Resolution 126-1988 - .. George Harper RESOLUTION NO, 126 -1988 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO EXECUTE A DATA PROCESSING SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN NICK E, SILVERIO & ASSOCIATES, INC, AND MONROE COUNTY. WHEREAS, the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County has determined that there is a need for a data processing services agreement; and WHEREAS, Monroe County has advertised for proposals for its software requirements; and WHEREAS, Nick E, Silverio & Associates, Inc, has been selected as the best bidder who reponded to the invitation for proposals and has tendered a data processing services agreement to the County, which agreement is acceptable to the County; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: Section 1, The County does hereby accept the data processing services agreement, dated the 18th day of November, 1987, tendered by Nick E. Silverio & Associates, Inc" a copy of which is attached hereto, Section 2, The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of the County, PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 15th day of March , A,D" 1988, (SEAL) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA /7 . ?~ < ~ By v,..,,:::..~ ~/,,;..,b/ M"ayor a1.rman Attest: DANNY L. KOLI-IAGE, Clerk ~ .. C~~ RL/jeh DL- , , Ci" ':':' /.'"' lC, .- . "..(2'.""':.'.1> ...., ,"'.:' ," ",' ,,'" ,". , . --" -------- " '._ --=."___"2_~~_.__.__ i ": ' "~~'I :':;;"-~ ':-~~ '-if , ,,' \';{ 'I ~~ DATA PROCESSIIfG ._VICKS ~II"" <! THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into the ____ day of , 19 ___, by and between NICK J:, SILVERIO & ASSOCIATES, INC" a Florida corporation, whose principal place of bu.in.s. is at 6801 N,W. 77th Avenue, Suite 404, Miami, Florida 33166, h.reinafter r.f.rr.d to as "SILVERIO AND ASSOCIATES", and "aro. Countv whose address is Public S.rvice Buildina WinG II X.y....t, FL, 33040 hereinaft.r called "CLIENT". WHEREAS, SILVERIO AND ASSOCIATES has an ability to rend.r data proc...ing ..rvice., and the CLIENT i. de.irou. of Obtaining the ..rvic.. of SILVERIO AND ASSOCIATES, NOW, in con.id.ration of the mutual COVenaDt. her.in contain- ed, aDd other good and valuable consideration, the suffici.ncy of which i. ecknowledged by both partie., the partie. agr.e as follow.: 1. Deacri>>tion of Work and Services ';;.?: SILVERIO AND ASSOCIATES agrees to provide to CLIENT those service. enumerated on each approved Work Order in a workaanlike manner,' Each approved Work Order will be .ade a part of this Agre..ent. Any other work reque.ted by CLIENT aft.r the ex.cution of a Work Order, either verbally or in writing, be it a chan.. or addition, .hall be considered additional work and char98d to CLIENT at SILVERIO AND ASSOCIATES' then hourly rates in addition to the contract.d fee, SILVERIO AND ASSOCIATES makes no warranty, expres. or implied, .xc.pt that the servic.. performed and p~ovided ahall accompli.h tho.e task. enUID.rated in the Silverio and A..ociat.. bid respons., attach.d her. to and ..d. a part hereof, Silv.rio and A..ociat.. ahall not b. liable for any direct, indirect, coneequential or incidental d..ag.. .risin9 out of improp.r u.e of the .oftwar. includift9 but not limited to ~ u.. of .rroneou. data, . "!." ._:il-:; ;; '~~. , .~ ." . -~'. .J.... .-; ,l l~ , 1t1 ..~ :::"1" ..~ir... ,)~ ~' ':'"" a. OWAerahiD aDd U.e of Software CLIENT acknowledq.. that IILVBRIO AID A880CIATZS h.. a val_.-1. proprietary int.re.t in 'tM .oft..... ... c..,..t. .....loped 'e.. CLID'l', Accordin9ly, SILVDIO AR> AS8OCIAft8, ... it. heir. anci _i...., ...~.in title and ownerahip 'to all 8O'~n and PI"09I'-. ....1.... for CLIDft' and SILftRIO Me AS8OCIAft8 nKalns all ri9ht. te cepyri9ht ...., CLIENT a.r.e. to .-ploy it. beet .ffort. to protect 81l..rio and A..ociat.. inter..t in ~. 8Of't..re ~'t ahall not be liable fer any......., direct or indirect, reeultl.. f~ any accidential 4I-lecloeur. , ",', " ,." ~.'..._...,........'2C.'