Resolution 290-1986 William B. Spottswood, Attorney for Petitioners Charles & Patricia Roswell RESOLUTION NO. 290 -1986 RESOLUTION SETTING DATE, TIME AND PLACE FOR PUBLIC HEARING FOR PROPOSED ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF DRIFTWOOD DRIVE, KEY HAVEN, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, desires to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways, and WHEREAS, under Chapter 336, Florida Statutes, it is neces- sary to hold a public hearing after publishing due notice of said hearing in accordance with said Chapter, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that at 3:00 P.M., Friday, November 7, 1986, in Courtroom "B", 500 Whitehead Street, Key West, Monroe County, Florida, said Board will hold a public hearing to deter- mine whether or not said Board will renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the following described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways: A parcel of land lying in Key Haven Tenth Addition a Subdivision of Part of Raccoon Key and adjacent submerged lands in Sections 23 and 26, Township 67 South, Range 25 East, Monroe County, Florida, as recorded in Plat Book 5 at Page 114 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: BEGIN at the West corner of Lot 7, Block 6 of the aforesaid plat bear South 390 25' East for a distance of 701.96 feet to the beginning of a curve, concave to the West and having a radius of 97.88 feet; thence Southerly along said curve for an arc distance of 89.34 feet; thence South 850 02' 05" West for a distance of 55.68 feet; thence North 290 29' 10" East for a distance of 3.53 feet to the beginning of a curve, concave to the West and having a radius of 47.88 feet; thence Northerly along said curve for an arc distance of 57.58 feet; thence North 390 25' West for a distance of 693.29 feet; thence North 400 45' East for a distance of 50.74 feet back to the Point of Beginning. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be, and he is hereby authorized to publish notice of said meeting in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 336, Florida Statutes. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 1f!iJ day of ~9.,-tI!.!IfJ bt!!r- , A.D. 1986. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~--- .. By ~.'-'~"':;-~ .:..~ ayor ha1..rman ( Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~...k ,{Jc&~ i).,1 C er " 2 . PETITION FOR ROAD ABANDONMENT TO: Board of County Commissioners, Monroe County, Florida DATE: Auqust 6. 1986 Charles A. Roswell and Patricia Daniele Roswell, his wife, by WILLIAM B. SPO'ITSWCX>D, as Attorney in fact hereby petitions the Honorable Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described street, alley-way, road or highway as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, a COEt of which is attached hereto. CHAR S A. ROSWELL AND PATRICIA DANIELE ROSWELL his wife, by WILLIAM B. SPOTTSWOOD, as attorney in fact ' x~/are the sole owner(s) of Lot(s) 28, Block 3. and Lot 7. Block 6, Key Haven-Tenth Addition Attached to this Petition and made a part hereof and marked 'Exhibit 'IA" is. the ~~R/plat/~~stxS{~ of survey of Key Haven-Tenth Addition, as recorded in Plat Book 5 at Page 114 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. with the property owned by Petitioner outlined in black and that portion of Driftwood Drive Petitioner seeks to have abandoned marked with diagonal lines. Petitioner seeks to have the above-described portion of Driftwood Drive abandoned as it is outlined on the attached survey because: they are desirous of vacating Driftwood Drive and making said Driftwood Drive