Resolution 193-1984 '--..... RESQ)!:UtI<ON NQ). 193 -1984 WHEREAS, the BQ)ARD Q)F CQ)UNtM C<OffimISSIQ)NERS Q)F mQ)NRQ)E CQ)UNtM, F!:<ORIDA, has receiven an application fram ann William E. Woon , WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procenure to rean the fallowing Biological Assessment into the Recorn, as fallows: The applicant proposes to dredge a boat slip approximately 30 feet wide by 55 feet long by 3 feet above a.H.W. and 5 feet below a.H.W. with a 4 foot wide perimeter dock. Applicant proposes to use a backhoe to excavate approximately 428 cu. yds. of limerock for construction of said boats lip with no planned subsequent stabilization of basin sides. Applicant also states his intention to utilize a turbidity barrier across waterward side of project while construction is in progress. All proposed dredging will be accomplished landward of M.H.W. line. Applicant further proposes to deposit dredged material in two berm areas in front of proposed residence. Methods for spoil containment and dewatering are unspecified. Applicant's residential lot appears to be one of few remaining undeveloped lots in Point Pleasant Drive area. Point Pleasant community seems well- established in area. Western edge of applicant's property is adjacent to Buttonwood Sound which comprises a portion of the "outstanding waters" of Everglades National Park as defined in Chapter 17-3.041 of the Florida Administrative Code. The majority of residences along westward side of Pt. Pleasant Dr. have boat basins, slips, finger piers or some other type of boat mooring facility. Developed area consists primarily of limestone rock sediment and is variously vegetated by a variety of predominantely terrestrial trees, grasses and bushes. The residence adjacent to applicant's north side contains a similar boat slip/basin with dock to that proposed here. All waters of this area appeared to be clean, clear and generally of excellent quality including those within the adjacent neighbor's boat basin. Applicant's lot contains a variety of upland flora including such plants as West Indian mahogany (Swietenia mahogoni), bush lantana (Lantana involucrata) and Spanish stopper (Eugenia Myrtoides). Predominant sediment type is limestone rock, although area proposed for dredging has been filled at least one previously with a variety of fill material (i.e., macadam chunks, concrete slips, limerock). Water quality both in the adjacent Buttonwood Sound and in the northern neighbor's existing boat basin appears excellent with lush growths of Cuban shoalweed (Halodule wrightee) observed in each. Also observed were patches of turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) and several species of brown, green and red algae. Marine fauna observed included glass minows (Anchoa spp.) and several species of Coelenterate. Marine sediments appeared to be comparatively free of detrital deposit. Direct impact of proposed project would entail the removal of approximately 428 cu. yds. of previously disturbed uplands area which is only sparsely vegetated, and would therefore be minimal, providing care is taken during construction to prevent spoil material from falling into waters of the state. Longer term impacts of proposed boat slip/basin with dock would be to provide additional marine wildlife habitat for nursery and feeding activities for the flora and fauna of Buttonwood Sound. Resolution William E. Wood Page Two BE It RE$~C~ED B~ tHE B~ARD ~F t~UNt~ t~mmI$$I~NER$ ~F m~NR~E t~UNt~, FC~RIDA, ~ha~ ~he ahove Biological Assessmen~ has heen reaD in~o ~he recorD anD DulM consiDereD pursuan~ ~o FloriDa $~a~u~e 253.124 hM ~he BoarD of toun~M tommissioners of ffionroe toun~M, FloriDa, ~his 13th scheDuleD mee~ing. DaM of July ,19 84 a~ a regularlM B~ARD ~F t~UNt~ t~mmI$$I~NER$ ~F m~NR~E t~UNt~, FC~RIDA ~-ftw BM lllA~~R Pro Tern ($EAC) A~t!est!: DANNy /) L. KO~HAGE, Clerk ~/l.