Resolution 428-1987 , . James R. Paros, Director Emergency Services RESOLUTION NO. 428-1987 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN PROFESSIONAL EMERGENCY SERVICES, INC. AND THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONCERNING THE PERFORMANCE AND SERVICES OF MEDICAL DIRECTOR. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Chairman is hereby authorized to execute an Agreement by and between Professional Emergency Services, Inc. and the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, a copy of same being attached hereto, concerning the performance and services of Medical Director. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 3rd day of November, A.D. 1987. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By,g~~.? Y N (SEAL) ATTESTPANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk -./2.k ,f(!-1' A~ C ERK ' APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. /) fJY ~ '!HIS .AGRE:EMENT, made and entered into effective this 198 , by and between Professional Elnergency Services, Inc., as the "Consultant," and the Board of County Ccmnissioners, hereinafter referred to as the "County." day of , hereinafter referred. to M:>nroe County, Florida, WI'l'NESSE'IH : WHEREAS, l-bnroe COlmty is reSIX>nsible for pre-lnspital emergency nedical services in the following geograpuc areas: Mmicipal Services Taxing Districts (Mm>) 1-A, 1-B, 1-<:, 1-0, 2, 3, 4-A, and 4-B, r-tmroe County, Florida. WHEREAS, netical direction is essential to the integratioo of Basic and Mvanced Life SUI={X>rt; and, it is deemed IOOSt feasible to have a CCI'lsultant with the skills and experience to deal with emergency medical issues am institutions; and WHEREAS, Professional Doorgency Services, me. is a Florida Q):rporation providing errergency physician staffing and ~, with physicians duly licensed in the State of Florida, and possessing qualifications and experience in the area of Emel:gency Medicine, and WHE:REAS, Dr. Sandra Sc~, of Professiooal Fmergency Services, Inc. or designee, shall perfonn duties of Medical Director, and the parties have agreed upon the tenns and con:li. tions of providing service to !blroe O:>\mty and desire to reduce such tet:ms and ronditions to writing: NCm, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual pranises set out hel:ein, the parties hereto nutually agree as follows: ARl'ICLE I: Scope of Se:rvices: Professional Elnergency Services shall do the following: 1. Be responsible to the Director of M:mroe County Doorgency Services Depart::ne1t for the perfonnance of the services of ~ical Director, as required by Section 401.265, Florida statutes and 100-66.50 Florida Administrative Code, and as llDre specifically defined in this agreenent. 2. SUpe:rvise and acx::ept direct responsibility for the medical perfonnance of the EXcergency loEdical Teclmicians and Paramedics working for M:>nroe County. 3. Be responsible for advising the County as to his/her assessment of the catprtenoe of each of the M:mroe County eI1l>loyed Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics and for making recarmendations regarding the medical procedures which each J.I1ndn<}eu(,y Medical Teclmician and Paramedic slnuld be aut::lDrized to perform. 4. Continually evaluate the medical capability of the Fmergency Madical Technicians and Paramedics eI1l>loyed by !b1roe County and advise the County regarding the appropriate level and standard of care which its ambulance ser:vioe slx:Juld seek to achieve. 5. I:rrttaliately report to the Florida State ~t of Health and Rehabilitative Services and to the l-bnroe County Director of &rergency Services aIr:! Paramedic or Emergency M3d!cal Teclmician he deems to be i.noa'rprtent in the perfonnance of his/her duties. 6. Assist in identifying the specific medical skills and knowledge which Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics must possess to achieve the desired level and standard of care. 7. Assist in identifying the training and experience necessary for the Emergency Medical Teclmicians and Paramedics to acquire the desired skills and knowledge and, in cooperation with ar.proved educational programs, in assuring that each Emergency Medical Technician and Pararcedic receives such training and experience as required. 8. Participate as an instructor in the in-service educational program of the service. 9. Develop and inp1ement a patient care Quality Assurance System to assess the medical ~rfonnance of Paramedics and Emergency ~cal Technicians working for M':Xu:oe County. Such Quality Assurance System nust canply with such staOOards and requi.rarents as may be set forth by the Florida State Deperbtlent of Health and Rehabilitative Services fran time to t:i.me. 10. Develop, or review for medical correctness, and authorize for use, standinq orders and protocols to pennit specified Mvanced Life SUpport procedures when camumications cannot be established with a FhYsician or llhm any delay in patient care ~uld have potential life threatening cmsequences. 