a private easerrent. See the attached Agreementwhich is made a part hereof and marked Exhibit liB". Petitioner certifies that the abandonment of said road will not take away from other property holders' right of ingress and egress to their property, and that the 19~ taxes on the land owne d by the Petitioners .have been paid. Petitioner agrees to be responsible for and pay for all costs of apvertising and recording fees incurred relative to this request for the vacation. Petitioner further furnishes this Board with letters of no objection from the utility companies, attached hereto and marked Exhibi ts C, D, E, F & G . and a of the names and addresses 0: I[!h~nt property owners, a copy of which is attached hereto and TIlarked Exhibi t \-\ Peti tioner agrees to gran"t any easement necessary for the furnishing of utilities, including without limitation electric power, water, sewer, telephone, gas, cable and other electric communication services to the same extent as is common within this area as to height, width and degree, upon request for such service or by the Board of County Commissioners through its authorized agents. WHEREFORE, Petitioner formally requests the Honorable Board t of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to grant this / / l Byl. petition. By: STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS COUNTY OF MONROE ) BEFORE ME, the undersigned notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personally appeared CHARLES A. ROSWELL AND PATRICIA DANIELE ROSWELL, his wife, by WILLIAM B. SPOTTSWOOD, as attorney in fact~ --- ,~~ who, first being duly cautioned and sworn, deposes and states they are that ~~tk&/the perso~ described in the foregoing instrument they have and that ~xk~~/personal knowledge of the facts and matters alleged therein and that each of these facts and matters are true their and correct to the best of ~;knowledge and belief. & -F'J.. day of SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ~ 198~, in the County and State first above written. Not;;; 'fullic l SJ~ (SEAL) My Commission expires: "~'l~ !JF rtll:lIO' t:OTlRY '1;1'1.1: ~:"~ . r.cT. 9,1- R'/ Cili\:m~lQ,1 t,:"~' ps.UIO. I BOlDEO lK~U GE~LR .. ! .~. , t .,'" . ~ .' , ...", I ..., 1\.' .' .' I " / .." 0' , 0/ '" t-, I / I "l ~ ,., '" :< ~ to-~.. l w, = '-.....~ V - , g:). " . L. - 0 ~f ~ ~lI'l~ t<") '.." -, ,.., lD.... ';;1 ::) t 0. lD ~ 0\1..... ',~ ...J~z ,lU ..-r - >- a: c;:)IO~ 0: :ofT W __~~U - ~ c:: ::>-X . O..J I- U 4!l ''.i). ~ v::~ .: I- ~ o - z I J I /. .0: - CD OgO"'13~ : \ 1 N , c' ~~ Co -", tEl t/) Ot co or 1 - oa:l U1 cr<% .... <:' lAIa ~ Z oJ", -' ~~ c([ :: .... ;,.,") <I I, U) " . ';.,./ " ....~ ,,-'.- \ /..' ~' ---/ ...-0'-6 \ // /' \ 0" ~ \ / \ . :), ~ ~C?\ ~ ' . \ cO .. \ ." \ \..../ \~ ~ \ . ".., --\~~~ ) 0\\ ..(\ "" ~ N -; u'i o,o~-{" :3 l;I co 01'\ 0- ... co ~@~\O .... - ~ c:::r ~. N C\J , rn '!' 0:' \P - C\J <Xl .J \Q e- N J t..O - IAI - cr Z6 -1 tJt ~. ":' ... .N - L. q. /1" cr _ 't.. -..., o 6J l.,> . m '<! - . W .0 c::: '" 82 0 " I 3 tl C"..J {\J '\ , ( ~ \\ - A C\ry\~\\ <::r ('.J '" " Ii 'PHIL": ~-) & TRICE SURVEYING, INC. Professional Land Surveyors 1204 Simonton Street Key West, Florida 33040 (305) 294-4747 JACK M. PHilLIPS, P.L.S. FLORIDA CERTIFICATE NO 1410 JOE M. TRICE. PL.S. flORIDA CERTIFICATE NO 2110 W 40045' e.. 50,,4-' / PO.E:..-, /' \\ ~ / / !# @" o~ (p / 1--'\ () '))/ ..(\ .A ~ ~ Bk/ '?-(/ // \J ~ Jo fii)1/ -(,. ~ <0 ~ II /XJ ~Il \J ~~, '(..0 //~~. ~ / "1..: /' \)~ ~, / ;>> ~ ~ "\- ,\ ./ / ,- /' o ,/ /// /' // /' /,/' -?J /' ./ / / // ~ ~ .~ \)', // ?- // 1-P< / / // \ ~4:? // /' /' 1-'1,,- ./ /,' /' 7--\ /' IJ 2902.9'10" (; ~.'