Resolution 682-1989 RESOLUTION NO. 682- 1989 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR/CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE A RENEWAL OF A LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY AND F. JAMES CHAPLIN AND BETTYE B. CHAPLIN FOR OFFICE SPACE FOR THE PUBLIC DEFENDER. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute a renewal of a lease agreement between Monroe County and F. James Chaplin and Bettye B. Chaplin for office space in the Chaplin Building, for the Public Defender, a copy of same being attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florid" at a regular meeting of said Board held day of ~"e.'f1I1e.<<' , A.D. 1989. on the Is-t BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA /tegtJ By Mayo~' / Chairman (Seal) A'ttest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~~~/).~ n ~ ,ut-mOJ 30aNO~ "', ", \ATJ ) " '.),H'<fO _ r ~DAS TO FORM AND [FCM SUFFiCIENCY. SE: Ol" 9- ^ON 6Q. ~l~ '; ;Afice JclO~.do ~iO j 03113 II I, I ~.~1tsiltess 1li e it s e TIllS AGREEMENT, entered into thi9 First day of October ,1989 F. James Chaplin and Bettye B. Chaplin, 5190 Overseas Highway, Marathon, between Florida, 33050 , hereinafter called the lessor, party of the first part, and MONROE COUNTY of the County of MONROE and State of FLORIDA hereinafter called the lessee or tenant, party of the second part: WITNESSETH, That the said lessor does this dny lense unto said does herehy hire and take as tenant under said lessor Room OVERSEAS HIGHWAY, MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 (CHAPLIN BUILDING) APPROXIMATELY 1500 SQUARE FEET OF SPACE. No. situate in MARATHON Stnte of FLORIDA _ , to be used and occupied by the lessee n.q COUNTY OFFICES and for no other purpO!~es or uses whatsoever, for the term of ONE (l) YEAR , suhject and conditioned on the provisions of clause ten of this lease beginning the FIRST day of OCTOBER 19 89 , and ending the THIRTIETH day of SEPTEMBER , 19 90 at and for the agreed total rental of FOURTEEU THOUSAND, NINE HUNDRED SEVENTY-SIX DOLLARS Dollars, payable as follows: ONE THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED FORTY-EIGHT AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($1,248) PAYABLE WITHIN THIRTY (38) DAYS OF EACH DUE DATE, COMMENCING ON THE FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER, 1989 UNTIL THE THIRTIETH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1990. lessee, and or Space AND HAVING said lessee 5170 all payments to be made to the lessor on the first day of each and every month in advance without demand at the office of CHAPLIN REAL ESTATE, 5190 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY in the City of MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 or at such other place nnd to such other person, as the lessor may from time to time designate in writing. The following express stipulations and conditions are made a part of this lease and are here- by assented to by the lessee: FJR~T: The less!'e shill! not 8!!sigl1 this lens!!, nor sub-I!'t the premise!!, or nny pnrt thereof nor use the snml', or nny part thereof, nor permit the same, or IIny part therl'of, to be usefl for any other purpose than ns nhove IILiPIl- Intedj nor mnke OilY alterntions therrin, nnd nil nddiLions thereto, wiLhout the written consent of the le!!!!or, nn.1 nil a, ditions, fixtures or improvements which may he mode by lessee, except rnovnble office furniture, shnll be- eome the property of the lessor nnd remnin upon the prl'rni!!es ns n part thereof. nnd be surrendered with the prem- iReS nt the termlnntion of this lense. SECOND; All personal property placed or moved in the premi~es nbove described !lhnl1 be at the risle oC the lessee or owner thereof, and lessor Ahnllnot be Jinble for nny dam oRe to said persollnl property, or to lhe lessee nrisin~ from Ihe burstinl! or lenkillg of wnler pipes, or from nllY net of neglil!:ence of any co-lenant or occnpnnts of the buiMinl!: or