Resolution 001-1982`� -- leg 4 RESOLUTI-ON NO...1-1982 WH�JREAS, the Counties of.the-State of Florida and the Depart- ment of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Forestry have a shared responsibility in the protection of forest and wild lands and related rural. improvements; and WHEREAS, increased dxain,age and water usage has made more. wild lands susceptible to wildfire; and WHEREAS, many people,now;build on the rural urban interface causing greater threat to 1ife,and property from wildfire; and WHEREAS,- inflation dictates that a stronger cooperative effort between fire districts,,mun,cipal fire departments; and the Division of Forestry be established so as to insure the ef- ficient utilization ofall:suppression resources; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the people of the State of Florida, the Counties, and the -Division of Forestry to provide fire protection in,the-'most cost effective manner; and WHEREAS, the Division of Forestry is proposing to amend Subsection (1) of Section 1 of°'125.27-Florida Statutes, which would provide funds to' the..Division for the purpose of providing assistance in training and equipping rural and municipal fire de- partments of communities of 1ess.than 10,000 population, now, therefore, BE.-IT'RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MON- ROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that said;;Board does support the Division of Forestry's efforts to amend Subsection (1).of Section 1 of 125.27 0 Florida Statutes, which would direct.'the 3�/acre currently con- tributed by the Counties for wild land fire protection -be deposited in the Incidental Trust Fund.of the Division of Forestry rather than the State General-Revenue.Fund. These funds would be used - in assisting in training and equipping of rural and municipal fire departments of communities';of.l,ess than 10,000 popula on. -., 2 �� • a'.