Resolution 358-1983 RE$OCUTZON NO. 358 - 1983 \, LHEREA , THE BOARD •OF C Un g COMM1$$xONER$ OF M NROE COMM FCORIP has receivca an application Pram William J. Nichols ana illHEREI$, in compliance with $1atc $fatute, it is nccessarg as part of the permitting proceaurc fo reab the fnllnwing Biaingical Assessment info the Rccora, as follows: The applicant proposes the excavation of a 62' x 24' x -6' to -8' (MLW) boat slip, involving the removal of ±760 cubic yards of uplands -(above MHW) and ±40 cubic yards below`MHW: This boat slip would provide boat mooring for a single family residence. The perimeter of the boat slip would be bulkheaded. The material that would be dredged is primarily marl. This general area of Marathon was originally low, mangrove- dominated wetlands before dredge and fill work began in the 1950's and 60's, which created residential developments (primarily single family residential lots) . At present, a large network of shallow to moderately deep canals abutting filled uplands empty into Sisters Creek. Sisters Creek consequently connects to Hawks Channel to the south and Boot Key Harbor to the north. The shorelines in this area generally support a mangrove fringe where a small amount of erosion has occurred. Where no erosion has occurred (shorelines sheltered from boat and wind induced waves), mangroves are not as common due to the lack of sufficient shoreline shelf area. - The canals in this area are typically milky in appearance due to the predominance of marl in the shoreline and underlying sediments. Sombrero Isle is. approximately one-quarter developed, with properties adjacent to the project site remaining undeveloped (no house construction) . The applicant's property is situated on a narrow finger canal that bisects Sombrero Isle. This canal possesses nearly verti- cal side walls and maximum depths on the-orderrdf -10 feet (MLW) . Where the boat slip is proposed, the canal side walls are composed of soft marl (fine, clay-like.texture) , supporting . green algaes such as Penicillus sp. , Batophora sp. and Caulerpa sp. . The upper edges of the shoreline support somewhat scattered mangroves, including red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle) , , black mangroves (Avicennia germinans) and white mangroves (Laguncularia racemosa) . Other wetland; .plant_species obser- ved included beach carpet. (Philoxerus vermicularis) and sea purslane (Sesuvium portulacastrum) . l.Resolution No. NICHOLS, WILLIAM J. Page Two With respect to water quality in the canal system adjacent to the project site, several items are important to note. There was little or no water column stratification at the time of recent dissolved oxygen monitoring (copy results enclosed) . Although dissolved oxygen levels were not high (4.0 to 4.9 ppm) , little change was evident in values through the water column.. One of the primary reasons for the apparent lack of severe water quality problems here is the relative lack of detrital . entrapment in these canals. Without this organic detrital buildup on the bottom, sediments have remained aerobic and free of hydrogen sulfide production. During the. course of monitoring, the following fish species were observed: Mullet (Mugil cephalus) , jack crevalle (Caranx hippos) , and leatherjacket (oligoplites' saurus) . The primary impact of concern is long term water quality degradation within the proposed boat slip. Due to its length, depth, and configuration, the possibility of water stagnation and degraded water quality in the boat slip is increased. Because water quality is thought to be marginal in the existing canal to which the boat slip would be connected, there is con- cern as to whether State standards for dissolved oxygen can be met at all times in the proposed boat slip. B£ It RUOC1 ED BB ERE BOARD OF coUnJ C MUSION$ER$ .OF MMONROE CO3INU, FCORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has henn rean into the recnrn anA Ault nonsiAereb pursuant to Florida 5sfalut.e 253.124 hB the Bnarb of Cnuntt Commissioners of Monroe