Item S13 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: April 21, 2004 Division: County Attorney AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Resolution setting the date, time and place for a public hearing concerning the proposed abandonment of a portion of Sea Lane, Geiger Key, Florida. ITEM BACKGROUND: Petition has been reviewed and approved by Planning, Engineering and Fire Marshal. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Adoption of Resolution setting one public hearing for 3:00 PM on July 14, 20'04 in Key West, Florida TOTAL COST: Petitioner pays BUDGETED: Yes 0 No 0 COST TO COUNTY: APPROVED BY: County Attorney. OMB/Purchasing 0 Risk Management 0 DIVISIONDIRECTORAPPROVAL:-Q~~ 03)1(/0'( J. R. Collins DOCUMENTATION: Included 0 To Follow 0 Not Required 0 AGENDA ITEM # S(~ Petitioners Reese & Marilyn Palley RESOLUTION NO. -2004 A RESOLUTION SETTING THE DATE, TIME AND PLACE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING THE PROPOSED ABANDONMENT OF A PORnON SEA LANE, GEIGER KEY, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, desires to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways, and WHEREAS, under Chapter 336, Florida Statutes, it is necessary to hold a public hearing after publishing due notice of said hearing in accordance with said Chapter, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Board will hold a public hearing on July 14, 2004 at 3:00 PM, at the Harvey Govt. Center - Truman School, 1200 Truman Avenue Street, Key West, Florida, to determine whether or not the Board will renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the following described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, to-wit: A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF THE RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SEA LANE AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT ENTITLED "GEIGER MOBILE HOMES" ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 5, AT PAGE 77 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, SAID PARCEL BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: BEGIN AT THE NE'LY CORNER OF LOT 25, BLOCK 8, OF THE SAID PLAT OF "GEIGER MOBILE HOMES" AND RUN THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE W'L Y RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE SAID SEA LANE FOR A DISTANCE OF 55.00 FEET TO THE NW'LY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE SAID SEA LANE; THENCE BEAR N 31 005'12"E AND ALONG THE SAID NW'LY RIGHT OF WAY OF SEA LANE FOR A DISTANCE OF 95.84 FEET TO THE E'LY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE SAID SEA LANE; THENCE S 60049'OO"W FOR A DISTANCE OF 57.27 FEET BACK TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 21st day of April, 2004. Mayor Nelson Mayor Pro Tern Rice Commissioner McCoy Commissioner Neugent Commissioner Spehar (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNYL. KOLHAGE,CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By By Deputy Clerk MONROE COUNTY AHORNEY Mayor/Chairperson ~~~~~ ~suz~~~ Dale ASSIST~?)>~?ATTORNEY ROAD ABANDONMENT PETITION ~'~ill t==::f4Ll.bY <;1;14- U:wt.~ STREET/EASEMENT to be abandoned ;~~~ SIPil4 :: 1:;;:~ PHONE ~qS~O~O MlleMa~: reJi~~~t4L.\"'~~ 4()L. Ct)W) NAME~~ ~ /5Co ADDRESS ~~ IO.~ E-mail We hereby petition the Honorable Board of County Commissioners to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the above-referenced street, alleyway, road or right-of-way as further depicted and described in the following attachments: (Exhibit A) ~urvey (preferably 11" x 17" or 8V2" x 11") Description of roadway to be abandoned and survey showing that portion marked with diagonal lines with petitioners' property clearly delineated and outlined, and showing all adjacent properties. (Exhibit B) Map of Key on which road is located, clearly showing US 1, Mile Marker number and portion of road to be abandoned. / (Exhibit C) Copies of Deed(s) - Petitioners certify that