~7 4 .,)"L '~h.~ .~ Dan C. Kol age / tlerk of tircuit! tourt! --,) ,- ~; l -~~ (305) 294.4641 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 MA YOR Jerry Hernandez, District 3 Alison Fahrer, District 4 Mayor Pro tem Ken Sorensen, District 5 OK~v~l: ~~~,~~E Lucien C. Proby, County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. County Biologist Report v 2. Resolution (William Wood) ~ 3. Permit t,// ~ 4. Application for Permit (Dock & Basin) 5. Site Plan ~ 6. Location Map ~ 7. DER Asses~ment ~ Date h -OJ 7-cFL/ By ~~ M E M 0 RAN DUM DATE: June 25, 1984 ./' Jeffrey Doyle, Ph.D., Director Robert Smith, Biologist R. J)S~ TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Wood Dock, Basin Legal: Lot 3, Block 2, Point Pleasant, Key Largo Zoning: RU-l I. INTRODUCTION: This application to excavate a boat basin should be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners pursuant to Section 19-1ll(b) (4) of the Monroe County Code. II. PROJECT AND SITE: The applicant proposes to construct, by excavation, a boat basin 55 feet long by 30 feet wide to a depth of 5 feet below the Mean High Water Line (M.H.W.L.), to be enclosed with a vertical seawall. As well, a boat ramp 15 feet by 12 feet and a 4 foot wide perimeter dock are proposed. Since this activity effectively extends into navigable waters, then it should be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners pursuant to Section 19-1ll(b) (4) of the Monroe County Code. The site in question was inspected on 12-2-83 by Annette Nielsen, County Biologist, and this report is essentially a compilation of her findings. The lot in question does not fall within the Shoreline Protection Zone (SPZ) as defined in Section 4-18 of the Monroe County Code. Scattered turtle grass (Thalassia sp.) and Cuban shoal weed (Halodule sp.) are located in the near and far shore vicinity. Upland vegetation present includes Brazilion pepper (Schinus terebinthefolius), mahogany (Swietenia mahogani), lantana (Lantana involucrata) and Spanish stopper (Eugenia myrtoides) . The applicant has applied for and been granted a building permit as a principle structure to coincide with the applied for accessory structures. -2- III. EVALUATION: Since this lot has been previously filled, reexcavation will effectively enlarge marine waters and habitat for marine organisms, a minimal impact should be expected. The short-term effect will be to increase turbidity while work is occurring. IV. RECOMMENDATION: The biologist, as per Ms. Nielsen's evaluation, recommends approval for the above stated project. Conditions: (1) Turbidity screens to be employed during construction V. OTHER: The applicant has a permit from the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation (#44-33020-SE) (see enclosed). A permit may be required from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (A.C.O.E.) Also,this property was originally permitted in the name of Raymond Gordon. This property is now owned by William Wood, therefore, the name has not been changed on the D.E.R. application. PERMIT MONROE COUNTY &~ ,. PLANNING. BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION. THE DEPOSIT OF FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY PERMIT NO. 1) Property owners name & mailing address William E. Wood Post Office Box 1437 Key Largo, Florida 33037 2) Date 11-29-83 FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Resolution No. 3) Phone number 451-2677 Date: 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Upper Keys Marine Construction 451-3119 5) Legal description of property: Section ?q Key Largo Subdivision Point Pleasant Township 61 S Lot 3 Block 2 Range 39E Street, road or mile marker M.M. 100 Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled! deposi ted c.y. waterward of M,H.W. 428 c.y. landward ofM.H,W. c.y. waterward ofM,H.W. c.y. landward ofM.H,W. ZONING: RU-1 PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: APPROV AL Turbidity screens to be employed during construction. Applicant already has permit from the D.E.R. Permit from the C.O.E. map be required. Dr. Jeffrey M._Doyle, Director Planning, Building & Zoning :"'~ONROE COUNTY PLANNING, BUILDING & ZONI!'