=O' t::, &15.002.' C6 ., W 55. c..:.a , / I //' / / / f~\R,\\ ~ "" SHEET ONE OF T\^lO ~~ ""7'7.e,B' L~€Pr."'S4 I (i PHILI T~v" &- TRICE SURVEYING, INC. JACK M. PHilLIPS, P.LS. FLORIDA CERTIFICATE NO, 1410 Professional Land Surveyors 1204 Simonton Street Key West, Flbrida 33040 (305) 294-4747 JOE M. TRICE, P.LS. FLORIDA CERTIFICATE NO. 2110 A parcel of land lying in Key Haven Tenth Addition a Subdivision of Part of Raccoon Key and adjacent submerged lands in Sections 23 and 26, Township 67 South, Range 25 East, Monroe County, Florida, as recorded in Plat Book 5 at Page 114 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: BEGIN at the West corner of Lot 7, Block 6 of the aforesaid plat bear South 390 25' East for a distance of 701.96 feet to the beginning of a curve, concave to the West and having a radius of 97.88 feet; thence Southerly along said curve for an arc distance of 89.34 feet; thence South 850 021 05" West for a distance of 55.68 feet; thence North 290 29' 10" East for a distance of 3.53 feet to the beginning of a curve, concave to the West and having a radius of 47.88 feet; thence Northerly along said curve for an arc distance of 57.58 feet; thence North 390 25' West for a distance of 693.29 feet; thence North 400 45' East for a distance of 50.74 feet back to the Point of Beginning. SPECIFIC PURPOSE SURVEY TO CREATE A NEW PARCEL FOR: K~y Haven Associate Enterprise I HEREBY CERTIFY that the Specific Purpose Survey delineated hereon meets or exceeds the minimum technical standards as set forth by the Florida Board of Lqnd Surveyors, pursuant to Section 472.027 of the Florida Statutes, and that there are no encroachments, above ground, other than those -t. H. Phillips Surveyor Florida Reg. Cert. #1410 ,;,f /'"r THIS SURVEY IS NOT VALID UNLESS EMBOSSED WITH A RAISED SEAL August 19, 1986 Key West, Florida SHEET TWO OF TWO ~ PHILl!--- & TRICE SURVEYING, INC. Professional Land Surveyors ; 204 Simonton Street Key West, Florida 33040 (305) 294-4747 JACK M. PHilLIPS, P.l.S. FLORIDA CERTIFICATE NO 1410 JOE M. TRICE, PL.S. FLORIDA CERTIFICATE NO, 2110 ?? -"~ 21 "- ~-- @ .~, ~ ~ .~ uJ :> - - S ~ <1 ~ ~ -l\J - - \" ~ o . '1 ul If) 0 uJ ij: III II - Cll II \tl -~ O~ ....J ?~ --t .2C) ~'-' ~ 1" :J. :l .J 4 C{ 0 -.J LL J?::' I cj r J( I~ ~ ----' '--'" --- -"-. ~ ~ ~~~\~J\T Pr SHEET ONE OF TWO ~ PHILT 1""', &' TRICE SUl~VEYINGr INC. Professional Land Surveyors 1204 Simonton Street Key West, Florida 33040 (305) 294-4747 JACK M. PHilLIPS, P.LS. flORIDA CERTIfiCATE NO, 1410 JOE M. TRICE, PL.S. FlORIDA CfRTIFICATE NO, 2110 A parcel of land lying in Key Haven Tenth Addition a Subdivision of Part of Raccoon Key and adjacent submerged lands in Sections 23 and 26, Township 67 South, Range 25 East, Monroe County, Florida, as recorded in Plat Book 5 at Page 114 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: COMMENCE at the Northwest corner of Lot 21 of Block 5 of the said Key Haven Tenth Addition and run thence in a Southerly direction along a curve, said curve concave "to the Northwest and having a radius of 50 feet, for an arc distance of 26.18 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence" continue Southwesterly along the said curve for an arc distance of 104.72 feet; thence North 400 45' East for a distance of 86.60 feet back to the Point of Beginning. AND ALSO; A parcel of land lying in Key Haven Tenth Addition a Subdivision of Part of RacGoon Key and adjacent submerged lands in Sections 23 and 26," Township 67 South, Range 25 East, Monroe County, Florida, as recorded in Plat Book 5 at Page 114 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: COMMENCE at the Southwest corner