: The Tower Group, Inc. 405 SW 148111 Avenue Suite One Davie, FL 33325 The Contract is changed as follows: The original (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) ....................................... $13,804,000.00 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders ....... ........................................ $ 883,670.14 The (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) prior to this Change Order was......... $14,687,670.14 The (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by this Change Order ................. $ 9,964.47 The new (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) including this Change Order is ... $14,697,634.61 The Contract Time will be (increased) (decreased) (uncl}('ln~ by ....... ........... ( ) N/A The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order is ................. .January 25, 2007 Detailed description of change order and justification: Extend the travel of Elevator #1 to the roof level to facilitate access to the air handling units for maintenance. Costs are as follows: Replace bronze finish landing doors with prime finish Increase travel of Elevator #1 from 28'0" to 44'0" Delete 3 of 4 roof hatches Roof Access Ladder Roofing membrane modifications Overhead and Profit 5% Total ($1,655.00) 9,700.00 (1,130.00) 1,328.97 1,246.00 474.50 $9,96447 Not valid until si~ned bV Owner, Construction Man~er and Contractor ARCHITECT: Date CONTRACTOR: DIRECTOR, FACILITIES DEVELOPMENT COUNTY ENGINEER: Date Thomas Willi COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR 03/20/2006 07:51 FAX 3055949774 TOWER GHOUl' I4J 002 :y'1;it:~~!,:;l-'i'-:~~~'_~~~msr"\!~'-'fIT it1~"'''"''"'''''~<li ~mIlla.~T1'f,1 PBI!~;U.ll..'l1lt D'ClW llW ..a,,:: 11I1!'JiIl; T'be rro~ver Group, Inc. 302 Fleming St. (Jobsite Trailer) ~yWest,FL ~,~ CHANGE ORDER REQUEST No. 00022 Phone: (305) 296-2521 Fax: (305) 296-2587 TITI"E: Enhance Mechanical Room Access DATE: 3/15/2006 PROJli;CT: Freeman Justice Center (FJC) ']'0: Attn: Clark Briggs Monroe County Facilities Development 1100 Simonton Street Key West, FL 33040 Phone: (305) 295-4306 Fax: (305) 295-4321 JOB: 0417 CONTRACT NO: F<ECEI RE: pca To: TTG DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL From: SCHELE /) U1J../ -;:j 'l:..';j:.'.J)!jiJ'~.",,,..,,_...,_. Number: LRS002 The Tower Group submits this Change Order Request (COR), #22, in response to the Owner's and Architect's request for a proposal to extend the travel of Elevator #1 to the rooflevel to facilitate access to the Air Handling Units for maintenance_ This COR includes the additional cost for the elevator supplier, less the cost for deleting three of the four roof hatches, plus the cost for an access ladder for access to the roof hatch, plus the cost for roofing membrane modifications. This proposal also includes a credit to the Owner for deletillg the specified bronze finish for the Ground Floor, 2nd Floor and 3rd Floor landing doors at Elevators #1 & #2, as the Owner is purchasing etched bronze panels for these doors separately. Copies ufthe vendor proposals are attached to this COR. This COR excludes the costs for the stmchlral modifications and additional elevator rails associated with this change. These costs will be submitted under cover of a separate COR. This COR also excludes compensation for time extension and the associated costs. Matters of time impact, if applicable, will be included with the structural modifications COR. 