Item S2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: June 21. 2006 Division: Growth Management Bulk Item: Yes No-L Department: Planning and Environmental Services Staff Contact Person: Ty Symroski Jerry D. Sanders, Esq. AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Public hearing on the request to approve a Development Agreement between Key Largo Ocean Resorts Co- Op Inc. and Monroe County. ITEM BACKGROUND: The proposed Development Agreement results from a Settlement Agreement reached between Monroe County and Key Largo Ocean Resorts, Co-op, Inc. (KLOR) signed by both parties in June 2003, arising from COlnt ordered mediation. This mediation arose from legal action brought by KLOR against the County seeking relief from the application requirements of the Recreational Vehide District that were being enforced through code enforcement proceedings. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: Continued from the May 16, 2006 BOCC meeting in Key largo. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOM:MENDATIONS: Approval N/A N/A BUDGETED: Yes SOURCE OF FUNDS: No TOTAL COST: COST TO COUNTY: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes N/A No AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty X OI'v1B/Purchasing _ Risk Management_ DMSIONDIRECfORAPPROVAL: -:rU/ 6/6/2 - 6~ k / ymroski I / DOCUMENTATION: Included X Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN KEY LARGO OCEAN RESORTS CO-OP INC. AND MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOCC RESOLUTION RESOLUTION - 2006 A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN KEY LARGO OCEAN RESORTS, CO-OP, INC., (KLOR) AND MONROE COUNTY TO COMPLY WITH COURT ORDERED MEDIATION WHICH RESULTED IN A SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT SIGNED BY THE PARTIES IN JUNE 2003 AND APPROVED BY THE COURT ON AUGUST 4, 2003, WHICH AUTHORIZED KLOR TO SUBMIT AND APPLY FOR A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, on May 12,2004, Key Largo Ocean Resorts Co-Op, Inc. (KLOR) filed with the Planning Department a proposed development Agreement (Agreement) pursuant to Sections 163.3220 - 3243, F.S. and Sections 9.5-101 and 102 of Monroe County Code (MCC); and WHEREAS, after consideration of the report and recommendation of staff and the Planning Commission and testimony from the public and the documentation of the history of KLOR, the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) makes the following findings of fact and conclusions of law: 1. KLOR is the owner of real property on Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida, located at approximately mile marker 95 of US Highway 1 fronting on the Atlantic Ocean (Property), the legal description of which is contained in Exhibit A - Survey of the Key Largo Ocean Resorts Property, attached hereto and made a part hereof (Survey). 2. Two hundred eighty-five (285) lots exist within the KLOR resort which provide for seasonal transient and permanent housing, together with amenities including marina, tennis courts, swimming pool, recreation building, boat ramp, clubhouse, boat trailer parking, open space and administrative offices. 3. The Resort has been operating for over twenty-five (25) years providing the lease of lots to KLOR stockholders who have placed their individually owned, recreational vehicles, mobile homes or park model homes on the lots shown on the Survey of the property. 4. From the Resort's inception until approximately 1989, Monroe County provided valid building permits to locate mobile homes and park model homes on the Property requiring that they be tied down for hurricane force wind protection. 5. The County provided other building permits for screen room enclosures and other permanent structures on the Property. Page 1 of 4 6. The Monroe County 2010 Comprehensive Plan, until December 2004, designated all the parcels of the Property as "Mixed Use/Commercial" on its Future Land Use Map. 7. The Property had been designated as being within the "Recreational V chicle" (RV) land use district from September 15, 1986, until February 2005, which allowed only transient use of properties within the district and not permanent dwellings or structures. 8. In 1997 the Resort purchased approximately 2.0 acres of additional property consisting of both uplands and wetlands designated "Improved Subdivision", also known as the Northeast 100 feet of the Southeasterly 1/2 of Tract 9, SOUTHCLIFF ESTATES, in order to increase the open space area of the Property and to provide additional setbacks, which property is shown as Residential Medium on the County's Future Land Use Maps. 9. On January 16,2002, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners by eminent domain action acquired 9,318 square feet of the aforementioned portion of Tract 9. 10. Over time, structures have been placed within the Resort without the benefit of a building permit, or with a permit erroneously issued by Monroe County or lawfully constructed for which no permit history can be found. 11. The Resort has the appearance of a mobile home park as the result of the permanent structures being placed in the Resort and the improvements to them being with or without benefit of permit. 12. In 1994 and 1995, the Monroe County Code Enforcement Department began to actively pursue compliance with the requirements of recreational vehicle zoning of the Resort and construction without the benefit of properly issued building permits. 13. As a result of the County's action, KLOR brought legal action against the County seeking relief from the application of the requirements of the recreational vehicle land use district. 14. The Circuit Court of Monroe County granted an injunction against the County, Case Number 96-20160-CA-22, to allow KLOR to seek a change of its land use district designation from "Recreational Vehicle" (RV) designation to "Urban Residential Mobile Home" (URM) in order to resolve some of the code enforcement issues. 15. The Court ordered the parties into Mediation, which resulted in a Settlement Agreement signed by the parties in June 2003, approved by the Court on August 4, 2003, which authorized KLOR to submit and apply for a Development Agreement. Acting in reliance on the Settlement Agreement, KLOR submitted a proposed Development Agreement to the County. 16. KLOR filed an application to amend the Future Land Use Map designation from Mixed Use/Commercial to High Density Residential and from Residential Medium Page 2 of 4 to Residential High. 17. On August 18, 2004, by unanimous vote, the BOCC approved the amendments to the Future Land Use Map. 18. On August 18, 2004, the BOCC also unanimously approved amendments to the Land Use District Map to classify the property as Urban Residential Mobile Home. 19. The Florida Department of Community Affairs found the proposed amendments to the Future Land Use Map in compliance in December 2004, and approved the amendments to the Land Use District Map in February 2005. 20. On June 22, 2005, during the review process, the Monroe County Planning Commission, after due notice and public participation in the hearing process, reviewed the Agreement and directed staff to make changes to the Agreement. 21. On July 27, 2005, September 28, 2005, November 15, 2005, December 20, 2005 and January 25, 2006, the Monroe County Planning Commission, after due notice and public participation in the hearing process reviewed the Agreement and directed staff to make further changes to the Agreement. 22. On February 22, 2006, the Monroe County Planning Commission, after due notice and public participation in the hearing process reviewed the Agreement and recommended approval to the Board of County Commissioners of the Agreement as amended. 23. The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (Board) is the local government body having jurisdiction over the review and approval of the Agreement, in accordance with Sections 163.3220 - 3243, F.S. 24. The public notice requirements of Monroe County for consideration of the Agreement have been met. 25. The public was afforded an opportunity to participate in the public hearing and all parties were afforded the opportunity to present evidence and argument on all Issues. 26. At a regular hearing dated May 16, 2006, the Board reviewed the above referenced documents, the related recommendations of the Planning Commission, as well as all related testimony and evidence submitted by the parties and members of the general public. (REMAINDER OF PAGE LEFT INTENTIONAL Y BLANK) Page 3 of 4 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT THE REFERENCED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY AND KEY LARGO OCEAN RESORTS, CO-OP, INC. ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE IS HEREBY APPROVED. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the day of 2006. Mayor Charles "Sonny" McCoy Mayor Pro Tern Murray E. Nelson Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Dixie M. Spehar Commissioner David P. Rice BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By Mayor Charles "Sonny" McCoy Deputy Clerk (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY 1. KOHAGE, CLERK Page 4 of 4 EXHIBIT A .......L-,~~~~~- - , j j , , , , l : ~ i i j 1 ! > ~ , dH!!j,;hH'll1,jltl :1 ~~Wmih;IM;h ~f 1h;.~1i~ fh'~il.~ L- ~~~:~~~e;~~iJts'-I~~-j' "'"H "'"h~ .~l' f:~-lJJ: )~,. "'! "f,."'l".~~~"~~~-'~ii'! ~'i:1 ~~nnh A;~~ld -i~ ~iLt~~ln!i:;;:rt1l, H~ f~:~tl'~~ ~'i~:jt': j:~ ~H;j~].~lh!;~f~l} j,f H'~~ld '1~!~1;1 '. !';I,i~:l!fWt'; ';~! ~~l~l!~~ )..;.~~ -:. 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WITNESSETH WHEREAS, KLOR is the owner of real property on Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida, located at approximately mile marker 95 of US Highway I fronting on the Atlantic Ocean (Property), the legal description of which is contained in Exhibit A - Survey of the Key Largo Ocean Resorts Property, attached hereto and made a part hereof (Survey); and WHEREAS, there are two hundred eighty-five (285) lots within the KLOR resort which provide for seasonal transient and permanent housing, together with amenities including marina, tennis courts, swimming pool, recreation building, boat ramp, clubhouse, boat trailer parking, open space and administrative offices (Resort); and WHEREAS, the Resort has been operating for over twenty-five (25) years providing the lease of lots to KLOR stockholders who have placed their individually owned, recreational vehicles, mobile homes or park model homes on the lots shown on the Survey ofthe property; and WHEREAS, from the Resort's inception until approximately 1989, Monroe County provided valid building permits to locate mobile homes and park model homes on the Property requiring that they be tied down for hurricane force wind protection; and WHEREAS, the County provided other building permits for screen room enclosures and other permanent structures on the Property; and WHEREAS, the Resort and the individuals leasing lots from KLOR reasonably relied upon the permits granted by the County and the oral representations made by members of the building department from the Resort's inception; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County 2010 Comprehensive Plan, until December 2004, designated aU the parcels of the Property as "Mixed Use/Commercial" on its Future Land Use Map; and WHEREAS, the Property had been designated as being within the "Recreational Page I of 16 January 31, 2006 Vehicle" (RV) land use district from September 15, 1986, until February 2005, which allowed only transient use of properties within the district and not permanent dwellings or structures; and WHEREAS, in 1997 the Resort purchased approximately 2.0 acres of additional property consisting of both uplands and wetlands designated "Improved Subdivision", also known as the Northeast 100 feet of the Southeasterly 1/2 of Tract 9, SOUTHCLIFF EST A TES, in order to increase the open space area of the Property and to provide additional setbacks, which property is shown as Residential Medium on the County's Future Land Use Maps; and WHEREAS, on January 16, 2002, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners by eminent domain action acquired 9,318 square feet of the aforementioned portion of Tract 9; and WHEREAS, over time, structures have been placed within the Resort without the benefit of a building permit, or with a permit erroneously issued by Monroe County or lawfully constructed for which no permit history can be found; and WHEREAS, the Resort has the appearance of a mobile home park as the result of the permanent structures being placed in the Resort and the improvements to them being with or without benefit of permit; and WHEREAS, in 1994 and 1995, the Monroe County Code Enforcement Department began to actively pursue compliance with the requirements of recreational vehicle zoning of the Resort and construction without the benefit of properly issued building permits; and WHEREAS, as a result of the County's action, KLOR brought legal action against the County seeking relief from the application of the requirements of the recreational vehicle land use district; and WHEREAS, the Circuit Court of Monroe County granted an injunction against the County, Case Number 96-20160-CA-22, to allow KLOR to seek a change of its land use district designation from "Recreational V chicle" (RV) designation to "Urban Residential Mobile Home" (URM) in order to resolve some of the code enforcement issues; and WHEREAS, the Court ordered the parties into Mediation, which resulted in a Page 2 of 16 January 31,2006 Settlement Agreement signed by the parties in June 2003, approved by the Court on August 4, 2003, which authorized KLOR to submit and apply for a Development Agreement; and WHEREAS, acting in reliance onthe Settlement Agreement, KLOR submitted a proposed Development Agreement to the County; and WHEREAS, KLOR filed an application to amend the Future Land Use Map designation from Mixed Use/Commercial to High Density Residential and from Residential Medium to Residential High; and WHEREAS, On August 18, 2004, by unanimous vote, the BOCC approved the amendments to the Future Land Use Map; and WHEREAS, On August 18, 2004, the BOCC also unanimously approved amendments to the Land Use District Map to classify the property as Urban Residential Mobile Home: and WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Community Affairs found the proposed amendments to the Future Land Use Map in compliance in December 2004, and approved the amendments to the Land Use District Map in February 2005; and WHEREAS, both the County and KLOR realize that the change of the land use designation will not resolve all of the code enforcement issues at the Resort; and WHEREAS, both the County and KLOR recognize that the public noticing and hearing procedures shall follow the requirements of F.S. 163.3225, which require a public hearing in front of both the Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners for consideration of a Development Agreement; and WHEREAS, Exhibit B - Structure Status and Compliance Actions at Key Largo Ocean Resorts and Verification of Structure Age/Insurance, attached hereto and made a part hereof, contains an agreed upon comprehensive listing of all structures and development activity {i.e. tie-downs} permitted or not on each of the two hundred eighty-five (285) lots within the Resort and lists all of the permits previously granted and the requirements for additional permits required for all structures not vested or othcnvise protected, which data has been reviewed and updated through site visits, review of county and KLOR records to reflect existing conditions; and Page 3 of 16 January 31, 2006 WHEREAS, the County and KLOR agree that the data presented in Exhibit B attached hereto is supplemented with data collected by the Monroe County Property Appraiser's Office between August 1995 and January 1996, and, as such, represents a statement of the conditions of the Resort at that time and any subsequent permits issued that met the requirements of the County Land Development Regulations and Building Code at that time, but it may not reflect all lawful activity on the property for which the County does not have accurate records, but are demonstrable on the site, such as tie- downs, slabs and similar activities that could have been lawfully permitted; and WHEREAS, Section 163.3220, Florida Statutes, authorizes the County to enter into agreements with landowners and/or governmental agencies to encourage a stronger commitment to comprehensive and capital facilities planning, ensure the provision of adequate public facilities for development, encourage the efficient use of resources, and reduce the economic cost of development; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Year 20 10 Comprehensive Plan (Comprehensive Plan) contains objectives and policies that seek to reduce the frequency of uses inconsistent with the Land Development Regulations and the Future Land Use Map (Objective 101.8) and the objectives of the Settlement Agreement between KLOR and the County; and WHEREAS, the County finds that entering into this Agreement furthers the purposes, goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. NOW THEREFORE, the parties do hereby agree as follows: I. PURPOSES The purposes of this Agreement are as follows: A. To agree on a phased program of remedial actions and Resort wide improvements to achieve compliance with the requirements of the Urban Residential Mobile Home district, such that not more than 285 of the existing manufactured homes and RV units may be replaced with compliant manufactured homes or single family-detached homes elevated to the levels required by the County's Flood Plain regulations. B. To allow the Resort to retain temporarily pursuant to the terms of this Agreement some of the conforming, or accessory to a permitted use structures, Page 4 of 16 January 31, 2006 and uses permitted by the County prior to 1990 or established as otherwise lawfully in existence on the property prior to 1990. C. To allow the KLOR to retain as conforming the permitted existing grill/pub, bathrooms, office and docking facilities for 65 wet slips and club establishments as accessory uses to the principal residential uses. D. To establish specific development and permit approvals and processes required bringing the Resort into compliance with County Land Development Regulations, Building and Fire Safety Codes. II. AGREEMENT REQUIREMENTS The parties recognize the binding effect of Sections 163.3220-163.3243, Florida Statutes, as to the form and content of this Agreement and in accordance therewith set forth and agree to the following: A. Legal Description and Ownership The legal descriptions for the properties that are subject to this Agreement are set forth in Exhibit A - Survey of the Key Largo Ocean Resorts Property. B. Duration of Agreement This Agreement shall remain in effect for seven (7) years from its effective date as defined herein. It is the intention of Monroe County to promote rational and timely development of the Property to maximize best land use management practices consistent with the landowner's rights and commitments described herein. C. Permitted Uses The development and uses permitted on the Property, including population densities, building intensities and structure heights and total acreage of the site are: 1. The development of not more than two hundred eighty-five (285) lots with one manufactured home or single family-detached dwelling unit and accessory structures per lot on the KLOR Property, together with the amenities as shown on the Survey (Exhibit A). 2. Accessory structures and uses including: recreational and maintenance facilities, resort offices, bath houses, grill/pub, club and docking facilities including 65 boat slips, wastewater treatment plant and boat/trailer parking. Page 5 of 16 J anuat")! 