Item P03BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: June 21 2006 Division: County Administrator Bulk Item: Yes X No _ Department: County Administrator Staff Contact Person: Debbie Frederick ............................... . AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Ratification of Leases of County owned trailers to employees as temporary housing. ITEM BACKGROUND: On May 16, 2006, the BOCC authorized the purchase of five trailers from Lazydays for emergency housing of three employees who still require emergency housing and the Conch Key Fire Department which requires two trailers due to Hurricane Wilma. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: These trailers are part of the original fleet of trailers leased by the County from Lazydays after Hurricane Wilma, and sub -leased to County employees for emergency housing. The rental money was reimbursed to the County by FEMA. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: NONE STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval TOTAL COST: BUDGETED: YES NO COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: YES _ NO _ AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Atty OMB/Purchasing Risk Management DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Demote %edc" (Debbie Frederick) DOCUMENTATION: Included X Not Required DISPOSITION: .. AGENDA ITEM # Memorandum Office of County Administrator TO: Swan Hawxhurst FROM: Abra Campo DATE: May 26, 2006 SUBJECT: RV lease Attached is the lease for the RV you are using for temporary housing. Please read over it and sign. You will need to have someone sign as witness to your signature. Return signed lease to me at stop # l . if you have any questions call me at 292-4445. *PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THIS LEASE DOES NOT REQUIRE YOU TO PROVIDE PROOF OF PERSONAL PROPERTY INSURANCE. YOU MIGHT WANT TO CONSIDER HAVING IT FOR YOUR OWN PROTECTION. CONTRACT FOR LEASE OF TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE HOUSING On May 26. 2006, MONROE COUNTY (County), a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is 1100 Simonton Street. Key West. Florida 33040, and Susan HavNht rst (Lessee), a County employee, whose address is 1616 United St.. hc� Vest. FL 33o4o enter into this contract for the leasing of temporary employee housing. W ITNESSETH WHEREAS. Hurricane Wilma hit the Florida Keys on October 24, 2005_ causing extensive; damage and destruction of property: and WHEREAS, some of the property damaged or destroyed included homes owned by Count -,- employees. including Lessee's now uninhabitable home: and WHEREAS, the Countv- finds that the leasing of the premises to Lessee is a proper public put -pose, NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual understandings and agreements set forth herein. the Count- and the Lessee agree to the following: 1. BACKGROUND OF PARTIES a. Status of Parties: County- owns five travel trailers (Vehicle's)) which it agrees to lease to employees ,whose homes are uninhabitable due to damage caused by. Hurricane Wilma. Lessee intends to use the leased Vehicle as temporary housing. b. Ownershi of Vehicle: The Vehicle is. and shall at all times be and retrain, the sole and exclusive property of Monroe County. IT. DESCRIPTION DELIVERY OF POSSESSION. AND CONDITION OF VEHICLE a. Description of Vehicle: County leases Vehicle to Lessee with the follovving Vehicle Identification Number(s): X4TNVDG2 6A2379633. b. Deliver- of Vehicle: On May 26 2006 Count- will tender possession of Vehicle to Lessee at Lessee's current Vehicle site. Lessee acknowledges possession of the Vehicle prior to the transfer of ovynership to County and will leave the Vehicle in its current site. c. Condition of Vehicle at Commencement of Contract: Lessee will. by signing this lease. accept the Vehicle's condition as is. III. USE OF VEHICLE a. Compliance with Regulations and Laws: Lessee will ensure that the Vehicle is used in a careful and proper manner and solely for the purpose of serving as temporary housing. Lessee will ensure that the Vehicle is used in a manner that complies with national. state, municipal, and other laws, ordinances and regulations in any rvay relating to the possession, use or maintenance of the Vehicle. b. Operators of Vehicle: Lessee will not permit anyone other than the County or those contracted by the County to operate or move the Vehicle. c. Maintenance of Vehicle: Lessee will properly- maintain the Vehicle's machinery and is responsible for any mechanical damage caused by Lessees negligence to properly operate or sufficiently- maintain the Vehicle. d. Use of a Generator: Lessee rv,ill seek authorization from the office of the Count -,- Administrator in the event that Lessee decides to use a generator. Lessee vyill choose a generator appropriate for the Vehicle and ,will pay for all damage caused by use of the generator. e. Use of Pro are Tanks: Lessee ,will refill the two propane tanks provided and will safely operate, connect and use them. f. Emer encv Evacuation: Lessee will evacuate the Vehicle immediately upon being ordered to do so by Federal. State and' or local authorities. IV. DURATION OF LEASE County will lease Vehicle to Lessee on a month -to -month basis with an opportumit of monthly renewal for a period of one year from the date of the commencement of this lease. V. NON RENEWAL OR TERMINATION OF LEASE