Resolution 338-1983 ' 1 d } • 11111 > d Reggie Paros E.M. S . Coordinator RESOLUTION NO. 338-1983 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICT NO. 1-C OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT NO . 1-C AND SUGARLOAF KEY VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT , INC . TO PROVIDE FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF VOLUNTEERS FOR EXPENSES RELATING TO SERVICES . BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICT NO . 1-C OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows : That the Chairman of the Board of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, acting as the Board of Governors of Municipal Service Taxing District No . 1-C of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute an Agreement by and between Special Taxing District No. 1-C and Sugarloaf Key Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. , a copy of same being attached hereto , for the purpose of reimbursing volunteers for expenses related to services performed by said volunteers . Passed and adopted by the Board of Governors of Municipal Service Taxing District No . 1-C of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 16th day of December, A.D . 1983 . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICT NO. 1-C By -" Chairman (Seal) Attest : DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk Pu'ub--) APPROVED AS TO FORM Clerk AN AL SUFFICOEN ' • BY Attorneys Office • • • • AGREEMEN_I' • • THIS .AGREEMENT made and entered into this 16th_ day of December : A .D.. 1983 between Special Taxing D.i.strict No . l`,, hereinafter referred to as the "District" and the . • Sugarloaf Key Volunteer • Fire Department, Inc. Volunteer Fire Department or Volunteer • • Fire Department and Ambulance Corps (whatever the case may be) , - - hereinafter referred to as the "Department" . • • •WITNESSE'1'II: • • WHEREAS ; the various special taxing districts have been • further organized .into departments as a non-profit incorporation for . the purpose of providing fire protection and rescue facilities to the people and property of -the- same in Monroe County., and • • . • WHEREAS, such fire protection and rescue 'protection •is .fer the furtherance of the common good of Monroe County, and WHEREAS; the Department aforesaid and the Special Taxing District No . 1=c .through the Board of County Commissioners of • Monroe County, Florida , as the governing body , -have agreed • and • provided. by ordinance for the various departments to reimburse • its volunteer personnel and chiefs from funds strictly 'within • the budget of -the various special taxing districts , and . WHEREAS , the various firefighters and ambulance personnel in. the respective special. taxing districts. arc available and are . _ • on constant alert 'as firefighters and volunteers in. various lifesaving activities , and • WHEREAS; these -parties now desire to formally- agree for the • . reimbursement of volunteers for expenses relating to said . services • • and the .various ' volunteer departments do agree. thereto, now, • therefore , BE IT IJNDERSTOOJ) that in considcration.. of the covenants agreed t.o herein and other good} .and v,iluah1e considerations , ' Ih( • parties hereto .do. agree as follows : • -. 1 . That the various special taxing districts shall utilize the services' .of" the _'volunteers both as firefighters and for ' rescue • • .� .»•s-:.—, r.:'r"'..w---c.e - ;..T_--.:.x-S+- r ':—, ,.a_.- .-s_ ...e„= ✓*u _r:r=i1's:!'..{� ., .•-=`�`-g�•'' r.�r�'`..� A?.cr'.F tl,,r: :.���'.'u?' ..,�''a�` r;.'.;z»'SLi �,u i :t- r=r r,-, �—r.;��. v o • .. .3: i+. .n.7.2M�r1e�'°3; _ .r. "r.. _ '4T.`'+°•' -�v!•--� .a.. 4... a"Rc�" . • , pu.rposes and that for said services a reimbursement to- said • volunteers shall be in the sum of $50...00 per month , not to exceed . . ' the budgeted funds,. with it being understood that the various . chiefs of the • special taxing districts shall be reimbursed in the sum of $200 . 00 per month , not to exceed the budgeted funds , herein with '.a maximum of 30 volunteers and 2 chiefs who shall be reimbursed under this agreement . . . • 2. 'That insofar as the various •special •tax.i.ng districts . .have in their budget for the fiscal year 1983-84 funds available for the reimbursement provided by this agreement that the same -• • shall be done upon passage of this •ordinance when and if said volunteers have entered -into this agreement . 3, Monroe County and/or the special. taxing districts . • currently. maintains •and shall provide Worker ' s Compensation • Insurance for the volunteers specified herein for the duration of this agreement .. • . • • 4 . Each of, the volunteers of the Departments described here.