Resolution 051-2024 2 3 4 .. 5 6 7 f r 9 �'n a 10 *,; 11 12 13 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA 14 MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 15 RESOLUTION NO. 051 -2024 16 17 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY 18 COMMISSIONERS RENOUNCING AND DISCLAIMING ANY RIGHT OF 19 THE COUNTY AND PUBLIC IN AND TO THE RIGHT-OF-WAY 20 SITUATED AT, ABOUT, OR ON EAST FIRST STREET, AS SHOWN ON 21 THE PLAT OF MANDALAY SUBDIVISION, PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 194, 22 BOUNDED ON THE NORTHWEST BY LOTS 30-33, BLOCK 2, 23 BOUNDED ON THE NORTHEAST BY EAST FIRST STREET, BOUNDED 24 ON THE SOUTHEAST BY BLOCK 3, AND BOUNDED ON THE 25 SOUTHWEST BY SECOND AVENUE; AND A PORTION OF THE 26 MONROE COUNTY RIGHT-OF-WAY SITUATED AT, ABOUT, OR ON 27 EAST SECOND STREET, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF MANDALAY 28 SUBDIVISION, PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 194, BOUNDED ON THE 29 NORTHWEST BY BLOCK 3, BOUNDED ON THE NORTHEAST BY 30 EAST SECOND STREET, BOUNDED ON THE SOUTHEAST BY LOTS 1- 31 8, BLOCK 4, AND BOUNDED ON THE SOUTHWEST BY EAST SECOND 32 AVENUE, SECTION 06, TOWNSHIP 62 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST, KEY 33 LARGO, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. 34 35 WHEREAS, an application was filed by Smith Hawks, on behalf of My Family Trust 36 and Key Largo Family Trust, LLC, (previously "Key Marina Development, LLC") requesting 37 for the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners ("Monroe County", the "County", 38 "Board", or "BOCC") to vacate and abandons portions of Monroe County's right-of-way 39 situated as more particularly described below; and 40 41 WHEREAS, under the Monroe County Code and Florida Statutes Chapter 336, it is 42 necessary to hold a public hearing of the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners to 43 publicly consider renouncing its rights to the instant Monroe County right-of-way after 44 publishing due notice of said hearing in accordance with said Chapter; 45 46 WHEREAS, due notice has been published and a public hearing has been held in 47 accordance with Chapter 336, Florida Statutes; and 48 1 of 5 I WHEREAS, at said public hearing, the Board has considered the application requesting 2 for it to renounce and vacate any right of the County and/or public in and to the hereinafter 3 described public right-of-way as delineated on the hereafter described legal description, plan, or 4 map; 5 6 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY 7 COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: 8 9 Section 1. Recitals and Legislative Intent. The foregoing recitals and title are true 10 and correct, and are hereby incorporated as if fully set forth herein. 11 12 Section 2. Monroe County hereby renounces and vacates any right of the County 13 and/or the public in and to the hereinafter described public right-of-way as delineated on the 14 hereafter described legal description,plan, or map, to-wit: 15 THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAYDESCRIBED ASS: 16 17 Legal description of each rigt-of-way area: 18 AREA NO, .1 flhat faorhon of East 2rra:f Street extending over and a across the North 50 feet Of Lots;.d 4„ 5,,6, 7;and 6, Mock 4 rof:„°fv"IAtiAY", according to the p W lhereaof,as narseurded in PW Book 1„ Pane. 1194, of the Public C eourds of Monroe County, l orlada. Saaiid paoition of East u ndl Street being bounded on the North by tf e Southerly boundary lute,of Block 3,of MANDALAY,according to the plat. therecof„as recorded in Plat(Book 1 j'as0e 11°,A of the Public;Records not Monroe,County Florida„ bounded on the South try the, gNcorther'Ry boundary fine of said Block 4„ bOUneded on the West