a. Non-renc- _,val of Lease: Lessee and the County will give the other a thirty -day notice of an intention not to renew this tease and/or of intention to vacate the vehicle. Lessee shall vacate the vehicle as soon as possible upon completion of construction on the Lessee"s dwelling. b. —Condition of —E-M—PI—OY rft for Pq5sessiow Lessee will, in the event that Lessee is no longer employed by County, effectively terminate this lease and will return possession of the Vehicle to County within thirty days from the date Lessee ends County employment. Lessee acknowledges that this is temporary housing and is not intended to be permanent, V1. RESPONSIBILITYOF LESSEE FOR DAMAGE TO YEH--1CLE Lessee hereby assumes and will bear the entire responsibility for loss and damage to the Vehicle from any and every cause whatsoever and agrees to return it to County in the condition received- with the exception of nomad wear and tear or act of nature. V11. TREATMENT OF THE VEHICLE Lessee is responsible for the costs associated with damage to the Vehicle or other personal property or persons caused by Lessee's violation of the provisions of this section: a. Lessee will not move the Vehicle. b. Lessee will not place nor allow placement of objects or persons on the roof of the Vehicle. c. Lessee will not after any part of the Vehicle, including, but not limited to, adding optional equipment, adding signs, lettering or painting the Vehicle, or removing any appliance or component from the Vehicle. d. Lessee will not carry or store explosives or other hazardous materials or waste in the Vehicle. c. Lessee will not leave the Vehicle's awning out in potentially damaging weather. f Lessee will not smoke or allow other individuals to smoke in the Vehicle. g. Lessee will not use any other receptacle box other than a 30-amp 120-volt receptacle box supplied. h. Lessee will not use the Vehicle for any illegal purpose. i. Lessee will not sublease, the vehicle in whole or in part to anyone. V111. INDEMNIFICATION BY LESSEE a. AssuMplion.. pf Liability for or injury, disability, or death persons caused by y: operating, handling or transporting the "Vehicle during the term of this Lease is the obligation of the Lessee. b. Waiver of Claims: Lessee waives all claims that the Lessee may have against County for property damage that Lessee mom or suffers as a result of Lessee's use or transportation of Vehicle. c, nificati q Ind by Lessee will indemnify and hold harmless County for any injury ,m of damage caused by the Lessee's use or transportation of Vehicle. JX. RETURN OF HUICLE of the Lease, Lessee agrees to a. Return: No later than the last day return the Vehicle in the condition, excluding ordinary wear and tear, in which it was initially delivered to Lessee. Lessee will ensure that the Vehicle is available for the County to remove at the end of the lease term. b. Return of Vchicle-WmWs-, Lessee will return all Vehicle manuals and remotes to County upon return of the Vehicle. County will charge Lessee $500.00 if Lessee fails to return the complete manual set. c. Potetntial charges Ugon Return oftheVehicle: i. County will charge Lessee for the cost of the dump charge, if Lessee does not empty the waste water tank prior to returning the Vehicle to the County, ii- County will charge Lessee for a cleaning fee of $250-00 at the end of the lease term. County will charge Lessee an additional $40,00 cleaning fee If the Lessee allowed smoking in the Vehicle, and an additional $200.00 cleaning fee for damage caused by pets- X, RESTRICTION ON ASSJGNMENT AND SUBLEASE Lessee will not assign to a third party its rights to or sublease its interest: in the Vehicle. X1. MODIFICATION OF -CONTRACT a. Entirry of A regiment: This contract is whole and shall not be modified, amended or alter without the written consent of County and Lessee. b. Process of Contract Modification: This contract may be modified only by a written and dated agreement which is signed by both Court= and Lessee. XII. SEVERABILrTY County- and Lessee agree that if any section or subsection of this contract is for any reason uncnforceable, the remainder of the contract is still valid.. X11I. DELIVERY OF NOTICE Any notice under this contract will be made in writing and delivered by certified mail. Notice to the County will be made to Mr. Tom Willi, County Administrator at 1100 Simonton Street Suite 205, Key West, Florida 33040. Notice to the Lessee will be made to Lessee's address listed above. XIV. CsOVERNiNG LAWS AND VENUE O -CONTRACT The venue for any dispute arising under this contract will be Monroe County, Florida. The laws of the state of Florida govern this contract I AGREE TO ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH ABOVE. IN WITNESS VYITEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the clay and date first written above in Three (3) counterparts, each of which shall, without proof or accounting for the other counterparts, be deerned an original contract. (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOHLAGE, CLERK By: Deputy Cleric Attest: By: SS E Si e Susan Hawxhurst LESSEE Print Name Date:____ Ma � BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA f . ` $ a.County .Administrator Ratified on June 21, 2006: By: Mayor Charles "Sonny" McCoy Date: ��66 MONROE COUNTY;AT Rt '�AP ROVED AS T M' ZANNE AlfN TtQ Data" L .... Memorandum Office of Conniy A&ninistrator TO: Phyllis