of Lot 22 of Block 5 of the said Key Haven Tenth Addition and run thence in a Northerly direction along a curve, said curve concave to the Southeast and having a radius of 50 feeet, for an arc distance of 26.18 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence continue Southwesterly along the said curve for an arc distance of 104.72 feet; thence North 400 45' East for a distance of 86.60 feet back to the Point of Beginning. SPECIFIC PURPOSE SURVEY FOR: KEY HAVEN ASSOCIATE ENTERPRISES I HEREBY CERTIFY that the survey delineated hereon meets or'exceeds the minimum technical standards asset forth by the Florida Board of Land Surveyors, pursuant to Section 472.027 of the Florida Statutes. ~:'"LL"PS~RIC~ INC. " F ....'.....---. /;1A.....".. })\, . ck M. Phillips Surveyor August 21, 1986 Key West, Florida Florida Reg. Cert. #1410 SHEET T~VO OF TWO '.j ". ~;~'f ;;" ..-:~ '" ..:~ -.... r A G R E EKE N T THIS AGREEMENT entered into this 9th day of December 1985, among Charles Roswell and Patricia Daniele Roswell, his w if e , ( her e i n aft e r " R 0 s well" ) , Will i a m K e m p ( her e i n aft e r "K e m p" ) , and Key Haven Associated Enterprises, Inc. (hereinafter "Key Ha ven~') . WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Patricia Daniele, now known as Patricia Daniele Roswell, has entered into a contract to purchase Lot 28, Block 3, Key Haven-Tenth Addition, and is the owner of Lot 7, Block 6, Key Haven-Tenth Addition; and WHEREAS, Kemp is the owner of Lots 5 and 6, Block 6, Key Haven-Tenth Addition; and WHEREAS, Key Haven is the owner of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 6, and Lots 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27, Block 3, Key Haven- Tenth Addition; and WHEREAS, all parties are desirous of vacating Driftwood Drive and making said Driftwood Drive a private easement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenents and promises contained herein and ,other good and valuable considera- tions, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. All parties agree to cooperate in the filing of a peti- tion with the Board of Commissioners of Monroe County to vacate Driftwood Drive as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 2. Roswell and Kemp agree that if the Board of Commis- sioners of Monroe County grants the petition to vacate Driftwood Drive, they will relinquish all their right, title and interest which they may have in said roadway and that title to Driftwood ( , " \1 <r)" " ?~ X \1 \ \1) \ '\ \) . ~-.o:~': ,",,-""oto," ~,...,.:. -~~':.~~. '"., ~~__:_"7' .....- ,-,i""':-._'",~ -........ .-n-- ,.' . .1:<1 .,j.: . .(-~ .,...i. ',(:""-- II' , . ...."A WI(': '6. ..,., ~, .', . .- /Po: .," .. ."""_ '~f ',,, "'.:~.lliii.U;-,r-;::_-'c... -, ... . _ - ...!l -.':' ~-. - .~-tt'''_-:-~l:~'''''' __~.-..: ....,1....." ""}~'~_J\, ~.......~.::....;,,-, ". .;-....._ ~....... ...,. ..,~ ~ . '" '~t ij; \ .J~~';rb~~~ .\t- ~~~. .J;' ~. r....J.,...t .....~)..!,c~ ~ ,tt." y. ~~..;f \..... -~ a; -:'~~~'l"- ~ AT ':~.f"'~ t~ ':.... ~ !~....Ni..~~~"d"~::';V;>l<(":'- -": -"~."~-.':V-:.-. ~;.,~.~..:-:' -;;....~.,...- -.+~'.' P:.: ,J'.:......~~_~ -~ . .....-.. ""'~-' ~ ;." .-..r.~ ''a .....---..c?-..... ..,...;_~..~:~111. ~...ft. :::.:::l,~ ,'~ ~ . ::.!.""'tf-. ". :.~' -~ _. .,.~'-.-.--.... -.. -" ~. ..., ......-. ...""..... Drive shall be reconveyed by Monroe County to Key Haven. 3. Key Haven agrees to execute and deliver in recordable form a perpetual easement of ingress and egress to Roswell and Kemp for that portion of Driftwood Drive adjacent to Lots 7. 6 and 5. Block 6, Key Haven-Tenth Addition. 