31, 2006 3. The unit density is one manufactured or single family-detached home per lot, which is 13.6_units per gross acre. The population density is estimated at approximately 570 persons. > 4. Building intensity for the accessory low to medium intensity commercial retail and office use is limited to the aggregate amounts as shown on Exhibit A for such uses. Community open space shall be no less than 102,000 square feet. 5. Building height is limited to 35 feet. 6. Total acreage of the site is 20.9 acres. For the duration of this Agreement, the parties agree that any and all of the approved development shall comply with and be controlled by this Agreement, the Land Development Regulations, and the Comprehensive Plan governing the development of the land effective when Monroe County and KLOR execute this Agreement as authorized by Section 163.3220, Florida Statutes. D. Public Facilities 1. The Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority provides domestic potable water to the Property. 2. Electric service is provided by Florida Keys Electric Cooperative to the Property. 3. Solid waste service is provided to the Property by a solid waste collection system franchised by Monroe County. 4. KLOR shall provide wastewater, treatment and sewage collection and disposal to the Property via onsite systems, which will be upgraded to 2010 standards as may be required by law ifno community wide system is available by 2010. E. Reservation or Dedication of Land There is no reservation or dedication of land for public purpose contemplated by this Agreement. F. Local Development Permits The following is a list of all development permits approved or needed to be approved for the development of the Property as specified and requested in this Agreement: 1. All required Federal, State, South Florida Water Management District, and Monroe County permits for stormwater when necessary, if required. Page 6 ofl6 January 3 1,2006 2. Federal, State and County permits, as required, for docking facilities. 3. Demolition or renovation permits as necessary for the elimination of structures which cannot be permitted according to the regulations pertaining to mobile home parks and Urban Residential Mobile Horne Land Use District Regulations as of the effective date of this Agreement. 4. KLOR shall submit a complete site redevelopment plan application package to the County for the redevelopment of the Resort to the standards and conditions of this Agreement and the County's Land Development Regulations to the extent applicable and not inconsistent with this Agreement. This site redevelopment package, referred to hereinafter as "Site Redevelopment Plan", shall be submitted to the County within one-hundred twenty (120) days from the effective date of this Agreement and shall be noticed in accordance with Section 9.5-45 Monroe County Code (MCC) and reviewed and approved pursuant to the process for major conditional uses in Section 9.5~69(b) through (d.), MCC. The application fee for the Site Redevelopment Plan shall be the same as that for major conditional use. At a minimum, the Site Redevelopment Application Package shall contain: (1) a site plan depicting detailed stormwater management, landscaping, access and road improvements, fire suppression facilities, and utility relocations; and (2) a site plan for manufactured and single family-detached home lots depicting the construction envelope on each leased space for the siting of compliant manufactured and single family-detached homes and accessory structures. 5. Building and related construction permits for land clearing, stormwater facilities, utilities and road improvements, as appropriate to implement the conditional use order and this Agreement. G. Finding of Consistency By entering into this Agreement, Monroe County finds that the development permitted or proposed herein is consistent with and furthers the County's Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations. H. Breach, Amendment, Enforcement, and Termination Exclusive of any others except those imposed by law, the following additional conditions, Page 7 of 16 January 3],2006 terms, restrictions, or other requirements are also determined by the parties to be necessary for the execution and enforcement of this Agreement: I. Breach of Agreement and Cure Provisions a. Upon KLOR's material breach of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Monroe County shall serve written notice on and shall provide KLOR the opportunity, within ninety (90) days, to propose a method of fulfilling the Agreement's terms and conditions or curing the breach. Monroe County shall allow KLOR an opportunity to cure the breach or to negotiate an amendment to this Agreement within a reasonable time, not to exceed ninety (90) days after KLOR response or proposal, absent exigent circumstances. b. The following events, unless caused by fire, storms, f1oods, other acts of God, or events beyond the control of KLOR are to be considered a material breach of this Agreement: (1) the failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement or the application for permits to effectuate the actions required and described in herein; (2) the failure to maintain conditions placed on permits or approvals contained in or issued as a direct result of this Agreement; (3) the failure to comply with applicable permitting requirements of Monroe County after notice and opportunity within ninety (90) days to commence to comply with such permitting requirements or, if applicable, to commence compliance with such requirements and have completed within a reasonable time as mutually agreed by the parties if compliance requires more than sixty (60) days. 2. Amendment, Termination, or Revocation The parties hereto shall at all times adhere to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Amendment, termination, extension, or revocation of this Agreement shall be made in accordance with the notification and procedural requirements set forth herein. Amendments to this Agreement shall subject KLOR to the laws and policies in effect at the time of the amendment only if the conditions of Section 163.3233(2), Florida Statutes, are met. It is further agreed that no modifications, extensions, amendments, or alterations of the terms or conditions contained herein Page 8 of 16 January 31, 2006 shall be .effective unless contained in a VvTitten document approved and executed by the parties to this Agreement. 3. Hearing Requirements a. Before amending, terminating, or revoking this Agreement, Monroe County shall conduct at least two (2) public hearings. The hearings shall be held pursuant to an application filed with Monroe County by the party seeking to amend, terminate or revoke this Agreement, along with the requisite filing fee. b. Notice of intent to amend, terminate, or revoke this Agreement shall be advertised at least seven (7) days before the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation and readership in Monroe County. The day, time, and place of any further public hearing shall be announced at the first public hearing and the date thereof shall be advertised at least seven (7) days before such public hearing. The notices shall specify the location of the property subject to this Agreement, the development uses proposed on the property, the proposed population densities, and the proposed building intensities and height, and shall specify a place where a copy of the proposed amendment, termination or revocation, and supporting information can be obtained. 4. State and Federal Law If State or Federal laws enacted after the etfective date of this Agreement preclude any party's compliance with the terms of this Agreemcnt, this Agreement shall be modified as is necessary to comply with the relevant State or Federal laws; however, this Agreement shall not be construed to waive or supersede any contention under law that KLOR has acquired vested rights under prior law. S. Enforcement a. If Monroe County, through its Gro\\th Management Division, finds that KLOR or a successor is in material breach of this Agreement, and after notice is given as provided herein to respond to or cure said breach, KLOR fails within a reasonable time to respond, cure, or secure and amendment resolving the breach, Monroe County may utilize appropriate code Page 9 of 16 January 31, 2006 enforcement remedies to cure any breach or seek through the Circuit Court of Monroe County enforcement of the provisions of the Settlement Agreement approved by the Court on August 4,2003. b. Monroe County, KLOR, their successors or assigns, or any aggrieved or any adversely affected person as defined in Section 163.3215(2), Florida Statutes, may file an action for injunctive relief in the Circuit Court of Monroe County to enforce the terms of this Agreement or to challenge compliance with the provisions of Sections 163.3243, Florida Statutes. c. Nothing contained herein shall limit any other powers, rights, or remedies that any party has, or may have in the future, to enforce the terms of this Agreement. III. Compliance with Other Laws The failure of this Agreement to address a particular permit, condition, term, or restriction shall not relieve KLOR of the necessity of complying with the laws governing said permitting requirements, conditions, terms or restrictions IV. Additional Provisions A. Permits KLOR, its lessees or cooperative members shall apply for all the building or demolition permits required to bring existing improvements and structures into compliance to replace existing manufactured homes or RVs with compliant manufactured or single family-detached homes. The compliance schedule to submit applications for building and demolition permits for compliance and replacement of existing non-compliant structures shall be identified by individual lot number in the Site Redevelopment Plan required by section II F. 4, provided that: (1) all permit applications shall be applied for within three ( 3 ) years from the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan; (2) at a minimum, 75 lots shall be brought into full compliance with Chapter 6.0 and Chapter 9.5, Monroe County Code and this Development Agreement within one year from the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan and at least fifty (50) lots each year thereafter until all the structures and improvements on all lots are in full compliance; and, (3) all lots shall be in full compliance with Chapter 6.0 and Chapter 9.5, Monroe County Code and this Development Agreement by no later than six (6 ) years from the effective date of the Page 10 of 16 Jan uary 31, 2006 Site Redevelopment Plan. However, the County must be presented with written certification on forms approved by the County, in advance, that the KLOR management, specifically its President and Board of Directors, has approved the individual permit application. All work authorized by said permits shall be completed in accordance with Chapter 6 and Chapter 9.5, Monroe County Code. Permits required for roads, fire suppression, stormwater, landscaping, utility relocations, and other community facilities or improvements shall be applied for by KLOR, its lessees and cooperative members, pursuant to the approved Site Redevelopment Plan within a period of one (1) year from the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan. In regard to the submittal of permit applications to bring lots into compliance, both parties recognize that the time requirements under the Florida Building Code for the processing of permit applications by the County's Building Department may not be strictly adhered to in order to: allow the County staff sufficient time to properly review and approve all these applications, given the three year submittal deadline for applications; and, to provide greater flexibility to KLOR, its lessees or successors in meeting the five-year compliance schedule. B. Vesting and Compliance Policies The following are the policies and standards for the vesting of certain improvements and compliance actions that govern the specific compliance actions required and which shall be followed in implementing the terms and conditions of this agreement: 1. Any improvements except as noted below for driveways other surface cover improvements, that have been made without a permit shall be removed, including below base flood ground mounted air conditioning condensers except where after- the-fact permits can be issued. 2. All unpermitted impervious surface improvements, such as concrete or asphalt driveways and slabs, may be retained except where they are required to be removed by this Agreement or the approved Site Redevelopment Plan. 3. As defined in the Land Development Regulations, all non-road ready park models, other recreational vehicles, or non-compliant manufactured homes in place prior to 1990 or that received a permit for the replacement by the County after that date shall be allowed to remain in place until such time as they are required in accordance with the Site Redevelopment Plan to be replaced by a Page I] of]6 January 31, 2006 compliant manufactured or single family-detached home or brought into compliance with the County's floodplain regulations. However, all unpermitted attachments, enclosures or other improvements shall be removed except where an after-the-fact permit can be issued. The County shall allow permits, on a case-by- case basis, for minor repair to trailers and park models resulting from the demolition of unpermitted attached structures. 4. The date on the RV's title document or KLOR's required insurance verification listed on Exhibit B - Structure Status and Compliance Actions at Key Largo Ocean Resorts and Verification of Structure Age/Insurance attached hereto and Vehicle Identification Number or Vehicle Tag shall be used to resolve any disagreement over the date of the placement of an R V. 5. All non-road ready park models, other recreational vehicles, or manufactured homes in place after 1989 and without a permit for placement by the County shall be removed or brought into compliance with the County's floodplain regulations in accordance with the Site Redevelopment Plan. After their removal they may be temporarily replaced on their individual lots by a road ready RV for a period of five (5) from the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan, or permanently replaced with a compliant manufactured home or single family-detached home at or above base flood elevation. 6. Lot owners delinquent on payment of the Monroe County license tax pursuant to Section 320.08 Florida Statutes, shall be required to pay in full any outstanding balance and delinquent fees to the Monroe County Office of Tax Collector prior to issuance of any permit under this Agreement. C. Impact Fees Each lot owner shall be required to pay impact fees prior to the issuance of a permit authorizing a compliant manufactured home or single family-detached home on their lot. This impact fee shall be $1,229.00 for manufactured homes and $1,534 for single family- detached homes. D. Special Development Standards 1. The Site Redevelopment Plan shall insure that the configuration of manufactured homes meets the separation requirement ofNFPA SOIA - Standard for Fire Safety Page 12 of]6 January 31, 2006 Criteria for Manufactured Home Installations, Sites and Communities to the maximum extent practicable without the removal of units. 2. The Site Redevelopment Plan shall address the life safety and fire protection issues raised in the September 19, 2003 letter from Assistant Fire Marshal Romero to Mr. Donald Craig AICP, which is attached herein to this Agreement as Exhibit C. 3. KLOR shall be entitled to a maximum of 284 units on the site or 285 units, upon providing documentation verifying existence of this unit, which is to be submitted with and approved as part of the Site Redevelopment Plan. Should the approved Site Redevelopment Plan result in less in this maximum limit recognized by the County, any units transferred all off-site shall be only for affordable housing. Within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan, KLOR shall record in the public records a restrictive covenant on the property running in favor of the County that limits the number of residential units on the property to the number approved under the Site Redevelopment Plan. 4. Pursuant to paragraph B. above, road ready recreational vehicles may be temporarily placed on individual lots for a period of five (5) years from the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan after which only manufactured or modular homes shall be authorized to be placed on any of the lots. 5. The Board of County Commissioners hereby reserves the right to review and amend the Site Redevelopment Plan consistent with this Agreement. KLOR may petition the Board of County Commissions to review the Site Redevelopment Plan approved by the Planning Commission. E. Recording The County shall record this Agreement with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Monroe County within fourteen (14) days following signature by all parties. Recording fees shall be paid by KLOR. F. Entire Agreement This Agreement incorporates and includes all pnor negotiations, correspondence, conversations, agreements, or understandings applicable to the matters contained herein and the parties agree that there are no commitments, agreements, or understandings Page 13 of 16 January 31, 2006 concerning the subject matter of this Agreement that are not contained in or incorporated into this document; accordingly, it is agreed that no deviation from the terms hereof shall be predicated upon any prior representations or agreements, whether oral or \VTitten. G. Severability If any part of this Agreement is contrary to, prohibited by, or deemed invalid under any applicable law or regulation, such provisions shall be inapplicable and deemed omitted to the extent so contrary, prohibited, or invalid; however, the remainder here shall not be invalidated thereby and shall be given full force and effect. H. Jurisdiction and Governing Law The parties hereto agree that any and all suits or actions at law shall be brought in Monroe County, Monroe County, Florida, and no other jurisdiction. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted under the laws of the State of Florida. I. Conflicting Resolutions All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict with the provisions of this Agreement and its resolution are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. J. Successors and Assigns This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors in interest, heirs, assigns, and personal representatives. K. Notices All notices, demands, requests, or replies provided for or permitted by this Agreement shall be in writing and may be delivered by anyone of the following methods: (a) by personal delivery; (b) by deposit with the United States Postal Service as Certified or Registered mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, to the addresses stated below; or (c) by deposit with an overnight express delivery service. Notice shall be deemed effective upon receipt. For purposes of notice, demand, request, or replies: The address of Monroe County shall be: Mr. Thomas Willi County Administrator 1100 Simonton Street, Rm. 2-205 Key West, FL 33040 The address of Key Largo Ocean Resorts Co-op, Inc. shall be: Page 14 of 16 January 3 I, 2006 Mr. Pedro Salva, President Key Largo Ocean Resorts Co-op, Inc. 94825 Overseas Highway Key Largo, FL 33037 L. Effective Date The effective date of this Agreement is 30 days after the duly signed and recorded Agreement is received by the Florida Department of Community Affairs pursuant to Chapter 380, Fla. Statutes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals on the day and year below written. APPROV AL OF KEY LARGO OCEAN RESORTS CO-OP, INC. Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of: Pedro Salva Witness: For: Key Largo Ocean Resorts Co-op, Inc. By: Print Name Dated: Signature The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this day of 2006, by . He/she is personally known to me or produced_ as identification and did not take an oath. Notary Public Printed name My commission expires: My commission number: APPROV AL OF MONROE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Page 15 of 16 January 3],2006 On this day of , 2006, Monroe County Board of County Commissioners approved this Agreement by Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Resolution No. ATTEST: MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA DANNY KOHLAGE COUNTY CLERK By: MA YOR CHARLES "SONNY" MCCOY Page 16 of 16 January 31, 2006 BOCC STAFF REPORT County of Monroe Growth Management Division 2798 Overseas Hizhway Suite 410 Marathon, Florida 3~1050 Voice: 305.289. 