Sweeting FROM: Abra Campo ,,c DATE: May 26, 2006 SUBJECT: RV lease Attached is the lease for the RV you are using for temporary Dousing. Please read over it and sign. You will need to have someone sign as witness to your signature. Return signed lease to me at stop # l . If you have any questions call me at 2924445. *PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THIS LEASE DOES NOT REQUIRE YOU TO PROVIDE PROOF OF PERSONAL PROPERTY INSURANCE. YOU MIGHT WANT TO CONSIDER HAVING IT FOR YOUR OWN PROTECTION. CONTRACT FOR LEASE OF TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE HOUSING On Ma,, 26.2006. MONROE COUNTY (Count-). a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is 1100 Simonton Street, key- West. Florida 33040, and PhN llis Sir t� tin�(Lessee}_ a Countz etnplo} ee. c hose address is 1 {) -, United St„ KQN West_ FL )3)040 enter into this contract for the leasing of temporary- employee housing. WITNESSETH WHEREAS. Hurricane Wilma hit the Florida Keys on October 24, 2005. causing extensive damage and destruction of property ; and WHEREAS. some of the property damaged or destrox ed included hotnes owned by County employ ees, including Lessees nozv uninhabitable home: and WHEREAS. the County finds that the leasing of the premises to Lessee is a proper public purpose. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual understandings and agreements set forth herein. the Counp, and the Lessee agree to the following: I. BACKGROUND OF PARTIES a. $tatus of Parties: Counth- owns five travel trailers (Vehicle's)) which it agrees to Lease to employees whose homes are uninhabitable due to damage caused by Hurricane Wilma. Lessee intends to use the leased Vehicle as temporary housing. b. Ownership of Vehicle: The Vehicle is.. and shall at all times be and remain, the sole and exclusive property of Monroe County. lI. DESCRIPTION. DELIVERY OF POSSESSION AND CONDITION OF VEHICLE a. Description of Vehicle: Countv leases Vehicle to Lessee with the following Vehicle Identification Number(s):4X4TNVDG2X6A.238056. b. Deliven• of Vehicle: On May 26, 2006 County will tender possession of Vehicle to Lessee at Lessee's current Vehicle site. Lessee acknowledges possession of the Vehicle prior to the transfer of ownership to County and will leave the Vehicle in its current site. c. Condition of Vehicle at Commencement of Contract: Lessee will. by signing this lease, accept the Vehicle's condition as is. III. USE OF VEHICLE a. Compliance with Re ulations and Laws: Lessee will ensure that the Vehicle is used in a careful and proper manner and solely for the purpose of serving as temporary housing. Lessee will ensure that the Vehicle is used in a manner that complies with national. state, municipal, and other laws. ordinances and regulations in an) tvav relating to the possession, use or maintenance of the Vehicle. b. Operators of Vehicle: Lessee will not permit anyone other than tite Count-,- or those contracted by the Country to operate or move the Vehicle. c. Maimenance of Vehicle: Lessee will properly maintain the Vehicle's machinery and is responsible for any mechanical damage caused by Lessee's negligence to properly operate or sufficiently maintain the Vehicle. d. Use of a Generator: Lessee will seek authorization from the office of the Countv Administrator in the event that Lessee decides to use a generator. Lessee will choose a generator appropriate for the Vehicle and twill pad- for all damage caused by use of the generator. e. Use of Propane Tanks: Lessee twill refill the two propane tanks provided and will safel- operate. connect and use theta. f. Emergency Evacuation: Lessee trill evacuate the Vehicle immediately upon being ordered to do so by Federal, State and/or local authorities. IV. DLRATION OF LEASE Counts will lease Vehicle to Lessee on a mouth -to -month basis etith an opportunity- of nnonth1v renewal for a period of one year from the date of the commencement of this lease. V. NON -RENEWAL OR TERIy1INATION OF LEASE a. NanLr newel of Lease: Lessee and the County will give the other a thirty -day notice of an intention not to renew this lease ands"or of intention to vacate the vehicle. Lessee shall vacate the vehicle as soon as possible upon completion of construction on the Lessee's dwelling. b. Ctntditiorr of E lea eat for Possession: Lessee will, in the event that Lessee is no longer employed by County, effectively terminate this lease and wvill return possession of the Vehicle to County within thirty days from: the date lessee ends County employment. Lessee acknowledges that this is temporary housing and is not intended to be permanent, VI. RESPONSIBILITY OF LESSEE FOR DAMAGE TO VEHI LE Lessee hereby assumes and will bear the entire responsibility for loss and damage to the Vehicle from any and every cause whatsoever and agrees to return it to County in the condition received, with the exception of normal wear and tear or act of nature_ VII. TREATMENT OF THE VEHICLE Lessee is responsible for the costs associated with damage to the Vehicle or rather personal property, or persons caused by Lessee's violation of the provisions of this section: a. Lessee will not move the Vehicle. b. Lessee will not place nor allow placement of objects or persons on the roof of the Vehicle. c. Lessee will not alter any part of the Vehicle, including, but not limited to, ding optional equipment, adding signs, lettering or