Resolution 246-1987 L.,~.- Finance Department RESOLUTION NO. 246 -1987 RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS. WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to make budgeted transfers set up in the Monroe County Budget for the year 1986-87, and to create new items under said budget, now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the budgeted transfers previously set up in the Monroe County Budget for the year 1986-87 in the amounts hereinafter set forth be transferred to and from the following accounts: CARD SOUND BRIDGE FUND Transfer from Card Sound Bridge, Item #401-320000-541450-0, Insurance & Bonds, The sum of $1,099.62, Into Card Sound Bridge, Item #401-920000-584990-0, Reserve for Contingency Transfer from Card Sound Bridge, Item #401-320000-541450-0, Insurance & Bonds, The sum of $10,000.00, Into Card Sound Bridge, Item #401-920000-585992-0, Reserve for Salary Adjustment INSURANCE FUND Transfer from Operating, Item #502-330111-590320-0, Auditing Fees, The sum of $500.00, Into Administrative, Item #502-330101-590511-0, Office Equipment - Non-expendable Transfer from Operating, Item #502-330111-590320-0, Auditing Fees, The sum of $1,000.00, Into Administrative, Item #502-330101-590640-0, Capital Outlay Equipment Transfer from Operating, Item #502-330111-590451-0, Excess Aggreg. The sum of $5,000.00, Into Administrative, Item #502-330101-590640-0, Capital Outlay Equipment GENERAL REVENUE FUND Transfer from Clerk to B.C.C., Item #001-020100-513640-0, Capital Outlay Equip., The sum of $500.00, Into Clerk to B.C.C., Item #001-020100-513511-0, Office Equipment - Non-expendable Transfer from Clerk to B.C.C., Item #001-020100-513515-0, Advertising, The sum of $300.00, Into Clerk to B.C.C., Item #001-020100-513440-0, Rentals Transfer from Clerk of Circuit Court, Item #001-020200-516450-0, Insurance & Bonds, The sum of $2,647.69, Into Data Processing, Item #001-020500-513450-0, Insurance & Bonds Transfer from Clerk of Circuit Court, Item #001-020200-516450-0, Insurance & Bonds, The sum of $273.48, Into Electronic Recording, Item #001-020600-516450-0, Insurance & Bonds Transfer from Clerk to B.C.C., Item #001-020100-513120-0, Salaries, The sum of $329.65, Into Clerk to B.C.C., Item #001-020100-513130-0, Salaries Non-payroll Transfer from Clerk to B.C.C., Item #001-020100-513120-0, Salaries, The sum of $4.77, Into Clerk to B.C.C., Item #001-020100-513260-0, Medicare Tax Transfer from Clerk to B.C.C., Item #001-020100-513510-0, Office Supplies, The sum of $195.55, Into Clerk to B.C.C., Item #001-020100-513410-0, Communications Transfer from Reserves/Transfers, Item #001-920000-584990-0, Contingency, The sum of $1,000.00, Into County Administrator, Item #001-080000-512400-0, Travel SUPPLEMENT TO GENERAL REVENUE FUND Transfer from Library, Item #002-920000-584990-0, Reserve Contingency, The sum of $156,00, Into Library, Item #001-260006-571400-0, Travel 2 MUNICIPAL SERVICE DISTRICT Transfer from Municipal Service District, Item #105-920000-584990-0, Reserve for Contingency, The sum of $10,000.00, Into Key Largo Volume Reduction Plant #1, Item #105-0975-462, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Municipal Service District, Item #105-920000-584992-0, Reserve for Contingency, The sum of $400.00, Into Key Largo Volume Reduction Plant #1, Item #105-0975-640, Capital Equipment Transfer from Municipal Service District, Item #105-920000-584990-0, Reserve for Contingency, The sum of $500.00, Into Cudjoe Key Volume Reduction Plant #3, Item #105-0973-524, Tools Transfer from Municipal Service District, Item #105-920000-584992-0, Reserve for Contingency, The sum of $600.00, Into Administration, Item #105-0970-640, Capital Equipment TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL FUND Transfer from Cultural, Item #106-110302-559432-0, Torch Trek Biathlons, The sum of $500.00, Into Cultural, Item #106-110302-559471-0, Reserve for Cultural Events Transfer from Administrative, Item #106-110400-559344-0, Unappropriated Adm. Funds, The sum of $5,000.00, Into Administrative, Item #106-110400-559342-0, Board Member Travel Transfer from Cultural, Item #106-110301-559425-0, Fantesy Fest Bands, The sum of $613.23, Into Cultural, Item #106-110301-559471-0, Reserve for Cultural Events Transfer from Cultural, Item #106-110301-559433-0, Veterans Parade, The sum of $63.00, Into Cultural, Item #106-110301-559471-0, Reserve for