they are the sole owners of Lot{s) and that the abandonment of said road will not take away from other property holders' right of ingress and egress to their property, and that taxes for the year have been paid on their subject land. (Exhibit D) Legal description of that portion of roadway which petitioners seek to have abandoned. (Exhibits E-l, E-2, E-3, E-4) Letters of no objection from utility companies - including, but not limited to, water, electricity, telephone, and cable TV. (Exhibit F) Letters of no objection from all adjacent property owners and list of names and addresses of all adjacent property owners. Petitioners seek the abandonment for the following reasons: ~\~ gO( AW~~:: 'to f1ee~l'f ~~ /rJvl.P_ If ~"-_~ ~ Jt~lft\-""5~~p;_ 1 Petitioners agree to be responsible for and pay for all costs of advertising and recording fees incurred relative to this request for the vacation. Petitioners further agree to grant any easement necessary for the furnishing of utilities, including without limitation, electric power, water, sewer, telephone, gas, cable and other electric communication services to the same extent as is common within this area as to height, width and degree, upon request for such service or by the BOCC through its authorized agents. If easements are so required, copies of the executed documents will be provided to the County before the petition is presented to the BOCC. Petitioners certify that the road to be abandoned does not end at water or that, if it does, the road is not a dedicated and accepted right-of-way (including by operation of law due to construction or maintenance by County). Sworn to and subscribed before me this WHEREFORE, Petitioners formally Commissioners to grant this petition. [--rIs personally known to me. [ ] Provided as identification Typed Notary Name and Number' JAN E. HOTAlEN NOTARY PUBLIC - STATE OF flORIDA COMMISSION' CC8780n EXPIRES 10I3l2OO3 BONDED nlRu ASA 1-888-NOTARYl [---Tis personally known to me. [ ] Provided as identification 2-~ day of ,,)/f1J tJA-t:: f ,~ ~ L--~ N ~re and Seal Sworn to and subscribed before me this Typed Notary Name and Number 6101 jeh JAN I. HOTALlN NotAMV PUBLIC. STATE OF FlORllA COMMI8SION' CC818077 EXPIRE, 10I3l2OO3 BONDED THRUASA 1~ARY1 e \.of' \o( '=' . ~~8 ~r' , , \ i l J ~ ~ ! ~Q 'CQ. 'f;; , .,.. e:, ..- /' '"' .,./. E "" '-;- /.... / // ...- /",,/ ;/.... //'. ..- ," .' /"".... .' ....-' ~5.P' co . "1 ~ ~ .~ ..... 41 Lo t ~ ~, ~ ~ 0 t\:: '::"i .~ rr.; ~ -4 ~ \,), ",' .v ~ r6; .~ ~ ~' :5, tt-i ':l . ~.'.' Nt) 1... .e. 3. ,~. 5. . 6. Lot 24 (~~7~: '~I ' . L.ot 25" ,,', ..Lot it , ':"~~~h:;. l LKCffHIJ ~ Found 1/2- Iron Pipe (No fO) . FoundNjJi/ & Disc (FHH) 6. Set Nair de D'-se(L8 71J1) o Set /5 r:~#orwlcap (L8 7131) (M) M60sured (R) Record ~(~ . d:::r;~: :o:r;~~cture COne. . Conr;rete R\ W Rkjht of Way f' ceilted/ne e K'O<1cf Utility, P~/e 8 Concrete' LigN Pt:JIe -:cP- Overhead Utimy Lines o Water 'M,eter Map of: Boundary Survey for: Reese and' Madly" Polley of 0 pOrtion 01 Seo Lone, GFlCER MOBILE HOMES. ~ger Key'" . Key West, FL 'rES: T.u'h..'_.....<1.'J........ .'!*f..:~I.&~B; ~/!ld'f.fJ, .b;!!f~l)ll. YffJf ~u th t?~E*c!. by th,e ~l1d'rrsigr)ed. uu : i9,rpi:l~f,i,C).IJ~ ~n<l4fi1itie,s."el"~ not lacated. . An ''I;.''i1iif .t/,l~~~w(!d & ReCo1"d,)unle~s 'Otherwise, nated; Str 'h;'S,e,a Lane, J(ey West, FL: Ti:ii~ .~$ -99~ '(alid without tbe siglJature, and the original rais,ed seal 01 a F'Jor.., ,'i;1,~tX!siir.veyar and mapper.' Lart,>()r{l 1)t;r:c.9.T), were not ilb~tracted lor rights-aI-way, easem~mts, ownership, jr 'o,Jii/f:i "r.HriJ~n,ts 01 record. ' ' . 8e,~rMii~.;o'f~~#~.~ Q~' the ceJ1t(;!rll~e of Sea Lane, as South, as P'rF plat. Errprqf:~';i.;~~f' 'rJfc~9s 'One par.t m 10,000. Dat~>?'1ic1l.<ilcjt:?,~-k.: J,;,ly 26, 2Q(J~. UJll!J,,4l!r-~~f~O": .4 p~("ce!ol 'ap.d being a POl'ti()~ 01 the r~p.t 01 way line 0/ Sea Lane S~()'~fJf>8lp<r plilt ~ntiq(!d gflQSR 1!cOfJlLE Ho.