11. Be responsible for the medical correctness of the standing orders am for properly instructing the Brergency Medical Teclmicians and Paranedics regarding the use of standing orders. 12. Retain the ultimate authority to prohibit any Pararcedic fran perfor:m:inq Basic Life SuRX'rt or Advanced Life Support procedures or any ~cy Medical Tedmician fran perfonning Basic Life SuRX'rt procedures for!t:mroe COunty, based on the medical ~rfo:rmance of the ~rsormel. 13. At:p.rove medications and/or equipnent that is to be carried on board the Basic or Advanced Life SuRX'rt vehicles. 14. Approve medication inventory techniques and sd1edules and assure that they be in a:mpliance with all applicable Federal and State Laws. 15. Coordinate lDspital and energency roan liaison between the various hospitals and the Basic or Advanced Life Support Services of b1roe County. 16. Provide for on-line medical directioo by a Physician wb:> is inmediately available, when medically ClppLOpriate, for CCJmIlTlication with Par8medics and Emergency Medical Teclmicians. . 17. Establish and irrplement pt'ot:ocols for medical cc.namication. 18. Serve, in ooncert with the z.tmroe County Director Emergency 5eJ:vioes, as liaison bebieen Ivbnroe O:>unty aIX1 the various caami.ty hospitals, medical associations, and tre various training institutioos wi thin the oamIlI1i ty . 19. Serve as medical oonsultant to M:>nroe Cblmty in the developnent of analyses and reUJIIIlCl!datians related to su:::h emergency medical issues as may arise frail time to time. 20. Assist in making applications for variances, as may be needed fran t.ine to time in tre operation of tre ant:>u1ance service, in canpliance with 100-66.63 Florida Administrative Code. ARl'ICLE II: M::mroe Co\mty agrees to do the following: 1. 'lb a::mply with the Federal, state statutes and County Ordinances as well as rules and regulations relating to Mvanced Life Support and to maintain an Advanced Life su~rt Anbulance Service state License. 2. 'lb provide the Medical Director access to all F)[ergency Medical Teclmicians/Paramedi.cs when requested, pertinent cx:nmmication and/or documents involved with the County Pre-Hospital Energency ~i cal Services System. 3. 'lb provide Medical Director a written :report of any am all g.s personnel who are known to have violated any standing order or verbal order. '1b i.nmedi.ately suspend or rem:J\Te, upon the request of the Medical Director, frail any antJulance, any Paramedic or Energency Madical Technician deEmed by the Medical Director as not having exercised appropriate m:dical jmqement, not maintaining the required level of emergency medical coopetency and knowledge, or who may be urrler investigation in regard to the foregoing . files and records of and provide oopies of operatim of the M:mroe 4. Except as may be provided by geIV!ral law, to keep all medical records confidential and allow no CCIIIlIl1'1ication of records or patient infomatian without a wri tten release iran the Medical Director. 5. 'lb provide for secretarial services to facilitate Medical Director's perfonnance of the duties required \moor this Agreen'ent. 6. 'lb pay the Professional Emergency Services, Inc., the am::JllIlt of $30,000.00 annually, to be paid in twelve (12) equal nonthly payments, for the services provided pursuant to this contract. Payment may be mailed to: . Professional Emergency Services, Inc. P.O. B:>x 1131 Islamarada, FL 33036 ARI'ICLE III: 1. '!he tenn of this contract shall be for two years, effective ()c'td)er 1, 1987. 'l'hi.s contract shall be autanatica11y renewed unless either party shall give at least sixty (60) days written notice, prior to the cooc1usim of any two year term, of such party's intention to terminate this Contract. ARTICLE N: 1. Professional Bnergency Services, Inc. agrees to provide am keep in effect, at its own expense, professional liability insurance in the anomts of $100,000/$300,000 covering the Medical Director during the tenn of this agreement. IN WI'lNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands on the date first written above at , M:mroe Colmty, Florida. POOFESSIONAL ~ SERVICES, INC. BY: SANDRA SClIft!M4ER, D.O. Witness witness OOJ\RD (R CCUITY CXJIlIISSIamRS (R ~ caJN'1'Y, P'UIODA B!l: Mr\roRICHJWI4Mt (SEAL) Attest: CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEG/1L. 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