~G DEPARTMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FOR EXCAVATION, TIlE DEPOSIT OF FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY. 1) Property owners name & mailing addn)ss ---T--~l Date 3) Phone number VJI\';UillV\ e- li~<<)D Pi') i.S)~ \W5) \ \ - -Zq- '"8,:; yS( - 2G17 \(6'-1 U{\.1:{\ ~ -:;.. --:f\-~ ) __ 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address, phone & certification number, UPpcL ~IS j\Jl.~'l\lt:0 ~ll'.j~H~110r0 l\Sl- '~\\c, 5) Legal description of property: Section, Township, Range, )r (( S' ~ _~ 9 C (if acreage) '1: v-I Key, LJ:((f{) Subdivision, .fhh'J'l }.~.tr-\SiVJT Lot, ~__ Block, ~ Street, road or mile marker, f\;) (VI \ CO Zoning, 6) Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction & amount of material (in cubic yards) to be excavated or discharged. Describe purpose & intended use of project. . :J-^.)S~\..U~)1().0 0F 8tlA-T ~s.,~ A.s03l D~'2- S.f'OC.i""C~TlCX\).S, ~OtUST~t)CilCI\J ';::::Oi'vt:~ C~I BAQ.(r\JE R.t"lY'\()~i'~(- 1.-\"2:'6 ~\l, '-ICG - (>r rlL\.. - '8u\k"'-e..a..c\.)ctoc...,k J '{(A.,~ _ volume of ma terial -.... c.y. waterward of M,H.W. dred~ed/excavated 4-;) 'g c.y, filled/deposited c,y. waterward of M.H.W, c.y. landward of M.H.W. landward of M.H.W. 7) Name, address & zip code of adjoining property owners whose property affronts water way. -AL t ~_\:.-)l () U ELL CTII=_ Vr2 0-1\-'1 <!. _ ('nP0 \.: CL ET Ll... 'I P - 0 G D)( _..; q C1' f~ D 'i S.2 '::> I,.; ~,- '- Or? /~("1 ?L '-:; ~L "<.,'7 j~- '( '- f\ (2. Co ..~( '3.30::; 7 8 a) List other permits issu~d and/or applied for, include applicant's name, for this site: tvON& b) If application has been submitted for this project (or one similar) in the past, explain reason for new application and give applicant's name if different from current applicant. 9) List all Federal and State agencies that have received applications for this project. ~M6\)T Or 8\NI~jMfI\!mL '\a::.cVL-~IOl'J - ~r Dr:- ~t\, rC\\.\'I\'''-? l\l.\- 33020-.95" This completed application form will be accompanied by the following, or it will NOT be processed. a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 8\12 x 11 paper, showing location, plot plan, top view and cross section of proposal, drawn to scale. b) Application processing fee as follows: $75.00 for dredge, fill, docks OR any structures affronting natural water bodies. $30.00 for vertical seawalls on man-made bodies of water. $75.00 for any combination of the above activities per site. Application is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete & accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any county, state or federal law regulating construction or performance of construction of this type of facility. -U1J~Lfhf II~dfi-'S2 Signatm-e of applicant/agent Date For Department Use OJ!!yL 1S -1.";- ::::A,;, ~G 7 Fee & receipt Approved by Ass't Director Person accepting application & Date - . i '\, Cost of permit Estimated eost of construction ~"--."--_:).- (1 P .;!L'-G-\.LL.:J.rL__ I f I J -__ 'I j ~-t~~/:.?:~Y( l7..p-" -iL-I'/? '/ ~ ! ,I I I I '_/._ 'I r:-;:j, I ;'-, I' ):...,.' >-..r,l~. ,\I. ", r.&' ;.' . l- j,1 \ r4?./J ~j...j ........;.r:;, ~~ f'~ c:\..../...,/,1.,-r~; ~~/0J. - ~.) .~~ U I J t1, 1;-, \;'1- \... I ~J ~ -1!l ~~,~~,~;, - t ~ / ~' V /1,/ 1/', t/'1/ ~ - V /- - .' ,1 / -1-~A.lv''t/' ~ :: ~ 7. , I ;f --..... I. ~~ -- - t ------- :3..