Resolution 298-1988 Paul Wick Grants Manager RESOLUI'ION NO. 298-1988 A RESOLUrION OF 1HE BOARD OF COUNI'Y C<M1ISSIONERS OF IDNROE COUNlY, FLORIDA, AunIORIZIN; 1lIE SUBMISSION OF GRANT APPLICATIONS TO 1HE FLORIDA DEPAR'IMENI' OF NATURAL RESOURCES, DIVISION OF BEACHFS AND SHORES, EROSION CONrROL PR.CnW1, FOR STATE FUNDIN; FOR FISCAL YEAR 1989-90 AND FISCAL YEAR 1990-91 AND DIRECTING 1lIE EXECUTION OF SAME BY 1HE PROPER a:>uNI.'Y AUlliORITIF:S. WHEREAS, the Florida Depa.rtIIEnt of Natural Resources, Division of Beaches and Shores, has issued a call for the submission of applicatioris for State support for fiscal years 1989-90 and 1990-91 for beach restoration and renourislmmt proj ects under their Erosion Control Program, and WHEREAS, the Florida Depa.rtIIEnt of Natural Resources will pay seventy-five percent (75%) of the cost of state approved projects with a local project share of twenty-five percent (25%), and WHEREAS, if there is federal participation in beach restoration or renourislmmt proj ects , the federal share of proj ect costs shall be fifty percent (50%), with the Florida Departmmt of Natural Resources paying thirty-seven and one-half percent (37%%), with a local project share of twelve and one-half percent (12%%), and WHEREAS, the M:mroe County Board of County Conmissioners desires to participate in the said program, nOW', therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY 1lIE BOARD OF COUNIY CCM1ISSIONERS OF M)NROE COUNl'Y, FLORIDA, that the County Administrator is hereby directed to su1:ni.t applications to the Florida Depart:IIe1t of Natural Resources under the said program and to execute the necessary doCl.lIEt1ts in furtherance thereof. PASSED AND ADOPl'ED by the Board of County Coomissioners of l>bnroe County, Florida, at a regular neeting of said Board held on the 19th day of July, A.D. 1988. BOARD OF COUNl'Y CG1MISSIONERS OF MOOROE COUNI'Y, FLOIRDA BY: f2~~ .t (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk JJ..L,~~/),~