'The total proposed cost for the changes outlined above is $10,277.64. Please provide your approval and furnish means of payment for this work via Change Order as soon as possible. Item 00001 00002 0000] 00004 00005 Description Provide prime finish landing doors f(Jf Elevators 1# 1 & #2 at Ground Floor, 2nd Floor and 3rd Floor in lieu of bronze specififc (Entrance fr:Jmes and landing sills shan remain bronze). Increase tTavel of Elevator ifl from 28'.0" to 44'.0", adding a stop and opening at the Mechanical Room (Penthouse). Delete 3 of 4 Roof Hatches (Based on Nystrom Quotation #27596, dated 1120/06, S450.00 less Nystrom original Quotation #9554, dated 511 'I/O;!, SI ,58000 mc1urling freight) Roof Access LCldder (B,lsed on ,/l 0/00 response from I lernandcz Ornamental to rrG Fax Memo i!0417.0 1 (90) RODfing rVlernbrane rvlodificatlOns (Based 011 Laurnar Proposal dated 1/26/06) Stock# Quantity Units 1000 LS Unit Price ($1,65500) Tax Rate Tax Amount Net Amount 000% SOOO ($1,655.00) 1000 LS $9,700.00 000% SO.OO $9,700.00 1000 LS ($1, l30.00) 000% $0.00 ($1,130.00) 1.000 LS I J28, 97 o DO')!" :]iOOO SU2897 1.000 LS ,24600 o 00 %, 'EO.OO ] ,246()() 03/20/2006 07:52 FAX 3055949774 'rowrm CHOUP mrhr'~llf~;"H',a~"--~~_wv---'li!iIlm.,... ~~ -.Ilffiillj~~---t'P'-~~"'~~"'--~>."'. ~ ",r ~._ ~_. -~= ....... l'be rfOVfer (;roup, Inc. 302 Fleming St. (Job site Trailer) Key West, FL 33040 -- Phone: (305) 296-2521 Fax: (305) 296-25~7 Description OIR & Profit Bond & Builders Risk Ins. By: JdL John S. Chandler Date: 3(/13 Ice Expedition @ [4]003 CHANGE ORDER REQUEST No, 00022 Unit Cost: Unit Tax: Unit Total: $9,489.97 $0.00 $9,489.97 $9,489.97 Subtotal: Markup Percent Markup Amount 5.000% $474.50 3.300% $313.17 Total Cost: $10,277.64 By: Date: Schindler f:ievato~' CAI--j November 22, 2005 Fax Mr. John Chandler The Tower Group, fne. 405 SW 148th Street- suite 1 Davie, Florida 33325 '., L._., ,,, "," ^' .:'~], i ~lC. Re: Freeman Justice Center Dear John: As requested informally by the architect, I wish to provide additional pricing information for the following pending changes; 1) Provide prime finish landing doors at floors #1 thru 3 for elevators #1 & 2 in lieu of #4 bronze. Entrance frames and landing sills to remain bronze. Please deduct $1,655.00 2) Change the entrances at the landings and on the car from single slide type to center opening on elevators #1 & 2. Please add $1,800.00. 3) Increase the travel of elevator #1 from 28'-0" to 44'-0" adding a stop and opening at the Mechanical Level. Please add $9,700.00. Others are to modify the elevator hOistway to suit the increase in travel. Please note the minimum clear overhead required from the top floor to the underside of the hoistway roof to be 12'-6". Pricing includes key switch control in the car for access to the mechanical level. Please advise if any of the above changes are acceptable prior to our releasing the equipment for manufacture. As soon as we have confirmation of the approval drawings and an questions have been answered, we will be in position to release the orders to the factory. Any questions, please advise Very truly yours, Schindler Elevator Corporation -"j :~ ((>^j><\~~L1( t< '; \ '. \ Dennis M. Russell Manager Construction Operations '7~' ~t' , , G', ~ C1) - "'Olf II VV...