~~~"~'ac:pc)f'djn$ ~()the plat therea./, as . ~ordrt-d..Jf.lP{l!t lJqo}( 5, at e~gfJ?? of t/le l'ub.llcR.ef,(9r<is of Monro, County, FJorJda, saId rc~rk~ifi8mo1;~~tjcul~rlydescribed by me,tes ~p.qb()unds.as;la1Jows: GIN ~t'tb(l: 'NEllY <:Ciz-ner 01 Lat 25, Block IJ, of the said "plat 01 "GEIGER MOBILE HOMES" and :-1> _,' -.>" '_ - - , ',_ -,' -, _ "_ -- _.' " _ '''''., _' " ,~:_.,_,:, _', _ ~ CJ ~l.J~l!~:~.'A~~~!f'.D~ the r(ly l"iQf1t. 01 way lin'r 9f th~ ~'1id $,ea "L8.n,e far a qjstan.ce" 01 00 If!elt9:"UlPc>IJ;f.lj;' l'jght QI way" l1n,e of the,. s~icl Sea ~ne; tht!J)~bear N Sr*O$12 l! and ng the s,tH;Jlf!!fjXl"igptpl way line of Sea Lane lor a distance 01 ~(J.84 feet to the K1y ht of 1!~i'#p~' ql the sajd Sea Lane; th,e(lce'S 6(r49'OO" W lor a. dlstance .01 57.2.7 feet :k to ffl~ Point of 8eginning. UNDAI!Y SURVEY FOR..., Rtffr,Je and Af!!1"iJyn Palley; y 31;20di~': --~...--- :. - .'"'. -.:.. -." ",,:, ,...4...... ." ,.~ ,- INC. NORBY &O'FLYNN . 'A' . . SuRng,-lnc. , . Prof... .,. .J.QIW SUl"i~ . . ' .'. . <UI'.;71I&. 3430 Duck Ave.. K~ West. f1. 33040 (~) 2111-7422 FAX c(3Cla) 21.1-112:4 .; @~~\\.~ ~@~~~ I $ o N M CD I o V o M M ..J U. I n g r-. El ...:- II> ~ >- Q) ~ c: ..J IV Q) en CD U') 't"'" \\'1 i{ . "\>:do: \ ,.:, " '.;\\ "> ~"'- ~ '" 0:- \~f fJ '. _/ '7,' :\ \ ~\\ J~ 5 i}!l . " M f'~ SUI c~ I I ~>" . ei{ -:j \{ :' ~~ '-) ,: ,. .r \ II ,- , 'c ,~~-",; ". !I' I' .. " . '" This insttwnent was prepared by and return to: ALLEN.& GOLDMAN, P.A. Attorneys at Law 617 Whitehead Street Key West, Florida ~3040 MONROE COUNTY FJ:.~E #].. <0 6 6 2 2 1 ,~_~!~LI ~!~L _~~_2~~!:>~,__,,:::-~!!_~~_~_ 8_ PG#4 4 0 , ---~.... -~_... -~.. - - - --- -~-----. Grantee #1 5.S. No. 155-01..3980 Grantee #2 5.S. No. 145-38-9497 Property Appraiser's Parcel Identification No. 00146790-000100 RCDJun 021998 10r22AM DANNYLK()LHAGE, CLERK DEED DOC STAMfA-0.70 ,__~_f5!_~~L~~~_~__~, _~EP_~L!<__, QUIT CLAIM DEED (Wherever used hc.-eln,the ll>!m .P!lrty" sbalJindud\'tl:Ie hein. J!C1'$t>n'tl ff',,~Wives artdlorasllig!ls of the respective parties hereto; the use ofthesingularnwnber shallincluile the plural and the plural the singular. and the use ot'.any gender shall Include all genders). TIllS INDENTURE, made this Zft;(day of May, 1998, between SCHARF LAND DEVELOPMENT CO., whose post office address is P.O. Box 1171, Ballwin, Mo 63022-1171 of the County of St. Louis, State of Missouri, grantor, and QEESE PALLEY andMAlULYN A. PALLEy,husband and wife, whose post office address is 156 Sea Lane. TamaracPark, Key West, . . .. - - FL 33040 of the County of Monroe in the State of Florida, grantee, WITNESSETH that said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum ofTEN DOLLARS AND OTHERGOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATIONS to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has remised, released, and quitclaimed, and by these presents does remise, release and quitclaim unto the said party of the second part the following described land, situate lying and being in the County of Monroe, State ofFloricla, to-wit: PT Lot 26 , Block 8, portion lying Southeasterly of a Southerly extension of the West Line of Sea Lane and PT Lot 1, Block 9, that lies Westerly of the East side of Sea Lane, recorded in Plat Book 5, page 77 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. T()HA.Y.Ji ANJ:) J'QIlQJ.,DJhesame. together witb~IMd singql;u- the aPPurten~nces thereWlto belonging or in anyway appertaining, and all estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever of the said party_of the flist part, either in law or eqUity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the _ said party of the second part. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year firstabove-wrjtten. - c S~GNEI), SEALEDAND DELIVERED IN OURPRESENCB; SCHARF LAND,DEVELOPMENT CO. .By:~t{{:~~ WITNESSBSASTOSIGNATURE STA'TE{)FMI~SOURI ) :CQYN~,.()Jl,Sr~,<LOm$ ) );;'l<'" \ :. '":.;.i~::';;:i,.;;.~;' ,;: lHE~I~7(CE~11FY thaton thi$day persolUllly appeared bef,?reme, an<ofli~dulyatithotizedttl a<hnllii$tet:~an~takeaclcnO~l~d.