.i .,.1 :',1,. ~, '~ , . ".~ - 1 - ";;; :,:.~ -....... "'~~...,-...<- , - :-,,:,,": i' ~~_- "'.~' .-~, 4J, 1:,':/. \r;"r~'. '<'c,'.;.' '{~-:.: 'J f'" . . , Iii CLIENT"S alteration or modification to the software will automatically cancel SILVERIO AND ASSOCIATES' further obligation and r.lieve it of any future liability under this Agreement, SILVERIO AND ASSOCIATES does grant CLIENT a lic.n.e to use this software in its own business operation. This license is not transferable, SILVERIO AND ASSOCIATES will, upon CLIENT'S request and writt.n .gr....nt to pay the cost of same, place a copy of the softw.re relat.d to CLIENT'S work in escrow with a mutually acceptable third p.rty and pursuant to mutually acceptable terms, CLIENT understands that this software is held in trust for CLIBNT'S conv.nienc. and would be av.il.ble to CLIENT only wh.n SILVERIO AND ASSOCIATES i8 no longer in _.iness and .ble to service CLIENT, and only purau.nt to the tenas of .aid ..crow agreement, CLIENT, its ..ployee. .nd agents, will protect the confident- i.lity .nd propri.tary nature of the softw.re, and rel.ted ~nt.tion and concepts, and will not distribute, copy or otherwise make .uch .v.il.ble in .ny form to any third p.rty, CLIENT acknowledge. th.t SILVERIO AND ASSOCIATES may hold CLIENT liable for its direct, in- cidental and consequential damages suffered a. . r..ult of deliber.te or negligent disclosure, 3. Confidentiality SILVERIO AND ASSOCIATES agree. to maintain .. confidential tho.. busin... affair. of CLIENT which are ..d. known to SILVERIO AND ASSOCIATES in the performance of its work and .ervic... 4. CLIENT C...itm.nt. (.) CLIENT agr..s to de.ignat. a person to .ct as the CLI.-r's repr.sentative with r.spect to the s.rvice. to be prefo~ by SILVIDUO AND ASSOCIATES under this Agr....nt, This person .hall have c...let. .uthority to tran..it instruction., rec.ive info~tion, inter- ....t and defilM the CLIBNT'. polici.., and to CIlIIII ~1I\1cat.e the CLIDft" s ...1.1..s ~rdlng the project, including but not li.1t.. to authority t.o ........t c........ .nd acldi tions to the Avre_.nt, (b) CLIENT agrees to provide SILVlaIO . ASSOCIATES the nec.s- -1'7 1_ hardware, 1_ software and 1M ..auals ~1rec1 \lRder th18 ....._.nt. (e) CLIBNT .9r..s to provide .11 nec....ry da~a proces.ing ~11e. a" cables requir.d for the no~l operatlon of data pro....l,.. tMplipatent a. it relat.. to work requlred uader this ""'._ant. (d) CLIENT ..r..s to allow SILVSRIO AMD ASSOCIATES .cc..s to 1 ts 1_ ha.....r. .nd software during nortHl "~i_ bu.i.... hours. (e) CLIIIIft' .4)reeS to ti_ly provi_ IILftalO AIR) ASSOCIA'l'ZS all dat. a" lnforaation nec....ry for SILYlaIO AMD ASSOCIATES to perIOral it. work aDd servic.. and to allow for jo1at t..tlft9 aftd confir- _~1on of thls work, - 2 - ..t" ,.,.. (') l' r~~( , 4 'I ,....... ......1'... Pp ;'f.' (f) with, directly ASSOCIATES for Agreement, (g) as.iCjJnable by ASSOCIATES, CLIENT agrees not to offer employment to or to contract or indirectly, any employee or contractor of SILVERIO AND a period of one (1) year from the termination date of this "~l ~ ~.. "',: .."~ :iJ. ~; ,,:,-,'{ CLIENT understands and agrees that this Agreement is not CLIENT without the prior written approval of SILVERIO AND \:1 ,~~: 5. Payments '-:,~t~ \~~ ,if' ;~ .~ .~~ ;;~ }1 )'~ 1 .r CLIENT agree. to pay SILVERIO AND ASSOCIATES a. indicat.d on all approved Work Order(s), Invoices will be sua.itted per the.. Work Orders reflecting service. render.d by SILVERIO AND ASSOCIATES at CLIBNT'. r.que.t, CLIENT a.r... to r..it payment immediately upon r.c.ipt of SILVERIO AND ASSOCIATES' invoic.., The current hourly rat.s for SILVERIO AND ASSOCIATES are not.d on the attached Work Ord.r(s), Hourly f.e. are billed in quart.r hour increments. Travel and oth.r out-of-pocket expen..s incurred by SILVERIO AND ASSOCIATES in performing .ervic.. for CLIENT under this Agr.ement will be billed to CLIENT and included in it. bills to CLIENT, 6. Timetable SILVERIO AND ASSOCIATES