by the extension of the Southwesterly Ime;of said Il.of 3,torararrr e,d on 19 the East by the extension of the Northeasterly Rine of said Let B Containing approximately 15,000 Stitt. Metes and Bounds Legal Desclriptionr Begin at the ouutta asterly comwr of d..eut 3, Bllork 4,of " ANC'ALAY," au:,ordtnd to tfae frtat thw elof,as recorded 0 tptat Bear"A 1 Page,'d N, of the fouubfic Records of Monroe county„ FNorida,thence, run NN14 k2'00"E akong the I ortherty f°fnepht..of Way line of said Bioe,k 4, fora dustance of , 0,00"to a paint,said point alsta being the Nohhvvestedy corner of I of 5" B1 ock 4„of °"MANNfd q AY ,actarruhro,.pt to thin plat thereof, ais recorded in Lat Elicick 'i,Page 194 of the Pubtit,I ecc)ir'ds of Pi C;"or,unty„Horifdaa� thence run N45*4115 W for a diostarnce of 50.00°to a pownt aura the f'ouuthertty Riighut-af- Way Ihnei of Black 0,of " AND11AY° a ccuredueo0 to ftoe plait ihereraf,as recorded in Plllat Hoick 1 Paget 194,of Vie Puut°flrc RecaMs of f0curroe County,Fk)ro da;thence run S44`22`0�0" faro a distance of 300 00'arNig the Southerly Right-of-Way Nirw of said Block 3 to a guCxlr , 20 tfoeroca run 5'41"115"F for a distance of 50.00°taw t'he k'ainit of Beginning 21 AREA NO, I'hat portion of East 2nd Street extending cower and acutoss Cha North 50 feet of Lots 't and 2„Blocuk.4„of."MA,FIDAf_1't..'Y",according to the plat thereof„as recorded in Plat Book 1„Page 194, Of the;Eeatolic;Records Of iWlnnroe Ceue.unty„Flcod da Said poorb on of East 2nd Street beinad bee nded on the North by the "Wbrrtutherly boundary line of Block 3 of MA NDAL Y, according to the plait the<reof, as recorded in Mat Book"t, [-'age °194,of the Public Pliecords of Monroe County, f loridai„bounded on title South by the Northerly bouradwy lure of said Block 4,boturnded on the'West by the extension of the Soauthwestedy line of said Lot 1„ tooUndec:d on the East 22 by the erxte r slron of the Northeaas>tesriy line of said Lot 2. Containing approximately 6,557'scl.fd. 2of5 Metes and Bounds Legai DeSCVrilatioll. Begin at the Northwesle0y cznler Of t1rut 2,Moo*4,of "MANDAl according to ilre piat i as remded in l3let Book 1, Page 194,ofthe Pubibc Records of Il County,Rol thence run N45'41'15"W for a(flistance nf 50 00'to a pownt an the Southertly Right-of-way fine of Mork 1,of VIANDAll according to the plat thereof,as recorded in Rat Doolk 1, Page 194,of the Pub0c IRerords of l County,Foridw therce run S44'22'00i"W along tl Southedy Stight�o(-Way l of said Block 3, 1 a distance of 100 75" to a piolint of tangency of a,bIrcUlar caurve, "ience Soolhwesterly along Sard CUrve concave to the North and having for its tiernellas as radius of 25,00'a cenl angle uf 910'00'00 and 811 we iength of 39 27'to a point of cusp on a line, saiid line heing 30.00'lul of and pwairell to the centerhrist of 2nd Avenue,therice.run S45'38'GVE alonri said Northerly RWit naf Wa3y fine of:said grid Avenue for a tfistanco 100 00'la a point of cusp of a arcular curve,thience NoirtheasterN along sward curve coricave to the rast'and having for I%elaments as radius 025.00'a centralangie of W'00`00"and an arc,leng,P,)of 39 27'to pointot tangeray on ll,Northm"Ierty line of said Mock 4 thence rim 1444`22'00T Mong sad Naiii Rlight-of-Way line of sad,Hlock 4,for as drslanice of 100 60"la the l of Beginning 2 AREA NO 3 1 hait portion of f'Jist 1st Street extending over an(]!arr-,ross the South 5r)feet of Loh;30, 31,32 and 33,Block 2,of "'MANDAt AY", accordirq to the piat thereof,as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page '194,of the Public Hecc)rds of l(,,mjrfty Florida Swd portion, of Fast I sit Street bi-,,ing bowided(in the North by the Soull boundary hna,of Alor,*2,of MANDALAY,according to the plat Ul,aieioll as recorded in l Book 1„ Page '194,of the Public Records of Monroe County, Fli bounded or)the South by the Northerly bolundary Iline of said Block 3, bounded on the West by the exterision of the Southwestedy Itne of said Lot 33,bounded 3 on the East by the extensilon of the Northeastedy Il of said Lot 30. Containing apprcrx lrnatelly t0,268 Sq ft Metes and BOUnds Le gall Description: Begin at the!Northeasterly corner of Lot 30,l 2,of"MANDALAY",according to ffie plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Bo�ok I,Page 194,of the Pubhc Recards of Monroe Counly, Flondl thence iruun S4422'00"W atone the Snutiroartiy Right-,&VJay lirte of Block 2,of, "IMANDALAY", acewding to the l theieof,as recarded in Plat Book 1, Page ifi4,of Ilhe Pt�bRc i of Monroe County,Rorida,for a dlatinc'e of:175 00"l a l of langleacy of a cocuiar(:wve,thence SciAltwesterly along sad curve concrave to the North and having for its ekemerirs a radius 025 00' a central anokir of 00'01'001"and an arc length air 39 271in a point of crAisp On a hiiw said fine l 30,00'North of wicd l to Piie cerae6ne of 2nd Avenueo 11i run S453,8'00T allong saki Narflneriy Pight-c)f,Way line of sand 2nd Avenue for a cl I 00,00'to as point of cusp of a circu6r,curve,fluence Northeasterly along said curve connave:to the East and havrnq for its elernents a radh4s of 25 00'a central angie of 90'00"00" and air arc length of,39 27'to a point of tangency on Vi,*Northwesterly line of said Rkw*3 of'. WANDALAY",acrordfing to file pWthereof,as recorded in l HoO, 'I, Il e 194,of the i Remnis of Monroe(',minty,Fforlda„thence ruin N44"22100"E along said l R grlll hne of said Block 3,tof a distarxe of 175 001',thence run N45'38'00"W as for a ffistwre of 50,00"to Hie Polint of Bagiinnlrg 4 5 6 2. Monroe County conveys said right-of-way as described above with the following 7 conditions: 8 9 1) Two (2) T-turnarounds consistent with the turnaround plans 10 submitted on October 20, 2023 shall be constructed. 11 2) A permit for the construction of the T-turnarounds shall be 12 obtained within 180 days of approval of the right-of-way 13 abandonment request as per the Right-of-Way Abandonment 14 Agreement for Turnaround Construction executed Al-fril 13, 15 2023 or the right-of-way shall immediately revert back to the 16 County. 17 3) Recorded utility easements are required to be submitted to the 18 County within 30 days of approval or the right-of-way shall 19 immediately revert back to the County. 20 4) Executed access easement for Monroe County Fire Marshal's 21 Office. 22 5) A complete right-of-way permit application for relocation 23 and/or construction of utilities shall be submitted with Monroe 24 County and the affected utility company within 180 days of 25 approval of right-of-way abandonment per the Right-of-Way 26 Abandonment Agreement for Utilities Construction and 27 Relocation executed on XXX or the right-of-way shall 28 immediately revert back to the County. 3 of 5 1 6) If within 30 days of the approval of the right-of-way the 2 applicant wishes to no longer relocate utilities as agreed to per 3 the Right-of-Way Abandonment Agreement for Utilities 4 Construction and Relocation, a recorded easement for said 5 utility shall be submitted to the County within 30 days of 6 approval or the right-of-way shall immediately revert back to 7 the County. 8 7) Within 30 days of the approval of the right-of-way if the 9 applicant wishes to relocate utilities not previously agreed to, an 10 executed Right-of-Way Abandonment Agreement for Utilities 11 Construction and Relocation for said utility shall be submitted 12 to the County within 30 days of approval or the right-of-way 13 shall immediately revert back to the County. 