Resolution 298-1989 ,. C, N C::~ c:'? ~, ,,-.,. ( 0 L a= (;' " r- " I ~. ~ C ~ -...J ~ - U-. Commissioner John Stormont c_ - RESOLUTION NO. 298 -1989 z: A;~ESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- ~NERS, SITTING AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE ,~ER KEYS HEALTH CARE TAXING DISTRICT, ~ 01l;IGNATING MARINERS HOSPITAL AS THE UPPER ~K~S HEALTH CARE TAXING DISTRICT HOSPITAL. WHEREAS, Ordinance 008-1988 by the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County created the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District for the purpose of off-setting costs of trans- port, hospital and physician treatment, if unassumable by the patient for trauma related injuries, and WHEREAS, said Ordinance 008-1988 provided for an Advisory Board to be appointed to make recommendations to the governing body of the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District concerning its operation and the effecting of the Ordinance, and such Advisory Board has been created and appointed, and WHEREAS, Ordinance 008-1988 provided for the designation of a District Hospital within the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District, upon recommendation of the Advisory Board, in order to effect the Ordinance, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, sitting as the governing body of the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District, that, upon recommendation by the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District Advisory Board, Mariners Hospital, on Plantation Key, in the County of Monroe, is hereby designated as the Dis- trict Hospital of the Upper Keys Health Care Taxing District. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the J.3 rd. day of .aj , A.D. 1989. (Seal) Attest :DAN~Y L.. ~OLH.AGE, gl~~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By /IlI~Al/A Mayor/Chairman ~~}iU ::n7?JJ/:__= BY __ ._ ,.;.' ~ ,J".