painting the Vehicle, or removing any appliance or component from the Vehicle. d. Lessee will not carry or store explosives or rather hazardous materials or waste in the Vehicle. e. Lessee will not leave the Vehicle's awning out in potentially damaging weather. f Lessee will not smoke or allow other individuals to smoke in the Vehicle. g. Lessee will not use any other receptacle box other than a 30-amp 120-volt receptacle box supplied. h. Lessee will not use the Vehicle for any illegal purpose. i. Lessee will not sublease the vehicle in whole or in part to anyone. VIII. INDEMNIFICAT1ON BY LESSEE a. Assn ion of Liabili >: Liability for injury, disability, or death persons caused by operator& handling or transporting the Vehicle during the term of this Lease is the obligation of the Lessee, la. W Aiveu of Claims: Lessee waives all claims that the Lessee may have against County for property damage that Lessee incurs or suffers as a result of Lessee's use or transportation of Vehicle. c. irrdemnification by L see: Lessee will indemnify and hold harmless County for any injury or damage caused by the Lessee's use or transportation of Vehicle. IX. RETURN OF 'VEHICLE a. Condition of Vehicle Upon Return: No later than the last day of the Luse, Lessee agrees to retum the Vehicle in the condition, excluding ordinary wear- and tear, in which it was initially delivered to Lessee. Lessee will ensure that the Vehicle is available for the County to remove at the end of the lease term. b. RPAIm of Vehicle Manuals: Lessee will return all Vehicle manuals aW remotes to County upon return of the Vehicle. County will charge Lessee $500.00 if Lessee fails to return the complete manual set. c. Potential Char es U an ldexurn of the Vehicle: i. County ,%rill charge Lessee for the cost of the dump charge, if Lessee dosses not empty the wastc water tank prior to returning the Vehicle to the County, ii. County will charge Lessee for a cleaning fee of $250,00 at the end of the lease term. County will charge Lessee an additional $40.00 cleaning fee if the Lessee allowed smoking in the Vehicle, and an addition $200.00 cleaning fee for damage caused by pets. X. RESTRICTION ON ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLEASE Les.ee will not assign: to a third party its rights to or sublease its interest in the Vehicle. X1. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT a. EEntiregiiEA to ernent; This contract is whole and shall not be modified. amended or altered without the written consont of County and Lessee. b. _procussof Contract Modification: This contract may be modified only by a %Titten and dated agreement which is signed by both County and Lessee. XII. SEVERABILITY County artd Lessee agree that if any section or subsection of this contract is for any reason unenforceable, the remainder of the contract is still valid. X111. DELIVERY DI NO—TICE Any notice under this contract will be ode in writing and delivered by certified mail. Notice to the County will be made to Mr. Torn Willi, County Administrator at 1100 Simonton Street Suite 205, Key West, Florida 33040. Notice to the Lessee will be made to Lessee's address listed above. XIV. G.OVER.NING —LAWS AND VENUE OF CONTRACT The venue for any dispute arising under this contract will be Monroe County, Florida. ne laws of the state of Florida govern this contract I AGREE TO ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH ABOVE. IN 'FITNESS'HEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and date first written above in Three (3) counterparts, each of which shall, without proof or accounting for the other counterparts, be deemed an original contract. Date. (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOHLAGE, CLERK W3 Deputy Clerk Att LES Si re Phyllis Sweeting LESSEE Print Name S Ma Z20( Date 06 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COYN71Y, FLORIDA I B v- �,,,�,ounty A inistrator Ratified on June 21, 2006: By: Mayor Charles -Sonny" McCoy VATNESS WITNESS Pri Name Date- 5 --3NAP MONROE COUNTY ATT y A 'VED AS TO ZANN A, ON Date Cou ITY CONTRACT FOR LEASE OF TEMPORARY EMPLOYEE HO -SING On JiN ?C, 2006, MONROE COUNT' (Count). a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is 11€ 0 Simonton Street, Key West, Florida 33040. and = bra ('aDVo(Lessee), a Count` en plo}ee_ whose address is 1213 l4t"' St 259 KeN West. FL '>304i} enter into this contract for the leasing of temporary employee housing. WTNESSETH WHEREAS, Hurricane Wilma hit the Florida Kc s on October 24, 2005. causing extensiE c; damage and destruction of property, and WHEREAS, some of the property damaged or destroyed included homes owned bN County employees, including Lessee's note uninhabitable home: and WHEREAS, the County finds that the leasing of the premises to Lessee is a proper public purpose: NOW THEREFORE, i:r► consideration of the mutual understandings and agreements set forth herein, the CountN and the Lessee agree to the folloAA ing: i. BACKGROUND OF PARTIES a. Status of Parties: Count-,- owns five traN el trailers (Vehicle(s)) which it agrees to lease to employees whose homes are uninhabitable due to damage caused by Hurricane Wilma. Lessee intends to use the leased Vehicle as temporan• housing. b. Ownership „cif Vehicle: The Vehicle is, and shall at all times be and remain, the sole and exclusive property of Monroe County, II. DESCRIPTION. DELIVERY OF POSSESSION, AND ONDITION OF VEHICLE a. Description of Vehicle: Count- leases Vehicle to Lessee with the following Vehicle Identification Number(s):4X4TWDG296A238167. b. Delivery of Vehicle: On May 26. 