Countj, Flnriba, this 16th hat of December 19 83 at a regularly soheuuleb meeting. BOARD OF C( UNE33 COMMUSION£1 OF MONROE mIn1.J, FCORZD t • BB PEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOL��HAGE, Clerk 400 )112i\6jr-sY terlk iCurien'C. Briihj, Cnunti Affornej n'p C .,isle` BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OUNTY o MO V ROL t' Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 i" �F' eta ',a, Ed Swift, District 2 (305) 294 4641 ` `;fir 1= MAYOR Jerry Hernandez, District 3 .;IQ l; i l • Alison Fahrer, District 4 Mayor Pro tern Ken Sorensen, District 5 _,..O.Q,, isr . \, ,„0, Lucien C. Proby, County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 • I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows : 1 . County Biologist Report - 2 . Resolution (William J. Nichols) V 3 . Permit ✓ 4. Application for Permit (Boat Slip) V - • 5 . Site Plan ✓ ,,,` . ; 6 . Location Map ✓ 7. DER Assessment ' / V Date /O2 --_I 4-3 • By D 7. , . 17\ e_:-; _ .. . , . L,, , , .... Il DEC 2 1983 COUNTY i-° u " ' T57PS FORM 3397 EPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATENovember 29, 1983 SUBJECT William J. Nichols, Boat Slip To Dr. Jeffrey M. Doyle, Director DEP'T Planning & Zoning (Key West) FROM Andy Hooten, Biologist 1 -_ DEP'T Planning & Zoning (Marathon) Legal Township 66 South, Range 32 East, Section 15, Lot 18, Calle Ensueno, Sombrero Isle, Boot Key, Monroe County, Fla. Zoned RU-1 Introduction This application, proposing the construction of a boat slip, is to be reviewed by the Monroe County Commission persuant to Sec. 19-111(b) (2) & (4) of the Monroe County Code. Project and Site Description The applicant proposes to construct a 62' x 24' x -7' to -8' (MLW) boat slip to align parallel to the shoreline of a man made canal at Sombrero Isle in Marathon. This construction would involve the excavation of 1285 cubic yards of material landward of the Mean High Water line (MHW) and 135 cubic yards waterward of MHW. The excavated material would then be placed on the upland property for use as fill for a house pad. This spoil deposit would require no clearing of land. Presently, this application is also being evaluated by the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation. A copy of the DER's biological evaluation accompanies this report. An additional permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers may also be required for this activity. As can be seen in the attached DER report, Sombrero Isle was historic- ally a mangrove wetland area that was dredged and filled for development of single family residences. While many of 'ihe canal front lots have been recolonized by healthy stands of mangroves, many of the lots are not well vegetated due to the steep slope of the shoreline. Mr. Nichols property was observed to conta,Ln small patches of red, white and black mangroves. Substrate composition is that of clay-like sediment and shell fragments which is the fill material that is common to this area. Subtidally, the side of the canal is colonized by green algae (i.e. Batophora sp, Penicillus sp and Caulerpa sp) While the County is not equipped to sample elements that indicate the status of water quality, the attached DER report did sample for dissolved oxygen in the canal area and did not find the water quality to be below those standards required by the State. Furthermore, as the samples throughout the water column were not significantly different in dissolved oxygen values, it is probable that these waters do not experience stratif- ication, a condition that increases the probability of poor water quality. The attached drawing shows that the proposal involves the alignment of the boat slip parallel to the canal. Because of the dimensions involved, this • TOPS FORM 3397 LIT111111,, DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATENovember 29, 1983 SUBJECT William J. Nichols, Boat Slip - Page 2 To DEP'T FROM DEFT activity will result in more of a canal "widening" than the creation of a small pocket. Due to the configuration and dimensions of the basin, water should be able to mix and circulate. Dredging would create additional habitat for marine biota. Any impact on the area should be short term. Evaluation Based on the above considerations and review of the Monroe County Code and the Coastal Zone Protection and Conservation Element, this proposal is consistent with the laws and guidelines set forth by Monroe County. Recommendation Approval: Turbidity screens should be properly employed. Not a part of Environmental Assessment Presently there is no principal structure on the site. ya AH/ck - ,i .