Resolution 290-2023Y 0 - Al .4.406M Ov. OW.&A.& I ITH CIRCUITS. WHEREAS, the Judicial Circuit Assessment Committee (the "Committee") convened on July 14, 42 z Fl;of6i-&!sju6e-iai &rcak c*Ttrts, within District Courts of Appeal (DCA) boundaries, considering the following criteria, in accordance with Florida Rules of General Practice and Judicial Administration Rule 2.241(c): effectiveness, efficiency, access to courts, professionalism, public trust and confidence, and additional criteria; and WHEREAS, the Committee will examine data and information, survey stakeholders, hold public hearings, consider fiscal and operational impacts, and issue findings and recommendations to th(,- Legislature with regard to the consolidation of judicial circuits by December 1, 2023; and WHEREAS, there are 20 judicial circuits in the State, and each circuit is comprised of one or more counties, and Monroe County is in its own circuit, the 16'h Circuit; and WHEREAS, consolidation will only be considered within DCA boundaries and Monroe County (16' Circuit) is in the same DCA boundary with Miami Dade (I I' Circuit), the Third District Court of Appeal; and WHEREAS, the judicial circuit profiles in the chart below was provided in the Committee's materials (below in the chart) and demonstrate the vastly different size and operation of each circuit; and WHEREAS, the County Commission believes consolidating the State's smallest circuit into State's largest circuit will certainly diminish, if not entirely curtail, the effectiveness, efficiency, and access of the circuit's services on behalf of Monroe's constituents; and 160111a"111INNI 1114 k1h t1w I lr�m W1 "T W417,70F Wrirm IRTMER wjl� Ap AW NAK *-,VZX IR 9 1 in the adjudication of cases; and WHEREAS, consolidation with the I I' Judicial Circuit would be detrimental to the curren! effectiveness and efficiency of the 16th Judicial court operations and Monroe's Keys residents would be 1 sector), will potentially impact local tourism drawn to the Keys for our natural resources affecting oc businesses, and ultimately generate less sales tax for the State; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Commission has examined the criteria set out in Rule 2.241 F1 R. Gen. Prac. & Jud. Admin. to be considered by the Committee and believes that the laudable goals o effectiveness, efficiency, access to courts, professionalism, public trust and confidence are protected onl by keeping in place our separate circuits, and urges the Committee and Legislature against consolidatio $f the I Vhand 16'hcircuits for the concerns expressed hereto; and NOW, THEREFORE BE RESOLVED BY BOARD ' r COUNT COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: 1. The above recitals are hereby incorporated into this resolution as restated herein constitute th legislative findings of fact made by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe Count Florida. 2. The Clerk for this Board shall ftimish copies of this resolution to: 0 Judge Gerber and members of the Judicial Assessment Committee Representative As Deputy Clerk 4,,.. e OT-ZWO.W= Mayor Craig Cates Yes Mayor Pro Tem Holly Merrill Raschein Yes Commissioner Michelle Lincoln Yes Commissioner Jim Scholl Yes Commissioner David Rice Yes mj1py-w om By: Ell Aayci Digitally signed by Robert B. Shillinger DN: cn=Robert B. Shillinger, o=Monroe County BOCC, ou=Monroe County Attorney, email=shillinger- bob@monroecounty-fl.gov, c=US Date: 2023.0915 15:36.,DO -04'00' X) Z)n (A rn Im C3 if p, CD CF rn �!1 !�Kevin �' R, �' r, • rClerk of the Circuit Courti Comptroller — Monroe County,Florida a v.. September 26, 2023 Tlie Honorable Stacy M. Butterfield Polk County Clerk of die Circuit Court & Comptroller PO Box 9000, Drawer CC-1 Bartow FL 33831-9000 Clerk Butterfield, Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 290-2023 of die Monroe County Board of' County Commissioners expressing opposition to consolidation ofJudicial Circuits, specifically die consolidation of die 16' and 11' Circuits. The Resolution was adopted by die Board at their regularly scheduled meeting, held III fornial session, on September 20, 2023. Respectfully submitted, Kevin Madok, CPA, Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller AttacluncI1t (1) cc: 16' Circuit Judicial Circuit 16' Judicial Circuit State Attorney 16" Judicial Circuit Public Defender file KEY WEST MARATHON PLANTATION KEY 500 Whitehead Street 3117 Overseas Highway 88770 Overseas Highway Key West, Florida 33040 Marathon, Florida 33050 Plantation Key, Florida 33070 1XI, 014INNt Kevin Madok, cpA Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller — Monroe County, Florid,? c September 26, 2023 'I'lie 11onorable Keltb A. Carsten 9dju(licial Circuit Court juQc 125 N Orange Avenue Orlando F1, 32801 Judge Carstcii, Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 290-2023 of'flie Monroe County Board ofCounly Commissioners expressing opposition to consolidation o1ju(licial Circuits, specifically die consolidation ol'tbe 16' and I I' Circuits. The Resolution was adopted by (lie Boar(I at their regularly scheduled nicefing, liel(I ill I'Oniial session, on September 20, 2023. Respectl'ully subinitte(l, Kevin Madok, CPA, Clerk ol'tbe Circuit Court & Comptroller UMUMIM CC: U)" Circuit Judicial Circuit 16'Ju(licial Circuit State Attorney 16"Ju(licial Circuit Public Dcl'eii(ler file &EY WEST MARATHON PLANTATION KEY 500 Whitehead Street 3117 Overseas Highway 88770 Overseas Highway Key West, Florida 33040 Marathon, Florida 33150 Plantation Key, Florida 330711 Kevin Madok, cpA Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller — Monroe County, Florida September 26, 2023 `I'lic Honorable Sliawn Crane 6djudicial Circuit Clilef'ju(Ige-Elect 315 Court Street Clearwater FL 33756 Attaclied is a copy of'Rcsolution No. 290-2023 oftlic Monroc Comity Board of'County Commissioners In ssioners expressing opposition to consolidation of'Judicial Circuits, specifically the d consolidation of the 16 and I I' Circuits. 'I'lie Resolution was adopted by the Board at diell- regularly scheduled ineetilig, lield in f0ruial session, on September 20, 2023. Respectfully submitted, Kevin Madok, CPA, Clerk of' the Circuit Court & Comptroller cc: 16' Circuit Judicial Circuit I (" I I ) ju(l*al Circ uit State AtIonicy 16'Judicial Circuit Public Defeuder file KEY WEST MARATHON PLANTATIOA rET 500 Whitehead Street 3117 Overseas Highway 88770 Overseas Highway Key West, Florida 33040 Marathon, Florida 33050 Plantation Key, Florida 33070 Kevin Madok, CPA Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller - Monroe County, Florida September 26, 2023 `I'lie I lonorable Jonathan D. Gerber 4di Distnict Court ol'Appeal Al)l)cllatcjLI(IgC 110 S '1'aiiianhi(l Avenue NN' Palm Beacli FL 33,101 Fnz�� Attaclic(l is a copy of'Rcsolution No. 290-2023 of'tbc Monroc County Board 01'COLIII(y Commissioners expressing opposition to consolidation ol'.1ti(liciall Circuits, specifically the consoli(lation oi'dic U)" aii(I I I' Circuits. 'I'lie Resolution was adopted by the Board at their regularly sclie(Itile(I meeting, lield III I'Milal session, on September 20, 2023. Respectfully submitted, Kevin Ma(lok, CPA, Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller cc: 16' Circuit Judicial Circuit I 6"ju(1IcIaJ Circuit State Attorney 16"Ju(licial Circuit Public Dc1'Cndcr file R'011EST MARATHON P-W1'A1AIV-W1 Ei- 500 Whitehead Street 3117 Overseas Highway 88770 Overseas Highway Key West, Florida 33040 Marathon, Florida 33150 Plantation Key, Florida 33070 do cpA ti Monroe County, Flori"n Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller September 26, 2023 Mr. NN'. Braxton Gillani, IN' Attorney at Law I I List Bay Street Jacksonville Fl, 32202 Attaclie(I is a copy of'Rcsolu6oii No. 290-2023 of the Monroe County Board ol'County Commissioners expressing opposition to consolidation of ui ial Circuits, specifically the consoll(lation of the 16' and I I' Circuits. 'Flie Rcsolutionwas a(lopte(l by Ilic Boar(I at tlicir regularly scliedule(l meeting, liel(l in fi)ital session, on September 20, 2023. Respectfully submitted, Kevin Ma(l0k, CPA, Clerk ol'tlie Circuit Court & Comptroller cc: 16' Circuit i i Circuit I Ju(licial 1 16'Ju(licial Circuit State Attorney 16'Ju(licial Circuit Public Delcri(ler Tile &ETIVEST MARATHON PLARTATION KEY 500 Whitehead Street 3117 Overseas Highway 88770 Overseas Highway Key West, Florida 33040 Marathon, Florida 33050 Plantation Key, Florida 33070 Kevin Madok, cpA Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller — Monroe County, Florida September 26, 2023 'I'lie Honorable Glenn Kellev 15djudicial Circuit Cluel"Judge 205 N Dixie Higliway #1.2200 \N' PaIiii Beach F1, 331.01 Judge Kelley, Attached is a copy of' Resolution No. 290-2023 of the Monroe County Board of County Coll ullissioners expressing opposition to consolidation of Judicial Circuits, specifically the consolidation of the U)" and I I" Circuits. 