14 15 Section 3. Construction and Interpretation. This Resolution and its interpretation 16 shall be liberally construed and enforced in favor of the Monroe County BOCC to 17 effectuate its purpose(s) and policy(ies) of the County. The construction and 18 interpretation of this resolution and all Monroe County Comprehensive Plan provision(s), 19 Monroe County Land Development Code and Monroe County Code of Ordinances 20 provision(s) ("Monroe County Code(s)provisions(s)"). Florida Building Code, Florida 21 Statute(s), and Monroe County resolution provision(s)whose interpretation arises out of, 22 relates, or is interpreted in connection with this resolution shall be liberally construed and 23 enforced in favor of the Monroe County BOCC to effectuate its public purpose(s) and 24 policy(ies) of the County, and shall be construed in favor of the BOCC and such 25 construction and interpretation shall be entitled to great weight in adversarial 26 administrative proceedings, at trial, in bankruptcy, and on appeal. 27 28 Section 4. No Liability. Monroe County expressly reserves and in no way shall be 29 deemed to have waived, for itself or for its officer(s), employee(s), or agent(s), any 30 sovereign, governmental, and other similar defense, immunity, exemption, or protection 31 against any suit, cause-of-action, demand, or liability. 32 33 Section 5. Severability. If any portion of this Resolution , or any part or portion 34 thereof, is held to be invalid or unenforceable by any administrative hearing officer or 35 court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity or unenforceability of such provision, or 36 any part or portion thereof, shall neither limit nor impair the operation, enforceability, or 37 validity of any other provision of this Resolution, or any remaining pert(s) or portion(s) 38 thereof. All other provisions of this Resolution, and remaining part(s) or portion(s) 39 thereof, shall continue unimpaired in full force and effect. 40 41 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, 42 Florida, at a regular public meeting of the Board held on the 3 1" day of January, 2024. 43 44 Mayor Holly Merrill Raschein Yes 45 Mayor Pro Tern James K. Scholl Yes 46 Commissioner Craig Cates No 47 Commissioner Michelle Lincoln Yes 48 Commissioner David Rice Yes 49 4of5 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS m OF MONRC>F COUNTY, FLORIDA iMAYOR OLLY ME RRILL,RASC HE1N 5 � T" 1,94,,s EVI J MADOK, CI- ,R.K _ MONROE COUNTY ATTOWY _.. ao AS ODE L1. ..� co sr°z :Z rn 5 of 5 L . G �£ -K ................. ......... . ............. ................ NP F- ovr� JE; ------------------ KeysNews.eom KE ,f < fIZEN The Florida Keys Only Daily Newspaper, Est. 1876 PO Box 1800,Key West FL 33041 P:(941)206-1025 F:(305)294-0768 legals@keysnews.com MONROE CO PLANNING/ENVIORNMENTAL RES 102050 OVERSEAS H WY KEY LARGO FL 33037 Account: 423741 Ticket: 3916321 PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA [legal.text] COUNTY OF MONROE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Melinda Prescott ,who on oath says that he or she is The legal advertising representative of the Key West Citizen,a five day newspa- per published in Key West,in Monroe County, Florida;that the attached copy of advertisment,being a legal notice in the matter of was published in said newspa- per in the issues of: Saturday,January 13,2024 Affiant further says that the Key West Citizen is a newspaper published in Key West, in said Monroe County, Florida and that the said newspapers has hereto- fore been continuously published in said Monroe County, Florida Tuesday thru Saturday weekly,and has been entered as periodicals matter at the post office in Key West, in said Monroe County, Florida,for a period of 1 year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement;and affiant further says