• ,,' . • • ... .. . . . , . • . 1 ' 1 ' -0 0 i 1 --I ---I i...................„,,,,. V --< --< 6 ,, ,..____121. ... . 0 —_____-----t +6 . 0/ 1; 11111111111111111 1 f 1 . , ------1-.......„__)„, +4' r, I ii SLAB --7— 0 . 0 / • j ______________ +1 . 5 p -•-•,. • - i _.... . -- (., . u . --- -8 . 0 SECTION A-A SECTION B-B HATCHING INDICATES DREDGE AREA , t\EN - r1 •-, en(:,e,..1 '\ cp 1 li ‘ e-r nC0..1" 1 - ,-1-./ CCia.' (YLOG --) I,J ,.:o r` I. .•••-o_), cz,, ci-)--1 1 I _, -------__________„, 44•:-. (% .••*., •. / / • I // 7/ / 111r11111111111h6 _FY •./ tz - / '7' 0 y ,„ - - • 1 • -/--. . -," / (7, / ,,. , • \ • A i 7,- --/ 0) ----- i REVISION 2 1 0- 2 5-8 3 WILLIAM J . NI -,_/"."--------7- c."LT----------------------------._.S C A L E S :,! --.7,,, 1 , SECTIONS 1 " = IC, ' !.:', • ..:.v., z, ,?-• 4,.. i ,A i PLAN! 0& SECTIONS r E T 5-1=1:: 0 Atoute.cRuLtigincersunumers is. i____ :;-* E. tl•p; , , .2 . PLANNING, BUILDING &ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT MONROE y PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF NO, COUNTY M,f FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE " WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY 1)Property owners name&mailing address 2)Date FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY William J. Nichols Sept . 16 , 1983 2447 Red Bud Lane Resolution No. Wichita, KN 67204 3)Phone number (316 ) Date: 832-1890 4)Contractor or agent's name,mailing address&phone number Glen Boe, P.W. Post Office Box 3406 Marathon Shores, Florida 33052 743-9121 5)Legal description of property: Section 1 , Key Root Subdivision Sombrero Isle Township 66R Lot 18 Block N/A Range S2F Street, road or mile marker Calle Ensueno Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled/deposited 135 c.y. 1285 c.y. c.y. 800 c.y. waterward landward waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. ZONING: RU—i PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Biologist Comments-Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: APPROVAL: Turbidity screens should be properly employed. Jeffrey M. Doyle , Ph.D. , Dir. Planning, Building and Zoning i . - - --- -- - w/ ' jam J . Nichols ? - I Red Bud Lane ; Sept'. 16 , 1983 ; ( 315 ) 832- 1890 f ita , KN 67204 • , --- 'actor or agent's name, mailing address , phone ccr :_c..l'._. Glen Boe , P . E . Cert . No . 17300 DESIGN MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES , INC . P . 0 . Box 3406 , Marathon Shores , FL 33052 ( 305 ) 743-9121 1 description of property: ion, 15 • ?(ey, Boot. Key S division, Sombrero Isle ship, 66S32E Lot, 18 Trion, • N/A (if acreage) • . Street, road or mile mar1<er, ng, RU-1 , Cal l e Ensueno tribe the proposed activity, -methods of construction ? ` cunt of material (in cubic yards) , be excavated or discharged. Pescribe purpose 8 intended use of project. See attached remarks ilT) . . 6p ••• dredged/excavated . 85 • . . ' . I.1 ed/der.os;`ed of )3� 0 c.y. c.y. • 0 c.y. . . - 800 c.y. ' .al � . , . waterward la^.d.ward. waterward landward . . . ' . of H.H.W. of Y.H.W. of m.H.W. of . J :e, address F, zip code of adjoining property owncrs nrorerty affronts water way. ( 1 ) Joseph H . Bertram & (2) William R . & Dorothy E . Vossler Rita H . Ojala P . 