- in shall furnish amid keep - in full force and effect a policy of liability insurance on .his private vehicle (s) in such amounts of • coverage as are required under Florida law. : Monroe County and/or the special taxing districts shall keep in full force and effect a policy of liability insurance on all • emergency vehicles owned by the County and/or special taxing • districts and used by the Departments , which policy shall also provide-: secondary, or back-up , coverage on private vehicles only , during such times as they are operated in response to a call for the emergency services of the. Department . . Such period of operation : shall be deemed to . begin at the time a• volunteer enters a private • vehicle for the purpose of responding to a call and to end at such • time as the volunteer returns . to his home o.r , i n the case of a • •volunlee'r who makes an iii.termediatc stop on his. way to his 1•iomu , to the First location to which he drives iafter the completion of • . his parti.cipati_on in the• emergency • scrv.ices that, were the subject .of the call . • • ��. ,.^;'b.'`'"_fay•. y.. , 7 *,e=,• � nT ,.A .-, r •_�;'_' _ �� .J�`�?''._�`�+-, t ,gin-:r.�` `7� r�•,z.�,?�,` " ,v , `'�����: Pn.,. ...��r.Y• may:._ ;,mar.-., = :v . 5 . '1'ho Department 'shall k oi) i.n . f.ull force a'nd cticct a - • pol..icy, of liability insurance on all emergency vehicles owned - b the De �artment .an:d used in rovidin J corer Jenc r' services within y: ! providing b y • . the District,. Said policy shall be in the-.amount of at least • - ' $1 , 000', 000 ..00 combined single limit and shall also name the. Monroe County Board• of .County '.Commissioners as,: insured.' • 6 . Nothing contained in this agreement shall cause :the - volunteers to..be deemed .or held to be agents or 'employees of . - Monroe County or of the -special taxing districts Monroe County • : and ,t}1e special taxing districts shall have no liability or . responsibility in. connection with the .subject of .this agreement • other than the payment • o:f the reimbursement provided :in paragraph - 1 -hereof. and the furnishing of insurance' as provided in... paragraph..- ' 4 hereof : Monroe County and the special taxing .districts assume . no liability . for, and each of- the volunteers agrees to- hold _:said, `County and, District:s harmless from, any and all claims that . may -. arise from the actions or the inaction .of the -'volunteer, whether in the course .of his volunteer efforts or not , - and that are. not - covered by the insurance : required under the provisions of:..p-aragraph' • . 4 hereof. Further , it is. the understanding .and intent of all .parties - to this agreement that the provisions of this paragraph do not alter , I - • the legal relationships' of the. parties existing .iminedia.tely prior . to its execution with regard, to the potential..vicarious liability. The purpose for the inclusion of this .paragraph is, to -memorialize the existing_ understanding of the parties, - No compensation shall be paid . to the volunteers by Monroe...' . ' County or the special,.taxing districts except., -the reimbursement - provided in this -agreement or in any extension or written. .modification - of this agreement . . ' . Q • 7 The.. Count:y does hereby ,affirm that. the. g.ovcr'n'i.ng board .did a pproVo on . t:he 16th cla, ..oi December., -: ..• A.. 1) : . 1 113 3 this agreement and; did. d:i:rect. and authorize its-. pre.siding off.iccr to .enter into said .agr.eement . . . - -- -- ..77 7147-H r :�, t- _ .,SK;47*77,.,7aa;te r a':sin,S;l`r.7,-r+?=" ► , koft,rwe ;"- fgt va-- i.y.., ,..,,,.Y?w.r7.i4"e ,r, ,I 8.. That the various speci.a1 taxing. districts acting as volunteer fire and/or rescue departments as is- set forth in Ordinance No . . did affirm that a duly constituted meeting of the governing board of the .same on the 16th: day of December AA. 19.83 , the terms of this agreement was approved and the execution. thereof directed . ' . 9 . That .each contract or agreement entered into by .the . various special taxing districts and the operating corporations known as. Departments shill also be executed by the volunteers prior • to the receipt of reimbursement . A signed roster of all volunteers and all. chiefs shall be provided for the Finance Department . . The signature and agreement of the individuals as prescribed in this . section is . a condition precedent to the disbursement of any ' reimbursements provided for in said agreement . . IN WITNESS 1V1IEREOF the parties hereto - executed this agreement on the '16th day of December 1983 . SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT NO-. I-C • • i3 ti� ' (SEAL).. Chairman • . Attest : . 'NY L: XOLH GE, Clerk j SXQvo � ,D c " Jerk VOLUNTEER: FIRE DEPARTMENT OR ' . ' VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT AND AMBULANCE .CORPS ('whatever the case' may be) 13 y ? 'f1 , (SEAL)' ' ' President - Q . . Z_____ .. ,_ Sperotary . ' . .. • -;,�;iti:.^'s.�;qiZ,.aarvt<a�;�? 'r.;..i,.. _ .+"= . ---'. Yx-sr:; r. �,7J 6-Slr:4'4k *,�.. ,'w' +s-L'4 'xr::.%.>v�_'..,':?.:. a4 _4;ei`+ J