of nny olher person who,m;o(,Vl'r. ' THIHI>: Thnt Ih.. tenont _____Rl1nll prolT!ptly eX('Cllte IInd cOlllply with all !1LaLules. ordinllncE'!l, rulcs, ord('rf'. H'gulalions nnd requirl'/Ilents of the Feeleral, StaLe and Cily Uo\'erlllnl'nl. nnd of any and nil l.hpir IJl'pnrt- 1IJ(,1l1f' nnd Bureaus npplicnhle Lo flllid prClllil'C!l, for thl' corn.ction~ plev('/,lion. and nhall'lIIcnt Ilf nuiRanl'e~ IIr Illlll'r gricVllnCf'R. in. upon or conncctcd with flaid premises durin~ sllia lE'rlll; nnd shall nl:;o promplly comply with IInd exeCllte 1111 rul('s, orders nnd re~lIlnliom; of the applicnhlp firf' prf'vcnt.ion eflllf's fllr till' prcvf'nt.inn nf fires, nt ________ own cnsl, lllld f'xpense, FOtJltTII: In the event the premis('s shnll be de!!bo~'ed or so damageel or Injurer) by fire or other casunlly during the life of this ngreement, whcrl'by the snme shall bc renderc<I untcnnnbhle, then thc lessor shall have the right to render said premises tennntnble by rl!pnirs within ninety days Ih"rcfrom. If snid premises arc not rendered te"alllnble within said time, it shnll he optionnl with either p:u:ty hereto to enncel thi!! lease, nnd in the event of such cnncellalioll the rent shall be pnld only to t.he dnte of !Iud, fire or ra!!lInlty. The cnncellation hl'reln ml'ntio'lI',1 shnll be evilh'nced in writlnlt. FIFTH: The prompt p!lyment of the rent for said prelni!le!l UPOll t.he <lntl's name(l, nnd the faithful ob!lerv- nn!"e of the rules anr! rl'~lIlntlOn!l printer! upon this lel\.'ll', and which are hereby made a part of this covenant, Dnd of ~urh ot.her and furthl'r rules or reg'lIlntions ns l!1ny be herenfter made by the lessor, are the conditions upon ~.llIch the IClI!le Is mnde and IIccepted Dnd nny f811me on the part of the le!!see to comply with the terms of snld lease. or any of said rules nnd regulations now in l'xhtenre, or which may be her"nft('r prescrihed by the lessor, shall nt the option of the lessor, work n forfeiture of this rontrart, nnfl nil of the rights of the le!!see hl'rennder, SIXTH: If the leR8ee AhaJl nbalHloll or vaco.te sn\d prel\1il1e~ before the ~nd of the term of thiA len.flc, or 8~\nlJ Buffer the rcnt to be Innrreors the IC880r moy, at "II'! optIOn, forthwIth concr! tllIB Ic08e or he may enter Rallt nren1\SC8 os the agc'" _r ~I'e leBsee, without being Iiahle In any way thcre~or, ond relet th~ lIremiseB with or wilt,.,\J~ any fmnituro t he therein, os the agent of the lesRl'e at such pnce ond upon R' lS and for Rueh durntlOn of _ time os the ICSKU! may determine onlt receive the rent tl,ercfor. applying the Bam( poyment of t.he rent tlue by theRe {lreRcnta, nnd if the full re~tal hu{'in provided /ihal,1 not be rc:alized by lesRor over ontl a~ove t!le upenBes ~o ICR80r 111 8ueh rc-Ietting, the sl1Id lessee ahaJl pay nny dcfiCII~"('Y, nnd If more thnn the full rentnl IS renllzed leRsor Will roy over to Rnid ICRsee the excess of demond. SEVENTH: Lessee a~rees to JUlY the cost of coiled ion ond tCIl per ccnt ottorney's fee on nny pnrt of snl,1 rentnl that mny be collected by suit or by ottorney, after t.he ROllle Is post due. EIGHTH: The lcssee ogrees thot he will JloV 011 chorges for n',,', gllS, c1eclridty or other iIIuminolion, and for 011 wot.er used on soid premises, ond should 80id charges l'or rl'lIt, light or water herein provided for at .Dny lir,e remain due ond unpoid for the space of five daYfI after the 8n1l1l' 8hn\1 have become due, the lessor Inny nt Il!! optUJII consider the said lessee ten8nt ot sufferance and the enlire r('nt for the rentol period then next ensuing sho\1 nt once be due nnd pnyahle nnd moy forthwith he collected hy diRtreRR or olherwiRc. NINTH: The sold lessee hereby J.lellges nud 119sl~ns 10 Ihe lessor 011 the fUTIIlture. fixtures, goo,ls ond chattel!! of !mld lesllee, which sholl or may be brought or IJUt on snl,1 premises ns !lecurlty for the payment of the rent herein reserved, ond the lessee agrees that the 501,1 ien may be enforred by distress foreclosure