0 . Box' 2783 4 Britto Dr . , Bluefield , CN 06002 Marathon Shores , FL 33052 ..ist other permits issued and/or applied for, include applicant's name, for this site: N/A . • application has been submitted for this project (or one similar) in the past, explain reason-for new application and give applicant's name if different from current !pp lic ant. N/A ' - ;t all Federar and State -agencies that nave receivea applications z or this project. Applications for this project are being submitted concurrently to the Corps of Engineers and the Florida D . E . R . This completed application form will re accompanied by the following, or it will NCT be processed. o (2) sets of drawings, on 81 x 11 paper, showing location, plot plan, top view and • oss section of proposal, drawn to scale. plication processing fee as follows: - • 5.00 for dredge, fill, decks Cr. any structures of ronting natural water bodies. • 0.00 for vertical seawalls on man-made bodies of water. 5.00 for any combination of the above activities per site. cation is hereby made for a Hermit to authorize the activities described herein. I fy that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and to the best knowledge & belief such information is true, complete F* accurate. I fur her certify that sess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. ,All provisions of laws and ances governing this type of work will he complied with w7,.etl'er specified herein or not. Th, ing of a permit does not presume to give authority / iol to or cancel. the _`rovisions of ounty, state or federal law regulating construction or :"erf o_?':.'nco of ccnst?ur-t en of this of facility. ;// �, /• ,,,- ,e_ y pL5 . -_X, , . .. __a:r:lag en j/ . _:Ito C epartment Use alv/ /,;Y--- -- •7"s - !/'.5.. ;7 =`f`_ • r. )y) l'. i:cc u receipt r r f proved IL)), rss t. '.)irector _ n , 'nnlic ' 'n- 6 NOTES ( 1 ) SLABS TO BE 6" PRECAST CONCRETE REINFORCED BOTH .,,. ..: N WAYS WITH #5 REBAR ON 12" CENTERS . ( 2 ) PILES TO BE PRESTRESSED CONCRETE 10"x10" ON 10 ' CENTERS MAX . . DRIVEN TO ROCK. EACH PILE TO BE ED BACK TO .30"x30"x6 " DEADMEN . TIEBACKS SHALL , 12''.1t1 _.A."_ REBAR , OMPLETELY COATED WITH BITUMINOUS • CD TG,; - 1 1 1 z . (3 ) CAP SHALLB REINFOR,.C,,ED CONCRETE POURED- IN-PLACE F ; NOT LESS HA TWO F:EE WIDE AND 16 " DEEP . CiU `` 111 Z ` L �� H � PLA J ; 1 }' x¢ ,. 1 ..- _._ ._=.(6 NOTE : EAST `�� d4_1:-t._.:_ 12 SIDE 0€•�=5E Tl ----�.,�_..,,_�'"_ ..... TO BE 55 ' ONG ; o •f:::::::=14 _�. 62 ' �.`_ 10 ' WEST SIDE T '� BE 69 ' LONG, 1, . %�� - I- +6 �Y�" CAPS - +1 . 5 0 . 0 /I ,. .-.<: 7/ _�M S L A B yr %�1' �. . - T8 . 0 j , HL// NG INDICATES -' OSED D DGE �--�- �V.- ,/ / ' �F P� ,� S E C T I O N A-A M L W = 0 . 0 P I L j MHW = +1 . 5 1 if......_.._�..: - _ .. . _ WILLIAM J . NICHOLS SCALES �-3 Rom' BOAT SLIP PLAN 25 0 25 . 50 �'IiA ,. PLAN AND SECTION OF • 5 0 5 10 15 20 k' ' Architects ❑ Engineers l]Planners PROPOSED NEW WORK SECTION Fir-P-1-94---1----4--m-�^^s�� —1 P.O. Box 3406-Marathon Shores,Florida 33052-3406 SHEET 2 OF 2 1"=10 ' • _,......_ \\ it II ... , ' : _`_? �.. a Dr� \1 `vv1� II IILI i a ADJACENT OWNERS `, ;,.,,,,, �,�u„° ,�_ °� «" ,� /;,.r; o'; \I' X t „: `\ \�c l w •VOr __,,%/ i- //J/./- ..o i"i i ‘'i Lot 17 - JOSEPH H . BERTRAM & ``� \1`i� s �,,:.�•'v°'\.`,;;y'=v'�l: ' . :). :'o RITA H . OJALA : i,: ,;'''13°°l j/� J)'I ///�� R ;>• �'� 4 BRITTON DRIVE ?' \,R / / ° ;� BLUEFIELD , CN 06002 ,\;ob, : _.!,.. , /;,-;,-:- ' //,)-'\(__e--:-.4, / L / ,a Lot 19 - WILLIAM R . & DOROTHY E . VOSSLER )' .-``� ,, t (717_li , • ,te r' P . 0 . BOX 2785 arl ll( /�1 S ' � . ;} ,it ' . / MARATHON SHORES , FL 33052 l� �'r• �-, , - ;.� IL- • i I � I 1'g1 � 5 • PROJECT LOCATION • �L✓� NOAA CHART NO . 11449 Alh•441 LAT : 24°41 ' 53"N . LONG : 81 °05 ' 11 W ti FX\1 \.1 . LOT SOMBRE18 RO ISLE SUBDIVISION CALLE41.17( tc-1*..,,.,.4 . \ :, _ 46 -oo • ti • o\ - . - . 0101 •tr.„2.Ac.:..), ,..c) . , .0 Aiiiiii.... ,; (-0.,\ 12.ccc‘ .. "\\1.).\\ ,-.P--:- 41V < ,,7,_ - • , ./>.-CP4. e.. a d iL) 155 . . .-''' -P N r Jp ✓ \ \ , l WILLIAM J . NICHOLS • ins BOAT SLIP r', t LOCATION AND VICINITY '! ' La tA •` :1 ' ""` i . Architects 0 Engineers 0 Planners SHEET 1 OF 2 x NO SCALE ' P.O. Box .400-Marathon Shores, Florida 33052-34r5 ' • _ • , 11111 1 MB i ;.. , ..„{c., \\ iill ..:L.....!!...:,- ‘......1-• 1.