Resolution 107-1986 Louis LaTorre, Director Social Services RESOLUTION NO. 107 -1986 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO APPROVE AND EXECUTE AMENDMENT /11 AMENDING CONTRACT KG518 BY AND BETWEEN THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES AND THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. y BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: The Mayor and Chairman of the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to approve and execute Amendment #1 amending Contract KG518 by and between the State of Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services and the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, a copy of same being attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 4th day of April, A.D. 1986. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ( Seal) At te s t : DANNY L. KOLHAGE Clerk - - '" , :t2aL: /J~, J)L BY -., CONTRACT KG518 AMENDMENT 111 This Amendment, entered into between tbe ,State of Florida, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Service.s, hereinafter ref.erred to as the "Department" and Monroe County, Board of County Commissioners, hereinafter referred as to the "Provider", Amends Contract KG518. 1. Section I, Paragraph L, page 3, is hereby amend to read: Local Match. The provider agrees to provide local match in the amount of $5,388.88. 2. Section II, is hereby am~nded to read: To pay for contracted services according to conditions of ATTACHMENT I in an amount not to exceed $48,500. 3. Section III, The Provider and Department Mutually Agree, is hereby amended to read: F. Total Project Cost. The Department's share of the total project cost is $48,500. The provider's share of the total project cost is $5,388.88, for a total project cost of $53,888.88. 4. Attachment I, Section C. Method of Payment, Paragraph I is hereby amended to read: 1. Subject to the availibility of funds, the Department is identifying no more than a total General Revenue dollar amount of $48,500 for expenditures made in accordance with budget attached hereto. 5. Exhibit I, page 12, is substituted by the revised Face sheet. 6. Budget: Exhibit I. Budget Summary. Detailed Budget, pp 51 to 56, is substituted by the Attached Exhibit I revised Budget, pp 3 to 11. 7. This Amendment shall begin on February 15; 1986 or the date on which the Contraet has been signed by both parties whichever is later. All the provisions in the Contract and any attachments hereto in conflict with this Amendment shall be and are hereby changed to conform with this amendment. All provisions not in conflict with this Amendment are still in effect and are to be performed at the level specified in the Contract. I Page 2. Amendmen t II 1 Contract # KG 518 This amendment and all attachments are hereby made a part of the contract. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this~page amendment to be executed by their undersigned officials a~ duly authorized. PROVIDER STATE eF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES BY: BY: NAME: NAME: TITLE: TITLE: DATE: DATE: FEDERAL In NUMBER: ~P. VFD AS TO FORM . ,.1N GilL s~rnCll:r IJ B.Y, .~. lf~/! Att"rn~v's Ofr;r:P~ ~ 2 APPLICATION FOR PURCHASE OF SERVICE Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services Face Sheet Date of ,this Application: May 1, 1985 Contact Person: Name: Louis LaTorre Legal Name of Agency: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners P.O. Box 1680 Key West, Florida Position: Executive Director 33040 Address: Monroe County Social Services Wing III-Publie Service Bldg. Stock Island, Key West, Florida 33040 Name of Program: Monroe County In-Home Services Phone: (305)294-8468 Name: Gwen Rodriguez Position: Project Director Type of Service: Address: Monroe County In-Hqme Services Wing III-Public Service Bldg. Stock Island, Key West, Florida 33040 ~omemaking/Personal Care for County resident between the ages of 18 and 59 with physieal disabilities. Number to be Served: Phone: (305)294-8468 Monthly 45 Yearly 45 Funds: Client Donations: $ 2,228.84 Payee: Monroe County Board of Commissioners Local: $ 5,388.89 Federal: 48,500.00 Name: Wilhelmina Harvey Total: 56,117.73 Position: Mayor/Chairman Beginning and Ending Dates of Contract Period: Address: P.O. Box 1680 July 1, 1985 - June 30, 1986 Key West, Florida 33040 Phone: (305)294- 4641 "3 -1- .. _._I",.Jo..'"