'Flie Resolution was adopted by die Board at dicir regularly scheduled meeting, lield III fornial session, on September 20, 2023. Respectfully submitted, Kevin Nladok, CPA, Clerk oftlic Circuit Court & Comptroller CC: 16' Circuit Judicial Circuit 16"Judicial Circuit State Attorney 16'Judicial Circuit Public Defender 1-11C KEY WEST MARATHON PLANTATION KEY f,00 Whitehead Street 3117 Overseas Highway 88770 Overseas Highway Key West, Florida 33040 Marathon, Florida 33050 Plantation Key, Florida 330711, 1 Kevin 1 o l Clerk of the Circuit Courti Comptroller — Monroe County,Florida September 26, 2023 Tlie Honorable Cliristoplier Kelly 7di Judicial Circuit Court Judge 125 E Orange Avenue # 110 Daytona Beacli FL 32114 Judge Kelly, Attaclied is a copy of' Resolution No. 290-2023 of the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners expressing opposition to consolidation of Judicial Circuits, specifically the consolidation of tlic 16" and 11' Circuits. The Resolution was adopted by the Board at their regularly sclieduled meeting, held in fbrinal session, on September 20, 2023. Respectfully submitted, Kevin Madok, CPA, Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller Attaclinient (1) cc: 16' Circuit Judicial Circuit 16'Judicial Circuit State Attorney 16'Judicial Circuit Public Defender file MARATHONKEY WEST • fOO Whitehead Street 3117 Overseas Highway 88770 Overseas Highway — Key West, Florida 1 1 Marathon,• d, 33050 PlantationFlorida! 1 ?COURr. cp 1 'tea Clerkof ! 1 1 'r — Monroe County, September 26, 2023 '1'lie Honorable Robert XV. 1,ee Browarcl Count} Court Judge 73 `N1 Flagler Street # 136 iaini FL 33130 Judge 1,ee, Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 290-2023 of the Monroe County Board of'County Commissioners expressing opposition to consolidation o1'Judicial Circuits, specifically the consolidation of the 16' and 11'h Circuits. "1'lie Resolution was adopted by the Board at their regularly scheduled meeting, held in lbrmal session, on September 20, 2023. cspcctlully subinitted, Kevin adok, CPA, Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller Attachment (1) cc: 16" Circuit Judicial Circuit 16" Judicial Circuit State Attorney 16' Judicial Circuit Public Defender rile KEY WEST MARATHON PLANTATION KEY 500 Whitehead Street 3117 Overseas Highway 88770 Overseas Highway Key West, Florida 33040 Marathon, Florida 33050 Plantation Key, Florida 33070 Kevin Madok, cpA Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller — Monroe County, Florida September 26, 2023 Mr. Laird A. life Attonicy at 1,aw 3033 Riviera Drive #10 1 Naples F1, 34103 Allaclic(l is a copy of'Resolution No. 290-2023 ol'tlic Monroc Counly Board of County Commissioners expressing opposition to consolidation olju(licial Circuits, specifically the consolidation ol'tlic 16" and I I' Circuits. 'I'lie Resolution was adopted by the Board at flicir regularly sclic(lule(l meeting, liel(I III I'Mrial session, on September 20, 2023. Respectlully submitted, Kevin Ma(lok, CPA, Clerk ol'die Circuit Court & Comptroller 3MIA cc: 16' Circuit Judicial Circuit 16 d, Judicial Circuit State Attorney 16' Judicial Circuit Public Defender file KEY WEST MARATHON PLANTATION KEY 00 Whitehead Street 3117 Overseas Highway 88770 Overseas Highway V Key West, Florida 33040 Marathon, Florida 33050 Plantation Key, Florida 33070 Kevin Madok, cpA Monroe County, Florida Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller September 26, 2023 "I'lic Honorable Carlosj. Martinez 11 d I Judicial Circuit Public Defen(ler 1500 N"' 12di Avenue #900 Mia-ini F1, 33136 Attaclie(I is a copy of' Resolution No. 290-2023 of the Monroe County Boa (I ol'CountN Commissioners expressing opposition to consolidation ol'Ju(Ilcial Circuits, specifically the consolidation of the U)" and I I' Circuits. 