or otherwise ot the election of the sold lessor, nnd does hereby agree to pay attorney's fees of ten percent of the amount so colleeled or found to be clue, together with nil costs nnd chorge!! t.herefore Incurred or pnld by the les!lor. TENTH: It Is hereby "greed IlIld understood between lessor nnll leRsee thnt III the event the lessor decides to remodel, alter or demolish nil or any part of the premises lenseel hereunder, or In the event of the sale or 10llg term leose of nil or any pr.rt of tho_ ____----. requiring this spnce, the lessee hereby "grees to vacate some upon rel'elpt of sixty (60) dors' written notice nnd the retllTII of allY aclvollce relltal paid on aCl'ount of thIs lense. ELEVENTH: The lessor, or any of Ills ngent.'l, shnll hllve the right to enter Imld premises during a\1 reason- able honrll, to examine the same to make such repolrs, addltlolls or aHerlllions 119 may be deemed necessary for the safety, comfort, or preservation thereof, or of said bulMlng, or to exhlbl~ Bold premises, and to put or keep upon the doors or window! thereof a notice 'FOR RENT" at any time wHt.ln thirty (80) days before tho expIration of this leasc. The right of entry shall like wille exist for the purpose of removlnlt plaeflrds, signs, fixtures, altera- tionR, or adlliUonll, which do not conform to this ngreement, or to the rules and regulations of the building. TWRLF'TII: J.e!lsee hereby accepts the }Iremlses In t.he condition they pre In at the beginning of this lense IInlt agrees to maintain f!Rld pr<lmtses In the Bame condition, order and repnlr as they lire at tbe cOlllmenC<llllent of said term, excepting only reasonable wear and tear arising from the nse thereof under this agreement, ond to make good to snld lessor Immediately upon demand, any damage to water apparatus, or electric Iighlq or any fix- ture, nppllances or appurtenances of lIold ptl'lIllses, or of the hullding, cnnsed by ony oct or neglect of lessee, ()r of RtlY per!lon or perllon!! In the employ or under tho control of the le!i!lee. THIRTRENTIJ: It Is expressly agreed and understoocl by ond between the parties to this agreement, that the Innlllonl ohllll not be liable for any damage or Injury by woter, whIch IIlny be sust.nlned hy the said tenont or other per!loll or for nny other Ilamage or Injllry res1llting frolll the corell:'ss1ll:'sS, negligence, or Improper conduct on the part of IIny other tenant or agentR, or eml'loyeell, or by reagon of tho breaksge, leoknge, or obstruction of the water, sewer or 11011 pIp ell, or other leaknge In or abont the anlll b1lllcllng. FOUR'I'EF.NTII: If the JeRBee shall become inoolvent or if bonkruptcy proceedlng8 ahan be begun by or agninst the I<lAsee;J before the end of Boid term the lessor iA hereby irrevocllbly autborized at its oCtion, to forthwith cancel this lense, OR lor n default. Lessor mny elect to accept rent from 8uch receiver, trn8tee, or otler judicinl officer durinR the term of their occnpnncy in their fiduciary capoclty without Affecting leR8or's ri~ht8 os conlAined ill this conbnct, but no receiver, trustee or olher judiciol officer Rholl ever have any rigl1l, title or interest In or t.o the ahove descTil)\~c1 property hy virt,ue of this cont.ract. FIF"fEF.NTII: Lessee hereby wolve!! onel rellO\lncl'S for hllllself line! fallllly ony onll nil hOlllesteol1 and ex- emption rlll'htll },e llIay have now, or hereafter, \lnller or by virtue of the constitution IInll Inws of the Stnta 01 Florido, or of any other Stale, or of the Unlled Sloles, ns ngolnst the pnyment of soleI rental or any Ilorlllln hereof, or IIny otht'T obllgRtlon or dnmnge t,hnt IlIny nccrlle unller the termll of this IIIl'Teelllent. SIXTEENTH: This cont.ract shall bitilt the lessor ond its o!lHIRIIA or Auccessors, nnd the heirs, nssigns, r<lrsonal repreBentntlves, or sllcceHRors liB the cnHe may he, of the leA!lee. SF-V ENTF.ENTJI: It Is understood 11011 ogreelt between the portles hereto thnt time Is of the essence of this contrRet