-_''' ..--.-.'---------- --.-. -- -~... COMMUNITY CARE FOR DISABLED ADULTS February 1986 BUDGET SUMMARY I. Personnel and Fringe $46,918.25 tI. Travel 3,573.00 III. Printing and Supplies 1,621.44 IV. Communications and Utilities 274.04 V. Other 3,731.00 , TOTAL BUDGET CLIENT DONATIONS LOCAL CASH MATCH $56,117.73 2,,228.84 - 5,388.89 GENERAL REVENUE REQUEST $48,500.00 -39- ~ "'T""" -~. r---- ~;, ~', ~ ,.r ,'." ~ f.:~ ~'(~~i'"l-";;"" ~h\"?~~!:;J~~~f,;.\~ ~ 1 4t1t!'g j~, .:'~~i~, -v,:,.f~~~~ ~.L.:. , OF COUNTY COMM1~lONERS MA YOR Wilhelmina Harvey, D,StrIct 1 Ed SWift. D,s'tr,ct 2 Wm, BIlly Freeman, D'STrict 3 liWyor Pro Tem AhS,on F8h.' ef",p'.,I~Trlct 4 !1 aim. STormont, DISTrict 5 : ~! 1 ~b\J--:~ V ~U MAR '1 1986 ~Yy~~I: 3F!~~~~~~E IJ051 2944641 Gwen ROdriguez, Project Director Monroe County In-Home Serviees Wing III-Publie Service BUilding Key West, Florida 33040 AgIng &d1rl'J!t S~"rVj-r.'i. HRS are~ '....119Cl6 I'::' I 1111." ^ Concha' Lopez', Program Analyst Aging and Adult Serviees Department of HRS 401 N.W. 2nd Avenue, Suite 1080 Miami, Florida 33128 Dear Coneha: This letter is submitted for the purpose of justifY1ng the inerease of $14,000.00 ~or Co~munity Care for Disabled Adults Program for FX 1985-86. For clarification, this additional money is not (as per your letter of January 23, 1986), a six month increase, but is for a eontinuation of our twelve month contract of July 1, 1985 _ June. 30, 1986, In order to 'maintain Our goals and level of serviee we have submitted to you our re- vised budget, reflecting the additional monies. To further clarify, our explanation for our needs to accomplish stated goals and units of service are: Salaries have increased due to the case load of clients, requiring that the two Homemaker/personal'Care Provider positions be 100% funded full time, 40 hour positions in CCDA, Our case load for this FY was projected at 45 unduplicated clients. During the first six month periOd, we have servieed 37 unduplicated clients. We will over-achieve in this area, due to need, and will require the minimum of these two positions to accomplish serviees, an inerease of $7,259.76. Also, fr~nge costs (Group Insuranee, F,I.C.A.) have risen this year to an actual cost of $12,634.25 or 66\ over the original budget request, In-Area travel has been revised to reflect an increase of 76\, or $840.00. This is due to the geographical area requiring coverage to service clients both in Key West and along the Keys. Miscellaneous direct serviee supplies and office supplies have been increased aceordingly to accomodate more services required by the clients. Professional fees for payment to ,our SUb-contract with the Florida Health Profess- ional Services to provide registered nurses on an individual basis for initial assessment of personal care needs of all CCDA e1ients and to review those needs every sixty days on a continuing basis,reflects an increase of $2,250.00. This -' :; .1 I '.1 ./ i March 3, 19bv Page 2 is required in order to perform personal care. We do not have any CCDA clients who only require homemakin9 serviees, to the eontrary, these elients require more personal care than homemaking. The use of ' these services by sub-contact in lieu of employment of Registered Nurses by the project is extremely cost- effeetive in favor of the project. This $14,000.00 increase in our FY 85-86 eontra~t will assure continuing servic~s to 45 unduplicated clients with 528 units of service in Case Management and 3,960 units of service in Homemaking andPer90nal Care. This 'breaks down to a cost of $14.17 over~all cost per unit of service, which is in line with other program eosts of projects adminis,tered .by Monroe County In-Horne Serviees. May I, hasten to add, that Monroe County In-Horne Services through the CCDA Grant is the sole resource for these much needed services to the clients in Monroe County. Our elient's needs in this area are vital to their being maintained in their homes with dignity and self-respect. Should you require additional information, please do not hesitate to eall on me. Thank you for your assistance and eooperation. Sincerely, ~.