\.....~..-. u.~ QUOTA TiON @OOllOOl O~ \ --j - 0 \2.. \ C1 ClUOTE #: .27596 Page 1 of 1 Please reference this quote number when ordering 9300 - 73rd Avenue Norttl liVE ARE A MATERIALS SUPPLIER ONLY Minneapolis, !'vII'! 55428 Phone 800-547.2635 Fax 800-317-8770 BILL TO THE TOWER GROUP 405 SW 148TH AVE SUITE 1 DAVIE, FL 33325 Contact JOHN CHANDLER Phone 786-367-0549 Fax 305-296-2587 Project FREEMAN JUSTICE CENTER --- 1/20/2006 P053 LARRY J GREENFIELD Ex! 9280 Ig reenfie Id@r;r.strom.com ~'11[.J1:a 1&-..... ~"1~'~(81j.]=!-'iol.ll"'~lm :.'~:<,;; .(:. SA.I.~S,.R~~!~x.:~Je.~"~'~:: ,: '. :: " " ....~ . -; .,~ ",? , . ';";! f.' :'~""t.'f>;;.',,.- '" .l' 4.-:;. . .f .:. .. -P.YMNT TERMS .... ~;, ':;',.I.:.~:. .:: ":-;,4..:).:.~~ .,~ Net30 or Prepay .~ BP Allowed i ;::;, ~I1JP.."V1~ . ,: ,;'," 1:~~"I; ~.I;.~~ ~'i:.:..~ i 11 :::'l.l:.-Y,~~.,:., BEST WAY ;~;; t,j":~\!~~l~ ~~~::~..\ -;i-":'. ~ i.;;,;. >:'~XT'PR'CI; RHG3630lT ROOF HATCH, GALVANIZED SINGLE LEAF, DOUBLE WALL TURI'! HANDLE EA 450.00 450.00 ALL FREIGHT INCLUDED IN PRICING. REVISEO QUOTE AS REQUESTED BY CUSTOMER & CHANGES MADE BY ARCHITECT. 2 WEEK LEAD TIME TO SHIP ROOF HATCH TOTAL PRODUCT 450.00 Fuel surcharges will be added to invoice ~ __C:i~O ,~ ~-l (The TowertJroup, Inc. --_._--_...,---_._~"._..__.~j Quote valid for 45 (L1YS and is subject Ii) Jdjustrnrnt 1J:L\('rJ on.~ in specifications' O?- 111J.teriaJ costs. :"OT lNCLUDED: , r:iclci rvfc~SUreI11ell:s and JI1s!:.llhlioll la.x is the i:~sponsibility the ctty<;r 05/J 004 17: 26 612 Q] 1363 NYSTROM BLDG PRODUCTS @OOllOOl [.. 'QUOTATION ] "~~-"'~;~~1. Right to site. QUOTE #: 9554 Page 1 of 1 Pi(HH,~ Ft\3Ifarence this quote number when ordering 1701 Madison Street NE Minneapolis, MN 55413 ,e>hone: 800.547-2635 F;,Jx: 800-317-8770 WE ARE A MATERIALS SUPPLIER ONLY BILL TO GENERAL BIDDER ConWcl ESTIMAT1NG DEPARTMENT Phone: Pax; Projed FREEMAN JUSTICE CrR-REBID --- 5/17/.2004 P053 """'. ..;.SAL~~ep./E)(J:'/eM!:\tL;~: '. " '. ':~' !~~.'~~..'.."-:.'~ ':.':": '00;" :....;.~ :....... '. . .~'!'M!"':r. T~fI:'S '. . >l.i"~ .~..... ,"',_... ..... -('.: ~ ~ -t': LARRY J GREENFIELD EJct 280 Ig reenfield@nystrom.com roH'><<'ol!l.il'i!.1 ~ t..l.-_~TI'i"'~'=ltll"(.))'J:t-'{oj;jl:.!lll'h'~~ ~IM'lI Net30 or Prepay BP . ,~... :'UNlt'PR,GE ;,~::.", ,:. './OO.P..tUCE' 4 RHG3630fT EA 395,00 1.58000 ROOF HATCH, GALVANIZED SINGLE LEAF, DOUBLE WALL TURN HANDLE ~ QUO/ED PER SPEC &. DRAWING A1.04 PROVIDED .,..::. DEDUCT $45 IF D8L WALL CURB NOT REQUIRED ~ ALL FREIGHT INCLUDED IN PRICING. ...."... QUOTED ROOF HATCHES ARE A STOCK ITEM. TOTAL PRODUCT 1,580.00 uote v~lid for ,;'5 d~Y5 lleG is Hlbj€d to adj IJSllI]t;O 1 D2scd \)0 ~ ~hllijgcS in spccific&t!ons or Y/112tN'lnl ~osLs. J',[ -U'\I(~LUDE S!3:'tc Use IbJCCllC r~',15Ion if Spc,;lfrolloliS dl,lD5c. PJYimm of .cCTilSll"j, No Ref~Ii1~g~ AlJow~d. ."icld pTicc:s Dnced 0" ImJ ii:L.:os gi ye:.1 Jhove. QUOI~ r:n; j;5 :n,-; rcsp':.:nsibiJii)' Of'lhc buyer. Nystrom dClC"S no: collect ,,31<:1\ LtD. oUUiidc oCflrlL..-:..nesoLl aDd ,'\PPROV:\l. SIGNATURE ?