Resolution 257-1983 RESOLUTION NO. 257-1983 RESOLUTION APPROVING NEW SCHEDULE OF LIBRARY FINES/FEES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That said Board hereby approves the proposed new schedule of library fines/fees for the Monroe County Public Library, a copy of same being attached hereto and made a part hereof; said schedule to become effective October 1, 1983. 2. That the Clerk of the Board is hereby instructed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Library Director of the Monroe County Public Library. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 16th day of September, A.D. 1983. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA /} ,~< . ~;/: 4 .. F" P J! 1./ By rJ~~~;::::'r I ~h~:~::---Wi-:S / /~ (Seal) .g,'."-~'~" f"!.~ !;"FH:f PH It'" V~,,~ "'.' ~ :.. I." "." ~ ,'t' . . 'r' ''''.' ,.., ~"~' " ' .'" I'" 'l .," ~ ~ Attest. RA!L .j.~ ""'::^.."',r.j:l'\" ~':i\;" .\i~~ 1'\ = 't~,.!\!\.l~..~),,,~ "...:>A ~'<. ~ 1't\.t~/O~ erk I 4PPROVED AS TO FORM A!:~GAL SUFFIC~'J!fJ~' '_ ' BY ,~~~ ,( Attorney'. OHice '---- , --1 [Ii' ) I' ~,l'('-'I!t":)r ( L)Uf!.t.lJ ~/-'ll T ic -Li "iLl"Z.lJ 7()(, h 1'~II,,(. ~'IIIL1'''1 t~L\ \\'I':!'.'/, II OT:Ill.\ SC!mDULE OF LITIEARY FINES/FEES EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 1983 OVERDUE }'IlTES: CHILDREN ADULTS Fine applie:3 · 05 per day vIi th maximum .fine of $3.00 · 10 per day \./1 th maximum fine 01.' *)5.00 to boolw, lDagazines, records and cassettes 11.!1e FEE charged when you lose or damage Ii brarJr materials to the extent that they C2.n no longer be used is a "replacement II fee. This i'ee covers not only the current purchase price of tIE same or sirnilar item, but also our library procesoing cost. REPL.1\CEHEHT FEES: List price of the item plus $3.00 If list price not available: CHIJ~RENrs BOOKS ADULT FICTIOn ADULT NonFICTION ~~PEnBACK (not c2.taloGed) ALL CASSETTES AIJL RECORDINGS processinG fee ~~ 1 O. 00 · 15.00 20.00 2.00 7.00 9.00 fUSCELLMTrOUS FEES: f.1atcrie.} returned \'/i thout a DATE-DUE CARD - 25jt lLEPI,ACErmHT FEE for <l LOS,T or STOLEN LIBRARY C1J1D - ~1.00 FEE for request to RESERV]~ a book increased from 10~ to 25~ OJ,lC iree "look-u}) II for a FORGOTTEN LIBRARY CARD, thereafter _ 25~ FEE C_1\RDS 1.'01' NOH-RESIDEHTS raised from ~>10.00 to ~~15.00 annually