\ , L,NI 1!i ,.......„ 4 • „f-- ,, ,=(.5-;1',`„ \;V-: j .-- . ---:4 .•-c. 1.- .; i r.J3 --N)—--"-'''' ic . , 1, , E 1 , ADJACENT OWNERS 0 y,1 W ' 1 I C HU TRY;‘,..z-,-.7-0-1, . ,. II,A...,... ki:1401re.: - 1 1 VA-) r \f‘'.\\V • ///•'!../li 1;1 V'l i "' :-,'I\‘' 4''\;"' -• 1,01 -- / ,;'' '7?) : ..' Lot 17 - JOSEPH H . BERTRAM & I\\ c\-,..,, ;„ ,,,. ‘•••‘ t• ,,k ,< ,,•. •,-..,. 4 .0 ....• i \-1 ,. \ ; ,'•••.', P•Y‘,/•••\'.;,' ,,.,, , .5,:. ..e,J. ..... RITA H . OJALA ,:---1. -"•• •'',''''13°" './' ,7 ---.=-1.i) //./r,69-r" 4 BRITTON DRIVE • >,;-‘,,,,,,\:, \ 4 v- --:-.::: :•:-Y.C..-\b"' '''' ':' 14!...'''s-I ,.1 //:, 14 ‘,(,`'. • ..:,--- 6 L U E F I E L D , CN 06002 — ,,-, -•' . ,j,!:-"• -3•--0,1ri/• ..,.:.c-- ---\----.,.:, \ Lot 19 - WILLIAM R . & DOROTHY E . VOSSLER- 1!: ::: t- ___.?- . : i if-r, ...-,. 7--: .. P . O . BOX 2785 1'0"Th' \ )\-,,-- A. ,: c„ ,.., , 1 MARATHON SHORES , FL 33052 H.C*- ? Y ,A0-- -,' --.-:.:-.,[ ( IILL1. K._. , . ,.....,/---,.,:..,,.,,,,..v,.. il--.{-r----N 7.- '11 A't, ;1.• :—s',. :-.:..0.,.,-7:7 C•-•. :' •., ; • . • PROJECT LOCATION • . . - NOAA CHART NO . 11449 • : • • . LAT : 24°4153N • • . _ LONG : 81 '05111 "W . ._ . LOT 18 ' 411411‘ SOMBRERO ISLE SUBDIVISION • . ....... ...... .. • 1 . ----laVialk ' /1„). ...., 111kVA vr A,......r...............,_ _ '''..\ • • C ....A • C.,.. • •C'\ S? • • kr Cn LO . . • 1 I C"\ + o c2) % . 0 •-.--, L.LJ . . • 1:.5) • = . u 4., 1 ' o I w i ' ... , i .. . WILLIAM J . NICHOLS i F''','•`5,';rk.,,:7 l'?:- r, ;: :...•• .-.-:—. . ,': : ...,,,, :•.,,,.,-,-: ..-,;.;:iz. ,,,,----, BOAT SLIP i; :, • ,. •• •:,-,1:,-.• - ,,,,,,, •,-.:.-. ‘ .. ;4::., . • : .• . ::f,`.;° v'';i[L, \''.. , \i '', ,:Q.'• k .,1.;1 ii LOCATION AND VICINITY i I Architects 0 Engineers 0 Planneri 1 SHEET 1 OF 2 I NO SCALE 1 P.O. Box 3406-Marathon Shores,Flora 30.52-:406 1 3 NOTES ( 1 ) SLABS TO BE 6 " PRECAST CONCRETE REINFORCED BOTH N . WAYS WITH V5 REBAR ON 12" CENTERS . I / ( 2 ) PILES TO BE PRESTRESSED CONCRETE 10"x10" ON 10 ' �' CEN TERS MAX . DRIVEN TO ROCK. EACH PILE TO BE 1. �' m� TI D_ K-TO,.\30"x30"x6 " DEADMEN . TIEBACKS SHALL ii /Q yB=E REBAR C MPLETELY COATED WITH BITUMINOUS CO T \NG . r I z • (3 ) CA SHALL--B REINFORCED CONCRETE POURED- IN-PLACE L 1 .1 S� N T LESS THAN TWO F` ET WIDE AND 16" DEEP . o 0.6 CDU' w Z L H PLAN J (nJ / t 6 'I- 24 ' I6 1I, NOTE : EAST r 1. -I-1,._...�....,.z.._.. ....; ._ SIDE OF SLIP w _ .. ®. TO BE 55 ' LON. o _�2 62 ' :�,_.. \ i, 10 ' 11111111 WEST SIDE TO a BE 69 ' LONG (_ <t- i%9 ` ‘-' 1— , \ +6 .�t�/'-"" CAPS r 4 -1 — , \ _ T 5 „,,,,,,,,. -,---- ,- o . o k r4 ' \ SLAB / 1 of%<-') HATCH NG INDICATES J PRO OSED DR E \_ Q 4: SECTION A-A Wt � L� / P WI 0 . 0PILE : +1 . 5 WILLIAM J . NICHOLS SCALES hhA PLAN 25 0 25 50 � � ' '1 i kn . PLAN AND SECTION OF 5 0 5 10 15 20 PROPOSED NEW WORK SECTION F ,�_.� Architects ID Engineers❑Planners P.O.Box 3406-Marathon Shores,Florida 33052.3406 1 " =1 D ' SHEET 2 OF 2 • WILLIAM J . NICHOLS BOAT SLIP REMARKS The applicant wishes to construct a boat slip on his residential lot which fronts on a manmade canal . The canal is approximately 60 ' wide at the project site . The slip is to' be dredged and the peri - meter is to be stabilized by a ' reinforced concrete seawall . The slip is proposed to be dredged to a depth of eight feet below mean low water to accommodate a large sailing vessel . The shape of the slip is irregular due t-o the irregular shape of the lot . The slip is to be 24 ' wide ; length at the centerline will be 62 ' with the west edge 55 ' long and the east edge 69 ' long . Short return slabs will. be installed along the shoreline . Most of the construction will be by land based equipment with assistance from a barge . An . earthen plug will be left in place during the dredging of the up- land and spoil return water will be directed into the slip . Tur- bidity curtains will be deployed prior to removing the plug and will be left in place until the project is complete . The dewatered spoil will be used as needed for grading of the upland . Excess spoi 1 will be removed-Yfrom-•the._,s.i to by the contractor . ' I n •� • r rY } (it[F A: .Y.,... ..,,,..