2006 County will tender possession of Vehicle to Lessee at Lessee's current Vehicle site. Lessee acknowledges possession of the Vehicle prior to the transfer of otynership to County and will leave the Vehicle in its current site. c. Condition of Vehicle at Commencemen of Contract: Lessee will. by stoning this lease, accept the Vehicle's condition as is. III. USE OF VEHICLE a. Compliance with Regplatigns and Laivs: Lessee will ensure that the Vehicle is used in a careful and proper manner and solely for the purpose of serving as ternporan housing. Lessee will ensure that the Vehicle is used in a manner that complies with national. state, municipal, and other laws_ ordinances and regulations in any wad relating to the possession, use or maintenance of the Vehicle. b. Operators of Vehicle: Lessee trill not permit anyone other than the Counts or those contracted by the County to operate or trove the Vehicle. e. Maintenance of Vehicle., Lessee will properly maintain the Vehicles machinery and is responsible for any mechanical damage caused by Lessee's negligence to properly operate or sufficiently maintain the Vehicle. d. Use_of a Generator: Lessee will seek authorization from the office of the Countt- Administrator in the event that Lessee decides to use a generator. Lessee AN -ill choose a generator appropriate for the Vehicle and } rill pay for all damage caused bN use of the generator. c. Use of Propane Tanks: Lessee will refill the two propane tanks provided and will safely operate, connect and use them. f Emer Se Evacuation: Lessee will evacuate the Vehicle immediately upon being ordered to do so by Federal. State and/or local authorities. IV. DURATION OF LEASE Counnt\ will lease Vehicle to Lessee on a mouth-to-mouth basis with an opportunity of monthly renewal for a period of one year from the date of the commencement of this lease. V. NON -RENEWAL OR TERMINATION OF LEASE a. Non-renevyal of Lease: Lessee and the County will give the other a thirty -day notice of an intention not to renew, this lease and/or of intention to vacate the vehicle. Lessee shall vacate the vehicle as soon as possible upon completion of construction on the Lessee's dwelling. b. Condition of Employment for Possession: Lessee will, in the event that Lessee is no longer employed by County, effectively terminate this lease and will return possession of the Vehicle to County within thirty days from the date Lessee ends County employment, Lessee acknowledges that this is temporary housing and is not intended to be permanent. V1. RESI'ONSIBILTiY OF LESSEE FOR DAMAGE TO VEHICLE Lessee hereby assumes and will bear the entire responsibility for loss and damage to the Vehicle from any and every cause whatsoever and agrees to return it to County in the condition received, with the exception of normal wear and tear or act of nature. 'lilt. TREATMENT OF THE VEHICLE Lessee is responsible for the casts associated with damage to the Vehicle or other personal property or persons caused by Lessee's violation of the provisions of this section: a. Lessee will not move the Vehicle. b. Lessee will not place nor allow placement of objects or persons on the roof of the Vehicle. c. Lessee will not alter any part of the Vehicle, including, but not limited to, adding optional equipment, adding signs, lettering or painting the Vehicle, or removing any appliance or component from the Vehicle. d. Lessee will not carry or store explosives or other hazardous materials or waste in the Vehicle. e. Lessee will not leave the Vehicle's awning out in potentially damaging weather. f. Lessee will not smoke or allow ether individuals to smoke in the Vehicle. g. Lessee will not use any other receptacle box ether thin a 30-amp 120-volt receptacle box supplied. h. Lessee will not use the Vehicle for any illegal purpose. i. Lessee will not sublease the vehicle in whole or in part to anyone. VIII. INDEMNIFICATION BY LESSEE a. Assun ion of Liability: Liability for injury, disability, or death persons caused by operating, handling or transporting the Vehicle during the; term of this Lem is the obligation of the Lessee. b. Waiver of Claims: Lessee waives all claims that the Lessee may have against County for property damage that Lessee incurs or suffers as a result of Lessee's use or transportation of Vehicle. c. Indemnification by Lessee: Lessee will indemnify and hold harmless County for any injury or damage caused by the Lessee's use or trAnsportation of Vehicle. 1X. RETURN OF VEHICLE a. Condition of Vehicle Upon Return: No later than the last day of the Lease, Lessee agrees to return the Vehicle in the condition, excluding ordinary wear and tear, in which it vvas initially delivered to Lessee. Lessee will ensure that the Vehicle is available for the County to remove at the end of the lease term. b_ Return of Vehicle Manuals: Lie will return all Vehicle manuals and remotes to County upon return of the Vehicle. County will charge Lessee $500.00 if Lessee fails to return the complete manual set. c. Potential Char es U on Return of the Vehicle: i. County will charge Lessee for the cost of the dump charge, if Lessee dots not empty the waste water tank prier to returning the Vehicle to the County. ii. County will charge Lessee for a cluing fee of $250.00 at the end of the lease term_ County will charge Lessee an additional $40.00 cleaning fete if the Lessee allowed smoking in the Vehicle, and an additional S200.00 cleaning foe for damage caused by pets. X_ RESTRICTION ON ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLEASE Lessee will not assign to a third party its rights to or sublease its interest in the: Vehicle. XI. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT a. Entiret of A ecment: This contract is whole and shall not be modified, amended or altered without the written consent of County and Lessee. b. Process of Contract Modification: This contract may be modified only by a written and dated agreement which is signed by both County and Lessee. XIi. SEVERABILITY County and Lessee agree that if any section or subsection of this contract is for any reason nnen£orceableR the remainder of the contract is still valid. XIII. DELIVERY DF NOTICE Any notice under this contract will be made in writing and delivered by certified mail. Notice to the County .will be €nade to Mr. Tom Willi, County Administrator at 1 100 Simonton Street Suite 205, Key West, Florida 33040. Notice to the Lessee will be made to Lessee's address listed above. XIV. GOVERNING LAWS AND VENUE OF CONTRACT The venue for any dispute arising under this contract will be Monroe County, Florida. The laws of the state of Florida govern this contract I AGREE TO ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH ABOVE. IN WITNESS SS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the clay and date first written above in Three (3) counterparts, each of which shall, without proof or accounting for the other counterparts, be deemed an original contract. Date: 5 (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOHLAGE, CLERK Deputy Clerk. Attest ' By. LESSEE Signature Abra Cain o LESSEE Print Name Date: Mav 26 2006 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE CONTY, FLORIDA County Administrator Ratified on June 21, 2006: By: Mayor Charles "Sonny" McCoy. 1 t WITN S SS Print Name Date: %. MONROE COUNTY ATTOM APMVED A$ JIVION Data STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VEHICLES DIVISION OF MOTOR VEHICLES Neil Kirkman Building - Tallahassee, 32399-0500 MOTOR VEHICLE DEALER TITLE REASSIGNMENT SUPPLEMENT (Instructions on Reverse Side) I I� For use by licensed MOTOR VEHICLE DEALERS, AUCTION DEALERS and THEIR BUYERS ONLY i This reassignment is supplement to: Title No.: State of Issue; e ❑ Certificate Manufacturer's of Origin VEHICLE DESCRIPTION 'k Vehicle Identification Number Year Make Model Body ] r 4X4TWDG2X6A 38056 2006 FOREST RIVE WILDWOOD LEI 31OBSSLE i< REASSIGNMENT INFORMATION Name of Selling Dealer (Print) Dealer License Number State of License LAZYDAYS RV SUPERCENTER DH495 FLORIDA Street Address City State Zip Code 6130 LAZY DAYS BLVD SEFFNER FL 33584 s€ Sales Tax Collected Sales Tax Reg. No. (Sales Tax Information is not required on dealer to dealer transactions) 648.00 39-8012006593-8 � Buyer's Name(s) Date of Safe i MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 05/30/06 Buyer's Address City Zip Cade 1100 SIMONTON ST KEY WEST 1!;� 33040 Auction Name (if applicable) Auction License Number State of License Date of Auction r Street Address City State Zip Code ODOMETER DISCLOSURE STATEMENT WARNING. FEDERAL AND STATE LAW REQUIRE THAT YOU STATE THE ODOMETER MILEAGE IN CONNECTION WITH TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP. FAILURE TO COMPLETE: OR PROVIDING A FALSE STATEMENT MAY RESULT IN FINES ANDfOR IMPRISONMENT. s I STATE THAT THIS MOTOR VEHICLE'S ❑ 5 DIGIT OR ❑ S DIGIT ODOMETER NOW READS ❑ETIODD xx mo Ts NTHSt 6 MILES, DATE READ __�'.�./3itL./_$6_, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE THAT IT REFLECTS THE ACTU L� MILEAGE OF THE VEHICLE DESCRIBED IN THIS DOCUMENT �1NESS ONE OF THE E0_L OWjNG 18 CHECKED: �$ a CAUTION: HEREBY CERTIFY THAT. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THE ODOMETER READING RFFE �ECTS TH DO CVO' CriECit L ' g W PAILE.AGE AMOUNT OF MILEAGE IN gXgC 5 6F I" MECHANICAL Ll7dtT� s ncTUA 2, I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ODOMETER READING M_NQT,TH ACTf�Ah NItLEkG _ . � WARNING • ODOMETER DISCREPANCY z SELLER AFFIRMS, UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THAT THE ABOVE FACTS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE Dealer's Agent Printed Name (Selling Dealer) ;Dealer's Agent Signature ��V CENTER 'Buy s Sign ure (t nawle ges Hece€pt Statement � Buyer's Signature (2) Acknowriedges Receipt of Statement hBuy e '� Pr"nted Nam (1) First, Full Middle or Maiden, Last � Buyer's Printed Name (2) First. Full Middle or Maiden, Last r ,�,:f..4.. l Street Address City State Zip Code. 