e.timate. that it will be able to complete the work and ..rvice. .num.rat.d on each Work Order within the time frame specified in .ach Work Order, Howev.r, both partie. acknowl.dge this is a good faith .stimate which can b. aff.cted by circumstance. beyond the control of SILVERIO AND ASSOCIATES, CLIENT aCjJr..s that failure by SILVERIO AND ASSOCIATES to complete the enumerat.d work and ..rvice. by this date will not b. construed a br.ach of this Agr....nt nor .xpo.. SILVERIO AND ASSOCIATES to any liability, unl..s such d.lay is the r.sult of int.ntional wrongdoing on the part of SILvaRIO AND ASSOCIATES. N.ither party ahall be __ed in default of this Agr....nt becaus. of a failure to perform due to acts of God, civil or ailitary authority, civil distur~nce, war, atrik., fire or other events beyond a party'. rea.onable control, <~ , :?;~i~ "1 ';A~ 1 ';</' )~ ,~ ~I r I 7. "fault t Both parti.s a9r.. that all .atters relating to this Aqr....nt are aaterial and affect t:M auce4t..'ul c-.pletion of the work and .ervic.s to 1M providecl Ity SILftalO AI8) A88OCIATlS, Any kr..ch .f tJw tentS ... provisions .f this A9r_nt by CLISNT will cause SIL"'IO AND ASSOCIATES to te~iftate this A~ftt. CLIBNT will be provided written notice of such breach and an opportunity to cure .... within thr.. (3) day. of rec.ipt of such notic., Failure of CLIBHT to affi~t1vely cur. the breach or default will relieve 8IL...IO AMD ASSOCIATa8 .f any ebli.atioft or liability under this A9r..- ___t, SILVERIO AND A8SOCIATIS al.o retains the ri9ht to l.gally enforce CLI.,' s oII>li..ti08. uader tilt. ...~._.nt. - 3 - " ,- f. '~,'.o.A..l....:':'., \Cl._"'M~,_~_")~.~"",,.",~.~~,,:~~._...~_.>,.,ft"i'''',#'-'_4t'~'o-r,...+..~~-..._-~_."-.~.~,...,,,....- .~.~ "-'--~.'~'~'r~<:r-,~"'.."':.-"":"::~.',--~..-':~""'~':'~."7" --.' ,'" ~ . """'.'-". -,> ......-~ .-....,..,.,........----"'--...........-. &1. ~~, ~'., ~{'~"~ T .~1< '\,'.1 ;..~I <.:.~t~ ',.\ ~ " , : .>;~ :.:) "~ ;'..';~~;~ .... .. >':; ~ Jt. .~t ,j "." ,< ,;~ ;f~ .~(, -.' ,~;' l :i 4) ;~ ..~. .,1, ." ;';... 'i;;: ~ .~ '.. ~ ~ ~; ,I .:.~.~ " :..~ .~ I I 'r ~) '" ~ I ~ tl ;,t...",,-,!,\ ,,'t.,..~"":; ,.,.._.,..... 8. Bntire Agreement CLIENT and SILVERIO AND ASSOCIATES under.tand and agree that thi. Agr....nt supersede. and cancel. any and all prior and existing agr....nt., under.tanding., repr...ntations or .tat...nts, oral or in writing, betw.en the parties with r..pect to the subject .atter o~ this A9r....nt. 9. Partial Invalidity If any items or provision. of this Agr....nt .hall be found to >>e ill.gal or un.nforc.abl., th.n, notwith.tanding 8Uch ill.gality or unenforc.ability, this A9r....nt ahall r...in in full forc. and .ff.ct and 8Uch t.rm or provi.ion ahall ~ 4e..-d to be del.t.d, 10. Choic. of Law This Agr....nt" its performance and all di.put.. arisin9 here- under, .hall be gov.rned by the law of the Stat. of Florida and both partie. agr.. that a proper v.nu. for any action .hall be Dade County, 11. Attorney'. F... Th. pr.vailin9 party in any action brought to .nforc. the provisions of this Agr....nt .hall be entitled to an award of all costs, including r.asonabl. attorn.y'. f..., . 12. Succ...or. and As.iana Thi. Agr....nt ahall iaur. to the IMnefit of and be bindinCJ upon the r..p.ctiv. .ucc...or., heirs and a..lens, if any, of the p.rti.., exc.pt th.t nothing contained in this per..raph ahall be COI'UJtrued to perait any .tt~.. ...i....nt which would be void or uaeutheri8" pur.u.nt to any other provi.ion of this A9r._nt, IN WI.,... tBHOI', tile ...rti.. ... c..__ tlli a A9re_nt to !Nt ..ecuted 011 the "y aNI yatar written ....ve. MONROE C~UNTY CeLl"') -- 8. ...-.. _ A.IICI...., IE. -, . ~ f.1Ii-~ /0 k/fkd- .Ml'tnlM4. "'fitle) N,'cl E. ..f/LV./Vl/o (hi..... ....) 8y: (....... ... Yltl.) Mayor/Chairman (...:1.... ....) (SEAL) Attest: - .. - Cleric rY ~; ~"'..',:.:I'..'~"." ,.~.,:, ..., ,," ~*4IG; ~' .,. ..~.,,~." j -~..~ ';\',p;'~-- ~ ;. R_.__,......._..,'"._,...~M~_......_c:._ .._____.;.:......