„.„ :,1.k.,,i. ,,,.; a OOC�C� ��}r�v � �a�9 �OC1 Y ` Yam .. A ttiYc T g ARCHITECTS El ENGINEERS LI PLANNERS 01 /4-)(Siir3 . ' A To : Distribution From: Glen Boe • Date : 10/25/83 • Subject: William J . Nichols At the request of agency representatives , the subject project has been revised so as to align the boat slip parallel to the canal rather than parallel to the side property line . Mooring piles have been added since the re-alignment eliminated the opportunity to tie off the boat from both sides . • Dredge volume is now approximately 1285 cy landward of MHW and 135 cy waterward of MHW . Dredge areas are 2695 sq ft landward and 805 sq ft waterward of MHW . All dredge material will be placed on the applicant ' s lot and will be used to raise the site elevation . • Distribution : --Andy Hooten - Monroe County Rick Cantrell - D . E . R. Punta Gorda John Meyer - D . E . R . Marathon Curtis Kruer - Corp-s Big Pine Mike Slayton - Corps Miami • P. O. l3ox 3406 / Marathon Shores, Florida 33052 105 Town Square Mall / 1.1400 Overseas Hwy. / Marathon, Florida 330S0 / (305) 74 i-9I 21 11111 { 111 ... - , .\- [ .. • i . ij _ 0� ..,,,. , r 1 ADJACENT OWNERS t.,.., t.\., „o 1H ,, _00� �0 - , `� Lot 17 - JOSEPH H . BERTRAM ` :,.\' I�`` .'' • - RITA H . OJALA ; �,„ ' . "�� ��t � .�., 1. 4 BRITTON DRIVE ` , BLUEFIELD , CN 06002 ;` `. __ � `•� Lot 19 - WILLIAM R . & DOROTHY E . VOSSLER i;, ":''}-_ -- `�- .)1- . - • ;•;'"!!/',(rr =. - . , P . 0 . BOX 2785 ... 'S j_ ' .� 0 :i,!H MARATHON SHORES , FL 33052 %1 'I 1 ;i • .'�\'/ ` .3.0 ":n ..'v.....2 . . ..` -. .. ....,_ ,,.,... .,.. „,...._. . t. PROJECT LOCATIONxy , NOAA CHART NO . 11449 AO LAT : 24 "41 ' 53" N • LONG : 81 "05111 "W " LOT lb • 41 I 1 iiii-4„C SOMBRERO ISLE SUBDIVISION - �O Alt rALLE -o r p o c `° OF s - c\,, ci 0 Ps w Cad C= C� w yG I— i � Cn 44111011111111 i, . • -, 0)_,:;,,,, REVISION 2 10-25-83 WILLIAM J . NIC H O L SaA t i- , ' ',;, , jj , . BOAT SLIP i „ , R1 r LOCATION AND VICINITY Ai LlntectlLi Lngineer ❑Planner, SHEET 1 OF 2 j NO SCALE i'.u. Box 3400-Mar,uhon )bores Florida 33052-340L: a 1 .. r r o r o tr- ,--, -tov z m m m _< 5 ' l' 25 ' f 10 ' 45 ,f 25 ' (, 10 1, CAP / +1 . 5 MW SLAB . PILE 0 . 0 0 . 0 ML6J Allk -8 . 0 SECTION A-A SECTION B-B HATCHING INDICATES DREDGE AREA GL.cL : _ C,A1. . ' o Th, ..,, -- . . ,, ,, . • 311kt ti r c) r 1. 44jt /' 0. •9,../ f // ski / j .r/ )0 0 / -'''--- : , / ''PX//• / j / ° //' 11:) IF \\c7,2 ...------>"7:/// cY'' • ./,,,,..... -g0:///'' / /°' ,..--_, ,.--.v,- 1 REVISION 2 10- 25-83 WILLIAM J . NICHOLS SCALES r 10 0 '',, n� �' ��, x. BOAT SLIP --s , , , s 1,0 2,0 , fi tl $ ?:' ,, x r ? SECTIONS 1 " = 16 ' :.,.A `M: + ti.% • " ..„: PLAN & SECTIONS 5 0 5 10 1 \rchitects a Engineers ❑ Planners SHEET 2 0 F 2 1 = ) t , t . ; { 1 P.O. Box 3406-Marathon Shores, Florida 33052-3406 I I PLAN 1 " 20 ' 1 For Routing To District Offices And/Or To Other Than The Addressee State of Florida I To: Loctn.: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION 1To: _ Lactn.: To: I.octn.: INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM prom: Date: • Reply Optional ( I Raoly Required ( I Info. Only ( I Date Due: Date Due: TO: Richard Cantrell fl/23, THROUGH: Gary Shaffer ;'r ` �, FROM: John Meer.---/`� DATE : November 21 , 1983 • SUBJECT: Monroe County, File No. 440754935 , William Nichols , Boat slip. I have received the modifications submitted by Glen Boe for William Nichols (Revision 2 , 10-25-83) . The revised plans call for the excavation of a boat slip parallel with the applicant ' s shoreline , as contrasted to the original plans which proposed excavation 90 degrees perpendicular to the shoreline. The length of the modified boat slip would be 115 feet (an increase from 62 feet) . Each end of the modified boat slip would be angled back from the shoreline at a 45° angle . The bottom of the proposed boat slip would slope from a depth of • -7 ' M..L.W. to 8 ' M.L.W. (the bottom contour was originally proposed to slope