~ent$'1he~e~tcl~t.Of.SCHARF<LANJ)..DEVEL()~ ~~~e~~iJ~~()ing died .u.d whoJ>ag produted ~=~~~to;;r;1c~4()fliCi~~l!.~..~d ~t.e#i~~ Prin. ...............t..:..N8Ill. .e..:~.................. ..f/~' .7/tDIh#5tJt! NOTARY PUl:lLIC: ,.... . . MyConnnission Expires (SEAL) N~PUbHc -;.NotarYse&I ~~~Ji ~~~iifJ;;;!;~~....:';;,;::;;;;.:t'" '/:~~~a1ilii Orr$CIALa.CQR1)$ "' '- \ aJ'hd ~ toi. ""g; . 1-'. , t.J1 .. , J.a !-l '. .... & to' 0\. ~Q\ CiltiJ . < , ,!l,N....~ ,..... . .... '. '--------' ACdresa: ~ey west, FL ~,3040 'c..-- -I- ~~,6 065 . "':;7- J tP -141 This 'rl$tt~menl Prepared by: Addlesa: "SNfi: " m,366'AlEOB94 GrMlee Name and S,S, f: ~I!: R1i:ESE PALLEY Gr8lllee"NameiiPlj.S.S. f:' MARILYN ARNOLD PALLEY SPACE "'9()YE THIS UNE ~OR PROCESSING DATA };'_i"il~I~-e.~", ",,' ., ,.M..~ -, , ~ .....,Jr...-,..OW._ ~"1IttlII bIdwk,~ -. --~"I/'''.--.on IIitdIM-..ips tV"" _1Wp.,p./tmfo; 'M -.'II'M ~ __"" IIttlII/lrcNdtOWJJiru*, _tIw pbInl ow lII1tp/#r;tIW ~'II"'V.-. -.~ III '~'1IIflI, .If -.'".,_ Made this riJ:J:...~"-.u~,;q""ItO/I87ar;,71f~ilw#JIJIII.A~~";'~t A. D. 19 95 .tbuUU**CARMEN RAY~ND and PAULA RAfMOND, his wife** whose address is: 43 Huron Avenue, Wayne o/theCotmty of, in the State of New Jersey pQre':~~:.r:;:~:ndi :iRp~SEfft~T.~lt71I"~J;~~~~r..i!#~khi~;6~S* . 0/ the County of ;YI ()~ . }Jilrtyof the second part, .~s. ttb.,". " l t/tat the 3. aid part. Y. of th. e. first pO.' rt,. for. and. in' considerat..ion. Of.. the. su.. m of TEN. DOLLARS AND Noll 00 AND OTHER GOO)) AND VALUA13LECONB IDERATION Dollars, to him in hand paid by the said party of the S<<OIU:/ part, the reCeipt .whereof is ht!rebY~lcn;))vledgedj has granted, /xJrgamed and sold to the sa,id,parly of the second part his heirs and assigns forever, . the foTlowlng described land, situate lying and being in the County of Monroe , State of Florido, to wit: Lot 26, Block 8, GEIGER MOBILE HOMES, less that por-tion of said lot '~C),\l'tll,ea.:st&rlY of a SoutheJ;ly.~xt~p.s.j.qll,:Qft.hl:l.>W~st linept >,~'i,i;'a.;stn1aVv1.aion accCl,~g,!l~9<to tfu!Plattheraof, ree~' - in plat Book 5, at Page 77 of the Public Records of Mon,t"oeCo~ty, Plori.da. . . SOSJECT TO: Taxe.s for the year 1995 and sUbSeq~~yealt .~{ SuaJgCT TO: Condition~, limitations, ea'sements':~ r.tri~T_,ions of record, if any. f"'lir:--< i5 ~. c ~r? ~ 'r, ~~:: x ;':::::. ~ ~ PrcipertyAppraiser's Parcel IdentifICation Number: 146790..000oooq;:., ~. ...... ,>~..... , .... ',~ A'1fdt~$iJi(/partyol the first part cioes hereb)' fully ~rrant the title tO$(li(il1md, and Will?diJ~}J -Jh!~f.lJi"" against the lawfulclaimsof allMrsons whOmsoever. . ..... ..' .........>. . ..' '. .... ". ~. ';' ..... ./ .';": . _ i~:h~":~:e ."tttof. the said party of the first part haS ller:eu"lP.~t~lsl'ffl'~ ~~}~P';~~ j ~j ". .' '. '.' ... '-\t.>.; .. :..-..- 2' "'/"."...,ss-":...... - '--..~"'""-' \. ,,"'" ~ ......~~~ ~.:;:.:::.~..~.:.~"~ in the State of ~/oe.cclst .$. ..jJ~..................,...........\..~.,.~' .u"/ .,Y .~""..."'.."....... , .,..... .' ..; . '." .... .,'. ... >',- .. ". T S. PAUr.ARA~MOND " '.. . " . OFFICIAL-RHCORDS '-- BCD Jan 15 zeaz 82,34PM ,DANNY L KOLBAGI, CLBRK THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY ANDRE"lVANTQ: '- ~~;~~N\~' .&...HIGHSMITH, PA ~\s&~",S\oa ~ ICE\' WEST, FL. 33040 DiiD DOC ST~823 8' ,,01/15/288Z DIP 'eLK Property AppraJsars Parcelldentlflcat1oi1(Folio) Numbets: 00148780-000000 GranlBeS SS Is: t:., ,," "N:E. A80VE TtI8 UNE FOR NiCOfIl)IIIIO DATA ..' "}':I"~" "'h~;rillide'~~i..~~"i"~~":Ai~~,i,~;bt~HAi.,:'W..r""'PEW,,'it~E "WAH~"Wtfe."~.~Iid"th."'hri:tO(f;;;1D':8IIIIP~~~_VH,;'ARNOkD""PAUEY huaba~d and wife whoae ~os, om:. address Is '154~SE~"ur.r€"'~.'Hli." .... '.;."': }, 'KW:'~Sl','F...L,'~~", ... . '. ."-'-, '....,.:'.,,:. -~".', .,....,,:, \-:' .:--~,..-. . herenafter called the Grantees: ' ' (Wh.rev... :u.." tler.1n Ill. I.rm. .granlor. and "granl... Includ. all th. partl.. 