Cultural Events Transfer from Cultural, Item #106-110301-559473-0, Give 'Em Hell Harry Days, The sum of $700.00, Into Cultural, Item #106-110301-559471-0, Reserve for Cultural Events 3 Transfer from Cultural, Item #106-110301-559485-0, K.W. Power Boat Race Assoc., The sum of $14,400.89, Into Cultural, Item #106-110301-559471-0, Reserve for Cultural Events Transfer from Cultural, Item #106-110302-559425-0, Fantesy Fest Bands, The sum of $104.38, Into Cultural, Item #106-110302-559471-0, Reserve for Cultural Events Transfer from Cultural, Item #106-110302-559476-0, Lower Keys Oktoberfest, The sum of $2,086.22, Into Cultural, Item #106-110302-559471-0, Reserve for Cultural Events Transfer from Cultural, Item #106-110303-559425-0, Fantesy Fest Bands, The sum of $221.81, Into Cultural, Item #106-110303-559471-0, Reserve for Cultural Events Transfer from Cultural, Item #106-110303-559474-0, Marathon - K.W. Sailboat Race, The sum of $3,815.00 Into Cultural, Item #106-110303-559471-0, Reserve for Cultural Events Transfer from Cultural, Item #106-110304-559425-0, Fantesy Fest Bands, The sum of $130.48, Into Cultural, Item #106-110304-559471-0, Reserve for Cultural Events Transfer from Cultural, Item #106-110305-559425-0, Fantesy Fest Bands, The sum of $234.85, Into Cultural, Item #106-110305-559471-0, Reserve for Cultural Events Transfer from Cultural, Item #106-110301-559471-0, Reserve for Cultural Events, The sum of $8,442.61, Into Cultural, Item #106-110301-559484-0, Public Relations Expense Transfer from Cultural, Item #106-110302-559471-0, Reserve for Cultural Events, The sum of $1,437.04, Into Cultural, Item #106-110302-559484-0, Public Relations Expense Transfer from Cultural, Item #106-110303-559471-0, Reserve for Cultural Events, The sum of $3,053.71, Into Cultural, Item #106-110303-559484-0, Public Relations Expense 4 Transfer from Cultural, Item #106-110304-559471-0, Reserve for Cultural Events, The sum of $1,796.30, Into Cultural, Item #106-110304-559484-0, Public Relations Expense Transfer from Cultural, Item #106-110305-559471-0, Reserve for Cultural Events, The sum of $3,233.34, Into Cultural, Item #106-110305-559484-0, Public Relations Expense Transfer from Promotional, Item #106-110201-559492-0, Public Relations Expense, The sum of $546.41, Into Promotional, Item #106-110201-559470-0, Reserve for Promotional Advertising Transfer from Promotional, Item #106-110202-559492-0, Public Relations Expense, The sum of $93.04, Into Promotional, Item #106-110202-559470-0, Reserve for Promotional Advertising Transfer from Promotional, Item #106-110203-559492-0, Public Relations Expense, The sum of $197.71, Into Promotional, Item #106-110203-559470-0, Reserve for Promotional Advertising Transfer from Promotional, Item #106-110204-559492-0, Public Relations Expense, The sum of $116.30, Into Promotional, Item #106-110204-559470-0, Reserve for Promotional Advertising Transfer from Promotional, Item #106-110205-559492-0, Public Relations Expense, The sum of $209.34, Into Promotional, Item #106-110203-559470-0, Reserve for Promotional Advertising Transfer from Promotional, Item #106-110201-559470-0, Reserve for Promotional Adv., The sum of $940.00, Into Promotional, Item #106-110201-559429-0, Dolphin Research Center Transfer from Promotional, Item #106-110202-559470-0, Reserve for Promotional Adv., The sum of $160.00, Into Promotional, Item #106-110202-559429-0, Dolphin Research Center Transfer from Promotional, Item #106-110203-559470-0, Reserve for Promotional Adv., The sum of $340.00, Into Promotional, Item #106-110203-559429-0, Dolphin Research Center 5 Transfer from Promotional, Item #106-110204-559470-0, Reserve for Promotional Adv., The sum of $200.00, Into Promotional, Item #106-110204-559429-0, Dolphin Research Center Transfer from Promotional, Item #106-110205-559470-0, Reserve for Promotional Adv., The sum of $360.00, Into Promotional, Item #106-110205-559429-0, Dolphin Research Center Transfer from Cultural, Item #106-110305-559471-0, Reserve for Cultural Events, The sum of $5,120.00, Into Cultural, Item #106-110305-559427-0, Back Country Fishing Tournament - Key Largo Transfer from Administrative, Item #106-110400-559344-0, Unappropriated Adm. Funds, The sum of $1,250.00, Into Administrative, Item #106-110400-559500, Legal Fees Transfer from Promotional, Item #106-110201-559423-0, Eaton's Uncrate the Sun, The sum of $7,796.64, Into Promotional, Item #106-110201-559470-0, Reserves for Promotional Advertising Transfer from Promotional, Item #106-110202-559423-0, Eaton's Uncrate the Sun, The sum of $1,327.09, Into Promotional, Item #106-110202-559470-0, Reserves for Promotional Advertising Transfer from Promotional, Item #106-110203-559423-0, Eaton's Uncrate the Sun, The sum of $2,820.06, Into Promotional, Item #106-110203-559470-0, Reserves for Promotional Advertising Transfer from Promotional, Item #106-110204-559423-0, Eaton's Uncrate the Sun, The sum of $1,658.86, Into Promotional, Item #106-110204-559470-0, Reserves for Promotional Advertising Transfer from Promotional, Item #106-110205-559423-0, Eaton's Uncrate the Sun, The sum of $2,985.95, Into Promotional, Item #106-110205-559470-0, Reserves for Promotional Advertising Transfer from Promotional, Item #106-110201-559413-0, Fantesy Fest Prom. Funds, The sum of $421.83, Into Promotional, Item #106-110201-559470-0, Reserves for Promotional Advertising 6 Transfer from Promotional, Item #106-110202-559413-0, Fantesy Fest Prom. Funds, The sum of $71.80, Into Promotional, Item #106-110202-559470-0, Reserves for Promotional Advertising Transfer from Promotional, Item #106-110203-559413-0, Fantesy Fest Prom. Funds, The sum of $152.58, Into Promotional, Item #106-110203-559470-0, Reserves for Promotional Advertising Transfer from Promotional, Item #106-110204-559413-0, Fantesy Fest Prom. Funds, The sum of $89.74, Into Promotional, Item #106-110204-559470-0, Reserves for Promotional Advertising Transfer from Promotional, Item #106-110205-559413-0, Fantesy Fest Prom. Funds, The sum of $161.55, Into Promotional, Item #106-110205-559470-0, Reserves for Promotional Advertising Transfer from Promotional, Item #106-110201-559499-0, Orange Bowl Float, The sum of $954.16, Into Promotional, Item #106-110201-559470-0, Reserves for Promotional Advertising Transfer from Promotional, Item #106-110202-559499-0, Orange Bowl Float, The sum of $162.41, Into Promotional, Item #106-110202-559470-0, Reserves for Promotional Advertising Transfer from Promotional, Item #106-110203-559499-0, Orange Bowl Float, The sum of $345.12, Into Promotional, Item #106-110203-559470-0, Reserves for Promotional Advertising Transfer from Promotional, Item #106-110204-559499-0, Orange Bowl Float, The sum of $203.02, Into Promotional, Item #106-110204-559470-0, Reserves for Promotional Advertising Transfer from Promotional, Item #106-110205-559499-0, Orange Bowl Float, The sum of $365.42, Into Promotional, Item #106-110205-559470-0, Reserves for Promotional Advertising Transfer from Promotional, Item #106-110201-559470-0, Reserves for Prom. Adv., The sum of $9,870,00, Into Promotional, Item #106-110201-559489-0, Mail Fulfillment - Trade 7 Transfer from Promotional, Item #106-110202-559470-0, Reserves for Prom. Adv., The sum of $1,680.00, Into Promotional, Item #106-110202-559489-0, Mail Fulfillment - Trade Transfer from Promotional, Item #106-110203-559470-0, Reserves for Prom. Adv., The sum of $3,570.00, Into Promotional, Item #106-110203-559489-0, Mail Fulfillment - Trade Transfer from Promotional, Item #106-110204-559470-0, Reserves for Prom. Adv, , The sum of $2,100.00, Into Promotional, Item #106-110204-559489-0, Mail Fulfillment - Trade WORKMENS COMP FUND Transfer from Operating Expenses, Item #501-330020-590452-0, Penalties & Interest, The sum of $75.00, Into Administrative Expenses, Item #501-330010-590462-0, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Administrative, Item #501-330010-590510-0, Office Supplies, The sum of $500.00, Into Administration, Item #501-330010-590511-0, Office Equipment - Non-expendable Transfer from Safety, Item #501-330030-590510-0, Office Supplies, The sum of $500.00, Into Safety, Item #401-330030-590511-0, Office Supplies - Non-expendable Transfer from Operating, Item #501-330020-590451-0, Excess Agr, Ins., The sum of $1,000.00, Into Administration, Item #501-330010-590640-0, Capital Outlay Equipment BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of the Board of said Board be and he is hereby authorized to take the necessary action to effect the transfer of funds hereinafter set forth. 8 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 2nd day of June, A.D. 1987. (SEAL) ATTEST : DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA W4Vo- ~-4/f '-I!2~1~.fJ/ C RK . j :~/'~rit:~ ',,; .--.--.-----,, --..~j1 . ,~:..:-,'.'..e ~ 9