4. The parties hereto agree to keep and maintain said easement in good order and repair and each shall be responsible for their pro rata share of said expenses. 5. The parties hereto agree that in the event tbat there is the desire of Key Haven to dedicate this roadway in the future to Monroe County or any other governmental entity. that they will agree to said dedication and execute any and all necessary docu- ments to effect same. .WITNESSES: kJJJJ ~ , , \J~V-i{ ill ~ lc&,~~'bt) . As to GO,H c.- /J / z::. 4 /1 joL'I; CHARLES A. ROSWELL,) (7)t, ~ ." ~ .,,7 I tt '<~(A'D '{'(,n-L(j;'~ 1\ c...\J..UJ-~/ PATRICIA ~NIELE ROSWELL ~A~/ KEY HAVEN INC. ( ..;:-:-, ,;,.,.(:1:; " , I, . '\~i "'L~'~~s.- ""_ .,' -t'l 't''''''' :...... .;::~ ,. ,.... ,i""....-:- "' ~":'" ~. ..<ii .j~,.... ..-.:_...._-:: , .':.~;;:;;;.;,,{,;;;;;~y....,~~..,.,..;,:i'...~~-";~..i..Z...::..""""~ 'i....:...I,." :.. -,,' ;;/:. .j. . . '"","{:;"';"C~'t!i..A ".~ ., "....}~~~.,';..'".::.:.........tJl'... ",.".- .' - ~....*....~~.l.ll!....'c. ..,;:,.,~.,,:....,..l....~ ~..2..::!.c~' .;...' ._.~-l::;;.;..I~,...i.ill:i;:.: f~.~';..."1~'.:' "-f-' .'- ". ' .. '. .. .. " - . ...,., ~. .. .. .::...:-::'~^.....:...jr:....,-lr. ...'"...,. ;,,,,~''''!r,,-\ -~--:>~'ft.~""r ...._~'~.....,.;...:', ,~,..'" '~:'.~~,~"- '. _"', .\'..... '-""",r..':. -:''l,>~~<~;:~''''~,,;.lojc~'~:~:~.''~:'~.~.,~~i~:!: '.l<~:?,..~,,:'<'~'~ ,,~~ {~":~ ~_J"~ ~ r-~'''''~-:3~.:''' ~~::'..~~". ~':~~' " .' ..;1' I J .) , r ~ ;'V/ .... ' '1.: ' ., I ,,/ "i 0' I 0/ ~I Vj/ I I ;....,-. \ - .' ~\ --/' \ ~/~ O~ ~ ~' \ \ \/ ,-' .~ '=- ~'\ \ \ . - \ . \ " \ ..... ..0 " "l or ,., ~ x ~ .... q' "'" W. = ~ I CD', , ~ ~lO~'O ~ ., .., (IJ... rc'l tij/ :;) I 0. (IJ ~ a., '.~ ,:"- W -' .."l Z >. r'l' - c:: a: OJ'OeD cr: r<1!.oJ ~~OU -~c::34 '~oy:g~ .~ <t --., t- O - Z to "\ lID "" , ") r-\'<1~~ 0'\ . ~ 011 . N o"Zo~. ) tI N N rn N cD ..t \Q ~ co C' ; ! U) W a: - '0 t- - ~I - eo: ... (\ ~6 ~9 9,,1 .-I) \\1N~:; <<;0' r ~ UJ .N --1 <r:. , z: <C U' co . .. - ceO c:~ .. ! Wo z Z .J.n J ~cS Co: - .... ;,~ t I.!) ill ~ C'- ZI I tol:;~ " " " 0:' TO: William B. Spottswood, Esquire 500 Fleming Street Key West, FL 33040 DATE: Key Haven Utility Corp. 517 Whitehead Street Key West, FL 33040 () e ( f (VI h t /' L- , .. \ 4 Y)" FROM: Key Haven Utility Corp. has no objection to Charles and Patricia Roswell vacating that portion of Driftwood Drive, Key Haven, as highlighted on the attached plat. ~ Title: C,/Ll,{) \1 li'l\ 'I, i ". II (" "--- .. ..~--~.." .,...... ; ..... "- ." '''I!~'' ~ .~'" -.)-.... ' ............'> .- :,' ~ '. _.' ,i'. .' ~~, .,~. _ ~ --,",~";;>~r~ _ ~~: ,...;., ""..., " ~:.-\.~'-..~~/..A.\.' .... ~''; _ - '. '" - ?'!l..,. '''''';;..,.,--~]t ,Or.." _ 'I -.... .' .. .-r~....., .., l[:':;~---~:- .~"'~1~". " 00;, . :_..... ~..~ ,~...... ..- ""- .",~-..:~;.. ::' ,\ -:r- !_-'~~. ~ :'-<4->-.,:,- , :<;,."." "."",.;it.' " 'f.,";,;.~'ao!.L"~;''''b.'..j> ;.. "'!,", , ".-. " ~_'-"~ l'" "_r;'.:iJ.~~'~i.~4~~l:r.;J,:~f',,:,,;~v-' t.",.;";,'.:t'~~~'\f""'-"~~>l:"~'ooI,'~,. -,,<-."~~--- "-''i-.- --"'-~'\.JJ~"" f~ '. ,.."h",~.~~,;,"" ~'.i' ~,';... .:-..~:..::lI,~~. -,/. ~";;) '"'fr ~~ ~~~...' ._.:,-;-:.;.::~~~~~ " .~ ~ ' I wI ;"/ .." 0' / 0/ "t/ "; I I /- -' or' , .~/\/-' ~ /-" \ /' \ \ ..- ~" . // \ O. . ~ \ \ (': ~ \ -~ S"- ~'\ \ ,.' 0" - . - \ .~\ \ Y . 1- 0.. '4 .. . . ~. , ~ ~ , :~J ""! .f' ",. x :;, ~. =~. '-Z ,.~.~ ~ ~ ~ I-~ rC') -:.fJ l~..., ~ '7 a:: CD ~ ~ '.~ \" ..J ~ Z >- l.U ~-qa: aJtOco ""!.oj a:: l"J a u :: t<) ::> ~ -::cc:..... 'r- 0 ulO .~ a:: ~ yc: <1 ....- ~ o 1 /' 21 \ rn ~ .0 ~ - 0 CXl c- t' (1 , 0J ('\J \D .j t...O ..: ,..., - ... \ - "" - a: ~9 91t.