10 Ihl. In."um.nl and Ill. h.Ir.. '.gal r.pr...ntallve. and anlgn. 01 JrKlMcldI.,aIlcl th. euec.nor. and ...Ign. 01 co'pO,atlon.) W IT ME S,$ E T H: Th...~grant0r8,for and n consideration of thetum ofTEN AND 00/100'8 (110.00) Dollara and other vWabllconSldllratlonl, ~lptwhel'eof Iahereby acknO'NllJdg,d, tMnby granl8,b8rga"s. HIla, al\ell$r "",,It.n, tWal.. conveys andconfmls unto the gr&nM 81 that certain land lRuale In MONROE Cqunty, State of FlorIda, vIz: [17'11 Lot 25,BIOck8,GEtGERWlOBILEHOMES, aSubdlvlalonaccord,ng to the Plat thereof, ,... . <-ljtI~df'-~t~~,I!R!I',nd)ttl)' p.~I~,a,'~!.Qf,MO~~'8~1l~ FIorJ(I~ TOGETHER,"b aU the t8n8I'IItlntl, her&dlamerltl and appurtenances. ther8tobelonglng or In anywlle appeI1alnlng. - TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the same In fee simple foIwer, . land In fee simple; that the g.1.niOnlfl8o.iW ..' ....... . .' ,',,',,"P,,' '. -, the same against the lawful claims of an persons whomsoever; and that said land Ie. he of al,ilnCUmb~. except tDM'accrulng subsequent to December 31, 2002. ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said pilOts h.... signed and sealed these preaents the day and yeer ftstabove wrIten. ~~.~~~ .' c,.. ....... .'. /..... . (~-;~~~."........ .. ... ...-i-...? ."~)~"'0.~'j~.{ ~~.t6":~~ Wltrteas '#2 PMted Narne '.' "", ~. RICH ......,W. '. . ". .'. ,.. ~..;... ....... .~.a<:..~WESt.~. ~ LS. ~k?~/ .PON> WANG. ,,' ~ 154SEA . E. GElGER'l<EY, KEY wesr,Fl 33040 L.S. SEAL My Convnlsalon Exphs: ~\\\'\\\lll".,h.o. ~,\''' ~g>>. Q,~, It... '~~~~...."..".... ..;~~ ~- ~". . .~.. rII!!!: g /:". ~15.~ -'.\ :;~ . . ...- ~ :. ~* :.....:*,: ;. \_'~~:_- -~-::::~--" ~~_,';:"""'.. ~-~ i/',-__ :&. ... -,...~ Keese t' aJley 156 Sea Lane Key West, Fl. 33040 ACCESS EASEMENT TillS EASEMENT, Made this sfIw day o';1a-;;"-:~'p I ,2004, by and between the Reese Palley and Marilyn A. Palley, Grantors, whose\~ea Lane, Key West, Fl. 33040, to Reese Palley and Marilyn A. Palley, Grantees. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Grantors and grantees are one and the same; and WHEREAS, the parties have petitioned the County to abandon a portion of Sea Lane, Geiger Key, Monroe County, Florida, as platted in the official records of Monroe County at Plat Book 5, page 77, subdivision of Geiger Mobile Homes; and WHEREAS, the parties own Lots 25 and 26, Block 8 of said subdivision; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to insure that after the abandonment, Lot 26 will continue to have ingress and egress access should the parties sell Lot 25; a utility easement; NOW, THEREFORE, for and consideration of the accessibility to be made available to Lot 26, the Grantors do grant to Grantees, their successors and assigns, a perpetual easement on, over and above that portion of Sea Lane which is described in Exhibit A and attached hereto for the purpose of ingress, egress, to Lot 26. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE ( ) who provided fi-ederIc1.1J- A..1Jk k, Typed Notary Name and Number day of tu~fNHlTi MV CotJUl881QN . CC 020134 EXPIRES: July e. 2004 Ion$d l!lnI NOIIIY I'ubIIo UnderwI1\Ila )jJ 0';.01 Ot>~I ^311~d :aJUaJafa~ aaj 5uWJoJa~ t9u <<a6~d tBbt<< ~ooa 29t62ut << iUamnJisuI o,;.or +unolll~ 1TT1~d :JOieJado J.311Vd 3533::1 H3NVMG-Md Ja~eJa B61~22<< id1aJaa .d02:~0 ~OOl '';0 Jew IMOOJ lIOJMIJ 30 ~M31J HNOOJ 30l:lNOW 3!JIJH10~ 1 ANNlJlI ** 31!JJIldOII :n o,;.m bP9t alllU Hl51J3 ad'<l .3uTUUTlla8 }O .1UIOd arl1 01 J{Ollq 1aaJ GZ.M; JO aOU1l1sTP II .JO} M ..00,6".09 S aouaq1 :aul1'J llas PTllS aq1 }O aU!T AllM }O lllllT.J A(,:1 aq1 01 laa} "0"96 }O aou1l1sTP II .JO} au'fl'] llas }O aU!1 AllM JO 1llllf.J A(.MN PTllS aql llUO(ll pUll :1 ..Zl,90.U: N .Jllaq aoua1l1 :aul1'J llas PIllS a1l1 }O aU!1 AllM }O 1qllT.J AT,MN aq1 01 laaJ 00.99 JO aou1l1slP II .JoJ au'fl'] llas PIllS am }O aUIl All.At }O 1qa,.J A(,M aql lluofJ1 qlnoS aouaq1 un.J pUll ..S3JfOH 37180Jf H3DI3D. }O 11l(d PTllS aq1 JO '0 >[00(8 '9Z 107 }O .Jau.Joo A(,:1N a1l1 11l N1938 :SMO((O} Sll spunoq pUll salaw Aq paqT.Josap A(.Jll(non.Jlld a.Jow 3uTaq (ao.Jlld PTllS 'llPT.Jold 'A1uno:J aO.JuoJf }O sp.JooaH o!Tqnd aq1 }O U alllld 11l '9 >[008 11l(d UT pap.Jooa.J Sll '}oa.Ja1l1 11l(d am 01 lluTP.JOOOll .S3JfOH :TI180n H3913D. pannua 11l(d aql uo UMOqS Sll aul1'J llas ]0 aU!1 AllM JO 1q3T.J aq1 JO uon.Jod II 3uTaq PUll( JO (ao.Jlld V :.JO J.3AHnS J.HVONn08 )~ ' :Sl'lOllOJ sa paq1~osap ^1~aln01~~ad a~om pua 'll aSad 's ~OOH ~ald U1 pa~~aldsa 'ap1~01~ -,.