-,;/d'(tElrITLE ()F i'J/\JAE rl LEt i TO\VER L.QBQl)J)~ ______ .-----.-- -------. ..- / pc_O --\~CD'2 F"-1. .,"'" T~p,_ Gn.:mp, Ilrn:, 405. sw: ~ A_~ $.,~i1Y.!< ttJi~.$. ~ R,31rld<1l 3:J325 ~:~~ i'= ~14.3111 T",~ ----- ~ ~> ~"~------ Rut: (305) 592-8519 P~ges: I Phon€: (305) 592-7296 Date-: March 10, 20(;6 Re: Freeman Justk:e Center (FJC) 0417 - 01690 cc: TTGIMQ (COR-22), FF Cc;OR-22) SU~ect: ROQfAc~Ladde{ o Urgent o For R&view 0 PIease C-ol"l'im<ent 0 P/.easEI> Reply 0 Please Recycle III COl'nC11ents: Dear Andre, Please forward a price to furnish and install one r()(Jf access ladder with hinged cover plate as sho'WTI on the attached sketches. Please fax your proposal to my attention at (305) 296-2587. Sincerely, J&- John Chandler, Project Manager ~---/ ~ / /~ J-~OO~ ~ dl-t-~ )' I ) S c~o s-l/ /' >- fie C'C(2 S'S ~. L~ //eh I~ S ~Y' (s 2 p, -2 C; J--.~ ~~~'" 1 ) <3/ Ic) !t) 6' ''"'- .-._".~. -~~~.,,- !__d In d (] of' i J"1{; .s Ie r" \j 1. ,~~! I "CJ 5 TC:' 1. 8 CHJ f~ . 2 --st- .::::'~' \ \.,:...... / . -,~'" .....-.., , " LR~o -.., ....----.(": , #,- -.;; , /:::-: ~ c_ _'~ :c-; '_.. .~- ;..,., JAN. 26,2006 JOH~ CHANDLER THE TOWER GROUP 405 S W 148TH STREET D/\ V[E FL. 33325 RE: FREElvlAN JUSTLCE CENTER: RFP - ELEVATOR #- 1 TO MECHANICAL ROOl\l DEAR MR. CHANDLER: THE ADD1T!ONAL COST TO lNSTALL BUILT UP FLASHING & COUNTER flASHING AT THE BASE OF THE ELEVA TOR SHAFT & TO [NSTALL A GRA VEL STOP & GUTTER (ONE SIDE) AT THE ROOF OF THE ELEVA TOR SHAFT [S THIRTEEN HUNDRED NiNETY SIX DOLLAR ($1,396). THE CREDlT FOR THE ELlMINA TION OF THREE (3) SCUPPERS IS ONE HlINDRED FIFTY DOLLARS ($150), PLEASE INCREASE OUR CONTRACT ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED fORTY SlX DOLLARS ($1,246) VERY TRUL Y YOURS LAUNfAR~O~~7RVICES INC., . ~/~~ WALTER HARTlYLi\N SALES MANAGER Ma( 17 OG 1 '132a Anthony Burke 105-296-2587 p.1 blJ. TOWER GROUP The Tower Group, Inc. 405 SW 14B'tt Avenue, Suite One Davie, Florida 33325 Phone: 954-476-3200 Faxr 954-474-3111 era: Monroe County Facilities Development Attn: Clark Briggs (305) 295-4321 From: John S. Chandler TeflFax: (305) 296-2521 ! (305) 296-2587 !fax: Pages: 'I Phone: (305) 295-4306 Date: March 17,2006 Re: Freeman Justice Center (FJC) 0417 - 01726 cc: TTG/MO (COR-22), FF (COR-22) ~.!tI)IfO!:c::!~-J::=QE. ff~.~:~Le_GhaDlQ.aLRQ.oJ]l.A~~esli o Urgent o For Review o Please Comment o Please Reply o Please Recycle . Comments: Dear Clark, This memo confirms our conversation today concerning TTG Change Order Request #22. COR #22 does not include a deduction for the labor to install the deleted hatches and does not include an addition for the labor to install the added access ladder because these two items are offsetting. As described in their proposal, Laumar Rooting does give credit for the flashing at the deleted hatches. If you have any questions, you may cal I me at (786) 367-0549. Sincerely, ~~ John Chandler, Project Manager i'v1w- 17 OG 0956a 105-296-2587 p.1 Anthony BUI-ke Cil TOWER Gill The Tower Group, Inc. 405 SW 14Bth Avenue, Suite One Davie, Florida 33325 Phone: 954-476-3200 Fax: 954474-3111 From: Tim Clarke To:: Structural Prestressed Industries Tel/Fax: 305-296-2521 /305-296-2587 Atln: George Hernandez Fax: 305-556-9696 Phone: 305-556-6699 Pages: ~ECEIVEQ _. rJi-~~/~/ )) 1;",J<" IN(.''