\ ZE]) J'j ,\fN'1:, -1 ($0' <r:. r U7 " -; - .N L. q-... <C U' cD ~ l' - oa5 to a: .: ~ ... ! ""0 N z Z ..JII> IJ) on ..J al 0:: N. ':::'~ U> 0 Ca: <r (\J ::: !AI elO\t13~ "" <l OJ I "-- Zt I to I:;~ > C\J t- o c:: " " UTILI....... BOARD OF THE CITY OF" KEY u'....ST POST OFFICE DRAWER 6100 TELEPHONE (305) 294-5272 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33041-6100 TELECDPIER (305' 294-3685 January 3, 1986 Mr. Bill Spottswood Spottswood, Spottswood & Spottswood P.O. Box 1900 Key West, Florida 33041 Re: A request to vacate a portion of Driftwood Drive in Key Haven Dear Mr. Spottswood; I have reviewed the referenced request and have no objection to the vacating of this portion of Driftwood Drive in Key Haven. However, please be advised that we do have facilities located on this road and will require an easement or an agreement to provide an easement prior to the County actually vacating this road. If I can be of any further assistance, please feel free to call. Very truly yours, UTILITY BOARD-CITY OF KEY WEST "CITY ELECTRIC SYSTEM" Robert R. Padron, Manager ~_i2-C.w~~ Raymond C. Rodriguez Engineering Technician RCR/yv C.c. 'R.R. Padron L.L. Carey L.J. Thompson File (3) c '.' C)-t-\ I p) 1\ D ."~'- " }~._:t;..< " ,....,. ',--~.3' f"" "-' ..'\.....", ~'. ;J...;. ~,",-' ~,'j':..'""v.. .,.~ .-, '. . ,..~.-..' ~ .~..: ...... ;.-' J_ji ..... i.i.>."t:~~ '''"''-:..,.,,,,'.. ""',-.... ' '""" . rJ2:.' ",,""..;,. ~',..', , ',' .Jii"" .,. ... '/"" tc..,,,, ~~-........ .....,. "'.... ." ,"" '\-" ':""'.;r"'~'" . ' ~: .,..~'~-"'r 'r'''''" -' 'I- /,' -.yJ .. . - , ,. ~~~~-' '-!fM,)J::1'~~~"""!.~.'"'''' - ~~~~~~;;.l ' ";;~~'~:'."~:'~'~";:-'~:r:<~. ..." ,_I "f' ~~'~,>~"./'~.., f'..~,'I:'T'!:J!...i-:. -:.,_ ,~..,:. ~ .,....,-'-; :'~)"'1'..~~,'>-;' y ~,,,. - .::..-..., d. . -~\ ~ ~ ~~~: :!' . ,... " . -- ~ <<""':'"' tI (7 . Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority ? Post Office Box 1239 11 00 Kennedy Drive Key West, Florida 33041-1239 Telephone (305) 296.2454 .., December 27, 1985 Mr. william B. spottswood Attorney at Law P. O. Box 1900 Key West, FL 33041-1900 Subject: Charles and patricia Roswell Vacation of a portion of Driftwood Drive Key Haven Dear Mr. spottswood: This is in reply to your letter of December 19, 1985, in regards to the vacating of a portion of Driftwood Drive in Key Haven as indicated on the map accompanying your letter. There is an existing FKAA water main on Floral Avenue which crosses the canal and connects to a 6-inch and 2-inch PVC water line for service to all of the lots on each side of that portion of Driftwood Drive proposed to be vacated. The property to be served includes 15 lots, including the existing metered service for your client. We must have unrestricted access to the pipe lines and accessories in the street right-of-way, and we object to the vacating of any portion of Driftwood Drive which would limit or restrict its use as a utilities easement. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY ,Sa~s2~ Director of Engineering GEH/mb tXH\~~'1 F Bernard L. Schattner Executive Director J. J. Pinder Chairman Kathleen Abrams Vic:e-Chairman -.,...,....,... ~, .,,:;.,'- 1-&. i: _ I'~ .....-" " ", y~' ~ ~:." , ,"' . ,.,i':"- ~ ~,,_. Y" " ......... :...-.,..... "" ,.- ~- ...~.:~~ .-.- ',< , .,. ,.,,~. .~~ ~'l"'c"\ . ,..- ... ...."'... -.""!t',,',,'- _ ............ ;, ~... ~:~., ,- '. ,;"," ",....,.}, .. - ," ~.lIo,."!'....~ ~, ............- ",~i:.1:'~"-.~.t...-t~t"',e;')ir,-c\~'"~ "~~""''';''''''',....t,,\.''?lI:~';'':i>r,.!t!~,~,''''~'1r.~''. ..',...,,'..... "u,."", '" "r.,..,. JOt,' '''''-., ....:"::t;:... ~.. 'i' :'c.... ..~:' ~# . ."" "';':.,;t. .~..".,."x:K..-+:,>.'-'" "."'