~ _. '^~uno~ ao~uoH JO sp~ooa~ la101]]0 aq~ u1 pa~~ald sa 'aua~ aas ]0 U01~~od V V J.nnHn ~ , .. LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF THE RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SEA LANE AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT ENTITLED "GEIGER MOBILE HOMES" ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 5, AT PAGE 77 OF THE PUBUC RECORDS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, SAID PARCEL BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: BEGIN AT THE NE'L Y CORNER OF LOT 25, BLOCK 8, OF THE SAID PLAT OF "GEIGER MOBILE HOMES" AND RUN THENCE SOUTH ALONG THE W'L Y RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE SAID SEA LANE FOR A DISTANCE OF 55.00 FEET TO THE NW'LY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE SAID SEA LANE; THENCE BEAR N 31 005'12"E AND ALONG THE SAID NW'LY RIGHT OF WAY OF SEA LANE FOR A DISTANCE OF 95.84 FEET TO THE E'LY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE SAID SEA LANE; THENCE S 600 49'OO"W FOR A DISTANCE OF 57.27 FEET BACK TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. / EXHIBIT D Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority John M. Koenig, Sr. Chairman Key West Lynn C. Mapes Grassy Key Post Office Box 1239 1100 Kennedy Drive Key West, Florida 33041-1239 Telephone (305) 296-2454 Mary L. Rice Secretary-Treasurer Marathon Linda B. Wheeler Key West Harry E. Cronin Key Largo January 6, 2003 Roger Braun Executive Director Mr. and Mrs. Reese Palley P.O. Box 1471 Summerland Key, Florida 33042 Re: Lots 25 & 26, Block 8 and a portion of Lot 1, Block 9 Geiger Mobile Homes Subdivision, Geiger Key, Florida Dear Mr. and Mrs. Palley: The FKAA Board of Directors approved at the December 19,2002 meeting, the above referenced project. Staff has researched your request and has no objection to the abandonment. There are presently two meters and piece of2" water main located in the approved abandonment. The Owner has agreed to relocate the section of water main and the meters to the new right-of-way at his expense. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call this office. Sincerely, FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY ~~ Edgar F. Nicolle, Jr. Distribution Design Specialist EFN/pm cc: Bob Feldman, General Counsel Arlyn Higley, Director of Maintenance Dept. Monroe County Building Department EXHIBITS E (\e ,,0 s\o( . fl." '" \, t(l./ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ :t 't' 't' ... .. ..- ~..."",,,, ... ... .' ...../... ... .' .' ...,......' ...,...... .' .' /.,., ,. " ... ... .' ..."...... ...,........... ... ca. ~g CJ ~ o OS' ~ .~ ..... Point of Beginning NE'Jy corner Lot 25 Lot ..,............'i ,.."........... ......,......'... ... .. ... 24 5' U"Ll-r't e'Mtf't\ tEA{( "-0 ~ Ne.T-€S\ o~ ,1/' ... ~ \J LV \€ "( "./',..... ... .!-...' ,.- ... ........................ Lot 25 Il Lot 26 I . I . I . 25.0. I ~; ~2: ::::, ~ ~ 25.0' i: Lot ~ Cb ~ E ~ ~ CJ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ Q: 55 -... ~ "') ~ ~ "'t- ~ ~ E 2: ~ ::::, ~ Q .... V') 0 C) ~ ~ ~ ~ l' V J ; 'j1.~ ~. .~ v i ')...Cf:.r ~o . \.l ~~ v o~ _~~. /''1 . .'-1 6 ~ Ii ,- O~...., :- ",,' ~~ ~ c.; of:' '- " ~)~ "b t-' ~fi l'-.. ~ ~~r ~ J ~ "\ q"O o~ t G ~ ~ ~q 6"'" . 