<~:/C/)i-';;;'-.''; :i Date: March 1/, 2006 cc: EGB File, MCDF - Clark Briggs per../!!nu. Re: Freeman Justice Center (FJC) 0417 - 01724 o Urgent 5Y.l)j~ct: FreemauJustice.C&nter o Please Recycle o For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply It Comments: Mr Hem311dez This memo is to confirm conversations today with Bart Webb at EGBraswell, regarding revised precast j ois t delivery seq LIence as follows: 1. Del ivery of Lme 1-4 x C-F has been moved to the end of the order. The sequence for delivery needs to be as follows: Line 1-4 x F-G Line 1-4 x B-C Line 1-4 x G-H Line 4-8 x B-C Line 4-8 x C-D Line 4-8 x D-F Line 4-8 x F-G Line 4-8 x G-H Line 1-4 x C-F 3 - .1]36,5 Jl37,3 - 1138,6 - 1139,1 - J140 6 Jl25, 1 - Jl26, 6 - J127, 1 J128,2 Jl29 10 - Jl44, 3- Jl45, 1 - .Jl46 2-1147,5 J148,2 J129,7-J125,1 Jl30,7 Jl30 2 -J149, 5-1150, 14-J132, 1 1134,3 -II31 15 Jl51,36-JI35 71152,6-1139,] Jl4I,1-J142,2-Jl43,5-J137,3 1136 7 1153,]0 -Jl44, 3 1145,1 -.Tl46 11 - J250, 3 - Jl3l, 14 - J132, 1 - "133 2, \Ve anticipate delivery of precast to start Tuesday 3/28/06. Dellvery to the Jobsitc in the above sequence is critical for positioning of the crane. \Ve llc.'ed to schedule the crane and close the street in coordination with the Clty of Key West therefore we need you to confirm of the joists as a matter of urgency. ons cont3ctme at 305296 2521 Post-it" Fax i\Jote 7671 To Co.iDeot. Phone ;.; MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Couni'y Comm.issioners From: Debbie Frederick County Administrator Date: May 15, 2006 RE: Change Orders: Attached is a proposed change order for The Tower Group, for the Freeman Justice Center. (Change Order #13 in the amount of $9,964.47 is to extend the travel of Elevator#l to the roof level to facilitate access to the air handling units.) According to the ordinance adopted by the Board of County Commissioners, proposed change orders are to be presented to members of the Board of County Commissioners prior to approval, assuming they are within the Administrator's prescribed limits. Change orders not within the Administrator's authority are placed on the BOCC agenda. The Administrator intends to approve this change order on Wedrlesday, May 17, 2006. Debbie Frederick Coui'rty Administrato!~ [)LF:adc l'he Tower Group" Inc. 302 Fleming St. (Jobsite Trailer) Key West, FL 33040 No. 01286 Phone: (305) 296-252] Fax: (305) 296-2587 PROJECT: Freeman Justice Center (FJC) DATE: 5/24/2006 TO: Monroe County Facilities Development 1100 Simonton Street REF: Change Order # 13 Elevator # 1 Travel to Roof Level Key West, FL 33040 ATTN: Clark Briggs WF. ARF. , , /<',1 ,J{on. ACI'IUN TAUT,'jIJ. 0 Shop Drawings 0 Approval 0 Appmved as Submitted 0 Letter 0 Your Use 0 Approved as Noted 0 Prints [0 As Requested 0 Returned AfTer Loan G? Change Order D Review and Comment D Resubmit 0 Plans 0 Suhmit 0 Samples SI-<:N] vfA. 0 Returned 0 Speeifieations [0 Attached 0 Returned for Corrections 0 Other: 0 Separate Cover Via: Hand-Oelivery 0 Due Date: ITEM NO. COPIES DATE ITEM NUMBER REV. NO. DESCRIPTION STATUS 5/23/2006 CO 13 Contract Change Order # 13 - Extend Travel of APP Elevator #] to the Roof Level Remarks: (:,~(~: FF John S Chandler