Resolution 170-1985 Mel Levitt Lower Keys Chapter 1351 American Association of Retired Persons, Inc. RESOLUTION NO. 170 -1985 RESOLUTION PERMITTING AND ALLOWING THE LOWER KEYS CHAPTER 1351 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF RETIRED PERSONS, INC. TO CONDUCT A BINGO ONE DAY A WEEK ON BEHALF OF HOSPICE DURING THE TERM OF THAT SUBLEASE BY AND BETWEEN THE HISTORIC KEY WEST PRESERVATION BOARD AND THE COUNTY OF MONROE, STATE OF FLORIDA, DATED JUNE 4, 1975 WHEREBY THE COUNTY SUBLEASED THE PREMISES COMMONLY KNOWN AS "THE ARMORY" FOR USE AS A SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER. WHEREAS, Monroe County previously entered into that certain Sublease Agreement dated the 4th day of June, 1975, by and between the Historic Key West Preservation Board and the County of Monroe, State of Florida, for the purpose of providing a senior citizens center, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida desires to allow and permit Lower Keys Chapter 1351 American Association of Retired Persons, Inc. to conduct a Bingo on behalf of Hospice one day per week at "The Armory" during the term of the aforementioned Sublease Agreement, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That said Board hereby permits and allows Lower Keys Chapter 1351 American Association of Retired Persons, Inc. to conduct a Bingo on behalf of Hospice one day per week during the term of that certain Sublease Agreement previously entered into by and between the Historic Key West Preservation Board and the County of Monroe, State of Florida, a copy of same being attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 24th day of May, 1985, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ~"~~""-';?-~ ~ ayor hal.rman (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLIll'..GE, Clerk ~-_.~ --'---"-'~ - //} 4Z 14 ./ .' / ,,/" . 0o~ '/ 1-rn1/m_<J~/ ,/ 8 VED AS TO FORM GAL SUFFICIENCY, , ~. n.c:n;vn.a;v '"J"'::':f:. Wlll~'1' PRESERVATION BOARD OF' TRUSTEES - ... ~ ~~.:; , SUBLEASE AOREEMENT WHEREAS, the Historic Key West Preservation Board of Trustees holds a lease to certain lands and property being utilized.by the State of Florida for public purposes, and WHE.REAS, the Historic Key West Preservation BQar4-oS Tru~tees is authorized by Section 266.206, .Florida Statutes" to eIl'ter-'~leases deemed in the interests of pres~rving and maintai~ing historic buildings, and WHEREAS, the County of Monroe, State of Florida, has requested the Historic Key West Preservation Board of Trustees to transfer the Old 3tate Armory building in Key West to the County for use as a senior cit- izen's center, NOW THEREFORE, this agreement between HISTORIC KEY '~ST PRESERVATION Lessee 30ARD OF TRUSTEES as/SHEXX$EIDE and COUNTY of MONROE, STATE OF FLORIDA, lS SUBLESSEE, WI TNESSETH : The parties, for and in consideration of mutual covenants and agree- ,ents hereinafter contained, hereby covenant and a~ree as follows: Lessee , 1. The/S~~x~~~~ does hereby sublease to the Sublessee the following escribed premises in the State of Florida, together with the improve- ents thereon: On the Island of Key West, kno~m on William A. ~~itehead's map, delineated in February, A. D. 1829, as a part of Lot Two (2) in Square Fifty-five (55), but more particularly described as part of Lot Nineteen (19) in Subdivision of Square Fifty-five' (55), City of Key ;"est, according to plan of' saidsu'bdivision duly recorded in l'ionroe County, Florid2.; Public Records in Book "1", pages 36 and 37, described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginnin3 at the corner of ~~ite and Southard Streets, and ~unninc thence alon3 Southard Street in a Southwesterly direction Ninety (90) f'eet: thence ~t right angles in a Southeasterly direction ~ixty-two (62) feet; thence at ri~ht an~les in a Northeasterly direction parallel to ~outhardStreet, Ninety (90) feet to ~fuite Street; thence alon.::; -,mite Street in a No:..thHesterl;r direction Sixty-two (62) feet to the point of be~inning at the corne~ o~ Southard and'}lliite Streets. TO HAVE AIm TO HOLD the above described land for a period of enty-f'ive (25) years from the date hereof, for the purposes of develop- :;, iznpro V in.:; , operating, maintainine; and otherwise mana[;inc:; said land ~ public purposes. 