Resolution 325A-1984 Finance Department RESOLUTION NO. 325A-1984 RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS WHEREAS, it is necessary for the ~oard of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to make budgeted transfers set up in the Monroe County ~udget for the year 1983-84, and to create new items under said budget, now, therefore, ~E IT ORDAINED ~Y THE ~OARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the budgeted transfers previously set up in the Monroe County ~udget for the year 1983-84 in the amounts hereinafter set forth be transferred to and from the following accounts: GENERAL REVENUE FUND Transfer from Parks & ~eaches, Item #00l-092000-534130-0, Salaries Non-payroll, The sum of $200.00, Into Courthouse & Annex, Item #001-090200-5l952l-0, Gas, Oil & Lubricants Transfer from Parks & ~eaches, Item #001-092000-534l30-0, Salaries Non-payroll, The sum of $500.00, Into Other Administrative ~uildings, Item #001-090300-51952l-0, Gas, Oil & Lubricants Transfer from Animal Shelter, Marathon, Item #001-091100-562521-0, Gas, Oil & Lubricants, The sum of $20.00, Into Animal Shelter, Key West, Item #00l-09l000-562461-0, Maintenance of ~uildings Transfer from Animal Shelter, Marathon, Item #001-09ll00-562120-0, Salaries, The sum of $600.00, Into Parks & ~eaches, Item #00l-092000-53452l-0, Gas, Oil & Lubricants Transfer from Animal Shelter, Marathon, Item #001-09ll00-562120-0, Salaries, The sum of $20.00, Into Courthouse & Annex, Item #001-090200-519410-0, Communications Transfer from Animal Shelter, Marathon, Item #001-09ll00-562l20-0, Salaries, The sum $50.00, Into Parks & ~eaches, Item #001-090200-534462-0, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Contingency, Item #001-000000-584000-0, Contingency, The sum of $36.25, Into Welfare Services, Item #001-180200-564314-0, Tubercular Care Transfer from Contingency, Item #00l-000000-584000-0, Contingency, The sum of $2,900.00, Into Planning & Zoning Department, Item #001-100100-515400-0, Travel Transfer from County Homes, Item #00l-l80300-564491-0, Food & Dietary, The sum of $4,322.84, Into Public Defender, Item #001-060400-5l64l0-0, Communications Transfer from County Home, Item #001-l80300-564491-0, Food & Dietary, The sum of $806.40, Into County Attorney, Item #001-030000-514120-0, Salaries Transfer from Higgs ~each, Item #001-092000-534341-0, Contractual Services, The sum of $57,303.40, Into ~udgeted Transfers, Item #00l-910200-581900-0, Transfer to 301-Higgs ~each Local Match Transfer from Marathon Airport, Item #001-240000-542l20-0, Salaries, The sum of $53.44, Into Marathon Airport, Item #00l-240000-542410-0, Communications Transfer from Middle Keys Guidance Clinic, Item #001-160300-563340-0, Contractual Services, The sum of $3,500.00, Into ~aker Act Transportation, Item #00l-160800-563340-0, Contractual Services ROAD AND ~RIDGE FUND Transfer from Road & ~ridge, Item #l02-94654l-506314-0, Miramar Drive, The sum of $2,700.00, Into Road & ~ridge, Item #102-094600-54l630-0, Road Construction Transfer from Road & ~ridge, Item #102-094600-541630-0, Road Construction, The sum of $153.04, Into Road & ~ridge, Item #102-946541-506310-0, Key Deer ~ou1evard ~E IT FURTHER RESOLVED ~y SAID ~OARD that the Clerk of the ~oard of said ~oard be and he is hereby authorized to take the 2 necessary action to effect the transfer of funds hereinafter set forth. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held I on the -/...k..ti day of /1/ r) J P\M he r , A.D. 1984. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF 2 COUNTY , FLORIDA ~y \~ sJ~ Mayor / Cha1.rman ---- (SEAL) Attest :D^NNY L n. . KOLHAGE, Clerk ///'l ~i/7 / ~5L!i~ L~~. Ac./ / erk / ~~~, f1~~~~Fr:~;~ . __) /, / \ ,I '{:" 8Y\~~;r;e~:~~fice~6 ,,( ~ ~ lj.- ~ 3