~ . G n'Rodriguez, oject Director GRlgs ~ February 19.86 I. PERSONNEL AND FRINGE FRINGE: F.I.C.A.:' 7.05% of salaries from 7/1/85-12/31/85 7.15% of salaries from 1/1/86-6/30/86 $1,208.51 1,225.65 TOTAL F .LC.A. $2,434.16 RETIREMENT: 12.24% of Salaries $4,196.36 TOTAL RETIREMENT $4,196.36 GROUP INSURANCE: $130.00 per mo. for all FTE 8 FTE @10% 2 FTE Homemaker/Personal Care Providers 1 FTE Homemaker/Personal Care Provider . x 3 mos. $1,248.00 3,120.00 390.00 TOTAL GROUP INSURANCE $4,758.00 WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION: 1 Piojeet Director: $6.27 per $100 of Salary $ 116.18 3 Clerieal .37 per $100 of Salary 14.25 (Program Specialist, Program Secretary, Bookkeeper) 4 Case Managers : .98 per $100 of Salary 49.53 3 Homemaker/Personal Care Providers: $4.53 per $100 of Salary 1,065.77 TOTAL WORKMEN's COMP. $1,245.73 TOTAL FRINGE $12,634.25 TOTAL PERSONNEL 34,284.00 TOTAL PERSONNEL & FRINGE $46,918.25 -40- 7 II . TRAVEL bUT OF AREA: IN AREA 1 Round Trip Key West/Miami @$72.00 + $21.00 per. diem F "'~... "w,ry 1986 $ 93.00 :@20ct p~r mile 1 Project D~rector-l00'miles/mo. x 12 mos. 240.00 4 Case Manqgers-l00 mile$/mo. x 4 x 12 mos. 960.00 1 Homemaker/Personal Care provider- 200 miles/mo. x 3 mos. 2 Homemaker Personal Care providers- 450 miles/mo. x 12' mos. TOTAL TRAVEL III. PRINTING AND SUPPLIES Miscellaneos Direct Service Cleaning Supplies=@$30.00/mo. x 12 mos Office Supplies-@$30.00/mo. x 12 mos. Xerox Copies-500 Copies/mo. x 12 mos. x 10ct each Printing Training Manu~ls, Educational Material TOTAL PRINTING & SUPPLIES IV. COMMUNICATIONS AND UTILITIES Postage-$13.67 mo. x 12 mos. Long Distance Calls Certified Mail TOTAL COMMUNICATIONS & UTILITIES -41- 120.00 2,160.00 $3,573.00 360.00 360.00 600.00 301.44 $1,621.44 $ 164.04 50.00 60.00 $ 274.04 J V. OTHER INSURANCE & BONDS: (*200% increase over last year) PROFESSIONAL FEES: (Nurses Contract) 30' Actual Clients for Initial Visit @$15.00 ea. 45 Actual Clients for Review Every 60 days @$10.00 each MEDICAL EXk~S: for new employees 1 @$35.00 ADVERTISING: for vacant positions 1 @$20.00 TOTAL OTHER * See memo from County Administrator -41a- February 1986 $ 1,426.00 450.00 1,800.00 35.00 20.00 $ 3,731.00 9 ~ eo '" rl ~ ~ =' ~ .0 QJ ~. W LJ ~ ... H c:r; l1< o Z <t ..:l W Z Z o (f) c:r; W U,I o:r o:r ,0 en o:r 1"1 ..... ~ ~ ..0 0 0 rl '" eo r- '" 0 r- r- eo 00 ('~ 0 ~ ~>t . . In 00 ,0: 1"1, '" en 1"1 '" r- 1"1 1"1 1I1 en o:r ....... en 00 N 1"1 00 r- '<t '<t r- r- r- OO 0 00 N '<t ~ N N N N ~ ~ ~ N 1"1 v.... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....... ~Ul rl rl rl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 N '<t ~ (f)o ~ ~ ('0'") t (f)o 1I1 ~~ 00 ....... ~H ~ '" ~ 00 '" 0 0 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ f@ ('0'") M .~ '<t M M rl ~ 1I1 1I1 N ....... 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U U U U ::r: ::r: ::r: H -42- 10 .~ : TI~E ALLOC~TION CHART 7/1/85- 10/1/8< 9/30/85 6/30/8E OTHER POSITION LSP LSP CCE III-B PROJECTS Project Direetor 10%+32.23 10% 65% 25% hrs overtimE Program Speeialist 21 hrs over 10% 65% 25% time Program Seeretary 19.5 hrs 10% 90% overtime Bookkeeper 21.75 hr-s:,-= 10% 20% 20% 50% overtime Case Management Supervisor 21 hrs over 10% 65% 25% time Case Manager/Area Coordinator, Lower Keys 10%+21 hrs 10% 65% 25% overtime Case Manager/Area Coordinator, Middle Key~ 10%+21 hrs 10% 65% 25% overtime Case' Manager/Area Coordinator, Upper Keys 10% 10% 65% 25% Homemaker/Personal Care Provider 100% 100% Homemaker/Personal Care Provider 100% 100% Homemaker/Personal Care Provider 100% 100% ~ -44_- II " - .....-.,. .~.... .. - ......... ._.... ...-.'..~~ l' '-....-.----.. I" ..__.......~~;.;........_-..1'lI