\',." "~~':".'''':~~'',~ >', 1;~....~'J"'~~.;~:""~"'."~-i;,'''.j~:'7 ..J> :...;,::" ,_1...;. _~ ,0. -~~'......~".;,,_ ...... ...;...;....... _ '\ . ~t~, ~ TO: WILLIAM B. SPOTTSWOOD, ESQ. 500 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 FROH: Southern Bell 530 Southard Street Key West, Floirda 33040 Southern Bell has no objection to Charles and Patricia Roswell vacating that portion of Driftwood Drive, Key Haven, as high- lighted on the attached plat, as long as easements are provided for Southern Bell Facilities. By: 11iJ L t; '-'-' ../,1" Title: .E j\) 6, / AJ ~ E R.. S oun<::r".J 6€LL , .;;.:-.;, ,'- E1t\-,tlT lr ~ ~ :~;~..' "~,~" 1.1~ '~, . ,(,;..,"1",:'" " ,- '.,~- t '~ \, ,. ,'-. . "~,~". - .' ....-~ .Y:". ;, ,',_04-.-. :.,;,r' ., ,,:.: ',' ,,'-:. " ~ ':,' .:' .~, '. "'-"".' '. ""4-*~"""" .;,;.di1::';;;'~"C",,,,""\""''44<''''"'''''':';'';'''''''''''d'''''''''''''''J..". ,'"''''.... ~~ ~ -., .,....-. I I .... ~ '.'~ ,t'~ J... I I_oJ mqIl~,~' ~::..:,I.ti.:.~,. _:~._r .:.....~,...:~.(-~~ ":~'::7-!'-,.~";'~.':.;~"":';::~:'~~~ ~ ',"~ "-:., -" 'iI ~'. ""."J .' ,,' .'''1 ", ';w. ,1.!Io.~':'-""'''~~...;j :,":t"';.'t;,..."'t'.~...~,,.,"'i "t"":",,, , .\.".,..:..:~;,. "", ,,",;x _~"~ 1"'/"'. ~r:t;j;;:'" ". ,,'. "itF-. '~;A::.:r"'~, . '," , 7'-""'./ -'."1;I;"~:xr~"!;-t,.,lii, ...' :""''-_....... ,~:.t;.i-', """,:'~";;~"_' ,,' i~~~,>.~~~~'''''.''')o~',,'-~' '-4~'~"~-~, .J'~~ il. ":;~Il." - . -;-........ . ~\l ." ':' . 4 ":':l .1 . ..... " ~-I .I ,I ~ f'''' '~ .. , ~ r ,1 ','1 n ' , 1 .41/ ti,"'/ . , .r/ 0' I 0/ "'I '?I I I j -' .f , ~ <$" .... 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Roosevelt Boulevard Key West, FL 33040 DA~: ...~~-- Tele-Communications, Inc. has no objection to Charles and Patricia Roswell vacating that portion of Driftwood Drive, Key Haven, as highlighted on the attached plat. By: vft'd~ fl. Title: ~ 'n(O~c;:J ....." --- ,\. rr:-\1\ ~ l'~ (; '.1 }~' ';':.. ~~;-.... ">J.', ".,-,''''', ,c.-,.., "-~~'-,"'= "":-~ .;::~ ;...{ .. ~'.i':\.'--,~.~ ," ..;y. .~ ~ ;.....,,'. ,. ~ ~ ...':'-'f': ,- ,.;:.;--;....... i ,y:" \ :>(.y...... ~ ":'"1'>:~}-c~~~:~~':_;':~~..~~~:,:\,.:~~~~:~'t"~~~':";', ~~~'~:\>~~_'~,> . . -"1 ..... " "'i.:~r _"l'.:>,',I' "y - 'jf'. ~. 'f.t,t:;:~*:"'41,:";"" ~'-a::.:.'Z'::,J.~~ ~--........: -'i-:i:--'" ~,,"',~_"~...--_r~... ~...... '~'~~"""""".....,=, .':'" "_J. .t,,~"';;:.>\''\.\\)-'':'~'_:~ .~y ..,..~. .....""':.~t.... ....~> .-.I.~.-:!:.. ,.,,'" .:"'?'" ~.,......' __..' ',.;.. ~"'~~_.._ ....... _. "...~~.:~~_ ). /,. ~ r\ ..........'" ~.J . I , , , .., . 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Lol AV'V\ ? p d 'tiS vJ c) 0:0 So 0 .z:v <t. W'\ . ~ $\ . l&t tJ C(. ~ 'f I. C:-V'" . EXHIBIT "H" SI'\III\\\(lllll, S,'e" 1'.\\'(1111) ,\:.1, \"()JJ\\\'(HIIJ A.TTOPN" A."'4(1 (('lJ'~(,rl n!' 1>- I A..... ,...OS' OFFICE 8C1X '9-:-;~1 !500 FLEMING S'TREET KEY WEST FLORIDA 3304\ 1900 JOHN M. SPOTTSWOOO. JR, WILLIAM B. SPOTTSWOOO ROBERT A. SPOTTSWOOC TELEPHONE 305'294'9556 December 19, 1985 Mr. William Kemp Kemp & Rosasco Luani Plaza 1112 Key West, FL 33040 Dear Mr. Kemp: My clients, Charles and Patricia Roswell, are Monroe County Commission to vacate a portion of Key Haven, as highlighted on the attached plat. petitioning the Driftwood Drive, As you are the owner of adjacent property, Lots 5 and 6, Block 6, Key Haven-Tenth Addition, we are hereby requesting if you have no objection to the vacating of said portion of Driftwood Drive, that you sign at the bottom of the copy of the letter attached hereto and return same to me. If you require additional information, please contact me. WBS:gg Enclosures I HAVE NO OBJECTION H~VEN, AS HIGHLIGHTED BY: 11 ~ WILLIAM E TO THE VACATING OF DRIFTWOOD O~ THE ATTACHED PLAT. DRIVE, KEY DATE: Il-llo ~~ """~-' ,,' .. ~, ,.. . ...'"