Item H01 HOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 21 June 2006 Division: Gro"-'ih Management Bulk Item: Yes ~ No Department: Marine Resources Staff Contact; George Garrett AGENDA ITEM \VORDING: Approval to use up to $25,000 of Boating Improvement Funds to assist in a maintenance dredging project on Tingler Island supported in the City of Marathon Dredging Master Plan. Invoices for the project will be routed to the County. ITEM BACKGROUND: The City of Marathon undertook a dredging master plan supporting a number of potential maintenance dredging projects. One of these projects involves that canals in the Tingler Island area of Sombrero Beach. The Tingler Island canals have in-filled significantly as a result of the past active stoml seasons. Discussion with the City some time ago suggested that up to 10% of these projects could be funded using Boating Improvement Funds. Ten percent was considered reasonable by staff considering BIF availability. It is anticipated that approximately $16,000 to $17,000 will be necessary at the proposed 10% limit of project funding. This item was presented to the Monroe County Marine and Port Advisory Committee at the their 2 May 2006 meeting, The Committee recommended in favor or the project unanimously for up to and not exceed $25,000. Sufficient BIF funds are available. PREVIOUS RELEVANT HOCC ACTION: None CONTR4.CT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: None STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval TOTAL COST: nte $250.000 BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: nte $25,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: BIF CC 62520 REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT Per Month Year APPROVED BY: County Atty NA OMB/Purchasing NA lllVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Ty /" mroski, Director of Growth Managemel1! j I DOCUMENTATION: Included _ Not Required ~ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM NO.: BC060620 Tingler Dredge Agenda.doc 5/3lJ/2006 2:39:0() PM