'Y...J 0 ~ ~ o L -... ---- ("'''\...CL-;? BELLSOUTH TELECOAfAfUNlCAnONS@ 650 United St Key West, FL 33040 Office: (305) 296-9078 Facsimile: (305) 294-4062 September 18, 2002 Marilyn and Reese Palley 156 Sea Lane Key West, FL 33040 Subject: Roadway Abandonment of Sea Lane along lots 25 and 26, Block 8, Geiger Mobil Homes Subdivision, Monroe County, Florida To Mrs. and Mr. Palley: Our engineering department has reviewed the above referenced request. Presently, BellSouth has existing facilities along the western boundary of the area in question. BellSouth has no objections to the abandonment of the above referenced Right of Way provided that a 5 foot utility easement is granted to maintain those facilities. If further assistance is needed, please do not hesitate to call, Earl Beck, at (305) 296-9078. Thank You, ~ ~ Earl Beck Project Manager, BellSouth ;~~nt \ya~prepa~'~~rbaraArcher, Keys Energy Services, on August 30, 2002 :,);; EASE M E .N'l',., ',<.tf:~}~;'<:,:~..~~: , ' . ;)::~]~~~"~~~~~~S~S; ~t JVRif41levJ ,( . .eby.,grant an easement to THE UT,ILITY .~:;;'~II;j(; 'hereinafter called grantee, for ,/;~~ ,o'Ver and. across the hereinafter described 4~t:, 6peration; maintenance, extension, construction and "~~o;,:tO wit: :.:.r'b~~::tS~~d'Of' (Geiger Key) in Monroe County, Florida, . I. . . , . A parce~ of land being a portion of the right of way line of Sea Lane as shown on the plat entitled "GEIGER MOBILE HOMES" according to. the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 6; at 'Pagen"of the 'PublIC Records of Monroe County, Florida, said parcel being more :~~I:~:~=:~e:~~O~~~~~I:o;:s~f the said plat of "GEIGER MOBILE <~ HOMES" and run thence South along the Westerly right of way line of the said Sea Lane " for a distance of 55.00 feet to the Northwesterly right of way line of the said Sea Lane; thence bear North 31Q 05'12. East and along the said Northwesterly right of way line of Sea Lane for a distance of 96.84 feet to the Easterly right of way line of the' said Sea Lane; thence South 60<>49'00. West for a distance of 57.27 feet back to the Point of Beginning. A general easement for the installation and maintenance of overhead wiring and all appurtenances necessary. IN herein, Signed, Toqether with the right of ingress and egress over property of the grantor(s), so as to afford the grantee complete use and enjoyment o~ this easement, including the right to cut and trim, from time to time, tre~ brush, over-hanging branches and other natural obstructions on the ~ve / described land, which may injure or interfere with the full and pcSinplete" use of the aforesaid easement. "', ..../ ,,/,,/ This easement shall terminate if at any time its use is)~isgontinued year(s). / \ WITNESS WHEREOF, these presents have been executed ib all as of the day of A.D. 19 .,i/ Sealed and Delivered in the presence of: ; for STATE OJ! rulftl/!>,o COUNTY OF m";r'/i!!IlI& On -:fKPrll"""Re~t, ,;!tll.;J, before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Rlr~ss;. PIVLL7 AN. hlAIfZJL,/'" F'JllLI-e:/" known to me to be the person(s) whose, names 1I~1r subschbed to the within instrument and acknowledged that' ~ executed the same. ss ~) vf~~J (Witness) f2Jk (Witness)' '.... -. -:===:-:::- MARILYN PALLEY, GRANTOR S Notary Public in an fo said County and State ...--..- .",-:'1'()I'IPI(!Uel O)..~f'''' ~!,~I!C." .'.:, . 1"050\00 ~\ t.<Y C':~" .f;..... 1>0 : :.:. C"Io\I~\,:; jVl~ 17,2f'rJ4 ....: i)l)''';;;''''''_'~~l';'l&lItC~ - - ATs.T August22,2002 Mr. Reese Palley Mrs. Marilyn Palley 156 Sea Lane Key West, Florida 33040 RE: Road Abandonment Sea Lane, End of Street, See Attached Survey Dear Mr. & Mrs. Palley: AT&T Broadband & Internet Services 1700 North Roosevelt Blvd. Unit 2 Key West, Florida 33040 305-296-8038 AT&T Broadband has no objection to your road abandonment on Sea Lane on the attached survey. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me at 294-0992 x1 05. Sincerely, AT&T Broadband ~~70.:4- Jerry Puto, Construction Supervisor (305) 295-1000 1001 James Street PO Box 6100 Key West, FL 33041-6100 www.KeysEnergy.com UTILITY BOARD OF THE CITY OF KEY WEST August 30, 2002 Mr. Reece Palley 156 Sea Lane Key West, Florida 33040 RE: ROAD ABANDONMENT Dear Mr. Palley: Keys Energy Services has no objection to the proposed abandonment as per the attached survey. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (305) 295-1055. Sincerely, UTILITY BOARD-CITY OF KEY WEST "KEYS ENERGY SERVICES" ~~ral Manager ~.:;; D. Price Engineering Services Supervisor DDP/ba c: C. Jansen, General Manager D. Finigan, Director of Engineering/Control Center Attachment Utility Board Members Robert R. Padron, Chairman Dr. Otha P. Cox, Vice-Chairman Leonard H. Knowles, Member Gayle Swofford, Member Lou Hernandez, Member sandyteaselett To whom it may concern: We, ~At.W LO~6 , the owners of 152 Sea Lane, Geiger Key, Key West, Florida, have no objection to the petion for road abandonment requested by Reese and Marilyn PaHey. ----~~------- I () -3-0,-- ____L_______________ EXHIBITS F Robert E. & Kathy A. Huff 534 Hickory Street Milford, MI 48381-1649 Phone: 248-685-9818 Fax: 248-685-1344 Email: Khuft1234@aol.com n c:2..(), ~CJd-' To Whom It May Concern: We, Robert E. & Kathy A. Huff, the owners of 135 Sea Lane, Geiger Key, Key West, Florida, have no objection to the petition for abandonment requested by Reese and Marilyn Palley. A-/HJ ~. ~ Robert E. Huff OKI!~rY ~o~~~~E (305) 294-4641 (- .~ ..--.- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER~ Mayor Dixie M. Spehar, District 1 Mayor Pro Tem Murray E. Nelson, District 5 George Neugent, District 2 Charles "Sonny" McCoy, District 3 David P. Rice, District 4 FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE Marathon GOy't Annex Bldg. 490 - 63rd St., Ocean, Ste. 160 Marathon, FL 33050 (305) 289-60 I 0 (305) 289-6013 FAX INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: June 13,2003 TO: Suzanne A. Hutton, Assistant County Attorney Arthur "Wally" Romero, Assistant Fire Marsh@ FROM: SUBJECT: ROAD ABANDONMENT INSPECTION: (Sea Lane, Geiger Key) The Monroe County Fire Marshal's Office has reviewed the above referenced proposed road abandonment. This office has no objection to the abandonment. If the Fire Marshal's Office can be of any additional assistance in this matter, please contact our office. cc: William D. Surina, Assistant Fire Marshal @RoadAbdnIRoadAbdnlmw7.0 RECEIVED JUN 1 6 2003 CAt-( MONROE COUNTY FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Suzanne Hutton Assistant County Attorney David S. Koppel jtJ County Engineer ()P RECEIVED FROM: DATE: October 28, 2003 OCT 2 9 2003 RE: Road Abandonment Petition Sea Lane, Geiger Key MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY We have reviewed the above-referenced petition as well as our file and can find no document that shows the boat ramp or the land underneath to be owned by the County (except for a very small portion within the existing right-of-way). Therefore, the boat ramp would appear to be privately owned. As such, we have no objection to the abandonment as proposed. DSK/jl SeaLaneAbandonmentSuzanneHutton.DOC ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... MEMORANDUM .................................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................................. To: Suzanne Hutton, Asst. County Attorney K. Marlene Conaway, Director of Planning & Env. Rest ~ From: Subject: The road abandonment for Sea Lane, Geiger Key RECEIVED Date: March 12, 2004 MAR 1 6 2004 1/IUI\!I'U~ cu:"'::__,: \' ,.~.TTC2~:::\, Per your request of March 9, 2004, our department does not have any objection to the road abandonment petition for Sea Lane on Geiger Key. In researching your request, I found a memorandum from February 5, 2003 in which we discussed the need for Monroe County to preserve access to open water for the residents of Monroe County. In that same memo, we related that this petition does not interfere with that directive therefore our department has no objection to the petition. Please let us know if you require additional information to complete this request for Geiger Key.