from -6 ' to -8 ' ) . Three mooring pilings • • are now proposed at the mouth of the boat slip. Total cubic yardage now proposed to be dredged is 1285 landward of M.H.W. and 135 waterward of M.H.W. The original proposal involved 760 cubic yards landward of M.H.W. and 40 cubic yards waterward. With the modified configuration of the boat slip, it is anticipated that water stagnation and stratification will be much less likely to occur. �n With consideration to the canal system as a whole, the proposed boat slip will 1) create new substrate for algae and seagrasses and, consequently, new habitat and 2) increase surface water circulation by increasing the width of the canal and, consequently, increasing surface water area, tension, and interaction with the wind. I would, therefore , recommend that permitting approval be granted with the condition that turbidity curtains or other appropriate turbidity containment devices be utilized . JAM/dvo cc : Andy Hooten w/attachments File (2) DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION PERMIT APPLICATION APPRAISAL • File No. : 440754935 County: Monroe Date : 10-3-83. Applicant Name : William J. Nichols Address : 2447 Red Bud Lane, Wichita, Kansas 67204 Agent (if applicable) : Glen Boe, Design Management Associates , Inc . Address : PO Box 3406 , Marathon Shores , FL 33052 Location of project : Section (s) 15 Township 66S Range 32E Section (s) Township Range Local Reference : Sombrero Isle, Marathon Water Body: Man-made canal connected to Sisters Creek Water Classification of Project Area : III Adjacent Waters : III Aquatic Preserve : Outstanding Florida Waters : On site inspection by: John Meyer Date of Inspection : 10-14-83 Original Application: Yes X No Revised Application : Yes No Date : Date of 2nd Insp. • Biological and Water Quality Assessment A. Description of proposed project and'>aconstruction techniques . . Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4 . 02 and Section 17-4 .28 , Florida Administrative ,Code . B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. C. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. D. Potential impact of proje,.:t o.c b ic, c.;ica1 resources and water quality. Address long-term impact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project . E. Suggestions , where appropriate , for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project. PERM 16-10 (Rev. 6/79) NICHOLS , WILLIAM J. #440754935 Monroe County - Marathon Page Two A. The applicant proposes the excavation of a 62 ' x 24 ' x -6 ° to -8 ' (MLW) boat slip, involving the removal of +760 cubic yards of uplands (above MHW) and +4Q - cubic yards below MHW. This boat slip would provide boat mooring for a single family residence. The perimeter of the boat slip would be bulkheaded. The material that would be dredged is primarily marl . B . This general area of Marathon was originally low, mangrove- dominated wetlands before dredge and fill work began in the 1950 ' s and 60 ' s , which created residential developments (primarily single family residential lets) . At present, a large network of shallow to moderately deep canals abutting filled uplands empty into Sisters Creek. Sisters Creek consequently connects to Hawks Channel to the south and Boot Key Harbor to -the north. The shorelines in this area 'generally- support a mangrove fringe where a small amount of erosion has occurred. Where no erosion has occurred (shorelines sheltered' from boat and wind induced waves) , mangroves are not as common due to the lack of sufficient shoreline shelf area. The canals in this area are typically milky in appearance due to the predominance of marl in the shoreline and underlying • sediments . Sombrero Isle is approximately one-quarter developed, with properties adjacent to the project site remaining undeveloped (no house construction) . C. The applicant ' s property is situated on a narrow finger canal that bisects Sombrero Isle. This canal possesses nearly verti- • cal side walls and maximum depths on the order of -10 feet (MLW) . Where the boat slip is proposed, the canal side walls are composed of soft marl (fine , clay-like texture) , supporting green algaes such as Penicillus sp . , Batophora sp. and Caulerpa sp. . 