2500 FAX: ~105.289. 2536 Board of County Commissioners lv1ayor Dixie Spehar, District 1 Mayor Pro Tem Charles "Sonny" McCoy, District 3 George Neugent, District 2 David Rice, District 4 Murray E. Nelson, District 5 MEMORANDUM TO: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners -" Ty Symroski, Director of Growth Managemenf" FROM: DATE: May 3, 2006 SUBJECT: Proposed Development Agreement Between Monroe County And Key Largo Ocean Resorts, Co-op, Inc. Meeting Date: May 16, 2006 Background on Agreement The Planning Commission held two public hearings on the proposed Development Agreement and after careful review of the facts and pubic input, recommended approval to the Board of County Commissioners of the proposed Development Agreement. The proposed development agreement results from a Settlement Agreement reached between Monroe County and Key Largo Ocean Resorts, Co-op, Inc. (KLOR) signed by both parties in June 2003, arising from court ordered mediation. This mediation arose from legal action brought by KLOR against the County seeking relief from the application requirements of the Recreational Vehic1e District that were being enforced through code enforcement proceedings. The first requirement of the Settlement Agreement has been met with the change in the Future Land Use and Land Use District designations to Residential High and Urban Residential Mobile Home. These designations went into effect earlier this year. The Planning Commission first considered the proposed Development Agreement at a public hearing on July 27,2005. After receiving staff report and input from the applicant and public, the Planning Commission continued this item until the September 28, 2005 meeting, instructing staff to make further revisions to the document as agreed to by the Commission and applicant. Page 1 of5 Purpose of the Agreement The proposed Development Agreement is intended to provide the general framework for redevelopment of the 20.88-acre Key Largo Ocean Resorts project, located at approximately mile marker 95 of U.S. Highway 1 fronting on the Atlantic Ocean into a manufactured and single family-detached home community. The project site contains: 284 or 285 lots; marina, tennis courts, swimming pool, recreation building, club house, boat trailer parking, 65 boat slips, and administrative offices for the resort. The agreement is intended to run for a period of seven years. The Development Agreement is intended to: (1) provide a phased program of remedial permitting actions to bring structures/improvements into compliance with the Building Code and Land Development Regulations applicable to a manufactured and single family-detached home community; (2) recognize the right for KLOR lot owners to temporarily retain pre-existing lawful uses or structures established prior to 1990; and (3) establish specific development and permit approvals required to bring the resort into compliance with Land Development Regulations and Fire Safety Codes. The agreement provides the roadmap for resolving long-standing code enforcement issues. Without a Development Agreement acceptable to both the County and KLOR to address these compliance issues in a fair and reasonable manner, the County will have no choice, but to forward to foreclose on the KLOR property and proceed with further code enforcement proceedings to remove all unpermitted, non-compliant structures, which currently exist on all but a small number of lots. Such an outcome would result in a costly and lengthy process for the applicant, its shareholders and the County and provide a great deal of uncertainty for individual shareholders. Revisions to Draft Agreement As directed by the Planning Commission at its July 27,2005 meeting, the staff has revised the draft Development Agreement. In addition, several minor edits have been made by staff to correct typographical errors and clarifY text. Deleted text is shown with a strikethrough and new text is underlined. Following the Planning Commission meeting of January 25,2006, staff added several minor edits to correct typographical errors and clarifY text including the term "compliant" added before manufactured home to identifY that the new manufactured home must meet all federal, state and local requirements. At the Planning Commission meeting of February 22, 2006 the Planning Commission directed staff to further amend the draft Development Agreement, Section B. Vesting and Compliance Policies and Section D. Special Development Standards. The following are the significant revisions made to the February 22, 2006 draft Development Agreement: 1. Section B. Vesting and Compliance Policies 5. All non-road ready park models, other recreational vehicles, or manufactured homes in place after 1989 and without a permit for placement by the County Page 2 of5 shall be removed or brought into compliance with the County's floodplain regulations in accordance with the Site Redevelopment Plan. After their removal they may be temporarily replaced on their individual lots by a road ready RV for a period of five (5) three years from the etTective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan, or permanently replaced with a category D. compliant manufactured home or modular single family-detached home at or above base flood elevation. 2. Section D. Special Development Standards 4. Pursuant to paragraph B. above, road ready recreational vehicles may be temporarily placed on individual lots for a period of five (5) three (3) years from the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan after which only manufactured or modular homes shall be authorized to be placed on any of the lots. The following are the significant revisions made to the July draft Development Agreement: 1. Global Revision: Throughout the agreement the words "modular home" have been replaced with words "single family-detached". This revision allows both conventional and manufactured housing to be constructed. The draft agreement was further amended following the January 25, 2006 meeting to correct omissions in replacing the word "modular home" with the words "single family-detached". 2. IV. Provisions: The text has been revised to require that all permit applications to bring lots into compliance and to place either a compliant manufactured home or single-family detached dwelling unit on each lot within three years from the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan. Within one-year from the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan, 75 lots will be brought into compliance with at least 50 lots each year thereafter. All lots must be in compliance by no later than six years from the etTective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan. Language has been included that ensures that both the County and KLOR recognize that the County may not be able to process all permits within the statutory 30 day period required by the Florida Building Code. 3. IV, D., 3: This revision requires that the applicant must provide documentation verifying the existence of the 28Sth unit as part of the Site Redevelopment Plan. If the applicant is unable to prove the existence of this unit, then the project will be held to a maximum of 284 units. Significant Elements of the Agreement The significant elements of the Development Agreement are found under II, F (Local Development Permits). 4, and IV, (Additional Provisions). Page30f5 II [Local Development Permits], F 4 (page 7). The Development Agreement requires that KLOR submit a complete Site Redevelopment Plan application package to the County for redevelopment of the resort into a manufactured and single family-detached home development that is compliant with County regulations. This plan must be submitted to the County within 120 days from the effective date of the Agreement and shall be noticed and reviewed pursuant to the process for major conditional use. IV (Additional Provisions l(pages 10-14). In A., Permits (page 10), KLOR, its lessees or cooperative members shall apply for all the building or demolition permits required to bring existing improvements and structures into compliance to replace existing manufactured homes or RVs with compliant manufactured or modular and single family-detached homes. The compliance schedule to submit applications for building and demolition permits for compliance and replacement of existing non-compliant structures shall be identified by individual lot number in the Site Redevelopment Plan required by section II F. 4, provided that: (1) all permit applications shall be applied for within three C1J years of from the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Site Plan; (2) at a minimum, ~ lots in each calendar year shall be brought into full compliance with Chapter 6.0 and Chapter 9.5, Monroe County Code and this Development Agreement within one year from the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan and at least fifty (50) lots each year thereafter until all the structures and improvements on all lots are in full compliance; and, (3) all 285 lots shall be in full compliance with Chapter 6.0 and Chapter 9.5, Monroe County Code and this Development Agreement by no later than six (-L) years from the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan. However, the County must be presented with ~Titten certification on forms approved by the County, in advance, that the KLOR management, specifically its President and Board of Directors, has approved the individual permit application. All work authorized by said permits shall be completed in accordance with Chapter 6 and Chapter 9.5, Monroe County Code. Permits required for roads, fire suppression, stormwater, landscaping, utility relocations, and other community facilities or improvements shall be applied for by KLOR, its lessees and cooperative members, pursuant to the approved Site Redevelopment Plan within a period of one (1) year from the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan. In regard to the submittal of permit applications to bring lots into compliance, both parties recognize that the time requirements under the Florida Building Code for the processing of permit applications by the County's Building Department may not be strictly adhered to in order to: allow the County stan sufficient time to properly review and approve all these applications, given the three year submittal deadline for applications: and, to provide greater flexibility to KLOR, its lessees or successors in meeting the five-year compliance schedule. In B., Vesting and Compliance Policies (page 11) lists the overall policies and standards to be followed in preparing the compliance implementation schedule and actions for each lot in the Site Redevelopment Plan. Except where after-the-fact permits may be issued, all other improvements will need to be removed, except for driveways and other surface improvements authorized under the Site Redevelopment Plan. [Note: Exhibit B is intended for informational purposes only. All lots will be required to remove and/or replace all non-compliant RV's, park models, or Page 4 of5 manufactured homes with a compliant manufactured or single family-detached home at the proper base Hood elevation.] For a period of three (3) years from the effective date of the approval of the Site Redevelopment Plan, lot owners, who must remove their non-compliant RV or manufactured home, may temporarily place road ready RVs on their lots to allow an easier transition period for many owners who may be financially unable install new manufactured or conventional construction homes. homes. Under IV, B 5, and IV C. (page 12), lot owners will be required to pay delinquent license taxes and impact fees for either a manufactured or single family-detached home. These payments must be made prior to issuance of permits. Under D (pages 12 - 13), KLOR will be required to record a restrictive covenant on the property to limit the number of units based on the approved Site Redevelopment Plan. Any units that are lost due to redevelopment may only be transferred off-site as affordable housing. Additionally, the applicant is requesting that the Board of County Commissioners be given the right to review and amend the Site Redevelopment Plan. Staff Recommendation on Agreement The Planning Commission recommends APPROVAL to the Board of County Commissioners for the proposed Development Agreement between Key Largo Ocean Resorts Co-op Inc. and Monroe County. Page 5 of5 e EXHIBIT A SURVEY OF KEY LARGO OCEAN RESORTS PROPERTY e . "III' (f) o 8- 0:::: =:J, (l', , ~~. ~~ ~ . i ! ! , -:t. ~1 "'1;1 . 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E 8 8 c III .... :::J Ul e ..... >- C I'll 0. E 8 8 c: ItI .... ::l III C - > c 8~8 II! E C1J g 8 g E e E ~ c ~ c e .s - :J l?i~~ ::> .... ::) ~~.!? :CQ.l1S o E 0 :i: 0 ::E >- .... ... III 0. o ... a.. >- ro ;: ~ I'll IJ'l ~ OJ 0. e 0... :>0- III 3; ~ III U'J III 01 (5 ~ 'E 10 C) .~ 'ii5 "0 Cl ~ N IlJ iii N C o !-' o E Vi Q) C o ... o ...... "0 C ro N ll) N m lU N "0 N c: c: Q)O ro rot.:) E "0 o.o.!?tf~ ~ :0 Qj (I) 0..... w E':C O'l ""0 ~ E s..... Q) wwag 0.. ,... ,... N t7l 0 ~ I' co CX1 N N N co I' N '. EXHIBIT C FIRE MARSHALL LETTER . . "0 ~ OUNTY 0 MONROE . KEY WEST FLORIDA 33040 (;30::1) 294-41;41 FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE Marathon Government Annex Bldg. 490.63"1 St., Ocean, Ste. 160 Marathon, FL 33050 (305) 289-6010 (305) 289-60 13 FAX September 19, 2003 Mr. Don Craig The Craig Company P.O. Box 372 Key West, FL 33041-0372 RE: Key Largo Ocean Resort Dear Mr. Craig: (- ~ ,.-- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Mayor Dixie M. Spehar, Distrkll Mayor Pro T~m Murray E. Nelson, District 5 George Neugent, District 2 Charles "Sonny" McCoy, District 3 David P. Rice, District 4 As a result of a site visit made to Key Largo Ocean Resort on August 29, 2003 by myself and the Tavernier Fire Chief Benny Gonzalez, the following items shall be addressed to increase fire protection, and insure life safety. . · All overhead lines, electric, cable and telephone shall be at least 15 feet high over all right-of-ways. · Boats shall not be parked in yards or in right-of-way. · All rights-of-way shall be repaired, maintained and approved by Fire Marshals Office for fire department access. · Electrical panel at the east comer shall be moved out of right-of-way. The width of the road shan be increased, and a paved surface shall be designed and constructed to support the heaviest fire apparatus. · All docks shall be required to provide fire protection as follows: 6-inch dry standpipe with fire department connection and two hose cabinets. Fire extinguishers in outdoor cabinets every 75 feet. . All emergency access shall meet NFPA 1, Chapter 3~5. Fire Lanes. . All LP gas tanks shall be installed according to NFPA 58. . Page I of2 .' . . . All residential trailers shall have their respective street address numbers prominently displayed on the exterior of the trailer in a manner so as to be clearly visible from the street Numbers shall be a minimum of six inches (6") in height. . A letter shall be obtained from FKAA showing feasibility for fire hydrants. followed by a letter from independent contractor for installation of same. . Fire wells shall be installed in strategic locations according to the Tavernier Fire Chief and Fire Marshals Office. If you need any assistance or require any further information, please feel free to contact me at (305) 289-6010. Sincerely, II JiI1r~ Arthur 4<Wally" Romero Assistant Fire Marshal cc: Clark Martin, Monroe County Fire Rescue Chief Bill Surina, Monroe County Assistant Fire Marshal Joe Paskalik, Monroe County Building Official Owen Trepanier, The Craig Company Jeff Stuncard, Monroe County Senior Planner Benny Gonzalez, Tavernier Fire Chief Ed Nicole, FKAA Page 2 of2 Page I of I Belle Desantis Subject: "T ezanos-Mayra" <T eza nos-Mayra@monroecounty-fl.gov> "County Commissioners and Aides" <-19a406@monroecounty-fl.gov>; "County Administrator" <County Ad ministrator@monroecounty-fl.gov>; "Hutton-Suzan ne" < Hutton- Suzanne@monroecounty-fl.gov>; "Belle Desantis" <idesantis@monroe-clerk.com> "Sand ers-Jerry" < Sanders-Jerry@monroecounty-fl.gov> Tuesday, June 20, 2006 2:37 PM BOCC KLOR deveagreement REVISED& HIGHLIGHTED 06-20-06.doc; Memorandum from Jerry Re Revised Dev. Agreement.doc Revision to Agenda Item S-2 (KLOR) - June 21, 2006 BOCC Meeting From: To: Cc: Sent: Attach: Attached please find a memo from Jeny Sanders, Assistant County Attorney and a revised Development Agreement for Agenda Item S-2 (KLOR) for tomorrow's BOCC meeting. The changes are highlighted in yellow and are found on page 6 and 7. If you have any difficulties opening the attachment, please contact me. Mayra Tezanos, CPM Executive Assistant Manrae County Growth Management Divisian 2798 Overseas Highway, Suite 400 Marathon, Florida 33050 Fax: (305) 289-2854 (305) 289-2517 Please Note: Florida has a very broad public records law. Most written communications to or from the County regarding County business are pu blic records available to the public and media upon request. Your e-mail communication may be subject to public disclosure. S, 2- 6/20/2006 MEMORANDUM TO: Commissioners and County Administrator FROM: Jerry Sanders Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Key Largo Ocean Resorts Development Agreement DATE: June 20, 2006 Attached please find the proposed Development Agreement of Key Largo Ocean Resorts which has been modified to include requirements for connection to the Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District wastewater facilities when available and requiring plans and permits for adequately sized wastewater collection facilities. These changes were added at the request of the Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District. Unmarked final versions will be available at the BOCC meeting on June 21,2006. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (Agreement) is binding on the "effective date" as set forth herein between Monroe County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (County), and Key Largo Ocean Resorts, Co-op, Inc. (KLOR). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, KLOR is the owner of real property on Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida, located at approximately mile marker 95 of US Highway 1 fronting on the Atlantic Ocean (property), the legal description of which is contained in Exhibit A - Survey of the Key Largo Ocean Resorts Property, attached hereto and made a part hereof (Survey); and WHEREAS, there are two hundred eighty-five (285) lots within the KLOR resort which provide for seasonal transient and permanent housing, together with amenities including marina, tennis courts, swimming pool, recreation building, boat ramp, clubhouse, boat trailer parking, open space and administrative offices (Resort); and WHEREAS, the Resort has been operating for over twenty-five (25) years providing the lease of lots to KLOR stockholders who have placed their individually owned, recreational vehicles, mobile homes or park model homes on the lots shown on the Survey of the property; and WHEREAS, from the Resort's inception until approximately 1989, Monroe County provided valid building permits to locate mobile homes and park model homes on the Property requiring that they be tied down for hurricane force wind protection; and WHEREAS, the County provided other building permits for screen room enclosures and other permanent structures on the Property; and WHEREAS, the Resort and the individuals leasing lots from KLOR reasonably relied upon the permits granted by the County and the oral representations made by members of the building department from the Resort's inception; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County 2010 Comprehensive Plan, until December 2004, designated all the parcels of the Property as "Mixed Use/Commercial" on its Future Land Use Map; and WHEREAS, the Property had been designated as being within the "Recreational Page I of 16 January 31, 2006 Vehicle" (RV) land use district from September 15, 1986, until February 2005, which allowed only transient use of properties within the district and not permanent dwellings or structures; and WHEREAS, in 1997 the Resort purchased approximately 2.0 acres of additional property consisting of both uplands and wetlands designated "Improved Subdivision", also known as the Northeast 100 feet of the Southeasterly 1/2 of Tract 9, SOUTHCLIFF ESTATES, in order to increase the open space area of the Property and to provide additional setbacks, which property is shown as Residential Medium on the County's Future Land Use Maps; and WHEREAS, on January 16, 2002, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners by eminent domain action acquired 9,318 square feet of the aforementioned portion of Tract 9; and WHEREAS, over time, structures have been placed within the Resort without the benefit of a building permit, or with a permit erroneously issued by Monroe County or lawfully constructed for which no permit history can be found; and WHEREAS, the Resort has the appearance of a mobile home park as the result of the permanent structures being placed in the Resort and the improvements to them being with or without benefit of permit; and WHEREAS, in 1994 and 1995, the Monroe County Code Enforcement Department began to actively pursue compliance with the requirements of recreational vehicle zoning of the Resort and construction without the benefit of properly issued building permits; and WHEREAS, as a result of the County's action, KLOR brought legal action against the County seeking relief from the application of the requirements of the recreational vehicle land use district; and WHEREAS, the Circuit Court of Monroe County granted an injunction against the County, Case Number 96-20160-CA-22, to allow KLOR to seek a change of its land use district designation from "Recreational Vehicle" (RV) designation to "Urban Residential Mobile Home" (URM) in order to resolve some of the code enforcement issues; and WHEREAS, the Court ordered the parties into Mediation, which resulted in a Page 2 of 16 January 31, 2006 Settlement Agreement signed by the parties in June 2003, approved by the Court on August 4, 2003, which authorized KLOR to submit and apply for a Development Agreement; and WHEREAS, acting in reliance on the Settlement Agreement, KLOR submitted a proposed Development Agreement to the County; and WHEREAS, KLOR filed an application to amend the Future Land Use Map designation from Mixed Use/Commercial to High Density Residential and from Residential Medium to Residential High; and WHEREAS, On August 18, 2004, by unanimous vote, the BOCC approved the amendments to the Future Land Use Map; and WHEREAS, On August 18, 2004, the BOCC also unanimously approved amendments to the Land Use District Map to classify the property as Urban Residential Mobile Home: and WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Community Affairs found the proposed amendments to the Future Land Use Map in compliance in December 2004, and approved the amendments to the Land Use District Map in February 2005; and WHEREAS, both the County and KLOR realize that the change of the land use designation will not resolve all of the code enforcement issues at the Resort; and WHEREAS, both the County and KLOR recognize that the public noticing and hearing procedures shall follow the requirements ofF.S. 163.3225, which require a public hearing in front of both the Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners for consideration of a Development Agreement; and WHEREAS, Exhibit B - Structure Status and Compliance Actions at Key Largo Ocean Resorts and Verification of Structure AgelInsurance, attached hereto and made a part hereof, contains an agreed upon comprehensive listing of all structures and development activity {i. e. tie-downs} permitted or not on each of the two hundred eighty-five (285) lots within the Resort and lists all of the permits previously granted and the requirements for additional permits required for all structures not vested or otherwise protected, which data has been reviewed and updated through site visits, review of county and KLOR records to reflect existing conditions; and Page 3 of 16 January 31, 2006 WHEREAS, the County and KLOR agree that the data presented in Exhibit B attached hereto is supplemented with data collected by the Momoe County Property Appraiser's Office between August 1995 and January 1996, and, as such, represents a statement of the conditions of the Resort at that time and any subsequent permits issued that met the requirements of the County Land Development Regulations and Building Code at that time, but it may not reflect all lawful activity on the property for which the County does not have accurate records, but are demonstrable on the site, such as tie- downs, slabs and similar activities that could have been lawfully permitted; and WHEREAS, Section 163.3220, Florida Statutes, authorizes the County to enter into agreements with landowners and/or governmental agencies to encourage a stronger commitment to comprehensive and capital facilities planning, ensure the provision of adequate public facilities for development, encourage the efficient use of resources, and reduce the economic cost of development; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan (Comprehensive Plan) contains objectives and policies that seek to reduce the frequency of uses inconsistent with the Land Development Regulations and the Future Land Use Map (Objective 101.8) and the objectives of the Settlement Agreement between KLOR and the County; and WHEREAS, the County finds that entering into this Agreement furthers the purposes, goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. NOW THEREFORE, the parties do hereby agree as follows: I. PURPOSES The purposes of this Agreement are as follows: A. To agree on a phased program of remedial actions and Resort wide improvements to achieve compliance with the requirements of the Urban Residential Mobile Home district, such that not more than 285 of the existing manufactured homes and R V units may be replaced with compliant manufactured homes or single family-detached homes elevated to the levels required by the County's Flood Plain regulations. B. To allow the Resort to retain temporarily pursuant to the terms of this Agreement some of the conforming, or accessory to a permitted use structures, Page 4 of 16 January 31, 2006 and uses permitted by the County prior to 1990 or established as otherwise lawfully in existence on the property prior to 1990. C. To allow the KLOR to retain as conforming the permitted existing grill/pub, bathrooms, office and docking facilities for 65 wet slips and club establishments as accessory uses to the principal residential uses. D. To establish specific development and permit approvals and processes required bringing the Resort into compliance with County Land Development Regulations, Building and Fire Safety Codes. n. AGREEMENT REQUIREMENTS The parties recognize the binding effect of Sections 163.3220-163.3243, Florida Statutes, as to the form and content of this Agreement and in accordance therewith set forth and agree to the following: A. Legal Description and Ownership The legal descriptions for the properties that are subject to this Agreement are set forth in Exhibit A - Survey of the Key Largo Ocean Resorts Property. B. Duration of Agreement This Agreement shall remain in effect for seven (7) years from its effective date as defined herein It is the intention of Monroe County to promote rational and timely development of the Property to maximize best land use management practices consistent with the landowner's rights and commitments described herein. C. Permitted Uses The development and uses permitted on the Property, including population densities, building intensities and structure heights and total acreage of the site are: 1. The development of not more than two hundred eighty-five (285) lots with one manufactured home or single family-detached dwelling unit and accessory structures per lot on the KLOR Property, together with the amenities as shown on the Survey (Exhibit A). 2. Accessory structures and uses including: recreational and maintenance facilities, resort offices, bath houses, grill/pub, club and docking facilities including 65 boat slips, wastewater treatment plant and boat/trailer parking. Page 5 of 16 January 31, 2006 3. The unit density is one manufactured or single family-detached home per lot, which is 13.6_units per gross acre. The population density is estimated at approximately 570 persons. 4. Building intensity for the accessory low to medium intensity commercial retail and office use is limited to the aggregate amounts as shown on Exhibit A for such uses. Community open space shall be no less than 102,000 square feet. 5. Building height is limited to 35 feet. 6. Total acreage ofthe site is 20.9 acres. For the duration of this Agreement, the parties agree that any and all of the approved development shall comply with and be controlled by this Agreement, the Land Development Regulations, and the Comprehensive Plan governing the development of the land effective when Monroe County and KLOR execute this Agreement as authorized by Section 163.3220, Florida Statutes. D. Public Facilities 1. The Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority provides domestic potable water to the Property. 2. Electric service IS provided by Florida Keys Electric Cooperative to the Property. 3. Solid waste service is provided to the Property by a solid waste collection system franchised by Monroe County. 4. KLOR shall provide wastewater, treatment and sewage collection and disposal to the Property via onsite systems, which will be upgraded to 2010 standards as may be required by law ifno community wide system is available by 2010. iil!.tbijIIiVM1gR.ti!Wi~ttt~ItI~~i~ttii.,II~$~~~m~~III>>I~ K.EQRliiR~l9i;ibml.~i;tii9Iifi~iKJ1~R_~~i!i#ltQt~~l;t6.fjij~~%t~1 t!iij~ii,~l11~l,im.t!lii~.in..~_~,I,~IiW~,imf,t~ggMi~~Y~b i;i~ell1i9hiflllrtY1f.f'"~f~~_rit~J9tlhlt~~~; E. Reservation or Dedication of Land There is no reservation or dedication of land for public purpose contemplated by this Agreement. Page 6 of 16 January 31, 2006 F. Local Development Permits The following is a list of all development permits approved or needed to be approved for the development of the Property as specified and requested in this Agreement: 1. All required Federal, State, South Florida Water Management District, and Monroe County permits for stormwater when necessary, if required. 2. Federal, State and County permits, as required, for docking facilities. 3. Demolition or renovation permits as necessary for the elimination of structures which cannot be permitted according to the regulations pertaining to mobile home parks and Urban Residential Mobile Home Land Use District Regulations as of the effective date of this Agreement. 4. KLOR shall submit a complete site redevelopment plan application package to the County for the redevelopment of the Resort to the standards and conditions of this Agreement and the County's Land Development Regulations to the extent applicable and not inconsistent with this Agreement. This site redevelopment package, referred to hereinafter as "Site Redevelopment Plan", shall be submitted to the County within one-hundred twenty (120) days from the effective date of this Agreement and shall be noticed in accordance with Section 9.5-45 Monroe County Code (MCC) and reviewed and approved pursuant to the process for major conditional uses in Section 9.5-{)9(b) through (d.), MCC. The application fee for the Site Redevelopment Plan shall be the same as that for major conditional use. At a minimum, the Site Redevelopment Application Package shall contain: (1) a site plan depicting detailed_iiiitl""lJ.9XI~QtIM,iiim. stormwater management, landscaping, access and road improvements, fire suppression facilities, and utility relocations; and (2) a site plan for manufactured and single family-detached home lots depicting the construction envelope on each leased space for the siting of compliant manufactured and single family- detached homes and accessory structure~rliilalil.~ll.li.Ilil"Il~mr4i.i~. ~li~'\!}lt~ttltiJQli~ortfi8llitli!~! 5. Building and related construction permits for land clearing! Iidi!ililfGiv slilld ~~t~'itiit~lEl;iii1j~1:iQrtfll\iUl.tl1j~, stormwater facilities, utilities and road Page 7 of 16 January 31,2006 improvements, as appropriate to implement the conditional use order and this Agreement. G. Finding of Consistency By entering into this Agreement, Momoe County finds that the development permitted or proposed herein is consistent with and furthers the County's Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations. H. Breach, Amendment, Enforcement, and Termination Exclusive of any others except those imposed by law, the following additional conditions, terms, restrictions, or other requirements are also determined by the parties to be necessary for the execution and enforcement of this Agreement: 1. Breach of Agreement and Cure Provisions a. Upon KLOR's material breach of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Momoe County shall serve written notice on and shall provide KLOR the opportunity, within ninety (90) days, to propose a method of fulfilling the Agreement's terms and conditions or curing the breach. Monroe County shall allow KLOR an opportunity to cure the breach or to negotiate an amendment to this Agreement within a reasonable time, not to exceed ninety (90) days after KLOR response or proposal, absent exigent circumstances. b. The following events, unless caused by fire, storms, floods, other acts of God, or events beyond the control of KLOR are to be considered a material breach of this Agreement: (1) the failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement or the application for permits to effectuate the actions required and described in herein; (2) the failure to maintain conditions placed on permits or approvals contained in or issued as a direct result of this Agreement; (3) the failure to comply with applicable permitting requirements of Momoe County after notice and opportunity within ninety (90) days to commence to comply with such permitting requirements or, if applicable, to commence compliance with such requirements and have completed within a reasonable time as mutually agreed by the parties if compliance requires more than sixty (60) days. Page 8 of 16 January 31, 2006 2. Amendment, Termination, or Revocation The parties hereto shall at all times adhere to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Amendment, termination, extension, or revocation of this Agreement shall be made in accordance with the notification and procedural requirements set forth herein. Amendments to this Agreement shall subject KLOR to the laws and policies in effect at the time of the amendment only if the conditions of Section 163.3233(2), Florida Statutes, are met. It is further agreed that no modifications, extensions, amendments, or alterations of the terms or conditions contained herein shall be effective unless contained in a written document approved and executed by the parties to this Agreement. 3. Hearing Requirements a. Before amending, terminating, or revoking this Agreement, Monroe County shall conduct at least two (2) public hearings. The hearings shall be held pursuant to an application filed with Monroe County by the party seeking to amend, terminate or revoke this Agreement, along with the requisite filing fee b. Notice of intent to amend, terminate, or revoke this Agreement shall be advertised at least seven (7) days before the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation and readership in Monroe County. The day, time, and place of any further public hearing shall be announced at the first public hearing and the date thereof shall be advertised at least seven (7) days before such public hearing. The notices shall specify the location of the property subject to this Agreement, the development uses proposed on the property, the proposed population densities, and the proposed building intensities and height, and shall specify a place where a copy of the proposed amendment, termination or revocation, and supporting information can be obtained. 4. State and Federal Law If State or Federal laws enacted after the effective date of this Agreement preclude any party's compliance with the terms of this Agreement, this Agreement shall be modified as is necessary to comply with the relevant State or Federal laws; however, this Agreement shall not be construed to waive or Page 9 of 16 January 31, 2006 supersede any contention under law that KLOR has acquired vested rights under prior law. 5. Enforcement a. If Monroe County, through its Growth Management Division, finds that KLOR or a successor is in material breach of this Agreement, and after notice is given as provided herein to respond to or cure said breach, KLOR fails within a reasonable time to respond, cure, or secure and amendment resolving the breach, Monroe County may utilize appropriate code enforcement remedies to cure any breach or seek through the Circuit Court of Momoe County enforcement of the provisions of the Settlement Agreement approved by the Court on August 4, 2003. b. Monroe County, KLOR, their successors or assigns, or any aggrieved or any adversely affected person as defined in Section 163.3215(2), Florida Statutes, may file an action for injunctive relief in the Circuit Court of Monroe County to enforce the terms of this Agreement or to challenge compliance with the provisions of Sections 163.3243, Florida Statutes. c. Nothing contained herein shall limit any other powers, rights, or remedies that any party has, or may have in the future, to enforce the terms of this Agreement. m. Compliance with Other Laws The failure of this Agreement to address a particular permit, condition, term, or restriction shall not relieve KLOR of the necessity of complying with the laws governing said permitting requirements, conditions, terms or restrictions IV. Additional Provisions A. Permits KLOR, its lessees or cooperative members shall apply for all the building or demolition permits required to bring existing improvements and structures into compliance to replace existing manufactured homes or RVs with compliant manufactured or single family-detached homes. The compliance schedule to submit applications for building and demolition permits for compliance and replacement of existing non-compliant structures shall be identified by individual lot number in the Site Redevelopment Plan required by Page 10 of 16 January 31, 2006 section II F. 4, provided that: (I) all permit applications shall be applied for within three (3) years from the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan; (2) at a minimum, 75 lots shall be brought into full compliance with Chapter 6.0 and Chapter 9.5, Monroe County Code and this Development Agreement within one year from the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan and at least fifty (50) lots each year thereafter until all the structures and improvements on all lots are in full compliance; and, (3) all lots shall be in full compliance with Chapter 6.0 and Chapter 9.5, Monroe County Code and this Development Agreement by no later than six (6 ) years from the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan. However, the County must be presented with written certification on forms approved by the County, in advance, that the KLOR management, specifically its President and Board of Directors, has approved the individual permit application. All work authorized by said permits shall be completed in accordance with Chapter 6 and Chapter 9.5, Monroe County Code. Permits required for roads, fire suppression, stormwater, landscaping, utility relocations, and other community facilities or improvements shall be applied for by KLOR, its lessees and cooperative members, pursuant to the approved Site Redevelopment Plan within a period of one (I) year from the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan. In regard to the submittal of permit applications to bring lots into compliance, both parties recognize that the time requirements under the Florida Building Code for the processing of permit applications by the County's Building Department may not be strictly adhered to in order to: allow the County staff sufficient time to properly review and approve all these applications, given the three year submittal deadline for applications; and, to provide greater flexibility to KLOR, its lessees or successors in meeting the five-year compliance schedule. B. Vesting and Compliance Policies The following are the policies and standards for the vesting of certain improvements and compliance actions that govern the specific compliance actions required and which shall be followed in implementing the terms and conditions of this agreement: I. Any improvements except as noted below for driveways other surface cover improvements, that have been made without a permit shall be removed, including below base flood ground mounted air conditioning condensers except where after- the-fact permits can be issued. Page II ofl6 January 31, 2006 2. All unpermitted impervious surface improvements, such as concrete or asphalt driveways and slabs, may be retained except where they are required to be removed by this Agreement or the approved Site Redevelopment Plan. 3. As defined in the Land Development Regulations, all non-road ready park models, other recreational vehicles, or non-compliant manufactured homes in place prior to 1990 or that received a permit for the replacement by the County after that date shall be allowed to remain in place until such time as they are required in accordance with the Site Redevelopment Plan to be replaced by a compliant manufactured or single family-detached home or brought into compliance with the County's floodplain regulations. However, all unpermitted attachments, enclosures or other improvements shall be removed except where an after-the-fact permit can be issued. The County shall allow permits, on a case-by- case basis, for minor repair to trailers and park models resulting from the demolition of unpermitted attached structures. 