-"..-. _ ~ .r-, ,,'" I- .-t, , '~"~... ,;\;,,,0 >.~ ,'.< ,:,... , , ',;,;',:~,," " ~ c,;";c21fti1ii.-~,ii;;.;<_.lAr~ ;..~""'-; -~,~,,~ .'c, .-'1" ,;;} . " ~,.-:.. i""=::"";':;r ~i1i'liA.~ '~ w' '~''''''''''''':~'''!',..~'" 'Z""" ..4...._*',,:....<&:. '..,,-,..;..,..:..........:......\ . ....-..~...~ '.... ..,~~ _" .",r".. " ',~,! -, """"'-\~'''~'~~'''''''''' '\">.,;;c~"\li""'~Y:" , .,". :u-''''-':'"."" ;[",.(''-'''''''' ""j.:" ' .~..~ "i '" #~"'.,.:~'-'1.~~.!~:a'"-~...~ ....~,.:t~~y ~:.,-.!. ,c~~..:t'.:'-/.~_. ~, ~.~_.~.,}-..'~.~..,. .~~.it<:~~.f''' ..:.._ ~tt'~... ~ ,~...... ~ ~ .~ ":.: '~-I;.~;'..~.'-!!_:"~~;~ ~~.>.~~.... '''~',~1.~~f~~~ ......., . ..-~, '" '" ". \U, -.J f'\.) R::1411Z CD \ N R( 14 028 t>lI' 19>::: 'N ::DO (J) - ." t> "" ~ r ,., "''- ~ z Z 0,... -;.., (Jl t>::D ~O - t ;;:; .. :Il 0- ~ ,., . . (1 m t1' '), .;.......- ..~ '7 N' - ,; "- J..j1 'J>- l- 9~ :Il - ", Q') - - sO t "" ".. .:: :XI f'\) N ~. - . ".. VJ OJ ~Ij;:\;: Q) '0- Cl ..l:> , _ 0 v....~ N N - .... Oil U. \Xl 110' . -~:A' ~~ U' _~ - '~-i: - ~ ... ~ J> ~ ~ -- ' ~ 0:0: :n -c;<. ~(")o-l. r ~ t-c::l-- no~C ~v: ::tl OiO'rn :;:,l>_Vo''-'' .< Z '-~ r- ~ ....... N(!l-c' C -t....U1<.- u: ~ \.,ol ,.. o ~Ula: ... CD', 2,.. ~ - M ~i -I c X j R E '1-0l0 N v . ,,0 . \ ~~~y (,r "" "" .l> ~ ~ ~.. -----. ~ " ./ \ /,/ \ \. \~ .,.. Q) \ (~\ ~ \ ...- 1.0 I", /'I.J 10 .' ,.;;J c.. / '" II..~ - ~ I .... ' \ '. \. . -, ----" \~ \ ., \ , .~ ,- " ~"\I' I';W(lOII. S"IIJ IS\\(I(III ^NJ' \"()IISW()lIIJ ,. : 1 () ~ N [ " !.. ~ f.~ ['l (" ("> l' r J ~ [ l o,~ ~~ /.' ! ^ '\IV POST O~r1CE BOx 190<. !l00 FLEMING STREET KEY WEST FLORIDA 3304'-1900 JOHN 114, SPOTT5WOOD. JR. WILLIAM B. SPOTTSWOOO ROBERT A. 5pOTTSWOOD TELEPHONE 30:5'2114-11:556 December 19, 1985 !>Ir. Key 517 Arthur Lujan, President Haven Associated Enterprises, Whitehead Street West, FL 33040 Inc. Key De arM r. L uj an: My clients, Charles and Patricia Roswell, are petitioning the Monroe County Commission to vacate a portion of Driftwood Drive, Key Haven, as highlighted on the attached plat. As Key Haven Associated Enterprises, Inc. is the o\o.'ner of adja- cent property, Lots I, 2, 3 and 4, Block 6, and L0l2t/21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27, Block 3, Key Haven-Tenth Additi'on, we are hereby requesting if you have no objection to the vacating of said portion of Driftwood Drive, that you sign at the bottom of the copy of the letter attached hereto and return same to me. If you require additional information, please contact me. WBS:gg Enclosures WILL KEY HAVEN ASSOC VACATING OF DR A:TTACHED PL RISES, INC. HAS NO OBJECTION KEY<:AVEN, AS HIGHLIGHTED TO THE ON THE DATE: ,-JCC ....'r"'.' ,...lIll .~.. .r::.,..._--:".,' ,_." _~ ~~~'.. :~, t~~~',., .:;......~< ~\';:j~.~~~:t~J~.!/::0:\'*::~~~,t~::;\.. _'::...:;~;~',-h.1:-:>::~:,':~~.:'" "'<H:'_~;:;f." .~ ~ ~'~'1.~~~:~t. /f"~~S;~~-:~~;' . ~~. .....1':-- . .' .. .. ."" ._~ .,; ..:'f..~~. "" ~ j:) ;,~ 'G- \ \ '. " .\ ~\ /~ I'\) en REI It 0 28 .(l '), .. T ..Y' f\J' '7 /.Jl .; - ... 'y r- 9~ ;U - ,., (5) /' .... I'\) a'l 0 CD VJ ,~ ~. C7'I +, N N - ... R ('+02.0 (II 'lJ' N aJ \~~ ~ \" r (J \ \ \ ~ -:::~ \ ':.:;- \ \ ~6<;O '. \ \ \ ~ -- CP '0 \ // ...-/ . --/\~ -' ...... ,- -' - -' ". \ I" .s- ~ -...J R::14112 en (Ji "~ N ~ -1 ~ ~~ ~ .. C'- v., nO.... . ' r:o.... t-cV'= nON ::tl /'Tiv: lJ)OIIj) t> u.> ::) -< Z L~ r ~ ....C Ncr"tl~<- I..: ;tCD~ 1;0 a '"" Ul ~. Q)' I - L,.... = fTt ...., .A -4 C X \ \ \ (;-':1 / , ic., . 14,; /0 I , \:" '<. / '" /.~" ... ! , I.... z z 0,., ;.., J>;%l ~o - I ". CD .j . .~ I