'I'lic Resolution was mloptc(l 1)), the Board at flicir regularly sclic(Itile(I inecting, lield III f0rinal session, on September 20, 2023. TEMEMMEMI= Kevin Ma(lok, CPA, Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller UMMMEM, cc: 16' Circuit Judicial Circuit 16'ju(Ilcial Circuit State Attorney 16'ju(1IcIaJ Circuit Public Defien(ler file KEY WEST MARATHON PLANTATION KEY 500 Whitehead Street 3117 Overseas Highway 88770 Overseas Highway Key West, Florida 33040 Marathon, Florida 33050 Plantation Key, Florida 33070 counp, X Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller Monroe County, Florida 'K.7'0 Kevin Madok, cpA September 26, 2023 'I'lie Honorable Diana 1,. Morelan(I ]2t]iJudicial Circuit Clilel'ju(Ige-Elect 302 Manatee Avenue E Bradenton F1, 3,1209 Attaclie(I is a copy of'Resolu6on No. 290-2023 of' the Monroe County Boar(I of'County Commissioners expressing opposition to consolidation 0I-,Ju(11c1aI Circuits, specifically the consolidation ol'the 16" and I I' Circuits. 'I'lie Resolution was adoptc(I by the Boar(I at dicir regularly sclie(lulc(l meeting, liel(I 1`6rinall session, on September 20, 2023. 1 Respectlully submitted, KeNin Ma(lok, CPA, Clerk ol'tlie Circuit Court & Comptroller cc: 16Circuit Judicial Circuit 16'ju(licial Circuit State Attorney 16'Judicial Circuit Public Def'en(ler file KEY WEST MARATHON PLANTATION KEY 500 Whitehead Street 3117 Overseas Highway 88770 Overseas Highway Key West, Florida 33140 Marathon, Florida 33150 Plantation Key, Florida 33170 11 Kevin Madok, cpA Monroe County, Florida Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller September 26, 2023 'I'lic I lonorablc Melissa \/V. Nelson Idijudicial Circuit State Attoniev 311 \V Monroe Street Jacksonville F1, 32202 Attaclied is a copy ol'Resolutiou No. 290-2023 oftlic Mouroc Count), Board ol'Coluily Commissioners cxl)rcssiiig opposition to consolidation of Judicial Circuits, specifically the consolidation ol'tlie 16' and I I' Circuits. 'I'lie Resolutiori was adopted by die Board at flicir regularly scheduled iiiectilig, lield ill loniial session, oil September 20, 2023. Kevin Madok, CPA, Clerk ol'dic Circuit Court & Comptroller cc: 1611 Circuit Judicial Circuit 16'Judicial Circuit State Attonicy 16"Judicial Circuit Public Defender file KEY WEST MARATHON PLANTATION KEY 500 Whitehead Street 3117 Overseas Highway 88770 Overseas Highway Key West, Florida 33040 Marathon, Florida 33050 Plantation Key, Florida 33070 • Kevin / ,, • / Clerk of the Circuit Courti Comptroller — Monroe County,Florida September 26, 2023 The Honorable Linda 1,. Nobles 1st Judicial Circuit Court Judge 19401.ewis Turner Blvd. #2-200 Ft. Walton Beach F1. 32547 Ms. Nobles, Attaclied is a copy ol' Resolution No. 290-2023 ol' the Monroe County Board of' County Commissioners expressing opposition to consolidation o1judicial Circuits, specifically the consolidation of dic 16' and 11' Circuits. The Resolution was adopted by (lie Board at their regularly sclieduled Ineeting, held in funnal session, on September 20, 2023. Respectfully submitted, Kevin adok, CPA, Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller Attacliment (1) cc: 16" Circuit Judicial Circuit 16" Judicial Circuit State Attorney 16'Judicial Circuit Public Defender file KEY WEST MARATHON { PLANTATION 1 • 11 Kevin , 1 � • i .......... .... Clerk of the Circuit Courti Comptroller — Monroe County,Florid. September 26, 2023 The Honorable Margaret (). Steinbeck 12tli Judicial Circuit Court Judge 302 Manatee Avenue E Bradenton FL 34208 r. Steiribeck, Attached is a copy of'Resolution No. 290-2023 ol' dic Monroe County Board of County' Commissioners expressing opposition to consolidation ofudicial Circuits, specifically the consolidation of the 1 fi'h and I I'h Circuits. 'I`lie RcsolutJoii was adopted by the Board at their regularly scheduled meeting, lield ill formal session, on September 20, 2023. Respectfully submitted, Kevin Madok, CPA, Clerk oftlne Circuit Court & Comptroller Attaclninent (1) cc: 16" Circuit Judicial Circuit 16" Judicial Circuit State Attorney I6 Judicial Circuit Public Defender file MARATHONKEY WEST PLANTATION 500 Whitehead Street 3117 Overseas Highway 88770 Overseas Highway