that he or she has neither paid nor promised any person,firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertise- ment for publication in the said newspaper. (Signature ofAffiant) Affirmed and subscribed before me this 15th day of January 2024 (Notary Public Signature) Laura M Robins (Notary Public Printed Name) My commission expires 9/26/2026 Personally Known X Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced (Notary Seal) �� t �� �roea�� �sr 5 �,9m ��1�'tryioyrrm if�sCn�rn I�"� J�,�ffiGM i KEYS CIT-N.WEEKEND EDITION,JANDARY 13-14,2024 9A Frigid spell hits the Northwest as storm forecast cancels flights, classes across US BY CLAIRE RUSH pe,ibilitv of tar thes in the ofs v by Satur 1 v deheates P plies to di,ribirte to pcople The Associated Press South / % I ied fie,the go,ing im g aside,inclirding ool S,ho of i 1 Fight,is ' F P l tl fi Due-,sent P blinDet,t P,tent,i Isle eP PORTLAND,0 Pyone "I'd in ads in parts front the 0 S N1-'re border ing bags,said spokesperson McDuugald woO, a lung f the South,rid Midwest, H beds-as st v'rig in eight D 1'1-i-IL 1 Ieopc l stvle hat as he Republican can 1'1 tes cam parked's. u ng buses to Cold spells it the past h., tdthoughr is of warm P 'g'gahead fMhndaye id sleeping tside while been deadly fur Phrtlande i d s at a hhr I ss. see I outend tl v wait s-pa' 'n city run 1 neless-pup 1 ion, Iwo t•r in PuN 1,O"go ' g with a blis 1 ring shelters. peupledieduf cold in2022 c IT s-alaady fag mul ing un,of the state, In Phnlandc s-ldeten coal churn ophrthnhhme tP de layers but'ith n hhf Crid Nikld Halevs mpaign P noes highs r,Texpected less deaths far 1 I'hat was f t's- n he, 11 ad two reeled these Prinz,wants m hheeraound t1 aid to it do,,,from eight 1 ohs from coats to help him face a and said it would be hosting per 20e and Ihws-in the low 20e hyphtherunia in 2021, 1'tt old snap ing in the t lrj hone town halls-, E,w Ka,El eassoc.v.d Puss t t t ns runt Prince,though Portld wi tars do nut Northwest. Advocates were particularly cast least Monday. includean regular hr extended I hop in tt tI n tin 'ed about t neless-rare Pierre Bowyer wears an outer coat he got at the Blanchet 11 1 tuneless f 6 b P House,which offers meals and clothing to people ezperi- g v F h t h t said,"That I1 P 111 s I1 s 1 is encing homelessness,on Thursday,Ian,11,in Portland,Ore. King C h t t S ttl t -P t t 1 P t t ,if,_ sealhthfthe bur den t night be sr ed hr iced teemed its highest tier of Iv salts hrd -about a An approaching '-than specially it the Pacific tf Showers the nhnprhf 1 siell,becue I"puther, 'eathe operations ttudefthe street grid, edjeted to 1,1'er snow N thwes-t here the winters t-spoke,j-, said I wple IVAnghnthetr tbecause i ugh at least l sd.g whd< Past s-mnva to,cvruis - to Portlan d a itv r hT ically mild. desperate f dry clothes t1 v don't and stand tow g whl,cities-to open 24/7 1 me eft,ri P ralyaed the s t ored to w'ter min,by In one freer Phursdav z i s hoes after try,of cold cold it's gettiu.' shelter,and wfit,tr it part- r'tv 'ncluding in 2017 and in S t day Its one hfa number during the tun l e e at r McDhugald said has spent s to I o,ide transportation 2021,when free g a chat - of 5 P ce,ing c s bringing BI ehet House 1 umeless N"s hrry runnerf o s-tblte the Past two ye s hic...d: to shelters. ed reads in long an s tee d "hung fro n what the coup fit Portz d 1 vP tt eruiia she said Theo 'I m hoping I don't h.,to dh Multnomah Chum, home v 1c.laden ti scrapped National Weather S"n" t r163 warm 1 ttingitems ea lot of People pericneing tlrrwhole w'ternet here to Portland pre't thutreadn 1f11 nphwe Imes cutting �a11ed life thre t ing wind danced eluding the 1 1 in Penland that In the Chicag which g P-'other in the w 1,Mth power to IT netted, thou l'115 in South Dakota to