-; ; .t ,_J. l( ~\ /~ ~_ ._~-- --~~~-- - -~~---~\--1- t I /.' -0 \~~ ; '.\) I .'v --A-- 'I 7 ~~ At. / , '0~' I ,I. !, ~ ~I t~~~~: .j C '~," 3% 1 ' '-I' '.P: -" I I t (\ I . / UJ / i.< ~ I \\.. ~~'\ ~.' ;.,...(/ -' '? ,- I ~ , !,' . II' , - - <./....,] "- ?J'~Zt\ I ',) I ~-- I . () I I- ~" o(~~......-'" r . ~ ~ ,-.~1 ! II ;; ?c ~ () 'fo ~r.7" -",-~ ~o i~; .1 ~ \:t) ~o-o" , , ; \\? 1/0(...., _ -. .... - - \ "" I /A'~-- ~ I J '..10'0 V ~ ,I.) '/ :i;,:~ -' T ..y~\.... ?~I L. / / S:d' (~A.. l'cl -~~ ~~~~Y' ?~~I?,~j "A-A.'" ,:9 I' ~ IO~O 10. 0 10 I -1p..~ \/~, ~ r~:v"_~ ----, , to J;f ,~. t.. :/1(1.. L_ -=-...-=-::---:-_ -r-::=:::- _ _ __-==::1 ~/ DAViS r:~IGINEERS 6817 S.W, 31st TERRACE MIAMI. flORIDA 33143 (305) 666-2616 I \l) ~./' v- i j':/{ ~.~ ..I ~ z. (,r~ 'l AUG 1 8 1IJt~O yk(-t.. II JuLY be? STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR 3201 GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA 33950-9359 VICTORIA J, TSCHINKEL SECRETARY June 7, 1984 County of Monroe Building Department Attn: Robert A. Smith P.o. Box 437 Tavernier, FL 33070 Monroe County, Permit No. 44-33020-5E Raymond Gordon, Boat Slip & Dock Gentlemen: As per your request attached 1S a copy of the Department's biological appraisal for the referenced project. Please be advised however that the referenced project was permitted on November 14, 1980. Further we have no record of recent correspondence to you regarding this file. silJ.~r Yl;t7 L Ifjl/ I//, /p%, M. A orew B rth Environmental Specialist MAB/wlb Protecting Florida and Your Quality of Life , ,,j, ~W;. DZPAR'I':.1ENT OF E~IRONME~TAL REGUL..~7ION PE?lHT APPLIC1\TIO~ i'.PPRAISAL File t-Io.; 44- 33 020- 5E County: Nom:o e Date: 9/l7/S0 Applicant Name: Ravmond E. Gordon Address: Casilla Correo 1354, Santa Cruz, Bolivia Agent (if applicable): Daniel Davis, P.E., Davis Engineers Address: 6817 S.W. 81 Terrace, Miami, FL 33143 Location of project: Section(s) 29 Tmvnship 61S Range 39E Section(s) Township Range Water Body: Buttomvood Cove 106A Pt. Pleasant Dr., Key Largo, FL 33037, Gulf side, Local Reference: Water Classification of Project Area: Aquatic Preserve: N/A III Adj acent Waters ~ III Outstanding 'Florida Waters: Everglades National Park On site inspection by: E. R. Loken & R. F. Dumas Date of Inspection: 9/16/80 Original Application: Yes X No Revised Application: Yes No X Date: Date of 2nd Insp. Biological and Water Quality Assessment A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques. Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4.02 and Section 17-4.28, Florida Administrative Code. B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. C. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and ahy relevant historical facts about the area of the project. D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water_ quality. Address long-term impact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of t~e project~ E.Suggestions, where appropriate, for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project. PERM 16-10(Rev.6/79) , .,',\ GORDor'l. Ri\Y::O~m G. /t!~4-JJ020-S:':: :!onroc Count:,' - Key Largo p 3. ~~ C T'\,,;o A. ADDlicant proposes to dredge a boat slip approximately 30 feet '.vide by 55 feet long by 3 feet c~bove 0.11. \oJ. and 5 feet belO\.v O.H.W, with a 4 foot wide perimeter dock, Applicant proposes to use 2 backhoe to excavate approvimately 428 cu. yds. of limerock for construction of said boatslip with no planned subsequent stabilization of basin sides. Applicant also states his intention to utilize a turbidity barrier across waterward side of project while construction is in progress. All proposed dredging will be accomplished land,vard of H. H. H. line. Applicant further proDoses to deposit dredged material in two berm areas in front of proposed residence. Hethods for spoil containment and