11111 NICHOLS, WILLIAM J. #440754935 Monroe County - Marathon Page Three The upper edges of the shoreline support somewhat scattered mangroves , including red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle) , black mangroves (Avicennia germinans) and white mangroves (Laguncularia racemosa) . Other wetland plant species obser- ved included beach carpet (Philoxerus vermicularis) and sea purslane (Sesuvium portulacastrum) . With respect to water quality in the canal system adjacent to the project site , several items are important to note . There was little or no water column stratification at the time of recent dissolved oxygen monitoring (copy results enclosed) . Although dissolved oxygen levels were not high (4 . 0 to 4 . 9 ppm) , little change was evident in values through the water column. One of the primary reasons for the apparent lack of severe water quality problems here is the relative lack of detrital entrapment in these canals . Without this organic detrital buildup on the bottom, sediments have remained aerobic and free of hydrogen sulfide production. During the course of monitoring, the following fish species were observed: mullet (Mugil cephalus) , jack crevalle (Caranx hippos) , and leatherjacket (Oligoplites saurus) . D. The primary impact of concern is long term water quality degradation within the proposed boat slip. Due to its length, depth, and configuration, the possibility of water stagnation and degraded water quality in the boat slip is increased. Because water quality is thought to be marginal in the existing canal to which the boat slip would be connected, there is con- cern as to whether State standards for dissolved oxygen can be met at all times in the proposed" boat slip. • NICHOLS, WILLIAM J. #440754935 Monroe County - Marathon Page Four E . As provided in Chapter 403 of the Florida Statutes and Section 17-3 . 121 (13) of the Florida Administrative Code, it is • recommended that this application be modified prior to permit approval . The following recommendation is offered : Excavate the boat slip parallel with the shoreline, as opposed to its presently proposed perpendicular alignment. In this way, it is felt that the severity of the shoreline discontinu- ity can be reduced to an. acceptable degree . • JO MEYER, EN SPEC. E : ober 1 8 READ : GARY S FFER JAM/dvo Encl . as noted • State of Florida Dr ;);.. of• �� ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION : . .,1; 11 400 :,Overcas Highway • ' i Marathon, FL. 33050 • Sow,iomr Cczr\a(S/ HYDROLAD DATA �1• bas(14S' r I`Gt Ect°_D I cl -fr_ / ► t5A SURVEX J DATE Lo-an-g3WIND e' (r)K TIDE �; '..Ll -, 6_7 l (12-tJ+�p Al, 1 TA. TIME PARAMETERS :E' ZS• V q.M• DEPTH TEi-u2ER- DISCLVED C:GNDLC- 1 pH SPECIFIC _ C0:.W.ENTS E--S.l. (Me.{-e/g) T�TURC�.•d�. . E`I TIVITYu . i-- t9 tm., ION I I2:co, I I a:� 4.q . I _ • a g: 303,,40e,i as- 1 L 5( _ , s f l �n �3 ° 14. S y 4 on c ,,7 ° q. c . :35 s trIA a7 P , LI. 7 6-)1/\ _ s: I s sum ar 4. c 11 inn { A3° , `f. 6. , - Li 19sor&e � ( : • • !i:� t klas� (f. I I . . • 1‘ .-d\i a.,yi 1 ar 4- 6 11:00- al 02. Fr° Lf .Li iy, bz--':7(0,,, e_ ,,,vi s $:ail ,t,r4e ai-1. iiit , . /--ds tvi) f2, 0 q- q - b'p2., a wi �g4° 4� S41 *3(/v ..-,?\ '' q.9 I .6D40 94 e3,0 U I 1 , , 1_ - y SIA aim CG�Ibra� f . ��:�r°�.. cLvt�.. • Q-f-FP�" VSa�;� ,c . / Wb-be-t c G, (�t8,� �J i State of Florid.) Dept. of • ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION ION I i400 Overseas HIhwagy�1 Marathon, FL 33050 • _go ht b re ro caAa.(s HYDi OLAT3 DATA bass Oita �,�->�� h SURVEY DATE (''� --6- 1IND -efts( @ rok TIDE $ /,f- g`r-pv ®i STA. TIH•HE PARAMETERS AAA' DEPTH TEi•1.PER- D..ISGLVZZD CONDUC- pH SPECIFIC COZ•l1'0. NTS E•S.T (r, ler5) ATGR�e� ci" EI\ TT•lITY ION • S.Lf0 SV 1-ce c9,S° (p . 8:4( 111 a r ! Lf.' I , $:tfd, c- � ! q,6 . 1 i . 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