the � ns McDuugald grabbed n menta11eah,crisis 1d,,mhoi nhalfa fan clothing and Id weather le hfI auple US intensifies oversight MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING of Boeing, will begin NOTICE OF CHANGE TO MONROE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN production audits NOTICE OF CHANGE TO MONROE COUNTY FUTURE LAND USE MAP NOTICE OF CHANGE TO MONROE COUNTY TIER OVERLAY DISTRICT MAP BY TOM KRISHER n,ad,,moving those func- The Associated Press hone to an independent third JANUARY 31,2024 pain,. The Federal Aviation "It 1s time to Ee-examine the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Wednesday,January 31,2024,the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners will hold Admini,h,uiun will begin delegation hf authenty and a Public Meeting,beginning at 09:00 AM.The BOCC meeting Will be held In hybrid format,allowing the public to attend eilhervin Zoom auditing Rhefng's-cut aft pre- a.. ..any associated safety Webinar or In person.The in meeting will be held al the Marathon Government Center,located at 279a Overseas Highway, d-rion and increase 1, ris-I<s-," FAA Administrator Marathon,FL.The following Items Will be considered of the PUBLIC HEARING: of the troubled manufacturer Mike Whitaker said in the PUBLIC HEARINGS:09:00 AM(or as soon thereafter as may be heard): alter a pan el blew off ajediner statement."The grounding midnight last week,the fast of the 737-9 and the multiple AN ORDINANCE BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AMENDING THE MONROE COUNTY m a stung hf mishaps fur its pruductiun-related issues FUTURE LAND USE MAP DESIGNATION FROM RESIDENTIAL HIGH(RH)TO MIXED USEICOMMERCIAL(MC),FOR TWO(2) narqucc mrcraft, identified in recent yeah re- PARCELS OF LAND,LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS LOTS 3 AND 4,WATERS EDGE,ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT The agency's nee-curves quire us to lcckat e D outian THEREOF,AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1,PAGE 184,OF THE RECORDS OF MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA,HAVING just a day after it ammunccd to redo risk" PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS 00132370-000000 AND 00132380-000000,AS PROPOSED BY MONROE COUNTY, vestlgatlhn imo whetiner The agency also will im PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF CONFLICTING PROVISIONS, PROVIDING FOR Ehefng f iled to make sure a e hnitonng of 737-N1:u TRANSMITTAL TO THE STATE LAND PLANNING AGENCY AND THE SECRETARY OF STATE; PROVIDING FOR fusela e 1 that blew hlT incidents that ha n nen while AMENDMENT TO THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP DESIGNATION(FLUM)MAP,PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 6 Pane hap pc, (FILE 2023-124)See location map 1 below w..safe and mce,factumdto theI eis-in us-e. r oaet the design that r,g,la- Beefing said Thursday it AN ORDINANCE BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AMENDING THE INTRODUCTION tors approved. andd cooperate with the FAA AND BACKGROUND,AND GLOSSARY OF THE MONROE COUNTY 2030 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO CLARIFY THE The FAA said Friday that it i veOfgmihm which is focus- CONTINUING APPLICATION OF THE MONROE COUNTY 2030 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO DEVELOPMENT,TO CLARIFY ould audit Beefng's-737 M. ing on plugs used to fill spots THE GENERAL AND DEFINED TERMS SECTIONS AND TO CLARIFY CONSTRUCTION OF CONFLICTS WITH THE MONROE B jetliner pruductiun Ifne,as for extra hours when those COUNTY CODE(S), PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF CONFLICTING PROVISIONS, well as the cumpc v's pans exits arenht required for saf PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTAL TO