'i 1100 SIMONTON ST KEY WEST FL 33040 NOTICE: ANY ALTERATION OR ERASURE MAY VOID THIS RE -ASSIGNMENT AND ALL REASSIGNMENTS THAT FOLLOW. y FILE: - ORIGiNAL: WITH TITLE OR MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN COPY DEALER RECORD HSMV 82994 (REV. 01/03) S STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VEHICLES DIVISION OF MOTOR VEHICLES Neil Kirkman Building - Tallahassee, 32399-0500 MOTOR VEHICLE DEALER TITLE REASSIGNMENT SUPPLEMENT (instructions on Reverse Side) For use by licensed MOTOR VEHICLE DEALERS, AUCTION DEALERS and THEIR BUYERS ONLY This reassignment is supplement to: � Title No.: State of Issue: ❑ Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin VEHICLE DESCRIPTION Vehicle Identification Number 4X4TWD6236A238030 Year 2006 Make Model FOREST RIVE WILDWOOD LE Body 31G8SSLE rl REASSIGNMENT INFORMATION Name of Selling Dealer (Print) Dealer License Number State of License 1� LAZYDAYS RV SUPERCENTER DH495 FLORIDA Street Address Gfiy State Zip Code 1 6130 LAZY DAYS BLVD SEFFNER FL 33584 1 Sales Tax Collected Sales Tax Reg. No. (Sales Tax Information is not required on dealer to dealer transactions) I $ 648.00 39-8012006593-8 Buyer's Name(s) Date of Sale ri MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 05/30/06 Buyer's Address City State Zip Cade f 1100 SIMONT©N ST EY WEST FL 33040 Auction Name If applicable) Number State of License Date of Auction Street Address City State Zip Code 3 ODOMETER DISCLOSURE STATEMENT WARNING: FEDERAL AND STATE LAW REQUIRE THAT YOU STATE THE ODOMETER MILEAGE IN CONNECTION WITH TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP. FAILURE TO COMPLETE OR PROVIDING A FALSE STATEMENT MAY RESULT IN FINES AND/OR IMPRISONMENT. I STATE THAT THIS MOTOR VEHICLE'S ❑ 5 DIGIT OR ❑ 6 DIGIT ODOMETER NOW HEADS ❑❑1—I,17❑[-1 21, ire© TENTHS) MILES, DATE READ �I�� 311E-1$ j , AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE: THAT IT REFLECTS THE ACTUAL MILEAC0 OF THE VEHICLE DESCRIBED IN THIS DOCUMENT UNLESS ONE Q TIj QL QW NG IS CHECKED'. CAUTION' HEREBY CERTIFY THAT, TO THE BEST Q MY I4NO E_= WLEDGE, THE ODOMETER READING REFLECTS THE 3 c x cc AMOUNT OF MILEAGE IN EXCESS 0jT�Ef= MHA4lCAL.1,_ kFI7S MILEAGE IS ACTJA 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ODOMETEH READING Id, 'i THE ACT AL MI AGE; WARNING - ODOMETER DISCREPANCY SELLER AFFIRMS, UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THAT THE ABOVE FACTS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE Dealer's Agent Printed Name (Selling Dealer) CiZI{ RYS RV C`N Buy s 5ignatuFe (t) owledge4 Receipt orinte Name (tj First, FuIE Mijddle or Mai n, Last dress City 1100 SIMONTON ST Dealer's Agent Signature Buyer's Signature (2) Acknowledges Receipt of Statement Buyer's Printed fume (2) First. Full Middle or Maiden. Last KEY WEST State 1 Zip Code FI 1 33040 NOTICE: ANY ALTERATION OR ERASURE MAY VOID THIS RE -ASSIGNMENT AND ALL RE -ASSIGNMENTS THAT FOLLOW. FILE: - ORIGINAL: WITH TITLE OR MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN COPY- DEALER RECORD HSMV 82994 (REV. 01/03) S STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VEHICLES DIVISION OF MOTOR VEHICLES Neil Kirkman Building - Tallahassee, 32399-05€ 0 MOTOR VEHICLE DEALER TITLE REASSIGNMENT SUPPLEMENT (instructions on Reverse Side) For use by licensed MOTOR VEHICLE DEALERS, AUCTfON DEALERS and THEIR BUYERS ONLY This reassignment is supplement to: [:�XTitle No.: State of issue: ❑ Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin VEHICLE DESCRIPTION Vehicle Identification Number Year Make Model Body 4X4TWDG216A237961 2006 FOREST RIV R WILDWOOD LE 310BSSLE REASSIGNMENT INFORMATION Name of Selling Dealer (Print) Dealer License Number State of License LAZYDAYS RV SUPERCENTER DH495 FLORIDA ' Street Address City State Zip Code 6130 LAZY DAYS BLVD SEFFNER FL 33584 Sales Tax Collected Sales Tax Reg. No, (Sales Tax Information is not required on dealer to dealer transactions) $ 648.00 39-8012006593-8 q Buyer's Name(s) Date of Sale MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 05/30/06 Buyer's Address City State Zip Code 1100 SIMONTON ST KEY WEST FL 33040 Auction Name (if applicable) Auction License Number State of License Date of Auction City State Zip Code UStree_tA_=dd,.ss 'sr ODOMETER DISCLOSURE STATEMENT WARNING: FEDERAL AND STATE LAW REQUIRE THAT YOU STATE THE ODOMETER MILEAGE IN CONNECTION WITH TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP, FAILURE TO COMPLETE OR PROVIDING/ A FALSE STATEMENT MAY RESULT IN FINES AND/OR IMPRISONMENT. I STATE THAT THIS MOTOR;y VEHICLE'S ❑ 5 DIGIT OR ❑ 6 DIGIT ODOMETER NOW READS 000,011 _ I .xx 1110 TENTHS) MILES, DATE READ AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE THAT IT REFLECTS THE ACTUAL R/f(L AGE OF THE VEHICLE DESCRIBED IN THIS DOCUMENT, ILI_ i�SS_ON%gf-THE_EQLLQWING IS CHECKED: CAUTION: t- ] 1. 1 HEREBY CERTtFY THAT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THE OOOMETFR READING REFLECTS THE DO voT CHECK AMOUNT OF MILEAGE I".EX¢fj$_QF.IM HAN_tCAL _LWITS C_" MILEAGE IS ACTUAL 2, [ HEREB" CERTIFY THAT THE ODOMETER READING t$ N Tit ..,gCT .., Ml EL AGE. WARNING - ODOMETER DISCREPANCY SELLER AFFIRMS, UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THAT THE ABOVE FACTS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE Dealer's Agent Printed Name (Selling Dealer) _ Dealer's Agent Signature_. Z YI?AYSfio CENTER------ _ _ _ Bu is Signature j1 nowled es Recei t n Statement Buyer's Signature (2) Acknowrle ges Receipt of Statement -- . 