4. The date on the RV's title document or KLOR's required insurance verification listed on Exhibit B - Structure Status and Compliance Actions at Key Largo Ocean Resorts and Verification of Structure AgelInsurance attached hereto and Vehicle Identification Number or Vehicle Tag shall be used to resolve any disagreement over the date of the placement of an RV. 5. All non-road ready park models, other recreational vehicles, or manufactured homes in place after 1989 and without a permit for placement by the County shall be removed or brought into compliance with the County's floodplain regulations in accordance with the Site Redevelopment Plan. After their removal they may be temporarily replaced on their individual lots by a road ready RV for a period of five (5) from the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan, or permanently replaced with a compliant manufactured home or single family-detached home at or above base flood elevation. 6. Lot owners delinquent on payment of the Monroe County license tax pursuant to Section 320.08 Florida Statutes, shall be required to pay in full any outstanding balance and delinquent fees to the Monroe County Office of Tax Collector prior to issuance of any permit under this Agreement. Page 12 of 16 January 31, 2006 C. Impact Fees Each lot owner shall be required to pay impact fees prior to the issuance of a permit authorizing a compliant manufactured home or single family-detached home on their lot. This impact fee shall be $1,229.00 for manufactured homes and $1,534 for single family- detached homes. D. Special Development Standards I. The Site Redevelopment Plan shall insure that the configuration of manufactured homes meets the separation requirement ofNFP A SOIA - Standard for Fire Safety Criteria for Manufactured Home Installations, Sites and Communities to the maximum extent practicable without the removal of units. 2. The Site Redevelopment Plan shall address the life safety and fire protection issues raised in the September 19, 2003 letter from Assistant Fire Marshal Romero to Mr. Donald Craig AICP, which is attached herein to this Agreement as Exhibit C. 3. KLOR shall be entitled to a maximum of284 units on the site or 285 units, upon providing documentation verifying existence of this unit, which is to be submitted with and approved as part of the Site Redevelopment Plan. Should the approved Site Redevelopment Plan result in less in this maximum limit recognized by the County, any units transferred all off-site shall be only for affordable housing. Within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan, KLOR shall record in the public records a restrictive covenant on the property running in favor of the County that limits the number of residential units on the property to the number approved under the Site Redevelopment Plan. 4. Pursuant to paragraph B. above, road ready recreational vehicles may be temporarily placed on individual lots for a period of five (5) years from the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan after which only manufactured or modular homes shall be authorized to be placed on any of the lots. 5. The Board of County Commissioners hereby reserves the right to review and amend the Site Redevelopment Plan consistent with this Agreement. KLOR may petition the Board of County Commissions to review the Site Redevelopment Plan approved by the Planning Commission. Page 13 of 16 January 31, 2006 E. Recording The County shall record this Agreement with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Momoe County within fourteen (14) days following signature by all parties. Recording fees shall be paid by KLOR. F. Entire Agreement This Agreement incorporates and includes all pnor negotiatIOns, correspondence, conversations, agreements, or understandings applicable to the matters contained herein and the parties agree that there are no commitments, agreements, or understandings concerning the subj ect matter of this Agreement that are not contained in or incorporated into this document; accordingly, it is agreed that no deviation from the terms hereof shall be predicated upon any prior representations or agreements, whether oral or written. G. Severability If any part of this Agreement is contrary to, prohibited by, or deemed invalid under any applicable law or regulation, such provisions shall be inapplicable and deemed omitted to the extent so contrary, prohibited, or invalid; however, the remainder here shall not be invalidated thereby and shall be given full force and effect. H. Jurisdiction and Governing Law The parties hereto agree that any and all suits or actions at law shall be brought in Momoe County, Momoe County, Florida, and no other jurisdiction. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted under the laws of the State of Florida. I. Conflicting Resolutions All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict with the provisions of this Agreement and its resolution are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. J. Successors and Assigns This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors in interest, heirs, assigns, and personal representatives. K. Notices All notices, demands, requests, or replies provided for or permitted by this Agreement shall be in writing and may be delivered by anyone of the following methods: (a) by personal delivery; (b) by deposit with the United States Postal Service as Certified or Registered mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, to the addresses stated below; Page 14 of 16 January 31, 2006 or (c) by deposit with an overnight express delivery service. Notice shall be deemed effective upon receipt. For purposes of notice, demand, request, or replies: The address of Monroe County shall be: Mr. Thomas Willi County Administrator 1100 Simonton Street, Rm. 2-205 Key West, FL 33040 The address of Key Largo Ocean Resorts Co-op, Inc. shall be: Mr. Pedro Salva, President Key Largo Ocean Resorts Co-op, Inc. 94825 Overseas Highway Key Largo, FL 33037 L. Effective Date The effective date of this Agreement is 30 days after the duly signed and recorded Agreement is received by the Florida Department of Community Affairs pursuant to Chapter 380, Fla. Statutes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals on the day and year below written. APPROVAL OF KEY LARGO OCEAN RESORTS CO-OP. INC. Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of: Pedro Salva Witness: For: Key Largo Ocean Resorts Co-op, Inc. By: Print Name Dated: Signature The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this day of 2006, by He/she is personally known to me or produced_ as identification and did not take an oath. Page 15 of 16 January 31, 2006 Notary Public Printed name My commission expires: My commission number: APPROVAL OF MONROE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS On this day of , 2006, Momoe County Board of County Commissioners approved this Agreement by Momoe County Board of County Commissioners Resolution No. ATTEST: MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA DANNY KOHLAGE COUNTY CLERK By: MAYOR CHARLES "SONNY" MCCOY Page 16 of 16 January 31, 2006 .' ..S/l995 19: 20 3058843003 WEBB PAGE 01 / .. . III IIALlOP http://www.rfIattof..eo"...outhE..t.IOr1dWPhIrW.bb FAX COVER SHEET PHILIP J. WEBB FU!Al.TOR NATl.:,eoo.ee1.;m OFF; 306 au 30CW ",:>"":~3 -''':::J{~~~ . ',"}:;...eoe...s738 ,">'~Oh.c:om PHIL WEBB, INC, Lie Reol S.... Brok.r 100 W.olwllrd 0<. Suite C Miami SPI1ngo. FL 331M , ,,_.o~.': . '......-.-......,'. . , ~r' .>;'.";;;'_;Q.~Y nam. r1 '2---ff9 - . j., )... -j-- ~7~YC ,=-.,-;j$ ~=<:l '7 o R.pIy A$/I1' o P/~. comment 0 PI.... ,.vl,w 0 Fot your Information' ';'~7~.'. 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I commute to work in Miami, -he above hearing should contain a provision to protect the homeowners at Cuda Lane if ~ . '~:' arrv,nGment i. approved" ,. \10nroe County bought the other have of the road on Cuda Lane . few years ago and promised to widen the street so fire trucl,. can protect the homes on Cuda Lane" You never complied with this promise and We had a fire on the .treet last week where lhe fire truck had problem. getting to it. When are you going to expand and pave the road. 2, KLOR Slores all their boats on a trailer next to the Mangroves adjoining Cuda lane. Their fuel and oils continually drip into the MlIIlgroves when they run up their boats. (fyou approve their request, the boat storage should be on the south side of their project ,"Xl to the commercial property adjoining KLOR~ -. The development ofKLOR ifapproved should also include a wall between their project and the rasidenls of Cud a Lane, We should have some protection from their noise, pollution and total disrespect that they have shown for their neighbors over the years.. 1:.!ef'~ review these issues and enter them into the request for approval oftbejr project. Thank you~ a /;:(2 ;~'!r; l"'~bb. 61 S Cuda Lat:!" Y--- 19:20 3058843003 WE88 PAGE 02 ;{,;';;:::L:H MANAGEMENI' D1VlSION 2798 Ov.",.... Hi3/lway Suil' 400 Marathon, norido 33050 ","0<: (305) 289-2500 ::'.':: (:,05) 289-2;86 . .,t'" . -It?- BOARD OF COUmY COMMISSIONEiS Mllyor Charles "Sonny" McCoYl DI.Urlc! 3 Vacant, District 5 Geoflc Neugenr_, Oistrict Z David P. Rice, [113tnct -4 Dix.ie M. Spehar, Dlstrict 1 NOTICE TO SURROUNDING PROPERTY OWNERS '>" ".,argo Ocean Resorts, Co-op, Inc., (KLOR) i~ proposin.g a Development AgreeI?ent with . ". COUllty for its property located at approximately mile marker 9S on U.S. Highway I, :,L',:::.i:; on the Atlantic Ocean in Key Largo. KLOR inte~ds to re~evelop ItS property from a Recreational Vehicle Park to a Residential Development with a maxunum of 285 manufactured homes and single family-detached units and accessory structures and uses including r~creational 2."C, maintenance facilities, resort offices, bath houses, grill/pub, club and dockmg faCIlities, boat '.rdlers, and 65 boat slips. No structure will be higher than 35 feet. The unit density is one unit per lot or 13.2 units per gross acre with an estimated population of 570 persons. The property is legally described as Southcliff Estates. PB-2-4S. Key Largo, PT. Tr. 9-10-11 (\4.65 acres); PI 7)ne Road (.75 acres); PI NE 1.4 of SE 1.4 (5.1 acres); PT Gov. Lt 3 (.6 acres) and adjacent " .:-:~. (5.7.2 acres); and Parcel 2, legally described as Southcliff Estates PB2-45 (1.95 acres) 1.'1,,'-:0, Monroe County, Florida. The Real Estate Numbers are: 00483400.000000 and ?C:)OOOOO. LAND USE DISTRICT: Recreational Vehicle (RV) -'e Public Hearing will be held on WedneSday, June 21, 2006 at the Marathon Government Center, 2798 Overseas Highway, Marathon, Monroe County, Florida, beginnIng at 5:01 PM, at which time the Board of County Commissioners will hear ary information or comments you wish to give regarding the application. ,- - E ;':EARING ON THIS PETITION IS NOT LIMITED TO THOSE RECEIVING THIS NOTICE. IF . ::'. '<NOW ANY NEIGHBOR OR OTHER AFFECTED PROPERTY OWNER WHO FAILED TO ,:CENE THIS NOTICE; PLEASE INFORM THEM OF THIS PUBLIC HEARING. PURSUANT TO SECTION 286.0105 FLORIDA STATUTES, IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A.NY DECISION MADE BY TI1E COMMISSION WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERD AT 5JCH HEARING OR MEETING, THAT PERSON WILL NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF TI1E PROCEEDINGS IS MADE; SUCH RECORD INCLUDES' THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. THE TRANSCRIPT MUST BE FILED AS A PART OF THE RECORD OF THE RECORD OF THE APPEAL WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED IN C:F.CTI.ON 9.5-521(f) MONROE 'COUNTY CODE. ';:ANSCRIPT MADE FROM RECORDINGS OR OTHER "SECONDARY" MEANS, DOES NOT :::'nE .~ SUFFICIENTLY ACCURATE RECORD OF ALL THE SPEAKERS. THEREFORE, SUCH SECONDARY" TRANSCRIPTS MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED AS A VALID VERBATIM TRANSCRIPT BY THIS OFFICE. Mailed 5/19/06 Remote User hutton-suzanne IMicrosoft Word - BOCC KLOR deveagreement E906/20/06 01 :54 PM 9,~ DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (Agreement) is binding on the "effective date" as set forth herein between Monroe County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (County), and Key Largo Ocean Resorts, Co-op, Inc. (KLOR). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, KLOR is the owner ofreal property on Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida, located at approximately mile marker 95 of US Highway 1 fronting on the Atlantic Ocean (Property), the legal description of which is contained in Exhibit A - Survey of the Key Largo Ocean Resorts Property, attached hereto and made a part hereof (Survey); and WHEREAS, there are two hundred eighty-five (285) lots within the KLOR resort which provide for seasonal transient and permanent housing, together with amenities including marina, tennis courts, swimming pool, recreation building, boat ramp, clubhouse, boat trailer parking, open space and administrative offices (Resort); and WHEREAS, the Resort has been operating for over twenty-five (25) years providing the lease of lots to KLOR stockholders who have placed their individually owned, recreational vehicles, mobile homes or park model homes on the lots shown on the Survey of the property; and WHEREAS, from the Resort's inception until approximately 1989, Monroe County provided valid building permits to locate mobile homes and park model homes on the Property requiring that they be tied down for hurricane force wind protection; and WHEREAS, the County provided other building permits for screen room enclosures and other permanent structures on the Property; and WHEREAS, the Resort and the individuals leasing lots from KLOR reasonably relied upon the permits granted by the County and the oral representations made by members ofthe building department from the Resort's inception; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County 2010 Comprehensive Plan, until December 2004, designated all the parcels of the Property as "Mixed Use/Commercial" on its Future Land Use Map; and WHEREAS, the Property had been designated as being within the "Recreational Page 1 of 16 January 31, 2006 Settlement Agreement signed by the parties in June 2003, approved by the Court on August 4, 2003, which authorized KLOR to submit and apply for a Development Agreement; and WHEREAS, acting in reliance on the Settlement Agreement, KLOR submitted a proposed Development Agreement to the County; and WHEREAS, KLOR filed an application to amend the Future Land Use Map designation from Mixed Use/Commercial to High Density Residential and from Residential Medium to Residential High; and WHEREAS, On August 18, 2004, by unanimous vote, the BOCC approved the amendments to the Future Land Use Map; and WHEREAS, On August 18, 2004, the BOCC also unanimously approved amendments to the Land Use District Map to classify the property as Urban Residential Mobile Home: and WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Community Affairs found the proposed amendments to the Future Land Use Map in compliance in December 2004, and approved the amendments to the Land Use District Map in February 2005; and WHEREAS, both the County and KLOR realize that the change of the land use designation will not resolve all of the code enforcement issues at the Resort; and WHEREAS, both the County and KLOR recognize that the public noticing and hearing procedures shall follow the requirements ofF.s. 163.3225, which require a public hearing in front of both the Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners for consideration of a Development Agreement; and WHEREAS, Exhibit B - Structure Status and Compliance Actions at Key Largo Ocean Resorts and Verification of Structure Age/Insurance, attached hereto and made a part hereof, contains an agreed upon comprehensive listing of all structures and development activity {i.e. tie-downs} permitted or not on each of the two hundred eighty-five (285) lots within the Resort and lists all of the permits previously granted and the requirements for additional permits required for all structures not vested or otherwise protected, which data has been reviewed and updated through site visits, review of county and KLOR records to reflect existing conditions; and Page 3 of 16 January 31, 2006 WHEREAS, the County and KLOR agree that the data presented in Exhibit B attached hereto is supplemented with data collected by the Monroe County Property Appraiser's Office between August 1995 and January 1996, and, as such, represents a statement of the conditions of the Resort at that time and any subsequent permits issued that met the requirements of the County Land Development Regulations and Building Code at that time, but it may not reflect all lawful activity on the property for which the County does not have accurate records, but are demonstrable on the site, such as tie- downs, slabs and similar activities that could have been lawfully permitted; and WHEREAS, Section 163.3220, Florida Statutes, authorizes the County to enter into agreements with landowners and/or governmental agencies to encourage a stronger commitment to comprehensive and capital facilities planning, ensure the provision of adequate public facilities for development, encourage the efficient use of resources, and reduce the economic cost of development; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan (Comprehensive Plan) contains objectives and policies that seek to reduce the frequency of uses inconsistent with the Land Development Regulations and the Future Land Use Map (Objective 101,8) and the objectives of the Settlement Agreement between KLOR and the County; and WHEREAS, the County finds that entering into this Agreement furthers the purposes, goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. NOW THEREFORE, the parties do hereby agree as follows: I. PURPOSES The purposes of this Agreement are as follows: A. To agree on a phased program of remedial actions and Resort wide improvements to achieve compliance with the requirements of the Urban Residential Mobile Home district, such that not more than 285 of the existing manufactured homes and RV units may be replaced with compliant manufactured homes or single family-detached homes elevated to the levels required by the County's Flood Plain regulations. B. To allow the Resort to retain temporarily pursuant to the terms of this Agreement some of the conforming, or accessory to a permitted use structures, Page 4 of 16 January 31, 2006 and uses permitted by the County prior to 1990 or established as otherwise lawfully in existence on the property prior to 1990. C. To allow the KLOR to retain as conforming the permitted existing grill/pub, bathrooms, office and docking facilities for 65 wet slips and club establishments as accessory uses to the principal residential uses. D. To establish specific development and permit approvals and processes required bringing the Resort into compliance with County Land Development Regulations, Building and Fire Safety Codes. II. AGREEMENT REQUIREMENTS The parties recognize the binding effect of Sections 163.3220-163.3243, Florida Statutes, as to the form and content of this Agreement and in accordance therewith set forth and agree to the following: A. Legal Description and Ownership The legal descriptions for the properties that are subject to this Agreement are set forth in Exhibit A - Survey of the Key Largo Ocean Resorts Property. B. Duration of Agreement This Agreement shall remain in effect for seven (7) years from its effective date as defined herein. It is the intention of Monroe County to promote rational and timely development of the Property to maximize best land use management practices consistent with the landowner's rights and commitments described herein. C. Permitted Uses The development and uses permitted on the Property, including population densities, building intensities and structure heights and total acreage of the site are: 1. The development of not more than two hundred eighty-five (285) lots with one manufactured home or single family-detached dwelling unit and accessory structures per lot on the KLOR Property, together with the amenities as shown on the Survey (Exhibit A). 