THE STATE LAND PLANNING AGENCY AND THE SECRETARY OF STATE,PROVIDING supplfen"to evaluate Beefng'e r ns on Beefing 737 N1ax 9 FOR INCLUSION IN THE MONROE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN,PROVIDING FORAN EFFECTIVE DATE. wmplfz with its appoved jetliners. (FILE2023-127) q 'I t1 tor The F44' estigation the EA4 statement said it focusing on plugs used to fill A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RENOUNCING AND DISCLAIMING also would look into safety spots for extra hour when ANY RIGHT OF THE COUNTY AND PUBLIC IN AND TO THAT PORTION OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF EAST SECOND risks from the agency dole- those eats ar h e nut touched fur STREET,AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF MANDALAY,PLAT BOOK 1,PAGE 194,BOUNDED ON THE NORTHWEST BY gating inepediun auttmnty to safety reasons u Beefing 737 BLOCK 3;BOUNDED ON THE SOUTHWEST BY A PORTION OF SECOND AVENUE,BOUNDED ON THE SOUTHEAST BY BLOCK 4,LOTS 1-8,AND BOUNDED ON THE NORTHEAST BY EAST SECOND STREET,AND THAT PORTION OF THE tympany employees,and will N1ax 9jetlinem RIGHT-OF-WAY OF EAST FIRST STREET,AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF MANDALAY,PLAT BOOK 1,PAGE 194,BOUNDED ON THE NORTHWEST BY BLOCK 2,LOTS 30-33,BOUNDED ON THE SOUTHWEST BY A PORTION OF SECOND AVENUE, REGULAR UTILITY BOARD MEETING BOUNDED ON THE SOUTHEAST BY BLOCK 3,AND BOUNDED ON THE NORTHEAST BY EAST FIRST STREET. (FILE 2023-147) A REGULAR MEETING OF THE UTILITY BOARD OF AN ORDINANCE BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AMENDING THE MONROE COUNTY THE CITY OF KEY WEST,FLORIDA,WILL BE HELD TIER OVERLAY DISTRICT MAP FROM TIER I TO TIER III, AS REQUESTED BY PAUL LAROCHELLE ON BEHALF OF PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT AND ACQUISITION,LLC,FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 5304 3RD AVENUE,APPROXIMATE ON WEDNESDAY,JANUARY 17,2024,AT 5:00 P.M. MILE MARKER 5,LOT 11,BLOCK 53,STOCK ISLAND,PLAT BOOK 1,PAGE 55,HAVING PARCEL ID NUMBER 0 012 670 0- IN THE KEYS ENERGY SERVICES BOARD ROOM, 000000,PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY,PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF CONFLICTING PROVISIONS,PROVIDING FOR LOCATED AT 1001 JAMES STREET. TRANSMITTAL TO THE STATE LAND PLANNING AGENCY AND THE SECRETARY OF STATE, PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENT TO THE TIER OVERLAY DISTRICT MAP,PROVIDING FORAN EFFECTIVE DATE.(FILE 2023-192) See location map 2 below THE MEETING IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Map 1 Map 2 - r@gwu� "MiVll � 9tlN@II F'Yv +n�fit,maP n THE I E E HWSE > s F free P \ �,, OQt 323/Q RA4P44 \\\\\\ CH ILLAX-SLEEP-CREATE \ �OOt 323801I00f1f10 \. 1NU hVf T/ ko V � �p a aces nEai AV k sees .. sees ' Please visit the Monroe County Website at www.mnnmccnunty,;fignv,for meeting agenda updates and information ........................ ...... regarding the various options available to the public to vie view the live meeting andlor to make public comments on certain agenda items. Pursuant to Section 286,0105 Florida Shif,ft s,T.person decides k,ave.1.rydeci c O fl)e BoardOCwnty Commissioners,ih respect to any matter o-dead.t the meeting 0,!,Neeg,he-he aff-d.acordOrhe peco.dgs,and fl).,orsuch WrPosg he-he may-eift,ensure a verbafim record O fl)e proceedgsismede which recordrddies the testimony&evidence upon which the.ppeah,tube based ADAu... n.: i... c.m ASSISTANCE:If you are a person with a h.murombrity who 2-gkg spttial atne he- f 8 m omen I.participate in this procee(5) please contactthe th-c.def.dsf ectia Office,by phoning,..i per,he.11'7 the hours of 8:]0 a.m. 5:00 p.m.,no later than five(SJ ttlentlar tlays pnorfo fheschetluletlmeehng if you are hearing or wice imparetl,call%11."