and this npplll:'s to nil terms IInd conditions contolnell herein. EIGHTEENTH: It Is understood nnd agreed between the parties hereto thnt written notice malleel or dellv- eTed to the premllles lenlled hereunder sholl constitute sufficient notice to the lessee and written notice mailed or delivered to the office of the lessor shall constitute sufficient notice to the l.essor, to comply with the terms of thlll conlraet. NINETEENTII: The rights of the lessor unller the foregoing shRII be cumulative, and fnUure on the part of the lessor to exercllle promptly IIny rights given },erellnller shnll not opernte to forfeit IIny of the Bald rights. TWENTIETII: It Is further understood nnd ngreed between t.ho parties hereto that any charges agaInst the lessee by the Jellsor for serVICI:'B Dr for work done on the rremlsell by order of the lessee or otherwise accruing under this contrnct shRII be considered as rent due IInd shnll he Inducled In ony Jlen for rent clue and unpRld. TWENTY-FIRST: It Is hereby undl:'rstood and ngreecl that any signs or ollverUslng to be uBed, Incluellng awnlngll, In connection wILli t1,cerremlses leMed hcreunllet shnll he f1rllt onbmlltell to the lessor for apl'rovnl be- fore Inllt.nllntlon of Bame. TWF.NT'i-SECOND: Lessee shall, at his expense, keep the premises in good order ilnd repair during the term of the lease, including, but not limited to cracked ann broken glass, air-conditioning, noor.~, locks, plumbing and electrical, repairino or replacing with similar or better size or quality. 'I'WENT'i-TIIIRD: Lessee agrees to cilrry general 1 i abi lity insurance in the ilmOllllt of $ 100,000/$200,000 per per~on for bodily injury and $ 100,000 per occurence for property damage, as per F.S. 768.2R. nmrITV-FOURTJI: Lessee has the opt 10n to renew the 1 ease for One (l) Year wi th an increase basen 011 CPI of the past year. 'J'WF.N1''i-FIFTJI: 'fhis 1 ease may be term; nated by the 1.essee upon the followi ng conditions: 1. written notice of intention to terminate said lease shall be given,to the Lessor not less than One (funnred Twenty (120) days pri.':lr to such termination, and 2. written confirmation shall be given to the Lessor that the Lessee has "hi .-,jllf',l nclrQIl;11'(' nffice f;pace In a qnvPtnmental building. TNF.NT'i-SIXTII: r,essee agn~e~ to P"Y to r.e~sor $ 50.00 per month for w"ter servlcp- TWF.NTV-SEVF.NTII: I,essee ngrees to P<lY for garb"ge serv ice. IN WITNERft WHEItEOF, lhe IlRrU('R h('relo hn\'e hcreunto executed thlR IIIRtrument for Um pmflOM herein eXflreRRed, the dny ntH1 yenr nhove wrlHen. SiRne(1, f!('nl('d nnd (tell v('red In tlte pr(>l1ence of: b ~~'-~v JJ' id ....~-.~:-.-~ :... ./5.- AA to .f ,('RAor m ... ...~ -"'.::- (S..1 /1 f'L --.a ~~ ~ #,------'~~.......d-d--, (Senl LeARor _ (Senl IJ1\tJtJ'i I,. r.OI,IJl\GP., CT.,F.nK As to l,eRsee J ,I'RRee ( S..:I1 ~TATF. OF n,OnUll\ __I AIIIIoV€D AS TO 10IfM ANDlF,' ';{ SUFFICIENCY. ~~J; (~ C~l" Counfy oL____u~ONBQ_~_______ Ar.,nll'S Uffio nerore me, ft NotAry rub lie In RIIlI for Mid Stille An,l COUl1ty, 11l?rsonnlly cnm(L~~Jame_~_CJ~aP!l!~_______ . and Bettye _S._chapliJt___ ____ u__ ."- ,-- .._----- -.- -.- .--.~- --.-.- .-.----.,... --- ..-.. _.-.._- -------..--.- .- ,_Jo 111 /! ",,,II kilo,,"" nl1ll kilo"",, to bll tit.. rH'r!lOlLS_ __ nRII1",1 In tltl! forl'~o'IlR II'M/!, AIlII__t:J'~y_.________._____ nrkllo,,'lrlIRr(1 U,"L_t;,ll~Y ________,___ '_".~",,"tnll lhp. !!RIIl!' for tltP. fl\Irf10!le lIIN!'I" l'lff1rp'!l!l",I. IN \VITNF.S9 WnF.ltF.OF, I hn\'" h"fl'llllto !lP.t my l'nl1ll nllll nrrl:'l('rl lilY oHldnl ""nl U"L.TWENT\'~SE~OND SEPTEMBER Ilny 0 r._ ,_ _._,____'__.nu __ __ _.. ,__, ____ 'n _ ____ . 89 ilL. L:;~;,,~~ro.~. ,My !'Ol1lm!!:!!'OIl "lfrlrl'!l-'-"__'.-'-""-~_T"_"T"'~. ._",' ,_ _. if ',I i (1,'1-, . '-';,.,(~ o. rrlr!11d ill t .' "', :;'" !j(~~; ~.::'~U'::l ~), ~_ L~,;~; .', I;: ':: r,l~Jtary L2rcli ., I,,:, /m'",m",' 1'1t1't7tnll'),: F. JAMES CHAPLIN ;t'/'//'r" 5190 Overseas Highway, Marathon, Florida 33050