dewatering are unspecified. B. Applicant's residential lot appears to be one of few remaining undeveloped lots in Point Pleasant Drive area. Point Pleasant community seems well-established in area. Western edge of applicant's property is adjacent to Buttonwood Sound uhich comprises a portion of the 1I0utstanding waters" of Everglades National Park as defined in Chapter 17-3,041 of the Florida Administrative Code. The majority of residences along westward side of Pt. Pleasant Dr. have boat basins, slips, finger piers or some other type of boat mooring facility. Developed area consists primarily of limestone rock sediment and is variously vegetated by a variety of predominantely terrestrial trees, grasses and bushes. The residence adjacent to applicant's north side contains a similar boat slip/basin with dock to that proposed here. All waters of this area appeared to be clean, clear and generally of excellent quality including those within the adjacent neighbor's boat basin. C. Applicant's lot contains a variety of upland flora including such plants as West Indian mahogany (Swietenia mahoroni), bush lantana (Lantana involucrata) and Spanish stopper Eugenia m~toides). Predominant sediment type is limestone rock, althoug area pro- posed for dredging has been filled at least o~ previously with a variety of fill material (i.e., macadam chunks, concrete chips, lirnerock). ~vater quality both in the adjacent Buttom'lOod Sound and in the northern neighbor's existing boat basin appears excellen with lush growths of Cuban shoalweed (Halodule wrightii) observed in each. Also observed were patches of turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) and several species of bro\VTI, green and red algae. Marine fauna observed included glass minno\vs (Anchoa spp.) and several species of Coelenterate. Marine sediments appeared to be comparatively free of detrital deposit, D. Direct i!11pact of propo~:;cd project ':.JOuIJ entail the rCl:lOval of approximately 428. cu. yds, of previously disturbed uplands area ,,,. . - GORDON, RA Y1lOND E, #44-33020-SE 11onroe County - :(ey Lar[';o Page Three which is only sparsely vegetated, and would therefore be minimal, providing care is taken during construction to prevent spoil material from falling into waters of the state, Longer term i~pacts of proposed boat slip/basin with dock would be to provide additional marine wildlife habitat for nursery and feeding activities for the flora+fauna of Buttonwood Sound. >~.:l\l::'..J~lC! --(~'t1 . ;': ~ It -)3 () .:' f ~ '. \ ./ ' _ ",-j' . ; ._ ,."., -:;t ~ " . . ,'/;{Vt7it;~,:, - -, "';U""~\ v"i , ~ ~~- ::~tt.~-t~~~'.:':~~ J~!~~;:::) ,.... -"').l. ". ~'lri'.-.'tf:' .~ -...-......"..-h.r;-,;.,~' ,l . ,?~~r;0;~}{\/~1 PiiOTO -'L t- : ...;.2~,~ .~~. ',,":.,'t ' :~,ir,' ." ...-"'If' '. .~. I '...,~ 1 . ..~ ';l~;lti-i(:':i~~'~n': ViC',J at dredge site fr08 north- 'I.'leS t'\.vard boundary. Note predom- inatelv terrestrial flora and previo~sly filled area. -, ... 'L . ' 1:1 , ;.~. - '. ',' .,'.': I'j- :t..':,:'ft':t ~......\i. I~\:~, #~'1":"," . .. ..,.... ~..._..t..,. -" . . ._-; - , , .. .,. (\ ; .<~:~~<\~ .. \ ) J\ ',;...,-:,. l~' ...;<ft.....~" . 7' .~ ..; ';,~~ ~_ii4 . .'t-, ", ... ~..\. '.. "j,- '4 -':. :L PHOrO #2 .1 ,~ /;JJ View of dredge site from southern boundary of lot. Note existing finger pier protecting neighbor's boat slip/basin area. 3 . *", .~ 'f':--:,,"~ ..-IIoo:.i:....fP .... ~ " ,,:-;- ~ ' "~- . .-',. -,,-"'-...o;,;:.-~...... ,,", --....,~-~. ,d.....;..'-t . , ~ · _.t~......,~- .' t. :, ... . 'J_~' .. 1" r~.. -~ .~. '\ ~,.:.;. . -.:" ..,.1#" . \; '- ' ....1' ~. ~:";"'"'"'''''''' ~~; .~ r vI" :) - --.,..l'_ "-,,,'" ~.,..,' , . ~,., ,. . ..-.... ;.., , ,. < " .. .' gii1i:-- ~f;.. ~:t'~'. ' '. - ." .. '~~~~i):"<- :';. ~ ).;::~.... 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