2. The Sublessee shall have the ri~ht to ente~ upon said land for L purposes necessary to the full enjoyment by said Sublessee of the ;hts herein conveyed to it. 3. The Sublessee shall ,throu6h its asents and employees cooperate prevent the unaut40rized use of said land or any use thereof not in ,formi ty loli th this Sublease. 4. This Sublease is effective, subject, h01\rever, to the automatic (v( '~--""------", Lessee reve.rsion to the/St:1~xe:Hs~~ of all lands described herein SInn the cessation ana termination his Sublease agreement when said lanus are not util- ized for the purposes outlined in this Sublease agreement; and any costs or expenses ari~ing out of the implementation of tn{s clause shall be borne completely, wholly and entirely by the Sublessee. r:'. Le-ssee , , ' . :;j; The/~h1il1XRxx8~ does not warrant or guar~tee-title, '!'light, or in- tel'est in the hereinabove descr'ibed property. - -" -~ Lessee _ 6. The/8uEXBXB~~ or its duly authorized agents shall have the right at any time m hspect the said land and the works and operatiQns thereon of the Sublessee in any matter pertaining to this agreement. 7. Any inequities that may subsequently appear in th::Ls Sublease .--., shall be subject to negotiation upon written request of either party, and the parties agree to negotiate in good faith as to any such inequities. 8. This agreement is for the specific purpose of allowing the Sublessee to utilize .the Old State Armory building located on the above described land as a senior citizens center under the jurisdiction of the Sublessee. 9. The Sublessee shall preserve, protect, and maintain the build- ing and premises and pay for all costs associated therewith. 10. The Sublessee shall not alter or remodel the building inside or Lessee out without prior approval of th&~R. 11. Sublessee shall pay all insurance premiums located upon the aforesaid premises insured against adequately protect the Sublessor. 12. The Sublessee hereby covenants and agrees to investigate all claims of every nature at its own expense, and to indemnify, protect, defend, hold and save harmless the Historic Key West Preservation Board of Trustees and the State of Florida Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund and the State of Florida from any and all claims, actions, law suits and demands of any kind or nature arising out of this agreement. 13. This agreement is executed in duplicate, each copy of which .shall for all purposes be considered an original. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 'the parties hereto have be executed in their respective names, all as of and keep the building loss by fire so as to A. D. 1975. Signed, sealed and delivered in Our Presence: caused this agreement to the 4~ day of T.....w ,_ J , HISTORIC KEY WEST PRESERVATION BOARD , ",) t.L-n..__ _ Q< ~.1 ~"~-;J,--,___ ,{/ a -1~ h/I ,~_c '. ~ /?1//1~,~~ I" ----. j' . 'r..-r- I" {s to/the Pre~~vati0n Board ~ - lJ By: Chairman J CV"VV' c..s ~. 5" ~ c__l) <; (SEAL ) f! I . .. ) A~ . ) " . " ~ecretary-Treasurer .. .,....".".....~'".....-_.. ~ " ''0-':~ r~ T ~~ r: IJ~ As to the unty. APPROVED by the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund June 30 ;1..975 By ~r es T. Williams, Chief eau of Uplands Management " By: ~ Mayor 9 Monroe County and Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners -.--. --.,~. ~ ( SEAL ) Attest: C r of the Circuit Court of Monroe County, Florida and ex officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners or Monroe County, Florida. ...