Resolution 112-1987 I'......... , --. .-- Commissioner Gene Lytton RESOLUTION NO. 112- 1987 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THAT THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CONFIRM THE NEED FOR, EVALUATE DESIGN ALTERNATIVES AND IMPLE- MENT CONSTRUCTION/INSTALLATION AS APPROPRIATE FOR FIVE SPECIFIC U.S.#l/S.R.S IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS IN THE LOWER KEYS AREA; REQUESTING FDOT TO INCORPORATE ONE OF THESE FIVE PROJ- ECTS INTO A CURRENTL Y PLANNED FEDERAL AID RESURFACING PROJECT ON CUDJOE KEY AND ACCEL- ERATE THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE MODIFIED PROJECT TO FY88-89; DIRECTING THE CLERK OF THE BOARD TO FORWARD A CERTIFIED COPY HEREOF TO FDOT. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, has recently and on numerous prior occasions expressed its concern over the continually increasing level of traffic congestion along U.S. #1 throughout the Florida Keys; and WHEREAS, in view of usage of U. S. III by existing County residents, recent commercial institutional, and residential development that has occurred in certain locations in the Lower Keys as well as steadily increasing tourist and through traffic, all of which are contributory to and impact on the operational level of service along U.S. #l/S.R.S, said Board, along with its Public Works Department staff and Engineering Consultant, has identified five specific Lower Keys area potential U.S.#l/S.R.S improvement proj ects that should be evaluated by the Florida Department of Transportation, as the managing agency for for the State Primary System of which U.S./Il/S.R.S forms a part, to determine whether the design and construction of such proj ects will in fact alleviate traffic congestion and thus improve the level of service; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that Section 1. The Florida Department of Transportation is requested to confirm the need for, evaluate potential design alternatives and, if determined to be necessary in order to assist in alleviating congested traffic conditions and relieve other U.S.#l/S.R.S related problems, implement the con- struction/insta11ation thereof of the following five specific Lower Keys area D.S.Hl/S.R.S improvement projects at the earliest possible time: a. At Mile Marker 10.7 on Big Coppitt Key - intersection of D.S.H1 and Jade Drive near County Road C-941 intersection - project would include installation of a right turn deceleration lane for southwest bound traffic and a left turn storage lane for northeast bound traffic. b. At Mile Marker 22.9 on Cudjoe Key - intersection of D.S.Hl and Spanish Main Road - project would include installation of a left turn storage lane for southwest bound traffic and a right turn deceleration land for northeast bound traffic. c. At approximately Mile Marker 2S in the vicinity of Dion's Quik Mart on Summer1and Key - project would include investigation of impact of recent D.S.Hl/S.R.S shoulder maintenance work and turn off projects now completed by FOOT which have resulted in stormwater runoff drainage being improperly diverted upon properties contiguous to the D.SHl/S.R.% right-of-way as well as within said right-of-way fronting the properties in question. d. At Mile Marker 30 on Big Pine Key - project would include a right turn deceleration lane for southwest bound traffic and a left turn storage lane for northeast bound traffic for the D.S. Post Office facility at that location. e. At Mile Marker 31.2 on Big Pine Key - project would include a right turn deceleration land for northerly bound traffic on the curvilinear portion of D.SHl/S.R.S to serve the St. Peters Catholic Church property at that location. 2. The Florida Department of Transportation is further requested to consider installation of proj ect "b" above at D. S .111 and Spanish Main Drive on Cudjoe Key in conjunction with their currently planned Federal Aid resurfacing and repaving project, WPIH6116794, from Bow Channel to Kemp Channel, now scheduled for 2 fiscal year 89/90 in the FDOT's draft five year work program and that said project, as modified by incorporating project "b" above be accelerated to FY88/89. 3. The Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners is hereby instructed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to Mr. John Taylor, District VI Deputy Assistant Secretary for FDOT at 401 NW Second Avenue, Room 220, Miami, Florida 33128. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 17th day of February, A.D., 1987. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ f (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. ROmAGE, Clerk ~A.: ~IJI!. APPROVED AS YC WG/I' '" 'rr""- /\ AN, -' iL ':"(J "'-":.;. 0" l llJ ~ ~-t / BY ~....:-"_:..- . "". . ' Auomo"$ 0,"., ~. 3