2. Accessory structures and uses including: recreational and maintenance facilities, resort offices, bath houses, grill/pub, club and docking facilities including 65 boat slips, wastewater treatment plant and boat/trailer parking. Page 5 of 16 January 31, 2006 3. The unit density is one manufactured or single family-detached home per lot, which is 13.6_units per gross acre. The population density is estimated at approximately 570 persons. 4. Building intensity for the accessory low to medium intensity commercial retail and office use is limited to the aggregate amounts as shown on Exhibit A for such uses. Community open space shall be no less than 102,000 square feet. 5. Building height is limited to 35 feet. 6. Total acreage of the site is 20.9 acres. For the duration of this Agreement, the parties agree that any and all of the approved development shall comply with and be controlled by this Agreement, the Land Development Regulations, and the Comprehensive Plan governing the development of the land effective when Monroe County and KLOR execute this Agreement as authorized by Section 163.3220, Florida Statutes. D. Public Facilities I. The Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority provides domestic potable water to the Property. 2. Electric service IS provided by Florida Keys Electric Cooperative to the Property. 3. Solid waste service is provided to the Property by a solid waste collection system franchised by Monroe County. 4. KLOR shall provide wastewater, treatment and sewage collection and disposal to the Property via onsite systems, which will be upgraded to 2010 standards as may be required by law ifno community wide system is available by 2010. ~ When the Kev Largo Wastewater Treatment District facilities become available KLOR agrees to connect to same. KLOR further agreeS to relluire to the extent that it is able that all unit owners within KLOR connect to same and relluire such connection in any transfer documents to unit owners. E. Reservation or Dedication of Land There is no reservation or dedication of land for public purpose contemplated by this Agreement. Page 6 of 16 January 31,2006 F. Local Development Permits The following is a list of all development permits approved or needed to be approved for the development of the Property as specified and requested in this Agreement: I. All required Federal, State, South Florida Water Management District, and Monroe County permits for stormwater when necessary, ifrequired. 2. Federal, State and County permits, as required, for docking facilities. 3. Demolition or renovation permits as necessary for the elimination of structures which cannot be permitted according to the regulations pertaining to mobile home parks and Urban Residential Mobile Home Land Use District Regulations as of the effective date of this Agreement. 4. KLOR shall submit a complete site redevelopment plan application package to the County for the redevelopment of th Resort to the standards and conditions County's Land Development Regulations to the extent applicable and not inconsistent with this Agreement. This site redevelopment package, referred to hereinafter as "Site Redevelopment Plan", shall be submitted to the County within one-hundred twenty (120) days from the effective date of this Agreement and shall be noticed in accordance with Section 9.5-45 Monroe County Code (MCC) and reviewed and approved pursuant to the process for major conditional uses in Section 9.5-69(b) through (d.), MCC. The application fee for the Site Redevelopment Plan shall be the same as that for major conditional use. At a minimum, the Site Redevelopment Application Package shall contain: (I) a site plan depicting detailed wastewater collection svstem. stormwater management, landscaping, access and road improvements, fire suppression facilities, and utility relocations; and (2) a site plan for manufactured and single family-detached home lots depicting the construction envelope on each leased space for the siting of compliant manufactured and single family- detached homes and accessory structures. and including plans for adeQuatelv sized wastewater collection facilities. 5. Building and related construction permits for land clearing. adeQuatelv sized wastewater collection facilities, storm water facilities, utilities and road Page 7 of16 January 31. 2006 improvements, as appropriate to implement the conditional use order and this Agreement. G. Finding of Consistency By entering into this Agreement, Monroe County finds that the development permitted or proposed herein is consistent with and furthers the County's Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations. H. Breach, Amendment, Enforcement, and Termination Exclusive of any others except those imposed by law, the following additional conditions, terms, restrictions, or other requirements are also determined by the parties to be necessary for the execution and enforcement of this Agreement: 1. Breach of Agreement and Cure Provisions a. Upon KLOR's material breach of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Monroe County shall serve written notice on and shall provide KLOR the opportunity, within ninety (90) days, to propose a method of fulfilling the Agreement's terms and conditions or curing the breach. Monroe County shall allow KLOR an opportunity to cure the breach or to negotiate an amendment to this Agreement within a reasonable time, not to exceed ninety (90) days after KLOR response or proposal, absent exigent circumstances. b. The following events, unless caused by fire, storms, floods, other acts of God, or events beyond the control of KLOR are to be considered a material breach of this Agreement: (l) the failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement or the application for permits to effectuate the actions required and described in herein; (2) the failure to maintain conditions placed on permits or approvals contained in or issued as a direct result of this Agreement; (3) the failure to comply with applicable permitting requirements of Monroe County after notice and opportunity within ninety (90) days to commence to comply with such permitting requirements or, if applicable, to commence compliance with such requirements and have completed within a reasonable time as mutually agreed by the parties if compliance requires more than sixty (60) days. Page 8 of 16 January 31, 2006 2. Amendment, Termination, or Revocation The parties hereto shall at all times adhere to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Amendment, termination, extension, or revocation of this Agreement shall be made in accordance with the notification and procedural requirements set forth herein. Amendments to this Agreement shall subject KLOR to the laws and policies in effect at the time of the amendment only if the conditions of Section 163.3233(2), Florida Statutes, are met. It is further agreed that no modifications, extensions, amendments, or alterations of the terms or conditions contained herein shall be effective unless contained in a written document approved and executed by the parties to this Agreement. 3. Hearing Requirements a. Before amending, terminating, or revoking this Agreement, Monroe County shall conduct at least two (2) public hearings. The hearings shall be held pursuant to an application filed with Monroe County by the party seeking to amend, terminate or revoke this Agreement, along with the requisite filing fee. b. Notice of intent to amend, terminate, or revoke this Agreement shall be advertised at least seven (7) days before the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation and readership in Monroe County. The day, time, and place of any further public hearing shall be announced at the first public hearing and the date thereof shall be advertised at least seven (7) days before such public hearing. The notices shall specify the location of the property subject to this Agreement, the development uses proposed on the property, the proposed population densities, and the proposed building intensities and height, and shall specify a place where a copy of the proposed amendment, termination or revocation, and supporting information can be obtained. 4. State and Federal Law If State or Federal laws enacted after the effective date of this Agreement preclude any party's compliance with the terms of this Agreement, this Agreement shall be modified as is necessary to comply with the relevant State or Federal laws; however, this Agreement shall not be construed to waive or Page 9 of 16 January 31, 2006 supersede any contention under law that KLOR has acquired vested rights under prior law. 5. Enforcement a. If Monroe County, through its Growth Management Division, finds that KLOR or a successor is in material breach of this Agreement, and after notice is given as provided herein to respond to or cure said breach, KLOR fails within a reasonable time to respond, cure, or secure and amendment resolving the breach, Monroe County may utilize appropriate code enforcement remedies to cure any breach or seek through the Circuit Court of Monroe County enforcement of the provisions of the Settlement Agreement approved by the Court on August 4, 2003. b. Monroe County, KLOR, their successors or assigns, or any aggrieved or any adversely affected person as defined in Section 163.3215(2), Florida Statutes, may file an action for injunctive relief in the Circuit Court of Monroe County to enforce the terms of this Agreement or to challenge compliance with the provisions of Sections 163.3243, Florida Statutes. c. Nothing contained herein shall limit any other powers, rights, or remedies that any party has, or may have in the future, to enforce the terms of this Agreement. III. Compliance with Other Laws The failure of this Agreement to address a particular permit, condition, term, or restriction shall not relieve KLOR of the necessity of complying with the laws governing said permitting requirements, conditions, terms or restrictions IV. Additional Provisions A. Permits KLOR, its lessees or cooperative members shall apply for all the building or demolition permits required to bring existing improvements and structures into compliance to replace existing manufactured homes or RVs with compliant manufactured or single family-detached homes. The compliance schedule to submit applications for building and demolition permits for compliance and replacement of existing non-compliant structures shall be identified by individual lot number in the Site Redevelopment Plan required by Page 100f16 January 31. 2006 section II F. 4, provided that: (I) all permit applications shall be applied for within three ( 3 ) years from the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan; (2) at a minimum, 75 lots shall be brought into full compliance with Chapter 6.0 and Chapter 9.5, Monroe County Code and this Development Agreement within one year from the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan and at least fifty (50) lots each year thereafter until all the structures and improvements on all lots are in full compliance; and, (3) all lots shall be in full compliance with Chapter 6.0 and Chapter 9.5, Monroe County Code and this Development Agreement by no later than six (6 ) years from the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan. However, the County must be presented with written certification on forms approved by the County, in advance, that the KLOR management, specifically its President and Board of Directors, has approved the individual permit application. All work authorized by said permits shall be completed in accordance with Chapter 6 and Chapter 9.5, Monroe County Code. Permits required for roads, fire suppression, storm water, landscaping, utility relocations, and other community facilities or improvements shall be applied for by KLOR, its lessees and cooperative members, pursuant to the approved Site Redevelopment Plan within a period of one (I) year from the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan. In regard to the submittal of permit applications to bring lots into compliance, both parties recognize that the time requirements under the Florida Building Code for the processing of permit applications by the County's Building Department may not be strictly adhered to in order to: allow the County staff sufficient time to properly review and approve all these applications, given the three year submittal deadline for applications; and, to provide greater flexibility to KLOR, its lessees or successors in meeting the five-year compliance schedule. B. Vesting and Compliance Policies The following are the policies and standards for the vesting of certain improvements and compliance actions that govern the specific compliance actions required and which shall be followed in implementing the terms and conditions of this agreement: I. Any improvements except as noted below for driveways other surface cover improvements, that have been made without a permit shall be removed, including below base flood ground mounted air conditioning condensers except where after- the-fact permits can be issued. Page 11 of 16 January 31, 2006 2. All unpermitted impervious surface improvements, such as concrete or asphalt driveways and slabs, may be retained except where they are required to be removed by this Agreement or the approved Site Redevelopment Plan. 3. As defined in the Land Development Regulations, all non-road ready park models, other recreational vehicles, or non-compliant manufactured homes in place prior to 1990 or that received a permit for the replacement by the County after that date shall be allowed to remain in place until such time as they are required in accordance with the Site Redevelopment Plan to be replaced by a compliant manufactured or single family-detached home or brought into compliance with the County's floodplain regulations. However, all unpermitted attachments, enclosures or other improvements shall be removed except where an after-the-fact permit can be issued. The County shall allow permits, on a case-by- case basis, for minor repair to trailers and park models resulting from the demolition of unpermitted attached structures. 4. The date on the RV's title document or KLOR's required insurance verification listed on Exhibit B - Structure Status and Compliance Actions at Key Largo Ocean Resorts and Verification of Structure Age/Insurance attached hereto and Vehicle Identification Number or Vehicle Tag shall be used to resolve any disagreement over the date of the placement of an RV. 5. All non-road ready park models, other recreational vehicles, or manufactured homes in place after 1989 and without a permit for placement by the County shall be removed or brought into compliance with the County's floodplain regulations in accordance with the Site Redevelopment Plan. After their removal they may be temporarily replaced on their individual lots by a road ready RV for a period of five (5) from the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan, or permanently replaced with a compliant manufactured home or single family-detached home at or above base flood elevation. 6. Lot owners delinquent on payment of the Monroe County license tax pursuant to Section 320.08 Florida Statutes, shall be required to pay in full any outstanding balance and delinquent fees to the Monroe County Office of Tax Collector prior to issuance of any permit under this Agreement. Page 12 of 16 January 31, 2006 C. Impact Fees Each lot owner shall be required to pay impact fees prior to the issuance of a permit authorizing a compliant manufactured home or single family-detached home on their lot. This impact fee shall be $1,229.00 for manufactured homes and $1,534 for single family- detached homes. D. Special Development Standards I. The Site Redevelopment Plan shall insure that the configuration of manufactured homes meets the separation requirement of NFP A 50 I A - Standard for Fire Safety Criteria for Manufactured Home Installations, Sites and Communities to the maximum extent practicable without the removal of units. 2. The Site Redevelopment Plan shall address the life safety and fire protection issues raised in the September 19, 2003 letter from Assistant Fire Marshal Romero to Mr. Donald Craig AICP, which is attached herein to this Agreement as Exhibit C. 3. KLOR shall be entitled to a maximum of284 units on the site or 285 units, upon providing documentation verifying existence of this unit, which is to be submitted with and approved as part of the Site Redevelopment Plan. Should the approved Site Redevelopment Plan result in less in this maximum limit recognized by the County, any units transferred all off-site shall be only for affordable housing. Within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan, KLOR shall record in the public records a restrictive covenant on the property running in favor of the County that limits the number of residential units on the property to the number approved under the Site Redevelopment Plan. 4. Pursuant to paragraph B. above, road ready recreational vehicles may be temporarily placed on individual lots for a period of five (5) years from the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan after which only manufactured or modular homes shall be authorized to be placed on any of the lots. 5. The Board of County Commissioners hereby reserves the right to review and amend the Site Redevelopment Plan consistent with this Agreement. KLOR may petition the Board of County Commissions to review the Site Redevelopment Plan approved by the Planning Commission. Page 13of16 January 31,2006 E. Recording The County shall record this Agreement with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Monroe County within fourteen (14) days following signature by all parties. Recording fees shall be paid by KLOR. F. Entire Agreement This Agreement incorporates and includes all pnor negotiations, correspondence, conversations, agreements, or understandings applicable to the matters contained herein and the parties agree that there are no commitments, agreements, or understandings concerning the subject matter of this Agreement that are not contained in or incorporated into this document; accordingly, it is agreed that no deviation from the terms hereof shall be predicated upon any prior representations or agreements, whether oral or written. G. Severability If any part of this Agreement is contrary to, prohibited by, or deemed invalid under any applicable law or regulation, such provisions shall be inapplicable and deemed omitted to the extent so contrary, prohibited, or invalid; however, the remainder here shall not be invalidated thereby and shall be given full force and effect. H. Jurisdiction and Governing Law The parties hereto agree that any and all suits or actions at law shall be brought in Monroe County, Monroe County, Florida, and no other jurisdiction. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted under the laws ofthe State of Florida. I. Conflicting Resolutions All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict with the provisions of this Agreement and its resolution are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. J. Successors and Assigns This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors in interest, heirs, assigns, and personal representatives. K. Notices All notices, demands, requests, or replies provided for or permitted by this Agreement shall be in writing and may be delivered by anyone of the following methods: (a) by personal delivery; (b) by deposit with the United States Postal Service as Certified or Registered mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, to the addresses stated below; Page 14 ofl6 January 31,2006 or (c) by deposit with an overnight express delivery service. Notice shall be deemed effective upon receipt. For purposes of notice, demand, request, or replies: The address of Monroe County shall be: Mr. Thomas Willi County Administrator 1100 Simonton Street, Rm. 2-205 Key West, FL 33040 The address of Key Largo Ocean Resorts Co-op, Inc. shall be: Mr. Pedro Salva, President Key Largo Ocean Resorts Co-op, Inc. 94825 Overseas Highway Key Largo, FL 33037 L. Effective Date The effective date of this Agreement is 30 days after the duly signed and recorded Agreement is received by the Florida Department of Community Affairs pursuant to Chapter 380, Fla. Statutes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals on the day and year below written. APPROVAL OF KEY LARGO OCEAN RESORTS CO-OP. INe. Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of: Pedro Salva Witness: For: Key Largo Ocean Resorts Co-op, Inc. By: Print Name Dated: Signature The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this day of 2006, by . He/she is personally known to me or produced _ as identification and did not take an oath. Page 15 of 16 January 31, 2006 Notary Public Printed name My commission expires: My commission number: APPROVAL OF MONROE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS On this day of , 2006, Monroe County Board of County Commissioners approved this Agreement by Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Resolution No. ATTEST: MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA DANNY KOHLAGE COUNTY CLERK By: MAYOR CHARLES "SONNY" MCCOY Page 160f16 January 31.2006 v.'V ~ RESOLUTION - 2006 A RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN KEY LARGO OCEAN RESORTS. CO-OP, INC., (KLOR) AND MONROE COUNTY TO COMPLY WITH COURT ORDERED MEDIATION WHICH RESULTED IN A SETfLEMENT AGREEMENT SIGNED BY THE PARTIES IN JUNE 2003 AND APPROVED BY THE COURT ON AUGUST 4, 2003. WHICH AUTHORIZED KLOR TO SUBMIT AND APPLY FOR A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, on May 12, 2004, Key Largo Ocean Resorts Co-Op, Inc. (KLOR) filed with the Planning Department a proposed development Agreement (Agreement) pursuant to Sections 163.3220 - 3243, F.S. and Sections 9.5-101 and 102 of Monroe County Code (MCC); and WHEREAS, after consideration of the report and recommendation of staff and the Planning Commission and testimony from the public and the documentation of the history of KLOR, the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) makes the following findings of fact and conclusions of law: I. KLOR is the owner of real property on Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida, located at approximately mile marker 95 of US Highway I fronting on the Atlantic Ocean (Property), the legal description of which is contained in Exhibit A - Survey of the Key Largo Ocean Resorts Property, attached hereto and made a part hereof (Survey). 2. Two hundred eighty-five (285) lots exist within the KLOR resort which provide for seasonal transient and permanent housing, together with amenities including marina, tennis courts, swimming pool. recreation building, boat ramp, clubhouse, boat trailer parking, open space and administrative offices. 3. The Resort has been operating for over twenty-five (25) years providing the lease of lots to KLOR stockholders who have placed their individually owned, recreational vehicles, mobile homes or park model homes on the lots shown on the Survey of the property. 4. From the Resort's inception until approximately 1989, Monroe County provided valid building permits to locate mobile homes and park model homes on the Property requiring that they be tied down for hurricane force wind protection. 5. The County provided other building permits for screen room enclosures and other permanent structures on the Property. Page 1 of4 Vehicle" (RV) land use district from September IS, 1986, until February 2005, which allowed only transient use of properties within the district and not permanent dwellings or structures; and WHEREAS, in 1997 the Resort purchased approximately 2.0 acres of additional property consisting of both uplands and wetlands designated "Improved Subdivision", also known as the Northeast 100 feet of the Southeasterly 1/2 of Tract 9, SOUTHCLIFF ESTATES, in order to increase the open space area of the Property and to provide additional setbacks, which property is shown as Residential Medium on the County's Future Land Use Maps; and WHEREAS, on January 16, 2002, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners by eminent domain action acquired 9,318 square feet of the aforementioned portion of Tract 9; and WHEREAS, over time, structures have been placed within the Resort without the benefit of a building permit, or with a permit erroneously issued by Monroe County or lawfully constructed for which no permit history can be found; and WHEREAS, the Resort has the appearance of a mobile home park as the result of the permanent structures being placed in the Resort and the improvements to them being with or without benefit of permit; and WHEREAS, in 1994 and 1995, the Monroe County Code Enforcement Department began to actively pursue compliance with the requirements of recreational vehicle zoning of the Resort and construction without the benefit of properly issued building permits; and WHEREAS, as a result of the County's action, KLOR brought legal action against the County seeking relief from the application of the requirements of the recreational vehicle land use district; and WHEREAS, the Circuit Court of Monroe County granted an injunction against the County, Case Number 96-20160-CA-22, to allow KLOR to seek a change of its land use district designation from "Recreational Vehicle" (RV) designation to "Urban Residential Mobile Home" (URM) in order to resolve some of the code enforcement issues; and WHEREAS, the Court ordered the parties into Mediation, which resulted in a Page 2 of 16 January 31, 2006 sJ ~~~ (i r-j ,~ 0-- DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (Agreement) is binding on the "effective date" as set forth herein between Monroe County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (County), and Key Largo Ocean Resorts, Co-op, Inc. (KLOR). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, KLOR is the owner of real property on Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida, located at approximately mile marker 95 of US Highway I fronting on the Atlantic Ocean (Property), the legal description of which is contained in Exhibit A - Survey of the Key Largo Ocean Resorts Property, attached hereto and made a part hereof (Survey); and WHEREAS, there are two hundred eighty-five (285) lots within the KLOR resort which provide for seasonal transient and permanent housing, together with amenities including marina, tennis courts, swimming pool, recreation building, boat ramp, clubhouse, boat trailer parking, open space and administrative offices (Resort); and WHEREAS, the Resort has been operating for over twenty-five (25) years providing the lease of lots to KLOR stockholders who have placed their individually owned, recreational vehicles, mobile homes or park model homes on the lots shown on the Survey of the property; and WHEREAS, from the Resort's inception until approximately 1989, Monroe County provided valid building permits to locate mobile homes and park model homes on the Property requiring that they be tied down for hurricane force wind protection; and WHEREAS, the County provided other building permits for screen room enclosures and other permanent structures on the Property; and WHEREAS, the Resort and the individuals leasing lots from KLOR reasonably relied upon the permits granted by the County and the oral representations made by members of the building department from the Resort's inception; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County 2010 Comprehensive Plan, until December 2004, designated all the parcels of the Property as "Mixed Use/Commercial" on its Future Land Use Map; and WHEREAS, the Property had been designated as being within the "Recreational Page 1 of 16 January 31,2006 Vehicle" (RV) land use district from September IS, 1986, until February 2005, which allowed only transient use of properties within the district and not permanent dwellings or structures; and WHEREAS, in 1997 the Resort purchased approximately 2.0 acres of additional property consisting of both uplands and wetlands designated "Improved Subdivision", also known as the Northeast 100 feet of the Southeasterly 1/2 of Tract 9, SOUTHCLIFF ESTATES, in order to increase the open space area of the Property and to provide additional setbacks, which property is shown as Residential Medium on the County's Future Land Use Maps; and WHEREAS, on January 16, 2002, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners by eminent domain action acquired 9,318 square feet of the aforementioned portion of Tract 9; and WHEREAS, over time, structures have been placed within the Resort without the benefit of a building permit, or with a permit erroneously issued by Monroe County or lawfully constructed for which no permit history can be found; and WHEREAS, the Resort has the appearance of a mobile home park as the result of the permanent structures being placed in the Resort and the improvements to them being with or without benefit of permit; and WHEREAS, in 1994 and 1995, the Monroe County Code Enforcement Department began to actively pursue compliance with the requirements of recreational vehicle zoning of the Resort and construction without the benefit of properly issued building permits; and WHEREAS, as a result of the County's action, KLOR brought legal action against the County seeking relief from the application of the requirements of the recreational vehicle land use district; and WHEREAS, the Circuit Court of Monroe County granted an injunction against the County, Case Number 96-20l60-CA-22, to allow KLOR to seek a change of its land use district designation from "Recreational Vehicle" (RV) designation to "Urban Residential Mobile Home" (URM) in order to resolve some of the code enforcement issues; and WHEREAS, the Court ordered the parties into Mediation, which resulted in a Page 2 of]6 January 31,2006 Settlement Agreement signed by the parties in June 2003, approved by the Court on August 4, 2003, which authorized KLOR to submit and apply for a Development Agreement; and WHEREAS, acting in reliance on the Settlement Agreement, KLOR submitted a proposed Development Agreement to the County; and WHEREAS, KLOR filed an application to amend the Future Land Use Map designation from Mixed Use/Commercial to High Density Residential and from Residential Medium to Residential High; and WHEREAS, On August 18, 2004, by unanimous vote, the BOCC approved the amendments to the Future Land Use Map; and WHEREAS, On August 18, 2004, the BOCC also unanimously approved amendments to the Land Use District Map to classiry the property as Urban Residential Mobile Home: and WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Community Affairs found the proposed amendments to the Future Land Use Map in compliance in December 2004, and approved the amendments to the Land Use District Map in February 2005; and WHEREAS, both the County and KLOR realize that the change of the land use designation will not resolve all of the code enforcement issues at the Resort; and WHEREAS, both the County and KLOR recognize that the public noticing and hearing procedures shall follow the requirements ofF.S. 163.3225, which require a public hearing in front of both the Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners for consideration of a Development Agreement; and WHEREAS, Exhibit B - Structure Status and Compliance Actions at Key Largo Ocean Resorts and Verification of Structure Age/lnsurance, attached hereto and made a part hereof, contains an agreed upon comprehensive listing of all structures and development activity {i.e. tie-downs} permitted or not on each of the two hundred eighty-five (285) lots within the Resort and lists all of the permits previously granted and the requirements for additional permits required for all structures not vested or otherwise protected, which data has been reviewed and updated through site visits, review of county and KLOR records to reflect existing conditions; and Page 3 of 16 January 31, 2006 WHEREAS, the County and KLOR agree that the data presented in Exhibit B attached hereto is supplemented with data collected by the Monroe County Property Appraiser's Office between August 1995 and January 1996, and, as such, represents a statement of the conditions of the Resort at that time and any subsequent permits issued that met the requirements of the County Land Development Regulations and Building Code at that time, but it may not reflect all lawful activity on the property for which the County does not have accurate records, but are demonstrable on the site, such as tie- downs, slabs and similar activities that could have been lawfully permitted; and WHEREAS, Section 163.3220, Florida Statutes, authorizes the County to enter into agreements with landowners and/or governrnental agencies to encourage a stronger commitment to comprehensive and capital facilities planning, ensure the provision of adequate public facilities for development, encourage the efficient use of resources, and reduce the economic cost of development; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan (Comprehensive Plan) contains objectives and policies that seek to reduce the frequency of uses inconsistent with the Land Development Regulations and the Future Land Use Map (Objective 10 1.8) and the objectives of the Settlement Agreement between KLOR and the County; and WHEREAS, the County finds that entering into this Agreement furthers the purposes, goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. NOW THEREFORE, the parties do hereby agree as follows: I. PURPOSES The purposes of this Agreement are as follows: A. To agree on a phased program of remedial actions and Resort wide improvements to achieve compliance with the requirements of the Urban Residential Mobile Home district, such that not more than 285 of the existing manufactured homes and RV units may be replaced with compliant manufactured homes or single family-detached homes elevated to the levels required by the County's Flood Plain regulations. B. To allow the Resort to retain temporarily pursuant to the terms of this Agreement some of the conforming, or accessory to a permitted use structures, Page 4 of 16 January 31, 2006 and uses permitted by the County prior to 1990 or established as otherwise lawfully in existence on the property prior to 1990. C. To allow the KLOR to retain as conforming the permitted existing griIVpub, bathrooms, office and docking facilities for 65 wet slips and club establishments as accessory uses to the principal residential uses. D. To establish specific development and permit approvals and processes required bringing the Resort into compliance with County Land Development Regulations, Building and Fire Safety Codes. II. AGREEMENT REQUIREMENTS The parties recognize the binding effect of Sections 163.3220-163.3243, Florida Statutes, as to the form and content of this Agreement and in accordance therewith set forth and agree to the following: A. Legal Description and Ownership The legal descriptions for the properties that are subject to this Agreement are set forth in Exhibit A - Survey of the Key Largo Ocean Resorts Property. B. Duration of Agreement This Agreement shall remain in effect for seven (7) years from its effective date as defined herein. It is the intention of Monroe County to promote rational and timely development of the Property to maximize best land use management practices consistent with the landowner's rights and commitments described herein. C. Permitted Uses The development and uses permitted on the Property, including population densities, building intensities and structure heights and total acreage of the site are:~~ NV I. The development of not more than two hundred eighty-five (285) lots with one '6 ~ manufactured home or single family-detached dwelling unit and accessory ~ '/ structures per lot on the KLOR Property, together with the amenities as shown on the Survey (Exhibit A). 2. Accessory structures and uses including: recreational and maintenance facilities, resort offices, bath houses, grill/pub, club and docking facilities including 65 boat slips, wastewater treatment plant and boat/trailer parking. Page 5 of 16 January 31, 2006 3. The unit density is one manufactured or single family-detached home per lot, which is 13.6_units per gross acre. The population density is estimated at approximately 570 persons. 4. Building intensity for the accessory low to medium intensity commercial retail and office use is limited to the aggregate amounts as shown on Exhibit A for such uses. Community open space shall be no less than 102,000 square feet. 5. Building height is limited to 35 feet. 6. Total acreage of the site is 20.9 acres. For the duration of this Agreement, the parties agree that any and all of the approved development shall comply with and be controlled by this Agreement, the Land Development Regulations, and the Comprehensive Plan governing the development of the land effective when Momoe County and KLOR execute this Agreement as authorized by Section 163.3220, Florida Statutes. D. Public Facilities I. The Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority provides domestic potable water to the Property. 2. Electric service is provided by Florida Keys Electric Cooperative to the Property. 3. Solid waste service is provided to the Property by a solid waste collection system franchised by Monroe County. 