1 C / Buyer Print d Name ( ) First, full m4d1wor Maid n Last y Buyers Printed Name (2) First. Full Middle or Maiden. Last Street ddress City St, teIp Code 1100 SIMONTON ST KEY WEST 33040 NOTICE: ANY ALTERATION OR ERASURE MAY VOID THIS REASSIGNMENT AND ALL RE -ASSIGNMENTS THAT FOLLOW. FILE: - ORIGINAL: WITH TITLE OR MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN COPY. DEALER RECORD HSMV 82994 (REV. 01f03) S STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VEHICLES DIVISION OF MOTOR VEHICLES Neil Kirkman Building - Tallahassee, 32399-0500 MOTOR VEHICLE DEALER TITLE REASSIGNMENT SUPPLEMENT (instructions on Reverse Side) For use by licensed MOTOR VEHICLE DEALERS, AUCTION DEALERS and THEIR BUYERS ONLY This reassignment is supplement to: F__Ntle No.: Vehicle Identification Number 4X4TWDG286A238167 Street of Selling 6130 LAZY DAYS BLVD Tax Collected Sales Tax R AA State of Issue: ❑ Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin VEHICLE DESCRIPTION Year Make 2006 FOREST RI REASSIGNMENT INFORMATION Number City I SEwFFNER _ Tax information is not required on dealer to — n^4,5rh emi,-2_n Model IBody WILDWOOD LEI 31OBSSLE State of License FLORIDA State Zip Code - - - - YV ij Buyer's Name(s) Date Of Sale j } MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 05/30/06 Buyer's Address City State Zip Code ,t 1100 SIMONY©N ST KEY WEST FL 33040 Auction Name (If applicable) Auction License Number State of License Date of Auction i ig Street Address City State Zip Code E; '3 ODOMETER DISCLOSURE STATEMENT WARNING: FEDERAL AND STATE LAW REQUIRE THAT YOU STATE THE ODOMETER MILEAGE IN CONNECTION WITH TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP. FAILURE TO COMPLETE OR PROVIDING A FALSE STATEMENT MAY RESULT IN FINES AND/OR IMPRISONMENT. i STATE THAT THIS MOTOR VEHICLE'S ❑ 5 DIGIT OR 0 6 DIGIT ODOMETER NOW READS ❑❑❑1-1❑L-. �`Ln (NO TENTHS) MILES, DATE READ AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE THAT IT REFLECTS THE ACTLIAi MIL ACHE OF THE VEHICLE DESCRIBED IN THIS DOCUMENT, I NLE 0 OFj E F(QLL)NiNG 15....rNECKED; CAUTION: ❑ t- I HERESY CERTIFY THATE". To THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THODOMETER i?GADING REFaJECTS THE Dal NO, F"HECKAMOUNT C MILEAGE 1N_E..7[f ZC5_..4 kTs c axt - ...L_ITS IF MfE GE v ACTUAL El 2 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ODOMETER READING 1$NQ.TTH .ACTt&I .Atl1LEAGCE, ---�-'--= WARNING . ODOMETER DISCREPANCY SELLER AFFIRMS, UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THAT THE ABOVE FACTS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE Deaier's Agent Printed Name (Selling Dealer) Beater's Agent Signature AZYDAYS , RV CENTER _—.- S er s Sig to€ure eknowle es REce'pt *Statement Suver 5 Signature (2) AcknovOedges Receipt of Statement i Name (1) First, Fyli 1100 SIMONTON ST 0 Maide Last Buyer's Printed Name (2) First. Full Middle or Maiden, Last KEY WEST State FL ` 33040 NOTICE: ANY ALTERATION OR ERASURE MAY VOID THIS RE -ASSIGNMENT AND ALL RE -ASSIGNMENTS THAT FOLLOW. FILE: - ORIGINAL: WITH TITLE OR MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN COPY: DEALER RECORD HSMV 82994 (REV 01/03) 5 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VEHICLES DIVISION OF MOTOR VEHICLES Neil Kirkman Building - Tallahassee, 32399-0500 MOTOR VEHICLE DEALER TITLE REASSIGNMENT SUPPLEMENT (instructions on Reverse Side) For use by licensed MOTOR VEHICLE DEALERS, AUCTION DEALERS and THEIR BUYERS ONLY This reassignment is supplement to: I '.c Title No.: Identification Number 4X4TWDO256A237963 State of Issue: ❑ Manufacturers Certificate of Ordgin VEHICLE DESCRIPTION . Year Make 2005 1 FOREST RIVE REASSIGNMENT INFORMATION Model Body WILDWOOD LE 31OBSSLE Name of Selling Dealer (Print) Dealer License Number State of License LAZYDAYS RV SLIPERCENTER DH495 FLORII}A Street Address City State Zip Code 6130 LAZY DAYS BLVD SEFFNER FL 335E3 Sales Tax Collected Sales Tax Reg. No. (Sales Tax Information is not required on dealer to dealer transactions) AA�Ct1 "3 _ CS 1( .' b4t�. vi1 �a �. Kt 1L.,VLiJV .+..� v Date of Sale Buyer's Name(s) Mf7NROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 05/30l06 Buyer's Address City State Zip Cade 1100 SIMONTON ST KEY WEST FL 33040 Auction Name (If applicable) Auction License Number State of License Date of Auction Street Address City State Zip Code ODOMETER DISCLOSURE STATEMENT WARNING: FEDERAL AND STATE LAW REQUIRE THAT YOU STATE THE ODOMETER MILEAGE IN CONNECTION WITH TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP. FAILURE TO COMPLETE OR PROVIDING A FALSE STATEMENT MAY RESULT IN FINES AND/OR IMPRISONMENT, I STATE THAT THIS MOTOR VEHICLE'S ❑ 5 DIGIT OR ❑ 6 DIGIT ODOMETER NOW HEADS ❑❑❑ FIDE] Q (NO TEN T HSi MILES, DATE READ—05-20—/06- , AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE THAT IT REFLECTS THE ArT UAj LEAGE OF THE VEHICLE DESCRIBED IN THIS DOCUMENT �fNLESS QN� �THL FOLL�WING_�.? IE�� �?' CAUTION: 1 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, THE. ODOMETER READING REFLECTS THE r)O NOT CHECK AMOUNT Or MILEAGE 1N.i K(;EA1.,¢F MEPff,_kNjEAlL._LIMFF5 IF rnu.FAcE IS ACTUAL y. y HERESY CERTIFY THAT THE Oi}OMETE�fri READING I C1TiH _A T AL RR E AGE- - WARNING - ODOMETER DISCREPANCY SELLER AFFIRMS, UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, THAT THE ABOVE FACTS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE s Agent Printed Name (Selling Deaieri Beater's Agent Signature -- �YDAYS V CENTER s Sionature ft nawiedg Receipt gfaStatement� Buyer's Signature (2) Acknowledges Receipt of Myer Inie Name (1) First, Fu11 Middle or Maid®, Last Buyer`s Printed Name (2) First: Full Middle or maiden, Last j- :t I _ trees Address City State Zip Code 1100 SIMONTON ST KEY WEST FL 33 40 NOTICE: ANY ALTERATION OR ERASURE MAY VOID THIS RE -ASSIGNMENT AND ALL RE -ASSIGNMENTS THAT FOLLOW. FILE'. - ORIGINAL: WITH TITLE OR MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN COPY DEALER RECORD HSMV 82994 (REV. 01103)....5