4. KLOR shall provide wastewater, treatment and sewage collection and disposal to the Property via onsite systems, which will be upgraded to 20 I 0 standards as may be required by law if no community wide system is available by 20 I O. 5. When the Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District facilities become available KLOR agrees to connect to same. KLOR further agrees to require to the extent that it is able that all unit owners within KLOR connect to same and require such connection in any transfer documents to unit owners. E. Reservation or Dedication of Land There is no reservation or dedication of land for public purpose contemplated by this Agreement. Page 6 of 16 January 31,2006 F. Local Development Permits - The following is a list of all development permits approved or needed to be approved for the development of the Property as specified and requested in this Agreement: 1. All required Federal, State, South Florida Water Management District, and Monroe County permits for stormwater when necessary, if required. Federal, State and County permits, as required, for docking facilities. Demolition or renovation permits as necessary for the elimination of structures which cannot be permitted according to the regulations pertaining to mobile home parks and Urban Residential Mobile Home Land Use District Regulations as of the effective date of this Agreement. KLOR shall submit a complete site redevelopment plan application package to "'- the County for the redevelopment of the Resort to the standards and conditions of this Agreement and the County's Land Development Regulations to the extent applicable and not inconsistent with this Agreement. 2. 3. 4. This site redevelopment package, referred to hereinafter as "Site Redevelopment Plan", shall be submitted to the County within one-hundred twenty (120) days from the effective date of this Agreement and shall be noticed in accordance with Section 9.5--45 Monroe County Code (MCC) and reviewed and approved pursuant to the process for major conditional uses in Section 9.5-69(b) through (d.), MCC. CThe application fee for the Site Redevelopment Plan shall be the same as that for major conditional use. At a minimum, the Site Redevelopment Application Package shall contain: (I) a site plan depicting detailed wastewater collection system, stormwater management, landscaping, access and road improvements, fire suppression facilities, and utility relocations; and (2) a site plan for manufactured and single family-detached home lots depicting the construction envelope on each leased space for the siting of compliant manufactured and single family- detached homes and accessory structures, and including plans for adequately sized wastewater collection facilities. 5. Building and related construction permits for land clearing, adequately sized wastewater collection facilities, stormwater facilities, utilities and road Page 7 ofl6 January 3 I, 2006 ~~ ~ ?? improvements, as appropriate to implement the conditional use order and this Agreement. G. Finding of Consistency By entering into this Agreement, Monroe County finds that the development permitted or proposed herein is consistent with and furthers the County's Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations. H. Breach, Amendment, Enforcement, and Termination Exclusive of any others except those imposed by law, the following additional conditions, terms, restrictions, or other requirements are also determined by the parties to be necessary for the execution and enforcement of this Agreement: I. Breach of Agreement and Cure Provisions a. Upon KLOR's material breach of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Monroe County shall serve written notice on and shall provide KLOR the opportunity, within ninety (90) days, to propose a method of fulfilling the Agreement's terms and conditions or curing the breach. Monroe County shall allow KLOR an opportunity to cure the breach or to negotiate an amendment to this Agreement within a reasonable time, not to exceed ninety (90) days after KLOR response or proposal, absent exigent circumstances. b. The following events, unless caused by fire, storms, floods, other acts of God, or events beyond the control of KLOR are to be considered a material breach of this Agreement: (I) the failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement or the application for permits to effectuate the actions required and described in herein; (2) the failure to maintain conditions placed on permits or approvals contained in or issued as a direct result of this Agreement; (3) the failure to comply with applicable permitting requirements of Monroe County after notice and opportunity within ninety (90) days to commence to comply with such permitting requirements or, if applicable, to commence compliance with such requirements and have completed within a reasonable time as mutually agreed by the parties if compliance requires more than sixty (60) days. Page 8 of 16 January 31, 2006 2. Amendment, Termination, or Revocation The parties hereto shall at all times adhere to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Amendment, termination, extension, or revocation of this Agreement shall be made in accordance with the notification and procedural requirements set forth herein. Amendments to this Agreement shall subject KLOR to the laws and policies in effect at the time of the amendment only if the conditions of Section 163.3233(2), Florida Statutes, are met. It is further agreed that no modifications, extensions, amendments, or alterations of the terms or conditions contained herein shall be effective unless contained in a written document approved and executed by the parties to this Agreement. 3. Hearing Requirements a. Before amending, terminating, or revoking this Agreement, Monroe County shall conduct at least two (2) public hearings. The hearings shall be held pursuant to an application filed with Monroe County by the party seeking to amend, terminate or revoke this Agreement, along with the requisite filing fee. b. Notice of intent to amend, terminate, or revoke this Agreement shall be advertised at least seven (7) days before the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation and readership in Monroe County. The day, time, and place of any further public hearing shall be announced at the first public hearing and the date thereof shall be advertised at least seven (7) days before such public hearing. The notices shall specify the location of the property subject to this Agreement, the development uses proposed on the property, the proposed population densities, and the proposed building intensities and height, and shall specify a place where a copy of the proposed amendment, termination or revocation, and supporting information can be obtained. 4. State and Federal Law If State or Federal laws enacted after the effective date of this Agreement preclude any party's compliance with the terms of this Agreement, this Agreement shall be modified as is necessary to comply with the relevant State or Federal laws; however, this Agreement shall not be construed to waive or Page 9 of 16 January 31, 2006 supersede any contention under law that KLOR has acquired vested rights under prior law. 5. Enforcement a. If Monroe County, through its Growth Management Division, finds that KLOR or a successor is in material breach of this Agreement, and after notice is given as provided herein to respond to or cure said breach, KLOR fails within a reasonable time to respond, cure, or secure and amendment resolving the breach, Monroe County may utilize appropriate code enforcement remedies to cure any breach or seek through the Circuit Court of Monroe County enforcement of the provisions of the Settlement Agreement approved by the Court on August 4, 2003. b. Monroe County, KLOR, their successors or assigns, or any aggrieved or any adversely affected person as defined in Section 163.3215(2), Florida Statutes, may file an action for injunctive relief in the Circuit Court of Monroe County to enforce the terms of this Agreement or to challenge compliance with the provisions of Sections 163.3243, Florida Statutes. c. Nothing contained herein shall limit any other powers, rights, or remedies that any party has, or may have in the future, to enforce the terms of this Agreement. III. Compliance with Other Laws The failure of this Agreement to address a particular permit, condition, term, or restriction shall not relieve KLOR of the necessity of complying with the laws governing said permitting requirements, conditions, terms or restrictions IV. Additional Provisions A. Permits KLOR, its lessees or cooperative members shall apply for all the building or demolition permits required to bring existing improvements and structures into compliance to replace existing manufactured homes or RVs with compliant manufactured or single family-detached homes. The compliance schedule to submit applications for building and demolition permits for compliance and replacement of existing non-compliant structures shall be identified by individual lot number in the Site Redevelopment Plan required by Page lOofl6 January 31,2006 section II F. 4, provided that: (1) all permit applications shall be applied for within three (3) years from the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan; (2) at a minimum, 75 lots shall be brought into full compliance with Chapter 6.0 and Chapter 9.5, Monroe County Code and this Development Agreement within one year from the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan and at least fifty (50) lots each year thereafter until all the structures and improvements on all lots are in full compliance; and, (3) all lots shall be in full compliance with Chapter 6.0 and Chapter 9.5, Monroe County Code and this Development Agreement by no later than six (6 ) years from the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan. However, the County must be presented with written certification on forms approved by the County, in advance, that the KLOR management, specifically its President and Board of Directors, has approved the individual permit application. All work authorized by said permits shall be completed in accordance with Chapter 6 and Chapter 9.5, Monroe County Code. Permits required for roads, fire suppression, stormwater, landscaping, utility relocations, and other community facilities or improvements shall be applied for by KLOR, its lessees and cooperative members, pursuant to the approved Site Redevelopment Plan within a period of one (1) year from the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan. In regard to the submittal of permit applications to bring lots into compliance, both parties recognize that the time requirements under the Florida Building Code for the processing of permit applications by the County's Building Department may not be strictly adhered to in order to: allow the County staff sufficient time to properly review and approve all these applications, given the three year submittal deadline for applications; and, to provide greater flexibility to KLOR, its lessees or successors in meeting the five-year compliance schedule. D. Vesting and Compliance Policies The following are the policies and standards for the vesting of certain improvements and compliance actions that govern the specific compliance actions required and which shall be followed in implementing the terms and conditions of this agreement: I. Any improvements except as noted below for driveways other surface cover improvements, that have been made without a permit shall be removed, including below base flood ground mounted air conditioning condensers except where after- the-fact permits can be issued. Page 11 of16 January 31, 2006 2. All unpermitted impervious surface improvements, such as concrete or asphalt driveways and slabs, may be retained except where they are required to be removed by this Agreement or the approved Site Redevelopment Plan. 3. As defined in the Land Development Regulations, all non-road ready park models, other recreational vehicles, or non-compliant manufactured homes in place prior to 1990 or that received a permit for the replacement by the County after that date shall be allowed to remain in place until such time as they are required in accordance with the Site Redevelopment Plan to be replaced by a compliant manufactured or single family-detached home or brought into compliance with the County's floodplain regulations. However, all unpermitted attachments, enclosures or other improvements shall be removed except where an after-the-fact permit can be issued. The County shall allow permits, on a case-by- case basis, for minor repair to trailers and park models resulting from the demolition of unpermitted attached structures. 4. The date on the RV's title document or KLOR's required insurance verification listed on Exhibit B - Structure Status and Compliance Actions at Key Largo Ocean Resorts and Verification of Structure Age/Insurance attached hereto and Vehicle Identification Number or Vehicle Tag shall be used to resolve any disagreement over the date of the placement of an R V. 5. All non-road ready park models, other recreational vehicles, or manufactured homes in place after 1989 and without a permit for placement by the County shall be removed or brought into compliance with the County's floodplain regulations in accordance with the Site Redevelopment Plan. After their removal they may be temporarily replaced on their individual lots by a road ready RV for a period of five (5) from the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan, or permanently replaced with a compliant manufactured home or single family-detached home at or above base flood elevation. 6. Lot owners delinquent on payment of the Monroe County license tax pursuant to Section 320.08 Florida Statutes, shall be required to pay in full any outstanding balance and delinquent fees to the Monroe County Office of Tax Collector prior to issuance of any permit under this Agreement. Page 12 of]6 January 31, 2006 C. Impact Fees Each lot owner shall be required to pay impact fees prior to the issuance of a permit authorizing a compliant manufactured home or single family-detached home on their lot. This impact fee shall be $1,229.00 for manufactured homes and $1,534 for single family- detached homes. D. Special Development Standards I. The Site Redevelopment Plan shall insure that the configuration of manufactured homes meets the separation requirement ofNFPA SOIA - Standard for Fire Safety Criteria for Manufactured Home Installations, Sites and Communities to the maximum extent practicable without the removal of units. 2. The Site Redevelopment Plan shall address the life safety and fire protection issues raised in the September 19, 2003 letter from Assistant Fire Marshal Romero to Mr. Donald Craig AICP, which is attached herein to this Agreement as Exhibit C. 3. KLOR shall be entitled to a maximum of284 units on the site or 285 units, upon providing documentation verifying existence of this unit, which is to be submitted with and approved as part of the Site Redevelopment Plan. Should the approved Site Redevelopment Plan result in less in this maximum limit recognized by the County, any units transferred all off-site shall be only for affordable housing. Within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan, KLOR shall record in the public records a restrictive covenant on the property running in favor of the County that limits the number of residential units on the property to the number approved under the Site Redevelopment Plan. 4. Pursuant to paragraph B. above, road ready recreational vehicles may be temporarily placed on individual lots for a period of five (5) years from the effective date of the Site Redevelopment Plan after which only manufactured or modular homes shall be authorized to be placed on any of the lots. 5. The Board of County Commissioners hereby reserves the right to review and amend the Site Redevelopment Plan consistent with this Agreement. KLOR may petition the Board of County Commissions to review the Site Redevelopment Plan approved by the Planning Commission. Page I3 of]6 January 3],2006 E. Recording The County shall record this Agreement with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Monroe County within fourteen (14) days following signature by all parties. Recording fees shall be paid by KLOR. F. Entire Agreement This Agreement incorporates and includes all prior negotiations, correspondence, conversations, agreements, or understandings applicable to the matters contained herein and the parties agree that there are no commitments, agreements, or understandings concerning the subject matter of this Agreement that are not contained in or incorporated into this document; accordingly, it is agreed that no deviation from the terms hereof shall be predicated upon any prior representations or agreements, whether oral or written. G. Severability If any part of this Agreement is contrary to, prohibited by, or deemed invalid under any applicable law or regulation, such provisions shall be inapplicable and deemed omitted to the extent so contrary, prohibited, or invalid; however, the remainder here shall not be invalidated thereby and shall be given full force and effect. H. Jurisdiction and Governing Law The parties hereto agree that any and all suits or actions at law shall be brought in Monroe County, Monroe County, Florida, and no other jurisdiction. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted under the laws of the State of Florida. I. Conflicting Resolutions All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict with the provisions of this Agreement and its resolution are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. J. Successors and Assigns This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors in interest, heirs, assigns, and personal representatives. K. Notices All notices, demands, requests, or replies provided for or permitted by this Agreement shall be in writing and may be delivered by anyone of the following methods: (a) by personal delivery; (b) by deposit with the United States Postal Service as Certified or Registered mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, to the addresses stated below; Page 140fl6 January 31. 2006 or (c) by deposit with an overnight express delivery service. Notice shall be deemed effective upon receipt. For purposes of notice, demand, request, or replies: The address of Monroe County shall be: Mr. Thomas Willi County Administrator 1100 Simonton Street, Rm. 2-205 Key West, FL 33040 The address of Key Largo Ocean Resorts Co-op, Inc. shall be: Mr. Pedro Salva, President Key Largo Ocean Resorts Co-op, Inc. 94825 Overseas Highway Key Largo, FL 33037 L. Effective Date The effective date of this Agreement is 30 days after the duly signed and recorded Agreement is received by the Florida Department of Community Affairs pursuant to Chapter 380, Fla. Statutes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals on the day and year below written. APPROVAL OF KEY LARGO OCEAN RESORTS CO-OP. INC. Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of: Pedro Salva Witness: For: Key Largo Ocean Resorts Co-op, Inc. By: Print Name Dated: Signature The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this day of 2006,by . He/she is personally known to me or produced _ as identification and did not take an oath. Page 15 of 16 January 31,2006 Notary Public Printed name My commission expires: My commission number: APPROVAL OF MONROE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS On this day of , 2006, Monroe County Board of County Commissioners approved this Agreement by Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Resolution No. ATTEST: MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA DANNY KOyrtAGE l-~ COUNTY CLERK By: MA YOR CHARLES "SONNY" MCCOY Page 16 of 16 January 31, 2006 BIG PINE KEY AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA DDD ~ m " ~ ~ s > ;j ~ , " , ~ n o :2 n m ~ C )> r U1 ~ --i m ." !j;; :2 COUNTY ROAD z ~ I' ,. i: m " 01 ,. 0' '" ~ " 0--- ~ I I I I L-J , I ~I I lIC!El I I rJ "" :gi in: , , - , CURRY DRIVE SANDS ROAD lJl ~ ~~ > 0 2 "'~ "'0 j~ i~ ~ , ~ .'. ~ ~ ~i ...... D~ 0 . > ~"l ~ ~~ i~~ ! . l l I ,I !! !Ii l II ~ ~ i j i !I ~ Ii l!! 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